Revelation Chapter 10 [DARBY]

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Scripture Additional Comments

1 And I saw another strong angel coming down out of the heaven, clothed with a cloud, and the rainbow upon his head, and his countenance as the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire, Mighty angel come down from heaven – Our Lord at His second advent.
  There are only three places in Revelation where an angel comes down from heaven. Here in this verse, also in 18:1 and 20:1. In the other two cases it clearly refers to our Lord at His second advent. So too here. This is supported by the further descriptions given in this verse as well as what follows. R1233:5

A rainbow was upon his head – Rainbow = covenant (Gen 9:12-17). This seems to say, 'here is the Messenger [angel] of the Covenant'. (Mal. 3:1 – see B147:1)

His face was as it were the sun – The SUN of Righteousness, our Returned Lord (note this description of our Lord in Rev. 1:16).

Note Paul's description of his conversion when Jesus revealed himself to him on the road to Damascus as being "a light from heaven, above the brightness of the sun". – Acts 26:13.

His feet – Indicating the close connection between the feet members of the Body of Christ to the Head, our Lord Jesus.

Feet as pillars of fire – This is almost the exact language used to describe our Lord in Rev. 1:15.

Our Lord used this exact method of identifying Himself in His message to the seven churches, i.e., of describing Himself by a portion of the description given in the first chapter. For example see Rev. 2:1,8,12,18, also Rev. 3:1,7,14.

By thus identifying Himself there can be no doubt that this 'mighty angel' is our Lord.

Compare also with Eze. 1:27, 28.
2 and having in his hand a little opened book. And he set his right foot on the sea, and the left upon the earth, A little book open – This little book appears to be the understanding of Present Truth. The fact that this book is open indicates this is now something which can be understood. If it were otherwise the book would be closed.

In vss 8-10 this little book is eaten by John and is "sweet as honey" in his mouth. This clearly is a reference to Eze. 2:8-10; 3:1-3. There we are told that the book was written both within and without. This lets us know that this book is the same as the one in Rev. 5:1 which was "written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals." Since this little book is now "open" it indicates that the seventh seal has been opened.

The only places where there is an open book (prophetically) are:
Dan. 7:10; Rev. 20:12 [these are both related to the judgment of the world of mankind in the future]; Rev. 5:2-5,9; and here in 10:2,8-10.
See Dan. 12:4 where the book is to remain shut until during the Time of the End.

This indicates again that this strong angel is Jesus. See Rev. 5:1,6,7,9.

Sea – Irreligious restless masses of mankind. R498

Earth – Organized society under religious restraint. R498

Sea .. Earth – This shows that our Returned Lord begins to exert His authority over both these classes of humanity, especially as relates to Christendom.
3 and cried with a loud voice as a lion roars. And when he cried, the seven thunders uttered their own voices. Cried with a loud voice – 1 Thess. 4:16.

Lion – Indicating power.

Our Lord is the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Rev. 5:5

Seven thunders – Seven controversies. In order to understand what these might be, we need to first consider the verses that immediately follow and note what they relate to. Once we have done that, we may have more clues as to just what these seven controversies are.
4 And when the seven thunders spoke, I was about to write: and I heard a voice out of the heaven saying, Seal the things which the seven thunders have spoken, and write them not. I was about to write – Whatever these 7 thunders are they immediately grabbed the attention of John (who pictures the church in the flesh during the time of our Lord's 2nd Presence).

I heard a voice from heaven – The question often arises in the book of Revelation: "is this the true or the symbolic heaven?" In this case we may reasonably conclude it is the true heaven. It certainly is not the nominal heaven because John (the church in the flesh during the 2nd Advent) is obedient to this voice and therefor they have left the nominal heaven.

