Acts Chapter 12 [DARBY]

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1 At that time Herod the king laid his hands on some of those of the assembly to do them hurt, About that time – Supposed to date about twelve years after our Lord's crucifixion. R4346:2

Herod – A descendant of Esau. R3003:1

Herod Agrippa I, grandson of the Herod who murdered the babes in Bethlehem. Herod was a family name. R3002:3, 4346:2, 2139:3

Nephew of Herod Antipas who murdered John the Baptist. R2139:3, 4346:2, 3002:3

The king – Of Judea. R4346:2

Vex certain of the church – Imprisoned the King's messengers. R2301:3

The eleven bravely stood their ground, knowing others would look to them for encouragement. F230; R1523:6

2 and slew James, the brother of John, with the sword. He killed James – Not all of God's servants will be miraculously delivered. R1455:2

In the majority of cases the Church's experiences are far more like James' than like Peter's. R3004:2

He was a leader amongst the apostles and was beheaded. The Lord could accomplish more by his death, than by keeping him alive. R4347:4, 2139:5, 3003:1

3 And seeing that it was pleasing to the Jews, he went on to take Peter also: (and they were the days of unleavened bread:) Pleased the Jews – The same spirit of murder. R2139:6

Even at cost of principle. R4346:3, 3896:1

To take Peter also – Who would not flee, because he knew at this trying time the Church abroad would look to them at Jerusalem for encouragement and help. F230, F231

Unleavened bread – According to Jewish custom no one could be put to death during that week. R2139:5

Trusting to the sacredness of the Passover season, Peter ventured forth. R4346:3

Each Memorial season is a time for special trial and testing. We recommend alertness be exercised during the forty days preceding the Memorial Supper. R4346:5,6

4 whom having seized he put in prison, having delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep, purposing after the passover to bring him out to the people. Apprehended him – The Greek implies that his arrest was after searching. R4346:3, 3003:2

The time of his arrest was too close to the festival to permit his execution. R3003:3

In prison – Probably the Castle of Antonio; possibly where Jesus was arraigned before Pilate, and where Paul was later taken. R4346:6, 3003:5, 2140:1

Four quaternions – Four shifts of four soldiers each; two chained to the prisoner, the third was outside the door and the fourth in the passage leading to the outer iron gate. R3003:2, 4347:1, 2140:1

Easter – Should be rendered "Passover." Estera, from which Easter comes, was a Saxon goddess of the East. The name was adopted from the heathen. F479, F482; R5191:6, 3003:3, 2271:3, 1631:3, 1290:1

5 Peter therefore was kept in the prison; but unceasing prayer was made by the assembly to God concerning him. Without ceasing – Lesson of importunity; examples given in the Scriptures fully warranted the all-night prayer meeting. R4347:2

Of the church – Frequent mention is made of the Church gathering for prayer. R2023:3

For him – It was not proper for him to pray for deliverance for himself; he had consecrated his life unto death. His friends were praying for him. R4347:1, 3003:3

6 And when Herod was going to bring him forth, that night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and guards before the door kept the prison. Peter was sleeping – He trusted in divine wisdom, power and love. R2140:2

The power of divine grace helping in time of need (Heb. 4:16) gave him peace. R4347:1

His heart filled with the peace of God which passeth all understanding. (Phil. 4:7) And, "He giveth his belove 127:2 R3003:4

7 And lo, an angel of the Lord came there, and a light shone in the prison: and having smitten the side of Peter, he roused him up, saying, Rise up quickly. And his chains fell off his hands. Behold, the angel – Appeared personally; non-personal instructions are properly described as from or by the Lord's holy Spirit. E277; R265:3

"Ministering spirits sent forth to minister." (Heb. 1:10) R3004:2

Angels are not permitted to materialize now. R4347:5

Of the Lord – A lesson of God's power to help his servants. R1455:2

A light shined – So that the Apostle might know that his deliverer, with radiant features, was a holy being. R4347:5

Chains fell off – God sometimes grants his "new creatures" special favors of an earthly sort, even though they do not ask for them. R2009:2

8 And the angel said to him, Gird thyself, and bind on thy sandals. And he did so. And he says to him, Cast thine upper garment about thee and follow me. Gird thyself – Whatever he could do, he was required to do; the angel did only what Peter could not do. R4347:5, 3003:5

Similarly today, it is ours to do everything within our power. R4347:6

9 And going forth he followed him and did not know that what was happening by means of the angel was real, but supposed he saw a vision. He went out – Between three and six in the morning; he was not missed until sunrise, when the guards were changed. R4347:5, 2139:6, 3003:6

Thought he saw a vision – Expecting that he would awaken shortly to find himself still bound. R3003:5

