Romans Chapter 9 [Diaglott]

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1 Truth I speak, in Anointed; not I utter falsehood, (bearing testimony together to me the conscience of me,) in a spirit holy;
2 that grief to me it is great, and unceasing anguish in the heart of me.
3 Was wishing for myself I an accursed thing to be from the Anointed one on behalf of the brethren of me, of the relatives of me according to flesh;
4 who are Israelites, of whom the sonship, and the glory, and the covenants, and the lawgiving, and the religious service, and the promises,
5 of whom the fathers, and from whom the Anointed that according to flesh, he being over all God worthy of praise into the ages. So be it.

6 Not so as but, that has fallen off the word of the God; not for all those from Israel, these Israel.
7 Nor because they are seed of Abraham, all children, but in Isaac shall be called to thee a seed,
8 this is, not the children of the flesh, these children of the God; but the children of the promise are counted for seed.
9 Of promise for the word this: According to the season this I will come, and shall be to the Sarah a son.
10 Not only and, but also Rebecca, from one conception having Isaac the father of us.
11 Not yet for they having been born, nor having done anything good or bad, (so that the according to an election purpose of the God might abide, not from works, but from the one calling.)
12 it was said to her: That the greater shall be subject to the lesser;
13 as it has been written: The Jacob I loved, the but Esau I hated.

14 What then shall we say? not injustice with the God? Not let it be.
15 To the for Moses he says: I will pity whom I pity, and compassionate whom I should compassionate.
16 So then not of the one willing, nor of the one running, but of the pitying God.
17 Says for the writing to the Pharaoh: That for same this I raised up thee, that I might show in thee the power of me, and that may be declared the name of me in all the earth.
18 So then whom he wills, he pities; whom and he wills, he hardens.

19 Thou wilt say then to me: Why still does he find fault? to the for will of him who has been opposed?
20 But indeed, O man, thou who art, the one answering again to the God? Not shall say the thing formed to the one having formed: Why me madest thou thus?
21 Or not has authority the potter of the clay, out of the same mixture to make, this indeed for honor a vessel, that and for dishonor?
22 If but wishing the God to show the wrath, and make known the power of himself, bore in much long-suffering vessels of wrath having been fitted for destruction;
23 and that he might make known the wealth of the glory of himself on vessels of mercy, which were previously prepared for glory;
24 whom even he called us, not only from Jews, but also from Gentiles.
25 As also in the Hosea he says: I will call that not a people of me, a people of me; and her not beloved, beloved.
26 And it shall be, in the place where it was said to them: Not a people of me you, there they shall be called sons of God living.

27 Esaias but cries on behalf of the Israel: If should be the number of the sons of Israel as the sand of the sea, the remnant shall be saved.
28 An account for he is finishing and cutting short in righteousness because an account having been cut short will make a Lord on the earth.
29 And as before said Esaias: If not Lord of hosts left to us a seed, as Sodom we should have become, and as Gomorrah we should have been made like. The Lord of Sabaoth –
Strong's G4519
Of Hebrew origin ([H6635] in feminine plural); armies; sabaoth (that is, tsebaoth), a military epithet of God: - sabaoth.
Total KJV occurrences: 2
This is another way of saying: "the Lord (master or ruler) of armies." While not a quote, this is similar in concept to 1 Sam. 17:45. (The other occurence of this is in James 5:4.)

30 What then shall we say? That Gentiles those not pursuing righteousness, laid hold on righteousness, a righteousness even that from faith;
31 Israel but pursuing a law of righteousness, to a law of righteousness not attained.
33 Why? Because not from faith, but as it were from works of law. They struck against for the stone of the stumbling;
33 even as it has been written: Lo, I place in Zion a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence; and every one the relying on it, not shall be disappointed.
Romans 8   Romans (Diaglott) Chapter Index   Romans 10
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