Luke Chapter 9 [DARBY]

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1 And having called together the twelve, he gave them power and authority over all demons, and to heal diseases, His twelve disciples – His apostles; specially called and ordained, a class distinct and separate from other disciples. R1522:3

They were continually under his training, witnesses of his teachings, personal character, manner of life and miracles; the only ones invited to partake with him of the last Passover Supper; witnesses of the agonies of Gethsemane, his betrayal and arrest, his crucifixion, death, burial and the fact of his resurrection. R1522:3,4

Only "the eleven" were the chosen witnesses of the Lord's ascension. R1522:5

And gave them power – Not until they had received considerable instruction from him were they recognized in their office as apostles and fully empowered for their special work. R2261:1

Over all devils – Apparently there were great numbers possessed throughout the land of Israel. R2173:2

And to cure – At the expense of Jesus' vitality. R2636:1

Diseases – Illustrating our present privilege of opening deaf ears and blind eyes to the knowledge of the Lord's great plan. R2636:4

2 and sent them to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. He sent them – Some little time before sending the seventy, whom he probably sent in the last year of his ministry. R2674:1

Preach the kingdom – Not only was the kingdom the topic with which the Lord began his public ministry, but it was really the main topic of all his preaching, other subjects being mentioned merely in connection with, or in explanation of, this one subject. A273

The hope of every Israelite. A273

3 And he said to them, Take nothing for the way, neither staff, nor scrip, nor bread, nor money; nor to have two body-coats apiece. Said unto them – During our Lord's earthly ministry the work of the apostles differed nothing from that of the "seventy" (Compare Luke 10:17); yet they were more directly and continually under his training and were the chosen witnesses of every remarkable feature and event of his course. R1522:3

Take nothing – Not going as travelers, but rather as persons who were thoroughly at home, and who expected to find a home and the necessities of life wherever they went. R2261:5

Nor scrip – That is, no valise or satchel wherein to carry surplus. The apostles had something to give, but not to sell. R2261:5

4 And into whatsoever house ye enter, there abide and thence go forth. There abide – He sent them to a covenant people, whose duty it was to receive and entertain the messengers of the Lord. Their receiving or rejecting would be a test of their fidelity to God as his covenant people. R1988:2

The family would be blessed of the Lord because of the presence of his representatives. R2261:6

The messengers of present truth are not self-seekers, or money-gatherers, but merely accept, in exchange for the blessings which they confer, enough financial support to meet their expenses, economically. R2262:1

5 And as many as may not receive you, going forth from that city, shake off even the dust from your feet for a witness against them. Will not receive you – They were not to stay in any place where the Lord's blessing would not be appreciated. R2261:6

Shake off the very dust – Not as a vindictive expression of hatred, but rather as a symbolic act implying that they renounced all responsibility for what the consequences might be. R2262:4

6 And going forth they passed through the villages, announcing the glad tidings and healing everywhere. And they departed – Himself going also. R1754:2

And healing – Merely as foregleams of the blessings which, in fuller measure, would result from the inauguration of Messiah's Kingdom. R2261:5

7 And Herod the tetrarch heard of all the things which were done by him, and was in perplexity, because it was said by some that John was risen from among the dead,
8 and by some that Elias had appeared, and by others that one of the old prophets had risen again.
9 And Herod said, John *I* have beheaded, but who is this of whom I hear such things? and he sought to see him.

10 And the apostles having returned related to him whatever they had done. And he took them and withdrew apart into a desert place of a city called Bethsaida. When they were returned – The news of John's death and the possible effect of this sudden outburst of royal wrath seems to have brought them all together again to take counsel of the Lord. R1754:2

Told him all – Just so, the Lord would have all his disciples come to him for counsel, rest and refreshment. "He never asks of us such busy labor as finds no time for resting at his feet." R1754:3

Went aside privately – Probably in part for private meditation and conference with his disciples, who undoubtedly would be greatly agitated by the news of John's beheading, and needed his calming influence and assurance that Herod could have no power over them except such as might be permitted by the Father. R2435:2

Bethsaida – Just outside the boundary of Herod's dominion. R2435:3, 1754:3

11 But the crowds knowing it followed him; and he received them and spake to them of the kingdom of God, and cured those that had need of healing. He received them – He could not refrain from giving them his vitality in curing their ailments, and pouring in the oil and wine of truth, and satisfying their hungers and thirstings of heart with the good promise of the Kingdom, and finally providing them natural food; and such should be the spirit of all the Lord's followers. R2435:3

Our delight will be, not in self-gratification, but chiefly in "doing good to all men as we have opportunity, especially to the household of faith." (Gal. 6:10) R2435:5

He is today looking with sympathetic compassion upon the multitudes of so-called "Christendom" and beholds them, dissatisfied with the husks of human tradition and philosophy, hungering and thirsting after righteousness. R2436:1

12 But the day began to decline, and the twelve came and said to him, Send away the crowd that they may go into the villages around, and into the fields, and lodge and find victuals, for here we are in a desert place. And get victuals – The people themselves seem to have been so entranced with the good tidings that they entirely forgot their own necessities. R2435:5

13 And he said to them, Give *ye them to eat. And they said, We have not more than five loaves and two fishes, unless *we* should go and buy food for all this people; Give ye them to eat – It is remarkable that the Gospels do not parade our Lord's generosity and kindness, but content themselves with recording the simple facts. R2435:3

