Revelation Chapter 5 [DARBY]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 And I saw on the right hand of him that sat upon the throne a book, written within and on the back, sealed with seven seals. In the right hand – The divine purpose was originally known only to Jehovah himself. HG461:5; SM495:2

In his own divine power and keeping. E36; SM488:2; OV7:1

Of him – The Heavenly Father, the Ancient of Days, Jehovah. E36; R2208:5, 2156:1; SM488:2; OV7:1

Sat on the throne – Of his glory, the heavenly throne. E36; R2208:5

Seat of divine power and authority for the universe, with angels as ministering spirits. SM488:2

A book – The divine plan. E36; R4451:1, 3103:2, 2208:5; OV7:1

The book in this case seems symbolically not to represent the Bible, but the divine plan with its times and seasons. R5943:1, 4305:5

God had the plan, with its times and seasons, before the Bible was written. R5943:1, 4305:5

His plan for human redemption. R2156:1

The plan and purpose of God as written in the Law and the prophets. R530:3*

A scroll containing a record of all that is happening now, and all that will occur throughout the Millennial age. R4451:2

Written within – Securely sealed and not intended for anyone to read. CR45:3

A part of the plan was written on the outside of the scroll, and a part was written on the inside. The things that were sealed were not proper to be understood by our Redeemer until he had received the all-power, after his resurrection. R5943:5

On the backside – Or outside. 530:3*

Those in favor with God might read the outside. CR45:3

The writing on the outside is the bare promise of salvation through the seed of the woman. R3103:2

The writing on the outside is the promised redemption through the blood of Christ. R3103:3

Sealed – Revealed to no one. R4451:1, 2208:5; SM488:2, 3

Daniel tells us that the prophecies relating to the time of the end were closed up. (Dan. 12:4, 9) R5055:2

When Ezekiel and John are said to have received the scroll, or book, it was open (Rev. 10:2, Ezek. 2:10). But at the standpoint of this view, it had not yet been opened. R530:3*

God had caused the divine program to be symbolized in the Law and to some extent to be described by the prophets. But still it was a hidden mystery. SM488:2

With seven seals – Nothing could be known of the wonderful scheme for human restitution until the Son of God had redeemed us from death. R3103:2

Representing the complete secrecy of the divine purposes. SM488:2, 495:2

The times and seasons were kept in the Father's own power. CR53:3; R4305:5

God's people could not know the date of the second advent until these were broken. D605

The seven seals belong to this time of trouble, the time in which Christ is conquering the nations, and are as yet in the future. HG81:2

2 And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to break its seals? A strong angel – Probably symbolizing the Law, which, from the time of its deliverance through Moses, had been proclaiming as unworthy all who sought to overcome by it. R530:3*

Who is worthy – The scroll, representing the divine plan, was kept in God's own power until some one should be proved worthy to know it, and become its executor. E36, E37; SM489:T

The inquiry compassed the period of 4000 years, from the giving of the promise that the seed of the woman would bruise the serpent's head, to the resurrection of Jesus. R5943:4, 2156:1

Having consecrated to fulfill all things written in the book, Jesus was fully prepared for his every experience. Up to that time no one had been found who could open the book. R5065:1

To open the book – To have committed to his care the execution of the great divine plan. R2208:5, 4451:2, 2156:1; CR53:2; OV7:1

To be granted the custody of the scroll. OV7:1

Our Lord was given all the knowledge in the divine plan. R5065:1

Loose the seals – To know its mysteries. OV7:1

3 And no one was able in the heaven, or upon the earth, or underneath the earth, to open the book, or to regard it. In heaven – Even our dear Redeemer in his previous condition was not entrusted with the scroll. R4641:1; CR95:2

Nor in earth – Representing the condition of things prior to the first advent. R2156:1

Until our Lord was slain, until he had given his life as man's redemption price, there was no being in all the universe worthy to be the executor of the divine purpose. R4451:2

