Psalms Chapter 2 [YLT]

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1 Why have nations tumultuously assembled And do peoples meditate vanity Why do the heathen – The nations. R1385:1

This Psalm is a prophecy of Jesus at his first advent and still further of the entire Christ, including the Church, and their final exaltation as the Millennial Kingdom. R1384:3

Though applied in Acts 4:25-27 to events connected with our Lord's crucifixion, the fulness of the import belongs to the time of the second advent. R1384:6

Rage – Tumultuously assemble. A271

In the worldwide commotion and discontent already prevailing. R1385:1

A vain thing – As the cry of Peace, Peace, when there is no peace. D239

Vain schemes, such as Communism, Socialism, Nihilism, Anarchism. God's remedy is the only one that will cure. R1385:1

Every nation in this war (1915) seems to believe itself God's favored people whose ultimate mission is to rule the world. They are all in error. R5788:3

2 Station themselves do kings of the earth, And princes have been united together, Against Jehovah, and against His Messiah: Kings of the earth – Civil and ecclesiastical authorities. D239

Set themselves – In opposition. D52

The rulers – Religious, financial, and political. R1385:1; SM695:2

Take counsel together – For the preservation of the present inequities in the world by which they are profiting. SM695:2

"Associate yourselves (unite), O ye people and ye shall be broken in pieces; ... take counsel together and it shall come to nought." (Isa. 8:9, 10) R1079:5

Against the LORD – Against Jehovah. R1385:1

Against his anointed – The Head of The Christ in the Jewish harvest, and the feet members in the Gospel age harvest. B263

The King, who has come to rule in righteousness and whose presence and power is now forcing upon the minds of men the perplexing questions of the hour. R1519:3

The kings of the earth do not know that by attempting to uphold their present institutions they are really fighting against the establishment of the Lord's Kingdom. R1385:1, R1425:5

Saying – This word is supplied by the translators of the Standard (KJV) version of the Bible and has resulted in confusion. It is not the kings of earth which are talking in verse 3, it is the Lord our God and His Son.
3 'Let us draw off Their cords, And cast from us Their thick bands.' Let us – Jehovah and his Anointed. R1385:2

The kings and rulers of earth. D52

Those seeking freedom from the restraints of consecration. R4707:1

Break their bands – The restraints which the people are putting upon them, seeking to reinaugurate a reign of autocracy. SM695:2

The combinations of those who have banded themselves together to oppose the setting up of the Kingdom. R1385:2

The Adversary still leads the world into all kinds of excesses in the name of liberty. R4707:1

Their cords – By which they endeavor to retain control of their kingdoms. R1385:2

Let us – Jehovah and His Son Jesus.

Break their bands – The various treaties and trusts which the kings of Europe made in an attempt to retain their power over the people.
4 He who is sitting in the heavens doth laugh, The Lord doth mock at them. Shall laugh – The Lord shall have them and their wonderful banding together in derision. R1385:2

"I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh." (Prov. 1:26) R1519:4

The Lord – Adonai, Jesus. E48

Shall have them – Their futile schemes. R1079:5

5 Then doth He speak unto them in His anger, And in His wrath He doth trouble them: Then – Since they persistently neglect to heed his warnings. D52

He – The Lord. R5574:2

Them – The world. R5574:2

In his wrath – The great time of trouble just approaching. R1385:3

Also merciful and gracious to those who will then turn unto him. R5989:2

He who smites them in his wrath is also merciful and gracious, unwilling that any should perish but desirous that they should obey his counsels and live. R5989:2

Sore displeasure – Hot and just displeasure. D631

6 'And I I have anointed My King, Upon Zion My holy hill.' Yet – Meanwhile. R1385:3

Have I – Jehovah. D632; R1352:6

Set my king – Anointed my king. A271

Already the Father has appointed our Lord as King, and will soon deliver to him the power and glory of his office. R5181:3

Since 1878 AD. R1914:2, R5990:2

Upon my holy hill – The Kingdom of God. OV272:3[OV272]

Or "hill of the sanctuary," being the original site of the Tabernacle, pitched by David for the reception of the Ark. R1648:3[R1648]

7 I declare concerning a statute: Jehovah said unto me, 'My Son Thou [art], I to-day have brought thee forth. I will declare – He (Jesus) will first make plain to the world that it is by the Father's decree that he takes possession. R1385:4

The decree – The decree is that the dominion shall be taken from them, that he whose right it is shall take the kingdom and that the nations shall be given to him for an inheritance. D12

The LORD – Jehovah. E48

Thou art my Son – God honored him in this way. R5472:3; E72

"He that honoreth not the Son, honoreth not the Father which sent him." (John 5:23) E72

Begotten thee – Fulfilled when our Lord Jesus, at 30 years, consecrated himself wholly to the will and plan of God. R1385:4

Borne, or delivered thee, from death by a resurrection. R2149:6

This day have I begotten thee – Quoted by the Apostle Paul and applied to Jesus' resurrection in Acts 13:33-34.

