2 Peter Chapter 3 [RVIC]

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1 This is now, beloved, the second epistle that I write unto you; and in both of them I stir up your sincere mind by putting you in remembrance; Stir up – Whatsoever things are true, just, lovely and of good report--think on these things and stir up each other's minds with these. (Phil. 4:8) R2540:1

Your pure minds – Spiritual minds--to love, faith, zeal and good works. R5556:4

We may put before our brethren of the Lord's flock only "clean provender." R2540:1

By – Greek, en. Translated: in, by, through, with, under; and determined by the context. R836:3

Remembrance – Concerning these important things. R5863:3

2 that ye should remember the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and the commandment of the Lord and Saviour through your apostles: Holy prophets, and. . .apostles – The same authority was claimed for the writers of the epistles, as that which was accorded to the Old Testament Scriptures. R1146:1

3 knowing this first, that in the last days mockers shall come with mockery, walking after their own lusts, Shall come – Greek, eleusantai. R149:1*

In the last days – In the closing years of the Gospel age--in the harvest. B167; R603:1*, 579:4, 349:4

During the presence of the Lord; as in the days of Noah. B167

The conclusion of this age and the inauguration of the new; because this one is to pass away with great commotion and the new order brought in. Q430:5

Scoffers – In the nominal church. B167; R2979:1, 2693:4, 603:1*

Unfaithful servants and hypocrites. Professed Christians, overcharged and intoxicated with the spirit of the world. B167

The scoffer's point is that nothing in the circumstances appeals to the natural eyes. R237:5*

This great change will come suddenly--a radical change such as came in the days of Noah--a sudden catastrophe, the coming of which will be scoffed at by those having a form of godliness without its power. R5863:3

Many professing Christians are looking for a fleshly Christ, visible to the fleshly eye, and making an imposing demonstration which they cannot mistake. R5993:3, 591:4*

Their own lusts – Their own desires, plans, theories, etc. B167; R2979:1, 349:4

Increase of knowledge among those whose hearts are depraved, and who are given over to self-seeking, will simply increase the means of lawlessness. R1190:4

4 and saying, Where is the promise of his presence? for, from the day that the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. Where is the promise – Some would thus question, being surprised at the information that we are living in the days of the Son of Man, while there is as yet no outward manifestation of his presence. R2975:6, 948:3

This very inquiry is most literally fulfilled; almost the exact words being used by those who sneer at his presence. R591:4*

This indicates that the class who when the end comes are in darkness concerning it, are unbelievers of God's testimony. R621:1

Ignorance of God's plan is to be expected of the world, but the true people of God have the promise of his special instruction so that they need not be in darkness respecting the divine program. SM184:2

It would be with the world as it was in the days of Noah, careless and thoughtless, the whole attention given to fleshly desires, not understanding nor caring for the spiritual. R326:6*

In presenting the truth to others, let time be the last part of the "good news" and tell no one of the time and presence, except they show that they have "an ear to hear." R216:6

Of his coming – Greek, parousia, presence. B159, B167; F223; R5993:3, 2979:1, 2975:5, 1693:1, 948:3, 621:1, 591:4*, 579:4, 555:4*, 349:1, 237:4*, 223:1*, 216:6; 26:6

Accepting a 587 BC date for the fall of Zedekiah, instead of 606 BC, would extend the Jubilee antitype 19 years--to 1893 AD. R3437:4

Fathers fell asleep – In death, awaiting the resurrection morning. E346

They are still asleep in the dust of the earth. SM397:T

All the dead are reckoned as sleeping, waiting for his return and his exaltation with his elect Bride in glory. R2197:6

The apostles frequently used this appropriate, hopeful and peaceful figure of speech. F345; R1881:1; HG332:2

All things continue – The affairs of the world continue in their ordinary channels. R2975:6

The present order of things. NS787:6

It is in appearance only that things so appear to the worldly. NS27:4

Many whose fears are aroused, quiet them by supposing that the present must be only the ordinary course, that it has always been so. R948:3, 353:1*

Their chief consolation; no radical changes in the affairs of humanity. R5062:1

In the days of his presence the world will be eating, drinking, planting and building, and know not. R2975:6, 349:4; B167

They remember not that the ark and the flood were the end of a former epoch, and that present events are as much out of the usual rut of this epoch, as the closing events of that "world" were out of the usual. R948:3

The conservative Phariseeism of today shakes the cautious head and says; we cannot be on the eve of a new dispensation and a revolution so stupendous, involving the whole present social structure. R1488:5

The natural man and his scientific leaders will consider that earthquakes have been going on and will continue to go on without any relationship to our Lord's second presence and the time of trouble. HG400:4

They are unable to understand the "signs of the times" revealing his return. R5993:4; B167

They do not realize that every age has its close or "harvest." R948:3, 579:4

For such reasons many shut the eyes of their understanding to the most remarkable condition of affairs in our day. SM288:T

Since six thousand years have passed without God's interposition to suppress sin and to lift mankind out of its present state, they reason that God's future dealings should be judged of by the past. R1092:4

As they were – As at present. B167

This way. (Diaglott) R237:5*

From the beginning – As they are now and have been from the foundation of the world. R1092:4; HG400:4; NS27:4

Evolutionists conclude that man did not fall from the divine image, but has been progressing from the image of a monkey, gradually attaining perfection. R3893:6, 2693:3

5 For this they wilfully forget, that there were heavens from of old, and an earth held together out of water and amidst water vapors, by the word of God; Willingly are ignorant – The majority of professing Christians are careless, indifferent to what the Lord had caused to be written for their admonition and encouragement and assistance in this "evil day." SM288:1

Heavens – Referring to the spirit beings and influences--the angels, fallen and unfallen. OV27:2

The spiritual or superior rule of the angels. R4222:3; A69; HG538:6; PD94/108

Earth – Social conditions. PD94/108

Referring to humanity subjected to the spiritual influences. OV27:2

Peter calls each of these periods a separate heavens and earth--heaven symbolizes the higher or spiritual controlling powers, earth symbolizes human government and social arrangements. A69; HG538:6