To look thereon – Jehovah had already said to Abraham that he would bless the world, but had not revealed how it was to be done. R5054:6

4 And *I* wept much because no one had been found worthy to open the book nor to regard it. And I – Representing the faithful. R530:3*

Wept much – Had great grief that the wise and gracious program of the Almighty must remain unfulfilled. OV7:1; R2208:6, 2156:1

It seemed to John too bad that God should have some great, wonderful purposes which might come to naught because no one was worthy to be the divine executor in respect to the plan. R4451:2

Because of the obscurity and want of knowledge in regard to the plan. R530:3*

No man was found worthy – No one was to be the recipient of God's great plan, to reveal it. R5054:6

Even our Lord Jesus, prior to the finishing of his sacrifice, did not know all about the Father's plans, and times and seasons. (Mark 13:32) R2156:1

5 And one of the elders says to me, Do not weep. Behold, the lion which is of the tribe of Juda, the root of David, has overcome so as to open the book, and its seven seals. One of the elders – Jacob, who made the prophecy on his death-bed when blessing his sons. R530:5*

Behold the Lion – Symbolically referring to our Lord's strength and majesty. R4114:1

Our Lord Jesus, the strong one, the highly exalted spiritual creature, the Lord of glory. B86; R5548:6, 5055:1, 4750:5, 3103:2

Pope Leo XIII applied this title to himself. B316

Of the tribe – From the tribe. B86

The Root – He did not have this title in his position as Logos. It was as the Son of Mary that he was the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of David. R5943:5

Life giver and Father to all the race of Adam. E144

The life giver, the restorer. R809:5

Hath prevailed – Hath overcome, so as to be accepted and declared worthy. R2156:1, 2208:6; SM490:1

By this we understand that he was not born with the right to open the book but that he acquired it. R5055:1

Although his prevailing would not be completed until Calvary, the surrender of his will was complete at his consecration, and it was accepted as the sacrifice of his all. R4641:2

By his death he redeemed a condemned world of mankind, and merited the Father's confidence that to him might be entrusted every feature of the divine program. R4451:3

To open the book – It is not due for any believers to understand any of the deep things written in that book until they have come to the place of consecration. R5055:1

Loose the seven seals – Carry out and make manifest the grand designs of infinite love. R3103:2

And display it to view. R3103:2

Since his glorification the Lamb has been braking the seven seals and thus opening the divine plans before men and angels. R2156:4

6 And I saw in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, a Lamb standing, as slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God which are sent into all the earth: As it had been slain – Speaking of our Lord Jesus during the 3-½ years, beginning at the time of his consecration. R5943:5, 5080:6; SM490:1

Jesus was not this newly-slain Lamb at his death when he had finished his course, but at his consecration when he began his course. R5080:6

Our Lord could not know the completeness of the divine plan until he had demonstrated his worthiness by obedience unto death. R3716:3, 2156:1

It was the Lord's plan that our dear Redeemer should be tried, tested and proven worthy. It was the Father's plan that our Lord fulfilled in his obedience even unto death, even the death of the cross. SM782:T, 489:2

The giving of our Lord's life as man's redemption price. R4451:2

Having seven horns – Perfect or complete power. T42, T47, T115

Seven eyes – The seven channels through which God is about to manifest his power--the Church of the first-born. R529:4*

7 and it came and took it out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne. And took the book – The scroll of divine purpose was still sealed and in the hand of Jehovah, up to the time that the Lamb had been slain. R4437:6, 3716:3

Then to him was the scroll or book of the divine plan entrusted in its every detail. R3716:3

He received the divine plan into his care, with the authority and power to execute all its provisions. R5080:6, 4451:3, 2156:2; HG462:1

"God also highly exalted him." (Phil 2:7-9) He commissioned him to execute all the divine purposes; and to him he handed over the scroll with the privilege of opening its seals and comprehending its message. SM489:2

The time when the scroll was delivered to him, was the time of his consecration. R5080:6, 4641:2; HG461:6

