John Chapter 17 [YLT]

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1 These things spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to the heaven, and said 'Father, the hour hath come, glorify Thy Son, that Thy Son also may glorify Thee, These words – All four evangelists heard this discourse, but it was left to John to describe it. R1047:1*

Spake Jesus – Evidently a public prayer, or it could not have been recorded. R2023:3

By example commending praying in the church, and even calling attention to the propriety of praying in such a tone and voice as could be understood by others present. R3640:3, 2251:6

Our Lord's entire life furnishes an illustration of what the Apostle commends to all the Church in the words, "Pray without ceasing." (1 Thes. 5:17) R3551:2

Proportionately as we grow in his character-likeness we will similarly pray without ceasing and in everything give thanks. R3551:2

Our Lord's constant attitude of prayer without ceasing did not hinder his more particular devotions when he turned aside from the affairs of life to speak to the Father in secret. R3551:2

And said – A lengthy example of what the prayer might have contained had it been uttered by a nominal Christian believer today. R3551:5

May glorify thee – The Son's anxiety to glorify the Father is most marked when, realizing he was approaching his dying agony, he exclaimed, "Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour? Father glorify thy name." ( John 12:27,28) R3161:3

May God, now in the end of the age, glorify his dear Son, our Lord, and with him his elect, to the end that his own holy name may be glorified. R4120:3*

2 according as Thou didst give to him authority over all flesh, that all that Thou hast given to him he may give to them life age-during; Give eternal life – Lasting life. R1235:1

It is the divine nature which our Lord has that he has been privileged to give to his followers. R4155:1

The heavenly Father is declared to be the Life-giver to all who attain spiritual conditions. Jesus, more particularly on his own account, will give eternal life to the world during the Millennial age. R3154:3

The context does not particularly state that the elect Church only is referred to. Rather, the fourth verse indicates that the world is here referred to. R3154:2

Though it is promised as a gift, yet it is only to a certain class that he ever agreed to give it--to those who by patient continuance in well-doing seek for glory, honor and immortality. (Rom. 2:7) R279:3, 142:5

Thou hast given him – To those whose God's truth and providence have the effect of drawing to Christ and to righteousness--to those whom the Father approves. R1235:1

3 and this is the life age-during, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and him whom Thou didst send Jesus Christ; This is life eternal – This will lead to endless life. R1053:4*

To gain everlasting life we must become the Lord's "sheep" and follow the voice, the instructions, of the Shepherd. R1878:4

Only those who have the mind of God will be granted eternal life--whether of the Church now or of the world in the next age. R5686:3

Continuing to grow in knowledge and love and devotedness to God, be accepted as co-workers and co-heirs with Christ. R1128:4

That they – Not every one, but only the special class referred to in verse 2, mentioned in contrast with "all flesh." R1234:6

Might know thee – To know the Lord signifies that one has passed from death unto life, is in relationship with the Father and has eternal life. NS167:1

The word "know" has the thought of appreciate or understand. R1234:6

To know God means to have intimate acquaintance with him, to be like him in character, to be able to view matters as he views them. R5686:3, 5277:1, 5118:5, 2137:4

There is a peace that comes from an acquaintance with God. NS524:3

More than knowing something of his plan and character. It means personal acquaintance and intelligent appreciation of his character. This requires partaking of his spirit--of holiness and of love. R4837:1, 2202:3; SM448:1

If a workman is known by his product, so the Master Workman must be known by his finished work. NS763:6

Only such as attain to this knowledge may have eternal life. NS809:4

All who will be fit for the Kingdom may be expected to have considerable clearness of understanding respecting divine things. NS745:5

No one can be so in harmony with God as to be fit for eternal life, except as he has attained a correct knowledge of God. NS763:4

How shall we know God? By study of his character. This knowledge at the present time is a secret knowledge--a "hidden mystery." HG447:2

Know his goodness, love, power and justice; knowing of God's character as revealed by Christ. R1128:4

Let us begin to know our Creator, for such knowledge is a step towards love for him and hence toward life eternal for ourselves. NS645:4

God himself is the very personification of those glorious elements of character which he demands we shall emulate, copy, pattern after. HG434:5

This is the knowledge that does not puff up, the wisdom that cometh down from above. The beginning of this wisdom is indeed the reverence of the Lord. R1919:6

The fear or reverence of God is our first knowledge. If rightly exercised, the Lord will reveal himself more and more. The reverence of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but is not the end of it. R3862:1

It is the knowledge of the Lord that is to fill the whole earth ocean-deep--not the knowledge of mankind, not the knowledge of sin, not human philosophy. HG434:4

A distinction should be recognized between a full knowledge of the truth and a full knowledge of God. The first must in due time come to all; the latter, that deep and full appreciation of God's character, is possible only to the consecrated. R1235:4

The wealth of our relationship to the "Great Shepherd" and his Son increases in our appreciation in proportion as we grow in knowledge. R4279:2

Such knowledge is not obtained instantaneously, but is the result of growth in grace. We grow in grace as we grow in knowledge, and we grow in knowledge as we grow in grace--the two keeping pace, as our feet in walking. R2895:5

The more obedient we are as children, the more intimate is our acquaintance with him. R5118:5

Their intimate acquaintance with God will be one of the evidences that they are the friends of God to whom he has promised lasting life. R1235:1

It is only as we realize something of the greatness and perfection of the divine character that we are properly able to estimate our own littleness and imperfection. R2137:4