Write them not – At this point we must inquire, why not allow John to write them? Surely there must be some very good reason to keep John from writing just what these seven thunders are. – One suggestion is that if there were something more written about what the seven thunders uttered, they might not accomplish their intended work.
5 And the angel whom I saw stand on the sea and on the earth lifted up his right hand to the heaven, The angel – The Returned Lord, here working through the seventh messenger, Pastor Russell. This is indicated by the fact that he raises his hand to heaven and then swares (see vs. 6).

Stand upon the sea – Exercise authority over the "sea" class – the irreligious restless masses of mankind. R498

Upon the earth – Exercise authority over the "earth" class – organized society under religious restraint.

Lifted up his hand – Raised up his hand (power) to heaven – to God.

Compare vs 5-6 with Dan. 12:7 (and notice 'the man clothed in linen.')
6 and swore by him that lives to the ages of ages, who created the heaven and the things that are in it, and the earth and the things that are in it, and the sea and the things that are in it, that there should be no longer delay; Sware – Men swear an oath as an end of strife (Heb. 6:16). The 'strife' here is the result of the 7 thunders (controversies).

By him that liveth for ever and ever – For all eternity. This is Strong's 1519, 165, 165 – "For the ages of ages." This is the expression in the Greek that equates to the English word "forever." – This angel is swearing, giving an oath, before God.

Who created heaven – While it is true that God created the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1,) yet we remember that this entire book is a symbolic one (Rev. 1:1.) We suggest that God did create the symbolic heaven (the true gospel church, consisting of our Lord Jesus, the head and the spirit-begotten members of the church, His body.) We also know that during the first century, the Adversary sowed tares (imitation wheat) within the early church, even as Paul declares "the mystery of iniquity doth already work." 2 Thes. 2:7

Would seem to be the true heavens. If it were the nominal heavens it might seem to imply that God created them. Really they were created by "the god of this world" by means of the great "falling away" from the purity of the Truth.

And the things that therein are – The wonderful pageantry of the universe.

And the earth – Could refer to literal or symbolic earth. If creating the heavens refers to literal, then it would seem logical that this refers to the literal earth.

The things that therein are – The incredible natural beauty of this planet as well as the amazing diversity of life found here.

"and the sea, and the things which are therein" Omitted by Sinaitic MS.

Time no longer – Here the thought is not that time itself would come to an end. Not at all! Rather it indicates that the various time features of the Gospel Age will all come to fruition, i.e., they will be fulfilled.

It also indicates, according to the context, that there would be controversy over time (the seven thunders of verse 3), but these controversies will be done away with.

Time has been the primary issue of controversy amongst the brethren throughout the time of the end. The time of the Lord's return was pre-maturely taught (1844 – Miller movement). The time of the 2nd advent (1874) was correctly taught by Adventists but the manner of His advent was not understood. The time of separation Harvest was coupled with the call to 'come out of her my people' (1878). The time for the ending of the general call to the high calling of God in Christ Jesus being reached in 1881. With all of these dates there was, and still is, controversy. But for those who recognize and accept the teachings of 'That Servant', the controversy has ended – there is time (controversy) no more.

It is also interesting to note that there are 7 primary dates associated with the 'Time of the End.'
 1799 Dan. 12:7 (1260 days)
 1829 Dan. 12:11 (1290 days)
 1844 Parallels
 1874 Dan. 12:12, Parallels, Jubilees (1335 days)
 1878 Parallels (Israel's double)
 1881 Parallels
 1914 Parallels, Times of the Gentiles.
7 but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound the trumpet, the mystery of God also shall be completed, as he has made known the glad tidings to his own bondmen the prophets. The voice – While the Lord used Pastor Russell to be his mouthpiece (even as Moses used Aaron as his mouthpiece), nevertheless it is still really the voice (word, message) of our returned Lord as expressed through 'That Servant.'

The seventh angel – The messenger to Laodicea – Pastor Russell.

When he shall begin to sound – In the early days of his ministry.

Mystery of God should be finished – This applies to both the mystery of the Great Plan of the Ages AND to the Mystery hidden from ages and generations, Christ in you, the hope of glory (Col. 1:26-27), i.e., the church class, the 144,000. A87:2.

