Revelation Chapter 2 [Diaglott]

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Scripture Additional Comments

1 By the messenger of the in Ephesus congregation do thou write: These things says the one holding the seven stars in the right of himself, the one walking in midst of the seven lampstands the golden.
Ephesus - 1st Stage of the Church
Angel of the church of Ephesus
The Apostle Paul.

Ephesus - Meaning first or desirable.

This seems to cover the period from 33 - 62 or 63 A.D. where tradition says Paul was killed as a martyr in Rome.

He that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand – Jesus. Rev 1:16

Who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks – Jesus. Rev. 1:12,13
2 I know the works of thee, and the toil of thee, and the patient endurance of thee, and that not thou art able to bear with bad ones; and thou hast tried those declaring themselves apostles to be, and not they are; and thou hast found them liars; I know thy works, and your labour – Why the emphasis on works and labor instead of faith? Because "faith without works is dead" - James 2:20.
3 and patient endurance thou hast, and thou hast suffered on account of the name of me, and not thou hast wearied.
4 But I have against thee, because the love of thee the first thou hast relaxed. Left thy first love – Let the Truth slip and not kept it in the love of it.
5 Do thou remember therefore whence thou hast fallen, and change thy mind, and the first works do thou; if but not, I am coming to thee speedily, and I will remove the lampstand of thee out of the place of itself, if not thou dost change thy mind.
6 But that thou hast, that thou hatest the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. Thou hatest the deeds of.. – The early church was both sound in the truth (under the influence of the Apostles) and filled with the spirit of the Lord, the spirit of love and liberty in Christ.

Nicolaitanes – Strong's 3531 (from 3532)
From G3532; a Nicolaite, that is, adherent of Nicolaus: - Nicolaitane.
From G3534 and G2004; victorious over the people; Nicolaus, a heretic: - Nicolaus.

From this we get the meaning that the Nicolaitanes are those that lord it over God's heritage.

It is this "Lording it over God's heritage" that the early church would not permit. This would eventually change during the Pergamos period.

In this, the first stage of the church, one of the strong influences was the attitude of the scribes and Pharisees who lorded it over Israel by stressing the letter of the law while completely missing its spirit. Matt. 23:23-24
7 The one having an ear, let him hear what the spirit says to the congregations. To the one overcoming I will give to him to eat from the wood of life, which is in the paradise of the God of me. He that hath an ear.. – See Additional Comments Rev. 2:17
8 And by the messenger of the in Smyrna congregation do thou write: These things says the first and the last, who became dead, and lived;
Smyrna - 2nd Stage of the Church
The angel of the church in Smyrna
The Apostle John.

The periods of the seven churches overlap. R5718:3

Which was dead, and is alive – Rev. 1:18 - Jesus.
9 I know of thee the works, and the affliction, and the poverty, (but rich thou art,) and the blasphemy from those declaring Jews to be themselves, and not are, but an assembly of the adversary. Tribulation – See Nero
10 Not fear thou the things thou art about to suffer; lo, is about to cast the accuser from of you into prison, so that you may be tried; and you shall have affliction days ten. Be thou faithful till death, and I will give to thee the crown of the life. Tribulation ten days – Literally, ten years under the emperor Diocletian. This persecution lasted from 303 to 313 A.D.

"The Diocletianic or Great Persecution was the last and most severe Persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire. In 303, the Emperors Diocletian, Maximian, Galerius, and Constantius issued a series of edicts rescinding the legal rights of Christians and demanding that they comply with traditional Roman religious practices. Later edicts targeted the clergy and ordered all inhabitants to sacrifice to the Roman gods (a policy known as universal sacrifice). The persecution varied in intensity across the empire—weakest in Gaul and Britain, where only the first edict was applied, and strongest in the Eastern provinces. Persecutory laws were nullified by different emperors at different times, but Constantine and Licinius's Edict of Milan (313) has traditionally marked the end of the persecution." – Diocletianic_Persecution

"The most severe persecution of Christians in Roman history." – From Wikipedia Under 'Constantine I,' sub-heading 'In the East.'
11 The one having an ear, let him hear what the spirit says to the congregations. The one overcoming not not he may be hurt by the death the second. He that hath an ear.. – See Additional Comments Rev. 2:17
12 And by the messenger of the in Pergamos congregation do thou write: These things says the one having the broad sword that two-mouthed the sharp.
Pergamos - 3rd Stage of the Church
The angel –

The periods of the seven churches overlap. R5718:3

It is interesting to note that none of the messages were actually written to the churches. Each message was, in fact, written to "the angel of the church in ..." and he then delivers it to the church.

