Leviticus Chapter 16 [YLT]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 And Jehovah speaketh unto Moses, after the death of the two sons of Aaron, in their drawing near before Jehovah, and they die;
2 yea, Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Speak unto Aaron thy brother, and he cometh not in at all times unto the sanctuary within the vail, unto the front of the mercy-seat, which [is] upon the ark, and he dieth not, for in a cloud I am seen upon the mercy-seat. Aaron thy brother – Representing The Christ, Head and Body. T51

Into the holy – The Most Holy. T58, T13

Within the veil – Symbol of the death of the human body. T21, T22

The mercy seat – Which, with its cherubim and glory-light, represented Jehovah. T124

Upon the ark – Type of The Christ. T121

That he die not – Had our Lord failed at any point in his sacrificial work it would have meant his own destruction. "He was heard in that he feared." (Heb. 5:7) R1806:4

3 'With this doth Aaron come in unto the sanctuary; with a bullock, a son of the herd, for a sin-offering, and a ram for a burnt-offering; A young bullock – Representing the perfect man, Christ Jesus, at the age of thirty years. T51; PD36/47

For a sin offering – "Thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin." (Isa. 53:10) T52; Q696:3

A burnt offering – To show how God received the sacrifice. T45

4 a holy linen coat he putteth on, and linen trousers are on his flesh, and with a linen girdle he girdeth himself, and with a linen mitre he wrappeth himself up; they [are] holy garments; and he hath bathed with water his flesh, and hath put them on. The holy linen coat – Representing the righteousness of the saints; an earnest of the glorious robe to follow. T55

Aaron clothed in the linen coat represented our Lord as a spirit-begotten New Creature during his 3 ½ years of sacrifice. R5580:1

A linen girdle – Representing servitude. T30

The linen mitre – To which the crown, proclaiming his royalty, was fastened after the sacrificing work was finished. T29, T30

Wash his flesh – Representing the sinlessness of the New Creation, Head and Body. T54

5 'And from the company of the sons of Israel he taketh two kids of the goats for a sin-offering, and one ram for a burnt-offering; Of the congregation – Representing the Church taken out of the world. Q677:2; R4427:1

Two kids of the goats – Representing all who fully consecrate their lives even unto death, to God's service, during the Gospel age. T59

6 and Aaron hath brought near the bullock of the sin-offering which is his own, and hath made atonement for himself, and for his house; Aaron shall offer – Type of Christ's own death. R5972:6, R5847:1

The High Priest offered himself at Jordan and finished the sacrifice at Calvary. R4537:5

Even if the world had not needed to be redeemed from sin, the Priest must have given the same sacrifice exactly, in order to attain his high position. R5391:5

His bullock – The bullock represented our Lord as a man. R4427:1, R4397:3, R4747:3, R5731:1; Q265:T

Of the sin offering – Merely for Adam's sin and all weaknesses and imperfections resulting from it. R5873:6

Which is for – Which represents. T55; R4427:1, R5720:4

Himself – For the members of his Body, the underpriests. T55; R4397:3, R5972:6; Q551:3

And for his house – All believers, the entire household of faith, the Levites. T55

The Levites, household of faith, Great Company. R4397:3, R4427:6, R4546:2, R5196:5, R5972:6

None of the merit of the Redeemer's sacrifice is applied outside the household of faith on the Atonement Day. R3708:5

7 and he hath taken the two goats, and hath caused them to stand before Jehovah, at the opening of the tent of meeting. The two goats – Typical of the consecrated Church of the Gospel age, the household of faith. R4035:4, R4427:5, 1

From the camp; the Lord's consecrated people are at first "sinners even as others." (Eph. 2:3; 1 Cor. 6:9-11) T59; R4427:1

Present them – Picture of the followers of Jesus presenting themselves as living sacrifices. Q614:1

At the door – Representing their desire to become dead with their Redeemer as human beings, and to enter the heavenly conditions as he did. T60

8 'And Aaron hath given lots over the two goats, one lot for Jehovah, and one lot for a goat of departure; Cast lots – God does not arbitrarily determine which of the consecrated shall become partakers of the divine nature. T61; R4035:5, R4427:5

