Revelation Chapter 4 [Diaglott]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 After these things I saw, and lo, a door having been opened in the heaven, and the voice the first which I heard as of a trumpet talking with me, saying: Come thou up here, and I will show to thee the things it behooves to have done after these things. After this – After the events of the preceding chapter. R528:6*

I looked – John, personally, symbolizes the beloved disciples--the faithful in the Church who are alive at the time required by the events described. R528:3*

A door was opened – The entrance to the third heaven. (2 Cor. 12:2) R529:2*

In heaven – The third heaven, the new heavens, under the rule of Christ and his saints. R529:1*

Of a trumpet – The seventh trumpet. R529:2*

Come up – We are "caught up" in the spirit of our minds, and see spiritual things from an exalted position. R529:1*

Every new truth received and cherished has been a stepping-stone upward. R529:2*

Things which must be hereafter – Rev. 20:11-15 is a recapitulation of the whole scene from this setting of the judgment. HG42:4

2 And immediately I was in spirit; and lo, a throne was placed in the heaven, and on the throne one sitting; A throne – "The throne of God and of the Lamb." (Rev. 22:3) R156:3*

The throne of God is not a material one, but refers to his supreme authority and rulership. A92

Was set in heaven – The throne of the heavenly city is established first. R156:3*

At the time of the establishment of the throne, or rather perhaps the exaltation of the Little Flock, or those who are ready for it. R156:6*

The throne is first established, and it becomes the nucleus around which the Church will gather, until all that fear God's name are made up as jewels for his Kingdom. R82:1*

And one sat – This is the Father, the "Ancient of days." (Dan. 7:9) R529:3*

3 and the one sitting like in appearance to a stone a jasper and a sardius; and a rainbow around about the throne like in appearance to an emerald. Like a jasper – Supposed to mean a diamond, described as most precious and "clear as crystal" (Rev. 21:11; 22:1); being the most brilliant of all gems it fittingly symbolizes the glory of God. R529:3*

A sardine stone – A red colored stone, symbolizing God's love. R529:3*

A rainbow – The "token" of a covenant. (Gen. 9:12-17) R529:3*

An emerald – Probably symbolizes freshness and vigor. R529:3*

4 And round about the throne thrones twenty-four; and on the thrones twenty-four elders sitting, having been clothed, with garments white, and on the heads of them crowns golden. Four and twenty elders – Personifications of the testimonies of twenty-four prophets who foretold things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. R529:4*

Being symbolic, they cannot be individual saints; nor the Church of the firstborn, as they appear under another symbol. R529:3*

In white raiment – Denoting purity. R529:4*

Crowns of gold – Symbolizing their divine authority. R529:4*

5 And from the throne proceed lightnings and voices and thunders; and seven lamps of fire burning in presence of the throne, which are the seven spirits of the God; The throne – Of God. R529:4*

Lightnings – See comments on Psalms 97:4. And thunderings -- Judgments. R168:5*

The thunderings and lightnings are making all the earth to tremble as did Israel at Mt. Sinai. (Exodus 19:1-25) R5900:1

And voices – The mutterings of the tempest which is already gathering over the Church and the world. R529:4*

Lamps of fire – Channels through which God is about to manifest his power. R529:4*

The Church of the first-born. R529:4*

The seven congregations (Rev. 1:20). The Church complete. The Little Flock. R170:2,4*

Like fire, as all spirit beings are described in Scripture. (Ezek. 1:13,14; Dan. 7:9) R2350:1

Which are the seven – Perfect or complete. T47, T115; R529:4*

6 and in presence of the throne as a sea made of glass, like crystal; and in midst of the throne and in a circle of the throne four living ones being full of eyes before and behind. Before the throne – Authority, rulership. A92

Notice, these are before the throne--not on it, as in Rev. 15. This is likely the position referred to in Luke 20:36. R168:5*

The position of the Great Multitude who are protected from the plagues. (Rev. 7:9-15) R156:4*

Place of the Great Company. R81:6*

A sea – The unfettered, irreligious masses of the people. R529:5*

Of glass – The internal forces that control the irreligious masses of the people are as clear as crystal from the standpoint of those who are walking in the light. R529:5*

Like unto crystal – It is not mingled with fire as in Rev. 15:2. R156:4*

Four beasts – Cherubim or living ones. R529:5*

These strange creatures are first brought to view in Gen. 3:24, where they appear with flaming swords. They are next seen at each end of the Mercy Seat on the Ark. (Exod. 25:18) R529:5*

Personifying the attributes of God--power, wisdom, justice and love. R529:6*

7 And the living one the first like to a lion, and the second living one like to a young bullock, and the third living one had the face of a man, and the fourth living one like to an eagle flying.
8 And the four living ones, one by one of them had apiece wings six, round about and within they are full of eyes; and rest not they have of day and of night, saying: Holy holy, holy Lord the God the almighty, the one who was and the one existing and the one coming. Holy, holy, holy – Thus it will be when the night of sin and death are past and the glorious Millennial morning shall have ushered into the world the light of the Sun of Righteousness, the knowledge of the glory of God shall fill the whole earth. (Isa. 6:3) NS463:2[NS463]

9 And when shall give the living ones glory and honor and thanks to the one sitting on the throne, to the one living for the ages of the ages,
10 shall fall down the twenty-four elders in presence of the one sitting on the throne, and they shall do homage to the one living for the ages of the ages, and they shall cast the crowns of themselves in presence of the throne saying; Fall down – John hears the cherubim "give glory" (vs. 9), and immediately the twenty four elders fall down before him. R530:5

11 worthy thou art, O Lord, to receive the glory and the honor and the power; because thou didst create the all things, and on account of the will of thee they were, and were created. Thou art worthy – When we can hear the power, wisdom, justice, and love of God, then indeed his twenty four witnesses ring out his praise as never before. R530:5*

Created all things – All things, both good and evil, exist by his permission. R530:5*

That our Lord Jesus existed prior to his incarnation, and in a more exalted nature and condition, is clearly stated in Scripture. R1673:3[R1673:11]

For thy pleasure – The pleasure of dispensing his blessings and exercising the attributes of his glorious being. A118

He created them in his own likeness--with the same mental and moral attributes, so that he might have communion and fellowship with them as sons, and they with him as a Father. R1833:1

Ultimately. R530:5*

The great architect of the universe and author of all life, first counted the cost, and reckoned that all should culminate to his honor and glory. R421:2, 338:1

God endowed his intelligent creature with this element of character (gratitude), being responsive to his own goodness, institutes a delightful fellowship with himself, which is the chief end of human existence. R2031:3

"I have created him for my glory." (Isa. 43:7) Man's true peace can be found only in harmony with his Creator. R1840:3

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