Hebrews Chapter 10 [DARBY]

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1 For the law, having a shadow of the coming good things, not the image itself of the things, can never, by the same sacrifices which they offer continually yearly, perfect those who approach. For the law – The ceremonial features. R5165:1

Its services and ordinances. A222

All the features of the Mosaic Law. R5640:5, 598:6; B173; CR485:2; SM598:2

Having a shadow – Foreshadowed. B173

Typical. R3730:4, 715:6*, 685:4, 598:6

Or reflection of the things future. R5420:2, 3730:4; PD37/48

Pictures of realities which were future. R72:1; Q746:1

As the moon's light is the reflection of the rays of the sun. R5420:2

A type and picture on a small scale of divine favors coming. NS597:6

The shadow must be a true outline of the substance. R1030:5*

The Law Covenant is the shadow of the New Covenant. Q193:3; PD37/48

Even as far as concerned its time features. B209

Israel's Jubilee was a shadow, the substance of which shall be realized in the worldwide restitution. HG335:6

The Atonement Day, passover, sabbatic years, the jubilees etc., were all figures of more important things. HG581:6*; R1730:4

Good things to come – The spiritual things, the higher things, coming after them. R3044:3

Laden with blessings for mankind. B173

The realities of the Gospel age. A222; T11

Very image – Substance. (Syriac) R1030:5*

Can never – Because of the weaknesses or depravity of their fallen nature. R2611:5, 892:3

With those sacrifices – Sin-offering. R4537:2

Prefiguring a work of suffering and death before the blessing would come. A79

Year by year – Time after time on the appointed day of the year. R4546:5

The Atonement Day sacrifices, which typically cancelled the Adamic condemnation for the ensuing year. R4034:3, 5071:2, 4546:5, 4537:2

Adamic guilt was not actually cancelled, but merely temporarily covered. R4034:3, 2720:6

These repeated sacrifices did not abolish sin, but merely covered or condoned it for the year. SM138:2

They were efficacious for only a year at a time, so never really took away sin. R5162:6 4537:2

The inferior sacrifices could not take away sin, but the original sins remained. R5293:4

Make the comers – The worshipers. R2116:5

Those coming to God under the efficacy of those sacrifices. NS421:1

Could no more than typically cleanse from sin. R4537:2

Thereunto perfect – The actual perfection accomplished through the better sacrifices. A229; R273:6

Really and permanently acceptable to God. NS421:1

2 Since, would they not indeed have ceased being offered, on account of the worshippers once purged having no longer any conscience of sins?
3 But in these there is a calling to mind of sins yearly. Remembrance – Acknowledgement. R586:4

Every year – Since they were repeated it proved that they never really took away sin, never really removed the curse. R586:4

4 For blood of bulls and goats is incapable of taking away sins. It is not possible – The types were insufficient. R144:6*

Really justified none. HG307:3

That the blood – The death, sacrificed life. R1724:2, 3174:5

Of bulls and of goats – Or angels or archangels. R3174:5; OV354:1

Neither a higher nor a lower order of beings could redeem. It required a man to redeem mankind. R280:2; SM660:1

Because bulls and goats had not sinned, but a man had sinned, therefore a man must die. CR290:5; R1724:2, 792:4; SM214:1

The death of bulls and goats could be only typical. OV307:1; R4390:2

Take away sins – The release that the Jews obtained by the Law Covenant was only typical. R5071:2, 4881:2, 586:4, 271:3; A221

5 Wherefore coming into the world he says, Sacrifice and offering thou willedst not; but thou hast prepared me a body. Sacrifice and offering – Of bulls and goats--these do not satisfy the Law as the redemption price of sinners. R4390:1

But a body – A human body. R5064:1, 1337:1*, 611:2; B107, B155; OV279:3, 354:1

His body was specially prepared, separate and different from others of our race, all of whom were of Adamic stock. R5719:6, 5352:2, 5622:6, 4965:2, 4426:1; Q66:6

At thirty years of age, this Perfect One, having reached the perfection of manhood according to the Law consecrated. R5748:2, 1682:5, 418:2, 234:2, 164:5, 146:3

Actually, physically perfect and corresponding to the body of Adam. R4965:2, 1247:4, 776:2

That earthly, human body of flesh suffered death, and God would not again make our Lord flesh, but raised him from the dead a new creature of the divine nature. R5222:6, 1806:2

Jesus' body was a miraculous formation of the Father in the womb of Mary. R1031:1*