Out of the water – When the waters subsided, the tops of the mountains and hills appeared again. Even the trees were not uprooted, for if they had been floating on the water the dove could have found rest. HG11:3

In the water – The flood waters rose until the hills were covered, and then the mountains. HG11:3

6 by which means the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: World that then was – Greek, kosmos, order or state of things. R1677:3, 5161:2, 97:2*, 10:2*

The first great epoch, or dispensation, or age; before the flood. A66; R5161:2, 1677:3, 1615:4, 532:2, 256:5, 97:2*; HG537:6; OV26:4; Q852:4

A different order from the present, hence the prince of this present evil world was not the prince of that which preceded this--of the world or dispensation before the flood. R1677:6

Several Scriptures suggest that the first world was under the supervision and special ministration of the angels. R1677:6; A66, A220; HG537:6; OV26:4

The rainbow in the clouds was given as a sign of God's covenant with men, that the earth should never again be destroyed by a flood of waters. R1615:4

As Noah and his family were the only ones spared from the old order of things, so Christ is the Ark of Safety now for all who will be saved out of the present order of things. R5161:4

Being overflowed – The close of the first dispensation. R2842:6

With water – The fact that the water was literal leads some to believe that the fire also must be literal, but this by no means follows. Noah's ark was literal too, but it typified Christ. A318

Perished – Having served its purpose. A69; HG538:6

Came to an end. R10:2*

Disappeared--not the literal heaven nor the literal earth, but the symbolic or figurative. R4222:3

Not the literal earth and literal heavens ceased there, but that dispensation or arrangement of things existing before the flood. A318

It appears that there was little or no change of the earth, or heavens, but simply a great destruction of life. HG11:4

7 but the heavens that now are, and the earth, by the same word have been stored up for fire, being reserved against a day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.

But the heavens – Symbolizes the higher or spiritual controlling powers. A69; HG538:6; PD94/108

Civil and ecclesiastical rule. B168

Satan, and religious systems under Satanic direction. OV27:2

We see more or less of an excitement now amongst theologians and all classes. People are losing confidence in their leaders of the past. R5317:5

Just now they are having a little diversion with special attacks on us. R5317:5

And the earth – The entire social fabric. B168; D271; PD84/108

Human society as now organized under Satan's control. A69; HG539:1

We are expecting a change; and if this change shall be accompanied by physical or electrical disturbances, now is the time for them to be coming. R5318:1

Which are now – The second great epoch or dispensation, from the flood to the establishment of the Kingdom of God. A67, A318; R4222:3, 2832:2, 1684:1, 1677:3, 1615:4, 532:2, 256:5; OV26:4; Q852:4

Under the limited control of Satan, "the prince of this world." A67; 537:6

"This present evil world." (Gal. 1:4) R1814:1, 5161:2, 1684:1, 1615:4, 256:5; A67; HG538:1; OV26:4; Q852:4

Called "the present evil world" not because there is nothing good in it, but because in it evil is permitted to predominate. A67; R5161:2, 10:3*; OV26:4; HG538:2; PD84/108

Society was reorganized under new conditions, but on the same physical earth, and a new spiritual government or rule or order obtained also. R4222:3

Includes three ages, each a step in the plan of God for the overthrow of evil. Each step is higher than that preceding it, and carries the plan forward and nearer to completion. A71; R256:5; HG539:4

The three subdivisions are the Patriarchal age reaching from the flood to the death of Jacob; the Jewish age, reaching to the death of Christ; and the Gospel age, reaching to the first resurrection. HG11:6; 539:2; A71; R256:5

Man is permitted to try governing himself; but by reason of the fall he is under the control of Satan. A221

Clearly spoken of as distinct from the former heavens and earth. HG11:3

By the same word – Of divine authority. A318

Reserved unto fire – Representing the destruction of whatever is burned. A318

This second world is doomed to pass away. R10:2*, 2832:2, 1615:4

The whole structure will be involved in anarchy. R5317:3; B168; D271; PD84/108

The overwhelming flood of trouble coming shortly. B168

A destructive season of lawlessness that will destroy the "elements"--labor, capitalistic, etc., that go to make up the present social order. Q852:4

A great cataclysm of trouble, anarchy, called "fire," will mark the termination of the present dispensation. R2842:6, 5796:1, 5753:2, 5735:3, 5317:2, 2832:2, 1615:4

All present institutions are to utterly perish in the great time of trouble with which this age is very shortly to end. R2832:3; HG234:1

The conflagration might possibly have its beginning in the Church. R5317:5

The trial of the fallen angels (of the present heavens) is in the near future--perhaps to some extent already begun. R4880:1

Even now there are fires burning here and there, exposing, to some extent, the evildoers. R5317:3

The world that now is is already being violently shaken, and is beginning to crumble away financially, politically, socially and ecclesiastically. Q853:T

This attempted reign of man under Satan is to end in the greatest time of trouble the world has ever known. A221

There will be no patching of present institutions, but a clean sweep of them by the fire of divine wrath preceding the establishment of the new order. R6014:5, 2218:3

Not to be fulfilled literally by electrical displays of lightning, by storms, or in connection with the zone of electrical energy which some scientists believe is approaching the earth, etc. R5317:2

Day of judgment – The word "judgment" implies, not merely a sentence, but also a trial. HG315:5; NS161:6

God's justice, indignation, will burn against every one who is wicked, and this fire will go on all through the Millennial age. R5317:3

The judgments of the Lord will be abroad in the earth and the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness. (Isa. 26:9) R5317:3

An opportunity to rise out of sinful and fallen conditions, to full harmony with God. R5076:5

God has elected kings, priests, and judges, to rule, bless, instruct and judge mankind, in general. SM175:2; CR486:1

If the thought be kept in mind that the world's day of judgment is a thousand years long, the character of the judging then to be done will the more readily be discerned. NS161:6

A sentence upon each individual of the human family would be impossible within a 24-hour day under any imaginable conditions, reasonable or unreasonable. NS161:6

8 But forget not this one thing, beloved, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. That one day – During which Christ will reign over and thereby bless all the families of the earth. A222; R3889:6