This seems to have particular reference to 1881 when all the crowns were allotted and, from one standpoint, the 'Mystery of God,' the true church, the 144,000 was complete (in number). While it was not yet complete in teaching, it began to be complete then. It is that year that both 'Tabernacle Shadows' and 'Food for Thinking Christians' (pre-cursor to 'The Divine Plan of the Ages') were published. – Despise not the day of small beginnings. Zech. 4:10.
8 And the voice which I heard out of the heaven was again speaking with me, and saying, Go, take the little book which is opened in the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the earth. I – The John class, the church in the flesh at the end of the Gospel Age.

Little book – The prophetic features of the Divine Plan of the Ages.

Which is open – It is Time for God's Truth to be revealed, to be opened! This is why we often refer to the Studies in the Scriptures as being the Keys to the Bible. They do indeed OPEN this wonderful storehouse of Truth.

The angel – The fact that this book is open indicates that the angel is our Lord. Rev. 5:1, 5-7 indicate that our Lord, the Lion of the tribe of Judah and the Lamb is the one who opens the book.

Standeth upon – Is in control of.

The sea – The irreligious, restless masses of mankind. R498

The earth – Organized society, under religious restraint.
9 And I went to the angel, saying to him to give me the little book. And he says to me, Take and eat it up: and it shall make thy belly bitter, but in thy mouth it shall be sweet as honey. I – The John class.

The angel – 1) Our Lord.    2) Pastor Russell as our Lord's earthly agent. See again Rev. 1:1.

Make no mistake here. The angel is our Lord. He merely uses Pastor Russell as His 'angel' in delivering His message to 'His servants.' (again, see Rev. 1:1)

Give me – The church does not gain the knowledge of present truth on it's own. It needs to go to the source authorized by the Lord, i.e., the angel. This is the same angel that is mentioned in Rev. 1:1.

Eat it up – Take in these truths. This is exactly the same symbolism used of the priests in the Tabernacle. When they eat anything they are appropriating it to themselves. The priests only are getting the nourishment from it. In this case, the saints are getting needed spiritual nourishment from these truths.

Belly bitter – This leads to bitter experiences – if we truly take in these truths.

Sweet as honey – Oh how wonderful are these truths! Dan. 12:12
10 And I took the little book out of the hand of the angel, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth as honey, sweet; and when I had eaten it my belly was made bitter. Compare vss 10, 11 with Eze. 2:8-10; 3:1-3.

I – The "John" class, the church in the flesh during the presence of the Lord.

Took – The church must actually take the action of taking the book. We cannot simply stand there and admire it. We must take action.

The little book – The now open book, the understanding of the Word of God.

Out of the angel's hand – From the hand of Our returned Lord. This is His gift to us.

And ate it up – It is not only for us to have access to this truth that is important, but we must also 'eat it.' We can have the volumes and reprints in our possession but they will not do us any good if they are simply decorations on our bookshelves. The Lord's people (the John class) will all delve into Present Truth as delivered to us BY THE LORD JESUS, through the 'angel' of His choosing, Br. Russell.

In my mouth – Jer. 15:16; John 6:63.
11 And it was said to me, Thou must prophesy again as to peoples and nations and tongues and many kings. Thou – John, the "John" class, the church in the flesh at the end of the Gospel Age.

Must – Jer. 20:9 – Because, for love of the truth, we must speak it; Luke 19:40 – Because the Lord said it will take place, therefore we must speak it.

Prophesy again – Indicating that this will not be the first time that he has 'prophesied.' – see Rev. 1:9 – The thought here seems to be that the John class (the church in the flesh during our Lord's parousia), with a greater knowledge of the truth, must prophecy before the nations. Previously they did so, but not from the standpoint of the open book (revealed plan of God) in the angels' hand.

Before peoples, nations, tongues, kings – Jer. 1:4-10; Dan. 7:13,14
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