Psalms Chapter 37 [YLT]

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Psalms 36   Psalms (YLT) Chapter Index   Psalms 38

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1 By David. Fret not thyself – The New Creature should not be distressed over political, financial or other wrongdoings. F592

Under the Millennial order of things right-doers are to be exalted and evildoers restrained and punished. B138

Do not fret because of evil doers, Be not envious against doers of iniquity,
2 For as grass speedily they are cut off, And as the greenness of the tender grass do fade. They shall soon be – Verses 1 to 19 give clear prophectic testimony relative to the Kingdom and its operation on behalf of the poor--its overthrow of injustice and the general equalization of human affairs. B138

Cut down – In the reign of Christ. R492:6

3 Trust in Jehovah, and do good, Dwell [in] the land, and enjoy faithfulness, Do good – So much the more as ye see the day drawing on, "strengthen ye the weak hands and confirm the feeble knees." (Isa. 35:3) R707:5

Especially when confronted with "perils among false brethren." (2 Cor. 11:26) R4540:3

Rather earn a humbler living with godliness and contentment and spend more time in his service, doing good unto all as you have opportunity. R1243:3

To forward the truth and suffer for it. R1102:5

Thou shalt be fed – Our food and water will be sure. He will never leave nor forsake his own. R1840:1

Naturally and spiritually. R2021:5

It is improper for saints to ask alms. R4101:5*

4 And delight thyself on Jehovah, And He giveth to thee the petitions of thy heart. Delight thyself – This is a step further than trusting. "I delight to do thy will, O my God." (Psa. 40:8) R1840:1

To delight thus in the Lord is to have the affections centered on him. R1840:2

The heart that is continually looking for divine direction is continuously in a prayerful attitude. No other condition is proper to the Christian. R3806:1

The desires – If those desires are in harmony with his plan. R4983:6

5 Roll on Jehovah thy way, And trust upon Him, and He worketh, Commit thy way – It is not sufficient that we merely place ourselves in the hand of the Lord. R4790:1

Before becoming entangled in multiplied cares and hampered by the outcome of our own misguided course. R1554:2

Bring it to pass – Their fervent prayers will avail much. R1840:4

Blessings and peace, even in the midst of the storms of life; and eventually glory, honor and immortality through Christ. R4506:4

6 And hath brought out as light thy righteousness, And thy judgment as noon-day. He shall bring forth – In his own due time. R3820:3

There is likely to be in all our affairs a time in which, if we have been misunderstood and misrepresented, the truth will ultimately be brought forth. R2888:2

Thus we can rejoice when we are accounted worthy of misrepresentation for his sake. R1193:4

Thy righteousness – Thus silencing all our opposers. R1102:5, R1816:1

As the light – Clear, cloudless and widely manifest. R5803:5

As God was ultimately glorified by Daniel's course of letting his light shine. R3639:3

Thy judgment – Character will, in every case, be revealed in due time and meet its just recompense. R801:5*

7 Be silent for Jehovah, and stay thyself for Him, Do not fret because of him Who is making prosperous his way, Because of a man doing wicked devices. Rest in the LORD – Do not make the mistake of expecting him to give you the desires of your heart instantly. R1840:5

Wait patiently – We must not be disappointed and allow our faith to falter when the test of patient endurance is applied. R5802:6, R1840:5

"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." (Isa. 40:31) R1840:5

Outward peace and calm are not always the conditions best suited to our needs as New Creatures. R5803:1

Our Father has not forgotten us when the answer to our prayers seems delayed. R5803:1

For the grand outworking of his plan. R1070:1

8 Desist from anger, and forsake fury, Fret not thyself only to do evil.
9 For evil doers are cut off, As to those waiting on Jehovah, they possess the land. For evil doers – All who, after coming to a clear knowledge of the truth, still wilfully disobey it. E388

Unless they attain the spirit of love, they will not be fit for the Kingdom, for God is love. SM230:2

From the mention of the character of this class it is manifest that the Second Death into which they are cast is not a death to sin, as Universalists claim. R1443:5

Shall be cut off – During the Millennial age. A67; R492:6, R443:1; HG538:2

"From among the people" (Acts 3:23) in the Second Death. E473; R2763:5, R1878:6, R1272:5

Because God has no pleasure in them that love evil. R1781:3

This rule, however, does not apply to the Gospel age. R2061:1

But those – During the Millennial age. E240

That wait upon – The Prince of life will use for servants the pure, the holy, the reverent, the godly. OV91:1

10 And yet a little, and the wicked is not, And thou hast considered his place, and it is not. Wicked shall not be – God tells us plainly that the nature of the everlasting punishment of the wicked will be death, destruction. R2607:3

Contrary to the teachings of Universalism. R3083:6

It is merciful on God's part to destroy the incorrigibly wicked. R3083:6

11 And the humble do possess the land, And they have delighted themselves In the abundance of peace. Meek shall inherit – Not yet. Today they seldom even get a good slice of it. CR493:5

In the reign of Christ. R492:6

Of peace – "God has called us to peace." (1Cor. 7:15) God's Word has many messages on peace. R2946:3

12 The wicked is devising against the righteous, And gnashing against him his teeth.
13 The Lord doth laugh at him, For He hath seen that his day cometh.
14 A sword have the wicked opened, And they have trodden their bow, To cause to fall the poor and needy, To slaughter the upright of the way.
15 Their sword doth enter into their own heart, And their bows are shivered.
16 Better [is] the little of the righteous, Than the store of many wicked. Little that a righteous – The Christian does not strive as anxiously as others for his full rights and full share of present blessings. R1245:2