The divine plan as a whole was made known to him, after his resurrection. R5943:5

After his demonstration of faithfulness at Calvary and his ascension to glory. R4305:5

8 And when it took the book, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell before the Lamb, having each a harp and golden bowls full of incenses, which are the prayers of the saints. And when – After Christ's resurrection and ascension to the right hand of the Father. R2156:2, 5943:5, 4305:5; OV7:2

He had taken the book – Having already fulfilled an important part of the plan by redeeming the world with his own precious blood. R2208:6

Before the Lamb – "At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and things in earth." (Phil. 2:10) R2209:1

"That all men should honor the Son, even as they honor the Father." (John 5:23) R2209:1

Full of odours – The incense of old, which typified the prayers of the saints, was composed of a rare mixture of spices, giving forth a peculiarly sweet odor. R5692:5

Prayers of saints – The prayers of God's people rise before him as a sweet perfume. R5692:5

9 And they sing a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open its seals; because thou hast been slain, and hast redeemed to God, by thy blood, out of every tribe, and tongue, and people, and nation, And they sung – The united voice of the heavenly host. OV7:2

This song is sung before the first seal is opened, after Matt. 24:14 is fulfilled. HG81:2; 3

Thou art worthy – When he had made his consecration as the Lamb of God, giving up and devoting his life without reserve to do the Father's will. R4641:1; CR95:2

To take the book – At the moment of our Lord's consecration and death as the Lamb, the moment of his begetting and anointing, the scroll was handed to him by the Great Eternal One. R4641:2; CR95:3

Not until he had passed the last test, had endured "to the end," did he receive the wonderful scroll which "the angels desired to look into." (1 Pet. 1:12) R530:6*

After his resurrection and ascension the scroll was given into his hands to be opened. R5943:5

To open the seals – Not until Jesus appeared and received the anointing of the holy Spirit at his baptism did the divine plan begin to be unfolded. HG461:5,6

To him was given the scroll with full authority to read, to understand and to fulfill its glorious prophecies, which specially related to the blessing of our race. HG462:1

Ten days after our Lord ascended, the holy Spirit was given, which at once began to unfold the truth to the Church. R530:6*

The opening of the seals has progressed during all the Gospel age. R5943:6

Thus opening the divine plan before men and angels--the mystery of God is about finished. R2156:4; PD92/107

To disclose one after another of the various features connected with the divine purpose. When the last seal was broken, the "mystery of God" (Rev. 10:7) was fully disclosed. R2209:1, 2156:4; PD92/107

And hast redeemed – Greek, agorazo; acquired at the forum. E429, E446, E447

The work of redemption by one Savior anointed of Jehovah. R866:5

Us – Oldest manuscript, with evident propriety, omits this word since the angels were not redeemed. R2156:2

By thy blood – He "washed us from our sins in his own blood." (Rev. 1:5) E446; R652:6

His blood became the basis for the forgiveness of our sins, made peace for us, opened up the way to reconciliation. "It is the blood [sacrificed life] that maketh atonement for the soul." (Lev. 17:11) R1230:3

By his death--by the sacrifice or loss of his life. R1230:4

His blood bought us; purchased us; justified us; washed us; sanctified us; saves us; (1 Pet. 1:2; Acts 20:28; Rom. 5:9; Rev. 1:5; Heb. 13:12; Acts 4:12. R416:6*

10 and made them to our God kings and priests; and they shall reign over the earth. And hast made us – Made them, the Body of Christ, the Royal Priesthood. HG520:6; D425, D618; E478; R4974:2, 530:6*, 184:4

The Kingdom is to be given to the Seed of Abraham. Christ and his elect Church, his Bride, are to constitute the kings and priests. R4140:3

The Little Flock selected under the trying ordeal of sacrifice during the Gospel age to become spiritual beings. R443:1; A60

Whose experience with and victory over sin will well fit and prepare them to be patient and helpful toward the world. E478

