Matthew Chapter 12 [DARBY]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 At that time Jesus went on the sabbath through the cornfields; and his disciples were hungry, and began to pluck the ears and to eat. Jesus went – Probably on the way to the synagogue. R3316:6

Through the corn – The wheat. R3754:1

To pluck the ears – The Pharisees claimed that rubbing the grain in the hands and blowing away the chaff constituted winnowing and threshing, thus violating the Sabbath. R3316:3, 4600:4, 3754:2, 2268:1

Some today who would not ride a street car on the Sabbath would think nothing of allowing their minds to dwell on worldly or evil subjects. This is hypocrisy. R3754:2

And to eat – The Pharisees had a rule that no food should be eaten until after worship in the synagogue. R3316:6

2 But the Pharisees, seeing it, said to him, Behold, thy disciples are doing what is not lawful to do on sabbath. The Pharisees – Pharisaism had become formalism in many respects. R2268:6

There is considerable similarity between the scribes and Pharisees of our Lord's day and so-called orthodox Christians of our day. In some denominations particularly, there is evidenced the same spirit of despising others outside their favored cult. R3315:3

They said – Those who today make an attack upon the truth only cause its beauties and harmonies to be the more clearly discerned by those whose eyes of understanding are opened. R3316:2

Is not lawful – Those who have little of the truth are sometimes great sticklers for formalities. R2268:2

Upon the Sabbath – The Great Teacher, as a Jew, was as much under the obligation of every feature of the Law Covenant as any other Jew. We may be sure he violated no feature of it. R4600:2, 2268:6

Christians are free to follow the spirit of the law rather than its letter. This is true of the entire Ten Commandments, as well as of the fourth. R4599:6

Spiritual Israel keeps Sabbath every day: resting in the finished work of Christ, resting from our own works, from all endeavor to justify ourselves through the law. R3753:4, 2269:5

Typical. The true Christian enjoys the antitype. The seventh day represents a rest of a higher character, a rest of faith instead of a physical rest. R4600:1, 2269:4

As seven is a type of perfection or completeness, so the seventh day rest was a type of the complete or perfect rest which we have in Christ. R2269:4

We can rest the most when we work the hardest. Q608:1

Let our homes be the most quiet of all on the appointed day of rest, let no sound of labor or worldly pleasure be heard, but let our joy of hope, love and faith abound. R3753:6

The early Church began to meet on the first day of the week because it was on that day that Christ arose from the dead, and on that day were all of his post-resurrection appearances. No wonder it became known to them as the Lord's day. R4600:2

It wouldn't surprise me if mankind kept the seventh day during the Millennial age. Q608:1

3 But he said to them, Have ye not read what David did when he was hungry, and they that were with him?
4 How he entered into the house of God, and ate the shewbread, which it was not lawful for him to eat, nor for those with him, but for the priests only? And did eat – The emergencies of the case justified the deviation from the rule. It was a case of necessity, to preserve life. R3316:3[R3316:8], 3754:2, 2268:3

The shewbread – Type of the truth. T22, T115

5 Or have ye not read in the law that on the sabbaths the priests in the temple profane the sabbath, and are blameless? In the temple – Proving that labor done sacrificially for the assistance of others, as well as for their own necessities, could be no violation of the fourth commandment. R2268:3[R2268:6]

And are blameless – The Law specifically provided for the labor which they would perform, and hence such labor could not be considered a profanation of the Sabbath. R3316:3[R3316:9]

6 But I say unto you, that there is here what is greater than the temple. Greater than the temple – These disciples were doing still more consecrated work than the priests and the Levites in the temple because he, the representative of the Father, was greater than the temple. R3316:3[R3316:9]

7 But if ye had known what is: I will have mercy and not sacrifice, ye would not have condemned the guiltless. If ye had known – Equivalent to saying that they did not know its meaning. R539:1*

Mercy and not sacrifice – God is desirous of seeing in his creatures the quality of mercy toward one another, rather than merely the sacrificing of their comforts. R4600:4

It was the loving kindness of Jesus that disturbed their pharisaical natures and called forth their opposition. R539:1*

Consequently any deeds of mercy, sympathy, pity done on the Sabbath are more pleasing in God's sight than sacrifices performed in the typical temple. R2268:3

