Romans Chapter 8 [Diaglott]

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Romans 7   Romans (Diaglott) Chapter Index   Romans 9

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1 No therefore now condemnation to those in an Anointed Jesus.
2 The for law of the spirit of the life by an Anointed Jesus freed me from the law of the sin and of the death.
3 The for inability of the law, in that it was weak through the flesh, the God the of himself son having sent in a form of flesh of sin, and on account of sin, condemned the sin in the flesh;
4 so that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled by us, by those not according to flesh walking, but according to spirit.
5 Those for according to flesh being, the things of the flesh are minding; those but according to spirit, the things of the spirit.
6 The for mind of the flesh, death; the but mind of the spirit, life, and peace.
7 Because the mind of the flesh, enmity to God; to the for law of the God not it is subject, neither for it is able;
8 those and in flesh being, to God to be pleasing not they are able.
9 You but not are in flesh, but in spirit, if indeed spirit of God dwells in you. If and any one spirit of an Anointed one not has, he not is of him.
10 If but an Anointed in you, the indeed body dead with respect to sin; the but spirit life with respect to righteousness.
11 If but the spirit of him having raised up Jesus out of the dead ones dwells in you, he having raised the Anointed out of dead ones, will make alive also the mortal bodies of you, through the indwelling of him spirit in you.

12 So then, brethren, debtors we are not to the flesh, of the according to flesh to live.
13 If for according to flesh you live, you are about to die; if but by spirit the practices of the body you put to death, you shall live.
14 As many as for by spirit of God are led, these are sons of God.
15 Not for you received a spirit of bondage back to fear, but you received a spirit of sonship, by which we cry: Abba, the Father.
16 Itself the spirit testifies together with the spirit of us, that we are children of God.
17 If and children, also heirs; heirs indeed of God, joint-heirs and of an Anointed; if indeed we suffer with, so that also we may be glorified with.

18 I reckon for, that not comparable the sufferings of the now season with the being about glory to be revealed in us.
19 The for earnest desire of the creation the revelation of the sons of the God looks for.
20 To the for vanity the creation was placed under, (not voluntarily but through him having placed under,) in hope,
21 that even itself the creation will be freed from the bondage of the corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of the God.
22 We know for, that all the creation groan together and travails together till the now;
23 not only and, but also ourselves the first-fruit of the spirit having, and we ourselves in ourselves groan, a sonship looking for, the redemption of the body of us.
24 By the for hope we were saved. A hope but being seen, not is a hope; what for sees one, why also hopes?
25 If but what not we see, we hope, with patience we wait.

26 In like manner and also the spirit helps the weaknesses of us; the for what we should pray as it behooves, not we know, but itself the spirit intercedes on behalf of us with groans unspoken.
27 He but searching the hearts, knows what the mind of the spirit, because according to God it intercedes on behalf of holy ones.
28 We know and, that to those who love the God all things work together for good, to those according to a purpose called being.
29 Because whom he foreknew, also he before marked out copies of the likeness of the son of himself for the to be him a first-born among many brethren.
30 Whom and he before marked out, those also he called; and whom he called, those also he justified whom and he justified, those also he glorified.

31 When then shall we say to these things? If the God on behalf of us, who against us?
32 Who indeed of the own son not spared, but on behalf of us all delivered up him; how not also with him the things all to us will he graciously give?
33 Who will bring a charge against chosen ones of God? God that justifying.
34 Who he condemning? Anointed that having died, still more and also having been raised, who also is on right of the God, who and intercedes on behalf of us.
35 Who us will separate from the love of the Anointed? Affliction, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
36 (as it has been written: That on a account of thee we are put to death whole the day; we were accounted as sheep of slaughter.)

37 But in these all we more than conquer through the one having loved us.
38 I am persuaded for, that neither death nor life, nor messengers, nor principalities, nor things being present, nor things being about to come, nor powers,
39 nor height, nor depth, nor any creation other will be able us to separate from the love of the God, of that in Anointed Jesus the Lord of us.
Romans 7   Romans (Diaglott) Chapter Index   Romans 9
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