Luke Chapter 12 [DARBY]

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1 In those times, the myriads of the crowd being gathered together, so that they trod one on another, he began to say to his disciples first, Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy; The leaven – Symbol of an evil influence; the hypocrisies of the Pharisees were impurities, contaminating in their influence. R5390:2

Of the Pharisees – The false doctrines and corrupt influences proceeding from the scribes and Pharisees. R2635:1, 1670:6

The learned people of that time. R5390:2

2 but there is nothing covered up which shall not be revealed, nor secret that shall not be known; Is nothing covered – This prophecy is as true in the judgment of nations as of individuals. D541

Be revealed – Greek, apokalupto, uncovered, unveiled. R2979:3, 2

A testimony dreaded but disbelieved by unjust stewards of wealth and power. C20

When the power of the resurrection shall be exercised, all the hidden things of darkness shall be abolished. R5390:2

A feature of retribution upon the world during its Millennial trial will be the publicity which will then be given to the deeds of the past. This will come about in a natural way when all that are in their graves shall come forth: the murderer and his victim, the debtor and his creditor, the thief and his dupe, the defamer and the defamed. R1655:1

This judgment, in the case of the Lord's consecrated people, culminates with the present life; in the case of the world, it will culminate in the age to come. R2058:5*

"The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good." (Prov. 15:3) R1653:3

Neither hid – Not only the hidden things of creeds and systems of iniquity, but also the hidden things of individual character. R1362:4

Be known – The secrets of mankind will be exposed, no doubt constituting the basis of the shame and contempt which will be the punishment of many. (Dan. 12:2) R5390:2

All hypocrisies, sins and secrets will be exposed. R5390:2

Our words and works should be such as need not to be covered. R5390:2

3 therefore whatever ye have said in the darkness shall be heard in the light, and what ye have spoken in the ear in chambers shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. Heard in the light – Today we see that many real exhibitions of vice, immorality and wrong-doing are brought to light. Q579:4

4 But I say to you, my friends, Fear not those who kill the body and after this have no more that they can do. My friends – Those who believe in a future existence secured through Jesus, the life-giver. R581:1

Be not afraid – Honesty of life would bring persecution from the hypocrites, but they should not fear even though the persecution resulted in their death. The present life is but ephemeral, at best. R5390:3

Kill the body – The killing of the body represents the loss of the present measure of life. R581:1

Revived souls will have new bodies (spiritual or natural), and these none will have liberty to kill. R2602:4

No more that they can do – Nothing they can do will affect our future being. R2602:4; OV169:3

5 But I will shew you whom ye shall fear: Fear him who after he has killed has authority to cast into hell; yea, I say to you, Fear *him*. Fear him – Be fearful of anything that would separate from God and his gracious provision of a future life. R5390:3

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, and a reverential fear is always proper. R5390:3

To lose fear of God, in the sense of losing fear of his displeasure, would be a most serious loss, as it would probably cost us our eternal life. R2289:6

After he hath killed – And brought again from death. R527:5*

Cast into hell – God alone has power to destroy utterly--soul and body. Fear him who is able to destroy in Gehenna, the second death, both the present dying existence and all hope of future existence. R2602:4, 581:1; OV169:3

Gehenna in the Greek; primarily a valley outside Jerusalem where offal was cast for utter destruction, a type of the second death. R5390:3, 2601:2

This is the "fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries" (eat up opposition). (Heb. 10:27) R527:5*

Jesus used it as a type of the second death, the portion of the willfully, intelligently and deliberately sinful. R5390:3

No living thing was ever to be cast into Gehenna; the Jews were not allowed to torture any creature. R2601:2

The life that is worth considering is the everlasting one which God has provided for all the willing and obedient. R5390:3

6 Are not five sparrows sold for two assaria? and one of them is not forgotten before God.
7 But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore, ye are better than many sparrows. The very hairs – Everything he permits to come to his people he assures them will work out for some blessing. R5390:5

Are all numbered – You may not suffer injury without his knowledge or consent. HG294:6

Fear not therefore – These are to realize their heavenly Father's care for them and his wisdom. R5390:5

Many sparrows – Our smallest interest is not overlooked. R1906:4

As he forgets not the sparrows, so he will not forget us. R5390:5

8 But I say to you, Whosoever shall confess me before men, the Son of man will confess him also before the angels of God; Confess me – Not merely by baptism, but in the life, conduct and words of his followers. They are to have his spirit. R5390:5

Whoever confesses Jesus, confesses the Father who sent him. R5390:5

Before the angels – Ultimately be acknowledged in the resurrection as members of the Bride of Christ. R5390:5

9 but he that shall have denied me before men shall be denied before the angels of God; Denieth me – Whoever makes a profession of being a disciple and then ignores the Master's teachings, misrepresents, slanders and denies him, and will not share in the bride. R5390:5

Denied before the angels – Not acknowledged as disciples in glory. R5390:5

10 and whoever shall say a word against the Son of man it shall be forgiven him; but to him that speaks injuriously against the Holy Spirit it shall not be forgiven. Against the Holy Spirit – When some declared that his good works of the holy Spirit were accomplished through the power of Satan, Beelzebub, they were committing inexcusable sins that would not be passed over. R5390:6

The responsibility of each individual is proportionate to his enlightenment. The mentally and morally blind have comparatively little responsibility. It is the spirit-begotten disciples of Jesus that are in danger of grieving the holy Spirit. R5390:6

Maliciously attributing to an evil source what cannot be denied as a good work, free from sin, selfishness and ambition. E271

The world in general knows not God, and hence could not sin against the holy Spirit. R5391:1

Not be forgiven – If the punishment would bring reformation, well and good; but if not, it would eventuate in utter destruction, the second death. R5390:6

11 But when they bring you before the synagogues and rulers and the authorities, be not careful how or what ye shall answer, or what ye shall say; Take ye no thought – They need not anxiously premeditate what their answers would be, but commit all to the Lord, expecting divine assistance. R5391:4

Nothing here implies that the ministers of Christ should attempt to represent the Lord in the pulpit or class meetings without studying their subject. There is a difference between standing before a congregation of God's people as a mouthpiece of his Word and being called before magistrates. R5391:5

12 for the Holy Spirit shall teach you in the hour itself what should be said. Teach you – They would have wisdom superior to that which was naturally theirs. R5391:4

13 And a person said to him out of the crowd, Teacher, speak to my brother to divide the inheritance with me. One of the company – The case would have been different had the two brothers come together, and, indicating that they wished to do right, requested his judgment of what would have been the right course. R2685:2

Seeing in the teachings of Christ only that which he thought might be used to further his own selfish interests. R2685:1

Speak to my brother – Tell him that he ought to deal generously, and perhaps threaten him if he failed to do so. R2685:1

That he divide – Perhaps finding that, through some technicality, he could not obtain what he considered to be his just rights under Jewish Law. R2685:1

Many there are who see just this much and no more in the teachings of Christ--a channel through which to serve their own interests, a means of securing justice to themselves. R2685:1

He had undoubtedly appealed to his brother and to Jewish authorities for the relief which he thought he ought to have. Similarly it is proper for a Christian to appeal to the person and the laws of the land; but if he fails, he should content himself. R2695:3