Pergamos – "Earthly elevation." This is exactly what happened under Constantine the great. It is here that the union of church and state began with the convening of the Council of Arles in the south of France – August 1, 314. This council was called by the Emperor Constantine himself. In other words, the Emperor (civil power of the Roman Empire) called a church council! – Thus, the beginning of the false vine of the earth, Christendom.

The ancient city of Pergamos (Pergamum) was noted for two pagan structures.

One, the throne of Zeus (the chief of the "gods".) This altar was 50 feet high and stood atop a hill overlooking the city. All this reminds us of Satan who attempted to exalt himself above the true God in the minds of men.

See picture of restored Altar of the Throne of Zeus at museum in Germany

Two, the temple dedicated to the "god" Esculapius ("the god of medicine"). The primary symbol associated with this "god" is that of a serpent on a staff. It was the precursor of the modern symbol of medicine which has two serpents on a staff. Since the serpent has an obvious connection with Satan (Gen. 3) it becomes evident why Pergamos should be chosen as the name for this period of time, i.e., when the Adversary and his spirit overtakes the spirit of the Lord in the nominal church (remember, the true is contained within the nominal - parable of wheat and tares – Matt. 13:24-30, 36-43).

The sharp sword with two edges – Hebrews 4:12 (Dar) – "For the word of God [is] living and operative, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and penetrating to [the] division of soul and spirit, both of joints and marrow, and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of [the] heart."

The sword is the word of God (as indicated in Rev. 1:16 where it is described as coming out of our Lord's mouth). That it has two edges is suggestive of two thoughts: (1) Both the Old and New Testaments and (2) The Letter and the Spirit of His Word.

It is worthy to note that the Lord again (as in verse 1) identifies himself not by name but by some symbolic characteristic that is clearly identified with Him. Here it is the two-edged sword (Rev. 1:16), whereas in verse 1 it is the fact that He both holds the 7 stars in His right hand (Rev. 1:16) and walks among the 7 golden candlesticks (Rev. 1:12, 13).
13 I know the works of thee, and where thou dwellest, where the throne of the adversary; and thou holdest fast the name of me, and not thou didst deny the faith of me, even in those days in which Antipas the witness of me the faithful, who was killed among you, where the adversary dwells. Where Satan's seat is – This is the period where the Adversary (Satan) was able to turn things around from the church being persecuted (terrible from the fleshly standpoint but healthy from the spiritual) to the church being exalted in the eyes of the world. Not only do we have Constantine (chief representative of the civil power in the Roman empire) elevating the church within the empire, but additionally he called church counsels.

It was during this period of the church that the anti-christ system was developed and took power with the bishop of Rome taking control in both religious and often in civil matters in the western Roman empire.

Hast not denied my faith – Faith in the One True God and not a mythical triune god.

Antipas – Anti-papa or father, i.e., against the pope.

Faithful martyr – A martyr is one who suffers for principle (especially a religious one), often (but not always) unto death.

We believe this has reference especially to Arius.
14 But I have against thee a few things, because thou hast there some holding the teaching of Balaam, who instructed the Balak to cast a stumbling-block before the sons of Israel, to eat idol sacrifices and to fornicate. Doctrine of Balaam – While declaring God's word, Balaam really wanted the reward of the world (from the king of Moab). Balaam thus pictures a class found within the church nominal that would teach from the word of God, but give it worldly interpretations (for worldly gain) and not from any spiritual understanding.

