1 Corinthians Chapter 13 [Diaglott]

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1 If with the tongues of the men I speak and of the messengers, love but I have, I have become brass sounding or a cymbal noisy.
2 And if I have prophecy, and I know the secrets all and all the knowledge, and id I have all the faith, so that mountains to remove, love but not have, nothing I am.
3 And if I bestow all the possessions of me, and if I should give the body of me so that it should be burned, love but not have, nothing I am profited.
4 The love suffers long, is gentle; the love not envies; the love not is boastful, not is puffed up,
5 not acts unbecomingly, not seeks the things of herself, not is provoked to anger, not imputes the evil,
6 not rejoices in the iniquity, rejoices with but the truth,
7 all things covers, all things believes, all things hopes, all things endures;
8 the love not at any time falls off; whether but prophecies, they will be done away whether tongues, they will cease; whether knowledge, it will be done away.
9 From parts for we know, and from parts we prophesy;
10 when but may come the prefect, then that from parts will be done a way.
11 When I was a babe, as babe I spoke, as a babe I thought, as babe reasoned; since but I have become a man, I have put away the things of the babe.
12 We see for now through a glass in an enigma, then but face to face; now I know from parts, then but I shall know fully even as and I fully known.
13 Now but abides faith, hope, love, the three these; greater but of these the love.
1 Corinthians 12   1 Corinthians (Diaglott) Chapter Index   1 Corinthians 14
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