Coveting what his father had really intended should go to his brother, and hence asking something outside of his legal rights. Jesus' refusal to intervene implies that the estate properly belonged to the brother. R5396:1, 2685:6

14 But he said to him, Man, who established me as a judge or a divider over you? Who made me a judge – Jesus is not the Judge or divider of earthly things now. That will be the work of the Millennium. R2130:5*

Too many are disposed to be busybodies in other men's matters, and overlook the fact that their commission of the Lord is to preach the Gospel. R5396:1

As our Lord was not willing to impose himself as a judge or an arbitrator in his day, so his followers now should not seek to interfere in secular affairs. R2685:2

Jesus had another work to do, so have his followers: the preparation for the glorious Messianic Kingdom. R5396:1

A divider over you – Or, an arbiter. R2685:1

Society has provided certain rules, laws and regulations. Whatever these laws will not accord us we should drop. R5396:1

15 And he said to them, Take heed and keep yourselves from all covetousness, for it is not because a man is in abundance that his life is in his possessions. Beware of covetousness – Implying that the estate properly belonged to the brother, and that the one addressing Jesus desired more than his legal rights. R5396:1, 2685:6

If he were asking for what was only reasonably his due, our Lord's words would show that whether or not he got all of his rights in the present life would be a comparatively unimportant matter. R2685:6

As a rule, quarrels in the family and in the church arise from selfishness and covetousness. R3939:6

To covent the whole trade and to attempt sharp practices in business, selling commodities at below cost, interfering with another's bank credit, slandering another would be covetousness in action. R4741:6

The tendency of our time, with its increase of knowledge and independence, is to look only at the side of questions closest to self-interest, and to fail to appreciate the opposite side. D273

Illustrated in the covetous choice of Lot whose eyes, opened in Egypt to the luxuries of life, when he made a choice for a home separate from Abraham, chose that which most nearly paralleled the richness of Egypt. R3939:3

One of the most crying evils of our day. R4742:4

We should be content with such things as we have. R5396:1

Our Lord's words would also be a lesson to the older brother, if he were seeking to defraud or was covetously ungenerous. R2685:6

Consisteth not – The basis of happiness is measured by the soul's relationship to God and hope in him. R5396:1

In the abundance – Undoubtedly poverty is a greater aid to discipleship than is wealth. The cost of discipleship is the surrender of every earthly ambition to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. The rich are disadvantaged because theirs would be the greater sacrifice, and because wealth preserves them from many trials. R5004:2

A man may be miserable while rolling in wealth, or be happy in comparative poverty. R5396:1

Which he possesseth – Their time and attention are all engrossed and their interest absorbed in the accumulation and care of the earthly treasures, which shut out all nobler aspirations toward spiritual things. R2129:3*

Unimportant as compared to having experiences favorable to eternal life. R2685:6

All earthly riches not consecrated to God are weights and hindrances to the Christian; and if consecrated to sacrifice and yet never subjected to the flames of the altar, they are of no avail except as a broken vow, to rise up against us in judgment. R2129:3*

16 And he spoke a parable to them, saying, The land of a certain rich man brought forth abundantly. A parable – Illustrating the comparative foolishness of all earthly ambitions. R5396:3

A certain rich man – It is not stated that he had obtained his wealth by unlawful means. He is not charged with having defrauded his brother or his neighbor. R2685:6

17 And he reasoned within himself saying, What shall I do? for I have not a place where I shall lay up my fruits.
18 And he said, This will I do: I will take away my granaries and build greater, and there I will lay up all my produce and my good things; This will I do – I will hold and greedily enjoy my selfish hoardings. R2686:2

The right attitude of mind would have answered: "These bounties of divine providence are a trust, and I am a trustee. My position will permit me to be a source of great blessing to others not so bountifully supplied." R2685:6

Build greater – Instead of using his riches in doing good, he was miserly, taking pleasure in accumulations. R5396:4, 2686:2

19 and I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much good things laid by for many years; repose thyself, eat, drink, be merry. Soul – Being, self. R276:3, 205:2

Much goods laid up – The majority of covetous people never so succeed. Their selfishness is not less reprehensible from the fact that it fails of success. R2686:4

"There is that scattereth and yet increaseth, and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, and it tendeth to poverty." (Prov. 11:24) The hoarding of earthly wealth tends to poverty of heart. R2686:1

20 But God said to him, Fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee; and whose shall be what thou hast prepared? But God said – Through the prophets. D273

Thou fool – He should have enjoyed himself in spending it wisely for the good of others and to the glory of God. R5396:4

This night thy soul – During the dark night of the time of trouble. D273

Leaving you to enter the next life a pauper as respects material, mental and moral wealth, and handicapped by a load of selfishness. R2686:2

Shall be required – The hoarded treasures of the wealthy "shall not be able to deliver them." (Ezek. 7:19) D273, D274

He lost his life; he died in poverty when he might have used his riches sacrificially, laying up treasures in heaven. R5396:4

21 Thus is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God. Treasure for himself – Instead, he should have enjoyed himself by spending it wisely for the good of others and to the glory of God. R5396:4

Is not rich – His life had been a failure; he would enter the next life a pauper, as respects mental and moral development in good qualities. R2686:2

22 And he said to his disciples, For this cause I say unto you, Be not careful for life, what ye shall eat, nor for the body, what ye shall put on. Take no thought – Be not anxious. R2686:4

We must be freed from distress of mind with reference to earthly things. R873:3

Not an encouragement to carelessness or sloth, but rather not to be anxious in the sense of being fretted and worried about food or clothing. R873:2

For your life – Greek, psuche--soul, being. E336

What ye shall eat – Many who know nothing of actual want of life's necessities, are much exercised by the loss of luxuries when adversity comes. R873:6

23 The life is more than food, and the body than raiment. More than meat – Realize that everything of the present life is quite unworthy to be compared with the future and eternal interests. R2686:5

If, in divine providence, you receive poverty as your unavoidable portion, accept it as best for you. R2686:5

24 Consider the ravens, that they sow not nor reap; which have neither storehouse nor granary; and God feeds them. How much better are *ye* than the birds? Consider – Reflect, think, study, ponder. R3312:3

The heart that thus considers makes progress, grows in grace, in knowledge, in love. The heart that fails to consider the little things fails to be able to appreciate the larger things. R3313:3

How much more – Teaching us that his power and wisdom could similarly, if necessary, provide for the necessities of his people, miraculously or otherwise. R3313:2

25 But which of you by being careful can add to his stature one cubit?
26 If therefore ye cannot do even what is least, why are ye careful about the rest?
27 Consider the lilies how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I say unto you, Not even Solomon in all his glory was clothed as one of these. Consider the lilies – God had not forgotten or failed in his care of even these insignificant things. R2129:6*

28 But if God thus clothe the grass, which to-day is in the field and to-morrow is cast into the oven, how much rather you, O ye of little faith? How much more – He will not withhold any really good thing from us. (Psa. 84:11) R2129:6*

Will he clothe you – It would be a mistake to suppose, in view of the Lord's promised care over all our interests, that he would, in every case, make things work together for our temporal advantage. R2130:3*

