Revelation Chapter 3 [Diaglott]

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Scripture Additional Comments

1 And by the messenger of the in Sardis congregation write: These things says the one having the seven spirits of the God, and the seven stars. I know of thee the works, that a name thou hast that thou livest, and dead thou art.
Sardis - 5th Stage of the Church
Angel – John Wycliffe

The periods of the seven churches overlap. R5718:3

The church in Sardis – Sardis means "That which remains".

This period covers the time from approximately 1375 to 1515 (Luther's day).

"Sardis includes a short interval just before the Reformation; Philadelphia.." R5992

This would appear to be the darkest stage of the church. It was during this period that anti-christ's corruption reached its zenith.

The seven stars – The seven churches (or seven stages of the one church). - Rev. 1:20
2 Become thou vigilant, and strengthen the things remaining which were about to die; not for I have found of thee the works having been complete in presence of the God of me. Strengthen the things which remain – Apparently by this time there has been much truth lost.

And are about to die – Indicating the Truth left is so meager as to be barely enough to sustain spiritual life for the New Creation.

This seems to correspond to the fourth seal where the Papacy has authority over the Roman Empire and is able to kill with sword, hunger, etc. There is very little spiritual life during this period.
3 Remember thou therefore how thou hast received and thou didst hear, and observe, and reform. If therefore not thou shouldst have watched, I may have come on thee as a thief, and not not thou mayest have known what hour I may have come on thee.
4 But thou hast a few names in Sardis, which not soiled the garments of themselves; and they shall walk with me in white (robes), because worthy they are. A few names – see Additional comments on vs. 2.

Have not defiled their garments – In each stage of the Church there have been faithful saints who keep going to the Lord for the promised cleansing, thus keeping their robes of Christ's righteousness unspotted from the world.
5 The one overcoming, this shall invest himself with garments white; and not not I will blot out the name of him out of the scroll of the life, and I will confess the name of him in presence of the Father of me, and in presence of the messengers of him. He that overcometh .. clothed in white raiment – How appropriate! For any to overcome during this, the darkest period of the Dark Ages, is indeed an impressive thing. They should gain, permanently, the very thing they strove so hard for. They will be justified in the fullest sense.
6 The one having an ear, let him hear what the spirit says to the congregation. He that hath an ear.. – See Additional Comments Rev. 2:17
7 And by the messenger of the in Philadelphia congregation write: These things says the holy one, the true one, the one having the key of the David; the one opening, and no one shuts; and shuts, and no one opens.
Philadelphia – 6th Stage of the Church

The periods of the seven churches overlap. R5718:3

The angel – Messenger = Martin Luther.

The church in Philadelphia – Philadelphia – "Brotherly Love"

Key of David – A key is used both to lock and to unlock. In this case we believe it has a reference to the key to the door of the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Possible reference to ch. 1:18.

He that openeth, and no man shutteth – Jesus opened this door to the High Calling in 33 AD. It is not possible for man to close the door to the High Calling.

An open door pictures an opportunity. A closed door pictures the lack of opportunity. In this case we see two meanings. Yes, the door to the high calling was still open, but additionally there was an opportunity (door) for the spread of the Truth that had not been there prior to Luther. Not since the early church was there such a period of enlightenment. It is the opening of this door that gave the "little strength" to this church. - see vs 8.

Shutteth and no man openeth – A clear indication that at some time the Master will indeed close the door to the High Calling.

See Isa. 22:22
8 I know of thee the works; lo, I have placed before thee a door having been opened, which no one is able to shut her; because a little thou hast power, and thou hast kept of me the word, and not thou didst deny the name of me. I have set before thee – Note that it is Jesus who has placed before the church the opportunity to run this race. This He did by His faithful life of sacrifice, providing both the Ransom and the Sin Offering (of which the church has the privilege of participating in).

An open door – During the Philadelphia period of the church the 'general call' is still in operation, i.e., the door to the High Calling is wide open.

No man can shut it – Not even the Pope (who accepted the blasphemous title of 'God on earth'). Indeed the Pope (the 'Man of Sin') did attempt to close this door when he excommunicated Martin Luther and banned his teachings. The true God, however, had other plans.