Br. Russell's application is two-fold.
1. In R2149:6 refers to Jesus' resurrection.
2. In R1385:4 applies to Jesus at age 30.

So which is it? Was our Lord Jesus 'begotten' of the Father when he symbolized his complete consecration to God by water immersion at age 30? Or was it when God raised him from the death on the third day after he had completed his sacrifice at Calvary?

When properly understood, both thoughts are correct. This is more easily seen when we understand the in both the Hebrew and the Greek, the word for "begat" and "born" are the same word. What caused the Bible translators to translate it as "begat," "begotten" or as "born" was the active agent. If the active agent was male, they used "begat" or "begotten," and if it was female, they used "born."
A primitive root; to bear young; causatively to beget; medically to act as midwife; specifically to show lineage: - bear, beget, birth ([-day]), born, (make to) bring forth (children, young), bring up, calve, child, come, be delivered (of a child), time of delivery, gender, hatch, labour, (do the office of a) midwife, declare pedigrees, be the son of, (woman in, woman that) travail (-eth, -ing woman).

Old Testament examples of ילד (H3205) include:

From a variation of G1085; to procreate (properly of the father, but by extension of the mother); figuratively to regenerate: - bear, beget, be born, bring forth, conceive, be delivered of, gender, make, spring.

New Testament examples of γεννάω (G1080) include: All the "begats" in Matt. 1; 1:20; Matt 1:16 And Jacob begat G1080 Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born G1080 Jesus, who is called Christ.
8 Ask of Me and I give nations thy inheritance, And thy possession the ends of earth. Ask – The Redeemer will not ask for the world until his Church will have been gathered to glory. R5493:4, R1385:4; CR490:6; CR51:5; R4476:4, R5054:6; HG669:2

When Christ shall have paid over the ransom-price. R5683:3; SM666:1

The Lord did not ask for his great power sooner. He was well contented with the divine times and seasons. SM436:1

This worldwide dominion has not yet come to Messiah. "Darkness covers the earth and gross darkness the heathen." (Isa. 60:2) CR50:2; SM435:1

God will make his enemies his footstool. R5054 Pray for. R5493:4

Messiah, after finishing his work, shall make application for a kingdom which divine providence has already arranged for, and which divine prophecy has already foretold. R5492:3

Misapplied by the Papacy to the Papal Millennium. HG268:6; HG269:1

Of me – Jehovah. R5777:4, R5492:3

I shall give thee – "The God of heaven shall set up a kingdom." (Dan. 2:44) A308

It is Jehovah's power that will bring about the Millennial victory of The Christ. R3079:5, R5492:2

This, we believe, is at the door because the Lord is about to take possession of the Church. R5622:3, R4476:4

Our Lord will make application of the ransom-price for the world. Then ignorance and superstition will be supplanted by divine enlightenment. SM666:1; R4819:5

In "due time," when the Church shall have passed into heavenly glory. SM666:1

During Messiah's reign the Lord Jesus will be given full power and authority to control the world. This is the particular business appointed to him. R5022:6

Messiah will take possession of man's inheritance purchased by him for humanity at Calvary. The nations will become Christ's by the conquering power of the time of trouble. HG669:4

The heathen – The nations. D12; Q29:4

Who are not now members of the household of faith. R5777:4, R5493:4

God's due time for giving the heathen to Christ is in the Millennial age and not in this Gospel age. R1710:4

For thine inheritance – God is about to show the world the true and beneficial operation of the Law of Primogeniture. R1164:2

The King's Son is soon to receive his long-promised inheritance. R5489:5

When the Church shall have inherited the Kingdom they will be prepared to do the work of judging the world. R5776:4

Uttermost parts – Jesus gained the right to control all for whom he died. R43:5*, R483: 6*

Of the earth – The purchased possession includes the world of nature. R593:3

9 Thou dost rule them with a sceptre of iron, As a vessel of a potter Thou dost crush them.' Thou – The Christ, Head and Body. B77, B100; R30:6*

Shalt break them – In the great time of trouble just approaching. R1385:3, R5527:4, R5493:4, R268:4, R1092:2, R1095:1, R1692:5

When the selection of the Church shall have been completed. CR51:5; SM441:1

When the work of destruction is accomplished the people will return to the Lord and he will heal them. A256; R1869:3

The iron rod of Christ's rule must bring down every high thing and subdue all things unto him. R1735:3