Seeing the dark night approaching, the Lord today instructs his disciples to supply them with something to eat--spiritual food, truths pertaining to the Kingdom, which will afford them some strength and encouragement in the time of trouble. R2436:1

We should be ready at any time to distribute our store of truth. It should be sufficient for us to know that someone present is hungering and thirsting after righteousness. R3333:5

And two fishes – The Lord takes our time and talents, little and unworthy as these are, and blesses them and uses them in his service, and accomplishes great things. R3780:5

Our Lord's miracles of feeding and healing were performed, not upon the consecrated disciples, but upon others. R1754:6

14 for they were about five thousand men. And he said to his disciples, Make them sit down in companies by fifties. Five thousand – The largeness of the company is accounted for by the fact that it was near the time of the Feast of the Passover, and according to custom large numbers of the religiously inclined were on their pilgrimage to Jerusalem. R2435:3

Men – Besides women and children. R1754:3

Yet at the time of his temptation he refused to miraculously appease his own hunger. F650

15 And they did so, and made them all sit down.
16 And taking the five loaves and the two fishes, looking up to heaven he blessed them, and broke and gave to the disciples to set before the crowd. And the two fishes – We offer no objection to those who claim better health as a result of a purely vegetable diet, but we do object to the claim of special sanctity on account of it. R3098:3

And looking up – It is incomprehensible how any consecrated Christian dare to neglect to render thanks for his daily food. R2643:6, 3780:6, 2644:2

He blessed them – The giving of thanks did indeed bring a blessing upon the food. R3780:6

To the disciples – Representing the Little Flock during the Millennial age. R3781:4

Though he could have fed the multitude without their help. R2644:4

Similarly, he could feed hungry spiritual Israelites with the harvest message without our aid, but is pleased to use us as disseminators of the truth. R2644:4

17 And they all ate and were filled; and there was taken up of what had remained over and above to them in fragments twelve hand-baskets. They did eat – The Lord's miracles of feeding and healing were performed, not upon his consecrated disciples, but upon others. His followers were covenanted to share with him in the work of sacrifice. R1754:6

Were all filled – Plainness and simplicity of food would not only be more healthful, but would leave much more time for the spiritual refreshment. R3781:1

The skeptics who deny this miracle cannot question but that this grain and these fishes could in due time, in the course of nature, have brought forth a harvest sufficient for the 5,000. R3333:2

There was taken up – A good supply for their future necessities. R2435:5

Of fragments – Those who receive of the Lord's bounty should be none the less appreciative of it, and careful in its use. R2435:6

We are not to waste spiritual privileges because they are God's free gifts. Rather, we are to prize every spiritual morsel and to gather up in store for future needs of ourselves and others. R2435:6

Not the fragments left by the multitude, but those broken by the Lord and not distributed. R3781:4

Twelve baskets – Haversacks, in which the twelve apostles carried their provision. R2435:5

So that none of God's provision for his people might be wasted. R3333:3

It was those who scattered to others who had their haversacks full in the end. Those who are most intent upon feeding others the Bread of Life are themselves most bountifully supplied. R3504:2

Our memories are our haversacks in which we are to gather up in store for ourselves and others every spiritual morsel. R2435:6

18 And it came to pass as he was praying alone, his disciples were with him, and he asked them saying, Who do the crowds say that I am?
19 But they answering said, John the baptist; but others, Elias; and others, that one of the old prophets has risen again.
20 And he said to them, But *ye*, who do ye say that I am? And Peter answering said, The Christ of God. Whom say ye – The teaching of Jesus was chiefly by induction. R5767:5

Peter – Probably the oldest of the disciples and their spokesman. R3339:6

The Christ of God – The word Christ or kristos is a Greek word, introduced into our English language, but not translated into it. Its translation is anointed. R270:2, 134:2

Jesus was always his name, but from the time of his baptism, when the holy Spirit descended upon him and anointed him as the High Priest, his title has been "The Anointed." R270:2, 134:2

Jesus was frequently called by this title instead of by his name; as English people most often speak of their sovereign as "the Queen," instead of calling her by her name. R270:2, 134:3

As Jesus was the "anointed one," we also, the Church of Christ, have the same anointing of the Spirit, as members of his Body. R134:3, 270:3

He indicated that Jesus was the son of God, not the son of Joseph. R5767:5

21 But, earnestly charging them, he enjoined them to say this to no man, Tell no man – The Lord preferred to give the people the evidences, rather than the assertions, of his Messiahship, and to let the logic of his mighty works lead them to the only reasonable conclusions. R1939:2

Because it might interfere with the divine program respecting his crucifixion, either hastening or hindering it. R3790:1

22 saying, The Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and the third day be raised up. Must suffer – Even with this forewarning, the faith of most of those who believed proved very superficial. They were swayed in judgment by the opposition of their leaders, and only a few stood firm in the midst of the trials following. R1939:3

Testings of faith and loyalty to God are as necessary to Jesus' followers as they were to himself--to develop and crystallize character. PD76:4/90

Consequently if any followed him from wrong motives, the trial coming would sweep them away. R1939:2

23 And he said to them all, If any one will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me; If any man – Already a disciple. R3235:6