29 And *ye*, seek not what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink, and be not in anxiety;
30 for all these things do the nations of the world seek after, and your Father knows that ye have need of these things; Need of these things – These earthly things which you do not need to pray for. F679

And in his service he will not let you starve. B119

31 but seek his kingdom, and all these things shall be added to you. Seek ye the kingdom – Give all the surplus of our time and energy, over and above that spent in providing things needful, in the accumulating of the heavenly riches. R874:4

Daily, hourly. The heart will be with the treasure. It will be the theme of their thoughts by day and of their meditations by night. R5397:1

All these things – Earthly occupations will still be necessary to provide things needful and honest, but no earthly prize will have any value in comparison to the heavenly prize. R5397:1

32 Fear not, little flock, for it has been the good pleasure of your Father to give you the kingdom. Fear not – Fear not to carry out your consecration to the full, keeping your little all upon the altar of sacrifice and subject to the consuming fire. R2130:6*

Neither the world's ignorance and unbelief nor the Lukewarm indifference and prejudice of the great majority of professed Christians shall prove stumbling blocks to God's elect. Such cannot stumble; nor is it possible that they should be deceived. B189

Little flock – The faithful Gospel Church. R1908:6

In contrast with a Great Company before the throne. R828:4, 778:3*, 772:1*; NS236:5

Christians will not be counted by the hundreds of millions. R5407:1; NS388:6

It is difficult for many of the Lord's true followers to learn that they must not expect everybody to enlist with them; that they must be content to let the world enlist in its own warfare and fight for its own projects. NS61:6

The great majority, being tares and not real wheat, will be rejected as unworthy of the chief favor to which they were called, and will not be counted among the Lord's jewels. B205

Not all who have their names upon earthly church rolls, but only those "whose names are written in heaven," and whose names will not be blotted out because of unfaithfulness. HG315:6

The gospel has not converted nations. It was not designed to do so. A72; HG271:4; 540:2; NS190:2, 513:1

Not many, as compared with the world, or even as compared with those that take the first step of faith unto justification. R4133:6, 4148:1, 3707:6; SM680:1; NS41:4, 364:6

Amongst those who hear, and are thus called, only a few will be chosen. NS474:4

Saintly Christians are a rarity today, as they have always been. OV387:2; SM383:1

Scarce, like jewels. HG752:1; NS150:2

So small is the number of these and so insignificant their influence that they are nor recorded among any of the great denominations of the world, but are counted as offscourings of all denominations--sometimes pitied, sometimes scorned. SM383:2; NS49:3

So we need not be on the lookout for the largest organization as the true church of Christ. R1102:6

"Not many wise, not many mighty, not many noble, hath God chosen." (1 Cor. 1:26) NS128:3, 318:5, 388:6

Chiefly of the poor of this world. NS66:1, 647:1

The number in the first resurrection is extremely limited. 615:4

It is therefore evidently not the saints who are to constitute the Lord's great army. D543

It should be observed that the number of priests (five), in comparison with the hosts of Israel, who represented the whole world, was very small. R1836:3; T118

When we remember that two of the five priests were destroyed by the Lord, we find the proportion of 3 priests to 8,580 Levites to be only 1 to 2,800. T119

From both Jews and Gentiles, responsive to the Lord's message of mercy, and willing, yea, anxious, to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. HG685:4

The conditions of the present trial of all accepted as probationary members of the heavenly church are severe and exacting. The selection is consequently much smaller than Christian people generally suppose. R1570:6

Only a few apply their hearts unto instruction and wholly follow divine direction; consequently only a few know the blessedness of the realization of the Lord's tender care. R2130:1*

Composed of all the saintly followers of Jesus, who walk in his steps in the narrow way during the Gospel age. R6013:3

The Lord is not a shepherd of wayward goats (however, he may permit the common blessings of sun and rain to come to all). R1396:2

Selected from the world through the preaching of the truth. R3004:6

Only a little flock in the present time; but, in due time, he will draw all men (John 12:32), and it is for this purpose that the little flock shall be exalted and associated with himself. R1055:4

Represented by pyramid n on the Chart of the Ages. A235; R275:1

The holy company, a faithful remnant, selected here and there during the Gospel Age. A72; R5707:1, 2773:5, 2407:5, 1983:4

Precious jewels of the Lord's own choosing. B190; R5038:2, 2972:2

The Bride of Christ, his joint-heir in the glorious Millennial Kingdom. SM313:T; R5769:1, 5038:3, 4148:1, 3004:6, 2972:4, 2442:1

"Not many wise..., not many mighty, not many noble are called." (1 Cor. 1:26) OV297:T; R2693:2, 1102:6

There will be as many Jews as of any other nationality in that spiritual company. CR156:3

"Partakers of the divine nature." (2 Pet. 1:4) R270:3, 5677:4, 4390:1, 1360:4, 828:4

The first-fruits. (James 1:18) R5870:2, 4702:4, 2490:2

"That hath part in the first resurrection." (Rev. 20:6) R331:4, 4914:6

Of "the high calling." (Phil. 3:14) R4714:5, 2490:1

The "overcomers." (Rev. 3:21) R1360:4, 5575:2, 2123:2, 828:4, 275:1

Who come forth to "glory and honor and immortality." (Rom. 2:7) R5407:1

A Royal Priesthood. (1 Pet. 2:9) R4999:1, 4591:1, 4537:4, 4397:6, 3115:6; T119

"An holy nation." (1 Pet. 2:9) R2364:2; OV251:2

"Kings and priests." (Rev. 1:6, 5:10) R4298:3, 5575:1

The "called and chosen and faithful." (Rev. 17:14) R4397:6

The "Church of the first-born." (Heb. 12:23) R270:3, 5870:2, 5066:5, 4999:1

"The very elect." (Matt. 24:24) R2490:1, 5407:1, 2966:2

The "wise virgins." (Matt. 25:1-12) R2978:6

The Temple class. R828:4

The Kingdom class. R1855:3

A saintly company. R5066:5, 4999:1

Copies of God's dear Son. R4401:1, 4928:6, 2972:1

Justified, sanctified new creatures. R5032:2

The true sheep of the Good Shepherd. R2441:6

The true virgin Church of Christ. SM408:2; R1718:4

Those with the eyes and ears of faith. R3701:3

Those who faithfully perform their consecration vow. SM636:2

Members of the Messianic body, of which Christ is the Head. R4848:4, 4298:3, 4914:6, 828:5, 779:6

To be associated with Jesus in destroying evil and blessing all the families of the earth. R188:5, 4793:3, 1571:1, 1079:2

Will stand out as bright stars, and shine as the sun over a restored earth. R779:6

The spiritual seed of Abraham, spiritual Israel. R4390:1; CR156:3; OV251:2

144,000 (Rev. 14:1), a small number compared with the millions of Christendom. CR156:3

The saints, therefore, cannot be the "Lord's Great Army" (Joel 2:11) that shall overthrow the kingdoms of this world. D543

Not the clergy of the Catholic Church, as claimed. OV124:4

Typified by Noah. R188:4

Is now on trial. R779:6

Father's good pleasure – "The Father himself loveth you" (John 16:27); "He shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust." (Psa. 91:4) R3331:2