The day of the Lord's presence. B168

The world's judgment--one of the thousand year days--the day of Messiah's glorious reign. SM151:1, 171:3; R5780:3, 568:6; B168; CR486:1; HG147:3; 315:5; NS180:2, 857:6; Q794:4

The Millennial day. R2664:4, 5780:3, 2990:3, 2304:1

"He hath appointed a day, in which he will judge the world in righteousness." (Acts 17:31) R3028:6, 5780:3, 5563:6, 2990:3, 2664:4; CR486:1; HG273:2; NS329:2; Q794:4, 830:T, 853:4; SM175:2

"They lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years." (Rev. 20:4) R568:6, 2304:1

Not a twenty-four hour day. F19; R4552:1, 3889:6, 2304:1, 568:6; HG315:5; NS161:2, 180:1, 329:3; Q794:4

With the Lord – The interim between our Lord's death and his second advent is not long from God's standpoint. R2454:3; NS5:3, 31:3, 514:1

As a thousand years – With man. NS161:6

Each day of the great week which commenced with the creation of Adam and ends with full restitution to the image and favor of God, is a thousand years. R1187:3, 6013:6

During six of these great days the death sentence has brought man down in some respects to the level of the brute. R4552:1

Bible chronology quite clearly teaches that the six thousand years since Adam's creation have ended. Now the great seventh day, also a thousand years long, has commenced. R6013:6; SM792:2

The seventh thousand day commenced in 1873, consequently we are now in the Sabbath day. R230:2, 91:5*; B40

The Bible mentions days of various lengths. R5139:3, 568:6; HG583:4; Q758:2

A thousand years as one day – Adam died "in the day" in which he became a sinner (1000-year day), and none of his posterity lived more than 969 years. R3391:2, 3377:6, 1610:4; F332; HG120:2; NS707:4

"In the day that thou eatest thereof." (Gen. 2:17) F332; E391; R4551:6, 3377:6, 2768:5, 2153:2, 1718:2, 1610:3; HG297:6; 608:2; OV16:3; Q762:5

The six great thousand-year days beginning with Adam are ended. R6013:6, 5139:3, 3180:5, 91:5; SM792:2

Six great days constitute man's period of battling with sin and death and the seventh shall be the day of Messiah, the Sabbath, or rest day to the world. SM171:3, 471:1; PD18/26

The development of God's plan has been long from the human standpoint, but not so from the divine. PD18/26; R2736:1, 702:4*; NS5:3, 31:3, 399:4

It is only as measured by the shortness of present life that 6000 years seem very long. With God, "a thousand years are but as yesterday." (Psa. 90:4) R1092:4, 2768:5; HG583:4; NS393:1, 457:3

Our Lord died in the year of the world 4161--after four days had passed and the fifth day had begun. R3375:2, 1187:3

9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some count slackness; but is longsuffering toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. The Lord is not slack – God is not slow. R4856:4

Though it may at present appear as though the Lord is slack in the fulfillment of his promises, both in regard to well-doers and to evildoers, it would be a mistake to suppose thus. R1272:3

Longsuffering – Plenteous in mercy. R1272:3

The extension or prolonging of the Jewish age after AD 33, and of the Gospel age after AD 1878, is an expression of the long suffering of God to his defiled people. R198:5*

Not willing – Not desiring. R1272:3

God's attitude toward sinners. R2574:4

God willeth not the death of him that dieth, but that all should turn unto him and live. (Ezek. 18:23) R2398:6, 1449:5

God has been holding back the full penalty in mercy, according to his provision in Christ. (Psa. 103:9, 10) R1402:6, 1272:3

Not that God wills not the death of him who dies for his own sin, but that he has no pleasure or delight in it. R1449:6*

"God wills all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth." (1 Tim. 2:4) R1449:6*, 1125:4, 903:5*

Any – Of his people. R198:5*

Perish – The willfully wicked, who reject all his mercies, shall be blotted out of existence, not tormented. R2574:4

To repentance – Turn unto God and live. R1272:3

He wills to restore all who shall prove worthy--that is the object of the Millennial reign. R1125:4; HG292:5

The Lord is willing that all should come to a full appreciation of the truth and by acceptance of it be saved from the full penalty of willful sin. R1402:6

Every good deed shall in due time be remembered and rewarded, and every malicious deed punished; "Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord." (Rom. 12:19) R1781:2, 1272:4

"As many as I love I rebuke and chasten; be zealous, therefore, and repent." (2 Pet. 3:9) R198:5*

10 But the day of the Lord will have come as a thief; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall be dissolved with fervent heat, and the earth and the works that are therein shall be exposed. But – Zealous for our growth in knowledge, Peter endeavors to inspire us thereto by calling attention to the wonderful events and close proximity of the Day of the Lord. R3215:5

The day of the Lord – The thousand-year day of his presence. B168, B40; NS111:6

It is the day in which the old order is to perish and the glorious new order is to be ushered in. R5916:2

Will come – Greek, heko, will arrive; be here. B168; R555:4*

Thief in the night – Unobservedly, quietly. B168; A318, A334; R3215:5, 794:1*

Jesus' presence unknown to the world. Q91:3; R2974:1; NS7:2

The Church class will know in advance respecting the Day of the Lord. (1 Thes. 5:2, 3); NS7:2; R555:4, 326:6

Throughout this entire age the Lord's people have been left in uncertainty as to the time of the Master's second coming. R5735:3

As with the Jews in the end of their age, they "knew not the time of their visitation," (Luke 19:44) so it is with the present R1785:4

It will be present while some are scoffing and smiting those fellow-servants who declare the truth. B168

In the which – The great time of trouble follows closely the second coming of Christ. R5863:6

The heavens – The symbolic heavens--present powers of the air of which Satan is the chief or prince. A318; R1814:2

The great Antichrist system. C238

The church. NS565:2

A figurative term for the present religious institutions--ecclesiasticism. R5864:1

The ecclesiastical powers of Christendom. D528; R5456:1, 5753:2, 5735:1, 5517:4, 5348:6, 5161:4, 5058:6, 3215:5

"The heavens do rule." (Dan. 4:26) R26:4

Ecclesiasticism will be on fire first. SM423:3; R5864:1

Peter describes the great Day of Wrath, intimating that it will begin with the nominal church class. R5348:6, 5517:1, 5317:5