If we turn aside from the path of humiliation and daily cross-bearing, and strive for present exaltation and preferment, we are forgetting the very conditions upon which the future exaltation depends. R1988:2

Will come after me – He had showed them how he must suffer, and that, if they would follow him and continue to be his disciples, they must do as he did. R1939:5

Will follow my example. Our Lord's life was an illustration. R3790:3, 5654:1, 4557:4

As sheep. R5654:1

Let him deny himself – Sacrifice himself, his personal interests and ambitions. R3846:4, 4557:4

Kill his will outright, not merely hack and mutilate it. This is not and must not be a cross. The desire to give up our will and accept God's will must be a pleasure, or God will take no joy in our service. "I delight to do thy will, O my God." (Psa. 40:8) R5654:1, 5719:2, 3237:1, 2; Q399:T

"If we be dead with him we shall also live with him." (2 Tim. 2:11) R2615:6

"Blest Savior, Thou knowest the weakness of man; With strength that thou givest, we answer, We can." R401:4*

Take up his cross – At the very beginning of our course we each found the cross confronting us. Had we not taken it up we would not have been accounted worthy even to look with intelligent appreciation into the precious truths of God's plan. R3103:6

Having counted the cost of discipleship. R3235:6, 3236:4

The trials, difficulties, disappointments, the crossing of the human will made necessary by the doing of God's will under present unfavorable conditions. R3236:4, 3237:3

Being sacrificed of earthly interests. Q399:T

As soon as we take hold of the cross and put forth our efforts, our Lord lifts the real weight of it. R3236:6, 5222:4

And follow me – Who has set an example, to live separate from the world, to live for God and the truth and for the blessing of fellowmen. SM383:2

The difference between the masses of nominal Christians and the true Christian is that the latter take the name Christian to mean followers of Christ, and not merely to mean respectable and moral people. NS263:2

This Kingdom class must all be footstep followers of Jesus. R4754:4

"Walk not after the flesh but after the spirit." (Rom. 8:4) R3237:5

24 for whosoever shall desire to save his life shall lose it, but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake, *he* shall save it. Lose his life for my sake – The Greek word is psuche, signifying existence or being. R248:6; E336

Our Lord's human life and restitution rights, applied "for us," give us by faith those rights, as a loan, on condition that we do not keep them, but follow his example and sacrifice them, that God might reward the sacrifice with the new, spirit nature. R4556:5

Only by sacrificing present interests and life itself can any now obtain eternal life. R4556:5, 1939:5

Loss of worldly and sectarian life is really gain. R508:5*

The same shall save it – Faithfulness to our covenant of sacrifice insures eternal life as spiritual beings, while the repudiation of it would surely forfeit that life. R1939:6

That we may be members of the Christ--the world's Prophet, Priest, King, Mediator. R4556:6

25 For what shall a man profit if he shall have gained the whole world, and have destroyed, or come under the penalty of the loss of himself?
26 For whosoever shall have been ashamed of me and of my words, of him will the Son of man be ashamed when he shall come in his glory, and in that of the Father, and of the holy angels. Be ashamed of me – Ashamed to confess themselves his followers; ashamed to own his "brethren," the members of his Body. E237; R3777:1, 3776:3

To know the Song of Moses and not to sing it, to understand the good tidings and not to proclaim them, would mean fear, shame or lack of zeal, any of which would be quite sufficient reasons for losing a knowledge of the Song. NS636:5

As of one unfit for the Kingdom--unfit to be entrusted with so great power, honor and glory, and with immortality. R4115:3

It is not a matter of favoritism, but of character-development. If they will not endure to the end, if they do not prove overcomers, they will not be fit for the Kingdom and association with their Lord. R5669:4

The Lord is still present in the world in the flesh--in the flesh of his consecrated members. The world is still ashamed of Christ. R3776:6

Love for the brethren means love for the Lord. "He that despiseth you despiseth me; he that rejected you rejecteth me and him that sent me." ( Luke 10:16) R3777:1

And of my words – Ashamed to confess the doctrines which he taught. E237; R5120:4

The Bible and the literature which expounds and illustrates it. The Lord puts his Word on a parity with himself--his representative. R3777:4, 3776:3, 2597:4, 2430:5

The teaching of the great Teacher and of his chosen twelve apostles is to be the kriterion or rule of judgment (Greek: krino) to his followers. R2430:5

Not addressing those who burn the Bible, or do not have one, or neglect to read it, or fail to take their texts from it, or quote it incorrectly, but those who in their hearts are ashamed of the Word of God, and give evidence of that shame by failing to take a stand in support of the truth. R3777:1

The Word of God is not merely the Bible, but it includes sermons, tracts, books, etc., in proportion as they contain and truly represent the message of God's dear Son. R3777:4

The Son of man – The seed of Adam, through Eve; the Son of the Man. E152, E153; R944:1

Be ashamed – Not fit for the Kingdom. R2966:5, 5669:4, 4967:6, 4115:3, 3777:1

One must not, cannot, keep silence nor put their light under a bushel. If they do, it means the extinguishment of their light and the stoppage of their growth. R2966:5

Will not own them as members of his Bride Class. R4967:6

When he makes up his jewels (Mal. 3:17) at his second coming. E237

When he shall come – In the Kingdom of God. C302

Of the holy angels – "The Lord cometh with ten thousand of his saints." (Jude 14) C302