This mercy would have hindered them from condemning the disciples. Similarly today, the great failing of many critics and fault-finders is their lack of mercy, of love. R3754:4

Not have condemned – The fault-finding disposition that is ready to accuse and condemn everybody indicates a wrong condition of heart. R3316:4

8 For the Son of man is Lord of the sabbath. Is Lord even of – Is the proper teacher to set forth the real significance of. R3754:4[R3754:4], 3316:4[R3316:4]

The sabbath day – Type of the Seventh Thousand Year day. B40

9 And, going away from thence, he came into their synagogue. Into the synagogue – Where they wished to find ground for an accusation against the Lord before the congregation. R3316:6[R3316:6]

10 And behold, there was a man having his hand withered. And they asked him, saying, Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath? that they might accuse him.
11 But he said to them, What man shall there be of you who has one sheep, and if this fall into a pit on the sabbath, will not lay hold of it and raise it up? Shall have one sheep – He knew their tender spots of selfishness. R2269:1[R2269:1]

Fall into a pit – The poor cripple had been trapped into sin and sickness by the Adversary. R2269:1[R2269:2]

On the sabbath – Although labor was prohibited under the Law, it was to bring rest, comfort, refreshment and blessing, and not to bring hunger, inconvenience and distress to either man or beast. R2268:3[R2268:3]

Lift it out – Because of their love of gain, to avoid its death and, hence, a financial loss. R2268:5[R2268:5]

Even though it might require considerable exercise for several persons. How foolish, then, to find fault with our Lord who, by one word, could rebuke the disease. R3317:1[R3317:1]

12 How much better then is a man than a sheep! So that it is lawful to do well on the sabbath. Than a sheep – This is something the world does not seem to have learned. R3754:5[R3754:5]

On the sabbath days – Jesus did many of his miracles on the Sabbath as a prophetic picture of the antitypical Sabbath day being the Millennium. R4600:5[R4600:5]

13 Then he says to the man, Stretch out thy hand. And he stretched it out, and it was restored sound as the other. Was restored whole – Manifesting the predominance of love above any law along the lines of the prophecy he had just quoted, that mercy was higher in God's estimation than sacrifice. R3754:5

Demonstrating that he had the divine favor, and that his teaching on the subject had this evidence of its truthfulness. R4600:4

14 But the Pharisees, having gone out, took counsel against him, how they might destroy him. Then the Pharisees – Manifesting a rabid spirit of sectarianism and self-importance, imitated by some in our day who lack the spirit of the truth. R3754:5

Council against him – Less popular in Galilee than in Judea anyway, they felt that their influence before the people had been lessened by their conflict with the Lord. R3754:4

Might destroy him – The Lord's superior teachings excited the Pharisees to envy, malice, hatred and the very spirit of murder. R4600:5

They felt fully justified in murdering anyone whose words and conduct so overmatched them as to hinder their influence from spreading. R3754:6

15 But Jesus knowing it, withdrew thence, and great crowds followed him; and he healed them all: He withdrew – Setting the example to be on the lookout for divine deliverance and the opening of a way of escape from things too difficult to endure. F508[F508]; R1735:1[R1735:1]

16 and charged them strictly that they should not make him publicly known:
17 that that might be fulfilled which was spoken through Esaias the prophet, saying,
18 Behold my servant, whom I have chosen, my beloved, in whom my soul has found its delight. I will put my Spirit upon him, and he shall shew forth judgment to the nations.
19 He shall not strive or cry out, nor shall any one hear his voice in the streets; In the streets – Not bandying the gospel in the streets, giving a reason for our hope to him that asketh. Neither the Bible nor sound judgment dictates quarreling for the truth's sake. R1468:4[R1468:4]

20 a bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, until he bring forth judgment unto victory; A bruised reed – A Christian not wholly consecrated. F684[F684]

A humble, contrite, faithful heart. God takes cognizance of it and confers his blessing. R1945:5[R1945:5]

Shall he not break – God kindly condescends to human ignorance and weakness. R1675:1[R1674:Top]

If there be even a slight disposition to penitence, he fosters and cherishes it. R1614:5[R1614:5]

And smoking flax – Smouldering faith. F684[F684]

Shall he not quench – If there is even a smouldering spark of love toward God, he will fan the spark, if perchance it might become a blaze. R1772:5[R1772:8], 2073:1*[R2073:1*]

Send forth judgment – Justice, righteousness, truth. D18[D18]

When Christ shall assume his kingly office at his second advent. NS640:5

Unto victory – Thus making Jehovah's footstool glorious. E47[E47:top]

Life and immortality were brought to light by Jesus' own successful probation. HG40:3

When all evil and all willful evil-doers shall have been cut off. His victory will consist in the establishment of righteousness and peace, no matter how many or how few fall in the conflict. R1443:5[R1443:20]

21 and on his name shall the nations hope.