Those who share in the first resurrection. PD39/50; Q518:6; SM140:1

Kings and priests – This double office was typified by Melchisedec, who was a priest upon a throne. PD39/50; T26; R4140:3, 184:4; SM140:1

The Christ of glory, Jesus the Head and the Church the Body, will be the enthroned Priest. SM600:1

These shall be priests to teach, as well as kings to reign. R331:5, 545:4, 200:1

As kings they will rule the world in righteousness, enforcing and establishing order and justice and truth; as priests they will teach the people. HG299:4

As joint-heirs with Jesus Christ, our Lord, in the Kingdom and glory of which Solomon's was but a type. R2060:4

Christ is selecting his Church to be his co-workers as the "Royal Priesthood" to do the work of instructing and judging. R3637:2, 2247:3; D618; HG33:1,2

"A Royal Priesthood"--a reigning priesthood. (1 Peter 2:9) R2935:5, 12:1*; HG51:6; PD39/50

This "peculiar people," this "holy kingdom" or nation all of whom are "royal" priests, has a great work to do when established in the Kingdom power. R2128:6, 2276:3

The entire company of Jehovah's anointed--The Christ--will be kings, and their head and captain, Jesus, is "King of kings." (Rev. 19:16) R354:5; SM140:1, SM600:1

The work of a priest is one of intercession and instruction in righteousness and logically implies subjects. R404:3*, 12:2*

A kingdom and priesthood. R3103:2

"The kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High." (Dan. 7:27) HG27:6

And we – "And they." CR21:4; R530:6*

Reign on the earth – Over the world of mankind, who will have been awakened from the tomb. Q819:T

The "called, chosen and faithful" ones are to be joint-heirs with Christ; they are to reign over the earth for a thousand years. R1493:5

"And shall reign with him a thousand years." (Rev. 20:6) C128; D625; R2304:1, 1351:6

Christ and the Church will reign as kings and priests to bless all the families of the earth. R3348:5, 2833:5, 2416:4, 1771:3

The promised Seed of Abraham is to have entrusted to it the great work of blessing all the families of the earth. R2128:6, 2276:3, 1493:5; HG513:5

When the election of the spiritual seed of Abraham shall be accomplished, this Gospel age will end. Then will begin the Messianic age, in which Christ and the Church shall reign in spirit power. PD58/70

Who shall reign on the earth during the Millennial age, to bind Satan's power and to open the eyes of those whom he has so long blinded and deceived. R1771:3

Doing a good and powerful work on the spirit plane. R5182:1, 2128:6

The kings (saints) shall bring the glory and honor of themselves into the city. (Rev. 21:24) R334:2

In spirit power. PD58/70

The elect enter into these joys and blessings, not at death, but in the resurrection. CR21:4

The peace and joy and blessing which the world needs and craves cannot come until the elect Church, whose Head is Christ Jesus, shall be given the Kingdom, the dominion of earth. R2520:6

This reigning is positively affirmed to be after the resurrection. (Rev. 20:4) HG13:6

With The Christ will be various agencies. The Great Company will undoubtedly be associated with them. Then there will be earthly agents, the faithful Ancient Worthies. R5182:1

11 And I saw, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne and the living creatures and the elders; and their number was ten thousands of ten thousands and thousands of thousands; Voice of many angels – By the Father's own arrangement, the proclamation was made throughout the heavenly hosts. E37

The acclaim of the heavenly ones. R5847:2

Evidently the angels and all other spirit beings, of which there are myriads upon myriads, are interested observers of the events transpiring upon this little globe of ours. Q744:1

12 saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that has been slain, to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing. Worthy is the Lamb – God decided to prove or test his well-beloved Son in a manner that would prove to all his intelligent creatures, what they all now recognize in the new song. R3280:6

By faithfulness he perfected himself on the divine plane--that is, he proved himself worthy according to the Covenant. R5090:5, 5067:3

