2 Peter Chapter 2 [YLT]

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1 And there did come also false prophets among the people, as also among you there shall be false teachers, who shall bring in besides destructive sects, and the Master who bought them denying, bringing to themselves quick destruction, There were – In the past. R3142:5

False prophets – Public expounders of idolatry. A55

"Grievous wolves" in sheep's clothing. R1350:3*, 3142:5, 1851:4

Who evidently spoke by an inspiration, or power in them almost like the real prophets of God; these were the counterfeits. (Jer. 23:21) R265:4

Among the people – Of Israel. R910:2, 767:6; A54; NS44:4

There shall be – Among us. R1663:6*, 767:6

Future--in the end of the Gospel age. NS44:4

As the Jew was blinded by a false view of the Law, so now, many will be hindered by reason of the false presentation of the doctrine of grace from false teachers who claim that to err is human, to forgive, divine. C254

False teachers – Peter thus positively asserts that there would be teachers of falsehood right in the midst of God's people. R1350:3*

Misrepresenting; putting darkness for light and light for darkness. R2693:4

Who pretend to be shepherds; but are self-seekers, wolfish; they do not lay down their lives for the sheep, but feed upon the sheep. R4568:3

Some falsely claiming to be apostles. R5752:1

To pervert the truth. R3215:1

"Babylon," confusion, Christendom, was already beginning to work amongst the Lord's people in Apostle Paul's day, but the working was evidently but slight until after his and the other apostles' death. F201

Peter pays his compliments to the false teachers in and outside of the false systems, and locates them in the present time in no uncertain terms. NS44:4

We see these as distinctly as we see false Christs, claiming to be bodies of Christ, claiming to be the church--while really there is but one Church. Theosophy, Christian Science, New Thought movements are among them. NS44:5; R3185:3

The apostles say little about the general unbelief of the world, but they do warn us repeatedly of those who will privately bring infidelity into the Church. R423:4

Whoever exercises the gift of teaching lays himself open to increased responsibility in the sight of God and men "Be not many teachers." (James 3:1) R2156:3

Privily – Privately, secretly. F201; R1663:6*, 1335:6, 744:6, 552:4, 423:4

Deceptively; covering the real purport of their teachings. R3142:5

In a subtle manner. R910:2

They do not openly deny the meaning of the words "bought" and "ransom", but while quoting these words they covertly and privily seek to leave an impression contrary to their true and undeniable meaning. R744:6, 1350:2*, 463:2, 448:2

Having gradually and cunningly secured control of the church's conscience, the councils privily brought in damnable heresies, and palmed them off upon the conscience-fettered laity as truths. R1135:2

They must wear a garment of light, as Paul calls it, and the more successfully serve the error which they privily bring in and set before the Church. R910:2

Shall bring in – Introduce. R1335:6, 423:4

To the fold. R3142:5

Future from the Apostle's day. R744:6

Damnable heresies – Heresies of destruction. (Diaglott) R423:4

Destructive heresies. R744:3, 1350:3*, 1335:6

Errors leading to condemnation and rejection. R3142:5

Endeavoring to subvert the fundamentals of the Gospel. R552:4

To undermine the faith and to turn the faithful aside from the hopes and promises and simplicities of the Gospel. F201

The seriousness of denying the ransom is far reaching and leads into a great variety of errors and heresies reflecting against other truths and laying a foundation for other errors. R910:3, 641:4, 431:3, 190:1

Shame and confusion will cover the faces of many who propagated the God-dishonoring, love-extinguishing, truth-beclouding, saint-hindering, sinner-hardening, blasphemous doctrine of eternal torment. R2598:1

Many of the Lord's true followers have been dreaming about the conversion of the world, while the great enemy, Satan, has been sowing tares with liberal hand in their very midst. R3769:6

The appointment of elders is necessary because, now, as amongst the early Church, there are wolves in sheep's clothing who would bring in heresies, against which the chosen elders should be able to defend the flock. R1890:4, 1851:4

The time has come "when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and shall be turned unto fables." (2 Tim. 4:3, 4) R676:5

The words "damnable," "destruction," and "pernicious," in verses 1 and 2 are all from the one Greek word. R744:3

Destructive heresies swiftly destroy the teachers as teachers and others follow their destructive ways and bring the true teachings of Scripture into disrepute. R744:3