To give you – But not to keep. Earthly restitution blessings are theirs to sacrifice only. OV251:3

Teaching us to wait for it. CR69:6; OV237:6; SM408:2

When the Father shall give these the kingdom, as joint-heirs with their Redeemer, everything will be changed. The prince of darkness will be bound, the prince of light will shine forth. R5038:3

Who have made a consecration to God of obedience and righteousness, and later a special consecration to sacrifice earthly interests for the heavenly. "Ye were called in one hope of your calling." (Eph. 4:4) F125

The kingdom – The spiritual, unseen Kingdom of Messiah, as joint-heirs. SM205:2; R5038:3

Only the Royal Family will get the Kingdom. All others will be subjects of the Kingdom. SM680:1

The dominion of earth. R2520:6

The Kingdom and life eternal which the Lord has to give away are those of Adam, which were lost through his disobedience and repurchased by our Lord at Calvary. OV251:3

These are to be the Royal Priesthood, to whom (under Christ, the King of kings and Priest of priests) shall be committed the full control of earth during the "times of restitution of all things." (Acts 3:21) R2490:2

Representatives of the stone kingdom of Dan. 2. CR42:4

The affairs of earth will be turned over to the Little Flock. R2983:5

Theirs is the high calling to joint-heirship in his Kingdom, which is soon to bless the world. R4714:5

The Kingdom of God per se consists only of our Lord Jesus and the overcomers, who constitute the reigning class. R5575:2

As our Lord suffered and then entered into his glory, so his elect Church must suffer, and then enter into the glory of her Lord--become sharers of his Kingdom. NS579:3

In an age to follow this. A72

This Kingdom cannot come until the Church has been completed. R1718:4

They must be first made spiritual because "flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God." (1 Cor. 15:50) R1855:3

Not until this Kingdom will they reach a plane of full equality; and even then there will be differences: "as star differeth from star in glory." (1Cor. 15:41) NS67:1

"I appoint unto you a kingdom as my Father hath appointed unto me." ( Luke 22:29) A274

The Kingdom heirship was taken from Israel, the Jews, and transferred to the nation bringing forth the proper fruits. (Matt. 21:43) R2125:5

With the establishment of that autocratic Kingdom under the direct supervision of the Lord and his glorified Church, will come the greatest reformation the world has ever known. SM786:T

Right and truth must and shall prevail when our Kingdom is established, however feeble now may be the voices lifted in our defense. R3068:4

Cannot come and the blessings begin until the Church has been completed. R1718:4; CR244:5

The Lord purposely left his followers without definite information respecting the time for the establishment of his Kingdom. R5399:2

The Kingdom for which the world waits. OV237:6

When the prince of darkness will be bound, and the Prince of Light shine forth. R5038:3, 4148:1

"That ye may eat and drink at my table in my Kingdom, and sit on thrones." ( Luke 22:30) A274

The Messianic Kingdom, for the work of blessing, enlightening and uplifting all the poor world of mankind. R4148:1, 5345:6, 5399:2

As joint-heirs with their Redeemer. R5038:3; OV257:3

To constitute the reigning class. R5575:2

As "kings and priests." (Rev. 5:10) R2074:4

Though through much tribulation ye shall enter it. (Acts 14:22) R1801:6

33 Sell what ye possess and give alms; make to yourselves purses which do not grow old, a treasure which does not fail in the heavens, where thief does not draw near nor moth destroy. Sell that ye have – The inference is that what we possess naturally is not of lasting value, while that which we may obtain instead is of priceless value and everlasting. R1656:2

Give alms – Dispose of your natural abilities and talents, wisely of course, for the benefit of yourself, your family, and all who have need of such service as you can render. R1656:2

We should be ready to share our last loaf or last dollar with any more needy than we. R873:6

Wisely, however, as becometh God's steward. F576

Treasure in the heavens – "The Lord is the portion of your inheritance; yea, you have a goodly heritage." (Psa. 16:5,6) R2130:6*

Let your heart be there. R2130:5*, 5397:1

That faileth not – No earthly prize will have any value in comparison to the heavenly prize. R5397:4

Moth corrupteth – We might learn to trust in uncertain riches, if moth and rust had never corrupted nor thieves stolen the little or much of our earthly possessions. R2130:2*

34 For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be. Treasure – That heavenly Kingdom beyond all comparison of value; the theme of one's thoughts by day and by night. R5396:6, 5397:1

35 Let your loins be girded about, and lamps burning; Be girded about – The loins of their mind girt up and active in thought. R2692:5

Girt with truth; that is, being nerved up, made strong by the truth and ready for any service. R87:2

Ready for service all the time, actively engaged in promoting the interests of the kingdom. Ancient, loose garments had a girdle at the waist to be drawn into place for the ordinary services of life, and loosed when rest was sought. R3354:2, 2692:3

Your lights burning – The lamp of the divine Word, so necessary to their enlightenment, should be with them, and well supplied with the oil of the holy Spirit; and well trimmed, in the sense of rightly dividing the word of truth. R2692:5

Lamps were necessary in the night and should not be permitted to grow dim, but be trimmed as necessity required. R2692:3

The great light, the glorious sunrise of the Millennial morning, has not yet taken place; the Lord's people are still in the world as little lights, shining in the midst of general darkness. R3354:3

Loins girded – Ready for battle. "Having your loins girt about with truth" Eph. 6:14

Lights burning – Let your light shine. Matt. 5:16
36 and *ye* like men who wait their own lord whenever he may leave the wedding, that when he comes and knocks, they may open to him immediately. Men that wait – Continually on the alert. R5399:3

For their lord – A wealthy householder, representing our Lord Jesus at his second advent. R2692:3,4

Return – Greek, analusai, sometimes rendered "depart," but properly "return" here. F671

From the wedding – Diaglott, nuptial feasts. R87:1

Not that he will come to us, or to the Great Company, from the nuptial feast. Q635:3

Our Bridegroom does not come to us after the marriage, but when he comes we are to be as those servants were under those circumstances. R87:3

Amongst the Jews there would be no occasion on which the servants would be expected to be more alert than when their master would come to his home bringing with him his bride. R3354:3; Q635:3, 636:2

Not that he would bring his Bride with him. Rather, he comes that he may receive his Bride. Indeed, the faithful followers are to be made the Bride. R5399:3, 3354:5

And knocketh – Implied that, at our Lord's coming, he will have arrived before any of his faithful servants will be aware of the fact. R3355:5

Knocking gently with the prophecies to arouse the virgins, but not to arouse the world. R2978:4

The prophetic arguments have rapped loudly enough for some to hear who were awake and ready. R87:3; Q636:T; NS199:6

The knock will be inaudible to human ears and heard only by the ears of understanding with the hearing of faith; it will not be a denominational knock or call; and it must be heard and responded to individually. R2978:4

The knock corresponds to an announcement, through some special servant or servants, either orally or by the printed page, setting forth the evidences of the Master's presence. R3354:6

This knock, or proclamation of the Lord's presence, as indicated by the Old Testament prophecies, has been given since 1875 and is still being given. R3355:2