For the LORD – This goat represented the members of the Body of the High Priest. R4427:5

For the scapegoat – Heb., for Azazel, the prince of darkness; a reference to the class delivered over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh. R4035:6, R4427:5

These will be the servants of the glorified Priest. R4546:4

9 and Aaron hath brought near the goat on which the lot for Jehovah hath gone up, and hath made it a sin-offering. The goat – Represented the consecrated human being. R4747:3

The LORD'S lot fell – Representing those who do really follow in Christ's footsteps, as he has set us an example. T60; R5196:5, R5873:5

The Lord's adopted members. R4397:6

And offer him – But not the scapegoat. T59

10 'And the goat on which the lot for a goat of departure hath gone up is caused to stand living before Jehovah to make atonement by it, to send it away for a goat of departure into the wilderness. The scapegoat – Representing the consecrated followers of the Lord who through fear of the sacrificial death are all their lifetime subject to bondage. (Heb. 2:15) T60; R5196:5, R5873:5; Q631:T

Make an atonement – The scapegoat class will have a secondary part in the expiation of sin by having their sufferings applied as atonement for certain willful sins of the world--not Adamic sin. Q632:6; R4036:2, R4428:5, R4652:2, R4864:6, R5463:6

11 'And Aaron hath brought near the bullock of the sin-offering which is his own, and hath made atonement for himself, and for his house, and hath slaughtered the bullock of the sin-offering which [is] his own, Aaron – The priest represented our Lord, the New Creature. R5621:6

The bullock – Type of the man Jesus, his human life. R5325:5, R5580:1, R1829:2; Q631:3

For himself – The members of his Body--the underpriests. T55; R4352:3, R4511:3, R4619:5, R4965:5 R5196:5, R5777:1

And his house – All believers, the household of faith, the Levites. T55; R4352:3

The Levites, household of faith, Great Company. R4427:6, R5972:6, R4546:2

Kill the bullock – Represented our Lord at Jordan, dead as a man and alive as a New Creature. R4877:1, R5080:5; Q660:1; T56

Of the sin offering – In antitype, the offering for sin began when Jesus presented himself at Jordan. R5880:4, R4505:5, R4389:3

12 and hath taken the fulness of the censer of burning coals of fire from off the altar, from before Jehovah, and the fulness of his hands of thin spice-perfume, and hath brought [it] within the vail; And he – Aaron. The New Creature Jesus ministered in the Holy while his human nature was sacrificed on the altar in the Court, and his body burned outside the camp. R5325:5

Coals of fire – Destructive influences, circumstances and conditions which the Father provides for the purpose of proving the character, loyalty and genuineness of our devotion. R4602:5, 3; Q278:2, 1, Q27:5

The altar – The Brazen altar, in the Court. T56[T56:2]; R5961:3*

His hands full – Representing our Lord's full capacity and ability of righteousness, required and yielded. T56[T56:2]

Incense beaten small – Powdered; representing the perfections of the man Christ Jesus; his best endeavors. T56

Long prayers made to be heard of men "have their reward" and never reach the golden censer before the throne. HG52:2

Bring – According to Profs. Young and Strong, "to cause to come in" or "to send." R5961:3*

It – Singular, referring to the incense and not to the censer. R5961:3*

Within the vail – The first veil or door; representing the death of the human will. T22, T55

The second veil, between the Holy and Most Holy. R5961:3*

13 and he hath put the perfume on the fire before Jehovah, and the cloud of the perfume hath covered the mercy-seat which [is] on the testimony, and he dieth not. Upon the fire – Of the Golden altar, the Church. T120

Representing the fiery trials of our Lord. T56

Cloud of the incense – Penetrating beyond the second veil. T55

Representing the perfect obedience and glorious qualities of Jesus as he came into contact with the trials of life, yielding a sweet perfume. R5731:1, R4602:6; PD36/47; T56; Q278:2

The divine view of the sacrifice of Christ during the three and a half years of his ministry. R4427:3; CR486:3

