2 Timothy Chapter 4 [KJVwc]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; I charge thee – Adjure thee--"I most solemnly urge upon you." R3210:6

Paul's dying charge to Timothy was that he should be diligent and zealous in preaching the Word of God. R2229:3

Before God – He who does not believe in God and in his Son could not preach the Gospel at all. R2229:3

The Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge – No man can really preach the good tidings intelligently who does not believe also that the Son has been appointed by the father to judge the world in the appointed Millennial day. R2229:3

The quick – The living nations first. B145; R568:3

The fallen angels, who have never fallen into death, but are restrained in chains of darkness. R3211:1, 1853:6

And the dead – The race of mankind, all of whom are under the sentence of death. R3211:1

At his appearing – Greek, epiphania, bright shining or manifestation. R2979:2

During his manifestation, at his second advent. R2229:3

It is evident, then, that the Kingdom promised is future, that its work of blessing all humanity is future. HG368:6

The Church hopes to share with him in those future glories and grand opportunities. R3211:1

2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. Preach the Word – Teacher and hearer should see to it that it is not man's wisdom that is proclaimed. F255; R4526:3, 2229:4

As long as there are hungry hearts to receive the message--until the Church is complete. R5602:1

All the Lord's people are teachers--it is the chief business of their life. R3211:1

Before we begin to preach, we should be acquainted with the Word, and have a clear, definite understanding of its "good tidings." R646:3

We find Paul exhorting Timothy to preach the word without fear of man. R552:2

We suggest that if the teachers be of divine appointment, those taught are divinely taught. R380:1

Be instant – Always ready to declare the truth. R3211:2

Unceasingly. R3208:3

In season – When it is convenient for you. R4526:3, 3726:6, 1892:5, 1433:4, 731:1, 552:2

Out of season – When it is inconvenient for you, as illustrated by Paul's sermon to the Jews after their attack upon him in the temple at Jerusalem. R3189:2, 4526:3, 3211:2, 3208:3, 2229:3, 1892:5, 1433:4, 552:2

Reprove, rebuke – These words are to be understood as particularly applicable to Timothy as an experienced elder in the church. R3211:2

It is safe to caution all the Lord's people against a too liberal use of reproving and rebuking. R4977:6, 3211:2

Our reproving and rebuking, of teachings and teachers, should be done from a Scriptural standpoint--with brotherly patience, without bitterness, harshness or unkindness, and without arrogance. R2969:6, 646:2

In order to reprove properly, the heart should be very full of love and sympathy; else the reproofs and rebukes might be sharp and possibly do more harm than good. R4977:6, 2229:4

This should be done with patience, gentleness, forbearing and doctrine, showing clearly wherein the principles of righteousness were infringed and pointing out distinctly the Word of the Lord concerning the same. R3211:3

We can judge only by men's words of profession and their course of action; we must leave the rest to be revealed by the great judge. R882:3

Experience has proved that some of the Lord's people are in need of words of warning in order that they be not deceived. R1480:4

Exhort – Exhortation is the form of service which quite evidently can best be used by the majority of the Lord's people, but even this should be characterized by patience, long-suffering, brotherly-kindness. R4978:1, 2229:4

Never degenerate into mere coaxing without sound reason or doctrine. Exhortation without sound reasoning and the strong support of the inspired Word is weak and is not lasting in its effects. R646:2

All long-suffering – Patiently. R4526:6, 4978:1, 2229:4, 646:2

And doctrine – Instruction; explanation; teaching. R4526:6, 2229:4

3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; The time will come – Foretells a future day. Prophetically, he points out the great falling away--the organization of papacy--"the dark ages." R2229:5

In the end of this age. R3347:3

Particularly in the latter part of the harvest of the Gospel age, as illustrated by the closing days of John the Baptist. B263, B264

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith." (1 Tim. 4:1) C200

When they – The people. R676:5*

Will not endure sound doctrine – Wholesome teaching. (MacKnight's translation) R310:3

