Acts Chapter 1 [Diaglott]

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1 The indeed first account I made concerning all things, O Theophilus, which began the Jesus to do and also to teach, The former treatise – The book of Luke. He takes up the narrative substantially where he left it in the Gospel. R2924:1, 1415:3, 2818:1, 4304:3, 5829:1

Finished about AD 63. R4304:3

Theophilus – Supposed to have been a person of considerable dignity and influence inasmuch as he is elsewhere styled "most excellent," a title which implied a considerable social or political rank. R2924:1

That Jesus began – His present treatise related to a continuation of our Lord's work finished at Calvary, and has since been carrying on by his Spirit and through his church. R4304:3, 4254:6

His ministry still continues in the person of the members of his body who are still on this side the veil. R2924:2, 2818:1

Jesus was the personal name of our Lord and Head, and Christ his official name. R2818:1

2 even to which day, having given charge to the apostles, through spirit holy whom he chose, he was taken up. Until the day – His eleventh appearance after his resurrection, although some of the instances recorded may be duplications. R3905:5, 2802:3

Probably seventh manifestation. R5589:3

Had given commandments – Explaining things they needed to know, fully convincing all. R5589:2, 1522:4

The apostles – Jesus selected only twelve. F211; R5829:1

Whom he had chosen – As his mouthpieces. F211; R1523:3

Other orders of the clergy were not approved by the Lord. F203

3 To whom also he presented himself living after the to suffer him, in many clear proofs, through days forty being seen by them, and saying the things concerning the kingdom of the God. He showed himself – The flesh bodies in which he manifested himself appeared and disappeared miraculously; he came and went as the wind. R2455:3, 5416:2, 2081:6

He did not appear to them as a spirit being to strike them down with the glory of his presence, shining above the brightness of the sun, as he subsequently appeared to Saul of Tarsus. R5830:2

These bodies were materialized; and of course clothing was materialized at the same time, for he was not naked. R5830:2

Simply for the purpose of assuring them that he was no longer dead and that he was no longer controlled by human conditions. R2455:3

In a way to convince them he had been "changed" and was of a higher nature than before. R666:2

A peculiar expression implying his invisible presence before manifesting himself. R2082:2

Infallible proofs – Of the resurrection of Christ. R1591:3, 2809:1, 3564:1, 2796:3

For the purpose of demonstrating unquestionably to his disciples the fact that he was no longer dead. R5830:2

The guarantee that all the redeemed shall have an awakening from death and an opportunity to attain a complete resurrection to all lost in the fall. R1591:3

Being seen of them – Occasionally. These appearances were infrequent. R3564:1, 2081:3

Some ten or eleven times, mostly for a few moments each time. R5830:2

Forty days – But probably not for over four hours in all that time. R2081:3

To provide a foundation for their faith. R2796:3

Kingdom of God – Everything said and done, directly or indirectly, appertained to the Kingdom. R4305:2, 5829:2

That it was spiritual; and that he had to suffer as a prelude to the glory to follow. R2081:2

That before the earthly kingdom could be established a heavenly kingdom must be inaugurated and that they were eligible to a place in the heavenly. R2924:3

Of which his followers are to be members, sharing his throne. R5829:2

Not the kingdoms of this world, falsely called Christendom, as claimed by Catholics and Protestants. R5829:2

Explanatory of the opening work of the Gospel dispensation. R1415:3

4 And assembling them he command them, from Jerusalem not to depart, but to wait for the promise of the Father, which you heard from me; Being assembled – Eating together with them on the shore of Galilee. B119

Wait for the promise – For the begetting of the spirit of God as sons and heirs. R1415:6, 4305:3, 5589:2; B120

While our Lord went to the Father to present the merit of his sacrifice on their behalf. R4306:2, 2926:4, 2082:4

While waiting they very properly spent the time in prayer and in searching of the Scriptures. R549:3, 2818:3, 4306:1; B121

Before participating in public witnessing. R2925:4

Implying their unfitness for the work as natural men. R2925:3, 4306:2

Of the Father – They were already in faith relationship to God, permitted to pray to him as their Father. R4306:1

5 that John indeed dipped in water, you but shall be dipped in spirit holy, not after many these days. Ye – Only the "you" class, members of the body of Christ. R2996:6, 2820:3

Baptized – That to be baptized with the spirit, is to be filled with the spirit, seems clear by comparing the promise of Christ and the fulfillment. ( Acts 2:4) R198:6*

With the Holy Spirit – "Ghost" is old English for "spirit"--it is really obsolete, and misleading. R2818:3

The baptism of the holy Spirit at Pentecost. R1522:6, 2820:4, 2996:6, 5589:3

A very much more important baptism than John's. R2996:6, 5589:3

Jesus did not intimate that the holy Spirit would be himself, but a power or influence emanating from God and himself. R2088:2, 2818:2

