Psalms Chapter 1 [YLT]

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Psalms (YLT) Chapter Index   Psalms 2

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1 O the happiness of that one, who Hath not walked in the counsel of the wicked. And in the way of sinners hath not stood, And in the seat of scorners hath not sat; Blessed is the man – The Lord Jesus and those who walk in his footsteps, the pure in heart. R1383:2

That walketh not – Has no fellowship, sympathy or common interest. R1383:2, R2697:3

Evil companionship corrupts good conduct. Let all of our special friends or companions, in business or pleasure, be the Lord's friends, who honor him. R2366:1

It is not our mission to follow others into outer darkness in conversation and reading, but to remain with the Lord and seek others to take their places and crowns. R1860:6

We should fellowship with the saints of the Most High, who are meek and lowly of heart and whom he shall lead in his ways. R4484:4

Lot did not pursue this course and hence failed of a blessing. R2853:2

In the counsel – That there is a way of salvation for man other than that provided in God's plan. R2698:2

Of the ungodly – The worldly. C89

The wicked and slothful servants in the Church who, having been made partakers of the holy Spirit, commit wilful sin. R2697:6

Those who neglect this counsel need not be surprised if they fall into temptation, sin and disfellowship with the things which are pure. R4076:2

Standeth – Entering into their plans and schemes, thus likely becoming partakers of their spirit, careless of consecration vows and overcharged with earthly cares. R2698:4

Stand with God even if that should imply standing alone. R1383:3

The way of sinners – The assemblies of the wicked. C89

Sinners against their covenant of consecration, being overcharged with the things of this life. R2698:3, R4079:5*

Nor sitteth – We cannot sit down in the light. We must walk in it if we are to stay in it. A25

Because of ignorance of God's plan and character, because they are blinded by Satan and because their ideas of right and wrong are warped through false doctrines and theories. R1174:6

Of the scornful – Some, not of the Church, unteachable; those possessing more or less knowledge of holy things and rejecting them, speaking of them lightly and scornfully. R2698:4

The heart that is contentious and that sitteth in the seat of the scornful is not in a condition to receive the blessings of the Lord. R4475:3

Illustrated by one church which invited Dr. R. G. Ingersoll, the agnostic, to preach to them. R1968:4

2 But in the law of Jehovah [is] his delight, And in His law he doth meditate by day and by night: But his delight – The sentiment of our heart should be the desire to get the divine mind as nearly as possible on every subject. R5518:6

One thus isolated from the ungodly will have a delightful experience. "I delight to do Thy will, O my God." (Psa. 40:8) R1383:3

Is in the law – Three lessons for the Lord's faithful to learn: (1) Meekness, humility; (2) Obedient faith, abiding trust; (3) Love. R4483:6

Briefly comprehended in the word "Love." R2698:5

God's will and plan. R1383:3

Doth he meditate – Not read carelessly. R2146:5*

Study. C89

A contemplative study to see how the Law would work out its influence on oneself. R4838:3

Only in so doing can we receive the nourishment it is designed to give. R1390:3

When the memory is stored with the words of divine revelation, what food is furnished for prayerful meditation. R2038:6

That its principles may be assimilated. R4835:4, R4838:3, R5518. 5

3 And he hath been as a tree, Planted by rivulets of water, That giveth its fruit in its season, And its leaf doth not wither, And all that he doth he causeth to prosper. Rivers of water – God's grace and truth. R1383:3

Forth his fruit – The fruits of the spirit. R2698:6

His leaf also – His hopes. R2698:6

Shall not wither – Become dead and barren. R1383:3

Whatsoever he doeth – His aim is to glorify his Heavenly Father. R2698:6

It will make happier homes, better husbands, better wives, better children. It will sweeten the temper, soften the voice, dignify the language, cultivate the manners, ennoble the sentiments and lend its charming grace to every simple duty. R4835:4, R1296:5

"All things shall work together for good to them that love God, to the called according to his purpose." (Rom. 8:28) R1646:4

Shall prosper – Not because of our own wisdom in the management of our affairs, but because our infallible Lord is supervising our interests and outworking them for good to him. R2699:4

Since God's plan shall prosper, their plan shall prosper; for his plan is their plan. R1383:5

What matter if instead of earthly prosperity is brought financial loss, if it work our spiritual gain? R2699:1

4 Not so the wicked: But as chaff that wind driveth away! The ungodly – Those who wilfully prefer sin to righteousness. R1383:5

Are like the chaff – Shall have no place after the Lord has thoroughly cleansed the world and swept them into oblivion. R1383:5

The wind driveth away – The winds of false doctrine or the storms of opposition. R605:6

5 Therefore the wicked rise not in judgment, Nor sinners in the company of the righteous, The ungodly – The wicked (and slothful servants) shall not stand in the assembly of the righteous. R2975:2

Shall not stand – Though a thousand unfaithful shall fall at his side and ten thousand at his right hand the faithful shall stand and, in due time, receive the great reward. R606:1

Shall not continue to stand, but shall fall, pass away as the chaff. R1383:5

In the judgment – Of the Millennial age. R1383:6, R1219:5

Nor sinners – Violators of their covenant of consecration. R1383:6

In the congregation – Not permitted to continue, but cut off in the Second Death. R1219:5, R1235:1

6 For Jehovah is knowing the way of the righteous, And the way of the wicked is lost! Knoweth the way – The judgment will determine who are the lovers of righteousness. R1383:6

Of the righteous – God's care is over the righteous. "The Lord knoweth them that are his." (2 Tim. 2:19) R3155:6 The justified. R3156:1

Shall perish – If justice be delayed it is only for the development of some greater good than could be accomplished by a speedy adjustment. R2025:5

Psalms (YLT) Chapter Index   Psalms 2
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