The Church nominal will not endure preachers who ignore their creeds. R968:2; B258

Though the denominations are willing to make any sort of combination and union to oppose the truth. R1090:2

The reason would be an unsatisfactory condition of heart in the Church, a lack of faith in the Lord's supervision. R4526:6

Their own lusts – Desires or liking. R730:6, 676:5*

Their desires for something new. R1320:4

Shall they heap – Accumulate. R730:6

Teachers – Whoever exercises the gift of teaching lays himself open to increased responsibility in the sight of God. R2156:3

If teachers possess an eloquent tongue, it may be a channel for a great blessing; but if contaminated with error, the tongue can do almost untellable harm. R2156:3

"Be not many teachers." (James 3:1) R2156:2

Having itching ears – Desiring something new and different from teachers after their own liking. R4073:5

Teachers that would tickle their ears. R4526:6, 730:6

For worldly praise or applause. R563:2, 365:4; F287

For something new and strange--for human speculations and vain philosophies. R1892:5, 4526:6, 4073:5, 2930:6, 1320:4, 968:2; B258

For a new gospel of education, refinement and wealth. R2930:6

Who would turn their ears away from truth to fables--more pleased with style and oratory than truth. R4526:6

Faithful servants will not seek to please the ear with soft words, nor to lull the drowsy, but will proclaim the unvarnished truth, exposing hypocrisy and deception. R563:3

4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. And they – The ear-pleasing teachers. R730:6, 676:5*

Their ears – Understanding. R676:5*

From the truth – Prophetically, Paul points out the great falling away which culminated in the organization of papacy. R2229:5

Turned unto fables – Congregations moving from the hopes and methods set before us in the gospel to hopes and methods of their own misconceptions and unbelief. R1969:1

Turned from the study of God's Word to the doing of penances and vain repetitions of prayer; from faith in the precious blood of Christ, to the "mass" and its oft-repeated sacrifices for sins. R2229:5

Fables respecting sacred relics and wonderful cures wrought by nails from the cross, pieces of the cross, bones of saints, etc. This period is known in civil history as "the dark ages." R2229:6

Evolution theories and higher criticism unbelief. R2767:2

Such as monkey progenitors millions of years ago. R4073:5

Anecdotes, essays on science, politics, social uplift, etc. R3211:4

5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. Thou – Timothy, who was a public minister. R2229:5

In all things – Against these evil influences and tendencies. R1892:5

Endure afflictions – Suffer hardships. R3211:4

They are sure to come to all who are faithful in the service; such are sure to incur the wrath of the adversary, who will actively oppose them. R1892:5

Of an evangelist – A teacher and expounder of the Gospel and not of human tradition. R2230:1

Make full proof – Demonstrate what you have professed and what you know to be the truth, that you are a servant of God and not of man, that you are a loyal ambassador in delivering the message he sends. R3211:4

6 For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. Ready to be offered – Having reached the mark of perfect love. Q274:3

Time of my departure – That is, from life. R700:2*

Is at hand – These words form a part of the last charge of the great Apostle to his son Timothy. R4240:1*

7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: I have fought a good fight – Paul had fought in defense of the Lord's testimony to the end of his course to the best of his ability. R2230:4

Against every pernicious influence, doctrine and practice. R4527:2

Paul was the greatest Apostle and, next to the Lord, he is the most perfect model of a self-sacrificing spirit that shines on the sacred records. R552:4

Was there ever a nobler soldier of the cross than St. Paul--the Redeemer alone excepted? R4533:2, 4240:1*, 2229:2

He did not boast of his knowledge, nor of his abilities, nor of his accomplishments, nor of his sufferings. R2230:1

Paul wrote, not egotistically, but for Timothy's encouragement. R4527:1

Paul left an indelible mark on the pages of history. R4533:2

God is seeking only for heroes now--the "elect" must all be courageous, heroes. R4533:3

We must fight against selfishness in its every phase, especially in ourselves. R2230:4