Denying the Lord – Greek, despotes, sovereign. E70; R744:3

"The having bought them Sovereign Lord denying." (Diaglott) It is a rule in the Greek to put the important or central thought first in a sentence. The ransom is the central thought. R910:2, 1335:6, 744:3, 423:4, 44:4*

Making prominent the denial of having been bought as the destructive heresy. R744:3

Yet with much feigned reverence and humility they profess allegiance to him, thus falsely presenting themselves as messengers of truth. (2 Cor. 11:13-15) R3185:3

A denial of the ransom. R1350:5*, 1459:4, 910:3, 852:2, 641:4, 125:6

This is the new view common amongst clergymen of every school and denomination--the no-ransom view--no atonement necessary. R3458:4, 744:6, 392:3

That bought them – "With his own precious blood." (1 Pet. 1:19) E296; R392:3, 387:2

Or ransomed them. R744:3, 1459:4, 745:4

Greek, agorazo, to purchase in the open market. R387:2, 44:4; E447

"Ye were bought with a price." (1 Cor. 6:20) R387:2, 448:2, 392:3

Denying that any ransom price was given or required for man's recovery. C254; R448:2

Denying that our Lord gave for us and all men a corresponding price--removing the foundation of all our hopes. R910:3, 744:6, 552:4, 423:1

The ransom was and still is a sure test. Every doctrine that denies the ransom is an active opponent of the truth, is anti-(against) Christ; every doctrine that ignores it is seriously wrong, not of God. E296

In the days of the apostles, and especially now, some acknowledge Jesus as Lord, but deny that he "bought them." R744:3

The Lord's people should be on guard against the agents of another gospel, which claims that Jesus was merely an example and teacher. R1746:2; NS44:6, 318:5

He was our Savior or Redeemer first, and having bought, purchased, redeemed, ransomed us from the dominion or control of death, he became rightfully our owner, our Lord, our Master. R745:4

If he has not bought us, he is not our Lord, and has no right or control. Hence those who deny the ransom, really deny the Lordship of Christ, no matter how much they may claim to acknowledge Jesus as Lord. R910:3

This is the rock which Christendom is even now striking against and being broken in pieces. (Matt. 21:44) R448:2

Those who intelligently and conscientiously memorialize the shed blood of our Lord's body, broken for us, are not the ones to fall into this sin. R2457:2

The amount of truth now necessary to our sanctification and protection from the foretold "scoffers" of the end of this age, is much more than was necessary to those in former times. R1782:5

Swift destruction – Contrary to the Universalist theory. R3083:2

Death is the penalty of willful sin. HG305:6

Not eternal torment of evil-doers. R1085:6; 305:6

2 and many shall follow out their destructive ways, because of whom the way of the truth shall be evil spoken of, Many shall follow – Few, therefore, will be able to stand--a Little Flock. NS44:5

All but the "very elect" of God will be more or less stumbled by the errors and worldliness of our day. R5801:6

We do not seek to prohibit our readers from reading the works of Paine, Voltaire or Ingersoll, or the Day Star, but we want the latter as well as the rest labeled infidel. R631:6

Pernicious ways – Destructive of the very foundation of hope and its corresponding license in dealing with Scriptures which oppose them. R910:3

Destructive of the truth, destructive of the faith once delivered to the saints. R744:6

As for those who come under the power of the Adversary we can only expect that their hearts and minds will become more and more perverse. R4477:5

By reason – The goats and wolves in sheep's clothing striving for places of authority in the church. F248

The way of truth – The true way of salvation--through the ransom--the way of the cross. R910:3, 744:6

Here we have the false teachers, the truth unpopular, and the majority falling into error. HG44:4

Evil spoken of – Will be reviled. R910:3

The ecclesia is far better off without any public servant than to have for a leader a golden- tongued "goat," who would surely not "direct their hearts into the love of God," but seductively into wrong channels. F248

A warning against readers of The Day Star: Restitution will be the bait, error will be the hook, and sophistry the line by which the unwary will be drawn into infidelity. R431:3, 423:4

3 and in covetousness, with moulded words, of you they shall make merchandise, whose judgment of old is not idle, and their destruction doth not slumber. Through covetousness – Ambition, etc. R1663:6*

A mark by which we may distinguish who are wolves in sheep's clothing. R3747:1

Make merchandise – Would use you for their own advantage. R4480:4

4 For if God messengers who sinned did not spare, but with chains of thick gloom, having cast [them] down to Tartarus, did deliver [them] to judgment, having been reserved, Spared not – In the time before the flood the angels had their trial. R4879:3