The governments--the higher or ruling powers. R593:1, 409:6, 26:4

The religious systems and principles which at present govern and control mankind. R1470:3

The ecclesiastical, and the spiritual things connected therewith. R4222:3

Ruling powers, political and ecclesiastical, founded as they are by usurpation and with tyranny, despotism, injustice, error, superstition, prejudice and ignorance entering largely into their foundation principles. R794:1*

Perhaps we have neglected the fact that great Babylon apparently is dealt with before the world trouble comes. To expect the world's great trouble to begin October 1914 would be to expect astounding things. R5348:6

Shall pass away – To be supplanted by the new heavens and the new earth. R4222:3, 3154:6

Meaning nothing more than a change of dispensation. HG11:3

Only a change of dispensation, attended with great national destruction. HG11:5

With a great noise – A great hissing noise. A318

Great disputation, confusion, etc. R5517:1, 5456:1, 593:1, 409:6, 26:4; A69; HG538:6

A great commotion, a great disturbance. SM316:2, 423:3; R5349:1, 5317:5, 1470:3

Tumult and confusion. R3215:5

At the second coming of our Lord. R4222:5

Already the noise and tumult, which shall eventuate in worldwide anarchy, are distinctly heard in every nation; for the Day of the Lord has indeed begun, and the heat of human passion is growing daily. R3215:6

With a "rushing sound," as escaping steam that must obey the decisive action of the "fervent heat." R794:1*

And the elements – Component parts. R5349:1; D552

Of present ecclesiasticism. D528

The present order of things. R5569:3

Of society. NS565:2

Of tyranny, ignorance and superstition. R716:1*

The various parties and sects composing it, split and torn by discordant views. R3215:5

Labor element, artisan element, capitalistic element, religious element. R5526:5, 1488:4; Q771:4

The capital element and the labor element will seek to burn the other up. R5317:3, 5161:4

We see the capitalistic element and the labor element separating the one from the other. SM423:1

The fire will devour the capitalistic, banking, political, religious and industrial elements. R5864:1, 5735:1; Q771:4, 852:4

The fire will extend to the social structure. The social, political, financial and ecclesiastical systems together make up our present order. R5864:1, 1615:5

The same word used by Paul in speaking of the beggarly elements of this world. (Gal. 4:9) R26:4, 409:6

Shall melt – The social fabric. R668:1, 5735:1, 5349:1

The melting down will begin in the overthrow of the religious institutions. R5735:2

The fire will next affect the social and industrial organization--merchandise, capital and labor, society, etc. R5864:1

Be dissolved--they will separate, part company, fail to keep together, and will be swept away. R5864:1; Q771:4

Disintegrate into its various elements. R1470:3

The nations of the world will go down quickly. R5526:4

In the fervency of the heat and strife of that time. R5349:1

With fervent heat – The heat of public discussion and investigation. R3215:6, 5864:4 Discussion, tumult, strife. R5526:4,5, 5349:1, 3154:6, 1470:3; NS565:2

Human passion and wrath. R1488:4

In the bitterness of that time of selfish strife the elements will no longer blend and coalesce as before. R1470:3

The strife between capital and labor. R5161:4

The "elements" will all dissolve with the fervency of the heat. R5863:5

The earth also – Human society as now organized under Satan's control. A69; R716:1*; HG539:1

The social organization under both church and state influence. D528; A319; R5058:6, 3215:6; Q771:4

Social order of human affairs. R5456:1, 5753:2, 5349:1, 5348:6, 4222:3, 1470:3, 593:1, 409:6, 26:4

Organized society, including the financial and political powers. R5735:1, 5753:2; SM423:2

Society as at present organized will "reel," "melt," and be "dissolved." R1813:6, 3215:6, 1814:2, 593:1, 409:6; NS565:2

Shall take fire. SM422:3

After the heavens are on fire. SM423:3; R5863:3, 5349:1

It will be after the fall of Babylon--that the great distress of nations will come. R5348:6, 5864:1

Our physical earth has been the basis for "the world that was," "the present evil world," and the "world to come," and signifies the order of things. R4222:3, 1615:4, 532:2; A69; HG538:6

The physical earth will remain practically as it is, and will begin to undergo the transforming influences of restitution under Christ. SM422:2; R1615:4; A69

The principle of disintegration and reconstruction is constantly operating in nature; in rocks and animal and vegetable organisms. R5864:2

There will have to be a thorough breaking up of the fallow ground of men's hearts, and a thorough disintegration of present arrangements before the seed of truth can be planted that will bring forth fruitage of the new dispensation. R5864:2

And the works – Pride, rank, aristocracy, royalty. A319

Present institutions will be swallowed up. R5161:4

Shall be burned up – Discovered--ancient manuscripts. R794:1*

Destroyed in the strife and friction caused by increasing knowledge, combined with selfishness. R3215:6

In the combustion or consumption of the trouble. R5349:1

By a symbolic fire of destruction that is coming. R4627:3, 5864:1, 5161:4

With the fire of God's jealousy. (Zeph. 3:8) R1615:4, 5863:6, 3215:6, 794:1*, 668:1; D528

The Lord's anger will burn against all kinds of injustice and iniquity. Wrongdoing and wrongdoers will then be punished. R4628:1

The fire of God's anger no more means a literal fire than does the expression a fiery horse. It is the fire of God's wrath against sin. R5863:6

Overthrowing all law and order in anarchy. R5349:1

Pictured as a great conflagration. R5863:3, 5317:3, 4990:1

A great deal of burning, heart-burning and headaches and prostration are caused today by various exposures of one kind or another as time advances. R4628:4

The present age will end with the dissolution of the symbolic "heavens" and symbolic "earth," which signifies the utter disruption of the present social and ecclesiastical order. R2218:2, 5517:4; HG627:2

In reading this prophecy the majority of Christian people seem to think that there will be a literal burning up of the material heavens and earth. R5863:6, 5735:1, 5456:1, 5161:4

A literal interpretation overlooks the fact that St. Peter, speaking of the same time, in Acts 3:19-21 declares that Times of follow the second coming of Jesus. HG627:2; R5517:4