Not with carnal weapons. R4527:2

Finished my course – Paul wrote these words shortly before he was executed. R4050:1

Not merely in theory, but also in practice. R4527:3, 4533:3

It was probably during his second imprisonment that the apostle wrote his epistles to Timothy and Titus. R3209:6

Paul realized that the close of his career was near. R4533:3

He was spared from crucifixion by reason of being a Roman citizen; instead he was beheaded, says tradition. R3209:6, 2229:3

Kept the faith – The true faith once delivered unto the saints. (Jude 3) Faith in the Redeemer's sacrifice; in its application on our behalf; in our justification; in the promises of God's Word; in the Lord and in the brethren. R4533:6, 4527:4

Which God through his Word had inspired, the faith which Paul had received, and was given to all of the Lord's people. He had kept it obediently, faithfully; had not denied it for any consideration, nor bartered it for earthly advantage. R2230:4

Courageously, at the cost of self-denial, of self-sacrifice, hardships and persecutions. R3211:5

And the faith had kept him. R4533:6, 4527:4

A grand testimony, at the conclusion of a grand life, nobly sacrificed. R4527:1

How important are knowledge and a correct faith. R4533:6, 4527:4

This is not merely keeping the faith in us, but in the sense of faithfully declaring it; for whoever does not declare the good tidings to others will soon lose the faith himself. R3211:5

Satan is on the alert continually to take our faith from us--to turn or twist it to our loss or injury. R4534:1, 4527:4

8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. Henceforth – For some time before Paul wrote these words, he was standing at the mark for the prize--perfect love. R4050:1

The trial of the majority of the individual members of the church ends, and the decision of their case is reached, long before the end of the age. R2606:2, 654:3

There is laid up – In reservation, in waiting. R2765:2, 1598:2, 1458:4

Awaiting him, not at death, but at his resurrection. R4534:4, 4527:5, 702:1*, 700:2*

He did not claim to possess his crown at the time, except by faith. R3211:6

The earnest of his inheritance; a foretaste, a firstfruit, a pledge of that blessedness. R2064:5

For me a crown – Representing a position in the glorified little flock. C215

Glory, honor, immortality; association with Christ in his Millennial Kingdom. R4527:1

Paul had absolute confidence in the Lord and in the promise he had received from him. That crown had been his cause of rejoicing for many years. R4534:1, 4527:4

The secret of Paul's labor was the divine approval, to be manifested in granting him a share in the first resurrection. R4527:1, 1106:1

Paul esteemed that crown because it would afford him untold opportunity of blessing his fellowman during the Millennium. That crown would also be the mark of divine appreciation and love for him. R4534:1, 4527:5

Of righteousness – Of life. R5407:3, 2426:5, 1258:3

"The crown of life which the Lord hath promised to them that love him." (James 1:12) "Be thou faithful unto deWhen the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away." (1 Pet. 5:4) R3211:6; A215

Only those who are approved of God as righteous will thus be rewarded and glorified. R3211:6, 5499:3, 4534:4; OV185:1

The righteous judge – The Church, the Lord's body, is being judged now. R2426:5

He will reign in power and great glory. R1316:1

Shall give me – Paul did not expect to go to heaven at his death. R1378:4, 4534:1, 4527:5, 3212:4

At that day – The day of the Lord. R274:6

The day of his appearing and Kingdom. R1378:4, 569:4; C133; NS497:1

There is no kingdom until the King comes. Paul pointed to the second coming of Christ. Now there is no need of sleeping saints to wait for a future time. A288, A287; R3212:4, 1316:2, 845:5*, 475:4, 304:5, 274:6

In the first resurrection at the close of the Gospel age. R4793:4, 2765:3, OV185:1

In the first resurrection, the morning of the Millennial day. R4527:1

Unto all them also – The church. R1258:3

All of the faithful ones of this Gospel age. R3212:5

Paul did not expect to go to heaven, but to await the Lord's return when he and all the faithful would be rewarded by having part in the "first resurrection." R1450:6