Those convinced of his mercy, and yet always fearful, do not know him. They think of him as moved by like passions with themselves, more or less depraved, more or less controlled by animosity. R2895:5

There is a difference between knowing about God and knowing God. R3550:3; NS763:4, 809:5

God is not pleased to reveal himself to any except those who have his Spirit; therefore the very highest ambition any of us could have would be that we might know him--know more of his wonderful love and peace--because this draws us nearer to him. R5276:4

If eternal life consists in the knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ, then how can there be a trial for eternal life where Christ is not known? R1082:1*; NS643:6

This being so, not many have yet eternal life, for only a few know God, a "little flock." (Luke 12:32) CR489:5; NS167:1, 643:6, 809:4

God's plan is one both of revelation and salvation. He reveals himself as a means of eternal life to man. R21:1*

Is it not reasonable that a God who is love and no respecter of persons, and a kind and loving father, should provide for the education of every individual who ever came into the world? R33:3*

The majority of worshipers of all various sects worship, partly under the impulse of fear, but without particular knowledge of whom they worship and without any particular desire to become acquainted with Jehovah. SM79:2

Not only the world perishes because of a lack of true knowledge of the Creator, but many of God's people are similarly hindered. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." (Hos. 4:6) NS645:5

Only those of a contrite heart may now see, now understand, the real character of God, his real purposes toward man. OV230:4; NS588:2

And Jesus Christ – To know God we must know his Son. He is the word, the mouth-piece or declaration of the Father. And as Christ reveals the Father, the written Word reveals him. R493:2*

Through whom they may come to a knowledge of the Father. R3848:4

Even in the flesh he was "God manifest." (1Tim. 3:16) From his character in its perfection we get our earliest and truest idea of God. R82:6*

Jesus Christ is most emphatically the way of God's approach to us, the channel through which light and salvation flow within our reach--"the way, the truth and the life." ( John 14:6) R21:1*

Whom thou hast sent – On so important a question as the equality of the Father and the Son, we must not rely upon any man's testimony except that of the inspired writers of the Scriptures. R5747:6

4 I did glorify Thee on the earth, the work I did finish that Thou hast given me, that I may do [it]. I have finished – The substitute, the corresponding price for the life of Adam and all who lost life through him was paid. The other side of the great work of atonement yet remains--the converting of the world to God. R931:5

The work – The Sin-bearer's larger work in blessing all the families of the earth. R3154:2

5 'And now, glorify me, Thou Father, with Thyself, with the glory that I had before the world was, with Thee; Glorify thou me – Our Lord does not deprecate looking at the prize. Not that we have a right to insist that our efforts be rewarded, but we should think of the blessing which God has promised as "exceeding great and precious." (2Pet. 1:4) R5082:3

He did the Father's will without any thought of compensation connected with it. So with us. R5066:4

This prayer is more than answered in his present exaltation to the highest form of spirit being, the divine nature. A203; R627:1

With the glory – The glory of our blessed Lord is of the same kind as that of the Most High himself--not merely first in executive authority, but first in executive power also, to accomplish the divine purpose. R1283:4*

How rich he was in honor and glory. "He who was rich, for our sakes became poor, that we through his poverty might become rich." (2 Cor. 8:9) E87

To know the Father's plan and his privilege of cooperation in its execution was to appreciate it and joyfully engage therein. Willingly he laid aside the glory of the higher nature which he had had. HG292:5

Which I had – Not signifying that he had no knowledge of his prospective share in the divine nature. He had the assurance of the Scriptures. (Isa. 52:13, 53:12; Psa. 110:4) R5066:1

He knew of the Father's proposed exaltation of him as a reward, but he did not mention this. NS813:4

To assume that Jesus is a fleshly being in heaven, bearing wounds and scars, is to suppose that the Father never really exalted him to the glory which he had with God before the world was. R5416:2

In his humility, he asked no higher glory. R5748:2, 5066:4, 5025:5

With characteristic modesty, he did not refer to the great glory promised him and expected, but to be restored to his previous station, as though he esteemed it honor enough to be the Father's agent. F65; OV354:4; NS439:1, 813:5

He asked no more. But God, who is rich in mercy and rich in his rewards, would not be content to give back to the Redeemer merely the blessings he had previously enjoyed and laid aside to be our Savior. SM787:T

The purpose of his coming into the world was not a selfish one. While the Savior is now exalted to a position much higher than his previous one, it was not with the desire for exaltation that he came. R5375:5

By induction he told of a pre-human existence. If he had no previous existence, if he had not a special birth, how could we understand these words except as deceptive? R5767:5, 5157:1, 4964:2, 4804:2, 1682:5, 1673:3, 1161:5, 1125:5; OV328:5; Q371:4

The Son of God experienced existence in three different natures--first, a very high order of spirit nature; secondly, the human nature; and thirdly, the divine nature. R1263:2*, 626:6

The Logos could be transferred to a lower condition, the human, and yet could preserve a good recollection of his previous experiences, and did so. R2477:5, 1916:5

Because the two natures are separate and distinct, and yet the one a likeness of the other, therefore the same mental faculties (memory, et.) being common to both, Jesus could realize his former glory. A203

In bringing our Lord Jesus into his earthly condition, God stamped or impressed upon his brain the knowledge or recollection of his pre-human condition. Q364:3

My surmise is that when our Lord was begotten of the holy Spirit and the higher things were opened to him, that in some manner it gave him memory and recollection of the spirit things. Q371:4

Temptations did not overcome Jesus, as they did the perfect man Adam, because of the fullness of Jesus' consecration which was the result of his intimate knowledge of the Father and his unbounded confidence in him. HG292:6

