Revelation Chapter 10 [Diaglott]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 And I saw another messenger strong coming down from the heaven, having been clothed with a cloud, and the rainbow on the head of him, and the face of him as the sun, and the feet of him as pillars of fire;
2 and having in the hand of himself a little scroll having been opened; and he placed the foot of himself the right on the sea, the and left on the land; A little book – The message concerning Michael's Kingdom. C89

The book signifies the plan and purpose of God as written in the Law and the prophets. R530:3*

Open – Unsealed prophecies--"shut up the words, and seal the book even to the time of the end." (Dan. 12:4) HG79:2

Gradually opening from 1829 onward. C89

It was sealed perfectly (with seven seals) until Christ began to open it. R530:3*

3 and he cried with a voice great even as a lion roars. And when he cried, spoke the seven thunders the of themselves voices.
4 And when spoke the seven thunders, I was about to write; and I heard a voice from the heaven saying: Seal thou up what spoke the seven thunders, and not these things thou mayest write. Seal up – Make secret, render secure against intrusion. E246

5 And the messenger, whom I saw standing on the sea and on the land, lifted up the hand of himself the right towards the heaven,
6 and he swore by the one living for the ages of the ages, who created the heaven and the things in it, and the earth and the things in her, and the sea and the things in her, because time not yet shall be; Time no longer – This Gospel time or age. R194:4

Many are the "times and seasons which God hath put in his own power" (Acts 1:7) and no doubt each of these will end as its work is accomplished. Many have so ended already. R194:3

7 but in the days of the voice of the seventh messenger, when he may be about to sound, and be finished the secret of the God, as he announced glad tidings the of himself bondservants the prophets. In the days – Years. HG79:4

Seventh angel – Many of the sweetest notes of the glad tidings of restitution are reserved until now, during the sounding of the seventh trumpet. R757:2, 287:2

We are now living in the days of the seventh angel. R368:3; B148

During which the first resurrection and change of the living saints comes. R194:4, 152:3

The seventh trumpet covers the entire period of the Millennial reign of Christ, as indicated by the events which are to transpire under it. (Rev. 11:15, 18) B149

The sixth trumpet ended Aug. 11, 1840. Since then we have been living under the "seventh trumpet," or "last trump," or "trump of God," which continues until the kingdoms of this world, by a great time of trouble, become the kingdoms of our Lord. R368:5, 194:4, 152:6; HG79:3

Begin to sound – In the forepart of his sounding. R368:2

Greek, mello. In other cases it is rendered "will," "should" or "shall." Hence: "when he will or shall sound." HG79:5

Mystery of God – Both God's plan and his Church are called a "mystery." Neither is comprehended by the world. R194:4, 5928:1, 1427:4; A87

Kept secret from the foundation of the world. R757:2, 1427:4, 287:2; OV6:T; SM152:2

The mystery has been in operation from the beginning of the world and is still a mystery so far as the world is concerned. It will continue to be a mystery until the end of the present dispensation. CR10:5; NS399:1

The only exception will be the Revelation of the mystery granted to the saints--those fully consecrated to the Lord. CR10:5; NS399:1

Many features of the Divine Plan are now hidden in mystery. NS588:1; OV230:3

God kept these matters a "mystery," a "secret," because this was wise, so as not to interfere with the purposes out-working. CR406:1

Which is "Christ in you the hope of glory" (Col. 1:27)--your membership in the Body of Christ, your share with him in present sufferings and future glory. R4495:5, 368:2

The mystery is that the Church, as well as the Lord, and in association with him, will be the world's great restorer--Regenerator. CR406:1; R3192:4

The peculiar relationship between the Gospel Church and its Head and Lord is not intended to be understood by the world or by the nominal Christian nor by even the true Christian who is not in a proper attitude of heart and fully consecrated to the Lord. R3192:4

Evidently the gospel: the taking out of a people to become sons by the mysterious process of being begotten and born of the Spirit. HG79:5

Mystery is used in the same sense as the word church. Thus the true and false churches are called, "The mystery of God," and "The mystery of iniquity." (Col. 1:27; 2 Thes. 2:7) R368:6

The Messiah, composed of many members, of which the Lord Jesus was the Head. HG275:1; NS142:2

"To make all see what [are the conditions of] fellowship of the mystery." (Eph. 3:3-6, 9) R369:4

The mystery class began with Pentecost. There was no mystery class before that. The Church is this mystery class. The world knoweth not what God is doing. HG178:6

Be finished – When the Church is exalted, the mystery both of the Church and God's plan will be finished. R194:4; A87