"The Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels [the saints, his holy messengers] with him." (Matt. 25:31) C302

27 But I say unto you of a truth, There are some of those standing here who shall not taste death until they shall have seen the kingdom of God. See the kingdom – A prophecy which received almost immediate fulfillment. R1761:1

Little did the disciples imagine that our Lord's statement would be fulfilled within six days to Peter, James and John in the Mount of Transfiguration. R2288:3

He did not explain to them whether they would see the Kingdom in reality established in eight days, or whether they would see a vision of the Kingdom. R3793:2

Showing clearly that the transfiguration vision, eight days later, was intended to be a foreshadowing of the glories and honors of the Kingdom in some sense of the word. R3793:5

A vision of it, as explained in next nine verses. R3790:5, 1939:6, 1761:1

28 And it came to pass after these words, about eight days, that taking Peter and John and James he went up into a mountain to pray. About an eight days – Six days later; the eight counts the one in which this was uttered and the one in which it was fulfilled. R2659:1

Peter and John and James – The Lord showed distinctly his appreciation of the warm, ardent temperament of these three in the fact that they were his closest companions. F135

The three most advanced of the Lord's followers. So since then, it is the most advanced followers, the most humble, zealous and faithful, who are granted the clearest perceptions of the Kingdom, to reveal to others of the elect Little Flock. R3794:2, 2659:1

If we would be closest to the Master and most frequently privileged to have fellowship with him, we should have a similar earnest and zealous spirit. R2289:3

The three favorite disciples who accompanied the Lord on this occasion and had also done so on several other occasions. R2289:2

Representatives of the twelve. R3793:6

Into a mountain – Presumably Mount Hermon. R3793:2

Type of the Kingdom. A318

To pray – From a comparison of the accounts some have surmised that possibly the Lord and the apostles remained in the mountain all night, as Jesus sometimes did. R3793:2

29 And as he prayed the fashion of his countenance became different and his raiment white and effulgent. As he prayed – The "vision" came in answer to the Lord's prayer. R1761:4

So all those who seek God in prayer may, to a large extent, with the eye of faith realize this same blessed vision of the Kingdom. R2660:1

Countenance was altered – Not changed actually. The change from human to divine began at his baptism, but did not actually occur until three days after Calvary, when he was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father. R3793:6, 2659:5

White and glistering – Radiant like the sun, as in Rev. 1:14-16. R3794:4

After the manner of angels, the vision thus representing the Lord after having experienced his resurrection change from earthly to heavenly conditions. R5121:2

Representing him as no longer the man Christ Jesus, but the risen, glorified, Son of the Highest. R2659:4

Representing the "Glory to follow" (1 Pet. 1:11), when the sufferings are all complete. B20; R1761:2

30 And lo, two men talked with him, who were Moses and Elias, There talked – Probably while the disciples were asleep and, therefore, specially for his own comfort. R1761:4

With him – The central figure of the vision was Jesus himself. Moses and Elias were merely accessories to fill out the picture. R3793:5

The object of the "vision" was probably two-fold: for the comfort and strengthening of the Lord; and for the enlightenment of his chosen witnesses. R1761:4

Moses and Elias – They appeared to be present, but they were not actually present, because it was merely a "vision." R2659:5, 2288:3, 1761:2

Moses represented the faithful of natural Israel, the "house of servants," and Elijah represented The Christ in the flesh, the "house of sons." The glorified one stood between the Moses class, called previously, and the Elijah class, which had just begun to be called. R5121:5, 3794:3, 2659:4, 2289:1, 1761:2

Representing the Law and the Prophets. Moses spoke of the sufferings of Christ in all the arrangements of the Law, its sacrifices, etc., and the prophets declare not only the coming glories, but also the sufferings which must precede them. R2659:3

These two, like Jesus, had each fasted forty days: thus, representatively, they were one with the Lord in a remarkable devotion to the heavenly Father--in the practice of self-denial. R3794:3

A figure of Moses, representing the Ancient Worthies. F677; B20; R3794:3,4, 2659:4, 2289:1

A figure of Moses, representing the earthly phase of the Kingdom. R1761:2, 2289:2

A figure of Moses, representing the Mosaic or Law dispensation. B255; R5772:4, 3794:3

Jesus and the Church, spiritual Israel, their spiritual resurrection shown by Moses' hidden grave. R4054:4; D629

A figure of Elijah, representing the Gospel age Church. R3794:3; F677; B20, B252; R2659:4, 2289:1

A figure of Elijah, representing a united work of Christ and the Church. B255

A figure of Elijah, representing the spiritual or heavenly phase of the Kingdom. A288; R1761:2

A figure of Elijah, representing the Gospel or Christian dispensation. B255; R5772:4

31 who, appearing in glory, spoke of his departure which he was about to accomplish in Jerusalem. Appeared in glory – It was only an appearance, because Christ was the firstborn from the dead, and neither Moses nor Elias is as yet "made perfect." (Heb. 11:40) R2659:5, 1761:2; Q761:3; F676

A picture of the glory of the Kingdom. R2659:2

Radiant, but less so than Jesus. R5121:2

Spake of his decease – Intended for the ears of the disciples to convince them that the matters which should occur before long on Mount Calvary would all be features of the divine plan. R2659:3