The bullock represented our Lord as a man. R4427:1, 245:2*, 157:2*

It was not the preexistent life. R62:4*, 106:3*, 43:4*; OV354:1

We are not to understand this to mean the Church. R5719:6

This "body" was the human body of Jesus, but it is also true that God provided a larger body--the Church. R5053:3, 5027:3, 4965:2, 4493:1, 4390:2; Q66:6, 264:4

Thou prepared me – For purposes of sacrifice. B155; R5053:3, 4494:6, 1806:2, 611:2, 164:5, 106:3*, 47:2*, 43:4*; CR290:5

As a sacrifice. R5719:6

"For the suffering of death." (Heb. 2:9) R5416:1, 5748:2, 5622:6, 5222:6, 5064:1, 5053:3, 5027:3, 4494:6, 1247:4, 611:2, 573:3, 418:2, 164:5; CR290:5; OV151:5, 279:3, 354:1

It was provided him miraculously and was holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners. (Heb. 7:26) Jesus alone had such a body. The Church has no such body. R5720:1, 4494:6, 4427:1; Q264:4

The taking of a human body was not the sacrifice, but merely the preparation for it. R43:4*

"Took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men." (Phil. 2:7) R145:1*

Also, prepared the way by which the "Body of Christ" should be justified--that thus he might offer not only himself, the Head, but also the Church, his Body. R4965:2, 4390:2; Q66:7

Jesus in the flesh, represented by his followers, was still in the world long after Jesus as the Head of the Church, had ascended up on high. So, the sufferings of the Church have been his sufferings. (Acts 9:4) R5053:6, 5054:1, 5027:3

The offering of this body of Jesus has progressed for 1800 years. R5054:4, 4965:3; Q67:2

Jesus came into the world, not to be a teacher, but to be a Savior--a Redeemer. OV151:5

For thirty years his body was preparing. R418:2, 164:5

Not prepared until it had reached its maturity--thirty years, according to Jewish Law. R234:2*

Not, "a body hast thou prepared me as a ransom-price." R4965:6; Q68:2

Not a body for placing the Lord Jesus in a state of permanent humiliation before all the holy angels. R5622:6

To assume that Jesus is a fleshly being in heaven, bearing the scars to all eternity, is unsupposable. R5416:2

6 Thou tookest no pleasure in burnt-offerings and sacrifices for sin. Hast had no pleasure – Did not satisfy or please God in making satisfaction for sin. R5053:3

See Psa. 40:6-8
7 Then I said, Lo, I come (in the roll of the book it is written of me) to do, O God, thy will. Lo, I come – The language of our Lord's heart. R4544:2

His affirmation, at the time of his consecration. R5421:3, 5085:2, 1041:1; NS651:3

Our Lord consecrated as soon as he was 30 years of age, the legal age at which a Priest could offer sacrifice. R4544:2, 5943:2, 4298:4

His whole being was intent upon accomplishing the will of his Father in heaven; sacrificing himself in the interest of the world. R5421:4

He presented himself as the antitype, the fulfiller, of every prophecy, and every feature of the Law applicable to him. R4969:3, 4897:4; CR95:1

Christ as a new creature offers himself, his flesh, as a sacrifice, and all his followers similarly present their bodies living sacrifices. NS599:6

As our Lord did, we present our bodies, our justified humanity, a living sacrifice. R1262:5

Jesus was baptized into death before he went into the water in the sense that he had given up his own will. R5264:2; F437; HG262:4; NS51:4; Q36:7

Being thus prepared--all Christ's precious humiliation from the spiritual to the human nature was only preparatory to the offering of the great sacrifice which was to accomplish our redemption. R1247:3

Our Lord gave everything into the Father's hands--he held nothing back. Q442:1

He did not know of all that was to come. R5421:6, 5054:2

He became the seed of Abraham when he received the begetting of the holy Spirit at Jordan. Q185:3

Greatness in humility, victory through entire self-surrender. R5421:4

The object of life. R2694:6*

In the – As in the. R418:3, 146:2

Volume of the book – Book of the divine will, pictured in Revelation by the scroll, sealed with seven seals--also, the books of the Old Testament. Q182:1; R5054:1,6

He "hath prevailed to open the book." (Rev. 5:5) R5055:1, 3103:3

Everything that is in the Bible. CR145:6; 95:1; R5054:1, 146:2

All the Scriptures there prefigured in the lamb and the bullock; all the various sacrifices that pertained to him in the Father's Plan. Q370:2; R5054:1

