Romans Chapter 1 [KJVwc]

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Romans (KJVwc) Chapter Index   Romans 2

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1 Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God, An apostle – Penned by a divinely inspired Apostle, the early Church carefully cherished this epistle, and thus we still have it today. R1582:1

The selection of Matthias to fill the place of Judas as the twelfth apostle was a blunder. The Lord had his own choice for this office. R2823:2, 2657:5

2 (Which he had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures,)
3 Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh; Our Lord – He was our Savior or Redeemer first, and having bought, ransomed, us from the dominion of death, he became rightfully our owner, our Lord, our Master. R745:4; E17

Seed of David – Jesus is still the seed of Abraham (and of David), though highly exalted and now of a totally different nature--of the divine nature. R3513:2

Jesus the Christ was the Son of Man, not in the sense of simply being a man, but because he was the son of the man David, with whom Jehovah made an everlasting covenant. R944:1*

He is "the root and the off-spring of David" since his exaltation as well as before. (Rev. 22:16) R160:1*

According to the flesh – "The Word became flesh." (John 1:14--R.V.) "God sent forth his Son, made of a woman." (Gal. 4:4) R3476:4

Referring to his change to a human being. R316:2*

Not incarnate. R3476:3

But not according to imperfect flesh. R196:3

4 And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead: Declared to be – Proved to be. R1508:3

It is one thing that Jehovah accepted the ransom price and manifested his acceptance by the resurrection of our Lord and the descent of the holy Spirit at Pentecost; quite another thing will be the deliverance from death of the redeemed ones. R2051:1

The resurrection did not make him the Son of God, but declared the fact. R106:5*

The Son of God – If he was the Son of God, and also Son of Man, he had two natures. R106:5*

With power – Might and authority. R810:1

"All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth." (Matt. 18:18) R810:1

Agreeing with Peter's testimony (1 Pet. 3:18), that Jesus was quickened in spirit. R2797:2

Or, powerfully declared. R106:5*

By the resurrection – The might, authority, or power, was gained by his sacrifice. It was recognized of God and declared to men by his resurrection. R810:1, 745:1

Our Lord's baptism did not constitute him The Christ in the full sense of the word, but he was declared to be The Christ with power when he was raised upon the spirit plane. R5090:2

The death of Christ was necessary, but, in itself, is not the medium of blessedness. In resurrection, in immortality, Christ is the root of the medium of blessedness for all the nations. R1436:4*

5 By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name: Apostleship – Since all of the apostles must be eye-witnesses of Christ's resurrection, Paul was caused to see him--"last of all he was seen of me also; who am not meet to be called an apostle." (1 Cor. 15:9) R162:5

6 Among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Christ:
7 To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. To all that be in Rome – Up to this time Paul had never been in Rome. It is not known how the Church at Rome started. It was probably one of the results of the outpouring of the holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. R1582:2

Composed of both Jews and Gentiles; and naturally there were among them some unsettled questions incidental to the transition from Judaism to Christianity. R1582:1

Some of these were probably converts from amongst the Gentiles, while undoubtedly a considerable proportion were converts from Judaism. R2719:2

Apparently, like other epistles, written as the result of accidental circumstances. Paul, while in Corinth, saw opportunity to send greetings and counsel to the Church of Rome by the hand of Phoebe, who was about to sail thither. R1582:1

Called to be saints – But not called as apostles. R1582:4

The Apostle addressed Christians and not the worldly. R4478:2, 5941:3, 3181:3

We are to recognize a great difference between calling men to repentance and calling them to the high calling of the divine nature and joint heirship with Christ. F87

The word "saint" does not signify actual perfection, merely, as in our Lord's case, but also those reckoned holy through him. R2987:4, 5856:3

Those who cannot properly apply this term to themselves cannot properly apply to themselves the exceeding great and precious promises contained in these epistles, for they are addressed to and meant for the saints. R2987:4

First, "honored" with light; second, they had, by repentance and faith accepted it and been justified; third, they had been "called;" fourth, they had accepted the calling and given themselves wholly to the Lord. R4214:3, 2377:5

Not only justified by faith in Jesus, but have obtained by consecration, sacrifice, access into "this grace"--the begetting and promises of the divine nature. R648:6

