Psalms Chapter 46 [YLT]

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1 To the Overseer. By sons of Korah. 'For the Virgins.' A song. God Is our refuge – The antitype of Israel's cities of refuge. R3093:1

The Church's refuge and protection. A323; D158

Justice is the avenger of sin and Christ is the refuge and deliverance. R3093:5

All of these blessings are of the Father, through the Son. R3093:5

And strength – "In the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength." (Isa. 26:4) R1787:3

In trouble – The great storm of trouble at the close of this age in which Babylon will go down, like a millstone cast into the sea. R5058:6

Which will entirely change the present construction of society. R5059:1

God [is] to us a refuge and strength, A help in adversities found most surely.
2 Therefore we fear not in the changing of earth, And in the slipping of mountains Into the heart of the seas. Will not we fear – Because we have made the Lord our refuge and habitation. CR18:3; R5059:1

Because we are waiting for and expecting thus to see Messiah's heavenly Kingdom introduced. R879:6

Knowing that, at the same time, our redemption draweth nigh. R1379:4

The saints rejoice and are restful of heart while others lament and weep. R5989:5

Nor will we, if permitted to remain even until they sink into the midst of the sea. R845:4*

Though the earth – The trouble upon the earth (society) will not reach its intensity until the shaking of the heavens (ecclesiasticism) has broken the fetters of superstition, plunging the masses into skepticism and infidelity. R1308:4

When the present organization of society. A323; C229; D46

Be removed – Unsettled, disorganized and overthrown. A323; C229; D46; CR18:3

Not until the servants of God are "sealed in their foreheads." (Rev. 7:3) R1863:2

When newspapers and banks, politicians and everybody, will be lost, and every man's hand will be against his neighbor. HG480:5

Psalms 46 seems to give a complete picture of the seventh plague of Revelation. R511:4

And though – And when. A323

The mountains – Kingdoms, autocratic governments. A323; C229; D46, D551; SM320:3; R4990:2, R5059:1

As mountains and hills tower above the earth, they aptly symbolize the civil powers of earth. R716:2*

While kingdoms (mountains) shall give place to republics (islands), so the islands in due time shall also flee away. (Rev. 16:20) R511:4

Be carried into – Signifies the overwhelming of a government in a revolutionary uprising of the masses. R816:1, R686:2,3

Others will melt with fervent heat. (Psa. 97:5) R815:6, R4573:1

Are swept into. A323

By a great tidal wave. R5364:1, R5863:6; SM320:3

The midst of the sea – Lawless, ungovernable masses. A323; C229; D46, D551, D596; R5364:1, R5863:6, R1489:4; Q842:2

Anarchy, which will swallow up the false systems. R5478:2, R4772:3, R5059:1; SM320:3

The great waves (Luke 21:25) of nihilism, communism, socialism and anarchism are sweeping with irresistible force against the bulwarks of present institutions. Q841:4

Babylon is to be "cast as a great millstone into the sea." (Jer. 51:62-64; Rev. 18:21) R5478:3

Mountains – Kingdoms

Into the midst of the sea – The ungovernable masses. Brother Russell looked at this text (in Dec. 1885) and at the policies of the Russian Czar and concluded that they would be swept away by revolution.
"The policy of Russia, for instance, is to concede nothing to the people, but to retain all its oppressive power intact. It will not melt; therefore it shall be forcibly carried in the tumult of revolution "into the midst of the sea." The sea in symbolic language represents the masses of the people unrestrained by law and order; hence the carrying of a mountain into the midst of the sea, would signify the overwhelming of a government in a revolutionary uprising of the masses." R815
3 Roar troubled are its waters, Mountains they shake in its pride. Selah. Waters thereof roar – Become infuriated. A323

And be troubled – With the disputing of contending factions. C229; HG401:6

With retributive and purgatorial troubles. R1470:3

Though the mountains – The kingdoms. C229; D45

Shake – By terrible revolutions. D551

Tremble for fear and insecurity. C229; R1489:4

He shakes and sifts because he would separate the many who have assumed the name of Christ, but who are not truly his people. R1307:6

With the swelling – The threatening and rising power. C229

4 A river its rivulets rejoice the city of God, Thy holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High. There is a river – The river of salvation. CR18:5

A river of truth. R686:4

Illustrated by the Niagara River. R4066:4,5

The river of the water of life which will flow during the Millennial age from the glorified New Jerusalem, the Church. R2508:3,5

Shall make glad – But not rejoicing in its own security, regardless of the woes of others. R686:5

The city of God – The Kingdom of God, the Church, even in its present hampered condition. C229; CR18:5; R686:4

The holy place – The Church, the Sanctuary. C229

It is not the Kingdom set up and glorified, else it would be represented as in the Most Holy. R686:4

Of the tabernacles – The dwelling place. C229

5 God [is] in her midst she is not moved, God doth help her at the turn of the morn! The midst of her – The true Church. A323