An individual work, as indicated by Rev. 3:20: "Behold I stand at the door and knock: if any man [individual] hear my voice [knock] and open the door, I will come in to him and sup with him, and he with me." R3355:2

Faithfulness and watchfulness necessary to quickly and readily discern the presence of the Master. R1946:5, 2693:5

Watchfulness for the great event marks those worthy to be called true servants or brethren. R2693:5

Some of the consecrated, overcharged with the cares of this life, will be slow to hear this knock. R5400:5, 4525:2

Those awake have heard, have discerned his presence. R4525:2

As at the first advent he was present some time before his presence was recognized, so at his second advent. R1796:6

They may open – Those who hear are not compelled to respond. However, only those who do respond and open by faith to the Lord are to have the great blessing of spiritual nourishment. R2978:4

By faith to open their hearts and minds to acknowledge promptly the Master's presence. R5399:5; Q636:T

Immediately – It was expected of such servants that they should not only not retire to bed, but that they should not even get drowsy: they should be thoroughly awake, quick to hear and to respond to his knock. R2692:3

Don't wait to wake up then, but be awake to hear the first intimation that the Master has arrived. Q636:2

Intent to note the first sound of his approach. R4525:2; Q635:3

You – The little flock (vs 32).

Men that wait for their Lord – Watching intently for the return of their master.

Return from the wedding – That is when the servants should be most attentive, when their master brings home his bride. We are to be "like unto" men who are that attentive.

When he cometh and knocketh – These do not see him coming (even though being very attentive) but they do quickly hear the knock at the door.

They may open unto him immediately – As soon as they hear the knock. This they (the saints) do because they are in the watching attitude. This corresponds to Rev. 3:20.
37 Blessed are those bondmen whom the lord on coming shall find watching; verily I say unto you, that he will gird himself and make them recline at table, and coming up will serve them. Blessed – Truly blessed has been our experience since we recognized his presence and received him. R87:3

They begin to enter into the joy of their Lord now (Matt. 25:21), of being taken into full confidence with God. R1797:1

Those servants – Referring to all of the Lord's servants who will be living at the time of his second coming. R5400:4

At the parousia of Jesus, his second advent, he will first of all make himself known to his faithful followers. R5399:3

When he cometh – Arrives. R1877:5

Having come. R149:4*, 191:4

The fact that we received a harmony of truth just at the right time, according to our chronology, promised by our Lord when he would serve his watching servants, is an evidence that the time features, as we understand them, are correct. R5368:3, 4067:5

Find watching – Some will see the fulfillment of the prophetic declarations respecting the day of the second presence in the marvelous unfolding of the divine plan of the ages, and will recognize it as one of the signs of the presence. D599

Not watching the sky, as though they would see Jesus; but watching the Bible testimonies, watching the trend of the times, watching their own hearts, watching also the interests of the Church of God. R5400:5

Alert, watching for opportunities of usefulness in the proclamation of the Kingdom message. R5400:5

Watching and praying go together; prayer represents faith, and watching, works. R2692:3

Watching keeps fresh in mind the hope of the Church, the reunion with Christ in glory, the reign with him to bless the world, and keeps the heart in harmony with the Lord. R1796:5

He shall gird himself – The Master of the household turns to be its servant. R3355:1, 5368:4

The Master himself will be the servant, the revealer, the setter-forth of these viands of truth. R5399:6

The Master--the great Servant of God and his people--"the Messenger of the Covenant"--Christ. (Mal. 3:1) D613

Served, first of all by the Master himself, and incidentally by each other. D612; NS43:4

While these "things new and old" (Matt. 13:52) are handed from one servant to another and to the entire household, can any of us doubt that the Master himself is dispensing the delicious viands which so refresh us? R3415:5

For the Master of the house to do this would imply the bringing forth of the very best that he possessed. R2692:4

In our writings we have presented the Lord's message as his message, and not as our own, giving the chapter and verse for every doctrine. Notwithstanding this, we fear that many lean upon us and upon others. R4709:3, 1867:3

The work that Pastor Russell did was not his work alone, but it was and is the Lord's work. R6015:2*

Sit down to meat – They should not only know of his presence by the testimony of the Scriptures, but they should have a special demonstration of it by the clearness and beauty of the plan as it would shine into their hearts under his ministrations. NS199:6

A special spiritual feast--special because on a special occasion and as a special reward for their manifestation of interest and devotion. R3355:1

This service will be rendered at a time when the world will not know of his presence. NS7:3

By faith we are already seated at the Master's table, and he himself, according to promise, has come forth and is serving us. C197

Present Truth. R4211:6*

Food--refreshing and strengthening truth. R515:4

Meat to eat of which the world knoweth not. R4446:6; D612

Strong meat--not especially intended for babes in Christ, but for those more developed, "who have their senses exercised" (Heb. 5:14) to discern and appreciate this meat now in due season. (Matt. 24:45) B196

Out of the divine Word he will bring things new and old for their refreshment and comfort. R5399:5

Since 1874 he has opened to us the Scriptures, showing us truth concerning his present glorious nature, the object, manner and time of his coming, and the character of his manifestations to the household of faith and to the world. B171

Only those who have at least some hunger and thirst after righteousness (truth) are at all welcomed at this table. R4782:3

Only those baptized unto death have access to the true communion table of the Lord. HG603:4

We are in the harvest time since 1875. The Lord promises that at that time he would cause his people to sit down to a bountiful repast of spiritual food. Studies in the Scriptures are identified with that promise. R4709:6, 4448:5; NS155:3

The table of truth. R4782:3

Treating them as his friends. R2692:4

A special knowledge respecting heavenly things. R2693:5

"Meat in due season." (Matt. 24:45) R1897:5, 2693:5, 2200:1, 1867:3

In "the banqueting house." (Cant. 2:4) D612

Such as the world knoweth not of. D612

We already have this foretaste of the good things to come. C196

A sumptuous feast of rich spiritual food, refreshing and strengthening truth. R4525:2, 5399:3, 4710:1, 4448:5, 515:4

And serve them – With all the bounties of the harvest season. R2036:3, 1899:2

We must not sit down and expect our Lord to serve us until after we have proved faithful in serving him. R1953:5

With truths concerning his glorious nature, the object and manner of his return, the time features of the plan, the harvest work and the time of trouble. B171

The Master himself will be the servant, the revealer of truth. R5399:6, 5368:4, 4525:2

Expounding to us his parables and dark sayings; disclosing the mystery hid from ages and generations. R5399:5, 713:2

Making known to them the secret of his presence. R1796:6

Making them a feast out of the divine Word. R5399:5

Each faithful watcher will participate in this feast. R5399:6

Blessed are those servants – "Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days." Dan. 12:12

The Lord – Jesus.

Shall find watching – See Hab. 2:1-3.

He shall gird himself – Throughout the bible the girding of one's self is always associated with an outpouring of energy or effort. It was usually done for a battle or (as in the case of the Passover) for a journey. Here we have a Divine Being (our returned Lord) thus described! This is a major event.

Make them to sit down to meat – "In due season." This is the feast the Lord's people are privileged to share in at the time of His second advent. It should be apparent that this "meat" is not just a privilege but that it is necessary for our spiritual survival.