The time of trouble is referred to as a whirlwind, tempest and flood, etc. Manifestly, it cannot be all of these in a literal sense. R4627:3, 1813:6

After the "fire" has done its work the Lord will then turn to the people a pure language. (Zeph. 3:8,9) The fire is symbolic. Q772:T(Q771:4); R5753:2, 4627:3, 1814:1, 794:4*

Fire is very properly a symbol of destruction, and is so used through the Scriptures. R4627:3

Fire is frequently used in a symbolic sense to represent tribulation. St. Peter says, "Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial that shall try you." (1 Pet. 4:12) HG627:2

11 Seeing that these things are thus all to be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy living and godliness, Seeing – The Lord's faithful, watching people, guided by the Word of truth, will have an understanding of temporal affairs. R5735:2

The Apostle exhorts that they be not swallowed up by politics, money-getting etc., but that they set their affections on higher things. B168

"When these things begin to come to pass, then look up and lift up your heads; for your deliverance draweth nigh." "When ye see these things, know that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand." (Luke 21:28, 31) R5735:2

All these things – Present earthly conditions. B168; R3215:6, 2123:1*

Present political, social, religious and financial arrangements. R1622:2

All the things that occupy men's minds and absorb their energies. R5735:5

The many snares and delusions of this evil day. R1914:5

How comparatively unimportant should the things of this present order seem to us. They are not worthy of our time or words. R1622:2

Shall be dissolved – Are only temporary and will soon give place to the better order. B168

Shall all go down. R3215:6

Shall so shortly be dissolved. R1914:5

We see that their passing away is just at hand in this our day. R5735:5, 3215:6

It will not be stopped until the present order shall have been wholly dissolved. R5735:4

Is to pass away--to give place to a new order, social and religious. R1814:2, 5735:1

Manner of persons – We have the one pattern, to be like our Father which is in heaven. CR7:2

How serious life should be! R5778:4

All Christians should be zealous. CR309:4

If this was a serious consideration in the Apostle's day, how much more weighty does it seem today, when we stand at the threshold of the new dispensation and amidst the disintegrating influences of the old. R1622:2

As we note the bitter persecutions of the past, we should the more forgive arrogance and bigotry. All should turn from human traditions and everything contrary to the Bible. PD86/99

How highly we, who belong to the Gospel dispensation, should value its privileges and opportunities, seeking to make our calling and election sure! R4979:1

All those who believe in the great change just before us should be living for the future and not for the present. R5735:6

Let us lay these precious words to heart; for we stand in the very presence of the Great Judge of all the earth. R5864:5, 3215:6

Ought ye – New creatures in Christ. R5735:6

We who have heard the Lord's invitation to joint-heirship in his Kingdom. OV205:6

The Apostle puts this solemn question right home to us. It is applicable now as never before. R5864:4

We as ambassadors for the King of kings and Lord of lords hold a very responsible and dignified position. NS466:4

We who are the recipients of much more abundant grace of this Gospel dispensation compared to the Law dispensation. R2010:3

We who have had such great favors and privileges and enlightenment. R5206:4

If our fellowmen are willing to endure great hardships for the trivial rewards that are theirs, what should we be willing to endure? NS455:4

To be – We need to guard against being overcharged with the petty cares of this present time, and against imbibing the spirit of the world. Only by constant watchfulness and prayer can we keep ourselves unspotted from the world. R1622:5

Separate and distinct from all other people in the world. R2218:3; B168

Imbibe the spirit of the Bible by studying its teachings. R5735:6

Holy conversation – Behavior. R5405:4

Holy conduct. B168

Holy living. SM706:2

In all holiness of life, in separateness from the world. R5864:4, 3791:1

The transitoriness, the trifling value of the most alluring of earth's gifts, should cause us to turn from them and to set our affections and hopes on heavenly hopes and things, which are infinite in value. R5735:6

There is nothing unholy in the new creature, and the imperfections of the flesh are covered by the robe of Christ's righteousness. R5735:6

The new creature begotten from above wishes to be holy and to keep his tabernacle holy. He breathes by nature a holy atmosphere; anything contrary is poisonous to this heavenly germ. R5735:6

If our bodies are the temple of the holy Spirit, we should be quickened into active and diligent service and to the bringing forth of all the fruits of holiness. R1981:6

New creatures should fellowship with one another seeking to build one another up in the most holy faith. R5736:1

"Let your conversation be as becometh the gospel of Christ." (Phil. 1:27) R4805:5, 1622:5

The child of God who is slovenly or careless in the management of his earthly body is not living in accord with true holiness; is not properly developing the heavenly "seed" begotten within him. R5736:1

Godliness – Piety. B168

Godlikeness. R1981:6

Godlikeness certainly cannot include any harmful gossip, unclean or unholy conversation, disloyal or rebellious words. R4805:5

We should lay up treasure in heaven, where the institutions will be permanent, and where armies and revolutions will not destroy the government. R5735:6

The very thoughts of the brain and the meditations of the heart should be conformed as nearly as possible to God's perfect standard. R5736:1

To see that meekness, sincerity, moderation, temperance and truth are always manifest in us, and that our general character bears the divine likeness. R1622:5

"Be ye holy, for I and holy," (1 Pet. 1:16) is the injunction of our R5735:6, 5405:4, 3149:6

One not living up to his privileges, will likely be taken unawares as by a "thief in the night;" and will find too late that he has lost the "prize." R5736:4

These words, while serving a purpose for good all down this Gospel age, are specially meant by the Spirit for us, who are living in this very Day of God. R3215:6

The return of Christ and the coming of the Kingdom are related to each other as elements of the Christian's hope, and are used invariably in the Bible as motives to holiness and perseverance. R32:6*, 298:4*

When we remember our own imperfections and blemishes and how much the Lord must overlook and forgive in us, how generous it should make us in our sentiments toward the brethren. How their weaknesses should appeal to us! SM706:2

12 looking for and hastening the presence of the day of God, by reason of which the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? Looking for – Watching for the evidences (signs) to prove that it has come. B168

Those of piety who are looking for that day will know of it before the full bursting forth of the fire of wrath. B168