A little strength – As compared to the strongly entrenched system of Anti-Christ, the Papacy. The strength that Philadelphia had was due to the fact that the door was opened.

Not denied my name – The name of Jesus. This may have reference to the fact that the battle cry of the Reformation (mostly carried forth by Martin Luther) was "Justification by Faith (in Christ Jesus)."
9 Lo, I give out of the assembly of the adversary those saying themselves Jews, to be, and not they are, but speak falsely; lo, I will make them, so that they may have come and may have prostrated before the feet of thee, and they may have known, that I loved thee; Synagogue of Satan – The false church, the anti-christ system, the Catholic church.

Which say they are Jews and are not – Tares. Those claiming to be spiritual Jews, i.e., wheat, the True Church in the flesh. These tares, claiming to be spiritual Jews are zealous for carrying out the will of anti-christ.

But do lie – There would be no need for this phrase here if it were meaningless. Since He has already established for us that these are not symbolic Jews (i.e. not true Christians). So why did our Lord put it here? We believe it is here to indicate their intent. These described here are aware that their course is not one that would be approved of by the Lord.

I – Jesus.

Will – Not now, in this life, but in the future when the body of Christ will, with her head Jesus, reign over the whole earth.

Make them – Not a mere request but a command. The Kingdom will be under an iron rule.

Come and worship before your feet – Because the church will then be reigning as part of The Christ, Head and body. One cannot help but note the Justice of such an arrangement.

I have loved you – What an amazing thought! Our Lord loved the brethren of the Philadelphia period - and ALL the periods of the church. He looks not at us as men but as new creatures.
10 because thou hast kept the word of the patience of me, also I thee will keep from the hour of the trial of that being about to come on the habitable whole, to try those dwelling on the earth. Because – As a result of having kept His word. None receive the following promise except those who accept those who fulfill the "because" condition described here.

Kept the word of my patience – The 'logos' of my patience. Our Lord's word was the paramount thing here. Justification by faith in our Lord (the main theme of the Reformation) as presented in His WORD.

This same group appears to be referenced in Rev. 6:9 as having been "slain for the word (logos) of God AND the testimony which they held - (as in Keeping His Word)."

I – Jesus.

Will keep thee – The faithful of the Philadelphia period.

The hour of temptation – A period of temptation to spiritual Israel that is to be unlike any other during the Gospel Age.

Which shall come – It is not yet come in the Philadelphia period, but it surely will come. Since it does not come in the Philadelphia period of the church, that leaves only the Laodicean period.

Upon all the world – This temptation will be universal.

To try them that dwell on the earth – Those who dwell in the earth - organized society under religious restraint. These are the ones who are most in danger from the hour of temptation.

See "Earth Dwellers."

It is this same group (those that dwell on the earth) that the saints are inquiring of God about in Rev. 6:10 when they ask "How long.. dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?"
11 I come speedily; hold thou fast what thou hast, so that no one may have taken the crown of thee. I come quickly – Jesus is still not present during the Philadelphia period but He is about to arrive.

Hold fast that which thou hast – The gains made from the Reformation forward. These are vital and there will be the tendency to let them slip, therefore, "hold fast" to these truths.

That no man – This is where the greatest danger for the New Creation lies, i.e., that they may be effected by man. If the church succumbs to the temptations of the world (man) to not be so extreme (for such is how men view our consecration) we will indeed be in danger of losing our crown, of having a "man" take it.

Take thy crown – This is a clear indication that it is indeed possible that one may loose their reward. There is no such thing as "once in grace, always in grace."

This is also a reminder that the faithful overcomers will indeed wear the crown of life. They will be a part of the body of Christ that is to reign over the earth.
12 The one overcoming, I will make him a pillar in the temple of the God of me, and outside not not he may have gone out any more; and I will write on him the name of the God of me, and the name of the city of the God of me, of the new Jerusalem, that coming down out of the heaven from the God of me, and the name of me the new. Him that overcometh – Not merely those who believe the doctrines, but those who act upon them.