Angels that sinned – Angels of light who became disobedient. R4976:1

Fallen angels; demons. R5059:1, 5470:1, 5043:4, 4577:3, 3309:3; SM195:1

Inferior angels. R4976:1, 4577:3

Who did not maintain their condition of loyalty to God. R4879:3

In Noah's day, by taking human wives; they "kept not their first estate." (Jude 6) E104; F620; R4068:2, 2171:4, 892:6, 254:2

They preferred to materialize and live in human conditions. This was in violation of the divine arrangement, and was the result of their loss of faith in God's wisdom and power. R5115:6, 4577:4, 3934:4; NS549:1; OV17:4

They seem to be thoroughly degraded in their appetites and desires. R4976:2; HG725:4

Mankind became a prey to these angels who "lusted after strange flesh." (Jude 6,7) R5706:3

Assuming human bodies, which they had been privileged to do for the purpose of assisting mankind, they misused those bodies. R3934:4, 5160:1

These angels should have been contented and happy in the exercise of the powers and qualities and blessings given them by the Father richly to enjoy. R4068:2

The "angel of light" sophistries of the powers of evil, and their works of healing, will surely delude all whose eyes of understanding are not open through heeding the testimony of the sure Word of God. R5801:6

Their means of getting possession of human bodies has been by getting possession of their wills. R4976:2

The fallen angels, although restrained, have contact with each other and are well aware of procedures in general. R3309:3

The reign of sin and death amongst mankind furnished the opportune test of the loyalty or disloyalty of all the angels of heaven. CR66:5; OV185:4

The Bible mentions evil angels as well as righteous ones, a fact quite contrary to Mrs. Eddy's (Christian Scientist) definition of angel. HG705:6*

Cast them down – Condemned them to an overthrow. R5043:4

In the sense of being treated ignominiously. SM195:1

These fallen spirits frequented the earth in the days of our Lord and the apostles. Hence they were not down in some place, but "down" in the sense of being degraded from former honor and liberty. R2603:5

From honor and dignity, into dishonor and condemnation. R2603:5; Q21, 743:3

Degraded them and delivered them into chains of darkness. Q841:T, 743:3; R2603:5; HG30:2

To hell – Greek, tartaroo, our earth's atmosphere. SM195:1

Literally, tartaroo, the lower atmosphere. Hence, the devil is called "the prince of the power of the air." (Eph. 2:2) HG30:2

The Greek word tartaroo refers more to an act than to a place. This is the only Scripture where this word is used. Q743:3; R2603:5; HG511:5; SM195:1

Reserved in tartarus--our earth's atmosphere. R5043:5, 4880:2, 4879:3, 4068:2, 3490:2, 2171:4, 254:2, 170:3*, 111:3; HG130:6; 725:1; NS839:5; OV17:4; SM97:3

Confined in tartarus--the circumambient air of this planet. OV294:2; HG130:1; NS124:1

Thus separated from the holy angels. R4068:2; SM195:T

If both mankind and the angels are to be judged during the same period, it would seem entirely reasonable that both should be associated with the earth and its atmosphere. R2646:4

The translators of the Revised Version erred in giving the marginal reading of tartarus--a word used in Grecian mythology as the name for a dark abyss or prison. Q743:3

The place where Satan and the fallen angels are restrained. NS839:5

Chains of darkness – Cut off from fellowship with God and the holy angels and no longer permitted to materialize and thus to commingle with humanity. R4682:2, 5043:5, 4880:2, 4577:4; OV18:3; SM98:T, 548:1

Reserving them in chains, under darkness. F620; Q841:T

The darkness of the night, for they can operate only under the cover of the night or conditions of darkness. Q841:T

Imprisoned, not in a special place, but in the sense of having their liberties restrained. R5043:5; F620

They are imprisoned, restrained, but not destroyed. R2171:4; HG725:1

"Spirits in prison." (1 Peter 3:19) Q744:1, 840:4

The penalty inflicted upon them. PD17/26

Restrained from materialization and from working their power in light, as they had done previously. R4976:1, 2171:4; HG725:1; Q671

Whenever these fallen spirits, in spiritualistic seances, manifest their powers through mediums, pretending to be certain dead human beings, they must always do their work in the dark, because darkness is the chain by which they are bound. R2603:5; HG30:1