Our Lord's present condition is the heavenly, the spirit condition, not only as high a condition as before he came into the world, but still higher. R5269:1

Different than the theory of incarnation. Our Lord left the glory which he had with the Father and was found in fashion as a man. R5064:3

Christ did not die twice. His becoming a man was not by laying down, as in death, his preexistent life. He gave up the glory, and afterward prayed, "Glorify thou me with the glory which I had with thee before the world was." R77:5*

Without dying, our Master underwent a change of nature. R4098:2

With thee – Our Lord was not originally created in the way the angels were; for he was the direct creation of the Father, whereas the angels were the indirect creation of God, through the Son. R5748:2

Before the world was – A long way back into the past. But Jesus goes further. He tells us that not only "the world was made by him," but "without him was not anything made that has been made." ( John 1:3) R1063:4*

6 I did manifest Thy name to the men whom Thou hast given to me out of the world; Thine they were, and to me Thou hast given them, and Thy word they have kept; The men – The apostles. F213; R1521:6

Thine they were – The disciples were true, God-fearing, consecrated men before they came to Jesus. Had they not had the spirit of consecration, they never would have left their affairs to join with John in his ministry. R4117:2

7 now they have known that all things, as many as Thou hast given to me, are from Thee,
8 because the sayings that Thou hast given to me, I have given to them, and they themselves received, and have known truly, that from Thee I came forth, and they did believe that Thou didst send me. The words – The doctrine. F213; R1522:1

Which thou gavest me – If we, as our Head, "are led by the Spirit of God" even unto death, we also become "the sons of God" who will also "work in us to will and to do of his good pleasure." (Rom. 8:14; Phil. 2:13) R418:4, 164:6

9 'I ask in regard to them; not in regard to the world do I ask, but in regard to those whom Thou hast given to me, because Thine they are, I pray for them – For those who had received God's word, and whom he called his friends, specially and affectionately loved. R1254:4

So far from being concerned wholly with himself and his approaching crucifixion, he was specially thinking of and praying for his disciples. R3551:1

The ones he evidently prayed for were the eleven apostles, but the context shows that this prayer includes his faithful followers all the way down the age. R5358:2, 5319:3; SM75:T

These words were uttered by our Lord on the night of his betrayal, supposedly while on the way from the "upper room," where the Memorial was observed, to the Garden of Gethsemane. R5358:2, 5319:3, 4707:2, 3554:1, 3365:4

After the Last Supper, about midnight, before Jesus and the eleven passed outside the gate of Jerusalem and crossed the little brook called Cedron. R2467:1

Because they would be his special representatives in the world. His prayer included also all of the 500 brethren who up to that time had believed on him with sincere hearts. R3551:5; NS75:2

He prayed not for the world because the world's time for trial for life eternal had not yet come; he prayed for the Church, because its time of trial had already begun, therefore it needed the divine grace. R3915:1

In due time our Lord will pray for the world, and he will be heard. "Ask of me; and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession." (Psa. 2:7-9) SM666:1

Not for the world – For sinners. QB815:2; NS675:6

His prayer was not on behalf of the world, but on behalf of his disciples and those who would believe through their word. His prayer for the whole Church was that the world might afterward have the opportunity to believe, in the times of restitution. HG336:6

He was about to die for the world; but he did not pray for the world because the salvation of the world was not yet due in God's plan. R5725:4; CR474:1

Not a contradiction of the Apostle's declaration to pray for earthly rulers (1 Tim. 2:1-4), but should rather be interpreted to mean, I am not now praying for the world. R3600:4

In none of Jesus' prayers did he ever pray for Caesar, or Pilate, or Herod; nor did he make any special effort to reach these with the gospel message. R798:6

Similarly our prayers and appeals do not need to be put forth on behalf of the world in general, but in the interest of those who have the ear to hear and the heart to respond to the heavenly calling. NS644:1, 675:6

It is not the divine plan to save people by praying for them, but, as the Apostle declared, It pleased God that through the preaching of the cross of Christ believers should be saved. (1Cor. 1:21) NS675:6

He did not come, at his first advent, to save the world; for he was sent only to those under the Law. HG16:2

Because the Lord's time for dealing with the world had not yet come--would not come until after the selection of the Church. R3551:5; CR21:4; SM163:1

Those who are doing slum work have the thought in mind that God is dealing with mankind in general now. The Lord is not now dealing with the world, but only with the household of faith. SM637:2

The work of the present age is not the world's conversion, but the selecting of his "Body," "his Bride." R961:3

The ransom-price is for the sins of the whole world. But the world has not yet gotten its share of the benefit, for it still "lies in the wicked one." (1 John 5:19) R4832:2, 3998:4; CR490:6; SM665:1

Not until first he shall have finished dealing with his own servants at his second coming will the glorious Messiah begin to deal with the world, and especially with his enemies. R5493:3, 5054:5

The very next day after he offered this prayer, he died for all the world--"he tasted death for every man." (Heb. 2:9) CR490:6; SM665:2

Since he knew that it would be more than eighteen hundred years before that due time would come, he could not with propriety pray for something so far in the future. SM665:2

10 and all mine are Thine, and Thine [are] mine, and I have been glorified in them; Thine are mine – Christ could say this as the Father's representative. Though the natural seed belonged to God, yet of Christ it is said: "He came to his own and his own received him not." ( John 1:11) He came as Bridegroom and was rejected. R51:5

