Psalms Chapter 45 [KJVwc]

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To the chief Musician upon Shoshannim, for the sons of Korah, Maschil, A Song of loves.

1 My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer. The king – The Lord, after being invested with Kingdom authority. SM55:1

2 Thou art fairer than the children of men: grace is poured into thy lips: therefore God hath blessed thee for ever. Thou art fairer – In his earthly life. HG448:3

He had proven purity of heart and absolute loyalty to the Father. SM55:1

Grace is poured – "Let your speech be always with grace (with manifest love and kindness), seasoned with salt (a purifying and preservative influence)." (Col. 4:6) R1937:3

Into thy lips – The grace of our Lord's lips is manifest to us in the message which he left. SM55:1

"Never man spake like this man." (John 7:46) "All bear him witness and wondered at the gracious words that proceeded out of his mouth." (Luke 4:22) R1937:2

Blessed thee for ever – Jesus' exaltation is perpetual; far above angels and powers and every name. SM56:T

3 Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, O most mighty, with thy glory and thy majesty. Gird thy sword – Make ready for the Day of Vengeance. D549

The sword of Messiah is the truth, and with it he shall smite the nations. R774:2

Divine knowledge as it shall go forth in due time for the binding of Satan and the liberating of all the slaves of sin and death. SM56:1

Thy majesty – The establishment of Messiah's Kingdom with power, great glory, and majesty. R5493:6; SM56:1

Messiah's triumph in the Millennial age. SM440:1

4 And in thy majesty ride prosperously because of truth and meekness and righteousness; and thy right hand shall teach thee terrible things. Ride prosperously – Prophetic of Jesus in his glorified condition. CR164:2

The saints also ride upon white horses (pure doctrines). R774:6

Because of truth – The lessons of "right" (righteousness), the necessity of equity and fairness in their dealings with one another, is being forced upon every one--nations and individuals. R774:2

And righteousness – A reign of force. SM56:1

Thy right hand – Thy power. CR164:2; SM57:1

Terrible things – There will be a terrible time of trouble. CR164:2; SM57:1

5 Thine arrows are sharp in the heart of the king's enemies; whereby the people fall under thee. Thine arrows – Words of divine truth shall enter in and show the whole world just where they are, and shall cut them to the heart. (See Acts 2:37) CR164:4; CR51:4; SM51:T, SM53:T, SM440:1; R5493:6

The sharp truths and righteous judgments of the Lord which shall prevail during the Millennial age. HG270:3

Are sharp – "Sharper than any two-edged sword." (Heb. 4:12) R3726:6

King's enemies – Hosts of error. R5493:6; CR164:2; SM52:1

The people fall – In submission to the Kingdom. SM60:2

A picture of the conversion of the heathen. CR51:4; SM440:1

The slaughter of the hosts of error will mean a great blessing, for the Lord smites to heal. R5493:6; HG270:3

Every knee must bow and every tongue confess. (Rom. 14:11) HG448:3

Those who fall before him in obedience and reverence to his scepter of righteousness will the soonest be blessed and exalted by the King of glory, while those who oppose his scepter are counted his enemies and shall fall before his sharp arrows. R774:3

Under thee – To confess and adore him. SM60:2 Psalms 45:6

O God – Given of God (Leeser). R774:1

The sceptre – The right to rule. B83

6 Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre.
7 Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. Lovest righteousness – Only those who learn to love what is right will have life on any plane. A303; SM65:3; OV202:1

Hatest wickedness – In equity, injustice; the very opposite of love. SM395:T, R5125:1

All brethren of the Lord Jesus must take the same stand regarding sin, especially sin in ourselves. R5702:5

We should hate the wrong but not the individual who does the wrong. R5125:2

Not like Balaam, double-minded, not reliable in every way. R5323:1

We should not become more loving than the Lord. We want to love just what he loves and hate what he hates. R4909:6