22 Then was brought to him one possessed by a demon, blind and dumb, and he healed him, so that the dumb man spake and saw.
23 And all the crowds were amazed and said, Is this man the Son of David? The son of David – "The Lord shall give him the throne of his father David." (Luke 1:32) C257

The long-promised king of David's line, the Messiah. E130, E133; C257; PD65/77; SM210:2

24 But the Pharisees, having heard it, said, This man does not cast out demons, but by Beelzebub, prince of demons. Pharisees – As we see how blindly the scribes and Pharisees hated Jesus, and said all manner of evil against him, we see that really they were on Satan's side. R4608:3

But by Beelzebub – Satan: the first and, for a long time, the only enemy of the divine government. R2171:5

Refuted by Jesus' refusal to accept the testimony of any demon. R3310:4

The deluded Pharisees had even charged the Master with being Satan himself. (Matt. 10:25) R4608:5

Such a manifestation of hatred, malice and opposition to light came not through the "fall" and cannot be forgiven as such. R723:5[R723:5]

The prince – The chief, doubtless because of being by nature a superior order of being. R2171:5, 4608:5

Of the devils – Of the angels which fell at the time of the flood. R2171:5

His influence or spirit is exercised in his servants much the same way that the spirit of God works in his children. R370:6

25 But he, knowing their thoughts, said to them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not subsist. Said unto them – The Master took the time to philosophize with them on this subject. R4608:5

"When he was reviled, he reviled not again." (1 Pet. 2:23) R4802:6

Kingdom divided – Satan's struggles to retain control of mankind will be specially desperate at its close – before he is "bound" for the thousand years. R2189:2

Against itself – In its continued subdivision into sects the Protestant church has had its strength so decimated that, as the Master long ago predicted, it is doomed to fall. R1294:6*

26 And if Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then shall his kingdom subsist? And if Satan – Whose very existence is now denied by many. F609[F609:1]

Spirit demonstrations are made by spirits who hate God and have no fellowship with that which is good. They universally reject the Bible as the Word of God, denouncing it as a fable and unworthy of belief. HG327:3*

Cast out Satan – By aiding the miraculous cure of the sick. F641[F641:1]

We advocate no general rejection of healings and miracles as being Satanic, but a careful study of every person or system seeking to establish itself by miracles. F638[F638:2]

As he is now doing through "Christian Science." R2189:1,2[R2189:1,2]; 3784:3[R3784:3]

Now, as Satan's kingdom is about to be overthrown, it is his effort to support it with many wonderful works. R5802:1[R5802:1], 3275:1[R3274:8], 1644:4[R1644:4]

Satan's power of death makes quite possible his relief from sickness through agencies of his choice for the purpose of enforcing their false doctrines. R1685:6, 1644:3

The demons must sham to be "angels of light," teachers of advanced truths and good physicians, both of souls and bodies, in order to re-ensnare those who are feeling after God. R2189:2[R2189:6]

He has long palmed himself off as a teacher; but Satan in the role of faith-healer is a novelty belonging chiefly to our day, though undoubtedly he has had to do with the relic-miracles of Papacy for centuries. R3120:2

His kingdom stand – When Satan would work against his own associates, it would imply the speedy fall of his empire. R3784:2, 4608:5

The necessity for his playing reformer and good physician today is an evidence that his fall is near. F641

27 And if *I* cast out demons by Beelzebub, your sons, by whom do they cast them out? For this reason *they* shall be your judges. Beelzebub – Satan, because created on a higher plane, is styled the Prince of demons in his relationship to the fallen angels. R4608:5[R4608:5], 1686:1

Do your children – He pointed out that demons had been cast out by some whom they acknowledged and honored. R4608:5[R4608:5]

28 But if *I* by the Spirit of God cast out demons, then indeed the kingdom of God is come upon you. The spirit of God – Influence or power of God. R372:5

