1 Corinthians Chapter 9 [Diaglott]

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1 Not am I a freeman? not am I an apostle? Not Jesus Anointed the Lord of us have seen? not the work of me you are in Lord?
2 If to others not I am an apostle, at all events to you I am; the for seal of the my apostleship you are in Lord.
3 The my defence to those me condemning, this is.
4 Not not have we a right to eat and to drink?
5 Not not have we a right a sister a wife to lead about, as also the others apostles, and the brothers of the Lord, and Cephas?
6 Or only I and Barnabas not have we a right of the not to work?
7 Who serves in war with his own wages any time? who plants a vineyard, and from of the fruit of it not eats? or who tends a flock, and from of the milk of the flock not eats?
8 Not according to man these things I speak? or not and the law these things says?
9 In for the Moses law it has been written: Not thou shalt muzzle an ox threshing. Not for the oxen cares the God?
10 or on account of us altogether he says? On account of us for it was written, because in hope it is right he plowing to plow; and he threshing, in hope of that to partake.
11 If we to you the spiritual things sowed, a great thing, if we of you the fleshly things shall reap?
12 If others of the of you right partake, not rather we? But not we did use the right this; but all things we endure, so that not hindrance any we may give to the glad tidings of the Anointed.
13 Not know you, that those the holy things performing, from of the temple eat? those to the altar attending, with the altar are partakers?
14 Thus also the Lord has appointed for those the glad tidings proclaiming, from of the glad tidings to live.
15 I but not have used not one of these things. Not I did write and these things, that thus it may be done to me; well for to me rather to die, than the boasting of me that any one should make void.
16 If for I may announce glad tidings, not it is to me a cause of boasting; necessity for to me lies on; woe for to me is if not I should preach glad tidings.
17 If for willing this I do, a reward I have; if but unwilling, a stewardship I have been entrusted with.
18 What then to me is the reward? So that announcing glad tidings without expense I will place the glad tidings of the Anointed, in order that not to fully use the authority of me in the glad tidings.
19 Free for being from all, to all myself I was enslaved, that the more I might gain;
20 and I became to the Jews as a Jew, that Jews I might gain; to those under law as under law, (not being myself under law,) that those under law I might gain;
21 to those without law as without law, (not being without law to God, but within law to Anointed,) that I might gain lawless ones;
22 I became to the weak as weak, that the weak ones I might gain; to them all I have become the all things, that by all means some I may save.
23 This but I do on account of the glad tidings, that a co-partner of it I may become.
24 Not know you, that those in a race-course running, all indeed run, one but receives the prize? Thus run you, that you may obtain.
25 Every one but the contending, all things possesses self-control; they indeed therefore, that a perishable wreath they may receive; we but, an imperishable.
26 I therefore thus run, as not uncertainly; thus I box, as not air beating;
27 but I browbeat of me the body and lead it captive, lest possibly to others having proclaimed, myself without proof should become.
1 Corinthians 8   1 Corinthians (Diaglott) Chapter Index   1 Corinthians 10
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