Wholly different from any previous gift of the holy Spirit, except upon our Lord Jesus himself. R2082:4

Representing that Christ's merit had been offered on their behalf, and that they had been adopted into God's family. R4305:4

The outpouring of the holy Spirit did not represent Christ's second advent and the establishment of his kingdom. R2088:2

Not many days hence – Was indefinite purposely so that they might be continually watching for it. R2818:3

A question close to their hearts was, Will the kingdom also come at the same time? R1416:1

6 They indeed therefore having come together, asked him; saying: O lord, if in the time this thou restorest the kingdom to the Israel? Come together – For the last time, at Jerusalem and at the Mount of Olives. B119; R3905:5

Wilt thou at this time – The apostles expected one coming of Messiah to accomplish the ransom, restoring and blessing. But God had provided "some better thing for us." A93; OM223; HG342

Restore again the kingdom – For which we long and for which you have taught us to pray and to watch. A275

They recognized no "lost" tribes, but a reunited Israel. R2085:2

Their previous idea had been of an earthly kingdom, but now they perceived a change. R2082:4

To Israel – The kingdom had been taken away from Israel in the days of Zedekiah, king of Judah. (Ezek. 21:25-27) R5589:3

The disciples understood that the restoration of Israel would be incident to our Lord's taking dominion of earth. R4305:4

7 He said and to them: Not for you it is to know times or seasons, which the Father placed in the own authority. Not for you to know – Yet. B120; R2924:5

He did not say it would not be proper for them to know some time; if prophecy was not designed to be understood, there could be no reasonable object in giving it. B18, B19; R1796:3, 5829:5, 5589:3, 5305:5

He implied that their conception of the prophecies was quite proper, but that the time for their fulfillment had not yet come. R2818:4, 4305:5, 2924:5; A80

He had not disclosed it to the angels, not even to the Logos. Nor did he discuss its time features fully with our Lord Jesus while he was in the flesh. R5943:1

Jesus did not pretend to tell the people how long or short the time would be before the establishment of his kingdom. He declared the matter fully in the divine care and not proper to be revealed to God's people then. R5829:5

His answer, though not explicit, did not contradict their hopes. A275

The times – Greek, kairos, fixed times, as in "Times of the Gentiles." (Luke 21:24) B78

The seasons – Time features of the divine plan. R5943:1, 530:3*

Not implying, however, that our Lord and his disciples and the angels would never know times and seasons. R4305:5, 5589:3; OM6

In due time each feature would be revealed as "meat in due season." (Matt. 24:45) R4305:5, 5829:5, 5589:4; B120

Put in his own power – Authority. R4305:4

Grasp. R530:3*

Christ never claimed to be equal in power. E36

8 But you shall receive power having come the holy spirit upon you; and you shall be to me witnesses in both Jerusalem, and in all the Judea and in Samaria, and even to farthest part of the land. Shall receive power – Ability to understand times and seasons and the deep things of God. R1416:1, 530:3*; B120

None were begotten of the holy Spirit until Pentecost. R5361:6

Is come upon you – "When the spirit of truth is come it will guide you into all truth and show you things to come." (John 16:13) B120; R2818:2, 1416:1

"The holy spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance." (John 14:26) R2818:2

It qualified the disciples fully for the work of the ministry. R5589:4

Witnesses – Martyrs, those who witness at a cost of suffering or death. R4305:6

Testifiers that Christ died and had risen from the dead. R3905:5

Representatives of his character, teachings and work. R2818:4

To call and make ready a people to receive him. B120

Witnessing to the truths which he had taught them. R1416:1

That he is to be King of the world; that God's promises to bless the world are true; that Messiah had died for the sins of the world; that believers should keep on praying, Thy Kingdom come; and that none of his words or promises were false. R1416:1

After receiving the blessing at Pentecost. R5829:2

In the strictest sense, applied to those specially chosen as public teachers and witnesses; the twelve apostles. R550:2

Only those anointed of the spirit are to be recognized as representatives of the Head. R2925:5

Indicating a full testimony would be given to all people prior to the establishment of the Kingdom. R5829:6, 2

A further demonstration that the kingdom would not come in a few days or a few years, but would be long enough away to give opportunity for a full testimony of the Lord's favor to all nations. R5829:6

Unto me – Not to themselves nor to human institutions. R2925:2

In Jerusalem – With those who had knowledge of Jesus and his crucifixion. To those who had been witnesses and instigators of his ignominious death. R2924:6

Only Israelites indeed were appealed to, or incline to follow the cause of Jesus--defamed as a Nazarene and as a malefactor. R2925:1

Uttermost part of the earth – The witnessing of the apostles still continues through their writings. F216; R4305:5, 2089:4, 1522:6, 550:2