The number who love the Lord's revelation in Kingdom glory is comparatively small. R4527:2

Love his appearing – Greek, epiphania, bright shining or manifestation. R2979:2

"Paul excludes from the number of the faithful those to whom Christ's coming is a source of terror."--John Calvin. R3212:5

The early Church lived in joyful anticipation of this longed-for event. R1796:2

His revelation at the second advent. R4534:4, 4527:5, 2; 1598:2

In the beginning of the Millennial age. R1105:6

None but this class will receive the crown. R4527:6

Some prefer that he delay his appearing so they may accumulate the wealth they covet. R4527:2

9 Do thy diligence to come shortly unto me:
10 For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present age, and is departed unto Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia, Titus unto Dalmatia. Demas – In his attempt to be a leader he had manufactured a different Gospel, built upon a different foundation than the only true foundation--the death of Christ as man's ransom. R3820:5

This present world – Giving evidence that they had departed from the faith and from all relationship to Christ as his disciples. R4196:2

11 Only Luke is with me. Take Mark, and bring him with thee: for he is profitable to me for the ministry. Luke – A man of education, a scribe, as well as a physician. R4399:3

Mark – The same who on Paul's first missionary tour left him at Perga. (Acts 13:13) R2141:3

He seems to have ultimately become a true yoke-fellow, very highly appreciated by the great Apostle. R2141:3, 4364:2

Paul made acknowledgement of appreciation of his faithfulness. R3009:3

12 And Tychicus have I sent to Ephesus.
13 The cloak that I left at Troas with Carpus, when thou comest, bring with thee, and the books, but especially the parchments.
14 Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works: Alexander – Paul clearly exposed unholy motives of pride, ambition, and envy, which scrupled not to make havoc of the Church and of the truth. R3820:5

Possibly a convert to Christianity who subsequently apostatized. R2207:4

Much evil – Much harm. R552:2

The Lord reward him – During the Millennial age. R1469:5,6

15 Of whom be thou ware also; for he hath greatly withstood our words. Greatly withstood our words – Paul's efforts to build the church in the most holy faith. R1319:3

16 At my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me: I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge. At my first answer – In his trial before Nero. R4534:4, 4527:6, 2229:2

No man stood with me – In defending the truth against the assaults of the Adversary to overturn it. R552:2

The fear of the people was so great, and quite probably the Apostle's language so bold, that he was forsaken of all. R2229:2

All men forsook me – Some who did have confidence in him had lost their confidence, and in the heat of trial had deserted him. R3212:1

17 Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion. Preaching – Paul spoke the Word with a boldness which permitted the Gospel to be fully known to the Gentiles. R2229:2

18 And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Shall deliver me – From all the machinations of the Adversary and his blind emissaries. R3212:3

Every evil work – Including the last enemy, death, when we participate in the first resurrection. R3212:6

Will preserve me – In this way the Apostle expected the Lord to preserve him, to keep him unto his heavenly kingdom. R3212:6

His heavenly kingdom – "Partakers of the heavenly calling." (Heb. 3:1) R1881:4

"As we have borne the image of the earthly, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly." (1 Cor. 15:49) R1881:4

It is a heavenly kingdom not because of its locality, but because of its nature. "Heavenly" simply means spiritual. 75:5

19 Salute Prisca and Aquila, and the household of Onesiphorus. Prisca – Priscilla. R1549:3*

20 Erastus abode at Corinth: but Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick. Trophimus – There is no record that the Lord or the apostles ever healed the infirmities of the consecrated ones. R2364:6, 1689:4

At Miletum sick – The consecrated are not authorized to call upon divine power for the healing of their own infirmities. R1689:4

The saints have been treated physically, much as other men. R712:6

The saints may pray for, and be the instruments in healing others, but themselves they cannot heal. R712:6

21 Do thy diligence to come before winter. Eubulus greeteth thee, and Pudens, and Linus, and Claudia, and all the brethren.

22 The Lord Jesus Christ be with thy spirit. Grace be with you. Amen.
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