In them – Our Lord does not selfishly grasp all the glory. On the contrary, he marks the progress of his body-members as they develop in character-likeness to himself and would have them all bound up together in the Father's love. R5213:4

11 and no more am I in the world, and these are in the world, and I come unto Thee. Holy Father, keep them in Thy name, whom Thou hast given to me, that they may be one as we; May be one – Not a oneness of person, but a oneness of heart, of mind, of purpose. R2781:4, 5725:4; CR249:1; OV114:5; SM493:1

It is a oneness which results from having the same mind or spirit; it is the same oneness that should exist between a heart union of man and wife: they twain are one. R369:5

Christ is not disappointed that the outward organizations are not united. The real Church is composed of believers who are at one with the Father and the Son and with each other. R2538:5; OV122:2

How can the Church remain one in the midst of the conflicting voices and influences that will arise? (Article proceeds to answer this question in depth.) R1828:6

Christ's followers, when united to him, will be given immortality--being made one with him in the same sense that the Father and the Son are one. Thus will their lives harmonize and blend, yet the Father will be greater than all. R715:4*

Would not the union of heart bind all those freed from Babylon? Would not the union of head under the guide of the spirit of truth soon be perfect? Would not the union of labor be a natural accomplishment? R694:2

We belong to no earthly organization, only to that heavenly organization. All the saints belonged to our church organization. There is no other recognized by the Lord. Any earthly organization which interferes with this union of saints is contrary to the Lord's will. R584:3

The fact that men today argue that division, sectarianism, is an advantage, and to the advancement of the truth, is the equivalent of the thing framed saying to God, "Thou hast no understanding." (Isa. 29:16) CR111:1

As we are – Not one in person, but one in harmony, because he did not his own will, but the will of the Father. OV114:5; R5358:3, 714:6*; SM493:1

"The man Christ Jesus" was the perfect representation of the heavenly Father, so that he who saw the Son (who was the express image of the Father's person) saw the Father also. R2781:4

As our heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus do not need to be bound together by fear or threats, so likewise the true Church will need no such bondage to make them one in spirit or in doctrine. R4878:5

A oneness already existing between himself and the Father, but so far as his disciples are concerned it was and still is only prospective, and its full accomplishment is our ideal goal. R3160:3

He and his Father are one, even as he and his Church are one. R1278:3

He could thus be called "Immanuel"--"God with us." (Matt. 1:23) R9:2*

Practically, if not as theologians teach, Christ's words are true: "I and my Father are one"--one in purpose and in work. R9:2*

Keep through thine own name – This keeping power is the spirit of the truth, the Holy Spirit.

They may be one as we are – We become one with our Lord because we develop the same love of the Father and of His Truth. R694:4-7.
12 when I was with them in the world, I was keeping them in Thy name; those whom Thou hast given to me I did guard, and none of them was destroyed, except the son of the destruction, that the Writing may be fulfilled. I kept them – So long as our Lord lived, the Adversary, Satan, found no opportunity for sowing the seeds of error amongst the seeds of truth. R2276:5

Our Lord mentions himself as a comforter ( John 14:16), and at the close of his ministry, says to his faithful ones, "I will not leave you comfortless"--orphans, bereaved of a caretaker. ( John 14:18) R3434:3

Son of perdition – Jesus was to be the judge. He said that it would have been better for that man if he had never been born. (Matt. 26:24) This would not be true if Judas were to have an opportunity during the Millennial age. R5683:3, 4909:3, 4906:6, 1800:6

Should Judas be granted eternal life under any circumstances or after any experience, his birth could not be considered a disadvantage to himself. R1962:6

Son of destruction. This would tend to prove that Judas' case was a hopeless one. But we find that Jesus applies just as strong names to the scribes and Pharisees. R2283:3*

Judas was a minister of Christ before he became revealed as the "son of perdition." He was not an infidel, denying Christ, but an apostle confessing Christ to the very end. This is not atheism, but hypocrisy. R639:2*

Strong evidence of the wilful intention which marked Judas' crime. R4906:6, 1962:5, 1800:6

Implying that Judas had enjoyed a sufficiency of light and knowledge of righteousness to constitute a trial, and that his deliberate sin against such light and knowledge meant the second death. R4907:3

Whose place was subsequently filled, through the Lord's appointment, by the Apostle Paul. (Rom. 1:1) R2657:5

13 'And now unto Thee I come, and these things I speak in the world, that they may have my joy fulfilled in themselves;
14 I have given to them Thy word, and the world did hate them, because they are not of the world, as I am not of the world; Thy word – His teachings were of things he had already learned of the Father. E50

Hath hated them – The blessings of the Lord upon his faithful ones more than compensate for the losses of earthly friendships and wealth and fame, securable to them by their natural talents in other directions. NS104:2

Not of the world – The Church, consecrated believers, have escaped the condemnation which is still on the world. (2 Pet. 1:4; Rom. 8:1-4) SM665:1

The sons of God are not of the world, but chosen and separated from the world by the divine call and spirit-begetting. R5760:5, 4515:5, 4495:4

Therefore the world disrespects us, and offers us no places of public influence. R2695:5

Faithfulness to the Lord and to his Word and adherence to all the principles of righteousness are sure to bring the Lord's people more or less into a condition of separateness from the world. NS104:1

15 I do not ask that Thou mayest take them out of the world, but that Thou mayest keep them out of the evil. Shouldest take them – In harmony with this prayer, he has not during the age separated his people from the world, merely separating them so far as the heart is concerned. R3552:1