The center of our interests is our great Advocate. R5306:2

She – The Church, the Bride of Christ. R3259:3

Shall not be moved – Not exempted from the shakings, but not moved by them. R3053:1

Earthquakes cannot dissolve the relationship subsisting between the Lord and his faithful; they are preserved by the peace of God ruling in their hearts. HG401:6

There is no saint of God so weak as not to be able abundantly to stand, even in this evil day, if he is only loyal and faithful to God. R1318:6*

Because her faith is established, not in ignorance and credulity, but in the Word of God. F592

"That those things which cannot be shaken may remain." (Heb. 12:27) R3053:2; CR18:5

Help her – Rescue her from her toil, weariness and peril. R2650:5

Deliver, "change." (1 Cor. 15:51, 52) R4133:5

And that right early – The morning brings with it deliverance from danger, victory over enemies, peace to the nations, and the renewal of earth, by the establishment of Messiah's glorious throne. R303:1 *

Just as in the morning watch he looked out from the fiery cloud and troubled the Egyptians. R303:1*

When the morning appeareth the saints will be changed in the first resurrection. C230; R5567:6

"When the morning appeareth." (margin) What a morning!-- Resurrection for the Church, restoration for Israel, restitution for the earth! R303:1 *, R2064:3

At the dawning of her morning, when she has passed through her nighttime in which "no man can work," (John 9:4) and has been ushered into glory. Her morning is to precede the Millennial morning. C230; A323; E437

In the morning of the Millennial day. R1832:5, R3701:4, R2973:3, R2759:5

The morning is already dawning. CR18:6

Earlier in the morning than others not winners of the prize of the high calling. R2109:5, R2504:4; HG745:3

As Israel's deliverance did not come in the night in which the Passover was eaten, but in the morning which followed it. R2918:3

As Jesus was raised-- "very early in the morning." (Luke 24:1) R3375:3

As Jesus came to the disciples in the midst of the storm in the fourth watch of the night. (Matt. 14:25) R2650:5

6 Troubled have been nations, Moved have been kingdoms, He hath given forth with His voice, earth melteth. Uttered his voice – "The voice of the archangel." (1 Thes. 4:16) B147

Assumed command. B147

God will speak "Peace" in tones that will shake not only the earth (social structure), but also the heavens (ecclesiasical structure). R2515:2

The earth melted – Organized society disintegrated, the systems of error going down. B147; A323

The kingdoms were moved – Here God is giving us the key that mountains represent kingdoms. In verse 2 it was the mountains that were shaken (moved), here it is the kingdoms. See HGL427:2.
7 Jehovah of Hosts [is] with us, A tower for us [is] the God of Jacob. Selah.
8 Come ye, see the works of Jehovah, Who hath done astonishing things in the earth, Desolations – Divine wrath. SM188:1

He wounds to heal. R1869:3

He hath made – Truth on every subject, however, or by whomsoever uttered, is the voice of God. R686:6

"Behold, the Lord maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste." (Isa. 24:1) R686:6

9 Causing wars to cease, Unto the end of the earth, the bow he shivereth, And the spear He hath cut asunder, Chariots he doth burn with fire. Maketh wars to cease – By the "desolations" of verse 8.

The nations will be so satiated with bloodshed that they will willingly turn and seek for purity and peace. R35:2*, R269:1, R532:3

With the crisis of its trouble, the world will be saved from its own madness by the establishment of Messiah's Kingdom. R5852:2

By subduing all classes and enforcing principles of righteousness in the Millennium. A333; E372

In the fire – In the destruction of the time of trouble. D528

10 Desist, and know that I [am] God, I am exalted among nations, I am exalted in the earth. Be still – "After the fire a still small voice." (1 Kings 19:12) R3414:6, R2334:5

The time of trouble will paralyze the whole world. Q204:9

Desist from your former ways, O people. A323

God's message to babbling, clamorous, self -assertive humanity in the time of trouble. D637; B78

Out of the wild commotion of that stormy sea, God will bring order and peace. R3114:1

Applicable to the Church now. R687:1

Those who bid their own wills and prejudices to be still are learning now, from God's Word, the blessed truth. R687:4

And know – Come to the knowledge. A323

After the trouble the Lord will command the nations to be still and recognize him as God. R5364:1

Then the preparatory work will be accomplished, and the proper work of the new Kingdom may begin. R763:5

I am God – That the Lord's Anointed has taken the dominion. R1095:1, R1423:2, R1715:1

I will be exalted – The only true basis of peace is righteousness. SM606:2; CR114:5

Among the heathen – Rich and poor of every nation shall gradually be made aware of the changed conditions, and all lovers of righteousness will rejoice. SM456:T

Therefore the heathen cannot be going to an everlasting hell. R870:4*

Exalted In the earth – In the new order or arrangement of society. A324

After 6000 years of human pride and boasting. R2145:6

11 Jehovah of hosts [is] with us, A tower for us [is] the God of Jacob! Selah.
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