Breaking up all their former habits and customs as well as breaking up present institutions founded upon these false habits and false ideas of liberty. A302

He wounds to heal. The lessons of the time of trouble will be salutary. R5493:4

Men must learn their own impotence and the true Master; just as every colt must be "broken" before it is of value. D378

The myriads of ignorant and barbarous heathen who have gone down to the grave with lifelong habits of fierce passion and deep degradation. HG31:2

The thousand-year period, known as the Millennium, is set apart for this work. Q69:5

This does not commence until the sounding of the seventh trumpet. HG13:6

This war (1915) was allowed to occur at about the end of the Times of the Gentiles, the appropriate time when they are to be dashed to pieces with the iron rod of the iron rule. R5632:3[R5632:5]

The present [1915] smiting of the nations is under Kingdom control. [R5632:1]

With a rod – Symbol of divine authority. R4058:4

The rod will be merely for temporary service, bringing the race back to their original privilege as kings of the earth. R5377:4

He will rule with the iron rod to the intent that all mankind may learn the divine law and have the divine blessing. R4819:5

Of iron – Of unbending and just retribution. R1423:2

With firmness and vigor, cutting off every opportunity to do wrong to others or to oneself. A302

Shalt dash them – By the tumult of contending factions. R362:1

The Gentile governments. B77, B100

The present strife in Europe (1914-1918) is only the beginning of the great trouble and overthrow of the nations. R5735:4

Intimating that in some sense the Lord will take possession of these before they have been completely overthrown. R5631:5

In the midst of the time of trouble. HG14:1

Everything appertaining to present institutions contrary to the divine standards of justice will be rudely shaken and eventually destroyed. R5493:4

As a result of manifesting the judgments of the lord in the world. (2Thess 1:7-10) R5527:4

When "the kingdom is the Lord's and he is Governor among the nations." (Psa. 22:27,28) R321:2

Jesus' title, the Prince of Peace, will not then apply to him. R5136:4

In pieces – "In the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, and it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms." (Dan 2:44) HG75:5

Potter's vessel – The existing institutions, those vessels of the Adversary potter. SM717:1

Break them ... in pieces – This is the same language used to describe the 'slaughter weapon' carried by the 6 men of Eze. 9. (See additional comments Eze. 9:2) These follow after the 'Man clothed in linen with the writer's inkhorn by his side' and go through the city and smite the various ones described there. (Eze. 9:5-6)

With a rod of iron – How appropriate indeed! It was the 'legs of iron' (Roman empire) and the 'feet of iron and clay' (Papal Rome) that did such damage to the Lord's people. See Dan. 2:40-43.

Dash them in pieces – See Dan. 2:44

To see just how amazingly this prophecy has been fulfilled see Additiona Comments Eze. 38:13. Especially look for "Updated Information."
10 And now, O kings, act wisely, Be instructed, O judges of earth, Be wise ... O ye kings – Ye powers of Christendom. D52

Including financial kings. OV86:4

Those nations who heartily accept Messiah's rule will be saved from the breaking process. SM441:3

Be instructed – God's Word furnishes the only principles which, if put in operation, would avert the dread calamity now impending. R1369:1

Part of Messiah's Kingdom work will be to stop the anarchy when it shall have done its work, when it shall have demonstrated to the human race that nothing that man can do will be able to help the race. R5567:2

11 Serve ye Jehovah with fear, And rejoice with trembling. Serve the LORD – The conditions of consecration for mankind in the next age will not be sacrifice, but obedience to God and his law of love. R442:6

With fear – Respect. R442:6

With trembling – "Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall." (1 Cor. 10:12) OV272:3; B300

12 Kiss the Chosen One, lest He be angry, And ye lose the way, When His anger burneth but a little, O the happiness of all trusting in Him! Kiss the Son – Misapplied by the Pope to himself in compelling kings and emperors to kiss his great toe. OV272:3; B300; R54:4, R305:4; HG269:4

Make friends with the Son. A272

Yield cheerful, willing submission to the Lord. B300; A272

The Greek word translated "worship" in the New Testament is proskuneo which signifies "to kiss the hand," as a dog licks the hand of his master. The significance is reverence. E72

God's last warning to Christendom. D52

Now or never (as nations) they may recognize their new king by abandoning oppression and establishing justice. Now is the time to concede to all men their natural rights. R713:4

Lest he be angry – Lest he bring the threatened Day of Vengeance. D52

Scriptures intimate that all nations will be found in violent opposition to the heavenly Kingdom and hence will be crushed as the vessels of a potter. CR51:6

But a little – For his wrath may soon be kindled. A272

Are all they – Primarily the consecrated Church as the time of trouble draws near. R1385:5

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