Isaiah Chapter 34 [KJV]

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Expanded Bible Comments
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Scripture Additional Comments

1 Come near, ye nations, to hear; and hearken, ye people: let the earth hear, and all that is therein; the world, and all things that come forth of it. Nations...people – The Lord is here calling all nations to pay attention to His message.

This applies primarily to the nations of Christendom, but, by extension, also applies to all nations.

Compare Joel 3:9; Zeph. 3:8

Earth – Organized society under religious restraint. R498

All that is therein – All things that come out of the 'Organized society under religious restraint'.

This is something to watch. The saints should be aware that this message is directed not only at the 'earth' class, but also at 'all that is therein'.

The world – This is NOT a repetition of 'the earth'. This is the world, one of the three main enemies of the New Creation, i.e., the world, the flesh and the devil.

All things that come forth of it – All that comes forth of the worldly influence, the 'things of this world.'
2 For the indignation of the LORD is upon all nations, and his fury upon all their armies: he hath utterly destroyed them, he hath delivered them to the slaughter. The indignation of the Lord – The Lord's righteous indignation against all nations.

Upon all nations – Especially all the nations of Christendom.

His fury – Is it possible to be in a more dangerous condition than that of receiving the Lord's fury?

This would seem to show a connection with Eze. 9:8 and Eze. 38:18.

All their armies – Upon the armies of the nations. Do these armies succeed or did they succomb to the Lord and His army?

Question: What is the difference between the Lord's indignation against the nations, and His fury upon the armies of the nations?

Armies are the enforcement arm of the nations.

Could it be that the Lord is most angry, not only with those who believe the false doctrines put forth by Christendom, but are acting upon (enforcing) those ideas, thus causing the most suffering to the Lord's people?

Indignation of the Lord .. his fury – See Nahum 1:5-6.

He hath utterly destroyed them – This is NOT a mistake. Here the Lord has described the armies of the nations as already being completely destroyed, yet in the remainder of the verse it is obvious that He still has dealings with them. How can this be? The answer to this question is one of the great keys to the understanding of prophetic fulfillment. See topical "Small Beginnings".

He hath delivered them to the slaughter – Compare Eze. 9:2,5-8 concerning the six men and their slaughter weapon ('weapon of breaking in pieces').
3 Their slain also shall be cast out, and their stink shall come up out of their carcases, and the mountains shall be melted with their blood. Their slain – Isa. 66:16; Jer. 25:33.

See R2416 for Br. Russell's explanation of what it means to be slain. While his application is about the true saints being slain, the same principle applies to those who are imitation wheat. They too are slain or killed, symbolically, ostrasized.

Shall be cast out – Cast out of Christendom. These are cast out by the Lord, not by Christendom. They are cast out in the sense that they have begun to recognize the true character of Christendom (Christ's Kingdom - falsely so called), that it is indeed of man's making (backed by the adversary) and not of God's making.

Their stink shall come up out of their carcasas – Compare Jer. 25:33.

Mountains – Kingdoms. This is an important point. There is a difference between "Kingdoms" and "Nations". It is not the nations in general that are involved here, but it is the Kingdoms.

Melted with their blood – These mountains (kingdoms) are melted, i.e., they become smaller - to such an extent that they are no longer mountains, i.e., they are no longer kingdoms. Instead of mountains they become islands (republics). See Expanded Bible Comments on Psa. 97:5.

Note the following paragraph:
"Again says the Psalmist prophetically, "The hills melted like wax at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth." (verse 5.) Mountains and hills are symbols of governments. Some will melt under the fervent heat, while others will be carried forcibly into the midst of the sea. (Psa. 46:2.) We have today in Great Britain an illustration of a mountain melting. It has enough political wisdom to see the rights, and to concede some of the demands of the people. It is melting and flowing down to some extent to the level of the people's interests. If all the governments would do this, if they would all melt down and fully concede to the people their rights, then much of the great calamity of revolution would be averted; but this, all will not do. The policy of Russia, for instance, is to concede nothing to the people, but to retain all its oppressive power intact. It will not melt; therefore it shall be forcibly carried in the tumult of revolution "into the midst of the sea." The sea in symbolic language represents the masses of the people unrestrained by law and order; hence the carrying of a mountain into the midst of the sea, would signify the overwhelming of a government in a revolutionary uprising of the masses. (Psa. 4:2.)" R815:12 [1885]
4 And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all their host shall fall down, as the leaf falleth off from the vine, and as a falling fig from the fig tree. All the host – There are only two classes spoken of when this phrase is used, i.e., the sanctuary and the host. This does not refer to the little flock (and likely not even to the great company) but rather to the general masses in the nominal systems - the host.

