Psalms Chapter 149 [YLT]

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Psalms 148   Psalms (YLT) Chapter Index   Psalms 150

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Scripture Additional Comments
1 Praise ye Jah! Sing ye to Jehovah a new song, His praise in an assembly of saints. Praise ye the LORD – This should be the attitude of all God's saints. Once we see the glory of God as displayed in His wonderful Plan of the Ages, how could we do otherwise than to praise Him and His wonderful Son!

Sing unto the LORD a new song – The song of Moses and the Lamb. Rev. 15:2-4
2 Israel doth rejoice in his Maker, Sons of Zion do joy in their king.
3 They praise His name in a dance, With timbrel and harp sing praise to Him.
4 For Jehovah is pleased with His people, He beautifieth the humble with salvation.
5 Exult do saints in honour, They sing aloud on their beds. Let the saints be joyful in glory – Clearly the glorified saints are joyful, yet the remainder of this verse applies to the saints still in the flesh. This likely applies to both.

Let them sing – The saints of God are often shown as singing. There is no one else who has a greater reason than these who have learned the Song of Moses and the Lamb! This refers to the Lord's "little flock." Rev. 14:1-3; 15:2-4; Isa. 52:7-8

Aloud – These are not silent but are joyfully and actively singing the praises of the Lord and His wonderful Plan of the Ages for the restitution of all the willing of mankind!

Upon their beds – Beds are where we take our rest. Our rest is in the Lord and this rest is based upon our understanding of His Word and the precious promises contained therein. Therefore, beds picture to us the sum total of one's faith. R5804:2-3

This picture, we believe, is on this side the veil. The verses that follow bear this out, for while joyfully singing praises to God in their beds, they are, at the same time, actively engaged in battle as represented by them wielding the two-edged sword! Heb. 4:12
6 The exaltation of God [is] in their throat, And a two-edged sword in their hand.
7 To do vengeance among nations, Punishments among the peoples.
8 To bind their kings with chains, And their honoured ones with fetters of iron,
9 To do among them the judgment written, An honour it [is] for all his saints. Praise ye Jah!
Psalms 148   Psalms (YLT) Chapter Index   Psalms 150
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