Psalms Chapter 24 [YLT]

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1 A Psalm of David. The earth – The joint care of which, with its fulness, was committed to mankind by God as a stewardship. D310

The symbolic earth, the new social order. R3113:3

Is the LORD'S – From the time that "the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ." (Rev. 11:15) R3113:3

The fulness thereof – Every good and every perfect gift cometh down from the Father through the Son. R5680:5

To Jehovah [is] the earth and its fulness, The world and the inhabitants in it.
2 For He on the seas hath founded it, And on the floods He doth establish it. Upon the seas – After God had said "Be still" to the restless sea-element of society. R3113:6

The new earth will be established upon the ruins of the old. R3113:6

God is founding his new order of things in the midst of seas of discontent. R5680:5

The new earth will be stablished where the sea now is; the class symbolized by "the sea" shall be no more--"There shall be no more sea." (Rev 21:1) R1814:2

Upon the floods – Replacing anarchy. R3113:6

3 Who goeth up into the hill of Jehovah And who riseth up in His holy place Who shall ascend – Go as true subjects, loyal citizens, no longer aliens and strangers. R3114:1

Hill of the LORD – Jerusalem was built on a double-top mountain, symbolizing the unity of the kingly and priestly qualities in the glorified Church, and also the heavenly and earthly phases of the Kingdom. A301

After the time of trouble there will be only one mountain, or hill, left--the Kingdom of God. R3114:1

Who shall stand – Be counted worthy to remain. R3114:1

In his holy place – The spiritual phase of the Kingdom of God. A301; D582; R5680:5

4 The clean of hands, and pure of heart, Who hath not lifted up to vanity his soul, Nor hath sworn to deceit. He – Whether as an heir or as a subject of the Kingdom. R3114:2

Hath clean hands – An honest life. D582

Clean actions, clean conduct, determined opposition and resistance to sin in all its forms. R3114:2

Righteous living to the best of one's ability. R5680:5

The one ultimate standard of admission to blessedness in the future is character. R800:5*

A character which is the outcome of true faith exercised unto godliness. R3114:2

Free from self-emulation and human glorying. R2275:1

Among whom the delusions of error can make no headway. R2275:1

The best provision which parents can make for their children for the time of trouble is to give them faithful instruction in righteousness. R1963:5

And a pure heart – An honest heart. R5680:5

Void of offense towards God and man. D582

A will, intention or purpose that always, like the needle to the pole, turns toward righteousness, truth, purity, cleanliness of person, clothing, language, habits, and companionship. R3114:4

A single-hearted purpose to glorify God and bless fellow men. R2275:1

Lifted up his soul – Aspired to be great, or good, or wise in the eyes of men. R2275:2

Unto vanity – But is humble, meek, modest, candid and sincere. R3114:4

Cultivating no earthly ambition or pride, but patiently waiting for the glory to follow the course of present self-sacrifice. R3826:5

Nor sworn deceitfully – Ignoring or despising his covenant with God. R3114:5, R3826:5, R5680:6, R2275:2

5 He beareth away a blessing from Jehovah, Righteousness from the God of his salvation. He shall receive – Those who have done all they have covenanted to do. R5680:5

The blessing – The promised share in the Kingdom. R3826:6

And righteousness – Perfection, full deliverance from present imperfections. R3826:6

6 This [is] a generation of those seeking Him. Seeking Thy face, O Jacob! Selah. That seek thy face – None can obtain God's blessings without seeking them through Christ. R3114:5

O Jacob – O God of Jacob. (Margin) R3114:5

7 Lift up, O gates, your heads, And be lifted up, O doors age-during, And come in doth the king of glory! The King of glory – Jehovah. E44

We are still waiting for the entrance of this King of Glory in the full sense of the word. R5680:6

The Pope is the imitation "king of glory." R1002:3

8 Who [is] this 'the king of glory ' Jehovah strong and mighty, Jehovah, the mighty in battle. Mighty in battle – In the time of trouble. D549

9 Lift up, O gates, your heads, And be lifted up, O doors age-during, And come in doth the king of glory!
10 Who [is] He this 'king of glory ' Jehovah of hosts He [is] the king of glory! Selah.
Psalms 23   Psalms (YLT) Chapter Index   Psalms 25
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