Out of the world – We are to be in it, not as citizens, but as aliens--but law-abiding aliens, rendering unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's. (Matt. 22:21) R2002:4, 424:3

A wiser course than a man of wealth abandoning his superior opportunities to distribute his wealth to others and work as a day laborer. HG552:1

From the evil – The evil that is in the world. HG552:2

Out of sympathy with it. The same is true today, and that these in the world but not of it are now, in the Harvest time, being called out of Babylon. R3552:2

The Psalmist (119:9) shows that the only way for a young man to keep his course of life clean is to take heed thereto according to the Word of the Lord. R2146:3*

16 'Of the world they are not, as I of the world am not; They – The exception, the very small minority, the Church. R2550:2

Not of the world – The prayer points out two things: how the Lord's followers will be kept--by the power of the truth in their hearts; and, secondly, why--because they are not of the world. R3552:3; SM391:1

Therefore all our experiences must be regarded as Christian, for correction in righteousness and for educational purposes. R5117:6

It is because these are justified, reckonedly free from Adamic guilt, through the blood of Christ, that they are in any sense of the word like our Lord Jesus, on a similar footing of divine favor and separateness from the world. E109

Let us not be ashamed of the name "saints," if it present before our minds saintship, holiness, separation from the world. It will help us the better to live separate from the world. R2987:5

Those who fully consecrate their lives are counted as separate and distinct from the world. OV377:5

The Church must not resist the powers that be except in matters of conscience. God's army is now being marshalled and his Church should stand aloof from both the governments that be and their opposers. R362:5, 3607:5

The Lord's people occupy largely the position of spectators in respect to the course of this world--its policies, politics, conquests, its frantic efforts to carry out its selfish projects. R5706:2

Therefore their participation in elections is to cast their vote for Jesus. NS263:3

The world does not understand us--they do not know that we belong to a different kingdom; but we understand them. R5461:2

The losing of the clear line of distinction between the Church and the world has been a serious injury to true Christianity. R3551:3

The world does not approve the followers of our Lord because the darkness hateth the light, because the standard of the Royal Priesthood is higher than the standard of mankind in general. F133

A point very generally overlooked by professed Christians, who seem to think they should be part and parcel of the world and sharers in its aims, ambitions and self-imposed responsibilities--political, social and military. R2002:2

The promises for the world in general have no reference to the class being chosen out of the world during this Gospel age. The promises to these are all spiritual. They are called with a heavenly calling. R5575:1

It is along this line that many in the nominal churches justify themselves in respect to the worldly forms and customs introduced--fairs, theatricals, games, etc. Footstep followers of Jesus must reject any such compromise with the world. R3719:5

Therefore the Church is not included in the term "men" in 1 Tim. 2:5--"one Mediator between God and men." R4341:2

This distinction between the Church and the world is marked in the picture of the two animals offered on Israel's Day of Atonement. R4340:2

The Church class were of the world until they got out of it through Christ. As Noah and his family were saved from death by coming into the ark in obedience to God, so the Church of Christ are saved from Adamic death by obedience to God. SM341:3

Though they are not of the world, but separated from it, they are not to forget that this separation is not to cultivate in them a pride of aristocracy, but for the purpose of blessing the world. R2099:3

The salvation and reconciling of the Church is one thing, and the salvation and reconciling of the world is quite another thing. These are two different salvations. NS822:1

Because we of the Gospel Church "are not of the world," we are an exception to the rule. R1043:5*

The Church, selected from the world during this Gospel age, is not reckoned as a part of the world. This Gospel age has not been the world's day of trial or judgment, but the Church's only. R408:6

I am not of the world – God never approved calling the kingdoms of the world by the name of Christ. Deceived by the church nominal, these nations are sailing under false colors, claiming to be what they are not. A269

Although the merit of Christ's sacrifice is ultimately to be applied for the cancellation of "the sins of the whole world," he did not in any sense or degree lay down his life in serving the world. R4492:3

17 sanctify them in Thy truth, Thy word is truth; Sanctify them – The sanctification of the heart and the life produced by the truth. NS168:6; R4690:6

Sanctification does not mean perfection in every thought, word and act of life. It does mean perfection of intention. NS169:1

The end of this sanctification would be unity of heart, of mind, of purpose--very different indeed from the unity of the "Dark Ages," or of the unity of federation now proposed. NS375:6

With the under-priests the Father deals directly, yet through their Advocate. Their call is of God. (1 Pet. 2:9) Their justification is by the Father. (Rom. 8:33) Their sanctification is of God. (1Thes. 5:23) R4528:6

The word sanctify has the significance of "set apart, made holy." There are two parts to this work. The first we do, we set ourselves apart; the second comes gradually, a deeper setting apart, done by God. R5319:3; CR437:3

Sanctification is of two parts--first a consecration, and second, the performance of that consecration in our daily life. R374:6

Sanctification has not only two parts, namely, man's part of entire consecration, and God's part of entire acceptance, but it has additionally an element of progression. F133

There is a sanctifying that takes place before the real sanctifying begins. The Lord said to the people of Israel, "Sanctify yourselves and I will sanctify you." (Lev. 20:7,8) R5320:1, 200:2

Sanctifying is a gradual work, lasting throughout the Christian's life. R5320:6

The Lord's people are to be more and more sanctified through the truth. The word sanctify conveys the thought of making saintly, holy. Every day of our lives should make us more sanctified--more fit for God's service in the future. R5321:1