Unto the coming – Greek, parousia, presence. B159, B168

The day of God – The age commencing with the second coming of Christ. R532:2

Wherein the heavens – In figurative language, symbolically picturing the ecclesiastical influence of our day. R4208:3

The present ruling powers. R3215:6

Certainly not the literal heavens, separated by millions of miles of space with nothing between to take fire. B169

Not the heaven of God's residence, but the ecclesiastical heavens. R5161:4

Being on fire – Trouble and destruction. SM424:3; R4990:1; HG149:4

Shall be consumed, shall cease to be. SM316:1

Symbolic--will consume everything of the present time that is contrary to the divine will, everything that is unjust, inequitable. R5161:4

St. Peter described the sign of the Son of Man in the heavens, revealed in flaming fire. (Matt. 24:30) SM422:3

The destruction of the religious systems and principles which at present govern and control mankind. R1470:3, 4990:1

The warring element will fight out this battle; thus will God promote the change. R5567:5

The "fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is." (1 Cor. 3:13) R4208:3, 5517:1; HG627:2; NS565:1

Be dissolved – Pass away with great commotion. R1470:3; SM422:3, 423:3

In the beginning of the "Day of the Lord," which "shall burn as an oven." (Mal. 4:1) A69; HG539:1

And the elements – Of which they are composed; Papacy and Protestantism. D552

Shall melt – Symbolic of the time of trouble, in which present institutions shall be swallowed up. OV269:4;

Confusion, trouble and dissolution. A69; HG538:6

13 But, according to his promise, we look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

Nevertheless we – We who have come into covenant relationship with the Lord; we who, unlike the rest of the world, know of the divine plan. R3215:6

Look for – Not to some other planet, but to this same one, and a new social order of things and new ecclesiastical rule. R4222:5, 2218:3

New heavens – The new spiritual power--Christ's Kingdom. A319, A334, A69; R5753:2, 5161:4, 2832:2; OV248:3

Ruling powers--the Kingdom of God. B168

Ecclesiasticism, God's glorified Church. D529; R5735:2, 5567:5, 5517:4, 5456:1; SM316:1

The glorified Jesus and his Church, in the Millennial Kingdom. OV27:2; R6014:5, 5456:1, 2832:3

The Kingdom of God, to be established in power and great glory. R3216:1; PD94/108

The new era, symbolically called. R2843:1, 5796:1, 1814:2

New religious system--the Church or government of righteousness for which we pray, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven." R1814:1, 1470:3;

Higher, or ecclesiastical and spiritual powers. PD94/108

In which the Lord will dominate human affairs. OV248:3

New spiritual domination under which human regeneration will bring the "new earth." OV248:3

And a new earth – Earthly society reorganized on the new basis of love and justice, rather than of might and oppression. A319, A334, A69; B168; D529; R1470:3; Q771:4

A new social order--symbolically called the "new earth." R5161:4, 5796:1, 4990:1, 2218:2; D551; NS788:6; PD94/108; Q430:5

The new social order which Messiah's Kingdom will establish. R5456:1, 2, 6014:5, 5753:2, 5161:5, 3216:1, 1814:1; PD84/108

Mankind under the new conditions of the New Covenant. OV27:3

The Millennial Kingdom will promptly be established on the ruins of "the present evil world"--on the ashes of present civil, religious, political institutions. R2920:5; D558; Q844:T

The law of love will then prevail amongst perfect men, and a direct responsibility will be realized to God. R4223:1

Mankind under the new conditions of the New Covenant. OV27:3

The new organization of society. A new earth symbolically, although upon the same earth literally. R1814:1

It will be in the hands of the Ancient Worthies, when his Kingdom shall be fully established. R5567:5

It will be the original heavens and earth restored. R4222:6

"The world to come." (Heb. 2:5) F609; A70; HG11:6; 416:3; 538:1; 539:5; OV147:3; Q852:4

This same planet, but under new conditions, new social arrangements, provided by the Messianic Kingdom. R5517:4

There will be a new arrangement of things in the affairs of the earth, but just what will be the nature of the physical changes, or how these will be brought about, we do not know. R5317:6

The third epoch is to be a "world without end" (Isa. 45:17) under divine administrati A67; R10:2*; HG538:1; Q852:4

This third earth and third heaven are the final and perfect, wherein "the tabernacle of God is with men." (Rev. 21:3) R210:3*, 2832:1

This will be the third heavens, and the third earth, which will differ from the present condition of things in that it will be righteous, whereas the present is unrighteous, imperfect. R2832:2, 5161:2

All three of these "worlds" or dispensations are connected with our planet, the earth. The Apostle divides them into heaven and earth; by the heavens referring to the spirit beings and influences, and by the earth referring to humanity subjected to these spiritual influences. OV27:2; R1677:3, 210:3*, 10:2*; HG11:3

Three great epochs of time in each of which God's plan with reference to men has a distinct and separate outline, yet each is but a part of the one great plan which, when complete, will exhibit the divine wisdom. R1677:3, 532:2

The three great epochs represent three distinct manifestations of divine providence. A66; HG537:6

There are heavens and earth in each order. They seem to exist in relation to each other as cause and effect, the outer, lower and visible as an expression of the inner, higher and invisible. R210:3*, 206:3*

Not referring to new worlds, nor to heavens ranged one above another, as many have supposed. (2 Cor. 12:2) R2832:2

Wherein – In the third great epoch or dispensation. R1677:3

Dwelleth righteousness – Only that which is righteous, just, equitable, true, will be recognized. R6014:5

In which selfishness will be wholly eliminated and righteousness will prevail. R5161:4; SM769:1

In which justice and love, instead of power and selfishness, will be the law. A335

The reign of righteousness and love, in contradistinction to the present reign of sin, selfishness and death. HG234:1

Wherein right and truth and love will have supplanted error, superstition and selfishness. R1470:4

And wherein wars will cease to the ends of the earth! R5796:1,

In which "the survival of the fittest" will be absolutely true. Q844:T

Not because there will be no evil in it, but because evil will not predominate. The blotting out of evil will be gradual, requiring all of the first thousand years. A67; R10:3*; HG538:2; OV27:3

