Hebrews Chapter 3 [Diaglott]

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1 Whence, brethren holy, of a calling heavenly partakers do you attentively regard the apostle and high-priest of the profession of us, Jesus; The Apostle and Hight Priest – "The Apostle Paul calls our attention in this [spiritual - site Editor] direction saying, "Consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus." (Heb. 3:1.) But how few of those who read the Scriptures have ever followed the Apostle's suggestion? how few have ever considered Jesus from the standpoint suggested, --as the Church's Apostle or special teacher sent of God to specially guide and instruct the Church, and as the church's High Priest to whom the faithful occupy the relationship of under priests? Had more consideration been given by the Lord's people to these matters, a larger number would undoubtedly be much farther advanced than they are today, in the knowledge and love of God. They would have seen that if Christ is a special teacher, a special High Priest of the Church, and the Church his special pupils, brethren and under priests, then there must be, according to the Scriptures, at some future time, a still greater blessing in which both High Priests and under priests will be the agents of God in blessing all the families of the earth." - R3313:6
2 faithful being to the one having appointed him, as even Moses in (whole) the house of him.
3 Of more for this glory than Moses has been esteemed worthy, so fare as more honor he has of the house the one having built itself.
4 (Every for house is built by some one; he but the things all having built, God.)
5 And Moses indeed faithful in whole to the house of him, as a servant, for a testimony of the things going to be spoken;
6 Anointed but, as a son over the house of him; of whom a house are we, if indeed the confidence and the boasting of the hope till end firm we should hold fast.
7 Therefore, as says the spirit the holy: To-day, if the voice of him you will hear,
8 not you should harden the hearts of you, as in the bitter provocation, in the day of the temptation in the desert,
9 not tempted me the fathers of you, proved me, and saw the works of me, forty years;
10 therefore I was provoked with the generation that, and said: Always they wander in the heart; they but not they acknowledged the ways me; I – Jehovah God.

Was grieved – Because of their unbelief. Even after seeing all his wonders in their release from the slavery of Egypt.

With that generation – Those living at the time they reached the promised land - because they did not exercise enough faith in God to enter into the land.
11 so I swore in the wrath of me: If they shall enter into the rest of me.

12 Take you heed, brethren, lest ever shall be in any one of you a heart evil of unbelief, in the to fall away from God living;
13 but do you exhort yourselves in each day, till of which the to-day it is called, so that not may be hardened from of you any one by a delusion of the sin. Today – In one sense this refers to the Gospel Age, the age of sacrifice. More particularly though it refers to RIGHT NOW! Consider what Paul is saying in this context. He is comparing typical Israel, those who had already come into covenant relationship with God, and their opportunity to come into the land of promise, with us in our covenant relationship with God and our opportunity to enter into rest. If Israel had obeyed immediately, God would have driven out the inhabitants for them, little by little. But since they did not obey but instead listened to the evil report of the 10 spies, when they did come to the promised land, they had to do the battle and drive out the inhabitants themselves (though it was still with God's help.)
14 Partakers for of the Anointed we have become, if perhaps the beginning of the confidence till an end firm we would hold fast.
15 In respect to the to be said: To-day, if the voice of him you may hear; not harden you the hearts of you, as in the bitter provocation.

16 Some for having heard did provoke? but not all those having come out from Egypt by means of Moses?
17 With whom but was he vexed forty years? not with those having sinned? of whom the members fell in the desert.
18 To whom but did he swear not to enter into the rest of himself, if not to those having disbelieved?
19 And we see, that not they were able to enter because of unbelief.
Hebrews 2   Hebrews (Diaglott) Chapter Index   Hebrews 4
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