Of heaven – The nominal heaven.

It is worthy here to pay attention, not only to what is said, but also to note what is not said. It is the host of heaven that is dissolved. It does not say heaven is dissolved.

Rolled together as a scroll – The two ends of the nominal heavens, i.e., the Roman Catholic and the Protestant ends of the nominal heavens will be attempting to unite. Their intention is for added strength (an evidence that they think this is the only way to survive).

Note: the Lord does not indicate that they will be successfull in their aspirations.

The fact that the Lord uses the symbol of a scroll is very impressive. In a literal sense, what is happening when someone rolls a scroll together? It indicates that they are done with it and are about to put it away. So while the two ends of the nominal church may think this is needed for their survival, from the Lord's standpoint (and therefore from the standpoint of His people, the church) it is an indication that their 'host' has been 'dissolved.'

Their host shall fall down – As the host is dissolving, it is falling down from Christendom. That this is specifically Christendom that is here referred to is indicated by the rest of the verse.

Leaf falleth off from the vine – Our Lord said 'I am the vine and ye are the branches'. This is a clear indication that the church is represented as being from the vine. The vine represents the spiritual phase of the kingdom (both the true and the false).

Falling fig from the fig tree – The fig tree is the nation of Israel (See Jer. 24). Under the kingdom arrangement, the Lord and His body members constitute the heavenly phase (the vine) and the fig tree (natural Israel) constitutes the earthly phase.
NOTE * – That this refers to the counterfeit kingdom of God is evident. Once the True is established, none fall off from the spiritual phase of the kingdom, nor do we expect to see a falling away from the earthly phase. The fact that there is a falling from these indicates that it is the false. Also the fact that both the Vine and the Fig Tree are mentioned indicates that this is the kingdom, the heavenly and earthly phases working together. In this case, the false kingdom, Christendom.

It may also be wise to note the difference between the 'nominal church systems' and Christendom. The nominal church systems are the false vine, the ecclesiastical portion of the church-state union, while Christendom includes the civil power united with the nominal church.
5 For my sword shall be bathed in heaven: behold, it shall come down upon Idumea, and upon the people of my curse, to judgment. My sword – The sword of the Lord, the two-edged sword of Rev. 1:16. It is the sword of Truth - present truth. In Rev. 1:16 it is described as proceeding out of the mouth of the Lord.

See Heb. 4:12.

Bathed in heaven – The Lord's battle is with the nominal church systems. This is the ecclesiastical portion of Christendom. The fact that His sword is bathed in heaven demonstrates the completeness of the slaughter that takes place there. It is not the slaughter of individuals, but rather the slaughter of the nominal church systems as being the 'gateway of God'.

Idumea – Idumea is Edom. Edom is the name that was given to Esau after he sold his birthright (Gen. 25:30). Thus it is an appropriate symbol for the nominal church which, instead of remaining true to her heavenly bridegroom, sold their heavenly birthright for the 'mess of pottage' of present advantage by becoming united with the kings of the earth.

People of my curse – Those who remain in the nominal systems after the Lord has issued the command to 'come out of her my people'. These are in danger of partaking of her sins and receiving of her plagues.

To judgement – 'Judgement begins at the house of God.'
6 The sword of the LORD is filled with blood, it is made fat with fatness, and with the blood of lambs and goats, with the fat of the kidneys of rams: for the LORD hath a sacrifice in Bozrah, and a great slaughter in the land of Idumea. Sword of the Lord – Present Truth. Heb. 4:12; Matt. 4:4.

Filled with blood – From the slaughter taking place in the nominal heavens. Remember (vs 2) the blood (the life force) of the nations is what melts the mountains (kingdoms). Here the Lord is indicating that the means of the slaughter of the nominal systems is by the truth (represented by the sword). This sword is 'filled with blood', i.e., it has taken the life of many (if not all) in the nominal heavens.

Fat with fatness – Fat shows our zeal, our best energies. This would also be true of the great nominal church systems. The members have had their fat, their zeal, taken from them by the Lord's slaughter of their relations with the kings of the earth.