The Lord will send to mankind "a pure message, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord to serve him with one consent." (Zeph. 3:9) R5161:5

Satan will be bound and can deceive the world no longer. R4908:6, 1809:5; 540:3

David portrays the introduction of the same blessed Millennium of peace and righteousness. (Psa. 46:8-11) R1470:4, 5863:6, 5796:1, 1813:6; D551

"The ages to come"; (Eph. 2:7) the first of which is the ; HG11:6; 539:2; A71

Doubtless these were the same things which John afterward saw in vision on the Isle of Patmos. A70; HG539:2

Paul was given a glimpse of the next dispensation. He was "caught away" down the stream of time to the new condition of things, the "new heaven," hence the "third heaven." (2 Cor. 12:2-4) A70; HG539:2; Q830:T

14 Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for these things, give diligence that ye may be found in peace, without spot and blameless in his sight. Such things – The overthrow of the existing order and the establishment of the glorious Kingdom of God's dear Son. R5864:5

Be diligent – Let us be diligent. R5990:5

The prize of the high calling is not for the easy-going Christian. R2123:1*

Be found of him – Not that he shall wash you when he comes, but you shall be found of him so cleansed. R163:1

Without spot – Give diligence and see that our robe is spotless. R163:1

And blameless – Ready for the entrance into that rest which remains. R5990:5

For our Lord "is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy." (Jude 24) R5864:6, 3216:4

15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also, according to the wisdom given to him, wrote unto you; And account that – Words of special comfort and cheer to us now, in this brief waiting time since the close of Gentile Times. How glad of this little extended time some of the Lord's dear ones are, who have consecrated since 1914. R5864:5

Beloved brother Paul – Mark Peter's affection for Paul, who had so plainly reproved and rebuked him. R1041:3

Note the sympathy and love existing between Paul and Peter; evidently the rebuke (Gal. 3:11) was accepted in the spiri R664:2*, 416:1*

Wisdom given unto him – Paul did not launch out into foolish speculations but confined himself to the expounding of sacred Scriptures and to exhortations, inspired by the revelations made to himself--a prophet as well as an apostle. R1719:6, 1148:4

Written unto you – Impulsive Peter seemed to gain more self-control, and he boldly and freely endorses the teaching and course of his "beloved brother Paul." R552:4, 1041:3

16 as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; wherein are some things hard to be understood, which the ignorant and unstedfast wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction. All his epistles – The Apostolic epistles were written to the various local congregations, and were directed to be publicly read and to be exchanged among the churches. R1146:1

The earliest notice of a collection of the New Testament books. Speaking as if some collection existed and was received in the churches as on a par with "the other Scriptures." R434:2*

These things – The things relating to the three worlds and the three heavens of which the Apostle was writing. Q829:4

The things which Peter thought strange of are the very items which now, in God's due time, so grandly illuminate not only Peter's prophecies and John's Revelation, but the entire Word and plan of God. R1148:4, 668:1; B169

Hard to be understood – Even by Peter and only partially then by Paul himself. R1148:4

Liable to be misunderstood by some. R668:1

Difficult. R179:1*

Especially in reference to the second coming of Jesus and our change. R181:6*

Paul's revelations influenced all of his writings and caused him to give such expressions as were hard to be understood, but which, in the light of subsequent events, are now being clearly revealed to the earnest student. Q830:T

The truth concerning the trumpet's voices and fire associated with his coming does not lie on the surface. We need not be surprised, then, if the same be true of all the circumstances attending Christ's return. R167:2*; B169

Unlearned – In the Word. R179:1*

Unstable – As one who believed in the harvest truth and now teaches that the Church has no share in the Redeemer's suffering, in filling up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ. R4433:3

The "unlearned and unstable" have wrested many of the Apostle's statements from their true connection and significance. Q830:T

Wrest – Twist. R4435:2, 2219:2

"Handle the Word of God deceitfully." (2 Cor. 4:2) R2218:6

Scriptures that apply to "the new heavens and the new earth" have been variously warped and twisted from their true application and forcibly assigned to "the heavens that are now" and "this present evil world." Q830:T

At this particular time the Adversary will get advantage of certain ones, will beguile them, get them to wrest the Scriptures, and thus to deceive themselves. R2218:3

Destruction – Of their spiritual interests. R2218:6

To their loss of present light at least. R2218:3

Such as one who will conclude that everything that he saw on coming out of Babylon was a delusion, and that he will return to the "outer darkness" of Babylon. R4433:6

This is not parallel to the one of which our Lord said, "Forbid him not: for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me. For he that is not against us, is on our part." (Mark 9:39, 40) R4434:1

It is a serious thing to wrest the Scriptures. R1778:2

Contrary to the Universalist theory. R3083:2

Not eternal torment. R2598:1, 3167:2

17 Ye therefore, beloved, knowing these things beforehand, beware lest, being carried away with the error of the wicked, ye fall from your own stedfastness. Beloved – Not the worldly, nor even the average nominal Christian; but those who already had attained to "steadfastness." R2218:3

This counsel has a special fitness to the Church in the last days, our days, and was evidently so designed by the Spirit of God as is clear from verse 3. R3215:1, 2218:2

Know these things – That all of the affairs, reforms, etc., of the present time will avail nothing, the present institutions will pass away, and God is about to establish his own Kingdom in his own way; and further, that just at this particular time there will be a special sifting and testing of those who are in the light. R2219:3

Which are to take place in the Day of the Lord, "Day of Vengeance." R2218:2, 1148:4

Beware lest ye also – Be cautious, careful and watchful against all the deceptions and dangers that beset our way. R1670:6

In view of the false teachers who would arise to pervert the truth. R3215:1

The steadfast ones, the saints, living at that time, that is, right now. R2218:6

Give earnest heed to this counsel, for we live in the "evil day." (Eph. 6:13) R2218:3, 2189:3

Be ever on the watch that we be not caught in any snare of the Adversary. R1661:6*, 1670:6

We may insure ourselves against falling into any of these traps of the Adversary. Chiefly by obedience to the principles laid down in the Bible and illustrated in the life and character of our Lord and his apostles. R2219:6