Will I make a pillar – "The word ?pillars? symbolizes permanence and stability. Philadelphia was constantly threatened by earthquakes. Often experiencing tremors, the people would evacuate the city and stay in temporary dwellings in the rural areas. Sometimes the pillars would be the only part of a building left standing after an earthquake."-Life Application Concise New Testament Commentary

Pillar used only here and Gal. 2:9; 1 Tim. 3:15; Rev. 10:1.

The temple of my God – "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God?" 1 Cor. 3:16

No more go out – A clear indication that now, we can go out of the temple of God. Our desire is to indeed become a pillar, a permanent part of the structure, in the temple of God.

I – Jesus.

Will write upon him the name of my God – The name of God is more than what we normally think of as His name, i.e. 'Jehovah.' His name is really His character. One could say His name is "The Divine Plan of the Ages" for it is in this that His character is revealed.

The thought here is that, while we are in the school of Christ, He is writing upon us the character of our God.

This likely also has a reference to Jer. 33:16.

The name of the city of my God – A city is symbolic for a government. Here Jesus is promising not only that the faithful overcomers shall be made pillars in the temple of God, but additionally the name (or character) of the principles that govern the kingdom will become a very part of the nature of the overcomers.

See also Eze. 48:31-35; Isa. 62:1-3
13 The one having an hear, let him hear what the spirit says to the congregations. He that hath an ear – See Additional Comments Rev. 2:17
14 And by the messenger of the in Laodicea congregation write: These things says the Amen, the witness the faithful and true, the beginning of the creation of the God.
Laodicea – 7th Stage of the Church
The angel – Pastor Russell.

The periods of the seven churches overlap. R5718:3

The church of the Laodiceans – Covering the period from 1874 until the final completion of the church on this side the veil.

"Overthrown often by earthquakes." - Fausset

The faithful and true witness – Not just any witness, not a witness but the faithful and true witness, our Lord Jesus.

See Psa. 89:34-37.

The beginning of the Creation of God – Making it clear that Jesus was Created by God and therefore had a beginning. That being true he could not have been part of a co-equal god as is claimed by trinitarians. Psa. 90:2

Prov. 8:22,23; Rev. 19:11

See Rev. 1:17-18.

From Wescott & Hort w/Strong's
αρχηG746N-NSFprimary, first, chief, beginning
θεουG2316N-GSMGod *
* Please note Professor Strong's definition of G2316 (theos, god.)
Of uncertain affinity; a deity, especially (with G3588) the supreme Divinity; figuratively a magistrate; by Hebraism very: - X exceeding, God, god [-ly, -ward].
This would more accurately be translated as: "The beginning of the creation of the God." – or "The first, the creation of the God." – (or "the Supreme God".)"
  Most translations simply say "the beginning of the creation of God."
Murdockthe Chief of the creation of God
WNTthe Beginning and Lord of God's creation.
YLTthe Chief of the creation of God
Diaglottthe beginning of the creation of the God
15 I know of thee the works, that neither cold thou art, nor hot; I wish cold thou wert, or hot. Cold or hot – Clearly this refers to their spiritual condition. The issue here is complacency. If they were cold then there would be no doubt that they had to go. If they were hot, i.e., fervent in zeal and service of the Lord, they would be acceptable.
16 Thus, because lukewarm thou art, and neither hot nor cold, I am about thee to vomit out of the mouth of me. Because thou sayest; Lukewarm – Complacent.

I – Jesus.

Will spue – Strong's 1692 "to vomit." Most translations render this "vomit."

Thee out of my mouth – This is important. The mouth is what is used to declare the Word of God. What our Lord is here saying is that the nominal church will no longer be the source for anyone to receive His Word, i.e., the Truth. Since we remember that the truth is where the power of Spirit Begettal comes from, this becomes a vital thing for His people to know.

Spue thee out of my month – "reject with righteous loathing, as Canaan spued out its inhabitants for their abominations. Physicians used lukewarm water to cause vomiting. Cold and hot drinks were common at feasts, but never lukewarm. There were hot and cold springs near Laodicea." - JFB

To see the importance of the mouth consider Isa. 55:8-11.
17 that rich I am, and have been enriched, and not any need I have, and not thou knowest, that thou art the wretched one and the pitiable one, and poor and blind and naked; Rich and increased with goods – Worldly wealth. See R4417.