Born under the Law, Jesus was obligated to keep it. R5054:1

It is written of me – All these things written in the Book concerning our Lord were not understood by him until the due time, when the holy Spirit came to him. R5054:3

To do thy will – To be obedient to God's will, in things great or small. CR145:3; 453:5; 171:6; R5085:3, 5164:6; Q176:5

Not merely to keep the Law. R5408:4, 5085:3, 5054:1

Not a divine command, but the divine will. R5054:3

Everything written in the book. R5054:1, 5085:3, 4641:1

He was the first one who made the covenant of sacrifice. R5690:4

Everything that was in the Father's plan--everything that typically and prophetically had been written in the holy Scriptures concerning himself. R5943:2, 5264:2; Q36:7

The special work for which he came. R146:3

In his submission of himself, he gave out his power and strength. R5085:3

Even unto death. R5408:4; PD57/69

Jesus gave up all his earthly rights. Q370:2; R234:2*; SM214:1

He presented himself a living sacrifice on man's behalf. NS651:3

He surrendered his will, and with it everything and every power he possessed. R5690:4

That he should lay down his life, finish his sacrifice, that he might ultimately give it on behalf of Adam and all his race. R5022:6; Q212:4

At Jordan our Lord gave up his human life. R5065:2, 5943:3; F437

"I delight to do thy will, O my God; yea, they law is within my heart." (Psa. 40:8) R5943:3, 5264:2, 5022:6, 3609:1; F437; HG602:1; NS51:3, 751:3; Q36:7, 212:4

And so must it be with all who would be acceptable footstep followers of Jesus. R5408:4, 3609:1; F437; CR489:4

As Jesus offered his life a sacrifice for sin, so we are invited to sacrifice our life faithfully, unto death, as he did. R1262:5; SM599:6

See Psa. 40:6-8

8 Above, saying Sacrifices and offerings and burnt-offerings and sacrifices for sin thou willedst not, neither tookest pleasure in (which are offered according to the law); Sacrifice and offering – The typical sacrifices under Mosaic Law. R1247:4

The sacrifices of bulls and goats enjoined for a time have come to an end. R4390:1

Thou wouldest not – These do not satisfy the demands of thy law as the redemption price of sinners. R4390:2

Hadst pleasure – They did not satisfy or please God in making satisfaction for sin. R5053:3

They were not sufficient, but were only typical of the great sacrifice which Jesus was about to make. R1247:4

9 then he said, Lo, I come to do thy will. He takes away the first that he may establish the second; Then said he – Christ, at the time of his baptism. E426; F437; R4571:2*, 4544:2, 4505:5, 4427:2

Typically, the time when the bullock was slain. T53

Lo, I come – Our Lord, who was then thirty years of age, presented himself to God as a sacrifice. This was the first feature of the antitypical atonement day work, and corresponded to the sacrifice of the bullock in the type. R5163:2

To do thy will – To die and redeem many. T53

Not the will of some sect, or cause, or self. E195

Full consecration involves every human power. R3297:1

When our Lord Jesus was at Jordan he was an overcomer. R5082:1

It is not reasonable to suppose that our Lord's obedience to the performance of the Father's will even unto death should to all eternity cost him the encumbrance of the flesh--with scars and wounds, as is claimed. R3075:2

He taketh away – Set aside. T53; R5054:3

Pusheth aside. R4390:2

The first – The typical sacrifices. T53; R5163:2, 5054:3, 4544:2, 4505:5, 4427:2, 4390:2; PT389:2*

Bulls and goats. R4390:2

The typical Covenant. R4512:5

The typical atonement matters. HG262:1

The serpent lifted up--the lamb slain--the sacrifice of the Day of Atonement. R5054:3

He may establish – Might fulfil. T53

Bring into place. R4390:2

There he began to set aside the typical for the "better sacrifices." R4427:2, 5163:2, 4544:2, 4427:2

Not fulfil. PT389:2*

The second – The antitype, the real sacrifice for sin. T53; R5163:2, 4505:5, 4390:2

The antitypical Covenant. R4512:5

Himself representing the bullock of the atonement of Lev. 16. HG262:2

The type was the serpent lifted up; the antitype was himself "lifted up." The type was the lamb slain; the antitype was himself slain. The type was the Atonement Day sacrifice, himself and the Church, the "better sacrifices." R5054:3

10 by which will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. Will – God's will. R5877:5