Which I do not claim as my own power. E271

If he, by God's power, cast out demons, it was an evidence that God's Kingdom was nigh, just as he had proclaimed. R4608:5[R4608:5]

29 Or how can any one enter into the house of the strong man and plunder his goods, unless first he bind the strong man? and then he will plunder his house. One enter into – This would be in the second presence of our Lord. From the time of our Lord's parousia, disorder began in Satan's household. R4609:6[R4609:3]

Strong man's house – His household, which would include the fallen angels. R4609:3[R4609:3]

Spoil his goods – All the present institutions of the world are Satan's goods and arrangements. Q626:1; SM103:1; R1626:6

In his Reign of Righteousness, our Lord will destroy the works of evil, sin, superstition, ignorance, etc. SM243:1

First bind – Seems to imply that it will begin in a sudden manner. R4609:3[R4609:3]

The first work of the new king is the binding of Satan. Truth will be the chain which will bind evil. When the knowledge of the Lord fills the whole earth, Satan will be completely bound. R430:3,6*[R430:17-18]

Before anarchy comes, Satan must be bound. The collapse of Babylon, ecclesiastical systems and false doctrines, will indicate that Satan has been quite fully bound. Q626:1

The prince of this world, being slow to move out though his lease has expired, will be put out, bound hand and foot, causing a great deal of trouble. R5328:6

Every advance step of light and knowledge is that much restraint upon darkness and evil superstition. R4609:6

How will Satan be bound? Not with handcuffs. Q627:2

The strong man – Satan. SM103:1; R4609:3

"And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and bound him a thousand years." (Rev. 20:2) C341; R4609:3

Gentile supremacy. R5526:2

That system of things of which Satan has stood as the head. R4609:3

And then – If the house is being spoiled already, must we not conclude that the personal devil has been bound for some time. R4695:3*

Spoil his house – Our Lord will spoil Satan's goods, overthrow his arrangements and institutions that are so deceptive. SM103:1

These will be spoiled in the great time of anarchy which will make ready for the establishment of the Kingdom of Messiah. Q626:1

Christ shall not only bind the strong man, but then he shall spoil his house, and during his reign he shall distribute the spoil to mankind, the dominion of earth. R575:1

Overturn his arrangements in order to establish a better. R668:5

Drive his household out of power. C341

"He shall divide the spoils of the strong." (Isa. 53:12) R575:1

When Satan's power begins to fail because the stronger than he begins to spoil his house, then this system will begin to be seen, revealed, and recognized in its true character, as "The Mystery of Iniquity." R711:1

Hence we cannot pray our Father to grant abundant harvests, send rains, prevent famines, droughts, wars and pestilences. R798:4

30 He that is not with me is against me, and he that gathers not with me scatters. Not with me – The side of God, truth, righteousness. R4608:3

If we believe that there is a Chief Reaper, we ought to recognize him and look for his guidance over the harvest field. We see different things going on, all under the supervision of the Great Reaper. CR63:4

Are we now to have a different Reaper? Will the same Reaper change his plans? Or shall we expect the great Chief Reaper to continue his work just as he began in an orderly procedure to its full culmination? CR62:6

Whoever thinks he may do a separate harvest work, and that each should do a separate work according to the bent of his own mind, has misunderstood the divine program. R3885:4

Is against me – Having thus answered their objection, he showed that they were against him and thus opposing God. R4608:5

The side of error, falsehood, Satan. R4608:3

The entire human family is either on one side or the other of a great battle between right and wrong, truth and error. R4608:2

The Sadducees, Pharisees and Herodians made common cause in opposition to the Master and the harvest work in the end of the Jewish age. R3883:5

In our day, devotees of every sect can meet together in harmony; but all, with one accord, are violently opposed to present truth. R3883:3

In this day of the Lord's presence, it becomes our duty, as well as our privilege, to judge who is on the Lord's side; and who is against him is against us. R1362:3

So far as the Lord is concerned, nobody can upset the work, but you can do that which is the work of the Adversary in the way of interrupting the Lord's work. CR64:5

Gathereth not with me – Their zeal is not according to a knowledge of God's plans; they are not working with God. R634:4*

Scattereth abroad – If others want to work outside and scratch around, let them do so. Let the Chief Reaper do the interrupting if it is necessary. CR64:5