Intending to assure the apostles respecting the certainty of the Kingdom, notwithstanding the apparent failure of all Kingdom hopes in our Lord's crucifixion. R2659:2

Drawing their minds gradually to a realization that his death would not mean a repudiation of the promise of the Kingdom and its glory. R5121:1

There could have been no Kingdom glory without the redemptive work. But this vision portrays the Kingdom glories which will ultimately result from our Lord's death. R2289:1

Not only the ancient ones trusted in a sacrifice to come, but the Gospel Church trusts in the sacrifice already accomplished for her, and there is a full communion of fellowship between the two. R3794:4

Illustrating how the death of Christ was fully attested beforehand. Moses spoke of it in the sacrifices of the Law, and all the Prophets declared it and the coming glories. ( Luke 24:25-27) R2659:3

32 But Peter and those with him were oppressed with sleep: but having fully awoke up they saw his glory, and the two men who stood with him. Peter and they – In this tableau, the three disciples formed no part. They were merely witnesses. R2288:6

They saw – So far as the apostles were concerned, what they saw was so actual, so real, that they supposed the whole matter actual. Our assurance that the transfiguration was a vision is in our Lord's words, "Tell the vision to no man." (Matt. 17:9) R3793:3, 1761:1

A vision was just as useful to the purpose as a reality could have been. R2659:5

In this vision, as in all visions, the unreal appears real. R2288:3

His glory – The "vision" was a vivid and refreshing symbolic view of the Kingdom, but without the "sure word of prophecy" (2 Pet. 1:19), it would have been unintelligible. R1761:4

33 And it came to pass as they departed from him, Peter said to Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here; and let us make three tabernacles, one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias: not knowing what he said. Make three tabernacles – Evidently thinking that the Master would be rejoiced at such blessed fellowship, and willing to do anything for his aid. R5121:2

We cannot build tabernacles on the mountain heights of faith and hope, and expect to dwell there in enraptured vision always. We must remember that the duties and trials of present experiences in conflict with sin and self and the Adversary are essential to our development and part of our covenant. R2660:1,4

How many there are who, Peter-like, want to be doing something, want to be rearing earthly tabernacles. All about us we see the disposition to rear costly temples of an earthly kind to the Lord, and a neglect of the vision in its real meaning. R3795:1

Not knowing what he said – He was bewildered and confused, but in harmony with his natural temperament, he wished to say something. R2289:3

Peter's rash expression found a reproof in the voice from heaven which said, "Hear ye him." And fear fell upon the disciples. R2289:4

34 But as he was saying these things, there came a cloud and overshadowed them, and they feared as they entered into the cloud: There came a cloud – A misty cloud of light, saying to the apostles and to us, that glory will, in a considerable measure, be obscured for a time, so that you will see your Lord only with the eye of faith; though more or less cloudy, the cloud will nevertheless be bright unto those who look unto him. R2659:6

Representing the darkness and trouble which would be permitted to come upon the Lord's followers in the midst of all the trials of the dark days that were coming upon them in connection with Jesus' rejection by the Jews. R3794:5

And they feared – Overpowered by the brilliancy of the vision; so we, in our weak and imperfect conditions, sometimes find it difficult to grasp the glorious things which God hath set before us. R3794:6

Not only is the fear of the Lord valuable as a beginning of true wisdom, but it is valuable all our journey through. R2289:4

The fear which we are to lose entirely is the "fear of man which bringeth a snare." (Prov. 29:25) He who loses the fear of God and of losing the great prize is in a very dangerous position. He is likely to become self-conscious and self-satisfied. R2289:5

One account shows that it was necessary for the Lord to touch the apostles, saying, "Arise, and be not afraid." (Matt. 17:7) R3793:3

Representing our fears lest we should fail in the great undertaking. R3794:6

35 and there was a voice out of the cloud saying, *This* is my beloved Son: hear him. There came a voice – The voice of God. R2659:6

"This voice which came from heaven we heard when we were with him in the holy mount. (2 Pet. 1:18) B255; R5121:1, 4649:3, 1761:1

This is my beloved Son – Their faith was corroborated; God himself had testified in this miraculous manner that Jesus was his Son. R5121:3

At his birth the heavenly messengers announced him; at his baptism the heavenly voice declared him the acceptable Son of God, and here it is reiterated. R1761:5

Jesus was the first Son of God after Adam; and since our Lord's time, the Church have been called sons of God. (1 John 3:2) R5623:5

Hear him – The voice seemed to say, Be still! hearken rather to the words of my beloved Son. Not a few need to learn the lesson of quietness --to hear and learn, be taught of God. R2289:3

Hear and obey his word. All through the Gospel age, we will have great need to continually hearken to the Word of the Lord. R2659:6

We have taken the first step of belief; we have taken the second step of response, and agreed to do these things; the important question with each of us, therefore, must be--Am I obedient? R3163:6

Continually hearken to the Word of the Lord, the very essence of wisdom and righteousness. R2659:6, 3163:6

"My sheep hear my voice." (John 10:27) R3346:5

"Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak." (James 1:19) R2289:4

36 And as the voice was heard Jesus was found alone: and *they* kept silence, and told no one in those days any of the things they had seen. Was found alone – Only Jesus with them, no longer with radiant appearance. R5121:2, 4649:3, 1761:5