Purpose. PT389:2*

The same will, mind, disposition, our Lord had. R5054:3

We are sanctioned by accepting his will. R4512:6

We are sanctified – Set apart as holy and consecrated joint-sacrificers with our Lord. R4390:4, 4512:6, 5054:4

Set apart to the great priestly, kingly, mediatorial work, with him. R4512:6

We do not set ourselves apart. The Lord Jesus sets us apart. He imputes his merit in order that the Father may accept the sacrifice and beget us to the new nature as members of his body. R5054:4

We were not sanctified in the beginning, but "were children of wrath even as others." (Eph. 2:3) R5877:5

Through the offering – To God, to whom the price was paid. E450

The basis whereby we might become God's sanctified people. R5877:5

When Jesus offered up himself, it was for himself--his body, those who are to be his Church, and for the household of faith. R4965:3

Of the body – Literal body of Jesus was basis of our acceptance with God. R5054:4, 328:3*

We are accepted as members of his Body. R4512:6

The Father has provided a Body of Christ in the flesh, for sacrifice. R4390:2

It is one sacrifice in the sense that it is all one Body of one Priest that is offered. R4965:3

Thus the antitypical Atonement Day sacrifices for sin have been in progress for eighteen hundred years. R4965:3, 5054:4

Not to be confounded with the taking of the body to be offered. R47:2*

Once – Contrasting the typical with the antitypical Atonement Day sacrifice of the antitypical High Priest. R4965:2, 1730:4; E446; Q67:1

The typical High Priest needed once every year, repeatedly (not daily) to offer up sacrifices for his own sin and the sins of the people. R4965:2; Q67:1

The "better sacrifices" (Heb. 9:23) of Jesus will be fully efficacious, and not need repetition. R4331:2, 4537:5

For all – "For all" is supplied. R5054:4

"Who gave himself a ransom for all." (1 Tim. 2:6) R43:4*, 1256:4, 42:2*

For all time. R1030:5*

11 And every priest stands daily ministering, and offering often the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. Daily – Once every year, repeatedly (not daily). R4965:2

Oftentimes – The necessity for repeating the sacrifices yearly proved that the sin was not actually cancelled but remained. R1984:3

Same sacrifices – They were typical. R598:6

Never take away – The Jewish Priest offered the sacrifice continually and yet never accomplished anything with it. R5054:5

Their death was not a ransom--not a corresponding price, to the death of man. R789:2

12 But *he*, having offered one sacrifice for sins, sat down in perpetuity at the right hand of God, But this man – Our Lord Jesus. E38

The glorious High Priest. R5054:5

One sacrifice – There will be no more offerings of this kind--every one shall expiate his own sins. R527:5*

In two parts; first at Jordan, the second at Pentecost, when "He appeared in the presence of God for us." (Heb. 9:24) R5054:5, 4512:6

He will never again need to sacrifice, to die for sin. R5777:1

It needs no adding to on our part. R17:5

For ever – For the continuance. PT389:2*

The one perfect sacrifice lasts forever. R161:1*

The flesh which Christ gave for the life of the world was never taken back. R16:6

Sat down – Rests from any further sacrificing, knowing that full satisfaction will be effected by the work already accomplished. R4512:6

On the right hand – In the position of chief favor. E49

Having received a higher life. R253:3, 16:6

13 waiting from henceforth until his enemies be set for the footstool of his feet. Henceforth expecting – He has been waiting for nearly two thousand years, and waits still. PT389:2*

Until his glorious Kingdom shall be inaugurated for the blessing of all the families of the earth. SM679:1

Be made his footstool – God is not prepared to give Jesus these things until the Church is completed. R5054:6

14 For by one offering he has perfected in perpetuity the sanctified. By one offering – Contrasting the antitypical Day of Atonement with the typical Atonement Day. R5053:3

For all that ever will come unto God by Christ--whether they come during this age or during the next age. R1590:1

Any other offering, as, for example, the sacrifice of the Mass is an abomination in the sight of God. C103; R5641:6, 3146:2, 2115:2

All the merit of all the sacrifices offered throughout this Gospel age comes directly or indirectly from the merit that was in the first great sacrifice for sins presented by our glorious Lord. NS252:6

He – Christ. R4322:2, 2115:2

Perfected for ever – Made complete in his righteousness. R1658:1

Its cancellation of sins will be forever. R4034:5

By his sacrifice we are reckoned perfect, justified. NS252:6

"For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one." (Heb. 2:11) R69:3*

