Mark Chapter 6 [Diaglott]

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1 And he went out thence, and came into the country of himself; and follow him the disciples of him. 2 And being come sabbath, be began in the synagogue to teach. And many hearing were astonished, saying: Whence to this these things? and what the wisdom that being given to him? and miracles so great through the hands of him are done. 3 Not this is the carpenter, the son of Mary, brother and of James, and Joses, Juda, and Simon? and not are the sisters of him here with us? And they were stumbled in him. 4 Said but to them the Jesus: That not is a prophet without honor, except in the country of himself, and among the relatives, and in the house of himself. 5 And not was able there no one miracle to do, except a few sick having put on the hands, were cured. 6 And he wondered because of the unbelief of them. And he went out round the villages round about, teaching.

7 And he calls the twelve, and he began them to send two two; and he gave to them authority of the spirits of the unclean, 8 and he charged them, that nothing they should take for a way, except a staff only; no bag, no bread, not into the belt copper money; 9 but having been shod sandals; and not you may put on two coats. 10 And he said to them: Whence if you may enter into a house, there remain till you may go away from thence. 11 And whoever not may receive you, nor hear you, going away from thence, shake out the dust that under the feet of you, for a witness to them. 12 And having gone out they published, that they should reform; 13 and demons many they cast out, and anointed with oil many sick ones, and they were cured.

14 And heard the king Herod, (well-known for was the name of him,) and well-known for was the name of him,) and he said: That John he dipping out of dead has been raised, and through the work the mighty powers in him. 15 Others said: That Elias he is. Others and said: That a prophet he is, like one of the prophets. 16 Having heard for the Herod, said: That whom I beheaded John, he is raised from dead. 17 Himself for the Herod, sending seized the John, and bound him in prison, through Herodias, the wife of Philip of the brother of himself, for her he had married. 18 Said for the John to the Herod: That not it is lawful to thee to have the wife of the brother of thee. 19 The and Herodias had a grudge against him and wished him to destroy; and not was able. 20 The for Herod feared the John, knowing him a man just and holy; and protected him; and hearing him, many things he did, and gladly him he heard. 21 And having come a day convenient, when Herod to the birthday of himself a feast he made to the nobles of himself, and to the commanders, and to the chiefs of the Galilee; 22 and having entered of the daughter of her of the Herodias, and dancing, and having pleased the Herod and those reclining at table, said the king to the little girl: Ask me, whatever thou wilt, and I will give to thee. 23 And he swore to her: That whatever me thou mayst ask, I will give to thee, till half of the kingdom of me. 24 The and going out, said to the mother of herself: What shall I ask? She and said: The head of John the dipper. 25 And coming in immediately with haste to the king, she asked, saying: I will that to me thou wouldst give instantly on a plate the head of John the dipper. 26 And very sorry having become the king, because of the oaths and those reclining at table not he would her reject. 27 And immediately sending the king a guardsman, he ordered to be brought the head of him. He and going forth cut off the head of him in the prison; 28 and brought the head of him on a plate, and gave her to the little girl; and the little girl gave her to the mother of herself. 29 And having heard the disciples of him, came, and took the dead body of him, and placed it in a tomb.

30 And were assembled the apostles to the Jesus, and reported to him all, and what they did, and what they taught. 31 And he said to them: Come you yourselves privately into a desert place, and rest you a little. Were for those coming and those going many; and not even to eat they had leisure. 32 And they went into a desert place to the ship privately. 33 And they saw them going away; and knew many; and on foot from all of the cities they ran together there. 34 And coming out he saw great a crowd, and was moved with pity towards them, for they were as sheep, not having a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things. 35 And already time much having gone, coming to him the disciples of him, they say: That a desert is the place, and already time much; 36 dismiss them, that going into the surrounding country and villages, they may buy themselves loaves; any for they might eat not they have. 37 He but answering said to them: Give to them you to eat. And they say to him: Going may we buy denarii two hundred loaves, and give to them to eat? 38 He but says to them: How many loaves have you? go you and see you. And having ascertained, they say: Five and two fishes. 39 And he ordered them to make recline all, company company, on the green grass. 40 And they reclined squares squares, by a hundred, and by fifty. 41 And taking the five loaves and the two fishes, looking up to the heaven, he gave praise, and broke the loaves, and gave to the disciples of him, that they might set before them; and the two fishes he divided to all. 42 And they ate all, and were filled. 43 And they took up of fragments twelve baskets full, and of the fishes. 44 And were those having eaten the loaves, five thousand men.

45 And immediately he urged the disciples of himself to step into the ship, and to go before to the other side to Bethsaida, while he should dismiss the crowd. 46 And having sent away them, he went into the mountain to pray. 47 And evening having come, was the ship in middle of the sea; and he alone upon the land. 48 And he saw them tormented in the rowing; was for the wind opposite to them. And about fourth watch of the night comes towards them, walking on the sea; and wished to pass them. 49 They but, seeing him walking on the sea, they thought a phantom to be, and they cried out. 50 All for him saw, and were terrified. And immediately he spoke with them, and says to them: Take courage; I am, not be afraid. 51 And he went up to them into the boat; and ceased the wind. And greatly out of measure in themselves they were amazed and wondered. 52 Not for they understood about the loaves; was for the heart of them having been stupified.

53 And having passed over they came to the land Gennesaret; and drew to the shore. 54 And coming out of them out of the ship, immediately knowing him, 55 running about whole the adjacent country that, they began on the couches those sickness having to carry out, where they heard, that there he is. 56 And wherever he entered into towns, or cities, or villages, in the markets they placed those being sick, and they besought him, that if even the tuft of the mantle of him they might touch; and whoever touched him, were saved.

Mark 5   Mark (Diaglott) Chapter Index   Mark 7
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