The vision, the voice and the cloud had all passed away, while the lessons of that solemn hour remained to gain a yet broader significance after Pentecost. R1761:5

Which they had seen – A symbolic representation of the glory of Christ's Millennial Kingdom. R1761:1

37 And it came to pass on the following day, when they came down from the mountain, a great crowd met him.
38 And lo, a man from the crowd cried out saying, Teacher, I beseech thee look upon my son, for he is mine only child:
39 and behold, a spirit takes him, and suddenly he cries out, and it tears him with foaming, and with difficulty departs from him after crushing him.
40 And I besought thy disciples that they might cast him out, and they could not.
41 And Jesus answering said, O unbelieving and perverted generation, how long shall I be with you and suffer you? Bring hither thy son.
42 But as he was yet coming, the demon tore him and dragged him all together. And Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, and healed the child and gave him back to his father.
43 And all were astonished at the glorious greatness of God. And as all wondered at all the things which Jesus did, he said to his disciples,
44 Do *ye* let these words sink into your ears. For the Son of man is about to be delivered into men's hands.
45 But they understood not this saying, and it was hid from them that they should not perceive it. And they feared to ask him concerning this saying.

46 And a reasoning came in amongst them, who should be the greatest of them. Should be greatest – A question naturally suggested by the Lord's selection of the three to witness the experiences on the Mount of Transfiguration. R1766:2

While the humility of the Lord's apostles is very marked in their subsequent career, in the beginning of their course they were all to some extent influenced by old ideas which it was the object of Christ's teaching gradually to eradicate. R1766:2

To aspire to advancement for self-glory or self-gratification, to desire personal preferment above others, is contrary to the spirit of God's plan, which is love. R875:4*

It would be the very height of presumption on the part of any human being, as it was on the part of Satan, to aspire to the divine nature if we were not invited to that position by God himself. R875:2*

We have no intimation that either Jesus, or any of the angels that kept their first estate, ever aspired to anything beyond that sphere to which divine wisdom had appointed them. R875:1*

It was to ambition that Satan tempted Eve, saying, "God doth know that in the day that ye eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods." (Gen. 3:5) R875:1* 9:47

47 And Jesus, seeing the reasoning of their heart, having taken a little child set it by him, And Jesus – Avoiding personalities, as it is always best to do wherever possible. R3796:2

Took a child – The special characteristics of a little child are: simplicity of heart, meekness, truthfulness, freedom from ambition and rivalry, faith, confiding trust, love, obedience, teachableness, indifference to social distinctions and popular opinions, guilelessness. R1766:6, 3796:4

48 and said to them, Whosoever shall receive this little child in my name receives me, and whosoever shall receive me receives him that sent me. For he who is the least among you all, *he* is great. And said unto them – His manner is impressive and solemn, as though he would say, I want you to take this lesson to heart and ponder it well. R1766:6

Receive this child – Recognize, and show kindness to the least and humblest of God's children. R1767:4

If we would be pleasing to God, we must have the spirit of a little child with regard to others--an unselfish, guileless spirit, full of love and without hypocrisy. R875:4*

Receiving such disciples as have this childlike character. R3797:2

In my name – Because he is mine. R1767:4

He that is least – Not only a warning to the individual seeking preferment in the Church, but also an instruction to the Church to accept as its honored servants only such as he describes. R875:4*

Jesus was a perfect illustration of humbling himself; first, to become a man; and then when a man, to become obedient unto death. R875:1*

Shall be great – Not by any arbitrary law of retribution, but on the philosophical principle that humility leads to greatness. R1767:2

Will be most honored. Humility and child-likeness among the brethren now should be considered a mark of true greatness. R3796:5

49 And John answering said, Master, we saw some one casting out demons in thy name, and we forbad him, because he follows not with us. We forbad him – This one forbidden by John would correspond well with some now holding meetings other than those which we attend. R5501:3

Followeth not with us – In the school of Christ there are various classes. Their exercise and instruction is under the direction of the principal teacher, Christ, who will lead each class as it may be able and willing to advance. R226:3

50 And Jesus said to him, Forbid him not, for he that is not against you is for you. Forbid him not – Conscience is always to be respected, never to be throttled or violated. Nor is any one who stands faithful to his conscience to be disesteemed therefor by his brethren, even if their consciences view the matter differently. R5501:6

Where brethren find it advantageous to meet in different classes, it will usually be found, we believe, that originally too great restraint of personal liberty was exercised, and that the majority were too careless of the sentiments of the brethren constituting the minority. R5502:1

It is for the Lord to bless them or not to bless them, according to his wisdom. R5501:3

Is for us – We should love and wish Godspeed to all who love the Lord and manifest his Spirit, whether they associate with us or not. R3747:1

51 And it came to pass when the days of his receiving up were fulfilled, that *he* stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem. Steadfastly set his face – He knew his hour was come, that his sacrificial life of three and a half years should be accomplished. He was full of courage. "But of the people there were none with him" in the sense of sympathetic appreciation of the conditions. (Isa. 63:3) R4701:3

52 And he sent messengers before his face. And having gone they entered into a village of the Samaritans that they might make ready for him. Of the Samaritans – Of mixed blood, Jewish and Gentile. They were counted by the Jews as though they were Gentiles; hence "the Jews had no dealings with the Samaritans." (John 4:9) R2960:3