Whatever they do must be done in the dark. SM195:1

Darkness is twin to evil and all the foul spirits of earth seek its cover. No respectable person likes to be found in these dens of darkness; or with the literature that comes from such a fountain. HG30:5

Darkness is the first and foremost condition of all their manifestations, nor can they endure the full glare of a tallow candle. God has placed them under this one restriction of darkness. HG30:3

They have exercised their influence to whatever extent they have had permission. If they had had unlimited power they would have wrecked the world long ago. R5470:1

Secretly; or through agents, mediums, witches, etc. R4068:2, 4976:1, 4880:2, 266:4; HG130:1; OV18:3

This includes both Satan and the angels of lower order. SM548:1

For 4,400 years these fallen angels have been exiles from God. R5160:4, 4880:2

They have been restrained since the flood. R4976:6, 5160:4, 5043:4

They were not destroyed, because, while their fleshly bodies which they assumed might indeed perish, yet they would merely dematerialize, or assume their spirit conditions again. R5043:4

The sentence against these was not death, but that they should be confined in chains of darkness until the judgment of the great day. SM98:T

The letting loose of the winds (Rev. 7:1), powers of the fallen angeaint; resulting in the complete overthrow of the social order in anarchy. R5470:1, 4880:4; Q21, 737:3

Now the great day nears, the chains are being gradually loosened, and these wicked spirits have greater liberties than ever before. R3490:2, 2171:4; HG725:2

Spiritists claim that the spirits are breaking these bonds and that gradually they will be able to do fully in the light everything that they can now do in the dark, and even more than this. R4880:3, 266:5

Not that the evil spirits will be able to break the bands, or chains, but that it will be part of God's plan to let this happen. R4976:6, 4880:3

We find evidences that the fallen spirits are obtaining more liberty. We have reason to believe that there have been materializations. R4976:5, 4977:1; HG30:3

The history of these demons would seem to show that the evil concupiscence which led to their fall before the flood, still continues with them. Their pleasure is still in lasciviousness and degradation. R2171:5; HG725:4

These fallen angels did appear in human form before the flood, but there is not one instance recorded in which they have been able to free themselves from this restraint of chain since. The angels that left not their first estate are not so restrained, and have appeared frequently as men, as recorded in the Old and New Testaments. R1678:2

They have less power, less privilege, than formerly. R4976:1

However, they were still working, as when Saul sought the witch of Endor to inquire as to how the battle would go. (1 Sam. 28:7-20) R4976:2; HG726:2

So we read in the New Testament that there are many possessed--not of devils, but of demons. R4976:2; NS124:1; OV294:2

As for the sons of the fallen angels by human mothers, there is no hope for them. They will never be awakened or resurrected. But the rest of the antediluvian sinners of Adam's race were as much redeemed by Christ's sacrifice as other sinners of the race at any time. R5160:4, 3934:5

We are to distinguish clearly between the restraint of the fallen angels and the binding of Satan who is the prince of demons. R4976:1; HG725:2; Q22:2

They were not imprisoned in some far-off world called hell, nor are they engaged there in stoking fires for the torture of poor humanity. R5043:4

Not in literal chains of iron. SM195:1; Q671

Unto – Until the judgment of the great day. R4976:5, 5470:1, 5160:5, 4879:3, 266:4; Q21, 22:3; SM195:1

Until the great Millennial morning. R4682:2, 2171:4; HG725:2

The angels may have been more or less on trial since the time that they were consigned to the chains of darkness. Q20

Judgment – Greek, krisis, trial. R1679:2; HG728:6

The great Millennial day of judgment. R2603:5, 1679:2; 728:6

Implies a fresh trial, seeming to apply to the present time, a great time of temptation. Q17:T; R4880:1, 4879:3; NS124:1; Q22:3

In order to be tried at all, these fallen angels must have certain liberties granted, to prove them. R4880:1

A trial somewhat after the manner of their previous trial before the flood. R4880:1

A great trial, or testing, in respect to their willingness or unwillingness to do according to the divine will. R4880:3

The evil spirits will do all the evil that is in their power, and this will constitute the trial of all the fallen angels--the lifting of the restraints to see whether they will go contrary to the divine will. R4880:4

At the beginning of Messiah's 1000 year day of the reign of righteousness. SM195:1

In the closing of the Gospel age, and the lapping of the Millennial age. R3490:2, 266:4; Q21