Thy God – The mighty one above even thee. R354:1

Anointed thee – We have received of the anointing under our Lord. CR436:1

The oil of gladness – The holy Spirit. F132; R5654:5

The holy joy of our Lord, and the holy prospects which sustained him in his sacrificing, laying down his life. R5847:1

Above thy fellows – As David was chosen over his older brothers. R4210:4

As head over the Royal Priesthood--his fellows. F132; CR435:6; T37

Above the angels, above the Church, making him head over all things. SM434:2

8 All thy garments smell of myrrh, and aloes, and cassia, out of the ivory palaces, whereby they have made thee glad. Smell of myrrh – Symbol of wisdom. R4093:2*

9 Kings' daughters were among thy honourable women: upon thy right hand did stand the queen in gold of Ophir. Thy right hand – The place of favor. R354:1

The queen – The Bride of Christ, the true Church. R1944:1; OV255:5

In gold of Ophir – Clothed in the glory, honor and immortality of the divine (gold) nature. R354:1, R1944:1

10 Hearken, O daughter, and consider, and incline thine ear; forget also thine own people, and thy father's house; Hearken, O daughter – Daughter of Jehovah, not of Christ. E49; R385:1*

The Church, espoused to Christ. CR39:2

Was ever a proposal of marriage couched in more delicate and beautiful phrase? R1494:6

And consider – That present life is brief, and that we have the opportunity to sacrifice it for eternal life in the future. HG450:3

Incline thine ear – Give attention to Jehovah's instructions; search the Scriptures and learn of him. R354:2, R458:3

Forget – By becoming so enchanted with future prospects as to be almost oblivious to the things of this present time, except as to "things needful." R4090:4

Thine own people – Earthly friendships. R1386:5, R1318:2 *

Thy father's house – The human nature. R1386:5

The world--its vanities, smiles, frowns, praises and scorn. R354:2, R1141:5

Adam's house, the world in general. R1494:6; CR39:2

The human relationships, the ambitions, hopes and aims of the children of Adam. C193; R5862:5

11 So shall the king greatly desire thy beauty: for he is thy Lord; and worship thou him. So shall the king – The Lord Jesus. R5862:5; C193; E49

Greatly desire – Have respect only to his approval, his smile, his praise, and his frown. R354:2

Although the whole family in heaven and earth will be blessed through him, only his wife, cooperating with him, will be his companion, confidante and treasure. R5862:5

Thy beauty – Of character, of heart loyalty. R5862:5, R1554:3

Thou art beautiful already in his eves, for he looks upon the heart and reads its loyalty to him. R1141:5

"The ornament of a meek and quiet spirit." (1 Pet. 3:4) R1820:6, R5862:6

For he is thy Lord – Adon, not Jehovah. E49

Worship thou him – Our Lord, while on earth, was really worshipped, and properly so. R2337:3; E72

12 And the daughter of Tyre shall be there with a gift; even the rich among the people shall entreat thy favour. Daughter of Tyre – The strong ones of earth. C193

Shall be there – During the Millennium. C193

13 The king's daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold. The king's daughter – Jehovah's daughter, the Bride of Christ. C193; CR8:3; CR39:2; CR101:5; Q436:2; R5865:5

Pictured by Asenath, wife of Joseph. R2888:5

Is all glorious – With the beauty of holiness. C193; CR217:1

Not merely a glory of office, but an inherent and eternal glory as we11. CR39:2; CR8:3

Within – Not to the vision of the natural man. C193

Her clothing is – Will be, when she is glorified. C193

Of wrought gold – immortality--the divine nature. T18; C193; CR217:2; CR253:5; CR39:2; CR8:3; R2161:5; SM727:1

14 She shall be brought unto the king in raiment of needlework: the virgins her companions that follow her shall be brought unto thee. She – The Little Flock. Q106:3; R4655:1, R4973:6

Brought – Led--all through the Gospel age, from grace to grace. SM254:1

Unto the king – The Bride's exaltation to Plane K of the chart will come when the Heavenly Bridegroom shall present his Bride complete before the Heavenly Father. R5060:5; Q53:4