Could not receive special blessings until the seventy weeks of favor to the Jews was ended. R4132:3

To make ready – Another account intimates that James and John visited the Samaritan city for the purchase of bread and supplies. R4701:3

53 And they did not receive him, because his face was turned as going to Jerusalem. Did not receive him – Or permit him to pass through their city on his journey. R2574:2

In contrast with the Samaritan city of Sychar, where he was received and stayed for two days. (John 4:19-29) R4132:2

Refused to sell the disciples food. R4132:3, 5698:6, 4540:4, 2960:3; CR480:3

Would go to Jerusalem – Would the Great Teacher recognize them and heal their sickness, or would he treat them as Jews generally treated them--unkindly? They believed the latter. R4701:6

54 And his disciples James and John seeing it said, Lord, wilt thou that we speak that fire come down from heaven and consume them, as also Elias did? And John – Nevertheless this earnest, active disciple was specially loved of the Master, and doubtless he himself was very loving. NS818:1

We command fire – Said in their zeal, but not according to knowledge. R2289:2

Let the brethren of exuberant and effervescent disposition learn the moderation which the Apostle commanded. F135

In comparison with eternal torture, this proposal of burning up the city, and incidentally burning them for a few minutes, would be as nothing. R4702:1; NS839:1

So there are some today who are ready to quarrel on every occasion. Although this tendency does not prove that they are not children of the Lord, nevertheless it demonstrates that they are not in the right attitude and that improvement is necessary. R5699:1

Reminiscent of the translators who translate John 5:28,29 as the "resurrection of damnation," instead of "judgment." NS315:4

An illustration of what an impulsive temperament may lead to; yet these were specially close to the Lord in the Mount of Transfiguration, at the raising of Jairus' daughter, and in Gethsemane's garden. F135

The same delusion caused men to be burned at the stake, and put through torture, in the name of Jesus. CR480:3

55 But turning he rebuked them and said, Ye know not of what spirit ye are. What manner of spirit – They had not yet realized what is the spirit of a true disciple. It was therefore no wonder that they did things contrary to the Lord's spirit. CR495:2; OV433:4

They had a vengeful spirit, contrary to the loving kindness and tender mercy of God who planned the salvation of mankind. CR480:4

56 And they went to another village. Destroy men's lives – Greek, psuche, souls, beings. E336

"For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world." (John 3:17) A255

A guide for all the Lord's followers for today, as well as before. We are not to render evil for evil or slander for slander; but, contrariwise, to speak kindly, lovingly and generously of those who say all manner of evil against us falsely for Christ's sake. R4540:4

God's work in Christ was not to sacrifice the world, but to save it. R539:1*

But to save them – Jesus had the Father's spirit; his teaching was sympathetic, loving, kind. R4702:1

Thank God for the coming Kingdom and its righteous judgments and assistances. R3320:5

Nevertheless, we remember that Jesus would not perform miracles in healing the Samaritan sick, and that it was for this reason that the Samaritans resented and would not receive him. R2574:2

The first work of the Savior is the redemptive work of Calvary. His second work is the selection of his Church to be joint-heirs in the Kingdom. His third work will be the saving of Adam and all his race from sin and death. R4702:4

57 And it came to pass as they went in the way, one said to him, I will follow thee wheresoever thou goest, Lord. I will follow thee – Evidently with the thought that one so gifted and so well supplied with the necessities of life must be wealthy. R5370:6

58 And Jesus said to him, The foxes have holes and the birds of the heaven roosting-places, but the Son of man has not where he may lay his head. Hath not where – That is to say, Are you willing, if need be, to be thus homeless and comfortless that thereby you may render greater service to our Heavenly Father? R540:3*

Apparently his ardor was cooled when Jesus informed him that he had no property. None but the very sincere would likely be attracted to follow a leader under such circumstances. Wealth attracts many, poverty few. R5370:6

59 And he said to another, Follow me. But he said, Lord, allow me to go first and bury my father. Suffer me first – As honey was forbidden in sacrifice, so whatever is sweet to nature must be disowned, if we would walk after the example of Christ, who pleased not himself. R84:6*

Bury my father – After my father's death I will come and be one of your disciples. While the old gentlemen lives I had better stay with him, but after he is dead I will become one of your disciples. Q217:1

60 But Jesus said to him, Suffer the dead to bury their own dead, but do *thou* go and announce the kingdom of God. Let the dead – The whole world is already dead from the divine standpoint. R5371:1; Q287:4

His father, not being united to the Life-giver, and still therefore under the curse of death as the wages of sin, would find plenty of others similarly dead in Adam to perform the necessary services down to the very last. HG357:4

"The hour is coming and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God." (John 5:25) R2435:1

Bury their dead – Not that our Lord required the disciple to absent himself from the funeral of his own father; but the young man probably thought to leave the Lord's service and serve his father until his death. In doing this, other business or pleasure would crowd upon him, and he might never return to the higher service. R1987:1

There are plenty in the world who can attend to the earthly things; few who can attend to the greater and more important work of proclaiming the Kingdom and gathering the Kingdom class. R5371:1

But go thou – The young man should consider himself as figuratively risen from the dead, as no longer one of those dead in trespasses and sins. HG357:4