In due time there is to be a judgment or decision rendered of God respecting those angels--in connection with the inauguration of the Millennial day. SM98:T

The work of the glorified Church will be not only to judge the world during the Millennial age, but it will include also the judgment of these fallen angels. (1 Cor. 6:3) R2646:4

Judgment of the present time and not judgment of the Millennial day. Q22:3

We cannot think that God will allow this trial of the angels during the Millennial reign, for then, nothing shall hurt; nothing shall destroy. R4880:1

Trial or judgment of the fallen angels will probably be along lines of their previous trial or test--those obedient to God have a blessing, those disobedient have a curse. Q16:6

Whether this implies that in the immediate future they will be able to materialize in daylight is difficult to determine. If so, it would greatly increase Satan's power to blind and deceive for a short season. R2603:5

It may be something in connection with the saints that will constitute the test of these angels. R4880:6

The things which you and I may see, and understand, and declare, are the things which are judging them, or becoming a test for them. And as they come to know these things, they are tested by them. Q18

The judgment of the great day may not refer to the fallen angels so particularly as to us of the world. Q21

In a sense their trial has been in progress just the same as the judgment and trial of the Church has been in progress, to see whether or not we love righteousness and hate iniquity. Q21

It would not surprise us if some of the fallen angels who sinned in the past have repented and have had long centuries of experience with the unrepentant ones. The trial time will prove each of these angels. R4880:3; Q21

All who manifest their alliance with evil in any way will become subjects of the second death; while others who show their loyalty to God will mark themselves as worthy, presumably, of everlasting life. R4880:6

We have reason for believing that after 1881, there will be wonderful spiritual manifestations. R170:3*

5 and the old world did not spare, but the eighth person, Noah, of righteousness a preacher, did keep, a flood on the world of the impious having brought, Spared not – With the Deluge the first world passed away; that dispensation, that order of things, came to an end. R1614:3, 2842:6

The old world – Greek, kosmos, order or state of things. R10:2*

It was not the earth which came to an end, merely that order or condition of things which prevailed prior to the flood that ceased there. PD18/26; Q777:1

That was the dispensation in which the angels were permitted to mingle with men--the object being to help mankind recover from the fall. God knew they could not do this, but he permitted it for a good purpose. R1614:3,6

The first 1656 years of earth's history, down to the Deluge--the period of the ministration of angels--showed to angels and to men the inability of the angels to recover fallen man. R1154:6; NS549:1

Long enough to furnish a test of loyalty of every member of the angelic host. NS549:1

By the fall of some of the angels, it became manifest that evil was very contaminating and demoralizing even to the pure, and could only be dealt with as a plague--stamped out. R1154:6

Saved Noah – Sparing only Noah (who was perfect in his generation, not of the hybrid race, Gen. 6:9), and his family. This was R1560:4; SM97:2

As Noah and his family were the only ones spared from the old order, so Christ is the Ark of Safety now for all who will be saved out of the present order of things. R5161:4

The eighth person – God was fully justified in the arrangement which blotted out the human family, except eight persons--righteous Noah and his family. SM61:1

The flood – Which deluged the world and wiped out the whole mongrel race with which sin had peopled the earth. R1560:4

An attestation to the truthfulness of the Deluge. R2842:6

World of the ungodly – Degradation, and not advancement, was the course from Adam to Noah. R866:1

6 and the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah having turned to ashes, with an overthrow did condemn, an example to those about to be impious having set [them]; Sodom – Of Sodom it is declared that the sin thereof was great, and God "took them away as he saw good." (Ezek. 16:50) R1779:2, 1270:4

Condemned – Greek, katakrino. R999:2

The Sodomites were not condemned to second death but were an example of those who would be. R1618:3

With an overthrow – Sin and death were condemned or sentenced to overthrow by reason of the ransom given for the slaves over whom they have reigned. R999:2

Making them – They were made an example of the ultimate doom that will come upon all who reject God's grace and die the second death. R5076:5, 583:5

An ensample – An example of God's treatment of evildoers--both of his vengeance and of his mercy. His vengeance was manifested in their destruction; and his mercy is specially manifest in their promised deliverance. R1618:2

So far from creating sin or inciting to wickedness and crime, God's actions, where he has interfered at all, have been toward the restraint of sin. R1779:1, 1270:4

