Psalms Chapter 19 [YLT]

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1 To the Overseer. A Psalm of David. The heavens declare – By their numberless multitude, their orderly grouping, their continual yet never conflicting movements, their perfect harmony, their magnitude and mutual benign influence. R1391:1

Much more shall his intelligent creatures exhibit, in variety, the glory of his power. A188

But many wise men who study these wonderful works of God do not appreciate the love of God. They have a certain knowledge of his power, but few appreciate his character. R5717:2

The glory of God – Speaking of an intelligent designer, wisely adapting means to good and benevolent ends, and ministering to the necessities of his intelligent creatures. R1562:6

We stand awestruck at the immensity of space and at the law and order which everywhere reign. R5210:3

An appreciation of the infinite power of the Creator and of our own littleness should make us teachable. PD1/7

The magnificent pageantry of the heavens, daily and nightly should elicit our praise and adoration. R1815:1

They tell of the order and harmony of the circling spheres, and of the benevolent purposes of God. R1560:3

The heavens [are] recounting the honour of God, And the work of His hands The expanse [is] declaring.
2 Day to day uttereth speech, And night to night sheweth knowledge. Sheweth knowledge – Of the immensity of creation. SM467:2

3 There is no speech, and there are no words. Their voice hath not been heard. Is not heard – Their voice is heard by some; by those who have a hearing ear. R3848:2

4 Into all the earth hath their line gone forth, And to the end of the world their sayings, For the sun He placed a tent in them, Is gone out – Shall go. This proves that the Gentiles shall yet have this Gospel preached to them. R1970:5

5 And he, as a bridegroom, goeth out from his covering, He rejoiceth as a mighty one To run the path.
6 From the end of the heavens [is] his going out, And his revolution [is] unto their ends, And nothing is hid from his heat.
7 The law of Jehovah [is] perfect, refreshing the soul, The testimonies of Jehovah [are] stedfast, Making wise the simple, The law of the LORD – The law of love. R1462:5

Margin, doctrine. R524:2*

Is perfect – "The law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just and good." (Rom. 7:12) R1462:2*

How true these prophetic declarations are may be comprehended only by those who have learned to appreciate the Word of God. R3609:2

The Jews perceived that such was his covenant with them-- obedience was rewarded; disobedience was punished. R4922:6

Converting the soul – Transforming the being. R4923:5

Completely turning us from sin to righteousness if we give heed to it. R1296:2, R4834:6, R276:6

Only what the Bible teaches should be believed. R4923:3*

It deters from sin, encourages toward righteousness, gives consolation in trouble, strength and courage for fear and quaking, wisdom in times of perplexity. R3609:2

Other influences may lead to temporary and partial changes of course and action, but only God's revealed truth can change being, character, soul. R1391:1

The testimony – The instruction. R1296:2, R4834:6

Of the LORD Is sure – Not doubtful, but clear and positive. R1391:2

Making wise the simple – The meek, teachable ones-- clearly pointing out to them the ways of righteousness. R4384:6, R1296:2

A right understanding of God's Word not only adds to the wisdom of the wise, but also maketh the wise simple. HG315:1

The humble. HG471:1

Those with no other desire than to know God's will. R524:2* Psalms 19:8

The statutes – Piqqudim, appointments, appointed plans. R1391:2

Decrees, ordinances and precepts. R4834:6

Are right – The infallible rules of righteousness. R4834:6

Rejoicing the heart – The plan of the ages rejoices the hearts of all who come to a knowledge of it. R1391:2

Of the obedient. R4834:6

The commandment – Mitsvah, precepts or teachings. R1391:2

Enlightening the eyes – Showing us clearly the certain ends of righteousness and unrighteousness. R1391:2

Giving us right ideas of justice, love, etc. R524:2*

8 The precepts of Jehovah [are] upright, Rejoicing the heart, The command of Jehovah [is] pure, enlightening the eyes,
9 The fear of Jehovah [is] clean, standing to the age, The judgments of Jehovah [are] true, They have been righteous together. The fear – Yirah, reverence. R1391:2

