Psalms Chapter 72 [DARBY]

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1 For Solomon. O God, give the king thy judgments, and thy righteousness unto the king's son. Give the king – Christ during the Millennial age. B138

This King whom thou hast appointed. R1415:5

Thy judgments – The execution of thy grand designs. R1415:5

Unto the king's – Jehovah's. R1415:5

Son – Messiah's Kingdom is to rule the world in righteousness. R5706:4

The Body of Christ is, collectively with their Head, the King's son. R49:1*

2 He will judge thy people with righteousness, and thine afflicted with judgment. Thy people – For thy people. R1415:2

With righteousness – In due time, God will establish righteousness in the earth. R5115:3

And thy poor – And for thy afflicted. R1415:2

With judgment – With justice. R1415:2

3 The mountains shall bring peace to the people, and the hills, by righteousness. The mountains – New ruling powers of Christ's Kingdom. R1415:2

The little hills – The tributary powers under the main government. R1415:2

4 He will do justice to the afflicted of the people; he will save the children of the needy, and will break in pieces the oppressor. He shall save – Shall give help to the children of the needy. R1415:2

Break In pieces – This will be the beginning of the purgatorial judgments of the Millennium--in favor of the poor and against the wealthy. R1470:4

The oppressor – All oppressive systems and institutions-- civil, social, financial and religious. R1415:1; OV46:3

break in pieces – This is what is accomplished by the Lord and His church. Consider the smiting of the image (Dan. 2:44-45) and the work done by the 6 men of Ezekiel 9 (Eze. 9:2, 5-7) [Note: in Eze. 9:2 the 'slaughter weapon' is 'a weapon of his breaking in pieces' - margin.]
5 They shall fear thee as long as sun and moon endure, from generation to generation. Sun and moon endure – The glorified Church will have no need of the sun or moon (Rev. 21:23) literally, because they will be spirit beings. Symbolically, she will not need the light of the Gospel or Jewish ages because of her more excellent glory. R2833:6

Nothing in the above indicates that the world will not have need of both sunlight and moonlight during the Millennial age and subsequently. R2833:6

6 He shall come down like rain on the mown grass, as showers that water the earth. Like rain – Symbol of truth, refreshing--"showers of blessings." (Ezek. 34:26) R5575:5

Upon the mown grass – The world of mankind, after they have been shorn of all that has encumbered them and prevented the showers of grace from reaching their hearts. R5575:5

Water the earth – "Times of refreshing." (Acts 3:19) R1414:6

7 In his days shall the righteous flourish, and abundance of peace till the moon be no more. In his days – In "the world to come, wherein dwelleth righteousness." (Heb 2:5; 2Pet 3:13) A67

In the reign of Christ. R492:5

Righteous flourish – Temporally, mentally, physically, morally. R2763:5

The reverse of what we now witness. R1412:3, R2406:2; HG538:2; HG681:2

The same rule as in the Jewish age--faithfulness brought temporal prosperity. R2060:6

The very circumstances which now make sacrifice necessary will be gone; consequently, the opportunity for sacrificing will be gone. R443:1

The rewards and punishments will be equitable. An appeal will be made to the hearts, supplemented by stripes, judgments and chastisements. R3304:6

This has not been fulfilled yet. R5853:5

Abundance of peace – Because the King, the Lord's Anointed, rules in righteousness and princes decree justice. (Isa 32:1) R3114:1

so long as the moon endureth – The moon here refers to the New (Law) Covenant.
8 And he shall have dominion from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth. From sea to sea – While there is a work of grace now going on in the hearts of believers, a veritable Kingdom of God is yet to be established under the whole heavens. A282

Ends of the earth – Christ's Kingdom will be without an opponent. R4974:4, R1415:1

After every evil thing has been destroyed, every creature in heaven and in earth will be heard praising God. (Rev 5:13) R5183:2

"As truly as I live, the whole earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord." (Num 14:21) R1415:1

9 The dwellers in the desert shall bow before him, and his enemies shall lick the dust. In the wilderness – Beyond the pale of Christendom. R1415:1

And his enemies – Those who, after full knowledge, oppose the Kingdom and its laws. R1415:1

Wilful enemies--not the ones referred to by Jesus when he said, "Love your enemies." (Matt. 5:44) R1176:1

Shall lick the dust – Be destroyed. R1415:1, R1176:1

Signifying the destruction of Satan, symbolized by the serpent. "Dust shall be the serpent's meat. (Isa. 65:25) R5574:4

10 The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall render presents; the kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer tribute: And of the isles – Symbol of republics. R511:3[R511]

11 Yea, all kings shall bow down before him; all nations shall serve him. Yea, all kings – The prominent and influential among men. R1415:1[R1415]

12 For he will deliver the needy who crieth, and the afflicted, who hath no helper; Deliver the needy – By causing the general leveling of society. R1955:1

When he crieth – Pray, pleading our need. R5380:5*

13 He will have compassion on the poor and needy, and will save the souls of the needy:
14 He will redeem their souls from oppression and violence, and precious shall their blood be in his sight. Shall their blood – Their lives. R1415:4[R1415]

15 And he shall live; and to him shall be given of the gold of Sheba; and prayer shall be made for him continually: all the day shall he be blessed. He shall live – Receive all the blessings of everlasting life which God has made provision for through Messiah. R5706:4

Of the gold – Representing obedience. R3703:4

Have we laid at his feet our earthly substance, our gold? R3703:5

16 There shall be abundance of corn in the earth, upon the top of the mountains; the fruit thereof shall shake like Lebanon; and they of the city shall bloom like the herb of the earth. An handful of corn – An abundance of corn. R1415:4

Top of the mountains – As a blessing from the King. R1415:4

The fruit thereof – The fruitage of our Lord's death was the bringing forth of the Church. The dying of those grains is to bring forth the appointed crop. R4354:3

Like Lebanon – Like the trees of Lebanon. R1415:4

And they of the city – Those blessed by the Kingdom of God. R1415:4

17 His name shall endure for ever; his name shall be continued as long as the sun: and men shall bless themselves in him; all nations shall call him blessed. Endure for ever – Be as that of a son, continuing his father's name forever. R1415:4

As long as the sun – As the sun's brightness increases to noon, so shall the honor of the Messiah grow brighter and brighter as the mists and gloom of sin are driven away. R1415:4

Blessed in him – Blessed through him; it will be in and by the blood of the Lamb that this opportunity for cleansing shall come. R1415:4

Christ, Head and Body. R238:4*

All nations – Including the half -civilized and savage tribes. R1415:1

18 Blessed be Jehovah Elohim, the God of Israel, who alone doeth wondrous things! Doeth wondrous things – Whose wisdom alone devised the wondrous plan. R1415:5

19 And blessed be his glorious name for ever! and let the whole earth be filled with his glory! Amen, and Amen. With his glory --The whole earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord. B99

20 The prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended. Are ended – Summed up. R303:2*

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