The incense preceding the High Priest beyond the veil would testify that he had faithfully fulfilled the required conditions. Q693:4; R4868:4

Jesus could not have entered the glory beyond unless he had finished his sacrifice and offerings. Q28:1

The mercy seat – "The Propitiatory," representing Jehovah's justice. T124

Upon the testimony – Covers the Law. T55

That he die not – By infracting the conditions upon which alone he may come into the divine presence acceptably. T55; Q693:4; R5712:5

14 'And he hath taken of the blood of the bullock, and hath sprinkled with his finger on the front of the mercy-seat eastward; even at the front of the mercy-seat he doth sprinkle seven times of the blood with his finger. Take of the blood – Typical of the blood of the Atonement, the price of our redemption. T59; R4352:3

The blood signifies the life of the sacrifice. The blood itself is a symbol of death. R5621:6, R4876:3; Q695:3

The blood of the bullock was applied only for the priests and Levites. R5622:1

Upon the mercy seat – Or more properly, the Propitiatory, because on it the priest offered the blood of the sacrifices which propitiated or satisfied the demands of divine justice. T124

A symbol of Jesus presenting his sacrificial merit to the Heavenly Father on behalf of the Church class. R5880:5; PD36/47

The Mercy Seat with its cherubim and glory-light represented Jehovah, the presence of God, where Christ went "there to appear in the presence of God for us." (Heb. 9:24). T59, T124

Eastward; and before – In the form of a cross. T63; Q28:T

Seven times – Perfectly. T61

15 'And he hath slaughtered the goat of the sin-offering which [is] the people's, and hath brought in its blood unto the inside of the vail, and hath done with its blood as he hath done with the blood of the bullock, and hath sprinkled it on the mercy-seat, and at the front of the mercy-seat, Then – Jesus began his secondary offering of his "members" as soon as the Father accepted his offering for us-- at Pentecost. R4512:4, R4505:5; T64

Nothing could be done with the Lord's goat until the sacrifice of the bullock was completed. R4035:2; PD36/47

Kill the goat – Representing the sacrificing followers of the Lord who are faithful to their covenant. T61; R4354:1, R4965:5, R5622:1, R5731:1; Q660:1

The putting to death of the depraved will, the crucifixion of ourselves as men. T64; R5778:1

Our Lord offered the goat, his second sacrifice, at Pentecost, and the work has progressed ever since. R4546:4, R5720:4

We do not sacrifice ourselves. R4747:3

The High Priest slays the goat, making it part of his sacrifice. Q700:2

This act represents God's acceptance of your consecration. Q414:T

The moment he accepts you he justifies you. Q420

A goat is very lean compared with a bullock, showing that our Lord had much more of love and zeal. T61; R4035:2

Of the sin offering – "Filling up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ." (Col. 1:24) T66; R5777:1

The killing of the sin-offering was not ended until the goat was slain. R5880:4; Q660:1

For the people – The sacrifice of the Lord's goat is accepted on behalf of the world, just as that of Christ is accepted on behalf of his Body and the household of faith. T67; R4035:3, R4427:6, R4475:4, R4493:2, R4499:4; SM70:T

This sacrifice of the Lord's goat by the High Priest is acceptable to the Father only because of the merit of Jesus. R5720:4

His blood – The life given up. Q414:T

Within the veil – At the close of the Gospel age. CR485:6

Do with that blood – The blood of his secondary sacrifice, the Church. R4546:6

As he did – In every particular. T61

Upon the mercy seat – Thus satisfying justice. The second use Christ will make of his sacrifice will be on behalf of all the people. R5342:6, R4819:1

16 and he hath made atonement for the sanctuary because of the uncleanness of the sons of Israel, and because of their transgressions in all their sins; and so he doth for the tent of meeting which is tabernacling with them in the midst of their uncleannesses. Make an atonement – When the blood of the Lord's goat was sprinkled upon the mercy seat the sin-offering was ended. R5880:4