They hinder the harvest work, they attempt to sow discord amongst the under-reapers by saying all manner of evil falsely against some of them. R3884:5

31 For this reason I say unto you, Every sin and injurious speaking shall be forgiven to men, but speaking injuriously of the Spirit shall not be forgiven to men. I say unto you – Whether or not the scribes and Pharisees came to a sufficiently clear appreciation of God's holy power to constitute them amenable to the Second Death, we cannot judge. E272

All manner of sin – Ordinary sins resulting from the fall, ignorance, superstition, etc. R4608:6; E273

To have misunderstood and misrepresented the invisible God would have been a much lighter offense. E271

And blasphemy – Malicious words of opposition (see verse 36). R723:5

Shall be forgiven – Would all, in God's providence, be ultimately forgivable, if not willful. R4608:6; E273

Not may, but shall; but not without repentance. God, by his goodness, will lead men to repentance. R78:1*

In some respects it is a mercy that the world is, in a large measure, blind and deaf, and therefore in the same proportion irresponsible as respects the message now being delivered to the meek. NS208:3

During this age, for lack of light; during the next age, as knowledge and strength will be acquired gradually, all imperfection and shortcomings will still be forgiven because of Christ's redemption, until men reach perfection. R569:6

If there is more or less of ignorance, then the punishment is in proportion to the amount of willfulness. Q281:5

The sins and blasphemies which may be forgiven are such as are committed in ignorance. The sins which cannot be pardoned are the willful sins. R1984:4

But the blasphemy – Evil speaking, evil acting, contrary to the spirit of the truth, the spirit of righteousness, the Spirit of the Lord, as they had learned and understood the same. NS244:1

"He that committeth sin is of the devil." (1 John 3:8). Those who sin willfully, deliberately, are of the devil, and are not guided by the holy Spirit of God. NS243:6

The holy ghost – Every sin against the holy Spirit, against clear light and knowledge of divine power, is unforgivable. E273; R4608:6, 2612:2

The holy Spirit here denotes a light, an intelligence, respecting God's purposes. R5105:6

Whoever willfully and intelligently would sin against Jesus would be guilty of blasphemy against the holy Spirit. R5106:1[R5106:1]; Q280:7

Attributing God's spirit or power to Satan's power. R4608:5

There may be various degrees of heinousness in God's sight, small or great sins. R5452:6

When a demonstration of the power, spirit, of God in doing a good work was manifested, though they might not have received it as a proof of Jesus' claims, they were inexcusable for attributing it to Satanic power. R723:5, 260:2

The Pharisees had not intentionally blasphemed Jehovah, nor particularly blasphemed Jesus; they had blasphemed against the holy Spirit which was operating in him. E271; R5453:1

Not be forgiven – Some sins against the holy Spirit might be punished with stripes, others with death. R5452:6[R5452:6]

Must be expiated by punishment. E273

The Pharisees, to whom these words were addressed, could not commit this sin, because they had not the fullness of knowledge. R5293:4, 5452:6

Where any measure of willfulness is associated with sin it takes it to that degree out of the list of forgivable sins and places it in the list of the unforgivable. NS244:3

Adam's sin was an unforgivable one because it was the sin of a perfect being, a willful sin against the Spirit, not unintentional, but deliberate. NS243:2

If we were perfect, as Adam was perfect, any transgression of the law would be as unforgivable as was Father Adam's transgression. NS243:4

32 And whosoever shall have spoken a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him; but whosoever shall speak against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this age nor in the coming one2. Speaketh a word – Ignorantly. E271; R5390:6

Against the Son – If one blaspheme the name of Jesus, being deceived in some way, then the sin is not blasphemy against the holy Spirit and may be forgiven. Q281:T

To have misinterpreted Jesus' motives, claiming he was merely trying to usurp a throne and exalt himself in power, would have been a comparatively light offense. E271; R732:5, 260:2

Shall be forgiven – To the proportion of its ignorance and weakness, any sin is forgivable; to the proportion that any sin was willful, intentional, it is unforgivable and must be expiated by punishment. E273[E273:1]; R5453:1, 5390:6, 5106:4, 4608:6

The Holy Spirit – Denotes a light, an intelligence, respecting God's purpose. R5105:6

Maliciously attributing to an evil source what could not be denied as a good work, free from sin, selfishness or ambition. E271; R5390:6