Lambs – Tribulation saints, i.e., the great company. D17:1

Goats – Tares. D17:1

Fat – Zeal.

Kidneys – The body's filter.

Rams – Strong or mighty ones.

Sacrifice in Bozrah – Bozrah means "sheepfold." It is also the capital city of Idumeah.

Idumeah – Edom. Edom is Esau (Gen. 25:30) and is called so because he sold his birthright. Thus he is a fitting picture for the false church who sold her birthright (membership in Christ) for a mess of pottage (union with the kings of the earth and present exaltation).

It is interesting to note here that while the sacrifice takes place in Eccliasticisn (Bozrah) the "great slaughter" takes place in Idumeah - Christendom.
7 And the unicorns shall come down with them, and the bullocks with the bulls; and their land shall be soaked with blood, and their dust made fat with fatness. Unicorns – Another way to put it, that Bible Students may more readily identify is: "One-horned beasts."

Bullocks – The (tentatively) Justified.

Their land – Land here is Strong's 776, Earth. It is the same word used for 'earth' in verse 1, i.e., 'organized society under religious restraint'.

Soaked with blood – Saturated with the life force which has been poured out. This life force comes from the 'slain' class of verse 3.

Dust – See Nahum 1:3 where we are told that "clouds (trouble) are the dust of his (Jehovah's) feet." If we wish to mark the stately steppings of our God in this, the "Day of the Lord," all we have to do is to mark the trouble (the dust of His feet.) It is also interesting in this connection to note that dust is dirt or earth that has been "kicked up." Once again we have the thought of the dust being "kicked up" by the stately steppings of our God.

Fat with fatness – Fat represents zeal. Since it is the dust that has been kicked up by our God we automatically remember "the zeal of the LORD of hosts shall perform this." - Isa. 9:6-7; 37:32

8 For it is the day of the LORD's vengeance, and the year of recompenses for the controversy of Zion. The day of the Lord's vengeance – The period when the Lord takes out His vengeance upon the whole world, including the nominal church. This may have particular reference to 'The Battle of that Great Day of God Almighty', i.e., 'Armageddon.

The year – A prophetic year of 360 days, or 360 years. This extends from 1521 to 1881. Please see additional comments on Rev. 6:9-11.

Of recompenses – This is very specific! Recompense contains the root 'compense', as in to 'compensate.' This word, simply put, means 'pay back.' Thus, this could be stated as 'the year of pay back for the controversy of Zion.'

The controversy – 'The Lord hath a controversy with the nations'. Jer. 25:31; Hos. 4:1; Micah 6:2 The reason He has this controversy with the nations is because they have mistreated His people, the Zion class.

This is indicated by the saints figuratively crying from beneath the altar (justification) in Rev. 6:9.

Zion – This is the spiritual phase of the church under development during the Gospel Age. This may also have reference to nominal spiritual Israel. In this prophecy, the Lord seems to refer to Zion as the Kingdom of God, irrespective of whether He is talking of the nominal or the true. This is a similar concept to that used in the parable of the wheat and the tares. In that parable the field was the world. It was always a wheat field, however it had been overrun with tares. That did not change the fact that it was still a wheat field. The same thing applies here. It is the Kingdom of God and the fact that it has been overrun with nominal Christians does not change the fact that it is still referred to as Zion, the Kingdom of God (even though it may be the Counterfeit kingdom).

This is "the Controversy of Zion." Which is the True Zion, the True Church of Christ? Is it the great nominal mass of Christendom (falsely so-called) or is it the "little flock?"
9 And the streams thereof shall be turned into pitch, and the dust thereof into brimstone, and the land thereof shall become burning pitch. Streams – Sources of water (truth).

Thereof – Of (nominal) Zion.

Turned into pitch – They did not start out that way but in the Lord's providence they have been allowed to pursue that course which leads away from the true understanding of God's word and unto a complete embracing of error.

We note here that pitch (Strong's 2203) was used by the mother of Moses to seal the basket (ark) from the water of the Nile (Exo. 2:3.) The import being that pitch repels water. Here, it is the streams of nominal Zion that have are no longer bringing in but are repelling the water of Truth.

Dust – see Additional Comments vs. 7.