The Lord guided to the presentation of the Vow for the very purpose of making it a trial and test amongst those professing to be his disciples. R4326:3, 4328:1

Be on guard that whoever may become the instrument of the Adversary, whether congenial to our natural tastes or uncongenial, we may not be "carried away" but "To our Lord we will be true." R2219:5

While the Lord promises grace sufficient for every time of need, he never encourages any to rest supinely upon his promises: the exhortations are always to activity, alertness and indomitable energy and perseverance. R1670:3

"Mark them which cause division amongst you; and avoid them." (Rom. 16:17) R4327:2, 3215:2

"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." (Col. 2:6-8) R3215:3

Being led away – Seduced. R2189:3

From the fixed statements of the divine Word, through sympathy, or the influence of someone held in respect or esteem. R2219:4

The danger to the steadfast will be along some line which would sweep away their judgments from the fixed statements of the divine Word, through personal preference or sympathy, or through the influence of someone held in respect or esteem. R2219:4

There will be certain leaders of thought whose conduct will tend to carry away others. "Deceiving and being themselves deceived." (2 Tim. 3:13) R2219:5

A reprobate condition of mind is sure to get into doctrinal darkness. R4327:4

Where the leading away is a doctrinal deflection, it may, or it may not, lead to a wrong spirit. R4327:3

With the error – The distinguishing characteristic is a lack of love. R4326:2, 4327:3

Lovelessness is quickly followed by antagonism to truths, to God and the brethren. R4327:3

From the truth into more or less darkness and confusion. R2219:3

Wasting valuable time in investigating the theories. R3215:3

While doctrinal errors are dangerous, and should be avoided, it is still more serious a matter to lose the spirit of love--the holy Spirit. R4327:3

We should always be on the alert to render assistance whenever needed to convert a brother from error, but we should do nothing that would tend to make us fall from our own steadfastness into the error of the wicked. R1860:3

The difference between the strong and steadfast Christian and a bigot is that the one is established in the truth, while the other is established in error. R3215:3

Wicked – Greek, athemos, unsettled, lawless. The word wicked is too strong. R2218:6

The unsettled or lawless who do not bow implicitly to the Lord's Word but wrest it to establish theories of their own. R2219:4

Wicked one. R2189:3

The Apostle's language not only points to the present time but seems to imply that there would be previous fallings away or siftings, which he calls "the error of the wicked"--literally, "the delusions of the unsettled or lawless." R2218:6

"Siftings" specially affect those in the light of present truth; yet in a more general way and along different lines slightly different siftings are in progress with the nominal church as a whole. R2219:4

Each denomination is being shaken, and the theories of Evolution, Spiritism, Christian Science, Theosophy and Moralism are making great inroads upon all who have named the name of Christ. R2219:4

Unsettled, lacking the knowledge of the divine Word and plan, the whole nominal church is gradually losing its faith in the Bible, under the lead of its most able ministers, who are of the opinion that their "Higher Criticism" is superior to the Scripture presentations. R2219:4

Own stedfastness – Present steadfastness. R3215:1

This implies that they had become rooted and grounded and built up, both in knowledge and the love of God. R2218:3

The not settled ones would first be shaken out, and subsequently there would come a still more insidious trial which would test even the "steadfast." R2218:6

The Adversary has more subtle delusions before us than any of those in the past; and the fully consecrated may need to be more than ever on guard against "the wiles of the devil." (Eph. 6:11) R2219:3

We are not to render bitter words for bitter words, slander for slander, nor reviling for reviling. R4327:2

18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and unto the day of eternity. Amen. Grow – In this age and land, this becomes more than ever our duty. R1030:1*

The aged Apostle Peter's solicitude for the growth and development of the Church was increasing. He counsels all to faithfulness and growth. R3215:1

"Unto a full grown man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ." (Eph. 4:13) R1043:6*, 21:5*

In grace – Grow in favor with the Lord through an intimate personal acquaintance and fellowship of spirit with him. R3215:4, 1043:6*

Give all diligence to the study of the divine oracle, that we may be fortified in faith and works accordingly. R4808:6

Implying a personal faith in and dependence upon all the promises, intimate communion in our daily life of prayer, and observation of God's will and obedience to it. R3215:4

The full and blessed understanding of this is best appreciated by those who from day to day walk with God in faith, obedience and love. R3215:4

In order "to come unto the knowledge of the truth." (1 Tim. 2:4) R780:1

We grow in grace as we grow in knowledge. R5656:1, 3215:4

It is the life work of the Christian. R118:2*

Add the graces of character. OV356:2

A sense of divine acceptance and favor is given us in increasing measure in fulfillment of the blessed promise of John 14:23. R3215:4

Knowledge – Greek, gnosis. R2037:2

Each step of knowledge brings a corresponding step of duty and obedience, and each step of duty and obedience taken will be followed by a further step in knowledge. E239

If we have this witness of the Spirit of growth, both in grace and in knowledge, let us rejoice therein, and let us follow on in the same pathway until it shall bring us to that which is perfect, both in knowledge and in grace. E239

The faithful ones will grow in both grace and knowledge; and the holy Spirit, through its begetting, will enable such to know (appreciate) the deep things of God, the things freely given such by God, the knowledge of God resulting from our experience in the school of Christ. R2037:2

The more thorough our knowledge of the Lord and the more intimate our acquaintance with him, the more secure we are in our own steadfastness. R3215:3

If we love and obey the Lord and desire to grow in his favor, his written Word is our daily meditation and study. Thus we grow in knowledge. R3215:5

By putting on more and more of the armor of God until we realize its glorious completeness in the full discernment of the divine plan of the ages. R3215:5

Even those established in the faith will be continually charmed and cheered with newly discovered lines of harmony and beauty in the divine drawings of the plan. R3215:5

We are in danger of being extremists on this as on almost all other Bible themes--some making too much and others too little of the importance of the knowledge of theory or correct theology. R49:3*

As pupils we may ever study the master workmanship of the divine Architect. R3215:5

Jesus Christ – Who is the way, the truth, and the life. (John 14:6) R3215:3

The development of Jesus as a new creature was his first obligation--as it is our first consideration. SM638:T

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