The Sodomites, and all of Adam's posterity, are included in the redemption work of Jesus. R5076:5, 1779:2, 1270:5

Unto those – An example of them for the restraint of those. R1779:2, 1270:5

That after – Not examples of God's dealings in the present time, but of the punishment or destruction awaiting the finally incorrigible during or at the close of the Millennial judgment period, or day. R583:5

Live ungodly – Contrary to God's will--in sin. R1270:4

7 and righteous Lot, worn down by the conduct in lasciviousness of the impious, He did rescue, Vexed – Lot was not in sympathy with the evils of Sodom. R5179:2

Having no real peace of mind in the selfish, worldly choice of residence which he made. R2848:6

8 for in seeing and hearing, the righteous man, dwelling among them, day by day the righteous soul with unlawful works was harassing. Dwelling among them – His determination to make the country of the Jordan his home does not signify that he had fellowship with the Sodomites. R2848:5

Vexed – Lot was sore distressed by the lascivious life of the wicked Sodomites. R3939:4

His righteous soul – Deluded into association with evil influences for the sake of worldly prosperity. He thought he could live separate from the contaminations of Sodom, and even exercise a good moral influence over the unrighteous. R2484:6

9 The Lord hath known to rescue pious ones out of temptation, and unrighteous ones to a day of judgment, being punished, to keep, The Lord knoweth how – It is very seldom that God visits punishment upon the world in the present time. R569:5

"I will trust and not be afraid." (Isa. 12:2) F420

Reserve the unjust – Every wrong deed, every wrong principle acted upon, has an evil affect upon character; as all right doing brings blessing. So mankind, as they have obeyed or disobeyed, will be elevated or degraded in character when they enter the next age. R4856:3

God is long-suffering and patient to the ungodly. R4856:4

God hath appointed a day in which he will judge the world by Jesus Christ. R569:5

Day of judgment – Greek, krisis. HG231:5

The Millennial day. R1882:4; HG334:5

The Day of Vengeance. NS217:3

When "he will reward every man according to his works." (Matt. 16:27) A103; HG347:4

God is not punishing them now. HG231:5; NS217:6

Those who have followed a wrong course will get their lesson. They will have much more difficulty than will those who have learned lessons from the tribulations of the present life. R4856:4

A man who has practised evil will require severe discipline before he will learn that the customs of the past will not be allowed. R4856:4

To be punished – Greek, kolasin, to cut off, as lopping off branches of trees, to prune. R1040:2, 2608:2; HG133:5; OV166:T

Since the new order will be such that nothing will be allowed to hinder it, a wrong course in this life will then receive retribution in the sense that it will be the result of a wrong condition. R4856:4

The billions of the dead will be rewarded at the return of Christ. Whatever may become of them, we may be sure they are not now in a condition of suffering. A103; NS217:3

The punishments will be adapted to the nature of the offences, and the benevolent object in view--man's permanent establishment in righteousness. R2613:5

The purgatory of the Bible is to begin when this Gospel age ends, when the Little Flock of saints has been selected. R1469:4

Not eternal torment, but some just recompense of reward for every evil deed. SM222:T; HG334:5

10 and chiefly those going behind the flesh in desire of uncleanness, and lordship despising; presumptuous, self-complacent, dignities they are not afraid to speak evil of, But chiefly them – Principally teachers, and chiefly in the end of this age; those once among the elect. F166

Dignities – Those whom God has honored and "set" in the Body. F166

11 whereas messengers, in strength and power being greater, do not bear against them before the Lord an evil speaking judgment;
12 and these, as irrational natural beasts, made to be caught and destroyed in what things they are ignorant of, speaking evil in their destruction shall be destroyed, These – All the willfully wicked, disobedient or rebellious. R5078:5; OV185:4

Disobedient; lovers of evil. PD95/109; R5167:2; NS579:4

Willful sinners against full light. OV363:T

The unwilling, recalcitrants. OV24:3

Natural brute beasts – The willful rejector and opposer shall be cut off in the second death; die like a brute beast. R4849:6, 5776:5, 5037:4, 4657:1, 1005:2; HG707:2*; NS831:1; Q224:6

Those not willing to recognize the King of Glory and obey him are to be destroyed. R5847:4, 1006:6; OV251:4

Those who forfeit and lose the likeness of God, the perfection in which he created them, are reckoned as unworthy of the honorable title of sons of God--as the brute creation which never had and never lost this likeness. R1005:1