The intimation is that after the Church has experienced her change she will be absent from the earth for a while and will be brought into the presence of Jehovah, the great King. R5181:6, R4973:6

In raiment – The simple white robe of her Lord's own furnishing. C193; R5197:6; HG449:3

There is a difference between her imputed robe and the one she will wear when she is changed. HG449:5

Represented by the seamless robe of Christ. R2788:3,4

Of needlework – The beautiful adornments of the Christian graces. C193; R5181:6, R2782:6; CR217:2; SM259:1; HG449:4; HG180:5

As Peter expresses it, she is to "add to her faith" the various Christian graces. (2 Pet. 1:5) R458:2

Painstaking endeavor to fix and establish in their robes the glorious pattern outlined by the Lord. SM254:2, SM205:3; R5197:6, R2161:6; CR253:4; Q159:1

Painstaking embroidery of actual righteousness. R1494:6

Every stitch must be taken carefully, painstakingly. Each feature of the outline must be carefully studied. HG449:6

The virgins – The five "foolish virgins." (Matt. 25:2) C192; F128; R5232:2; CR101:5; Q300:1, Q437:T

Though foolish, they are, nevertheless, virgins. Q296:T

Her companions – The Great Company are to be companions of, and ministers to, the Church. F121; R5394:3, R4655:1, R3869:2; Q436:2

Typified by the damsels that accompanied Rebecca. R4761:1; F171; R428:4; Q304:2; SM205:3

They neglected the work on the garment; they lacked zeal. SM260:T, R4648:1, R5023:2, R5656:2, R4855:2, R4921:4

The Great Company is part of the household, part of the Church of the first-born. Q304:2; R4761:1, R4875:3

Bridesmaids. R5865:3

In olden custom, the father would present the wife with a maidservant, who would accompany her mistress and would necessarily be associated with her. R4655:2

Though companions, there will be a very great difference in the degrees of glory. R458:1

They will never be sharers of the Bride's portion. R2764:4, R5232:2, R4036:1

They are also invited to the marriage supper. Q229:2, Q106:2

Also represented by Benjamin. R4437:1, R5232:2,6

That follow her – At the fall of Babylon they will be fully set free from the timidity that has restrained them, and be glad to acclaim the Bride. Eventually, they will be invited to the marriage supper. R4647:6

Shall be brought – As soon as they have all finished their course. Q314:4

They shall also be brought into the presence of the King. Q161:T, Q106:3; CR62:6; SM727:1, SM326:T

The Great Company shall be honored also, though less highly than the Bride, by the King. R828:5; HG450:1; SM727:1

15 With gladness and rejoicing shall they be brought: they shall enter into the king's palace. And rejoicing – Finally delivered from Babylon, with rejoicing. R4079:6*

After they have passed through their great tribulation. R2162:1

Shall they – The Bride, all glorious, shall be presented to the great King, the Father, by the great King, his Son. R4148:5

The Great Company--after severe testings, and after having lost the chiefest blessing. F128

They shall enter – "The virgins, her companions," as guests at the great supper. After the marriage they will enjoy the feast with the royal family. R343:6, R3834:5

The king's palace – By an instantaneous resurrection to perfect spiritual conditions. F707

16 Instead of thy fathers shall be thy children, whom thou mayest make princes in all the earth. Instead of – Instead of being any longer considered. D625; R5199:4; Q751:T, R4715:3; R5074:1

Thy fathers – Messiah's progenitors--the Ancient Worthies, the Patriarchs. E142; R5199:4, R4555:2, R1006:5, R354:2,4; Q750:4; SM733:1, SM397:1

The faithful among Israel who earnestly endeavored, in their weakness, to keep God's covenant. B207

These men, great in faith and obedience to God, will be known to the Jews as "the fathers." OV321:5; F128; D628