The call is with a view to finding amongst men some who shall become one with the Redeemer as new creatures. F87

8 First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world.
9 For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers; With my spirit – Greek, pneuma; my new mind, my new heart, my renewed will. E312

10 Making request, if by any means now at length I might have a prosperous journey by the will of God to come unto you.
11 For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established; Some spiritual gift – Such as the gifts of tongues and interpretations, some of which were given to all the early Christians by laying on of the apostles' hands, and never in any other way. R1582:4

12 That is, that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me. Mutual faith – Illustrated by the two blind men healed by Jesus (Matt. 9:27-31). Showing the advantages of Church fellowship in respect to faith stimulation. Let us be helpers and not hinderers to fellow-pilgrims. R4589:1

13 Now I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that oftentimes I purposed to come unto you, (but was let hitherto,) that I might have some fruit among you also, even as among other Gentiles.
14 I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise. I am debtor – Under obligation, not because they had done something for Paul, but because God through Christ had done something for them, and Paul, as the servant of God, was charged with the commission to preach the gospel unto all nations. R1582:4

15 So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also. As much as in me is – To the extent of my ability. R1582:5

I am – God works through instrumentalities, and his truth is the instrument for human salvation. R1582:5

Ready to preach – Not that we will be out of accord with our brethren and neighbors, but that to the Lord and his Word we must be true. We love to tell the story, and to refrain from doing so would be woe to us. (1 Cor. 9:16) R4006:5

You that are at Rome – Implying that Christianity was already established at Rome before Paul's going there. R3143:3

16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. I am not ashamed – Paul had no feeling that the gospel of Christ would not withstand the light and criticism of Rome, then the capital city of the world. R1223:3

Paul was not ashamed to bring it into contrast and competition with all the philosophies of men then extant. R1582:5

The gospel, the good news, is so good and so grand, that those who really see and understand it, have no occasion for feeling shame when they tell it to others. R921:3

We need not be bashful or ashamed to talk about it before the whole world. CR56:6

It needs no apology on God's part, neither on the part of any of his ambassadors. R921:3

The Lord puts his plan, his Word, as his representative, saying--He that is ashamed of me and my words, of him will the Son of Man be ashamed when he cometh in the glory of his Father with his holy angels. (Mark 8:38) R2597:4

Even in the Apostle's day, he noted the tendency of the Adversary to bring in false doctrines. He was not only ashamed of his false gospel, but denounced it and warned the Church of it. NS538:2

There may be certain creeds of which we might be ashamed, but the Christian religion, as presented in the Word of God, should be the standard of Christendom: and of that we are not ashamed. R4981:3; CR192:2

In contrast, at the World Parliament of Religions, while the faith of various heathen religions were elaborately set forth by their representatives, there was no systematic presentation of Christianity. D187

The gospel of Christ – Gospel signifies good news, glad tidings, something to make one rejoice and be glad. R402:3*, 4982:4, 2593:5, 220:2*

The primary "good tidings" is the news of our ransom--that Christ died for our sins. R923:4

The religion of Christ is the most God-like religion, because of its breadth, its justice, its impartiality, its love, its goodness and merciful qualities. R4982:3*, 220:2*

Its ingredients delineated. NS539-540

Contrasted with the religion of Mohammedans, Brahmins, Confucians and Buddhists and found superior by recognizing God's justice, including the concept of love and being world-wide. R4981-4982; CR192-194

Contrasted with the gospel of the Roman Catholic faith, Calvinism and Arminianism. R2593-2597, 402-405*, 220-222*; NS843-844; A100

Contrasted with four false messages. R924-925

For it – The divine promises of present and future blessings are the power of God unto our cleansing, our salvation. R5739:4

The power of God – His Word and providence. R3282:1

By which he works in us, first to will aright, and then to do right. R1698:6

Unto salvation – This gospel has in our hearts a transforming and renewing power, a sanctifying power, which no error could possibly have. R2597:1

Unto our cleansing. R5739:4

What a transforming influence upon our lives--by the renewing of our minds. (Rom. 12:2) CR56:6