"And it shall come to pass, that every soul which will not hear that prophet shall be destroyed from among the people." (Acts 3:23) R5847:4; OV166:T

None will ever be redeemed from the second death. CR270:2; NS832:3; NS844:6; OV291:4

But there shall be no knowledge of suffering for them. R4965:4; OV185:4

Taken and destroyed – The second death. OV363:T; R5344:1, 5314:6, 5078:5, 4849:6, 4755:4; HG643:6; NS841:3, 858:1; OV24:3; PD95/109

Those who will not be obedient to the requirements of Christ's Kingdom will be cut off in the second death, having had the full measure of divine favor. R4989:6, 4965:4; NS863:6; Q225:T

All who fail to get the eternal life or happiness in God's provision will get eternal death, second death, utter extinction. NS708:2

As it is proper to destroy a corrupt person who has injured others, and to cut off his opportunity of perpetuating evil, so it would be to destroy a brute beast. Q224:6

Not preserved in torture. SM314:2; OV145:4, 174:6, 373:5; HG222:3; 608:1; Q225:T

Utterly perish – Everlasting destruction. OV166:T, 145:5, 125:T; R5641:2, 5371:2, 5314:6, 5167:5; CR293:4; NS832:3; SM437:T

Annihilation. Q763:2; NS832:3, 863:6

Whoever willingly and knowingly rejects the grace of God, and chooses sin in preference to righteousness, will be esteemed a wicked sinner, unworthy of everlasting life or any further favors from God. R5314:6; NS844:6

Their destruction will be similar to that of the brute beast that perisheth. R4755:4; OV125:T

This penalty is only for the wicked who willingly and intentionally refuse the grace of God. CR279:3; R4755:4; HG643:6

Ultimately sin shall be destroyed. R5344:1

If we should fall away, it would be impossible to renew us again to repentance; God would have nothing further for us; our disregard of his mercy would mean that we would die the second death. (Jude 12) R5641:2

We once died to sin and to have it revive means a return to wallowing in the mire. R4843:4; Q507:8

Contrary to the Universalist theory. R3083:2; NS831:1

Own corruption – Those who demonstrate their unwillingness to come into heart sympathy with righteousness. SM437:1

We may rejoice even in the second death of the unwilling and disobedient, realizing that true and righteous is the divine edict under which they will perish. CR67:4

13 about to receive a reward of unrighteousness, pleasures counting the luxury in the day, spots and blemishes, luxuriating in their deceits, feasting with you,
14 having eyes full of adultery, and unable to cease from sin, enticing unstable souls, having an heart exercised in covetousnesses, children of a curse, Souls – Beings, persons. R205:3, 276:6

15 having forsaken a right way, they did go astray, having followed in the way of Balaam the [son] of Bosor, who a reward of unrighteousness did love, The right way – The ways of righteousness. F166

The way of Balaam – Type of a class that teach error for profit. F166

Representing false teachers in the nominal church. R2204:6

Wages of unrighteousness – The reward of iniquity. R2204:5

Earthly gain. F166

When a reward was offered Balaam if he would curse Israel, he was willing, in order to secure the reward, to conform to the evil proposition in spirit, in intention. R2204:5

Some of these Balaams are in the ministry and for the sake of salary and the maintenance of their positions, and the friendship of the wealthy Balaks, are willing to preach doctrines which they do not believe. R2204:6

16 and had a rebuke of his own iniquity a dumb ass, in man's voice having spoken, did forbid the madness of the prophet. Dumb ass speaking – Contrary to the teachings of many modern theologians. The Bible is so interwoven and united in its various parts that to tear from it a miracle is to destroy or discredit the whole. A61; R949:6

17 These are wells without water, and clouds by a tempest driven, to whom the thick gloom of the darkness to the age hath been kept;
18 for overswellings of vanity speaking, they do entice in desires of the flesh lasciviousnesses, those who had truly escaped from those conducting themselves in error, Were clean escaped – Those who accept Christ during this Gospel age, are reckoned as having passed from death unto life; as having escaped the wrath, "the corruption that is in the world." (2 Pet. 1:4) E410

They shall escape this special wrath, but they do not escape the general wrath which is revealed from heaven against all unrighteousness. E410

19 liberty to them promising, themselves being servants of the corruption, for by whom any one hath been overcome, to this one also he hath been brought to servitude, While they – False teachers once enlightened. F166

