Revelation Chapter 15 [DARBY]

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Scripture Additional Comments

1 And I saw another sign in the heaven, great and wonderful: seven angels having seven plagues, the last; for in them the fury of God is completed. I – The John class, the church in the flesh during the time of our Lord's second advent.

Saw – The true church "saw" because they followed the Lord's instruction to look, to watch for the signs of His presence (Mark 13:35-37,) others do not see.

Sign in heaven – Something recognizable, an evidence of the Lord's work, the furtherance of His plan.

In heaven – In the nominal heavens, in Christendom.

Great and marvelous – Note that this is also the first phrase in the Song of Moses and the Lamb. It should be the first line of our song for the Plan of God is indeed something wonderful to behold.

Seven angels – The true church complete in number. This is from 1881 forward. These seven angels are represented in Eze. 9 as the six men plus the man clothed in linen with the writer's inkhorn.

The true church represented by those living this side the veil. R497

Last plagues – This is indeed "Great and Marvelous!" That these are the LAST, God's wrath, indignation and anger are completed in these. After they have finished their work none shall ever see their like again.

In them is filled up the wrath of God – This is why they are the LAST! God's wrath comes because of the ill treatment of His saints throughout the Gospel Age. Note the language of the saints as they wait for God to bring His vengeance. – Rev. 6:10.

2 And I saw as a glass sea, mingled with fire, and those that had gained the victory over the beast, and over its image, and over the number of its name, standing upon the glass sea, having harps of God.
Suggested reading: R130:2-R131:2; R140

Sea – Irreligious masses of mankind. R498

Of glass – To those saints standing on this sea of glass, the whole matter is clear, as if looking through glass window. It is like being in a glass-bottom boat. (Think aquarium except that instead of looking in from the side, we see, with clarity, looking down from the top.)

Please see R529 for a good brief explanation of the sea of glass.

Mingled with fire – The troubled irreligious masses have the spirit of anarchy and destruction interspersed in their midst.

Them that had gotten the victory – This victory must be obtained on this side of the veil. It is not a victory over everything, only those things mentioned here.

The beast – The Papacy.

Over his image – Organized Protestantism, beginning in 1846 with the Evangelical Alliance.

Over his mark – The mark or identification with those systems. See Rev. 13:15-18.

Some sources indicate "over his mark" as being spurious.

The number of his name – The number of the beast, 666, i.e., over the trinitarian doctrine. Rev. 13:18 – additional comments.

Stand on the sea of glass – Here is an interesting picture indeed. Here we see the Lord's people once again walking on water (Matt. 14:25, 28-31).

Their position (standing) indicates these are overcomers.

The harps of God – These have the Word of God and know how to use it to make sweet melody. (Isa. 52:8) See R497

Just exactly who are these overcomers who not only have their harps but also are using them to sing this song? They are the "little flock," the 144,000! This is evident by looking at the previous chapter vss. 1-3.
3 And they sing the song of Moses bondman of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and wonderful are thy works, Lord God Almighty; righteous and true are thy ways, O King of nations. They – Those standing on the sea of glass, i.e., the saints.

Sing – The same song that they are described as singing in Rev. 14:2,3.

The song of Moses – Basically this has reference to the law. Paul said (Rom. 8:4) that the righteousness of the law is fulfilled by the saints.

At a deeper level this has reference to the actual "Song of Moses" as recorded in Deut. 32:1-43.

And the Song of the Lamb –
Suggested reading: R2712-R2713.

It is of vital importance that we learn that we are to sing the Song of Moses (see above) AND the Song of the Lamb. If we have no acknowledgment of the Law or of some of the deeper portions of the Song of Moses (Deut. 32) then we are not of those who fit this picture as singing this song. If we do not additionally sing the Song of the Lamb (Christ) then we still are not part of this picture. We must sing both parts!

Saying – Each line of the song is important for the saints at the end of the age to understand. Also, each line appears to be a quotation of one or more old testament prophecies.

Great and Marvelous are thy works – "Psa. 139:14".

This is also a reminder that these appreciate that the pouring out the seven last plagues, is indeed, as stated in the first verse, "great and marvelous."

Lord God Almighty – Amos 4:13 and many others.

Just and true are thy ways – "Deut. 32:4".

Thou King of Saints – Please see next verse as this quote continues there.
4 Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy; for all nations shall come and do homage before thee; for thy righteousnesses have been made manifest. Who shall not fear thee – Jer. 10:6-7

O Lord, and glorify thy name – Mal. 1:11 (Psa. 86:9)

For thou only art holy – Psa. 145:17

All nations shall come and worship before thee – Psa. 86:9

For thy judgments are made manifest – This last line of the song has a special emphasis. It is the only line that is not a quotation from the old testament.

God's judgments (at the time of this prophecy's fulfillment) are in progress. Isa. 26:9. God's judgments are manifested in the pouring out of the seven last plagues. It is the living saints who see and proclaim this message. Not only do they proclaim the message indicating the trouble but also (and especially) the purpose of the trouble. See Isa. 35:4-5.