All sins against light and ability are unpardonable, cannot be forgiven at any time, and hence they must be punished. R260:5

Sins against clear manifestations of divine grace cannot be attributed to weakness of the flesh and heredity, but must be properly charged as willful viciousness of the heart, which is unforgivable. E272

Not be forgiven – This does not mean that the individual will be punished for it forever. It simply means that such sin cannot be forgiven and could only be expiated. R5690:2, 723:5, 372:5, 260:3

If punishment does not bring reformation, it would mean the second death. R5390:6

All who receive "stripes" receive them for unpardoned sins, for if the sins were pardoned they would not be punished for them. R260:3

The Lord will accept a judging of ourselves as being the stripes due such a sin and probably give no further stripes, because of the self-correction. NS245:6

Those who do not accept when once they have a full opportunity, die the second death, from which we are told of no recovery, no ransom. R44:2

Neither in this world – During this Gospel age. R4608:6

Jesus' miracles and preachings were the commencement of the Gospel age, as he is the head of the Gospel Church. R723:5

There is such thing as forgiveness of sins, both in the present Gospel age and in the coming Millennial age. R260:2

The world to come – The Millennial age. R4608:6

Future. The word "age" occurs but once in the text. R723:5

Those who have utterly apostatized here cannot be forgiven there; but the honest, though weak, who have failed of the crown now, through weakness of the flesh, may be forgiven there. R779:5*

33 Either make the tree good, and its fruit good; or make the tree corrupt, and its fruit corrupt. For from the fruit the tree is known.
34 Offspring of vipers! how can ye speak good things, being wicked? For of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Generation – Greek, gennema, race. D603

Of vipers – So set on the traditions of their church that their eyes were blinded against the simplest kind of reasoning. E271; R372:5

The abundance – Whatever one has stored up in the mind will be topmost and sure to be spoken. R5518:6

A man's treasure shows in which way his mind is bent. His preferences demonstrate his character. The things which we cultivate are an index to our character. R5519:1

Heart – Used with the force of the word "mind." R5518:4

The heart is representative of the character, and the mouth is the index of the character. R5518:4, 5122:6, 1937:1

If we get the heart right, the effect will be a proportionate cleansing and purifying of the flesh. SM335:1

A right condition of heart is necessary to right words. R1937:1

Heart attitude. R5470:6

A heart filled and overflowing with the spirit of love and truth will bestow it upon others. R4770:6, 2444:1

The Scriptures everywhere exhort the Lord's people to be pure in heart. SM336:T

Our first concern, then, should be for the heart, that the affections and dispostions may be fully under the control of divine grace. R1937:2

The mouth speaketh – If the principles of truth, righteousness, reverence for God and love for the beauties of holiness are established in the heart, we shall have no difficulty in controlling our tongue. R5519:4, 5247:3

He who watches his tongue is putting a detective on his deceitful heart, and can better know and master it. R2445:1

If it speaks slander, it shows the real heart condition. F408; NS590:5

Our words continually bearing testimony of the condition of our hearts. R5122:6

An evil mouth, a mouth which does injury to others, indicates an evil heart. R2444:1

What a fearful responsibility attaches to the tongue that wags in an evil or even in a flippant way, which is also dishonoring to God. R1938:2

The Lord judges the heart according to our words. R5122:5

By this we may judge or test ourselves. OV208:4

Today, opponents of the truth use slanderous charges rather than personal violence. R5545:2

35 The good man out of the good treasure brings forth good things; and the wicked man out of the wicked treasure brings forth wicked things. The good treasure – We must reach the place where not only we do not will to do harm to our neighbors, but where we sincerely wish to do them good. OV209:1

Forth good things – The fruitage of kindness, mercy and love – good works. SM335:2; OV208:4

Our lives should be so that all of our friends and acquaintances would be ready to say of us, He is a good man; his message will have something of consolation in it. R4277:6

Evil things – Bitter things, poisoned arrows, injurious to all with whom they come in contact. OV208:4

36 But I say unto you, that every idle word which men shall say, they shall render an account of it in judgment-day: But I say unto you – The Scribes and Pharisees, who were trying to catch him in his words, using technicalities of language. R5517:2; OV208:3