All religions say that it is divine justice that is opposed to sin, but Christianity offers a satisfaction for divine justice: "Christ died for our sins." (1 Cor. 15:3) R4982:2; CR193:2

As Paul said to Timothy, "From a child thou hast known the holy scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation." (2 Tim. 3:15-17) R200:5

That believeth – And not to every one. R1582:5

Receiving the spirit of that Word into good and honest hearts. R1698:6

To the Jew first – Until AD 70. R4337:2

God's blessings of every kind begin with the Jew. He gave the Jew the first opportunity under the Abrahamic Covenant. And when it comes to the blessings of the New Covenant, the opportunity will come to the Jew first. Q165:2

Millennial blessings will begin with Israel. OV88:3

Out of respect to the Covenant made with their father Abraham. R1582:5

The offer to become spiritual Israelites made first to the Jews living when this privilege was opened up. R5837:1

When all the Israelites indeed of that nation had been selected, the opportunity of joint-heirship with Christ was then opened to the world in general. NS111:2

Why to the Jew first? "He is not a Jew who is one outwardly; but he is a Jew who is one inwardly." (Rom. 2:28, 29) Because he believes first, here, in time to reach the great salvation. R404:5*, 222:5

To the Greek – The Gentiles. R1582:5

17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. For – Because. R924:4

Therein – In the gospel. R1582:5

Paul is proceeding to answer objections and doubts liable to be raised by Jewish converts among the Romans. R1223:3

The righteousness – Justice. R924:4

Revealed – Paul's message revealed the righteousness, the justice of God, which other messages did not. R925:1

The deep philosophy of God's plan makes manifest his righteous character. R1582:5

From faith to faith – We must come with faith begotten of reverence for the all-wise Author of the plan. From this starting point faith will progress to higher and higher altitudes. R1582:5

To our faith, for our further faith. R924:4, 926:4

"For the righteousness of God by faith is revealed therein in order to faith" (Diaglott) R759:6*

His righteousness is revealed for the express purpose of inducing men to have faith in him. R759:6*

The just – The justified by faith. R1582:5

Shall live – Must continue to live by faith, until faith is lost in full fruition of the sure promises of God. R1582:5

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; The wrath of God – As retribution for their wrong course. NS111:4

The entire period from the time Adam fell is properly called a time of divine wrath. R5402:4, 1506:4

Death and all the evil now permitted to come upon the culprit race are manifestations of God's wrath which will be yet further shown in the great time of trouble. R1506:5, 5402:5, 4972:6, 787:1; CR185:6

It came through the disobedience of our first parents; the only ones who have escaped from that wrath are the saintly few, begotten of the holy Spirit. CR186:4

"The wicked shall not go unpunished" (Prov. 11:21); but the wrath of God is always just, and tempered with mercy. "His mercy endureth forever." (Psa. 106:1; 107:1; 118:1-4; 136) HG319:4

Is revealed – Displayed. R787:3

In a variety of ways, to let man feel the real weight of condemnation incurred by willful transgression. R5402:5

In every funeral procession, in every ache and pain. A140

Revealed by every physician's and undertaker's sign, by every funeral procession, every hearse, every graveyard, every tombstone, every piece of crepe and every badge of mourning. E409; NS366:3; Q328

You feel it, and you see it all about you in the dying of our race. Q328

Not in a future life, and in flames of torment; but in the present life and at the present time. E409

Illustrated in the punishment of Ananias and Sapphira. R1426:1

Against all ungodliness – Not only against the grossest of sinners--for the least unrighteousness is sin. E409

Therefore it is plain that both the heirs and the subjects of the Kingdom of God must have that character which is both begotten and developed by the faith of the gospel. R3114:2

Who hold the truth – Greek, katecho; hold down, or suppress, as do the various ecclesiastical systems of Babylon. R3648:2, 5259:1

In this text the word hold is used, not in the sense of retaining the truth, but of oppressing it. R5259:1

He cannot see the virtues of a truly righteous character as an inspiring and impelling power, though he may know of them theoretically, and hold the truth even in unrighteousness. R2087:6*

In unrighteousness – Through injustice. D68

Meaning to have a knowledge of the truth that we do not live up to. Not to live according to the truth would be to hold it in unrighteousness. Q726:3, 719:7