Will come forth and serve them – Note that it is Jesus Himself who is serving this feast!
38 And if he come in the second watch, and come in the third watch, and find them thus, blessed are those bondmen. And if – Not stating in which watch the Master may be expected. The faithfulness of the servants would be tested in proportion to his delay. Many would find it easy to keep alert during the first watch, but not so many during the second and still fewer during the third. R3355:3, 2692:5

In the second watch – "A thousand years are as a watch in the night." (Psa. 90:4) R3355:2

Intimating that his followers might be looking for him sooner than he would come. R5399:3

From ten to two o'clock. R3355:2

Third watch – From two to six o'clock, when very few are awake. R3355:2,3

The time is fulfilled--the prophecies marking events of the close of the Gospel Age and the opening of the Millennial Age are accomplished. "A thousand a watch in the night." (Psa. 90:4) R3354:6, 3355:2

"After two days will he revive us; in the third day he will raise us up." (Hos. 6:2) R2294:5

39 But this know, that if the master of the house had known in what hour the thief was coming, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be dug through. And this know – Understand the reason why the time is so secreted under symbols and parables. D611

The goodman – The master of the house. Satan, the prince of this world, is the master of the present order of things on earth. R5399:6

Here signifying earthly governments, the powers that be, the representatives of the ten toes of Daniel's image and of his fourth beast. R3355:4, 1946:5

Of the house – The present social structure. R3355:4

Had known – But he sleeps in ignorance of the true state of affairs, and dreams of his own greatness and prosperity. R1946:5

The thief – The reference here is to a thief-like coming--quiet, unostentatious, unknown, without heralds or commotion likely to disturb. R3355:4; B143

Jesus will be present for a time, unobserved by the world. R5399:6

Not have suffered – Altering their course from fear in order to perpetuate the present imperfect order and to hinder the establishment of the better Kingdom. R1946:5

Showing quite distinctly that none except the servants are to appreciate the knock; that the world in general will not know of the time of the Master's return. R3354:6

Broken through – The Greek means literally, "dug into." Many olden houses were of dried mud and entry would be gained more quickly by digging through the wall, rather than by forcing the door. R3355:4

The breaking up of the strong man's house--the breaking up of present institutions, civil, religious, political, financial--is already under way. R3355:5

40 And ye therefore, be *ye* ready, for in the hour in which ye do not think it, the Son of man comes. Ready – Ready for his presence, to render up at any hour their accounts and experience the change. R5399:6

When ye think not – The Lord purposely left his followers without definite information respecting the time for the establishment of his kingdom. R5399:2

It is not a matter that is left in such a form as to be speculated upon in advance. His knock will be the first intimation of his presence. R3355:5

Not, "Watch incessantly, for you will not know when I do come." All who are faithfully watching shall know when the event occurs, so surely as those who do not watch shall not know. R2693:5

The parousia of the Lord is recognizable only by the wise and foolish virgins. R4692:6

41 And Peter said to him, Lord, sayest thou this parable to us, or also to all? Peter said – Peter, a leader of the apostles, was perplexed. R5400:1, 1946:5

Our Lord measurably ignored this question in his reply. R3355:6

Unto us – The twelve. He had already discerned that the Lord had some special favors for "the twelve" alone. R1946:6

Even to all – All faithful brethren. R1946:5

42 And the Lord said, Who then is the faithful and prudent steward, whom his lord will set over his household, to give the measure of corn in season? The Lord said – These words are not a parable, but an explanation of a parable. R1946:4

Not answering the question directly. To have done so would imply the Lord was not coming in the early watches of the Gospel night, and would have been in contradiction to the very teaching of this parable--that he must be watched for all through the Gospel night. R2693:6

Our Lord's answer indicated what would be his method in the presentation of dispensational truth. R2303:4

Who then – At that time--at the time of the second presence of the Lord. R2303:4

At the time of the parable's fulfillment the Lord would appoint a servant in the household to bring these matters to the attention of all the servants. R3355:6, 2693:6

That faithful – In the Greek text the emphasis here is in double form--the faithful, the wise steward. R3356:2

Special servants, appointed to dispense meat in due season at various times, are required to prove, test and determine whether or not the teaching is of God. R5400:1

Wise steward – A general steward, overseer and dispenser of the Lord's goods. R1946:3

The stewardship mentioned is not a stewardship of talents and opportunities, but a stewardship of spiritual food merely. R2694:1

Implying that, during the Gospel age, it would be his method to make use of certain agents or agencies in the presentation of dispensational truth. R2303:4

Not a composite steward, because we are not to recognize a clerical, or authoritative class; and the word "that" ("the" in the Revised Version), implies a particular one. R3356:1

The angel of 1 Kings 19:7, the preparer of the Dawns and Towers. R4211:6*

A place of special danger, as well as of special privileges. It may be inferred that if the chosen one should fail, another would be chosen to be that servant or steward. R1946:4

Every child of God is a steward--a steward of his own talents, opportunities, privileges and abilities in the Lord's service. R2694:1

Shall make ruler – In no sense of the word constituting him a lord, a dictator, a master, or implying his inspiration. R3356:2

Not that "that servant" would be the originator of that meat, nor inspired, nor infallible. D613

Given a general charge respecting the spiritual food to the Lord's family. R5400:2, 3356:4

Not very different from the Lord's usual method of dealing with his family; he has been pleased to use special instrumentalities at various times. R5400:1

Over his household – His faithful people in general. R1946:2

Not nominal Christian professors in general. R1946:3

Clearly distinguishing between the "household," the "fellow servants" (plural), and that servant. R1946:2

If neither the household nor fellow servants were mentioned, it might be questionable whether the expression "that servant" referred to one or to all faithful servants. R1946:2

To give them – While the Lord will be the real Provider and Servant, yet the food will be dispensed through a special steward to fellow servants and the household in general. R1946:6

Not that the special steward alone would have to do with the dispensing of food for the household. Matthew speaks of"fellow-servants" who cooperate in this work. (Matt. 24:45-51) R2694:1

Which he will then serve through his visible, human agencies. R1946:5

Impossible from any sectarian creed or storehouse. We might bring forth some things old and good from each, but nothing new. A24

Meat in due season – Things new and old for the strengthening of his household for this present time of trial and for the perfecting of the saints for the work of ministry, to which he has called them. R2693:6

God's Word is a great storehouse of food for hungry pilgrims. There is milk for babes and strong meat for those more developed. It also contains food adapted to different seasons and conditions. A24

Truth as it becomes due. A349; R4211:6*

Spiritual food, in a manner and to a degree never before enjoyed by the saints. R5651:5, 5400:2; Q554:4

The Bible is the Lord's bountifully spread table of good things for the household of faith. (Gal. 6:10) R4971:2

It is required of each who partakes to prove, test, and determine whether or not the teaching is of God. R5400:1

Can we suppose the Lord would thus honor one who by his teachings or silence supported the eternal torment theory? R2599:1

43 Blessed is that bondman whom his lord on coming shall find doing thus; Blessed is – Whoever will occupy that position, happy will it be for him, if the Master, on coming, shall find him thus employed--diligent in the service of the household. R2303:5