Through his merit there is naught against us now and nothing to hinder the sanctified ones from accepting the gracious invitation to suffer with him as his members. R4390:4

There will be no sacrificing necessary in the future for Christ or his Little Flock. NS600:3

That are sanctified – Fully consecrated to God. R1658:1

All justified by faith, who proceed to full consecration and sanctification. R4322:2

Set apart as members of his Body. R4034:5

Their sins are completely obliterated from divine record--only held accountable for trespasses against their covenant, their vow. R4322:2

15 And the Holy Spirit also bears us witness of it; for after what was said: A witness – The expression of the mind of God through his Word--the Lord is the speaker. R1456:6*

16 This is the covenant which I will establish towards them after those days, saith the Lord: Giving my laws into their hearts, I will write them also in their understandings; Covenant – The New Covenant. A141; NS249:3

After those days – After this Gospel age. NS249:3

When the time of remission of sins shall have come, there will be no more offering for sin--all sacrificing opportunities being ended. R4513:1

After Israel's "seven times" or 2520 years of their national chastisement, beginning 606 BC and ending 1914 AD. B92, B90

I will put my laws – Gradually retrace and rewrite the divine law. F359; R5309:5, 4570:5*, 2195:6, 1365:5, 764:1

Into their hearts – Not take away their flesh and make them spiritual beings. But give them a heart of flesh--again as Adam's; an image of God. Sin is now written on the hearts of all humanity. R276:4

The center of the affections; the character. R789:5, 5309:4, 4613:1, 4, 2060:3, 5, 1244:6

This condition will correspond exactly to the conditions previous to the fall. R1717:5

And in their minds – In their very thoughts and words. CR299:5; OV130:4

17 and their sins and their lawlessnesses I will never remember any more. And their sins – Guarantees that none shall die the second death except the wilfully, intelligently disobedient. R3770:6, 5164:2, 1654:1

Will apply not only to natural Israel, but all the families of the earth. NS249:3

Remember no more – In a condemnatory sense. R4659:5

18 But where there is remission of these, there is no longer a sacrifice for sin. Remission of these – The remission of sins has not yet come for Israel and the world, because the offering for sins is not completed. R4390:5

No more offering – Christ is still offering up himself. The great Atonement Day is not yet closed, though nearly so. R4390:5

When an acceptable sacrifice has been offered to God for sins, the transaction is a closed one, and the sacrifice needs no repetition. R4322:1

19 Having therefore, brethren, boldness for entering into the holy of holies by the blood of Jesus, Brethren – Prospective underpriests. R4513:1

Only brethren related to the great High Priest have access. F681

Boldness – Courage, confidence, privilege. R2670:3, 4513:1, 4390:5

Faith in God. R5380:2

We approach "unto the throne of grace." (Heb. 4:16) R469:4

Into the holiest – The Most Holy. R1988:6; NS560:4

In the type, the High Priest alone, on the Day of Atonement, had the privilege to enter the holiest. R4390:5

The Church hopes to ultimately enter into the Most Holy as members of the antitypical High Priest. R4390:5

The blood of Jesus – Faith in which can alone give access to the Father. R2252:3; SM139:1

The basis for forgiveness, opening up the way to reconciliation, and transferring us from the domain of sentenced culprits back to sonship in the family of God. R1230:3, 1299:1*

Intercourse with the Father can be had by us only in the name and merit of his Son our Redeemer. R1581:1

"No man cometh unto the Father but by me." (John 14:6) "Whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name he will give it you." (John 16:23) R2252:3

20 the new and living way which he has dedicated for us through the veil, that is, his flesh, New and living way – Of return to God's family. D217

To life--illustrated by the "Well" of the Great Pyramid. C337

A way to everlasting life. R5869:6, 5640:6

A new way of life. F681; T21

The narrow way to life. R447:5*, 659:5*

His new way of life--first presented to the Jews, then to Gentiles. R5407:2, 4

There were no Christian promises until after Jesus' death. R5614:3

By which consecrated believers may go beyond the human nature and be changed to a higher nature--the spiritual. A207; R279:6

Consecrated for us – The Royal Priesthood. A207

Through the veil – The veil between the spiritually-minded nature and the perfect spiritual nature beyond the flesh. T21; HG34:3

The rending of the veil between the Holy and the Most Holy would seem to teach symbolically that a way into the Holy of Holies had been opened. R1988:6