Not to be understood as implying every quarter of the globe, but rather a term of that day corresponding in meaning to our present expression "everywhere." R2925:2, 1416:1

Demonstrating that the Kingdom would not come for a long time. R5829:6

America, for instance, could not be reached during the lifetime of the apostles. R1522:6

The apostles did not at first comprehend the scope of this commission; it required special instructions for Peter to preach to the Gentiles. R3005:1, 550:6

9 And these things having said, beholding of them he was lifted up; and a cloud withdrew him from the eyes of them. He had spoken – For their instruction, and to help natural men, not yet begotten of the holy spirit, to understand deep things. R2818:5, 2925:5

Our Lord's last words before his ascension. R550:2

They beheld – The eleven were the chosen witnesses of the Lord's ascension; there is no evidence of any others being present. R1522:5, 3905:5, 4714:2

They would have no further expectation of his appearing to them again as a man. R2818:6, 5589:5

To lead them to understand that they would see the Master no more until he would come with power and glory. R5589:5

"What and if ye shall see the Son of Man ascend up where he was before?" (John 6:62) R5589:5

He was taken up – The Lord who came down from heaven had returned to the Father to prepare a place for them. B120

10 And as fixedly gazing they were into the heaven, going away of him, and lo, men two were standing by them in raiment white, Two men – Two angels. R2818:6, 2925:6, 4306:1, 5589:6, 2819:4, 1827:1, 700:1, 188:6

White apparel – Garments which indicated they had only assumed the form of men for the occasion. R2918:4

Beholding them as men, yet knowing from their glistening garments, etc., that they were really spirit beings manifested in the flesh. R2925:6

11 they and said: Men of Galilee, why stand you looking into the heaven? this the Jesus, he being taken up from you into the heaven, thus will come, which manner you saw him going into the heaven. Ye men of Galilee – Signifies "the eleven," all of whom were Galileans. R1522:5, 2819:4

This same Jesus – The same that was with the Father before the world was. R1952:5; B154

The same loving Jesus, who became a man--poor that we might be made rich, (2 Cor. 8:9) who died on Calvary and ar B154, B155; R1952:6

Who had experienced two changes of nature; first from spirit to human, and then from human to divine. His identity was preserved. B155

Whom none of the world saw, and was seen by the disciples only a few times during that forty days. R2082:5, 1952:6, 1873:5, 263:3; B155

The resurrected, divine Jesus, not the man Christ Jesus. R2082:5, 340:6*, 188:6; Q369:3

The new creature Jesus. Q369:3

From you into heaven – Jesus took the earthly condition for the suffering of death, and would not need it afterward. R5830:1; B155

Shall so come – With blessings upon his followers. B154

Not that they would see him coming as they saw him go, nor that any one would see him coming. R4306:1, 554:6*, 19:3; B154

Jesus' presence is a spiritual and personal presence, though invisible. R554:3*

In like manner – The Greek term, hon tropon, rendered elsewhere "even as." R341:1*

Not "in like form." R5830:4, 2082:5, 1952:5, 1873:6, 188:6

"The Lord himself shall descend from heaven." (1 Thess. 4:16) F671; R579:6, 263:2, 19:3

Quietly, secretly, known only to his followers. R5830:4, 5589:6, 4306:4, 2798:5, 2082:5; B154; Q369:3

Being an unseen presence. R188:3

When he arrives it will be privately. R579:6, 263:3, 19:3

Only a few saintly believers, those who faithfully "watch" (Matt. 24:42), will know of the Lord's R5589:6, 2926:4, 2082:6, 1873:6, 123:1

Seen by the eye of faith. R2789:6

"As a thief in the night." (1 Thess. 5:2) R5830:4, 5589:6, 4306:4, 1416:5

Requiring close, attentive watching to apprehend and discern it. B144

Unknown to the world. R5830:4, 5589:6, 4956:4, 4306:4, 2926:4, 700:2, 123:1, 19:3

The world is to see Jesus no more. (John 14:19) B154; R5589:6, 579:6, 263:3, 123:1, 19:3

It was the Jesus born of the Spirit, who could go and come like the wind. Q369:3

Generally taken to mean that Jesus would come a fleshly or human being. R5829:6

When Jesus left the heavenly glory and was made flesh, it was not the divine intention that he should remain a fleshly being forever, but that he took this earthly condition for the suffering of death. R5830:1

As ye – His faithful followers. B154

What the world will then see will be the trouble; and gradually they will come to understand that the great King is identified with the trouble. R5830:5

Have seen him go – Without splendor, demonstration, commotion or noise. B154; R2926:4, 2082:6, 1416:5, 579:3