Every idle word – Unprofitable, pernicious, injurious, disloyal, frivolous, flippant, unkind, unthankful, unholy, impure. R1938:1, 5517:2, 2613:1, 722:2

Whether written or spoken. OV208:3

Our Lord referred to the thoughts behind the words. R5518:2

The safe attitude of the soul under afflictions and severe testings is silence before God, waiting and watching to see his leading before presuming to touch things that involve so much. R1937:5

Perfect mastery of our words and ways is to be sought by vigilant and faithful effort. R4805:2

Every evil act and every pernicious word will be recorded in the individual's own character. OV209:2

In the context, referring to words of willful and malicious opposition spoken against manifest light (see verses 24, 31, 32). R2613:1, 722:3

Oh, the power of a slanderous word! the power of an insinuation! Yea, even of a shrug of the shoulder! OV208:3

Shall give account – Be dealt with, corrected and disciplined in righteousness, to bring to true reformation and final perfection. R1469:5, 5517:3

The wrong-doer specially injures and marks himself by the wrong he has practiced in evil-speaking and evil-doing. OV209:2; R5517:6

The Christian should daily render his accounts at the throne of grace. R4805:2, 5517:6

Let us remember daily to settle our accounts with the Lord, to make sure that no record of idle words, unrepented of, and consequently unforgiven, stands against us. R1938:6

Day of judgment – Day of trial, of testing, of reckoning. OV207:1; R5517:6

Not a day of doom. OV207:1

With the Church, this Gospel age. R5517:6, 1938:1; HG40:6; OV208:2

The Church is now standing before the bar of divine judgment. Both the heart and mouth are under special scrutiny. R5518:3, 4805:5

The Millennial day, granting to Adam and each member of his race an individual, personal trial. OV207:2

In the Millennial age "day of judgment," there will be a reckoning, even for every pernicious word. R1654:1

37 for by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. By thy words – The Lord's consecrated people have a responsibility for what effect their words and influences have upon others. OV208:3

The Lord has agreed that he will not judge the Church according to their words and their deeds entirely, but according to their spirit, intention and will. OV208:4

Be justified – Nothing but the merit of Christ's sacrifice can justify any from the Adamic condemnation. OV209:3

The word is used here in a limited sense. R5470:3

The good words spoken being an indication of the converted state of the heart. PT391:T*

By our words of repentance, supplemented by the merits of Christ applied by faith. R1938:3

Acquitted. R1937:4

Not that every man will be justified from the Adamic condemnation by any words that he could utter. OV209:3

By thy words – Words are an index of the heart. R5470:5

Be condemned – Suffer the consequences. The first will be self-injury, and the second, a bad example for others. R1938:3

"Blessed is the man who is not condemned by that which he alloweth." (Rom. 14:22) OV209:4

By their words the Pharisees proved themselves dishonest; no longer worthy of God's special favor. R5470:5

The Pharisees were in their trial time. R5470:2

Idle words will stand against us if not repented of. R4805:5

38 Then answered him some of the scribes and Pharisees, saying, Teacher, we desire to see a sign from thee. See a sign from thee – A proof of his Messiahship; not recognizing his teachings and his miracles as proof sufficient. R4608:6

39 But he, answering, said to them, A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and a sign shall not be given to it save the sign of Jonas the prophet. The prophet Jonas – He then told them of one sign which would come to them too late. R4608:6

40 For even as Jonas was in the belly of the great fish three days and three nights, thus shall the Son of man be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights. For as Jonas – The various parts of the entire Bible are bound together by their mutual endorsement of the various writers, so that to reject one is to mar the completeness of the whole. R1145:5; A61

Contrary to the belief of many modern theologians. A61; HG317:5

Three days and three nights – Indicating that his resurrection would be on the third day. Q586:T; R4608:6, 4603:2

Typifying the last part of the fifth, all of the sixth, and the first part of the seventh thousand-year day, in which the body of Christ was to be in the prison-house of death. R2888:3, 3568:5*

This statement of Jesus was idiomatic and implied that he would be in the heart of the earth "till the third day." (Matt. 16:21; 20:19) For proof see Gen. 42:17,18; 2 Chron. 10:5,12; Esther 4:16; 5:1. R3574:5*

In the whale's belly – If these be false, Jesus must have been a fraud and not the Son of God. It would also imply that he was much less inspired and wise than were the modern wise men who dispute these facts. R4151:6

