Adam to Zion

Lesson 1

God's Glory in the Heavens
"The reverence of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom"- 111:10 (Lamsa Translation)
Every day of our lives we can pray to "our Father which art in heaven" because we know he loves us dearly and cares for us tenderly. He is the Great Creator. He made the powerful sun and many more stars than we can see. He also made the little things-the soft petals of the flowers and the colorful birds, and each blade of grass, and many more things than we can count.

The earth seems very large to us, yet it is much smaller than Saturn or Jupiter. And those two planets are tiny compared to the sun. Imagine the sun's diameter as that of a large barrel: Jupiter would compare as a small orange, Earth and Venus as peas, and Mercury and Mars as raspberry seeds.

The sun is really a star, which means that it gives light and heat. Some heavenly bodies such as the planets and the moon can only reflect light that comes from the sun. There are billions of stars (suns) and possible planetary systems in the universe. How great is our God!

An earlier beginning (before the universe was created) is told about in John 1:1-3(Diaglott). Jehovah had no beginning, which is impossible for us to understand as everything we know about has had a beginning. The Logos (Jesus) was the very first of God's creation and the last (Revelation 3:14 and Colossians 1:15).

God made the plans-we can say he was the architect-and the Logos was the builder of all creation. The Logos carried out all of God's instructions for the creation of the universe, including the earth, and all of the work was perfect.

Genesis means "beginning." Genesis 1:1 says: "God created the heavens and the earth in the very beginning" (Lamsa Translation). This is all we are told about the beginning of the universe. The rest of the chapter tells how our earth was prepared so that people could live on it.

We have day and night because of the earth turning on its axis. Earth's orbit (circle) around the sun marks our year.

The earth is much smaller than other planets like Saturn and Jupiter!

God was the architect and the Logos the builder of all creation!

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