Cast a stumbling block before the children of Israel – So what was this stumbling block? To find the answer we must remember the story of Balaam (Numbers 22-25). Since he wanted the worldly wealth offered by the king of Moab but could not get it because God would not curse Israel, it appears that he tried another tactic which was more successful. He convinced the king of Moab to have the available women of Moab near to Israel and to attract the men of Israel into marriage with them. Since God had instructed them to remain separate from the other nations, this became the stumbling block to Israel.

To eat things sacrificed to idols – The idols would be that which the (Roman) world worshiped. Eating = appropriating to one's self (as in the Tabernacle where the Priests ate the shewbread). In this case it would indicate the appropriating into the church the type of worship being practiced by the Roman world.

It was during this time that the Sabbath was officially (i.e. by both the nominal church and the state) changed from Saturday to Sunday, creed formation began (Council of Nice - 325 A.D.) and other corrupting practices.

To commit fornication – This is described (for natural Israel) in Numbers 25:1-3. The spiritual application should be clear. The (nominal) church (instead of remaining a chaste virgin waiting for the return of her beloved bridegroom) became united to the kings of the earth (symbolic fornication). This is one of the reasons we think this Smyrna period covers a longer period of time than most. This uniting with the kings of the earth, while initially very rapid at the time of Constantine, continued to grow until finally, in 800 A.D. the Pope "crowned" Charlemagne king and thus began the "Holy(?) Roman Empire". This also began what is termed "the Papal Millennium."
15 So hast also thou some holding the teaching of the Nicolaitans in like manner. Them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes – See Additional Comments on verse 6.

Under the Ephesus period, this was not tolerated, but by long and gradual wearing down, this changed during the Pergamos church.
16 Change thy mind therefore; if but not, I am coming to thee quickly, and I will war with them by the broadsword of the mouth of me. Repent – This appears to be aimed chiefly at the Lord's people (as opposed to the tare class).

I will come unto you – Note that the Lord is saying He will come to His people, - "you," not "them."

And will fight against them – But He will not fight against "you" - the true church, but against "them" - the false church.

With the sword of my mouth – The word of God, the Truth. "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts." - Zech. 4:6
17 The one having an ear, let him hear what the spirit says to the congregations. To the one coming I will give to him of the manna of that having been hidden, and I will give to him a pebble white, and on the pebble a name new having been written, which no one knows if not the one receiving. He that hath an ear – Symbolizing humility and meekness. If someone knows it all, they cannot be taught. If someone is too busy trying to make their own view known they are also likely too busy to listen to others.

Let him hear – Listen, pay attention.

To what the Spirit saith – It is not enough that we be humble and that we listen to others. We must at the same time be careful to listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying.

Unto the churches – Not just the message to the Pergamos period (or any one period) but what the Spirit says to all the churches, thus confirming the oneness of the body of Christ and that the principles of Christ are applicable to all 7 stages of the church.

Him that overcometh – None will be permitted into the heavenly kingdom unless they have the courage of their convictions. They must not only endure trials but they must eventually become overcomers in those trials.

The hidden manna – This would be the manna that was placed within the ark of the covenant in the Most Holy. Unlike the rest of the manna that was provided for Israel in the wilderness, this manna did not spoil. It thus becomes a symbol of incorruptibility, a synonym for the Divine Nature.

New name written – Possibly identified in Jer. 23:6 (referring to Christ our Head) and Jer. 33:16 (referring to His Church).
18 And by the messenger of the in Thyatira congregation write: These things says the son of the God, the one having the eyes of himself as a flame of fire, and the feet of him like to fine white brass.
Thyatira – 4th Stage of the Church
The angel – Peter Waldo.

The periods of the seven churches overlap. R5718:3

Church in Thyatira – "The sweet perfume of sacrifice."

The Son of God – Lest we forget who is giving these messages to the messengers.

His eyes like unto a flame of fire – Penetrating vision, able to read the heart.

Feet like fine brass [copper] – Suggestive of the thought that when the time comes for the understanding of this book (of Revelation) there would be "feet members" still here in the flesh, justified (fine copper).