The secret, hidden plan will have sought out the full, complete number of the members of the Body of Christ, and hence it, the Body of Christ, will be finished. A87; CR415:5; OV7:4

The plan will cease to be a mystery, because there will be no further object in perpetuating its secrecy. A87

Some of the mysteries of God were due to be understood at once, and some more gradually down through the age, but the great unfolding of the divine mystery we are told was reserved until the close of the Gospel age. R2208:2; OV6:T

While the unfolding of the mystery of God commenced in the days of the apostles, it will not be finished until the end of this Gospel age. R368:3

Not until the days of the voice or sounding of the seventh trumpet--in the end or close of this Gospel age and the dawn of the Millennial age. R4452:5, 368:3; CR361:4; OV6:T

Not until the last seal was broken, did the scroll fly wide open, permitting the "mystery of God" to be fully disclosed. (Rev. 5:1) R2209:1, 2156:4

The due time for revealing to the Church the divine plan respecting its participation with Christ in the blessing of all the families of the earth--"meat in due season." R2490:2

During the trump of God, God will finish the mystery by letting his saints come to a full appreciation of his glorious plans. (Col. 1:27) R368:5

The due time has come for the mystery to be finished. R1867:3, 2156:4, 1279:2

We are now living in the time when the "mystery" is ending and the righteous dealings of God, from the Scriptural standpoint, may be clearly seen. But these Revelations are not meant for the world in general, but merely for "the elect." ; NS588:1; OV230:3

Daily and hourly the saints of God are being searched out and sealed "in their foreheads" [intellectually] with a clear appreciation of the "mystery of God" which has been kept secret in part hitherto. R1279:2

As the mystery and cloud of error and evil begins to roll away, we get a glimpse of our Father's loving plans. R255:4

The "wise" of his people may understand. (Dan. 12:10) CR406:1

Therefore God has provided for his people's instruction and use the orderly presentations of Millennial Dawn to point out to them his plan of the ages, and the duties and privileges of this "harvest" time. R1867:3; 1536:1*

Very shortly now, this mystery of God, this company of divinely-begotten ones, will be "finished"--completed. R369:1; A87; OV7:3

Then, no longer the mystery, we shall be Jehovah's agents in blessing all the families of the earth. R369:4

8 And the voice which I heard from the heaven, again speaking with me, and saying: Go thou, take thou the little scroll that having been opened in the hand of the messenger of the one standing on the sea and on the land.
9 And I went to the messenger, saying to him, to give to me the little scroll. And he says to me: Take thou and eat thou it; and it will embitter to thee the belly, but in the mouth of thee it will be sweet as honey. Thy belly bitter – After partaking of truths, you must expect to encounter bitter opposition from your old nature and your former friends. R426:4, 530:4*

The after effects are always more or less a blending of the bitterness of persecution with the sweetness. C89

Signifies the pleasurable but often painful labor of serving it to others that they may find it easily and eat it. R1867:6

It is indeed a severe trial to come out boldly and acknowledge former errors and advocate the truth in the face of so much organized opposition as we find today. R950:6

Having been digested, it leads to self-denial, crucifixion, death. R530:5*

The bitterness which followed needs no explanation to such as know the bitterness of the disappointment of the 10th day of the 7th month of 1844. HG79:3

Sweet as honey – The experience of all who receive these truths--wondrous sweetness; Oh, the blessedness. C89

Great rejoicing in the strong meat of God's Word. R426:4

Receive the truth gladly, if you would have its full sweetness and strength. R951:1

To those who love the appearing of our Lord. HG79:2

10 And I took the little scroll out of the hand of the messenger, and ate it; and it was in the mouth of me as honey, sweet; and when I ate it, was made bitter the belly of me. And I – John represented the "wise" of the "holy people." (Dan. 12:10, 7) C89

Ate it up – He who will not eat of a full table will be empty and starved, as truly as though there were no food. E225

The proper attitude of the Church is to be active in eating the food already received and in using the strength derived from it. She is not to leave the table bountifully spread to pray for more. R1867:5

"Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart." (Jer. 15:16) HG79:2

11 And he says to me: It behooves thee again to prophesy to peoples and nations and tongues and kings many. Prophesy again – Now being fulfilled in this midnight cry and harvest message. HG79:3

These two messages are also given in Matt. 25. The first: the virgins go forth to meet the Bridegroom (verses 1 to 5); the last from verses 6 to 12. The one was to end in the bitterness of disappointment, the other in success. HG79:3

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