Developed by the Law covenant. Q196:1

Be thy children – They will be the first-born children of the "Everlasting Father," the Messiah. R4535:4, R4321:2, R5199:4, R4990:5, R4555:2, R3245:5; CR104:2; OV46:T

Instead of Christ's roots, they shall be his branches. R809:6

The father of Messiah in the flesh will become the son of Messiah in glory. R4687:5[R4687:13]

But not of the father's (divine) nature. To be a father does not imply that the children will partake of the father's nature. R354:5

Typified by Kohath, on the Church's right hand, their closest of kin. F129

Whom thou mayest – By an instantaneous resurrection to perfect human conditions. F707

Eventually to be made sharers of the spirit nature and become members of the Great Company class. R5182:4

Make princes – Examples of perfect manhood, leaders of the people. R4990:5, R5344:4

Perfect on the earthly plane, made princes amongst men. R3937:2, R5810:1 R4836:4, R5189:5

Chief ones, captains. F707; D625; R5074:1, R4555:3, R5199:5, R4930:6, R5031:1; SM733:1

Fleshly representatives of the Kingdom. E78; C257; R4535:4, R4974:2, R5344:4, R5505:4, R5836:3, R4715:2; OV56:4; CR104:2; SM402:1

The agents of the Kingdom's judgments and the channel of its blessings. T109, R5241:4, R5836:3, R5182:2; SM191:T, OV96:2

Representatives of the invisible Messiah and his Bride, backed by their full power and authority. R5189:5

The seen representatives of God's Kingdom, while Christ and the Church, the real spiritual leaders, will be unseen. R1872:5

As perfect men they will be the superiors and natural leaders of the world. R1872:5

The princes who will execute judgment will all be Israelitish and all perfect men--tried and approved of God. OV321:5; R5809:6

To them, first, will be drawn the Jews. OV109:1, OV116:3; F178

Israel's polity will be restored under these princes or judges. (Isa. 1:26) A294

Representing Israel when the blessings of the New covenant will be poured upon them. OV119:3,4

So recognized by Israel and all nations. R1904:2

A remnant of fleshly Israel shall join with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who will then be princes, in constituting a nucleus of a holy nation. R2860:5

Inheritors of the earthly phase of the Kingdom. R4072:1, R5964:3

When Christ, as King, appoints those resurrected and perfect men as the rulers, exemplars, and teachers of men. R1157:1

Being resurrected perfect men, they will be the perfect images of God. In each one of these Ancient Worthies God will be manifested in the flesh. R5291:3

Presumably they will have a great work of instruction to do for the rest of humanity. R5182:2

In contrast, the Church will be a Kingdom of priests, a Royal Priesthood. R5859:3

"Out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem." (Isa. 2:3) R5293:4

Only the merciful of the Ancient Worthies will share with Abraham in dispensing the divine favors to mankind as "princes in all the earth." R2857:5, R3947:5

Represented by Moses on the Mount of Transfiguration. R3794:3

"A king shall reign in righteousness and princes shall rule in judgment" --to act as magistrates (Young). (Isa 32:1) R354:5

Administrators of the law. OV184:4

Intermediaries between the spiritual Kingdom, the saints, and their subjects, mankind. D619, D626, D629; CR117:1

Typified by the veil that Moses wore at Mt. Sinai. D630

The contrasting standard of perfection that men must recognize in the Kingdom. F717

Like the ashes of the red heifer (Num. 19), the results of the painful experiences of the Ancient Worthies will be a store of blessings, instructions and help in the restitution work. T111, T112

The "reward" that he gives to "his servants, the prophets." (Rev. 11:18) R5567:5; F119

Not likely to be as many as 144,000. Q606:1

In these Christ will be manifested, in their flesh, even as the Father was manifested in his flesh. B136

In all the earth – The nation of Israel will be the first to respond to this standard of the Lord thus set up. R2983:1

17 I will make thy name to be remembered in all generations: therefore shall the people praise thee for ever and ever.
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