Isaiah Chapter 35 [RVIC]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. Shall be glad for them – The happy world of mankind. Q845:1

The earth is to be brought to the perfection primarily designed for it. R5057:6, R1117:1

Becoming a happy home and worldwide paradise for mankind. R4768:1; Q845:1

The animal, mineral and vegetable kingdoms will all serve man's pleasure and supply his needs. R1117:1

The Old Testament tells over and over about these Restitution Times. CR270:3

And the desert – Possibly including the now desert regions of the frigid zones. R3184:5

Much of Israel's promised land--from the Nile to the Euphrates, including Arabia and parts of Egypt and the Soudan is now desert --but it shall blossom. Q792:2

Messiah's Kingdom will not only uplift humanity, but will also bring blessings of perfection to the earth. Eden eventually will be worldwide. R5364:5

Shall rejoice – For the microbes of destruction and disease shall be restrained. R1771:6

Blossom as the rose – During Messiah's reign Paradise Lost will become Paradise Regained, as illustrated in Adam's Eden home. SM48:1; R5060:4, R1117:1, R5057:6, R6013:5

God has foreseen all the necessities of his plan and will make ample provision for the needs of his creation in what will seem a very natural way. A161

Not yet, though it is in process of completion. At the end of the thousand years of Christ's reign the whole earth shall have been brought to perfection. R4989:6

The earth shall no more bring forth thorns and briers and require the sweat of man's face to eat bread. A192

Most barren land can be made rich simply by adding to it certain mineral elements which cost but little such as nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash. R2776:1*

Burbank and others are, under divine guidance, working miracles in horticulture. R4674:1

We are only in the beginning of the thousand years in which this will happen. These things are beginning to be experienced. Human ingenuity and engineering feats are working miracles. PD95/109

The New Day is ushering in these blessings of increased fruitfulness through irrigation and science; but it will require God's power during the thousand years of Christ's reign to bring the earth to perfection. OV350:T, R4989:6; SM37:1; C268*

Major climatic changes are gradually preparing the world for this. PD91/105

2 It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing; the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon: they shall see the glory of Jehovah, the excellency of our God.

They – The earth's redeemed millions. R542:1

3 Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees. Strengthen ye – Tell them not to let slip valuable opportunities for service. R2512:3

Those whose faith staggers not at the promises of God are to encourage those of weaker faith. R542:2*

Confirm – Make firm. R2512:3

4 Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God; he will come and save you.

Be strong – Those who accept God's strength. R5488:6

Fear not – Because greater is he that is with you, that is for you, than all they that be against you. R5488:6

Your God will come – At the second advent of Christ. F664, F666

With vengeance – To bind the Adversary, Satan, and destroy his works. R542:2*

The transition period following the Gospel age and preceding the Millennial age is often mentioned as a "Day of Vengeance" to punish evildoers and prepare the world for the reign of righteousness. R247:5

With a recompence – At the same time that destruction comes to one class, redemption and glory comes to another. R1385:6

5 Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then – Not yet. R4901:3

After Satan shall be bound for the thousand years that he should deceive the nations no more. (Rev. 20:1) R3026:5

When the Millennial age prevails. E23; R1988:6, R3167:1, R3026:4, R5336:4; PD64/74; Q426:1

Eyes of the blind – "The god of this world hath blinded the minds." (2 Cor. 4:4) E470, R1958:4, R2348:1, R4901:3; OV393:7; SM680:T, HG145:5

Eyes which cannot see the things of faith, ears which cannot hear the message of faith. R3504:4

Long-blinded to the glorious light of the goodness of God. R5716:3

Sin-blinded. R1077:4, R1232:1

Israel shall be saved from their blindness (Rom. 11:25,26) and not only Israel, but all the families of the earth. R3501:2

Eyes of understanding. R3209:1, R3504:5, R4527:6, R4534:4, R5455:3, R5485:6; OV382:T

Shall be opened – In the glorious reign of Messiah. OV320:3; R4973:2, R5031:2, R5354:4

Typified by the healing of the blind man at the Pool of Bethesda and the Pool of Siloam. R1396:1, R1400:6, R2670:2, R5484:2

As a result of Satan being bound for a thousand years that he may deceive the nations no more. OV381:5, OV253:2

God has promised to deliver mankind from Satan's power and his blinding influence. R5896:2

The Gospel must ultimately open the eyes of the "blind." R1786:4

Ignorance and prejudice being removed. R517:4*, R790:5

All shall come to an accurate knowledge of the truth. R1180:4

To see the divine character and attributes. R5737:2, R5485:6; OV169:6

As a consequence, the true knowledge of the Lord shall fill the whole earth as the waters cover the great deep. (Isa. 11:9) R2432:6

Not only will the bodies of men be thus blessed, but their minds and hearts will be similarly liberated from the fetters of ignorance, superstition and sin. R1773:6

The Jew first, and also the Gentiles. R5832:2

Every eye shall see that the Kingdom is established, R5455:4, R4522:2, R4617:5, R5066:6,R5465:4, SM172:2

While still having room for the exercise of faith, men will, to a very considerable degree, then walk by sight. R4908:6

Not seeing his presence with the natural sight, but clearly seeing with the eyes of understanding, all will appreciate his character and rejoice therein. OV57:4

The miracles and cures performed by Jesus were small illustrations of the great work of his Millennial Kingdom. R5104:4, R2000:4, R5065:3, R5485:2, R1773:6, R2414:5; PD64/74

Ears – Of appreciation. R3504:5

Of the deaf – Those who have not had "ears to hear" during this present age. R2117:1

Prejudice--stopped. R1077:4, R1232:1

Long deaf to the voice of truth. R5716:3

Deafened by the babel and clamor which the god of this world induces and perpetuates for this purpose. R3167:1