Because of his fidelity to the Father and to the principles of the Father's government. E120

Because of his humility and obedience unto death. E394, E395, E37; R5943:5, 4970:2; OV7:2

He was received into glory, the divine nature. R5847:2

It is now God's will that all "should honor the Son even as they honor the Father." (John 5:23) R2156:2

From that time on, every feature of the divine program would be under his supervision. R4451:3

He had only begun to execute the divine purpose in the organization of his Church. OV7:3

13 And every creature which is in the heaven and upon the earth and under the earth, and those that are upon the sea, and all things in them, heard I saying, To him that sits upon the throne, and to the Lamb, blessing, and honour, and glory, and might, to the ages of ages. And every creature – At the close of the Messianic reign for the restoration of the Adamic race, all willful sinners shall have been destroyed. R5927:6, 5183:2, 5116:6, 5048:3; NS272:5, 523:5

Ultimately, when the plans of the great potter shall be fully accomplished, every creature in heaven and earth shall be heard ascribing praise. SM713:1

With all sin eliminated, all imperfections gone and all the willfully wicked destroyed, then will God's will be done on earth, even as it is done in heaven. SM427:1; NS519:5; OV271:3

Ultimately all evil shall be destroyed. R5211:5, 4538:4; NS523:5

Ultimately the Lord will have a clean universe. SM147:1, 427:1; R4538:4; NS645:6; PD96/110

As the tidings that the Church has finished her course spread to earth through the established earthly phase of the Kingdom, all creatures in heaven and earth will be rejoicing together. R1821:3; OV271:3

Every member of Adam's race shall, through Christ, be granted a full opportunity for return to the relationship of the sons of God. R3836:5

Eventually all shall learn righteousness and hate iniquity. SM486:1

Thus the Lord will gather together all the faithful, both in heaven and in earth, under the headship of Christ. R5058:5

In heaven – The Church, the Great Company, the angels, the cherubim and seraphim. SM231:2

Any sorrows that come to us may be overcome; so that eventually we may be of the mighty host giving praise and honor to him. NS721:1

Under the earth – Those now in the tomb. SM231:2

Blessing and honour – So glorious will be the condition of humanity at the close of Messiah's Kingdom that nothing ever dreamed will compare with it.

"The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. R3848:5

When God's will is done on earth as it is done in heaven. HG149:1; NS523:5

All intelligent creatures will perceive and exclaim from the heart his goodness and worthiness of all praise. R5429:3, 5183:2, 5116:6

No discordant note shall be heard throughout the universe of God. R3836:5

Nothing shall mar the harmony of the universe. NS645:6

Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess (Phil. 2:10, 11), and his Kingdom shall be without an opponent "from the river unto the ends of the earth." (Psa. 72:8) R5183:2, 3848:5; SM713:1; HG244:1; 595:6; NS766:6

Be unto him – Jehovah. E38; R1211:1*

No wonder indeed that there should be a jubilation in heaven and in earth when all of Jehovah's intelligent creatures shall thus behold the lengths, heights and breadths and depths, not only of God's love, but also of his justice and wisdom and power. F51

"Just and true are thy ways, thou King of the ages." (Rev. 15:3, F52

It is appropriate that those of us who have been blessed with the opening of the eyes of our understanding should begin our rejoicing and praising God at once. NS528:4

Upon the throne – Of the universe. E38

And unto the Lamb – Thenceforth all men shall honor the exalted Son even as they honor the Father who highly exalted him. (John 5:23) E38

Both the Father and the Son are recognized, the Father, as always, being given the first place in praise and honor. E38

For ever and ever – Thus the time will come when "There shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new." (Rev. 21:4-5) ; NS645:6, 646:1, 519:5, 523:5; OV192:3; PD96/110; SM786:1

14 And the four living creatures said, Amen; and the elders fell down and did homage. Four beasts – See comments on Rev. 4:6, 8.

Four and twenty elders – See comments on Rev. 4:4

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