17 For the arms of the wicked are shivered, And Jehovah is sustaining the righteous.
18 Jehovah knoweth the days of the perfect, And their inheritance is to the age.
19 They are not ashamed in a time of evil, And in days of famine they are satisfied.
20 But the wicked perish, and the enemies of Jehovah, As the preciousness of lambs, Have been consumed, In smoke they have been consumed. Wicked shall perish – All who, after coming to a clear knowledge of the truth, wilfully disobey it. R1878:6

Suffer the loss of everlasting life and all of its privileges, joys and blessings. E388

Perish does not mean preserve. SM521:T

"All the wicked will he destroy." (Psa. 145:20) R2607:3, R891:5

We do not find one verse in the Bible saying that the wicked can have life in torment or in any other condition. R2607:3, R1039:6

21 The wicked is borrowing and repayeth not, And the righteous is gracious and giving.
22 For His blessed ones do possess the land, And His reviled ones are cut off.
23 From Jehovah [are] the steps of a man, They have been prepared, And his way he desireth. The steps – Walking in the right paths. R4628:6, R3155:6

"The Lord knoweth the way of the righteous." (Psa.1:6) R3155:6

Of a good man – A righteous man, reconciled to God through the death of his Son. R4628:6, R3156:1

Are ordered – The Lord will surely direct the path of such. R5711:5, R4628:6

Especially in respect to the service of the truth. R3157:2

Sometimes in sending financial or social disappointments or sickness to bring back his wandering sheep. R3157:2

The providence of God over his sons is a very particular providence. R1561:2

Therefore, the Christian should never view any experience as being lucky or unlucky. R4628:6

God does not arbitrarily interfere in the affairs of his people, set aside their free agency, and force them to move as mere machines. R3156:5

We must scrutinize the circumstances of life, lest that which is only a device of Satan be mistaken for the providence of God, and an indication of his will. R614:2,3

By the LORD – Who exercises supervision over his individual affairs. R3155:6

And he delighteth – Because of confidence in God's love and wisdom. R2762:6

In his way – In God's way; because, be it ever so thorny, narrow and rocky, he knows the end is best. R2762:6

24 When he falleth, he is not cast down, For Jehovah is sustaining his hand. Though he fall – The feet class. R1268:2

Err in judgment and bring upon himself the consequences of his error. R3156:6

The noblest characters you have ever known in the racecourse have made failures at times. CR153:1

A just man will not fall into sin. The very most that could happen to him would be to stumble. R5218:3

While all the Bride will not fall with Babylon, yet some, really children of God, will fall, yet not be utterly cast down. R177:5

He shall not be – But, in due time, by constant effort, be able at least measurably to overcome the weaknesses of his nature. R628:5*

Utterly cast down – Which would mean Second Death. CR153:1; R3157:5

LORD upholdeth him – By making his blunders and weaknesses react so as to establish him in righteousness and fit him for joint-heirship in the Kingdom. R3156:6, R5218:3

With his hand – He will not let go of us as long as we are striving to walk in his way. R3157:5

His hand is still held by the Lord. R3157:4

25 Young I have been, I have also become old, And I have not seen the righteous forsaken, And his seed seeking bread. The righteous forsaken – The Lord's children and work will get along without us; but a loss of opportunity and blessing will be sustained by us if we do not assist. R548:3,4

Begging bread – Each has confidence regarding the bread, water and plain clothing. What they fear is the loss of some of the comforts, the luxuries that God has not guaranteed us. R832:5

Does not exclude the providing of means for their deliverance. R1963:1 *

The Lord may provide through their own industry, through the generosity of friends, or by public provision. R2021:5

Accepting proffered help is not begging. R2021:5

It is improper for saints to ask alms. R4101:5*

26 All the day he is gracious and lending, And his seed [is] for a blessing.
27 Turn aside from evil, and do good, and dwell to the age.
28 For Jehovah is loving judgment, And He doth not forsake His saintly ones, To the age they have been kept, And the seed of the wicked is cut off.
29 The righteous possess the land, And they dwell for ever on it.
30 The mouth of the righteous uttereth wisdom, And his tongue speaketh judgment.
31 The law of his God [is] his heart, His steps do not slide. Is in his heart – Symbolized by the breastplate's being bound to the High Priest's heart. R72:1

None of his steps – The Word of God furnishes principles, precepts, and examples broad enough to indicate the Lord's will in the minutest affairs of life. R614:4

32 The wicked is watching for the righteous, And is seeking to put him to death.
33 Jehovah doth not leave him in his hand, Nor condemn him in his being judged.
34 Look unto Jehovah, and keep His way, And He doth exalt thee to possess the land, In the wicked being cut off thou seest!
35 I have seen the wicked terrible, And spreading as a green native plant, Seen the wicked – At the present evil time. CR493:4; HG538:3

In great power – It is seldom indeed that God visits punishment upon the world in the present time. He has appointed a day in which he will judge the world by Christ Jesus. R569:5

Spreading himself – During the time in which evil has been permitted. A68; R492:3

36 And he passeth away, and lo, he is not, And I seek him, and he is not found!
37 Observe the perfect, and see the upright, For the latter end of each [is] peace.
38 And transgressors were destroyed together, The latter end of the wicked was cut off.
39 And the salvation of the righteous [is] from Jehovah, Their strong place in a time of adversity.
40 And Jehovah doth help them and deliver them, He delivereth them from the wicked, And saveth them, Because they trusted in Him!
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