This is still another way the Lord identifies himself by referring back to part of the description found in Rev. 1:14-15.
19 I know of thee the works, and the love, and the faith, and the service, and the patient endurance of thee, and the works of thee the last more of the first. I know your works – It is interesting that among the various items here listed by our Lord concerning the church of Thyatira, works is mentioned as both the first and the last item and the promise given (in verse 26) is "he that .. keepeth my works unto the end.."
20 But I have against thee, because thou lettest alone the wife of thee Jezebel, the one calling herself a prophetess, and she teaches and seduces the my bond-servants, to fornicate and to eat idol sacrifices. Thou sufferest that woman Jezebel – Jezebel pictured the church of Rome. What the Lord has against this period of the church is that they "suffer" Jezebel to continue, apparently without opposing her. This is exactly what happened during this period of time. The Waldenses (followers of Waldo) kept themselves separate. They set up mountain communities and did their best to stay out of the way of Rome. This differs, for example, from the Philadelphia period, where the leaders of the Reformation (Luther and others) were public and outspoken in their opposition to the practices of the Church of Rome.

Commit fornication – This refers to the fact that the true church is described as a "chaste virgin" waiting for her bridegroom. But the nominal church of Rome did not want to wait for the return of Christ and so she united with the kings of the earth (thus committing 'fornication').

Eat things sacrificed to idols – See additional comments on vs. 14.
21 And I gave to her time so that she might reform, and not she wills to reform from the fornication of herself; I – Jesus.

Gave her – It does NOT read "I will give her," but "I gave her." This, therefore, marks the end of time already given and not the beginning of that which is to come. This is in contrast with verse 22 where Jesus says "I will cast her into a bed..."

Space – Greek, chronos, time. It appears that when a period of several symbolic years is used, the word kairos (Strong's 2540) is used. When a specific period of 360 years is indicated, the word chronos is used.

Space to repent of her fornication – Jesus gives the nominal church space (chronos - one symbolic year - or 360 literal years) to repent of her unholy union with the kings of the earth. Instead of repenting,...

She repented not – Far from it. Instead she flaunted her impurity by an open union with earth's kings when, in the year 800, the Pope crowned Charlemagne and began the ?Holy Roman Empire.? Since this is the terminus of her space (360 years) we calculate: 800 + 360 = 1160. So what happened in 1160? Consider the following from under 'Peter Waldo'
At about this time (1160), Waldo began to preach and teach publicly, based on his ideas of simplicity and poverty, notably that "No man can serve two masters, God and mammon" accompanied by strong condemnations of Papal excesses and Catholic dogmas, including purgatory and transubstantiation, while accusing them of being the harlot from the book of Revelation.
22 lo, I cast her into a bed, and those committing adultery with her into affliction great, if not they should reform from the works of her, I – Jesus.

Will – Eventually. The emphasis of this verse is in direct contrast to the previous one. There Jesus said "I gave.." - past tense. This is "I will.." - future tense.

Cast her – Mystic Babylon, the church nominal.

Into a bed – Creed bed. The sum total of their beliefs.

Them that commit adultery with her – Adultery being the fact that the church is supposed to be a chaste virgin who is betrothed to Christ waiting for Him. In old Israel the Jewish custom was that the engagement was considered to be the marriage. The bridegroom then went and prepared a home for him and his bride, after which he returned to take her to their home. Those that commit adultery with her would be the kings of the earth, or more correctly, the kings of Europe, those that comprised Christendom.

Into great tribulation – Not "into tribulation" but "into great tribulation." This would seem to point forward in time to the great tribulation of Rev. 7:9-17. It is this combination of the false church and the kings of the earth, that which was called 'Christendom' or Christ's Kingdom, that is cast into the great tribulation. This is clearly future from the Thyatira period, which is why the Lord says "I will cast her ..." etc.

Except they repent – Even here the Lord gives them the opportunity for repentance. However, His patience will not extend to them forever. Eventually their opportunity for repentance runs out.
23 and the children of her I will kill with death; and I shall know all the congregations, that I am the one searching reins and hearts; and I will give to you to each one according to the works of you. I – Jesus.

Will – Eventually.

Kill – Destroy. Take away the life from them.