All thus sanctified are reckoned new creatures in Christ, and are addressed as "them that are sanctified in Christ." (1 Cor. 1:2) R375:1, E243

Separate them from the evil. R2146:3*

The only sanctification recognized in Scripture is a sanctification of the spirit (mind) through the belief of the truth. R377:4, 4690:6, 5507:1

A sanctified Church is composed of sanctified individuals, who are not called for their own sakes alone, but for a glorious purpose in God's plan; and sanctified, not because of their own merit, but because of their relationship to Christ. R69:2*

Seek to produce in others what you yourself have enjoyed of the sanctification which is of the truth and which affects and influences all the affairs of life. NS171:4

While we should not pray for the conversion of our families, neighbors and friends because the Lord chooses the Bride, we may tell them the good tidings and thus bring to bear upon them the sanctifying power of the truth. NS676:2

Through thy truth – Greek, en, with the primary significance of "in," but also used to signify "through," "by," "with" and "under." R826:3

"In truth"--see Diaglott, Revised Version and Rotherham. R444:4*

The only way to possess the full harmony and union of the spirit is by possessing a knowledge of the truth. R694:1

The channel of sanctification. R5320:4

Fear may bring torments, but only the truth can sanctify and happify. NS620:2

To be forearmed with the truth is to be safeguarded against error. To be ignorant of the truth is to fall a prey to the error. NS862:3

While the spirit of the truth is to be sought, and not merely its letter, yet the careful study of the letter of God's word is needful, together with an honesty of heart that delights to know and do the will of God. HG328:4

God gives us in his Word counsel and admonition. As these enter our heart and impress themselves upon us, we are constrained to work out in ourselves the peaceable fruits of righteousness and holiness. R5877:4

The Spirit applies to our reason, and uses the Word of God as its agent. R200:4

How evident it is that God's people need more and more rely upon their Father's Word, and not upon feelings and impressions and "voices" which generally, if not always, deceive. HG328:4

The truth has a sanctifying power in the heart because it fills the longings of the heart. Our hearts need not only to be cleansed, through justification; but also to be filled with the Lord himself. R3552:5

Our hearts were filled at the beginning, but the capacity of our hearts was small. As they grow, as they enlarge, the sanctification must keep pace. F133

All of us should be studious to obey the truth, remembering the other statement of the Scriptures, "He that loveth or maketh a lie" is not of the Lord. (Rev. 21:27) HG119:6

The message of God received by faith is accepted to be the truth, to be true knowledge, and wherever it goes there must be a sanctifying, separating power. NS505:5

Let us not fall into the error of some, of presuming that the sanctifying work can go on better without the truth than with it. R1628:5; SM292:2; NS862:4

Error never sanctifies, but is always injurious. OV295:4; NS125:1, 440:1

For example, the error of death-bed repentance removes the incentive to become saintly. NS575:4

The general endeavor seems to produce sanctification by fear, superstition, etc., but this is a failure. NS168:6

In contrast to sanctification, the net result of the horrible doctrine of eternal torment is the vilification, misrepresentation and nullification of the power of God's Word. NS409:1

Truth is the mirror in which we behold--recognize--understand God, and we are sanctified through it. R493:5*

It is nowhere said that he was sanctified by the word of the prophets. For sanctifying power, Jesus pointed us forward to the truths to be revealed by the Spirit through the apostles. R442:4

Isaiah compares this sanctifying and life-giving draught to water, exhilarating wine and nourishing milk. (Isa. 55:1-13) R1363:3

Pictured by the laver in the Tabernacle. As water cleanses the natural, so truth cleanses the spiritual. As water is the life of the natural, so the truth of God develops the life spiritual. R117:5*

Thy word – The source of all true knowledge. (Prov. 2:6; John 6:45) R3550:3

The Word of God is the treasure-house of our Father, in which he has stored truth to sanctify the Church in every age. R200:5

We cannot be sanctified without the Word of God. Nothing else can take its place. SM362:3

Let us all be students of the Bible, and let us be honest and loyal, not handling the Word of God deceitfully. OV399:1

The mistake of some people is to suppose that to have a Bible in their possession is to have the truth in their possession. The Bible is not the truth; it is merely the expression of the truth. The truth is the spirit of the word--its meaning, its intention, its real essence. NS169:4

It is not the truth of geometry or trigonometry or geology or astronomy or any other science that we are to be diligent to study and be grounded and built up in, but God's Word. R5558:5, 5320:1; NS169:2

Not truth in general, along different lines, but rather that they should have knowledge of the divine plan and purposes. R5319:6

The teachings of all the Lord's representatives should be along this same line--not human speculations and philosophies, but the Word of God. R3726:6

Our Lord prayed that the work of divine instruction might go on in them, as it is written: "They shall all be taught of God." ( John 6:45) R5319:6

The strongest and most faithful Christians in every period of the world's history have been those who loved and reverenced the Bible, and who went to it when they desired counsel from the Most High. R2240:6

No contradiction of other Scriptural statements which say that we are sanctified by Christ, or by the holy Spirit. E243; Q124:3

The sanctification of the Church is accomplished by the Spirit of the Truth, imparted to the consecrated ones through the Word of God which he provided for this very purpose. E243

Our Lord Jesus is the one who applies the truth to the Church, which is his Body. This application of the truth--teaching us and leading us in the right way--is his way of sanctifying. Q124:2

The divine Spirit is the sanctifier, and the Word of Truth is the instrument. R197:3*

God has so much more to tell us than we have to tell him. Let him speak much and long and often through his Word. R597:6*, 317:1*