41 Ninevites shall stand up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and behold, more than Jonas is here. Rise in judgment – In the Millennial age the people of Nineveh will rank higher than they. R4608:6

This generation – Greek, genea, people living contemporaneously. D603

Shall condemn it – Just as heathendom will condemn Christendom for its misuse of divine favor. D72

42 A queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and behold, more than Solomon is here. Queen of the south – The Queen of Sheba had journeyed afar to hear Solomon's wisdom. R4608:6

Shall condemn it – A reproof for his own nation, indicating that they were careless, indifferent respecting the truth. R3284:6

Uttermost parts of the earth – Sheba, the queen's home, was in southern Arabia, a land noted at that time for its immense wealth and particularly for its perfumes. R2067:5

To hear the wisdom – Her zeal for wisdom is evidenced by the fact that she brought so valuable a treasure so long a distance through a wilderness where she was liable to the attacks of Bedouin robbers. R2067:5

Indicating the Lord's approval of this desire for wisdom evinced by the queen. R3284:6

Greater than Solomon – The antitype being greater than the type. R2068:1, 1517:2

A still wiser man, heir to the world, seeking a bride for joint-heirship. R5722:5

Our Lord Jesus Christ, the embodiment of wisdom, justice, righteousness, with riches of grace, glory, honor, dominion. R2068:1, 3284:6

Those who were in his presence realized it not and heeded not his message. R4608:6, 5722:4

43 But when the unclean spirit has gone out of the man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and does not find it2.
44 Then he says, I will return to my house whence I came out; and having come, he finds it unoccupied, swept, and adorned. Swept and garnished – Sins forgiven and grace of God received. R5378:5

45 Then he goes and takes with himself seven other spirits worse than himself, and entering in, they dwell there; and the last condition of that man becomes worse than the first. Thus shall it be to this wicked generation also. Then goeth he – If Christ has not been enthroned in the mind already weakened by previous obsession. R2173:3, 4291:5

Satan will seek to regain control through the spirit of the world – pride, anger, malice, hatred, strife. R5378:5

Seven other spirits – The number seven representing perfection or completeness. These seven are contrasted with the seven spirits of God. (Rev. 1:4; 3:1) R370:6

Worse than the first – Worse than before he came into relationship with Christ. R5378:5

"For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they had known it [been begotten by the Word of God] to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them." (2 Pet. 2:21) R1698:3

They enter in – Even if justified from all sins, we need an occupant for our hearts – the Divine One, to guard our hearts. R4291:5

46 But while he was yet speaking to the crowds, behold, his mother and his brethren stood without, seeking to speak to him.
47 Then one said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren are standing without, seeking to speak to thee.
48 But he answering said to him that spoke to him, Who is my mother, and who are my brethren? Who is my mother? – When our new condition is fully entered upon, we shall no longer be husbands, wives, parents, children, brothers and sisters with those on the earthly plane. R943:6

Our love to our former dear ones will be no less than now. Our love will be greatly intensified, though not bounded by the former limits of blood relationship. R943:6

Does not imply that the unbelieving husband or wife is to be neglected so that time and fellowship can be given to those of the new mind; but the obligation of each is to his mate. F590

Who are my brethren? – Not all who name the name of Christ. R5938:4

The word implies fellowship and being children of one father. R2798:4

49 And, stretching out his hand to his disciples, he said, Behold my mother and my brethren; Behold my mother – Our most intimate relationships are no longer those of earthly origin. R943:3

And my brethren – How beautiful the lesson of the Great Teacher's breadth of spirit. R5037:6

50 for whosoever shall do the will of my Father who is in the heavens, he is my brother, and sister, and mother. Whosoever – Regardless of caste or class. R5037:6

Shall do the will – It is by our deeds and not merely by our professions that we are accepted of the Lord. R5938:3

We are to anticipate true fellowship only with those who earnestly seek to do the Father's will, serve his cause, and exemplify the instruction of His word, in deeds as well as in professions. R5938:4, 2235:3

Same is my brother – Those who earnestly seek to do the Father's will. R5938:4

In my new family, "the household of faith." F590

A very emphatic statement of our dear and close relationship to him and to the Father. R297:1

And yet the hour came when even these were scattered and he was left alone. The persecution became so severe that they all fled. R1069:4*

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