Her children – This would seem to refer to the various Protestant Churches. Jezebel is "the Mother of Harlots," (Rev. 17:5) and the other churches are her daughters.

[Those begotten by error. The Lord's children are begotten by the Spirit of Truth.]

? Daughters - as opposed to 'children'?

With death – What an unusual phrase! Kill .. with death! This seems to indicate more than normal destruction.

All the churches – From Ephesus to Laodicea. This certainly cannot refer to an event taking place during the Thyatira period. This can only refer to the Laodicean period for it is during that period that the sleeping saints are raised - thus, all periods of the church are then represented, some still in the flesh, the majority in the spirit. This strengthens the thought that the events of vs. 22 and the first part of vs. 23 are future from Thyatira, indeed they seem to be pointing to the Laodicean period.

Searcheth the reins and hearts – Psa. 7:9

Every one of you – Not just the churches but the individuals of those churches.
24 To you but I say, to the remaining ones to those in Thyatira, as many as not hold the teaching this, who not knew the depths of the adversary (as they say). Not I will lay on you other burden; Who are the rest in Thyatira?

NASB: "But I say unto you, the rest who are in Thyatira..."

ROTH: "But unto you, I say, --the rest who are in Thyatira..."

As many as have not known this doctrine – This seems to be the answer to the question "Who are 'the rest who are in Thyatira?', i.e., the rest are those who have not known the depths of Satan.

Depths of Satan – 1 Tim. 4:1
25 but what you have, hold fast till of which I may have come. Hold fast till I come – Clearly our Lord has not yet returned during the Thyatira period of the church.

How could those of the Thyatira period (from about mid 1150's to mid 1370's) 'hold fast until I come' - in 1874? - They do so in two ways. 1) as individuals they remain faithful unto death, thus holding fast until 1878 when they are raised - immediately after He has come, and 2) They hold fast by passing on what they know to the next phase of the church.
26 And the one overcoming, and the one keeping till an end the works of me, I will give to him authority over the nations; Keepeth my works – See vs. 19.

Unto the end – "Be thou faithful unto death and I will give you a crown of life." Rev. 2:10

Power over the nations – These same nations that, in many cases, were responsible for the persecution of the saints. – Once again, in the Lord's arrangements, justice is served.
27 and he shall rule them with a rod made of iron, as the vessels those earthen ones it is breaking together, as also I received from of the Father of me; He – the overcoming saint.

Shall rule them – Clearly this rule is as part of "The Christ" head and body. There is no reign for the church that is not part of the reign of Christ. Remember that the bride (the church) takes on the name of her bridegroom (Christ Jesus.) She, as His bride, shares her bridegroom's wealth, title, etc. Compare Jer. 23:6 with Jer. 33:16. Both Jesus ("he") and the church ("she") are called by the same name.

With a rod of iron – A much firmer rule than the nations have been used to in the past. This rule will not tolerate the devious and underhanded methods used by the rulers of this world.

See also Dan. 2:33-35, 44

As the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers – This is exactly what the six men of Eze. 9 do, i.e., they break in pieces the various groups. Note, this is also what the Lord does, i.e., He breaks the nations as the vessels of a potter (Psa. 2:9).

I received of my Father – Not only does this remind us the Jesus has received a kingdom from his Father, because of His faithfulness, but also that it is his good pleasure to give us the kingdom (Luke 12:32) and that we receive the privilege of participating with him in kingdom activity.
28 and I will give to him thew star the morning. The morning star – This sounds like the title that was given originally to Lucifer, i.e., Son of the morning. - Isa. 14:12. However he lost that designation because of his vanity. NASB renders Isa. 14:12 as "Star of the Morning." Compare with Rev. 22:16 and consider that our Lord humbled himself and became obedient, even to the death of the cross.

This seems to point out that those who prove faithful unto death will, as members of the body of the Christ, be given this same title. The morning star is found in the east. Rev. 16:12 makes reference to this by saying that "the way of the kings of the east might be prepared."
29 The one having an ear, let him hear what the spirit says to the congregations. See Additional Comments on Rev. 2:17.
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