Psalms Chapter 23 [YLT]

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1 A Psalm of David. The LORD – Jehovah. E45; F251, F396

Jehovah, the great over-shepherd, appointed his Son to be the under-shepherd. R5490:1, R2706:5

In David's day, the arrangements for the shepherd and the flock of John 10:1-16 had not been completed. R2672:1

All the features of this Psalm are applicable to our Redeemer himself, as well as to his followers. R5653:6

Is my shepherd – Jehovah is the shepherd in the largest sense of the word; Jesus is the great shepherd to all the flock; every local elder is a shepherd in a local capacity. F251

Fed by Messiah "in the strength of Jehovah." (Mic 5:4) E45

Originally the Jewish nation constituted this flock, David himself being one of the sheep. R5490:2

In the present time, the Little Flock only. R3268:3, R1396:2

The only begotten Son is called the Lamb of God, and all his people are styled his sheep. R2441:2

Of the antitypical David--Christ, Head and Body. R4851:3, R5490:3

The shepherd has particular care over the affairs of spiritual Israel. R5490:2, R5491:1

Sheep are meek, docile; when they hear the voice of the shepherd, they run to obey it. R3116:2

I shall not want – Temporal necessities. "Bread shall be given him; his waters shall be sure." (Isa. 33:16) R1745:2, R4279:3

Light. "Unto him shall be given the light of life." (John 8:12) R1745:2

Care and discipline. "Whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and scourgeth every son." (Heb 12:6) R1745:5, R4279:3

Consolation and fellowship. "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee." (Heb 13:5) R1745:5

Anything. "All things work together for good to them that love God." (Rom 8:28) R1396:3, R5654:2

The only condition connected with this promise is that we shall abide in his love and follow his directions. R4279:3

Those who are proper sheep trust wholly to his guidance, and are thus relieved of that anxious craving so common to the world. R3269:2

Though the promises of God's Word may not hinder us from feeling pain, they will modify the pain and its frequency. R2083:3

Jehovah [is] my shepherd, I do not lack,
2 In pastures of tender grass He causeth me to lie down, By quiet waters He doth lead me. To lie down – To rest, the rest of faith. R3116:5, R4279:5

This rest, this peace of heart, is absolutely essential to our development as New Creatures. R4279:5

In green pastures – Of spiritual refreshment, private devotions, studies of divine things, and Christian fellowship. R3269:3

Being spiritually fed and refreshed. R5654:2

We shall be bountifully fed with meat in due season. R1396:5

He leadeth me – Away from the strife of worldly ambition. R3269:4

Divine leading is necessary to find the streams of truth and grace. R3269:4

To appreciate the desirableness of his ways and the undesirableness of every other way. R5654:3

Shielding us from every foe and the dangerous pitfalls that lie in our path. R5490:6

The still waters – The deep waters of Present Truth. R3295:6

Streams of truth and grace. R3269:4, R5654:2

Living, but comparatively quiet waters. R3269:4

3 My soul He refresheth, He leadeth me in paths of righteousness, For His name's sake, Restoreth my soul – Justified me to life. R3269:5, R1396:5

He brings me back to himself. R5654:3

In the paths – The path marked out by the Word of the Lord as one of meekness, faith, patience, love, etc. R1646:5

Of righteousness – Suitable for spiritual development. R3269:5

All his ways are perfect, righteous. R5654:3

For his name's sake – Because we are his and because we trust in his name, in his merit. R1396:5

Because I am his child I bear his name. R3116:5

His promise is involved; his honor is at stake. R4280:1

4 Also when I walk in a valley of death-shade, I fear no evil, for Thou [art] with me, Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me. Yea, though I walk – In common with all the rest of the world of mankind. R3269:5, R5654:3

Through the valley – Far below the mountaintops of life and perfection. R360:3

The valley of sin, with its broad road to destruction and its narrow way to life. R3269:5

The farther we go into this valley the darker it becomes, until the last spark of life expires. R15:2

Of the shadow – The journey of life, since the fall, has been through a vale of tears, upon which rests the shadow of death. R3116:5

Lingering on the brink of death. T90

Of death – I was born in this valley and I shall die in it. R1396:5

We have been in this valley for more than 6000 years, but the end of it is near. R4280:2, R5654:4

I will fear no evil – No failure of thy sure covenant. R1396:5

Because the Shepherd is with us. R4280:3

They realize that divine love has provided a redemption R3269:6

We should seek to drive away our fears, giving heed to God's Word, having it before our minds and considering its precious promises concerning God's love and care. Q272:2

For thou art with me – Even here. R1396:5

Thy rod – Such chastisements as are necessary to correct me and to bring me back into fellowship with the flock. R2672:5, R4663:1

And thy staff – Of promise and hope. R1396:5

Of providential care. R1721:3

A rod for our correction; a staff for our relief, assistance, and protection. R4280:3

Even straying sheep the Shepherd will not leave. R5654:2

If one becomes overcharged with the cares of this life the Lord may permit affliction or disaster to teach a lesson that could not otherwise be learned. R4663:1

They comfort me – Protect me from difficulties and defend me from enemies. R3269:6

"Before I was afflicted I went astray." (Psa. 119:67) F648

The rod and the staff are designed to bring back the sheep from some course leading in the wrong direction, away from the Shepherd's footsteps. F648

5 Thou arrangest before me a table, Over-against my adversaries, Thou hast anointed with oil my head, My cup is full! Thou – As my host. R3270:1

Preparest a table – To the end that his children should be so full of happiness as to bubble over all the time. R1494:2

Divine truth. R3270:2

Clean, good, orderly, bountiful, beautiful. (Contrast Isa. 28:8) R1475:2

The Lord girds himself and sets before us rich things from his storehouse--things old and new. R4280:5, R3455:5

Especially since his presence. R4280:5

The privilege of feasting at this table, even when misunderstood and opposed, represents God's provision and favor to his people. R5654:4

Of mine enemies – The Adversary and the wicked spirits in high places. R3270:1

They see the bounties and feel jealous, but refuse to accept the good things we would so freely share with them. R3396:1

Anointest my head – Christ Jesus, the Head of the Body. R5654:5, R3270:4

With oil – Symbol of the holy Spirit. T116

My cup – Both of joy and sorrow, sweet and bitter; represented in the communion cup. R3270:4, R5654:5

Our cup is full, but we would not wish it one drop less. R5654:5

It represents sorrows unto death. R4555:5

Runneth over – A cup of joy and of sorrow; in both respects it overflows. R3270:4, R4280:6, R4555:5

6 Only goodness and kindness pursue me, All the days of my life, And my dwelling [is] in the house of Jehovah, For a length of days! Surely goodness – The few who can join in this expression of confidence have therein a great joy and rest of heart which none others possess. R5425:2

Shall follow me – "Pursue me" appears to be the stricter translation. R4280:6

It has already begun, and will follow beyond the veil. R3270:4

God's goodness and mercy, following us every day and every moment, making all things work together for our good. R5654:6

And I will dwell – In the present life, through faith. R2642:5

In the house – The heavenly state, in the Father's house on high. R3270:5, R5654:6; CR92:3

Of the LORD for ever – As his child, a member of his household. R3116:5

He will be our Shepherd to the end of the way, receiving us into the glorious condition at the end of the journey. CR92:3

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