That servant – During the Lord's presence, and at the time of the gathering of the elect, our Lord, the great Servant of his people, will make choice of one channel for dispensing the meat in due season. D613

A special servant, indicated as the Lord's agent in dispensing present truth as food to his fellow servants and the household. R1946:2

Thousands of the readers of Pastor Russell's writings believed that he filled this office, his modesty and humility precluding him from claiming the title. OV447:6*

Lord when he cometh – Greek, erchomai, arrives. B163

At the end of the Age. R5400:2

Shall find so doing – Shall find thus employed. D613

44 verily I say unto you, that he will set him over all that he has. Ruler – The Revised Version is preferable: "set over his household to give them meat" as a steward, not as a lord or master--rather a general servant, a servant of all. R1946:6

Faithfulness on the part of this steward would imply larger and continued service in dispensing the meat to the household of faith at that time. R2693:6

All that he hath – All the vast storehouse of Present Truth. B163; D613; R1797:1

The whole storehouse of divine truth shall be open to such to be ministered by them to others of the household of faith. R1797:1; B163; D613

Should not be understood to apply to future glories and honors. R3356:4

45 But if that bondman should say in his heart, My lord delays to come, and begin to beat the menservants and the maidservants, and to eat and to drink and to be drunken, But and if – But if he should prove unfaithful. R5400:2

Every servant is to remember that unfaithfulness would surely lead to his removal, even as every manifestation of humble faithfulness on his part will endear him to the Master. R2694:4

The Church's dangers have always arisen from those who sought to lord it over God's heritage, and to dispense their own wisdom. R3356:4

That servant – The greater and more important the service, the greater the responsibility to the Master. R2303:5

One previously spoken of, who had been giving the household meat when the Lord came. R149:5*, 1946:2

Must not act or be regarded "as being lords over God's heritage." (1 Pet. 5:3) R3356:4

Say in his heart – Losing faith. D614

My lord delayeth – Losing faith in the Master's presence. R2303:5

The coming in the glory of his Kingdom, his personal presence being already recognized. R1797:4

Begin to beat – Become arrogant and tyrannical to his fellow-servants. R2303:5, 2694:1

Manifest an unkind spirit toward the household. R5400:2

The men-servants – Those who are faithfully declaring that the Lord is present. B163

To eat and drink – Ministering to his own earthly wants rather than to the spiritual needs of the family of God. R5400:2

Seeking to gratify present fleshly ambitions with the prestige of the truth. R1797:4

To be drunken – With false doctrine. D614

The drunkenness referred to is of the spirit and mind, and its effects are described in Isa. 29:9-16. R591:4*

Be intemperate in his words and deeds. R2303:5

Intoxicated with the spirit of the world, the spirit of selfishness. R1797:4

46 the lord of that bondman shall come in a day when he does not expect it, and in an hour he knows not of, and shall cut him in two and appoint his portion with the unbelievers. Will come – Greek, heko, be here: "will have come," Rotherham. R591:4*

Cut him in sunder – Cut him off from being his servant. D614

Be removed, separated, allowed to go into outer darkness with the world in general, in utter ignorance of the times and seasons. The assumption is this would mean the recognition of another to supply the household of faith. R5400:2, 2694:1; D614

Cut him off from being that servant who is entrusted with the dispensing of the Truth as it becomes due in this harvest time. D613, D614; A349; R2303:5, 1797:5

Be removed, separated, cut off from further opportunities. R5400:2, 2694:1

Separated him from the household of faith entirely. R2303:5

With the unbelievers – A severe experience with the unbelievers in the time of trouble. R2694:1

Share with them the great time of trouble which will follow the gathering together of the Lord's elect. R2303:5

Allowed to go into outer darkness with the world in general. R5400:2

With the hypocrites. (Matt. 24:51) R1797:5, 2303:5; B164

47 But that bondman who knew his own lord's will, and had not prepared himself nor done his will, shall be beaten with many stripes; And that servant – On the basis of the parable, the Lord explains a general principle of his dealings. R5400:2

While applying, in general, to one particular servant, the same principle would apply to each servant in turn, as he would receive either food or stewardship. R3356:5

Which knew – Those understanding the principles of righteousness and wilfully violating them. SM426:2

Knowledge increases responsibility. R3550:3, 2409:2, 2385:4; SM315:1

Knowing the Master's will, knowing what is right, has to do with the responsibility of the world. NS334:1

A moral man, restrained from outward violence by the respect for the opinions of others or by a fear of the consequence may, because of light enjoyed, have greater difficulties to overcome in the reformation of his character than the grosser, but ignorant, murderer. R1655:4

Shall be beaten – The beating referred to has reference, not to the world, but to Jesus' disciples who will be living in the end or harvest of this age; but the principle will apply during the next age also. R249:6

With many stripes – Disciplinary judgments, in proportion to resistance to light, and failure to use it. R2385:4

These stripes are corrective and not vindictive nor eternal. It is not the second death either; for stripes are not used to kill or destroy, but to correct. R779:6*, 570:2, 527:5*

Deliberate transgressions cannot be forgiven, but must be expiated. If committed with considerable, but not full light, the expiating penalty may be stripes, but if committed with full willfulness against full light, the penalty could be nothing short of death--the second death. R2658:2, 1986:3, 1618:3, 570:2

Every sin against light increases the danger of going into the second, or eternal, death. R1736:5

In the great time of trouble, some will pass through a severer ordeal than others. R249:6

By reason of the breaking down of their characters and the greater demoralization of their consciences, they will need, and proportionately receive that much more chastisement from the corrective rod of discipline during the Millennial age. NS439:5

All the stripes will be reformatory, and with a view to helping and encouraging the transgressors to abandon the ways of iniquity and walk in the paths of righteousness. SM426:2

Partially wilful sins are partially unpardonable; in proportion as God sees it to have been wilfully committed. R2612:2

Every sin against light increases the danger of going into the second, or eternal, death. R1736:5

Some of these stripes may come to the transgressor in the present life; but whether in the present or in the future life, every wilful transgression will receive "a just recompense of reward." (Heb. 2:2) HG616:5

Many and severe will be the stripes which a present life of self-indulgence and gratification will naturally demand and receive under the reign, before such will learn the lessons of that kingdom. A303

In proportion to the degree of knowledge and opportunity and willfulness. R5400:4, 3356:4, 2612:2, 2385:4, 259:1; F719

Chastisements; corrective, not vindictive nor eternal. Q603:6; R570:2, 4114:4,5, 1736:5, 779:6

Suffer shame of conscience, contempt and other chastisements. F716-720

If they do not walk according to the light which they received. R2409:2

God's punishments will always be administered in justice, tempered with mercy. R2613:2, 1471:4

In compensation and retribution. R2701:4

"A just recompense of reward." (Heb. 2:2) R724:1

With the Church, these stripes, or punishments, come in the present life. R5318:5, 4271:6

When we receive grievous chastisement, we should accept it as from a loving Father for our correction. R2613:2

Those who sin, knowing of and imposing on God's love and mercy, will have special punishment. CR271:1

48 but he who knew it not, and did things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few. And to every one to whom much has been given, much shall be required from him; and to whom men have committed much, they will ask from him the more. That knew not – The heathen, for instance. HG720:6; SM426:2, 315:1

