Romans Chapter 6 [Diaglott]

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Romans 5   Romans (Diaglott) Chapter Index   Romans 7

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1 What then shall we say? ought we to continue in the sin, so that the favor may abound?
2 Not let it be. Who we died by the sin, how still shall we live in it?
3 Or are you ignorant, that as many as were dipped into Anointed Jesus, into the death of him were dipped?
4 We were buried together therefore with him through the dipping into the death, that as was raised up Anointed out of dead ones through the glory of the Father, so also we in newness of life should walk.
5 If for planted together we have become in the likeness of the death of him, certainly also of the resurrection we shall be;
6 this knowing, that the old of us man was crucified with, that might be rendered powerless the body of the sin, of the no longer to be enslaved us in the sin;
7 he for having died has been justified from the sin.
8 If but we died with Anointed, we believe, that also we shall live with him,
9 knowing, that Anointed having been raised out of dead ones, no longer dies; death of him no longer lords over.
10 Which for he died, by the sin he died once for all; which but he lives, he lives by the God.
11 So also you count yourselves dead ones indeed by the sin, living ones but by the God, in Anointed Jesus.

12 Not therefore let reign the sin, in the mortal of you body, in order that to obey;
13 nor present you the members of you weapons of unrighteousness to the sin; but present you yourselves to the God, as out of dead ones living, and the members of you weapons of righteousness to the God.
14 Sin for to you not shall lord over; not for you are under law, but under favor.

15 What then? shall we sin, because not we are under law, but under favor? Not let it be.
16 Not you know, that to whom you present yourselves slaves for obedience, slaves you are to whom you are obedient, whether of sin to death, or of obedience to righteousness?
17 Thanks but to the God, that you were slaves of the sin, you obeyed yet from heart into which you were delivered a form of teaching.
18 Having been freed and from the sin, you were enslaved to the righteousness.
19 (According to man I speak, on account of the weakness of the flesh of you.) As for you presented the members of you slaves to the uncleanness and to the iniquity for the iniquity; so now present you in members of you slaves to the righteousness for sanctification.
20 When for slaves you were of the sin, free you were to the righteousness.
21 What therefore fruit had you then? in the things now you are ashamed; the for end of those, death.
22 Now but having been freed from the sin, having been enslaved and to the God, you have the fruit of you in sanctification; the and end, life age-lasting.
23 The for wages of the sin, death; the but gracious gift of the God, life age-lasting in an Anointed Jesus the Lord of us.
Romans 5   Romans (Diaglott) Chapter Index   Romans 7
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