Isaiah Chapter 21 [RVIC]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 The burden of the wilderness of the sea.

As whirlwinds in the South sweep through, it cometh from the wilderness, from a terrifying land.

The burden of – Much of the threatening of this chapter is of two-fold application and fulfilment, on literal and symbolic Babylon. R45:1

2 A grievous vision is declared unto me; the treacherous man dealeth treacherously, and the destroyer destroyeth. Go up, O Elam; besiege, O Media; all the sighing thereof have I made to cease.
3 Therefore are my loins filled with anguish; pangs have taken hold upon me, as the pangs of a woman in travail: I am pained so that I cannot hear; I am dismayed so that I cannot see.
4 My heart fluttereth, horror hath affrighted me; the twilight that I desired hath been turned into trembling unto me.
5 They prepare the table, they set the watch, they eat, they drink: rise up, ye princes, anoint the shield.
6 For thus hath Jehovah said unto me, Go, set a watchman; and let him declare what he seeth:
7 and when he seeth a troop, horesemen in pairs, a troop of asses, a troop of camels, he shall hearken diligently with much heed.
8 And he cried as a lion: O Jehovah, I stand continually upon the watchtower in the daytime, and am set in my ward whole nights;
9 and, behold, here cometh a troop of men, horsemen in pairs. And he answered and said, Fallen, fallen is Babylon; and all the graven images of her gods are broken unto the ground.

Babylon is fallen – Mystic Babylon, Christendom. R45:1

The fall of the literal was by the turning aside of the waters and the drying up of the Euphrates. The symbolic Euphrates is also said to be "dried up." (Rev. 16:12) Each is compared to a stone cast into the water. (Jer. 51:64; Rev. 18:21) R45:1

As Jesus said, "your house is left unto you desolate" (Matt. 23:38), so in the spring of 1878 AD the nominal gospel church was given up and their house left desolate. R46:1

The two events of the New Jerusalem or Kingdom of God being established in the earth and the complete overthrow of the great city of Babylon will occur simultaneously. R1352:6[R1352:6]

10 O thou my threshing, and the grain of my floor! that which I have heard from Jehovah of hosts, the God of Israel, have I declared unto you.

11 The burden of Dumah.

One calleth unto me out of Seir, Watchman, what of the night? Watchman, what of the night?

Watchman – "I will stand upon my watch, and will set my foot upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me." (Hab. 2:1) R4943:6

On the lookout from whence matters of interest and profit may be announced to the "Little Flock," and as "The Herald of Christ's Presence" to give "meat in due season" to the "household of faith." R3:5

It is the duty of the watchman on the walls of Zion to declare the whole counsel of God--the bitter as well as the sweet. HG414:1

The Rabbis expound that the watchman who speaks here is the Messiah. R4691:6*

What of the night? – That is, what hour of night is it? "Little children, it is the last hour." (1 John 2:18) R4692:4*

It is right for us to desire the morning, to hope for it, to inquire as to the signs of it hour after hour. R302:2*

12 The watchman said, The morning cometh, and also the night: if ye will inquire, inquire ye: turn ye, come.

The morning – The Millennial morning, which will bring to light the hidden things of darkness. A21; C208; R968:1, R1774:1, R3332:1, R4926:2

It will dispel the noxious vapors of evil and bring life, health, peace and joy. A21

We have been in the Millennial dawn since the year 1874 and enjoying many of its blessings. SM792:2

When He appears, Day appears. R302:3*

"The Lord shall help her (the Church) early in the morning." (Psa. 46:5) R2504:4

Cometh – Has come (Revised Swedish Bible). R3531:2*

We are in the morning of this text. R6014:2

Daybreak began more than a century ago--in the year 1799 AD. HG416:1

Were this morning an uncertainty, how dark the night would seem! how difficult to fight against faintness and despair! R303:5*

In proportion as the blessings of God have come in this New Day the discontent and unbelief of humanity have increased. SM794:3

And also – And still it is (Revised Swedish Bible). R3531:2*

The night – The time of trouble. R3332:1; D273

A much darker time in comparison with the present, which is called day. R968:2

The sunlight of Gospel truth, which has enlightened the Church, is fading out gradually and being eclipsed by worldly wisdom. HG418:4

The short night of trouble will affect the consecrated followers before it reaches the world in general. R4167:6

A night of trouble, in the forepart of which the saints will be gathered out of Babylon. D608

Typified by the imprisonment of John the Baptist. R1754:5

The night of the parable of the rich fool. (Luke 12:15-20) D273

"The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine." (2 Tim. 4:3) R968:2

When the sun and moon (the Gospel and the Mosaic Law) shall be dark (general infidelity being widespread); and the stars (apostolic lights) withdraw their shining. (Joel 2:10) D544

"Wherein no man can work." (John 9:4) C208, C211, C225; D544; R968:2, R1754:5, R1409:1, R587:4*

After the morning dawn has been well ushered in--a dark cloud just at sunrise. R6014:3; SM795:2

An overcasting of the skies, a great morning storm. R4149:4; HG417:5

Great tribulation immediately preceding the dawning of the glorious day. R1774:1, R3332:1

When the religious liberty now enjoyed will be greatly restricted by the strong hand of combined civil and ecclesiastical power. R1409:1

When all opportunities for service will be effectually obstructed, leaving no opportunity for candidates to enter the work--the shutting of the door. C208

"in that night there shall be two in one bed." (Luke 17:34) D608

"Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night." (Psa. 91:5) R3332:1, R4926:2

If ye will inquire – If ye will ask more (Revised Swedish Bible) than "what of the night?" R3531:2*

For the length of the night is hidden, the time of the daybreak is uncertain. R302:2*

Inquire ye – Because you ought to know; because without a knowledge of prophecy God's present works are a mystery; and because knowing the future is of incalculable importance in shaping the present. R4691:5*

Return, come – Come back again (for more information). R3531:2*

To the Jews, Turn ye, repentance toward God; and come, faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. R4691:6*

13 The burden upon Arabia.

In the forest in Arabia shall ye lodge, O ye caravans of Dedanites.

14 Unto him that was thirsty they brought water; the inhabitants of the land of Tema did meet the fugitive with his bread.
15 For they fled away from the swords, from the drawn sword, and from the bent bow, and from the grievousness of war.
16 For thus hath Jehovah said unto me, Within a year, according to the years of a hireling, all the glory of Kedar shall fail;
17 and the residue of the number of the archers, the mighty men of the children of Kedar, shall be few; for Jehovah, the God of Israel, hath spoken it.
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