Brimstone – Sulfur. None can survive in such an environment. Since, as we shall see, unclean birds will dwell there, this would strongly imply that no spiritual life can exist in (nominal) Zion at this time.

Land – Earth (same word used in vs 1), - Organized society under religious restraint.

Burning pitch – Not only are the streams of nominal Zion devoid of water but their organized society shall be both without truth and be destroyed (as represented by it being on fire).
10 It shall not be quenched night nor day; the smoke thereof shall go up for ever: from generation to generation it shall lie waste; none shall pass through it for ever and ever. It shall not be quenched – This destruction is from the Lord and cannot be stopped.

Night – "The morning cometh and yet it is night." (Isa. 21:12)This has reference to the beginning of the Millennium which begins with darkness.

Day – The destruction continues even into the beginning of the "day" portion of the Millennium.

Smoke – Remembrance.

For ever – This is a destruction that will never be forgotten.

From generation to generation – ?

It shall lie waste – ?

None shall pass through it – None shall pass through the false Zion, Christendom, Babylon - the 'Gateway to God' again. Why not? Because God has cast them off (1878) and has removed His spirit from them while at the same time issuing a command to 'come out of her my people.' Remembering that hypocrisy is the thing to be most avoided and since spirit-begettal comes through the word of Truth (Jas. 1:18), it seems highly unlikely that God would, after instructing His children to leave that system, Himself do the opposite (i.e., be hypocritical) and go back into that system and beget more children there.

Nominal Zion is no longer (as it once was) "the gateway to God," - Babylon. If someone wants to be with God, they can no longer "pass through it [nominal Zion]" to get there. His spirit has been completely withdrawn from that system.

For ever and ever – For all eternity. The way to God is forever altered. It will never come through nominal Zion again.
11 But the cormorant and the bittern shall possess it; the owl also and the raven shall dwell in it: and he shall stretch out upon it the line of confusion, and the stones of emptiness. Cormorant .. bittern .. owl .. raven – These are all unclean birds. Rev. 18:2

[these] Possess it .. dell in it – The fact that these unclean birds now posses and dwell in (nominal) Zion indicates that it still exists, only it is no longer inhabited by the Lord's people.

He shall stretch out upon it – Upon nominal Zion, upon Christendom (the false kingdom of God).

Line of confusion – Their false doctrines are being manifest along with the clear understanding that all their claims of being 'Christ's Kingdom' are false.

This would also seem to have reference to the call to "come out of her my people." It is at that point (1878) that our Lord figuratively 'draws a line in the sand.'

Stones of emptiness – This refers to the plumb stone (Isa. 28:16-17). Because God is judging them and they are proven 'not to have a leg to stand on', their doctrines (divine right of kings, etc.) are proven to be empty.

This phrase here translated as 'the stones of emptiness' is exactly the same one used in Genesis (1:2) where it is translated 'without form and void.' This shows just how complete is the spiritual void within the nominal system.
12 They shall call the nobles thereof to the kingdom, but none shall be there, and all her princes shall be nothing. They – The unclean birds of verse 11.

Shall call the nobles thereof – That class that used to make up the "nobles" of Christendom. Basically this call says "come back to us, help us to re-form ourselves to what we once were."

The kingdom – The false kingdom, Christendom.

None shall be there – No indeed, all the nobles of the false kingdom at this time have left. They are, by this time, 'Standing afar off for fear of her torment.' Rev. 18:9-10

All her princes – The mighty, noble, well respected ones of Mystic Babylon.

Shall be nothing – Showing their true 'spiritual' state. Not only have they have been completely rejected by the Lord, but the Lord has now rejected the system which gave them such 'nobility.'
13 And thorns shall come up in her palaces, nettles and brambles in the fortresses thereof: and it shall be an habitation of dragons, and a court for owls. Thorns .. nettles and brambles.. – Showing how completely overrun Babylon becomes at this time. Please see Mal. 4:1.

Her palaces – The fact that this is feminine verifies to us the thought that the primary reference here is to the false church systems.

The reference to palaces indicates that this was a 'Royal' woman. The logical conclusion is that this refers primarily to the 'woman' of Revelation 17:5 and 18:7.

It – Nominal Zion.

Habitation of dragons – Civil powers (referred to by the symbol of a dragon because the civil powers are under the influence of Satan).