Be unstopped – Sweeping away the ignorance and superstitions which entangle humanity. SM130:2

So that they may hear the truth and understand and appreciate it. R2310:6

All will see, all will hear, all will know of the love of God. SM130:2, R174:2

Thank God our eyes are already opening and our ears are being unstopped. R4522:2

6 Then shall the lame man leap as a hart, and the tongue of the dumb shall sing; for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert. The lame man – Lame in character. R2310:5

Leap as an hart – The world's greatest hospital will be in full operation for the next 1,000 years at the hands of the Great Physician and his under physicians. The work will be done by processes of testing, trial, judgments, disciplines. CR209:5*; CR210:1*

Sing – Speak forth the praises of the Deliverer. R2310:6

7 And the glowing sand shall become a pool, and the thirsty ground springs of water: in the habitation of jackals, where they lay, shall be grass with reeds and rushes. Dragons – Error and vice. R542:4*

Shall be grass – Rapid and healthy growth of virtue. R542:4*

8 And a highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for them: the wayfaring men, yes fools, shall not stray away. And an highway – The established New covenant. R1520:6

Open to all. R2428:2*

A public roadway, not a narrow way. E240; A215; R1248:2, R1772:6, R5055:2, R542:4*, R1791:1, R34:1*; HG180:6

"Cast up the highway, gather out the stones." (Isa. 62:10) A217, E240; R1248:2

Designed to lead to the Edenic condition, from which the broad way had led them. R4246:1*

Will lead from imperfection to perfection, restitution. R4575:5

There is no place on the highway of holiness for wilful transgressors. R4811:5

Will be opened up through Israel, through the Ancient Worthies, through the New covenant made with them. R4575:5

Shall be there – When the great King takes control of affairs. Q331:5

No such way now exists. It will not open until the narrow way closes. A216; CR497:1; Q331:1, Q829:2

There will be no such highway until the great King takes control of affairs, overthrows the present order of things and sets up the Kingdom of heaven. R5245:1

And a way – A way in which the human family as a whole will be invited to return to harmony with God through the Great Mediator under the terms of the New covenant. R2075:1

It will be a way of righteousness, but not a way of sacrifice, as is the present narrow way. R2590:5

The way of life and the way of death will be before them. Each must make his own choice. Whoever refuses to go up thereon will go down into the second Death. CR497:6

It will be an upward way; exertion will be required. Q332:T, F713; R2590:5, R5245:2, R1772:6

Gently sloping upward to life, for a grand reversal of public sentiment will make the way easy of ascent. R1520:6

The way of holiness – To grand human perfection, God's image and to everlasting life. D634; HG616:3; R860:4; A215

The way of life shall be made plain and easy. A215; R1450:3, R1248:2, R2063:5

It will accomplish the straightening of every crooked path. R2563:5

Leading, not to the throne, but to the Edenic condition, from which the broad way had led men. R4246:1*

The way to human perfection requires only the putting away of sin; not the sacrifice of human rights and privileges, but their proper enjoyment. A215; E240

Unclean shall not pass – All who refuse to go up on the highway shall "be destroyed from among the people." (Acts 3:23) R2331:6

The evildoers having been cut off long before. R1773:2

Those who refuse to make progress along the highway shall die at one hundred years of age. (Isa. 65:20) E478; Q805:3

Though fools – Though unacquainted therewith; unlearned. A215; R852:2, R1248:2, R1363:6, R5737:2; CR497:2

Though simple. R4617:5

Though unsophisticated. R3026:5

Shall not err therein – Need not err. R3199:1

"They shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them." (Jer. 31:34) A215

Every obstruction will be removed from their path. CR497:1; R542:4*

9 No lion shall be there, nor shall any ravenous beast go up thereon; they shall not be found there; but the redeemed shall walk there: No lion – Of temptation or degenerate public sentiment. A217, CR497:1

Of opposition; to threaten, to discourage. R1772:6

Nothing to hurt, destroy or intimidate from well doing. R2590:6

All obstacles shall be removed from the way of holiness. R717:4*

Satan. "Your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion." (1 Pet. 5:8) Q785:2; R825:3, R2590:6

Any ravenous beast – Fierce temptations. R1055:3, R2075:1

No beasts of strong drink or passion shall be there to hinder. HG187:4

Giant corporations, organized to advance selfish interests at the expense of the general good. A217

False systems and false doctrines. R1227:4

Go up thereon – The lifting up out of death will be a gradual progress and gradual attainment, an upward ascending path requiring effort and overcoming. Q332:T, F713; R2590:5, R5245:2, R1772:6

The upward course toward life--the resurrection, or rising up, toward complete recovery from the fall. F718

But the redeemed – All for whom Christ died. HG180:6

Shall walk there – Only those who flee from the defilements of sin. R542:4*

10 and the ransomed of Jehovah shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their heads: they shall obtain gladness and joy, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away. And the ransomed – The whole human race. "He gave himself a ransom for all." (1 Tim. 2:6) R1520:6; CR497:2; HG336:1; HG514:5; A216; Q785:2

Shall return – From destruction, by the grand highway of holiness. A218; R526:4, R903:4*

To Zion – God's fortress. R526:4

With songs – For the time of their blessing will then be at hand; their hearts will be made glad with the knowledge of the truth that they may obtain eternal life in a state of happiness. HG514:5

Throughout the whole of the cleansed world, praises shall ascend to God and to him who loved us and redeemed us with the one sacrifice of himself. R3228:3

Shall flee away – Gradually and forever during the Messianic reign. OV147:2

The opportunity of suffering with Christ and sacrificing will then be at an end. R5250:5

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