10 And having passed through a first and second guard, they came to the iron gate which leads into the city, which opened to them of itself; and going forth they went down one street, and immediately the angel left him. His own accord – What is contrary to physical law, is called miraculous; but may be in accordance with the laws of spiritual life. HG29:5; R265:2

Angel departed – Having accomplished his mission. R2140:3

Having simply done for Peter what he could not have done for himself. R303:5, 2009:2

11 And Peter, being come to himself, said, Now I know certainly that the Lord has sent forth his angel and has taken me out of the hand of Herod and all the expectation of the people of the Jews. Come to himself – Realized the facts of the case, that he was free. R4347:6

Hath delivered me – The Lord preserved Peter because he had a special work for him to do. R4347:4

12 And having become clearly conscious in himself, he came to the house of Mary, the mother of John who was surnamed Mark, where were many gathered together and praying. The house of Mary – An intimation that this piece of property was not put into the common fund. R2932:3

The congregations of the primitive Church were small and usually met in private houses. R2941:6, 3003:3

In the public assembly of the saints. R3698:5

John – The writer of the Gospel of Mark, cousin of Barnabas, and son of one of the Marys at Jerusalem. R3006:3, 3003:6, 4347:2

Nephew of Barnabas. R2141:2

Surname was Mark – Latin, Marcus. R3003:6

Gathered together – A great blessing and strengthening of their faith. Q542:1

Praying – They were kept up all night, evidently for the entire week of Peter's imprisonment. R2139:6, 4347:2; Q541:3

The Lord intended a deliverance for St. Peter, but allowed it to come about as a reward of faith of those praying for him. R4347:3

Is indispensable to Christian life; it means a living and a growing faith. R2692:1

13 And when he had knocked at the door of the entry, a maid came to listen, by name Rhoda; Door of the gate – Implying that it was a better class house. R4347:6

Rhoda – Little rose. R4347:6, 3003:6

14 and having recognised the voice of Peter, through joy did not open the entry, but running in, reported that Peter was standing before the entry. Knew Peter's voice – It was customary to make inquiries before opening the door. R3003:6

Opened not the gate – Neglected to open the door. R3003:6, 4347:6

15 And they said to her, Thou art mad. But she maintained that it was so. And they said, It is his angel. It is his angel – His representative, come in answer to our prayers to God for consolation; one of the "ministering spirits sent forth to minister to those who shall be heirs of salvation." (Heb. 1:14) R3004:2, 4348:1, 2140:5

They might of thought this was an impersonation. Q20:2

16 But Peter continued knocking: and having opened, they saw him and were astonished. And saw him – The answer to their prayers. R2140:4, 3004:2

They were astonished – Were surprised at the Lord's answer to their petitions. R4348:1

17 And having made a sign to them with his hand to be silent, he related to them how the Lord had brought him out of prison; and he said, Report these things to James and to the brethren. And he went out and went to another place. Beckoning unto them – There was an outburst of excitement and questions which the Apostle was obliged to silence by the shaking of his hands. R4348:1

Unto James – The Lord's brother or second cousin. R3004:3, 4348:1, 2140:4

And to the brethren – The leaders of the cause in the city. R2140:4

He departed – Left the city, in accordance with the Lord's instructions to flee when persecuted. (Matt. 10:23) R3004:3, 2140:4

Into another place – Whether to another city or another house, we do not know. R4348:1

18 And when it was day there was no small disturbance among the soldiers, what then was become of Peter.
19 And Herod having sought him and not found him, having examined the guards, commanded them to be executed. And he went down from Judaea to Caesarea and stayed there.

20 And he was in bitter hostility with the Tyrians and Sidonians; but they came to him with one accord, and, having gained Blastus the king's chamberlain, sought peace, because their country was nourished by the king's.
21 And on a set day, clothed in royal apparel and sitting on the elevated seat of honour, Herod made a public oration to them. Upon a set day – Feast of Tabernacles, 41 AD. R3002:3

Made an oration – Read the whole Book of Deuteronomy. R3002:3

22 And the people cried out, A god's voice and not a man's.
23 And immediately an angel of the Lord smote him, because he did not give the glory to God, and he expired, eaten of worms. Eaten of worms – Disease of intestinal worms. Within a month he died. R4348:1, 3002:6

24 But the word of God grew and spread itself. The word of God grew – This chapter shows the power of Satan, the power of God, and the power of prayer. R4348:5

25 And Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem, having fulfilled the service entrusted to them, taking also with them John, surnamed Mark. Barnabas – A disciple named Joseph. Name change to Barnabas. R4357:1

John whose surname was Mark – The writer of the Gospel of Mark, cousin of Barnabas, and son of one of the Marys at Jerusalem. R3006:3, 3003:6

Nephew of Barnabas. R2141:2

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