Infants and idiots, who have no knowledge whatever, have no responsibility whatever, and will evidently deserve no stripes or punishment during the Millennial age. SM315:1

Those who have never heard of the ransom. R779:6*

And did commit – Ignorantly. R5400:4

Things worthy of stripes – Only for such portions of transgressions as have been in the nature of wilful wrong doing. R4114:4

Proportionate to their ignorance. SM426:2

Forgiveness of sins in the future age will not mean that no stripes will be put upon the transgressors. HG647:3

The blessed opportunity of attaining eternal life and earthly perfection will not mean an escape from the penalty of willful sins of the present life. HG720:5

Much is given – Not speaking of the Church, but of those who have more or less light of conscience, or light from the Divine Word, but who make no use of their light, who in greater or lesser degree live in violation of their conscience. SM315:2

According to their improvement or neglect of light enjoyed during the Gospel age. R259:1 In the way of knowledge, opportunity, etc. R1655:4

To Christendom. D72

Be much required – Judgment will be according to knowledge and ability to do right--a just recompense of reward. R1655:4

The opposite is also true--where little is given, little is required. R569:6

"Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." (Gal. 6:7) HG720:5

If the men of Nineveh and the queen of the south shall rise up in judgment against Israel (Matt. 12:41,42), then Israel, and every previous generation, and the heathen nations shall rise up against this generation of Christendom. D72

That judgment will be according to knowledge and ability to do right--a just recompense of reward. R1655:4

In proportion as we are enjoying the light, we have increased responsibility to tell it to others. CR464:5

Ask the more – That time will be tolerable for all in proportion as their sins had been sins of ignorance. (Matt. 11:24) HG336:3

49 I have come to cast a fire on the earth; and what will I if already it has been kindled? To send fire – Trouble came upon them until their entire polity passed away in the year AD 70. So we see now that more or less there are fires burning here and there, exposing, to some extent, the evil-doers. R5317:3

50 But I have a baptism to be baptised with, and how am I straitened until it shall have been accomplished! I have a baptism – While this is a daily dying, yet, in another sense of the word, it is a sacrifice to the end of life. In one sense, his sacrifice was accepted at Jordan. In another sense it was day by day until that baptism was completed on the cross and he cried, "It is finished!" (John 19:30) R5031:6; Q156:6

He said these words three and a half years after his water immersion, and could not have referred to that. HG733:1

Of which immersion into water is the symbol. F435; R1543:1, 5542:6, 2417:5, 445:1

To be baptized with – It required all of the Lord's three and a half year ministry to complete the consecration symbolized by this baptism. R2417:5; Q277:2

A sacrificial death, as man's redemptive price or sin-offering. PT388:3*; F438; R5599:3

How am I straitened – In difficulty. F438; HG602:4; 733:1; NS52:1

In our Lord Jesus, holy, harmless and undefiled, there was a contrast--the earthly interests drawing one way and the heavenly interests another. R5211:3

Realizing himself near the close of this death-baptism, when it would be fully accomplished, and feeling the weights, trials and difficulties growing heavier each moment, and having not a sympathizer. NS51:6

As he neared the completion of his baptism unto death, he experienced the greater difficulty, and was longing for its completion. HG602:5

If we have indicated our willingness, we have the promise that the ability will be supplied. R445:1

I am feeling greatly straitened, I find that connected with my death are difficulties that I had not expected. R5599:3

He was anxiously awaiting its completion, which was reached at Calvary. R5061:1

Spoken at about the Passover season, a time for peculiar temptations. R3178:3

A conflict with the flesh was going on; but the Lord's spirit was firm. R5211:5

Until it be accomplished – Fulfilled very shortly after, when he died, crying: "It is finished!" (John 19:30) F439; HG602:5; PD57/69; NS52:1

The next day he would die, as he well knew. He anxiously awaited the morrow, the completion of his sacrificial death. R5599:3

This evidences the fact that our Lord did not receive water immersion as the real immersion, but merely as a figure of the real baptism, baptism into death as man's redemption price or sin offering. F438

Being perfect, he could do the things that he would. In our case the matter is different. We are by nature fallen. Hence we need the merit of Christ to assist us. R5211:5

51 Think ye that I have come to give peace in the earth? Nay, I say to you, but rather division: That I am come – In the harvest of either the Jewish or the Gospel Age. B236

But rather division – Separation; applicable now, until his Church has been gathered and glorified, and his Kingdom set up in authority. R1577:6

Between those who love the truth supremely and others of the family; this division cannot be avoided. B236

Because the children of darkness wage a continual warfare against the light. F533

52 for from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided; three shall be divided against two, and two against three:
53 father against son, and son against father; mother against daughter, and daughter against mother; a mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. Against the son – In the harvest the separation will mean, in many instances, the uprooting of earthly friendships and the sundering of many tender ties; and the truth will do the separating. B236

54 And he said also to the crowds, When ye see a cloud rising out of the west, straightway ye say, A shower is coming; and so it happens.
55 And when ye see the south wind blow, ye say, There will be heat; and it happens.
56 Hypocrites, ye know how to judge of the appearance of the earth and of the heaven; how is it then that ye do not discern this time? Ye hypocrites – You are proud and hypocritical, and draw nigh to God with your lips while your hearts are far from him. R1713:3

Jesus denounced them as a class. R5679:4

Ye do not discern – If we are too much engaged in work or in pleasure to have time to study, to watch properly, we find ourselves in difficulty. R5202:1

This time – That you, as a people, are even now en route to judgment. R1713:3

Their ignorance was a mark of carelessness and unworthiness. R2981:4

They did not discern "the time of their visitation." ( Luke 19:44) R5202:1, 1713:2, 1611:3*

None are so blind respecting the times in which we live and the great changes impending as the leaders of religious thought. R2981:4

57 And why even of yourselves judge ye not what is right?
58 For as thou goest with thine adverse party before a magistrate, strive in the way to be reconciled with him, lest he drag thee away to the judge, and the judge shall deliver thee to the officer, and the officer cast thee into prison. Thine adversary – The divine law, which condemned all to death. (Rom. 7:10) R1713:3

Give diligence – Admit the justice of the Law's condemnation, because you have come short of its righteous requirements. R1713:3

That thou mayest – While the offer of mercy is still made to you as a nation, through faith in Christ, who, by his sacrifice, offers an atonement for you. R1713:3

Delivered from him – By acceptance of the atonement offered by Christ. R1713:4, 4559:1

Permitted to come into God's favor at Pentecost. R4559:1

Lest he – The Law, whose demands you fail to meet, though you claim to meet them. R1713:4

To the officer – To some power that would execute the penalty. R1713:4

Into prison – Into a position of disfavor, such as that nation has experienced ever since their rejection of Messiah. R1713:4

All that Jewish nation who rejected Jesus stumbled into prison nationally. R4559:2

59 I say unto thee, Thou shalt in no wise come out thence until thou hast paid the very last mite. The very last mite – In the forfeiture of the chief blessing, which was offered to them first, but which they rejected. R1713:4, R3354:6

By the end of the Millennium they will have "paid the uttermost farthing" (Matt. 5:26) and get free. R4559:2

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