Children of Israel – Representing all nations, kindreds and tongues. R4397:5

17 'And no man is in the tent of meeting in his going in to make atonement in the sanctuary, till his coming out; and he hath made atonement for himself, and for his house, and for all the assembly of Israel. Shall be no man – The privileges of the true Tabernacle belong only to those who are priests, members of the body of the High Priest, spiritual New Creatures and no longer men. T75

18 'And he hath gone out unto the altar which [is] before Jehovah, and hath made atonement for it; and he hath taken of the blood of the bullock, and of the blood of the goat, and hath put on the horns of the altar round about; Upon the horns – Symbol of power. T42

Of the altar – All who realize the power of the altar must first recognize the blood which sanctifies it. T42

19 and he hath sprinkled on it of the blood with his finger seven times, and hath cleansed it, and hath hallowed it from the uncleannesses of the sons of Israel. And cleanse It – Showing that the blood is full satisfaction, and that the work of the scapegoat which followed was no part of the sin-offering. T68

20 'And he hath ceased from making atonement [for] the sanctuary, and the tent of meeting, and the altar, and hath brought near the living goat; Reconciling – Atonement, satisfaction, not for the Court and Tabernacle as places, but for those people who are in those conditions. Q689:5

The holy place – The Most Holy. T68

The Court. Q689:5

Tabernacle – The Holy. T68

The Holy and Most Holy. Q689:5

(Editor's Note: See Appendix D for a complete tabulation of the Scriptural word for "Holy" and "Holy Place." )

And the altar – In the Court. T68

The live goat – The scapegoat, the Great Company. T68, T69

The scapegoat dealt with thirdly seems to imply the great tribulation of this class will come more specially at the end of the Gospel age. Q290:T, Q690:T

21 and Aaron hath laid his two hands on the head of the living goat, and hath confessed over it all the iniquities of the sons of Israel, and all their transgressions in all their sins, and hath put them on the head of the goat, and hath sent [it] away by the hand of a fit man into the wilderness; All the iniquities – Typifying, not Adamic guilt and condemnation, which were all figuratively canceled by the sacrifice of the bullock and the Lord's goat, but other sins of measurable willfulness committed against light and knowledge. R4015:3, R4036:2, R4856:2, R5256:4, R5462:5; Q632:6

See also comments on (Leviticus 16:10) .

Children of Israel - Typical of the world of mankind. T68; R5463:2

Send him away - Not sacrificed at all, hence not a sin-offering. Q632:6

A fit man - Anyone convenient; unfavorable circumstances. T68, T70

Into the wilderness - Shows how the Great Company is turned over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh. (1 Cor. 5:5). Q24:3

Condition of separation from the world. T70

Severe testings which will demonstrate their character definitely. R4654:4

22 and the goat hath borne on him all their iniquities unto a land of separation. 'And he hath sent the goat away into the wilderness, Let go the goat – To die unwillingly, "that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord." (1 Cor. 5:5) , T71

The scapegoat did not go voluntarily, it was sent away. R5628:3

23 and Aaron hath come in unto the tent of meeting, and hath stripped off the linen garments which he had put on in his going in unto the sanctuary, and hath placed them there; Into the tabernacle – The Holy. T72[T72]

Linen garments – Representing the merit of Christ imputed to us. Q285:5

Into the holy place – The Most Holy. T72[T72]

24 and he hath bathed his flesh with water in the holy place, and hath put on his garments, and hath come out, and hath made his burnt-offering, and the burnt-offering of the people, and hath made atonement for himself and for the people; Wash his flesh – Signifying the completion of the cleansing which comes when the Body is made perfect in glory. T74; PD36/47

In the holy place – The Court. T72[T72]

Put on his garments – His usual garments of glory and beauty. T72[T72]

Representing our Lord after his resurrection to the divine nature. R5580:1[R5580:1-2]

Although Jesus has passed beyond the vail he is still in the linen garments of sacrifice. Q285:2

His burnt offering – A ram, representing God's acceptance of the sacrifice of the bullock. T73[T73]

God will not manifest his acceptance of the better sacrifices until the sacrifices for sins are complete and The Christ is glorified. T73[T73:3]