Promise them liberty – Freedom from belief in one God, one Lord and one hope. E286

They themselves – The teachers. F166

Philosophers. E285

Corruption – Philosophies claiming to have more liberty. E286

20 for, if having escaped from the pollutions of the world, in the acknowledging of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and by these again being entangled, they have been overcome, become to them hath the last things worse than the first, Knowledge of the Lord – That is, by being "begotten by the Word of God." R1698:3; SM715:1

Jesus Christ – Their ransom. R383:5

Overcome – The beginning of any sin is the first yielding to its intoxicating influence: and therefore we are faithfully warned to abstain from the very appearance of evil. (1 Thes. 5:22) R2017:1

Than the beginning – They are worse than those who have always been of the world. R1589:4

21 for it were better to them not to have acknowledged the way of the righteousness, than having acknowledged [it], to turn back from the holy command delivered to them, Better for them – For those who have once been clearly in the truth and have forsaken it. F629; R1589:4

Those that have received the grace of God in vain. SM715:T

Those who sin willfully after receiving a knowledge of the truth--and consequently no hope for them in the coming age. (Heb. 10:26) R2698:1, 1698:3; F167; SM715:T

They have had their blessing. R4628:5

Not to have known – They are in a much worse condition than the world. R4784:5

"It is impossible to renew them again unto repentance." (Heb. 6:6) R2698:1, 4628:3, 1698:3, 383:4, 260:6; F166, F630; SM715:T

Of righteousness – Truth. R1062:5

"When a righteous man turneth away from his righteousness and committeth iniquity, and dieth in them (unrepentant), for his iniquity that he hath done shall he die." (Ezek. 18:26) R2016:6

After they have known – Been "begotten by the Word of God." R1698:3

Having known the Lord and having once experienced his tender care and helpfulness in all of life's affairs. R4784:5

To turn from – Having wandered off, losing their first love; having forgotten that they were purged from their old sins. R4784:5

There can be no more imputation of Christ's merit to such. R4628:5

The holy commandment – One who is awakened from the creeds of the Dark Ages and sees, is a thousandfold more guilty than the poor blinded deluded ones whom his influence and example helps to keep in bondage and ignorance of the truth. R1062:5

22 and happened to them hath that of the true similitude; 'A dog did turn back upon his own vomit,' and, 'A sow having bathed herself to rolling in mire.' The true proverb – Proverbs 26:11. R2053:2

The dog – Because the dog nature and disposition are still there. R1589:5

There is nothing in the Bible indicating the resurrection of animals. Q818:2

Is turned – Returned. F166; R4628:5, 260:6

To his own vomit – If we cease to desire to do God's will, we cut loose from our Lord and begin to walk according to our own will, as natural and no longer spiritual beings. R260:6

This step must prove fatal. R4628:5

This applies only to the class that comes to the Lord now and has the hearing ear, the seeing eye, and the begetting of the Spirit. Q209:2; NS745:4

That was washed – "He washed us from our sins in his own blood." (Rev. 1:5) E445

Wallowing – The class who returns to sin again. R5270:1, 3892:2, 2295:1, 1633:6; NS382:4, 745:4

Those who turn willfully and deliberately back to the will of the flesh. R5486:2, 4628:4; NS372:5

Losing the Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of the truth, and abandoning their consecration altogether. HG668:5

Having once been delivered out of Babylon and returning thither. R2991:5

In the mire – Of sectarianism and blasphemy against God. R2991:5

Filthy, in having the very gross sins that the world has. R4974:3

Each member of this Royal Priesthood is at liberty to go back to wallowing in the mire. SM11:T; NS382:3

If a new creature sinned willfully, he would no longer be a new creature. R5729:1

"Those who draw back unto perdition." (Heb. 10:39) T68

Willfully, willingly, intentionally, casting aside their justification and relationship to the Lord. NS372:6

Removing the covering of sins, and falling back where he was before. R2295:1

To the ways of sin and the gratification of the flesh. R3892:2; T68; NS157:6

Giving evidence that they have not the real heart-love for the truth, purity and righteousness, and are not worthy of the life everlasting. SM773:1

These have gone back on their covenant and there is nothing left for these but "the blackness of darkness." (Jude 13) R5270:2; Q653:1

These will die the second death. Whether their number is large or small is not for us to judge. We may reasonably hope that such unfaithful characters do not predominate. HG668:5

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