Is truth – The Word of God is the only real authority of divine truth. Neither the Church collectively, nor church councils, nor individual members of it, except for the twelve, are any authorities. R1584:5

18 as Thou didst send me to the world, I also did send them to the world; I also sent them – Of course the apostles were specially sent, but all the Lord's followers are sent in a sense. We are not sent until we are separated from the world. Then he gives us a work in his name and for his cause. R3552:6

Every true follower of Christ, male or female, is authorized to teach and to baptize according to this general call to the ministry, commission and ordination. R1541:4

19 and for them do I sanctify myself, that they also themselves may be sanctified in truth. I sanctify myself – He separated himself from that feature of the glory and dignity of the Father's reward that his followers might have a share in it. R3553:1

That they also – Our Lord realized his disciples were to be developed to be sharers in his glory, joint-heirs. R3552:6

At first thought, such a sharing might appear to lessen the great glory of Jesus, just as the appointment of the seventy elders of Israel to be associates with Moses seemed to diminish his authority. R3552:6

20 'And not in regard to these alone do I ask, but also in regard to those who shall be believing, through their word, in me; For these alone – Those then present with him. R3160:2, 1254:4

The apostles. F213; R5358:2, 1522:1; HG15:3; OV395:6

For them – The entire previously marked-out "Church." R827:5

The entire Gospel Church--to the end of the age. R1522:1, 4965:5; F213; CR367:5

Therefore giving divine authority to expound God's Word. (Isa. 61:1) OV161:1

Which shall believe – Five hundred had believed on his word. SM666:T

All who should believe on him so thoroughly, so sincerely, that their faith would separate them from the world to be his disciples. R3551:5; SM582:1

Nor need we suppose that the love for the twelve applied to them exclusively; rather, that he viewed the twelve as representatives of "them also which should believe on him through their word." R2449:2; F462

The first requirement of the New Testament of all who would share its blessings is faith--not a general faith, but a faith in God and in Christ Jesus. R2220:2

He ignored "sinners" completely. The reason why some good Christian brethren have not had their prayers answered is because they ask amiss. (Jas. 4:3) QB815:3; NS675:6

Through their word – The testimony on which faith rests is not man's, it is God's own. Those who live the life of God, breathe his spirit, conform to his law, do his works and speak his words, are the agency for the extension of his testimony. R1329:1

The Lord honored the twelve and their words, and prayed a blessing upon us all through them. R4097:2

The "very elect" he directed to give the same message to others, not for the conversion of the world, but for the calling, instruction and edification of "the Church, which is the Body of Christ." SM44:4

21 that they all may be one, as Thou Father [art] in me, and I in Thee; that they also in us may be one, that the world may believe that Thou didst send me. May be one – The true Church of Christ, although of many persons, is ultimately to be one--not one person, but one in faith, hope, knowledge and service. R1904:5

Exhorting his disciples to have the same mind, the same will, the same spirit, which actuated him--the holy Spirit, the mind or disposition to do the will of the Father in heaven. HG661:4; 592:6; R5725:5, 802:5; CR474:2

In heart and purpose and love. R1522:1; F213

Oneness of spirit, oneness of purpose. R5352:2

The one purpose which is common to both the Father and the Son is the Father's purpose, which was gradually revealed to the Son in due time and order. R3160:3

The spirit or disposition and purposes and aim being common to us all. R3162:4

A oneness of confidence, of sympathy, of love, of honor, of mutual possession. (The article elaborates on each of these aspects.) R3160:3

Fulfilled throughout the age. All who have been truly his have had a oneness of heart, of purpose, of spirit, with the Father and with the Son. R3553:3

Surely not that his disciples might become one person, but that they might be one in spirit, in mind. They become one in mind and purpose by each giving up his own will to do God's will. R5749:1, 5358:3

We are not speaking here of the mysterious doctrine of incarnation, but of the equally mysterious and important doctrine of exaltation. R30:6*

All who are thoroughly loyal would desire to do the Father's will, desire to lay down their lives in the Father's service. And this desire would make them one. R5358:6

If we can now recognize one true Gospel, we may all reunite in harmony with this prayer. SM121:T

The true Christian union is that in which each individual believer in the ransom for all is fully consecrated to the Lord; and all thus united to the Head and imbued by the truth with his spirit must be one. R1818:1

We find that, necessarily, because of the differences of our flesh, we cannot in everything see exactly alike. Now we can only see more or less obscurely. R5359:1

The marriage. HG15:3; R91:2*, 48:4*

The Church, made one with him as he is one with his Father, constitute the seed--"Heaven's conquering army." (Rev. 19:4) The work of the seed must follow the complete development of the seed. R22:6*

The oneness of the divine family is represented in the cover of the Ark of the Tabernacle--the "Mercy Seat" was the lid, and hence a part, the top or head of it. So is Christ the head of the Church, and the head of the entire Christ is God. T126

The tendency in church federation is toward the enforcement of their views upon others. However good their intention, the results of these efforts will not be advantageous or in harmony with this prayer. NS375:6

As thou – Here the oneness of the Church is specifically stated to be exactly the same as the oneness between the Father and the Son. The oneness of the Church is oneness of mind and not a personal oneness. E75

Cannot mean one in person, but in fellowship. R30:6*

I in thee – Jesus and the Father are one because Jesus surrendered his will to the Father's will, saying, "Not my will, but thine, be done." (Luke 22:42) R5749:1, E75

Thy Spirit, or disposition, and purposes and aim being common to us all. R5213:5, 694:2