Of the people – Another ram, representing God's acceptance of the sacrifice of the Lord's goat.T73

Make an atonement – Another illustration of the Atonement. T72[T72]

For himself – The Body, the Church, the Little Flock. T72[T72:3]; R4384:6

For the people – For the sins of all the people. R4384:6

25 and with the fat of the sin-offering he doth make perfume on the altar. And the fat – Symbol of loving zeal. T57

When offered, made a great smoke, showing our Lord's heart devotion to the Heavenly Father. CR486:2; Q28:2

Shall he burn – Representing steady continuous submission to the fiery ordeal of suffering. T71

Upon the altar – Showing that God accepts the heart devotion which prompts the sacrifice. T42

Seen and appreciated by all within the antitypical Court-- justified believers. CR486:3

26 'And he who is sending away the goat for a goat of departure doth wash his garments, and hath bathed his flesh with water, and afterwards he cometh in unto the camp. And he – Representing the classes instrumental in bringing the trouble and destruction of the flesh upon the Great Company. T75

Come Into the camp – Into the same condition as the rest of the world. T75

27 'And the bullock of the sin-offering, and the goat of the sin-offering, whose blood hath been brought in to make atonement in the sanctuary, doth [one] bring out unto the outside of the camp, and they have burnt with fire their skins, and their flesh, and their dung; Atonement – Prefigured the reconciliation of God and mankind. R5196:5

Without the camp – As a vile thing in the eyes of the world. T42, T57; R4427:4

As a stench in their nostrils. CR486:3; Q28:2; R3708:4

Signifying ostracism, rejection of men and dishonor. R4385:1

The nominal church. R246:4

"Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp bearing his reproach." (Heb. 13:13) T62

Burn in the fire – Representing the gradual, but complete, destruction of the human nature of Christ and the Church. T42; R4385:1

The slandering of God's people for righteousness' sake. R5655:5

And their dung – We are the filth and offscourings of the earth. (1 Cor. 4:13) T62

28 and he who is burning them doth wash his garments, and hath bathed his flesh with water, and afterwards he cometh in unto the camp. And he – Representing those principally instrumental in reproaching, reviling and destroying the humanity of Jesus and the Church. T75

Come Into the camp – Into the same condition as the rest of the world, without special punishment. T75

29 'And it hath been to you for a statute age-during, in the seventh month, in the tenth of the month, ye humble yourselves, and do no work the native, and the sojourner who is sojourning in your midst; Afflict your souls – Typical of the world's painful and afflicted condition during sin's domination. R147:5

30 for on this day he maketh atonement for you, to cleanse you; from all your sins before Jehovah ye are clean; Atonement for you – Typically canceling the Adamic condemnation for the coming year, not the preceding one. R4034:3

Antitype started with Jesus and his sacrifice, continues with the Church sharing with Christ in his sacrifice and in the fullest sense continues to the end of the Millennium. Q26:9

Inappropriate now because there is neither Temple nor Tabernacle. R679:1

31 it [is] to you a sabbath of rest, and ye have humbled yourselves a statute age-during.
32 'And the priest whom he doth anoint, and whose hand he doth consecrate to act as priest instead of his father, hath made atonement, and hath put on the linen garments, the holy garments;
33 and he hath made atonement [for] the holy sanctuary; and [for] the tent of meeting, even [for] the altar he doth make atonement; yea, for the priests, and for all the people of the assembly he maketh atonement. For all the people – When Christ shall in the end of this age antitypically sprinkle the Mercy Seat it will be for the world. R4587:4

34 'And this hath been to you for a statute age-during, to make atonement for the sons of Israel, because of all their sins, once in a year;' and he doth as Jehovah hath commanded Moses. Once a year – The type was repeated annually because the blood of bulls and goats could never take away sin. (Heb. 10:3,4) R4034:3, R5293:4

The Day of Atonement in the antitype is the entire Gospel age. T50, T76

All of the Millennial age will be a part of the antitypical Atonement Day. R5874:5

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