It might be possible for any of us to depart from the spirit of the truth and still hold something of the letter of the truth, and to use the letter of the truth injuriously to ourselves and others. Q720:T

Knowledge does not necessarily produce right practice. A clean theology includes the "duties we are to practice" as well as the "doctrines we are to believe." R85:2*

If knowledge is righteousness Paul should not and would not have written as he did. The nature of the unrighteousness is apparent in the context. R49:6*

For instance, Satan had certain knowledge respecting the Lord, and misused that knowledge. Also, Simon Magus, in the Acts, misused what knowledge he had of the truth. Q720:T

19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath showed it unto them. Manifest in them – Apparent among them. D69

20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Divine nature; so that they are without excuse: The invisible things – His plans. C374

The things that are made – As in the Great Pyramid. C374

There are two Bibles issuing from the same Divine Author: the Bible of the unwritten word, and the Bible of the written word; or, rather, one Bible in two volumes, the volume of Nature and the volume of Scripture; and the first volume is the second volume illustrated. R29:6*

Godhead – Greek, theiotes, deity. This is the only occurrence of this word in the New Testament. E71, D69; R1515:4

A meaningless word, a bad translation. It should be rendered divinity or deity, and then it would be intelligible. R1515:4, 249:1*

Divinity. (Rotherham) R249:1*

The word godhead, like the word Trinity, carries with it the idea of a society, which is not the idea of the original. R249:1

Signifying, to the ordinary English reader, a God with several bodies and but one head. E71

So that – Having the testimony of nature as to the existence, power and goodness of God, and of conscience indicating what is right and what is wrong. D69

They – The heathen nations have not been without responsibility because they did not like to hold God's righteous authority in remembrance. D68

Are without excuse – In pursuing an evil course of life. D69

God is not chargeable with any injustice toward the degraded heathen. It is their own fault that they are so extremely degraded. HG354:1

21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. When – In the remote past. R1717:5, 1835:6

Away back before the Deluge. R648:4, 5305:1

They knew God – To some extent at least. D69

The world had a law from God, not written upon tables of stone, but incorporated in man's very character. But they have lost sight of it, or most of it, and are now strangers and foreigners unrecognized by God. R1733:6

What powers of mind and body the first man enjoyed, at the time God created him in his own image and pronounced him "very good," we cannot well judge by looking at the generally degraded race. R1683:6

God's law on tables of stone was given to Israel after two thousand years of falling had almost effaced the moral likeness. R1365:5, 1223:4

They – A general picture of the race, aside from Israel. R1723:5

With the exception of the family of Seth, Enoch, Methuselah, Noah and Shem in the world that was; of Abraham's family in the Patriarchal age; of Israel in the Jewish age and of the Church in the Gospel age. R1257:3

Glorified him not – Such great degradation as we see manifested in some of the heathen peoples came about through disregard of the simplest principles of righteousness, the laws of which were distinctly written originally in man's very nature. HG354:1

In proportion as men have disregarded the Lord's will, arrangement and laws, so far as they knew them, in the same proportion have they injured and degraded themselves and their posterity. R3038:4

Humanity could have helped themselves by seeking to follow God's way. R5305:1

Became vain – The Apostle is showing how it comes that some of the heathen are so very much more degraded, the nature-written law coming to be more nearly effaced, than others. R1717:5, 1365:5

The more selfishness came in and gained control, the more the law of love was erased from Adam's heart. R1723:5

The Bible teaching of Adam and Eve and the fall. R3365:5

In their imaginations – Inventing false religions which justified their evil ways. Succeeding generations endorsed and justified the evil course of their forefathers by subscribing to their doctrines, thus assuming the accumulation of their guilt and condemnation. D70

Their foolish heart – Their perverse heart. D69

Was darkened – As the natural result of such a course. D69

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, Professing themselves – The Lord seems to be letting mankind learn the lesson that civilization does not spell salvation. R5974:6

Feigning learning. F45

To be wise – Thus theosophy, the religion of wisdom, claims that its wisdom is divine, resulting from direct intuition and communion with God, and rejects philosophical reasoning and Scripture revelation as hindrances to true wisdom. R5801:2, 1643:5