Of the LORD is clean – Not a menial, servile fear; but a noble fear, begotten of love; a fear of falling short of his approval. R4834:6, R1296:2, R1391:2

The judgments – Mishpat, ordinances, decrees. R1391:2

Of the LORD – Expressed by his holy apostles and prophets. R2057:6

Altogether – His judgments as to right or wrong in any manner are always correct. R524:4*

10 They are more desirable than gold, Yea, than much fine gold; and sweeter than honey, Even liquid honey of the comb. Are they – The Law and the testimony of the Lord. R4834:6, R1296:2

11 Also Thy servant is warned by them, 'In keeping them [is] a great reward.' Moreover by them – By the judgments or decrees of the Lord as to the course of righteousness or of unrighteousness with its rewards and penalties. R1391:3

Is thy servant – The faithful servant who meditates on these things. R1391:3

Warned – Concerning the dangers of the way and the snares of the Adversary. R4835:1, R1296:2

In keeping of them – In remembering and harmonizing with them. R1391:3

12 Errors! who doth understand From hidden ones declare me innocent, Who can understand – Guard against, by his own wisdom and foresight. R1391:4, R1296:2, R4835:1

His errors – Rightly judge himself by using merely his own fallible judgment without the Word of God. R1296:3, R4835:1, R4524:1

Cleanse thou me – The prophet recognized that he was not capable of cleansing himself. R5739:3

To strive against outward sin while neglecting the beginnings of sin in the secrets of one's own mind is attempting a right thing in a very foolish way. R2249:1

From secret faults – Those he did not see himself. We should pray to the Lord that he would show us whatever in our lives is not fully pleasing and acceptable to him. R5739:3

Imperfections and faults of the mind, unknown to anyone but ourselves and the Lord. Suggestions of pride or avarice or envy, if entertained, become secret faults. R2248:3

"All things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him whom we have to do." (Heb. 4:13) R2094:4*

13 Also from presumptuous ones keep back Thy servant, Let them not rule over me, Then am I perfect, And declared innocent of much transgression, Presumptuous sins – Which must first have their roots in secret faults. R2249:1

To presume signifies to take for granted without authority or proof. R4835:1

Presuming to approach God in our own righteousness. R1836:6

Such as presuming that the Lord "Takes the will for the deed" instead of actually "keeping" his words. Love is the measure of our obedience, and vice versa. R1802:3*

Dictation to the Lord. A191 [A190:2]

Sins of pride or of arrogant self-will which do not meekly submit to the will of God. R4835:2, R1296:4

The perversion of what he has revealed, or claiming and holding tenaciously any doctrine merely on the ground of fallible human reasoning. R4835:1, R1296:4, R1391:5

Illustrated by the strange fire offered by Nadab and Abihu. R1836:5

It is best to "wait upon the Lord." R1959:1*

Not appreciating the necessity for the precious blood of Christ. Q548:2

Great transgression – Willful, deliberate, intentional sin. R2249:1

The sin unto death referred to by the Apostles. (1 John 5:16; Heb. 6:4-6; Heb. 10:26-31) R4835:2

14 Let the sayings of my mouth, And the meditation of my heart, Be for a pleasing thing before Thee, O Jehovah, my rock, and my redeemer! Let the words – A prayer appropriate to all the Lord's people. R3305:6, R2240:4

Even the most advanced of the Lord's people are liable at times to err with their lips. R3305:6

What a fearful responsibility attaches to the tongue that wags in an evil, or even in a flippant, way--which is also dishonoring to God. R1938:2

Meditation of my heart – Begin with the heart. Harbor no thoughts that in any sense of the word would be evil. R4803:3

Not manifest to fellow-men until expressed in word or action, but all open and manifest to God. R1296:1

Be acceptable – Nothing short of purity of heart, will, intention, can be acceptable to God. R5123:4

We are to measure ourselves continually by this standard. R5123:4

In thy sight – With what confusion and chagrin would we greet the sudden appearance of a friend of high and noble character while we were in the midst of some ignoble transaction! God is just such a friend, always present. R1295:6

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