12 Then they returned into Jerusalem from a mountain that being called of olive-trees, which is near Jerusalem, a sabbath being distant journey.
13 And when they came into, they went up into the upper room, where were remaining, the, both Peter and James, and John and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James of Alpheus also Simon the zealot and Judas of James. Upper room – Their meetings were generally small; the usual meeting place being private dwellings or rented upper rooms; not at all like Babylon of today. R984:2, 2941:6

14 These all were being constantly engaged with one mind in the prayer, with women, and Mary the mother of the Jesus, and with the brothers of him. These all – All of "the eleven," together with others. R2926:2, 1523:1

With one accord – Waiting for the adoption and the endowment with spiritual understanding. B121; R1522:6

One hundred and twenty disciples in all. R2819:6, 2926:3

The Lord's people should be in agreement, or accord, respecting the things they are seeking and waiting for. R2926:3

In prayer – In the public assembly of the saints. R3698:5

Doubtless offered audibly for the benefit of the whole company present. R2251:6, 2023:3

Prayer is absolutely indispensable to Christian life. It means, not only a living faith, but a growing faith. R2692:1

And supplication – In searching of the Scriptures--and in readiness to begin their mission. R549:3, 2819:3

With the women – Women usually spoke only at the smaller gatherings, and not at public meetings. R227:3, 766:5*, 1076:5*

The Apostle's high regard for women is shown by his mention of several faithful co-laborers and helpers among them. R766:4*, 227:3

15 And in the days these having stood up Peter in middle of the disciples, he said: (was and a crowd of names, in the same about a hundred twenty;) Were about an hundred and twenty – Possibly these were all present at the time of the out-pouring of the holy Spirit. R2926:3, 4306:1, 2819:6

16 Men brethren, it was necessary to be fulfilled the writing this, which spoke before the spirit the holy through mouth of David, about Judas that having become a guide to those having seized the Jesus; By the mouth of David – Peter found that passage in David's prophecy which mentions the appointment of another. (Psa. 109:8) R549:3, 162:5

Judas – He lost his relationship with God and with Christ; and all hope of a future life. R5552:6

17 because having been numbered he was among us, and obtained the lot of the service this.
18 This indeed therefore bought a field out of a reward of the wickedness; and headforemost having fallen, he burst in middle, and were poured out all the bowels of him; This man – Judas. R5552:6

Falling headlong – Judas probably chose the branch of a tree overhanging a precipice to hang himself; the breaking of the rope causing the fall. R5552:6

19 and known became to all those dwelling in Jerusalem, so as to be called the field that in the own language of them, Aceldama, this is, a field of blood.
20 It is written for in book of psalms: Let be the dwelling of him desolate, and not let be the dwelling in her; and, The charge of him let take another. His bishoprick – Office of bishop or apostle. R162:5

No man or congregation is competent to appoint or elect an apostle. That is a special or function which is of divine appointment solely. R5940:4

The Church of Rome, the Church of England and the Greek Church improperly claim to make Apostolic Bishops. R5940:4; F209; Q521:2

Let another take – The Lord designed that Paul should be the twelfth apostle, taking the place of Judas. R5408:3, 5940:4, 1522:2, 162:5; F208; Q521:2

Quotation from Psa. 109:8 and possible Psa. 69:25.

21 It is necessary therefore of those having associated with us men in all time, in which went in and went out among us the Lord Jesus,
22 beginning from the dipping of John to the day which he was taken up from us, a witness of the resurrection of him to become with us one of these. His resurrection – Anastasis, the Greek article indicating the first or special resurrection. R1512:2

23 And they set forth two, Joseph that being call Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias. They appointed two – They chose two and asked the Lord to indicate which of the two would be his choice. R1445:1, 550:1

They had no authority for so doing. R5002:5, 5830:3, 2823:2, 1445:1

But the Lord had his own choice--Paul, "a chosen vessel." ( Acts 9:15) R2823:2, 1522:2, 1445:1, 550:1; F209

The Apostles were only those whom Jesus had especially selected to that office, St. Paul, by divine arrangement subsequently taking the place of Judas. R5829:1

Matthias – Was probably a very excellent brother, but not an apostle. R1522:2

24 And praying they said: Thou, O Lord, heart-knower of all, show which thou didst select out of these the two one, Prayed, and said – Uttered audibly and in a language heard and understood by the worshipers. R2251:6

25 to take the lot of the service this and apostleship, from which stepped aside Judas, to go into the place the own. To his own place – Was not heaven, was not restitution. His own place was the only place then open--the second death, oblivion. R5683:3, 5552:6, 3878:6

26 And they gave lots of them; and fell the lot on Matthias, and he was counted with the eleven apostles. Lot fell upon Matthias – The eleven exceeded their authority. They should have remembered that they had not as yet qualified as apostles themselves. R5002:3

A human error; an over-officiousness in attending to the Lord's business without his direction. R1522:2, 1445:1, 550:1, 162:5

He was with them at Pentecost; but his record ends there. R550:2, 5830:3

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