Unbelief or infidelity is spreading, beginning with learned college professors who pursue the method of holding up the earlier portions of the Bible as myths and generally discrediting the entire book. R1831:2

Became fools – Again the learned, professing to be wise, foolishly are rejecting the wisdom from above. Again immorality is rampant: anger, malice, hatred, strife, backbiting, whispering, wars, and murders are prevailing. R5974:6

Proving to their own satisfaction that all the religions of the world are really one, differing merely in proportion to the degrees of their evolution. R3365:3

23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Changed the glory – Thus gradually men came down to idolatry and bestiality, dishonoring and degrading themselves. R2719:2

Uncorruptible – Greek, aphtharsia and aphthartos (from the same root), are rendered immortality twice and immortal once, but would more properly be rendered incorruption and incorruptible. E397

Greek, aphtharsia. Used interchangeably with athanasia, and translated immortal or incorruptible; though athanasia has more the thought of unchangeability. R204:1

Into an image – Idolatry is the synonym of evil. It precludes the recognition of the one true God, whose purity and holiness are directly adverse to the spirit of idolatry. R1835:6

And to birds – Evil spirits have had much to do with the degradation of the human family. Operating along the line of man's natural and religious instincts, they have perverted these to sensualities and to idol, demon and animal worship. R3068:3

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: God also gave them up – Gave them over, through the lust of their hearts for impurity. D69

Without the grace of God, man's tendency has been downward. F45

In the first chapter of Romans the Apostle shows that God was not responsible for the prevalent degradation throughout the world. In the last chapter he concludes with the crushing of Satan under the feet of the saints during the Millennial reign of Christ. R2719:2

For a time permitting them to work all manner of uncleanness. But while God has allowed the world liberty in regard to their own wills, nevertheless he has not abandoned them. R5909:6

The deep degradation which came upon men soon after the flood. R3139:2

Allowed man to take his own way--to lose himself in sin and the misguidance of the Adversary; that eventually, during the next age, mankind shall see what the real nature and outcome of sin is. R5305:1

Interfering only when the corruption became so great as to make life injurious rather than a favor. OV250:1

Except for the one nation of Israel, which he undertook to specially deal with under the Law covenant. NS702:6

To uncleanness – Without selfish ambition or the law of necessity to spur men on, the tendency of mankind would have been toward a barbaric indolence, contentment with a hut instead of a palace, with hieroglyphics instead of education. R4109:6

Through the lusts – Giving themselves over to fleshly desires which the light of nature taught them were improper, they became more and more bestial and degraded. HG354:2

25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. Changed the truth – Exchanged the truth. D69

Of God – Concerning God. D69

Into a lie – For a false religion. D70

Blessed for ever – Worthy of praise forever. D69

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: For this cause – The death sentence affected our race not only physically, but also morally and mentally. Thus, the mental, moral and physical deterioration surrounding us in the world are more or less directly connected with original sin. R3921:5

God gave them up – God did not strive with or endeavor to reclaim them, but let them alone to pursue their chosen evil course and to learn from experience its bitter fruits. D69

Vile affections – Infamous passions. D69

Our great Adversary has for thousands of years found sensuality, immorality, to be one of his best avenues through which to attack mankind, especially those who have acknowledged the Lord. R5974:3

Sodom was given up to wickedness and the basest immoralities. R1617:6

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Even as – The fall of the race from perfection was proportionate to their alienation from God. SM377:1; NS111:5

They – The fallen race of mankind. E448; R3463:6, 1683:6, 1091:5

The great majority have followed Satan, the opponent of God. R5909:3; SM78:T

Not like to retain – Men are themselves to blame for their degradation. R1223:4

Willingly departing from him. R5909:3

Thus it was by wishing to forget God that man exposed himself to the influence of this wily and powerful, unseen foe. Therefore he has been obliged to work against Satan's machinations, as well as his own personal weaknesses. A263

The degradation of the Gentile nations was not the result of their creation in a depraved condition, but the result of their not choosing to retain the knowledge of God in their hearts. R2394:5, 1223:4, 1091:4; HG112:3; NS111:5

Because of a wrong conception of God before their minds. CR418:5

It was because of willful sin that man was cast off from divine favor; but it was subsequently, when he did not wish to retain God in his thoughts, that God gave him over to a reprobate mind. E448