"We are now living in the time when the "mystery" is ending and the righteous dealings of God, from the Scriptural standpoint, may be clearly seen." HGL486:4[HGL486:4]

5 And after these things I saw, and the temple of the tabernacle of witness in the heaven was opened; After that – This does not mean the next step chronologically, i.e., that this should follow the singing of the song of Moses and the Lamb. Rather the thought is that after having finished viewing the scene of the saints singing this song while on the sea of glass, John then sees another vision.

I – The John class, the living saints during the time of our Lord's second presence.

Looked, and behold – Most translations simply say "I looked and saw." The church class remembers the Lord's instruction to "watch" and in watching they see Mark 13:32-37. This is important. The Little Flock sees this because they follow the Lord's instruction to "watch." Others will not perceive what is described here.

The temple – The nominal church, which at this time still contained the true church. – Matt. 13:30.

Of the tabernacle of the testimony – This is like saying "The temporary dwelling (tabernacle) of the Little Flock (the testimony or the ark of the covenant)." T121:1

In heaven – The power of spiritual control.

Was opened – To allow the saints to have a way of escape from the clutches of Babylon. This refers to 1878 and the call to "come out of her my people." That was also the year when Pastor Russell called the church leaders in Pittsburgh and Allegheny together and presented to them the Truth. They rejected it. Nevertheless, the message of Truth was given to the nominal temple.

Compare this verse with Rev. 11:19.
6 and the seven angels who had the seven plagues came out of the temple, clothed in pure bright linen, and girded about the breasts with golden girdles. The seven angels – The church in the flesh at the end of the Age. See R497

Came out of the temple – This would seem to be the nominal temple. If it were applied to the true temple it would seem to be in violation of the promise given to the overcomers in Rev. 3:12. R498

Having the seven last plagues – When these saints leave the nominal system, they have the plagues. The seven last plagues are the truths that make up the Harvest Message. This is a great joy and source of strength to the Lord's true people, but to those who do not receive it, but fight against present truth, this message is a great plague indeed.

Clothed in pure and white linen – Justified believers and members of the Royal Priesthood. It was the Priests who wore linen.

Having their breasts girded – This shows an elevated (i.e., glorified) condition. In order to properly understand this remark we need to remember that God is counting the beginning as the fulfillment. In this case, the entire church (pictured by the 7 angels) would be pictured in 1881 when the number was first completed. Compare with Rev. 1:13.

Golden girdles – Gold = Things Divine. Girdle = servitude. These are divine servants, i.e., the saints.
7 And one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls, full of the fury of God, who lives to the ages of ages. One of the four beasts – Justice. The plagues are the expression of God's wrath which comes as a just reward on those who have consistently worked against Him and His people.

The seven angels – The church in the flesh at the end of the Age.

Seven golden vials – The complete truth as presented in the Volumes and Towers.

Full of the wrath of God – By means of these plagues, God will balance the scales of justice against the symbolic earth.

Who lives for ever and ever – Unlike Christendom which is destroyed by means of these plagues.
8 And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power: and no one could enter into the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed. The temple – The nominal church.

Filled with smoke – Confusion.

From the glory of God – From the Truth. The Truth reveals the glorious character of our God. This truth causes the "Babylonians" to try (in vain) to counter it. In so doing they often come up with the most pitiful arguments. As their confusion becomes magnified, the symbolic temple becomes filled with smoke.

No man was able to enter the temple – The nominal temple (which in times past contained the true temple, the true saints of God) is where men came to be with God. The temple is supposed to be the meeting place between God and men. At this time God has withdrawn His spirit from the (nominal) temple and therefore "no man" is "able to enter the temple."

Till the seven plagues .. were fulfilled – Note that man is not to be forever barred from entering the temple. It is only during the time when the seven plagues are active.

What this verse is saying is that from the time when the plagues begin to be poured out until they are complete, men cannot come to God by means of the nominal temple. His spirit has been withdrawn from there and will remain withdrawn until after the plagues have done their work. Then the temple (now cleansed of all error and defilements) will once again be the meeting place between God and man. Then man will again be able to enter the temple.

The seven plagues of the seven angels – This is a most marvelous declaration when rightly understood. The seven plagues are not really intended to do evil but good. They are the message of Present Truth. What makes them a blessing or a curse is the manner in which they are received. To the saints they are a most wonderful blessing indeed. To those who are defending rejected and cast-off Babylon they are plagues indeed. The most interesting part of this phrase is the fact that these plagues are here described not as being the plagues of God but of the seven angels. The symbolism here seems to say that the Truth (represented by the plagues) now belongs to the seven angels (the Lord's people). In other words, these have made the Truth their own so that it now belongs to them. It is their (our) possession! – A gift to us from the Lord.
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