Court for owls – The unclean and hateful birds. Rev. 18:2
14 The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the screech owl also shall rest there, and find for herself a place of rest. Wild beasts – Those beastly governments that are not 'domesticated' under the rule of Christendom, thus they are "wild beasts."

The desert – Where there is little or no water of truth. These wild beasts (governments) are they that were in opposition to the truth and not a part of Christendom. This would refer to those who were strictly heathen nations.

Shall meet with – In the United Nations?

Wild beasts – Those beastly governments that are not 'domesticated' under the rule of Christendom.

The island – This would seem to have reference to those nations which were a part of Christendom. At this time Christendom has been toppled. Consider the picture. It was a great mountain with many peaks (indicating the nations which made up Christendom.) That mountain has now been cast into the sea. The various mountain peaks are still above water and thus have become islands. These are 'the wild beasts of the island.'

So now we have two classes of islands. (1) Those nations who were never a part of Christendom - the 'wild beasts of the desert,' and (2) Those nations that once formed Christendom - the 'wild beasts of the island.'

Satyr – Compare Isa. 13:21 A satyr is a mythical creature which is supposed to be half man and half horse. What a vivid description of man-made doctrines! This would also seem to imply that man has ridden these false doctrines so much that he has become one with them.

Cry to his fellow – His close associate (Strong's 7453).

The screech owl – The Lilith (or Liyliyth). This is one of the most bizarre creatures in the Bible. It comes from Jewish mythology surrounding the Eden story. It is sometimes translated as "night monster." The [false] reasoning is that since God said "Male and female created he them" (Gen. 1:27), there must have been another woman prior to mother Eve. This other woman they call "Lilith." She rebels against Adam, flees Eden, becomes the mother of all daemons, and is on the prowl to kill all humanity's new-born children. She is most dangerous at night.

This story makes a mockery of the creation account given in Genesis, completely denies the ransom, and has the thought of the destruction of the young of mankind. It seems to be a fitting symbol of a teaching that would infiltrate Europe (the seat of Christendom, false Zion).
15 There shall the great owl make her nest, and lay, and hatch, and gather under her shadow: there shall the vultures also be gathered, every one with her mate. There – In the true Zion.

Shall the Great Owl – The Great Covenant - the Abrahamic Covenant.

Make her nest – Prepare the world for the next generation, i.e., the generation of man that will live in righteousness under the new covenant.

And lay and hatch – Actually bring forth the world of mankind in the kingdom.

Note here. It does not say, "She has laid and hatched" but that she will lay and hatch.

Gather under the shadow – Under her protection.

There – In the true Zion, the place that has been separated "by line".

The vultures – The church in the flesh.

Be gathered – "Wheresoever the carcas is, there will the eagles (vultures) be gathered." Matt. 24:28

Every one with her mate – The returned Lord, the Heavenly Bridegroom.

16 Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered them. Seek ye – ".. and ye shall find."

Out of the book of the Lord – God's Holy Word, the Bible.

And read – This is the time for the return of true Bible study.

No one of these – These vultures, members of the body of Christ.

Shall fail – These shall not fail because they trust in the Lord and, as indicated in the previous verse, He has them under the shadow of his wings.

None shall want her mate – The correct translation indicates this as "None shall lack" (or be in want of) her mate. She (the church in the flesh) shall not be in want of her mate (Christ Jesus) because her mate has returned! None of the Lord's true people will lack that wonderful personal relation with their returned Lord.

My mouth it hath commanded – Saying "Come out of her my people."

His spirit it hath gathered them – These are drawn to the truth by the Holy Spirit, the spirit of Truth.
17 And he hath cast the lot for them, and his hand hath divided it unto them by line: they shall possess it for ever, from generation to generation shall they dwell therein. He cast the lot for them – There were two classes for whom lots were cast:
   1) The Lord's goat (the church)
   2) The scapegoat (the great company)

His hand – This is God's work, not the work of man.

Divided it unto them by line – Here is the division of nominal Zion. The false is where the unclean birds remain and the true is where the Lord's people are found. This line is the same line as is found in verse 11 except this time it is not a line of confusion but a line separating confusion from clarity.

They – The vultures, the true church.

Shall possess it – Possess Zion.

From generation to generation – For all time.

Shall they – The vultures, the true church.

Dwell therein – For all eternity Zion will be inhabited by the saints.
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