The Apostle explains the lesser degradation of some and the greater depravity of others by saying that, while all sinned and fell, some indulged more willfully and fell more deeply than others. R3256:4

We disobey and know it, reach out our hand, and in strange inflation of our little godless minds we set up ourselves, and by self-exaltation are ruined because we have left our God. R3257:1*

God in their knowledge – The law of God was originally inscribed upon the heart of the first perfect man. That law, whether ignored or recognized, has always been in the world, and sin against it has always been imputed to men. R3654:6

Neglecting divine regulations. NS111:5

Let us not be ashamed of regulating our lives (as with "The Vow") so as to avoid temptations as far as possible. R5975:5

God gave them over – "God tempteth no man." He merely abandons to the tempter, or to the evil-preferred course, those who choose the wrong way. NS95:1

They became children of Satan in the sense that they became obedient to him. R5623:6

God merely permitting them to take the course which they, as free moral agents, chose. NS111:5, 712:4

Abandoned them to their own way, permitting them to hasten and to increase their degradation. R2394:5

God has established certain laws, in harmony with which he operates, and those who from any cause come into conflict with these reap the penalty or wrath of their own course. A308

Thus the Scriptures explain the present condition of the world. God has let go of mankind during these six thousand years. CR490:2; HG112:3

God merely intervened when, in the condition of things before the Deluge, to have permitted their evil ways to continue would have been a serious wrong. R5305:1

Other nations were not specially chastised for idolatry as was Israel, but were allowed to practically take the course they chose. R3463:6

As he gave over the world of mankind in general, so in the Harvest of this age, the Lord will give over, or abandon to temptation, all in the nominal church. NS95:1

To a reprobate mind – A worthless mind. D69

Present degradation is a fall down from a height; a failure to retain God in their knowledge--an effacing of the law from their hearts and minds. R1717:6

By which they have degraded themselves more and more. SM78:T; NS510:4

Degradation, not advancement, was the course from Adam to Noah. From being "very good" the race became so depraved that they were unfit even to be allowed to live a few years under the curse. R866:1

To do those things – To try their own ideas of self-government independent of God. A263

To pursue the lusts of their depraved minds and to learn by sad experience the bitter fruitage of sin. R5716:6

They giving themselves over to things that were not profitable, defiling themselves, etc. OV250:2

These various dispositions--carelessness of life, the overcharged or drunken condition as respects earthly affairs, lack of self-restraint in connubial relationships, are apt to go hand in hand with a wrong spirit in the church--a spirit of strife, contention and willfulness. R3181:6

Are not convenient – Are improper. D69

As people leave God and his Word, they are ready for anything. R1831:3

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, With all unrighteousness – The Apostle's meaning is more refined than the following words represent--saints should not be intoxicated with the spirit of this world--intoxication for money, wealth, business, dress, music, art, etc. R3181:4

Fornication – Not the general lasciviousness of the world; but urging the saints to continence in social relations--to lift their minds from earthly affections and lawful sexual congress. R3181:2

Full of envy – When the Apostle comes to strife and envy, he notes two qualities which not only imply a wrong condition of heart, but also represent elements of character which would be injurious to the whole body of Christ. R3181:5

Malignity – Bad habits. D69

Whisperers – Secret slanderers. D69

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Backbiters – Revilers. D69

Despiteful – Insolent. D69

Disobedient to parents – Whoever learns to respect his forebears will proportionately have consideration for others; while those disobedient to parents and without natural affection, are prepared to be covenant-breakers and anarchists. R4019:2

One of the notable features of our day--marking the day of trouble in the end of this age. R4019:2

31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Without understanding – Obstinate. D69

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. The judgment of God – The ordinance of God--that those who practice such things are worthy of death. D69

Which commit – Who practice. D69

Such things – We are not to forget that these condemned qualities are being inculcated and fostered by all the higher teachings of the worldly wise. R4019:2

Worthy of death – Torment is unjust as well as unmerciful; but taking away life from those who will not conform to the New Covenant's just, holy and kind regulations is reasonable, just and merciful. R3083:5

Have pleasure in – Are approving. D69

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