Be one in us – While such is the oneness between the heavenly Father and all his anointed sons, it is blessed also to mark the same oneness between Christ Jesus and his anointed brethren. R3161:6

These wait until their foreordained number is complete, to enter into the honors and joys of their Lord--to be "glorified together" with him. R828:2

That the world – When the Church is made one. R555:6

This unity is shown to be not only the Christian's life and hope, but also the basis of the world's hope. Certain it is that the world cannot be saved until after the Church is glorified. R91:2*

The ultimate purpose of this selection, both of the apostles and of the entire Body of Christ. F213; R1522:1

The development and exaltation of the Church is of first importance in order that, under the future leading and government of the perfected and glorified Church, the world may believe. R1332:6

Christ prays that he be glorified, that believers also be glorified "that the world may know" that the Father hath sent him. When that prayer is answered, then will believers be "read and known of all men"--the epistle of Christ. (2Cor. 3:2) R1323:6*

May believe – Then, in due season. R798:6, 3205:5; NS192:6

In the next dispensation. R555:6

When the Church is perfected in the divine nature. R442:3

Jesus and the apostles kept Church and world separate in their teachings. Regarding sanctification, the two are alike, yet different. The Church consecrates first in the Gospel age, the world afterward in the Millennial age. R442:3

22 'And I, the glory that thou hast given to me, have given to them, that they may be one as we are one; I have given them – Instead of feeling jealous that any others should be exalted to the divine nature, this prayer declares his full acquiescence in the plan, his hearty cooperation and his joy to have it so. R3553:1

Even as they once bore the image of the earthly, human nature, they shall bear the image of the heavenly. A211

They may be one – Were we to believe that God and Christ were one being, we would be shut in to the fact that all the members of the Body of Christ will ultimately lose all personal identity in Christ, and be in God. R802:6*

As we are one – One of the best proofs the Lord and the Father are not one in person. He could not have prayed for all the Church to be one in person. R5358:3

The Head of the under-shepherds is Christ, the Good Shepherd, and the head of the Good Shepherd is the Great Shepherd, and the flock is one. R2431:4, 4754:2

23 I in them, and Thou in me, that they may be perfected into one, and that the world may know that Thou didst send me, and didst love them as Thou didst love me. Be made perfect – The thought is that of completeness. He is referring to the end of the age, when the work will be completed, perfected, when they will all be one. R5358:6

The world may know – As a result of the perfecting of that one Body, in due time. R827:5

But this statement can only be apprehended by becoming one with the Father and with the Son. R2431:4

Hast loved them – We were sinners and had nothing in us worthy of his love. But we have been washed and cleansed, and however imperfect our earthen vessels may still be, our hearts are perfect in his sight. R3161:6

As thou hast loved me – When the world shall come to understand the matter fully, they will all know the truth of the Lord's word, that the Father loves the Church as he loves the Lord Jesus. There is nothing selfish in our Lord. R5359:1

He did not say, "They will always be inferior to me. They will never have the glory that I shall have." R5359:1

If we follow in the exact footsteps of another, we always arrive at the same destination. R233:3*

24 'Father, those whom Thou hast given to me, I will that where I am they also may be with me, that they may behold my glory that Thou didst give to me, because Thou didst love me before the foundation of the world. I will – This is not a petition, but a declaration of the Lord's will, as though he were saying, Father, I understand that this is thy will, and I will it also, acquiescing in this great and liberal arrangement. R3553:4

Whom thou hast given me – Isaac chose not his own bride, but Abraham chose for him through his servant, illustrative of the fact that God, the Father, through his Spirit (the servant) is choosing the Bride of Christ. R161:2

Be with me – He would have them with himself, beholding and sharing the glory which the Father has conferred upon him as a reward for his loyalty and obedience. R5213:4

The hope of the Church is that she may be like her Lord, "see him as he is" (1 John 3:2), and "be partaker of the divine nature" (2 Pet. 1:4), and share his glory as his joint-heir. R5822:2

Behold my glory – It is written that "we shall see him as he is"--not as he was. (1 John 3:2) R1806:2, 1510:5

The glory of his mighty creative works, with all the other evidences of his Father's love. R3162:1

25 'Righteous Father, also the world did not know Thee, and I knew Thee, and these have known that Thou didst send me, I have known thee – The key to this wonderful knowledge of heavenly things is found in John 3:31,32: "He that is of the earth is earthy, and speaketh of the earth; he that cometh from heaven is above all, and what he hath seen and heard, he testifies." E91

He had been with the Father from the beginning and he knew his love and goodness; he had seen the manifestations of his power; he had marked his loving-kindness. So we have come to know and trust him. R5432:2

Considering the length of time of creation, we may have some idea of our Lord's long and intimate acquaintance with Jehovah. R1060:1, 446:2*

26 and I made known to them Thy name, and will make known, that the love with which Thou lovedst me in them may be, and I in them.' Thy name – Thy character, thy greatness, thy goodness, thy love, thy benefactions. R3553:5

And will declare it – Still further, as they are able to bear it, as they grow in knowledge of the truth. R3553:5

The love – Christ's work is not to purchase the Father's love, but to manifest it. R9:2*

Which not only redeemed us, but since has called us to joint-heirship with our Lord. This love would chasten us rather than permit us to fall away into second death, and will finally deliver. R3553:6

Be in them – In proportion as this love of God dwells in us, in that same proportion we will have a responsive love which will delight to do those things pleasing to our Father and acceptable to our Lord. R3553:6

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