As one figuratively risen from the dead and alive through faith in Christ, and hoping to have that life perfected in the First Resurrection, should live and act in all the affairs of life from this new standpoint. HG357:4

Preach the kingdom – The sum and substance of the Gospel theme. R1579:3, 1351:3, 702:2*

Most of God's people grasp earthly reforms and push them, instead of prosecuting the work for the promised but deferred and unseen Kingdom. R1227:5

Jesus' reply shows the importance he attaches to every service we can render in the Father's cause. R5371:1

The present embryo Kingdom in its humiliation, and the Kingdom to be established in power and glory. R1579:3

61 And another also said, I will follow thee, Lord, but first allow me to bid adieu to those at my house. Bid them farewell – Spend a little time with them. R5371:2

62 But Jesus said to him, No one having laid his hand on the plough and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God. And Jesus said – It was not heartlessness on Jesus' part that suggested this answer. R5371:2

Having put – We should make up our mind to use all of our powers, or else stand aside. R5422:5

Hand to the plough – The Lord counsels those who would come to him to "first count the cost." ( Luke 14:28) R854:3, 5223:2, 2081:4*; SM390:1

The consecration, the covenant, the promise, will avail nothing if we prove unfaithful to it. R2154:5

And looking back – Through fear that the Lord is abandoning him in trial, or through unwillingness to longer submit to polishing. R2405:2

It would be better not to take up the cross unless we have the determination to go on unto the end. R5223:2

We are to have no thought of turning back. SM347:T; R1775:4

"If any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him." (Heb. 10:38) R1775:4, R2081:4*

"Remember Lot's wife." ( Luke 17:32) C194

Preferring the world. R854:3

Holding back the word of truth. R3211:2

"Better is it that thou shouldest not vow, than that thou shouldest vow and not pay." (Eccles. 5:5) R2154:5

Regretting your consecration, and desiring to be excused from faithful service as the Lord's steward. R819:3

Looking back regretfully, desiring to abandon the plow, and really doing it. NS746:1

In the sense of declining to go forward, in harmony with the consecration of their lives, unto death. NS746:1

Do not think of reconsidering the question of consecration now. R935:5*

"Sit down first and count the cost," before you undertake such a consecration of your life, such a sacrifice of your earthly interests. ( Luke 14:28) SM390:1; R5223:2

Day by day, week by week, month by month, we are to carry out the terms of our covenant. We are to have no thought of turning back. SM347:T

To look back is one step, and a long one, towards ignoring and breaking our covenant. It is the first step in unrighteousness, and if not quickly retraced, it will sooner or later lead to darkness and apostasy. R947:1

To even look back longingly at the things of the present time, to even in their hearts rue the sacrifice which they had made, would mean that they would be unworthy of a place in the Kingdom. NS308:4

Looking back at the things behind prepares the way for turning back, and makes onward progress in the narrow way more and more difficult, and finally impossible. R955:5*

It is not enough that we have consecrated ourselves to God as living sacrifices; that we have covenanted to follow in the footsteps of Jesus; for the consecration and covenant will avail nothing if we prove unfaithful to them. R2154:5

"If any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him." The Apostle Paul shows that some, at least, will draw back unto perdition, destruction. (Heb. 10:38,39) R2081:4*

However difficult and thorny the path may be, forget not the privilege of walking in it. We may not repine and wish it otherwise. R1263:4

When, in answer to our inquiring prayer, "What lack I yet?", the Lord applies some test to prove our standing before him, let us bravely determine that, by his grace, we will not draw back. R1775:4

This class must be thoroughly imbued with a zeal for God and for righteousness, else they will not be persevering enough, nor zealous enough, to fight the good fight of faith, and overcome. R3236:1

Many not only are looking back and making special provisions for the social amenities of life, but additionally are plunging into many of the luxuries, pleasures and frivolities of the world. R5371:2

Is fit – There is one certain standard of fitness for the Kingdom; but there may be quite a variety of conditions which make one unfit for the Kingdom. (Article describes three--murder, drunkenness and pride--in detail). NS745:2

Not fit to be of the Bride class, whatever else they may be fit for. R3211:2, 819:6; SM390:1

It would unfit you for the world, and you would not be fit for the Kingdom of heaven. R854:3

It would be better not to take up the cross unless we have the determination to go on unto the end. R5223:2

We may require much more trimming on some sides of our characters than on others. The disposition often is to "draw back," to be not fully submissive. But to draw back would leave us unfit for the Kingdom. R2405:2

To be fit, such must have a zeal for righteousness, a conception of what God has in reservation, and an appreciation of Kingdom privileges. R3236:1

Must be absorbed with interest in the Kingdom blessings and in conferring blessings upon others. R5371:4

Only the saints are fit. R3507:1

Fit for a place with himself in that glorious Messianic empire. R5371:4

The kingdom of God – Not the Millennial reign, nor the perfect Kingdom as it will be turned over to the Father at the end of the Millennium, but the Church class, now called of the Father to be the "Kingdom," in the sense of being the kings and priests of that Kingdom. NS744:3

Our Lord could not refer to the Millennial Kingdom, because that Kingdom is designed for the very purpose of dealing with the unfit and gradually uplifting them out of sin and death conditions. NS744:4

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