Wretched – As Paul described himself when he looked at his fallen flesh. -
Rom. 7:24

Blind – Blind to the dispensational truths being made manifest.

Naked – Without the robe of Christ's righteousness.
18 I counsel thee to have bought from of me gold having been burnt by fire, so that thou mayest have been rich; and garments white, so that thou mightest have been clothed, and not might have appeared the shame of the nakedness of thee; and eye-salve, to have rubbed in the eyes of thee, so that thou mayest see. Gold – Things divine: the promise of divine nature as contained in the divine promises.

Tried in the fire – These divine promises must be proven, put to the test in the fire of this day of trouble.

That you may be rich – Any who have thus proven the divine promises of God are indeed rich toward God.

White raiment – The robe of Christ's righteousness.

Anoint thine eyes with eyesalve – The anointing of the Holy Spirit comes only upon those who are humble enough to receive it. It is not for others.

That you may see – The Divine Plan of the Ages is our 'eye chart.' In order to properly understand it we need to be humble.
19 I as many as if I may love, I prove and admonish; be thou zealous therefore and reform. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten – Prov. 3:12. In this Proverbs text there is a reminder that God is dealing with His Sons. 1 John 3:1,2

Be zealous – A reminder that the problem with Laodicea is there complacency, lukewarmness. To be zealous is to have a fire within, a burning desire to serve the Lord, His cause and His people.
20 Lo, I have stood at the door, and knock; if any one may have heard the voice of me, and may have opened the door, I will go in to him, and sup with him, and he with me. I stand at the door and knock – Note the difference between the situation with Laodicea and Philadelphia. One does not usually knock on an open door. With Philadelphia the door was open (see vs 7,8), but not so with Laodicea. The implication here is that early in the Laodicean period of the church the 'general call' will cease, i.e., the door will close. Yet that this does not mean it is permanently closed is also hinted at by the next statement of our Lord.

If any man hear my voice – This is the voice of present truth, the 'voice of the Archangel' (1 Thes. 4:16), the voice (sound) of the Jubilee Trumpet.

Open the door – While there seems to be a connection with the open door of the Philadelphia period, there is also this main difference, i.e., the door must be opened AND a man CAN open it. (Remember, of the door in Philadelphia 'no MAN can open it.')

See Sinaitic.

This would seem to indicate the personal responsibility of each individual. The special focus would seem to be post 1881 when the 'general call' ceased. From a certain standpoint, the door to the High Calling did close there. But not permanently. As some drop out of the race, i.e., fail to win the prize, the door opens again to let in enough to fill up the 144,000. But, if one would enter this door he must first hear the knock AND the 'voice' of the Lord.

I will come in to him – What an incredible thought! Jesus, our returned Lord makes the promise to His people that if we, at His return, will open the door of our heart and let Him in He will indeed come in. This is a very personal thing. It is reminiscent of Dan. 12:12 - O the blessedness of him who waits and comes 'to the 1335 days!"

Sup with him and he with me – The feast the Lord has prepared at His second advent is indeed spectacular! When we feast on present truth we should remember that we are not dining alone, but we are dining with our Lord!

See Luke 12:35-37. Note the feast and who is serving it.
21 The one overcoming, I will give to him to have sat with me in the throne of me, as also I overcame, and am sat down with the Father of me in the throne of him. Him that overcometh – This is the same message given to each of the seven churches. Clearly this involves a battle. If it were not so, how could anyone be said to be an "overcomer." These are the only ones who gain the promises given to the churches.

Will I grant – This is a gift from Jesus to the overcomers.

Sit with me – The thought that we would be able to be with Jesus Himself is surely enough of an inspiration to His followers, but our Lord here goes beyond that and promises even more.

In my throne – This indicates that Jesus has a throne of His own. If it were not so, how could He make this promise?

Even as I also overcame – A reminder that we are following in Jesus' footsteps. He had to overcome the world (Matt. 4:5-7) the flesh (Matt. 4:2-4) and the devil (Matt. 4:8-10), and so do we.

And am set down with my Father in his throne – As described in Psa. 110 Jesus sits at the Father's right hand.
22 The one having an hear, let him hear what the spirit says to the congregations. He that hath an ear.. – See Additional Comments Rev. 2:17
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