His flesh – His sacrifice. R5407:2

As represented in Moses. (Exod. 34:34) HG34:3

Greek, sarx, does not mean sinful; it means flesh, simply and only. R1223:2

21 and having a great priest over the house of God, An high priest – The Apostle is drawing attention especially to those familiar with the Jewish arrangements of that day, that the Aaronic priesthood was only a typical one, designed for a time to illustrate greater things. R5424:1

The great antitypical Priest was to be not only a sacrificing, but also a reigning Priest. R5776:6

The antitypical High Priest--Jesus the Head and the Church his Body. R4390:5, 5424:2

Over – Christ as the Head of the new order of priesthood. He has entered into the true Most Holy. R5424:2

We may by faith realize ourselves as underpriests, members of the High Priest's body, joint-sacrificers with him and under his ministration. R4513:1

The house of God – The antitypical Priests and Levites. R4585:2

The Church, the Royal Priesthood. NS560:4

To take the place of the house of Aaron. R5424:2

22 let us approach with a true heart, in full assurance of faith, sprinkled as to our hearts from a wicked conscience, and washed as to our body with pure water. Let us – Let us therefore. R3083:4

Let us have courage to draw near. R2671:1

As underpriests of this order. R5424:2

The house of God class, who are privileged to come to God in prayer. R5424:5

The house of sons. R5424:5

This invitation is not addressed to sinners, but to those who have already believed unto justification. R2670:3

Those born in a measure of justification, have had a measure of fellowship with God always, as children of believers, and are in a favorable condition to be drawn of God. SM429:T

Draw near – To God. R2670:3, 94:4

Advance from the Court condition of justification into the Holy or heavenly, the spirit-begotten condition, reached through consecration. R2670:6

Enter into the real Holy and Most Holy. R5424:2, 2671:6, 2670:6

Fully enter in with him; become full participators in this work--in everything that God has for us to do. R5424:3

Loyally press forward unto the end of the way, until we shall be joined to our great High Priest, and enter into his rest. R5424:3

The full attainment of our privilege of drawing near to God will not be reached until we shall have passed the second veil through death. R2671:1

"Come boldly unto the throne of heavenly grace." (Heb. 4:16) R2024:4

To do so we must seek to have a conscience void of offense toward God and man. (Acts 24:16) R5425:2, 2671:2

With a true heart – Honesty of heart. R2021:3, 4896:1

Not double-minded. R5424:6

The desire to draw nearer and nearer to God must be in our hearts; else we shall fail to go on and attain our privileges in Christ. R5425:1, 2671:1

If our hearts are loyal, God, by myriad agencies, is able and willing to keep our poor heads. R4535:6

Loyal to the covenant into which we have entered with God. Realizing how wonderful are our blessings, how precious is the provision of the covering of our Savior's merit. R5424:3,6

In full assurance – With holy boldness. R5424:6

Confidence. (Syriac) R2021:3

Wide, ample. R564:4

Which none can have who lack the witness of the spirit to their adoption into God's family. E226

On account of God's grace bestowed upon us through Jesus our Lord. R2670:6

Recognizing that their sins and iniquities have been fully covered, and that they themselves have been fully accepted of the Father. E681

"As a little child" (Luke 18:17) would trust its earthly parent. R5425:1

How few have this. R5425:2

Cannot be attained in a day. It requires quite a degree of information. R5424:6

That faith, which, if retained, will bring us off "more than conquerors," (Rom. 8:37) and make us at last members in full of the Royal Priesthood--in glory. R5424:6

That they may attain all the glorious things to which God has invited them. R5424:6

This language implies that there may properly be a diffidence on our part in respect to this privilege. We might properly hesitate to expect to have communion, fellowship, close approach to the great Creator. R2670:6

The believer may, up to the time of the completion of the elect number, exercise this faith that his sacrifice will be accepted of the Father. R5284:3

Each one who realizes a lack in this direction should earnestly pray, "Lord, increase our faith," (Luke 17:5) and then cultivate such faith. R5425:4

Of faith – An undoubting faith. R2021:3, 4896:1

In the merits of Christ sacrifice. R2671:3

That our sins are forgiven. R94:4, 5425:5

Based on the unchangeable Word of God. E230

Faith in God who has made us such gracious arrangements and promises. R2671:1

Confidence in the Bible is the very basis of all faith. CR416:2

The Christian who has not the shield of faith, and a large one, is continually at a disadvantage before the Adversary and all the hosts of evil. R5425:4

Without this, the child of God cannot come close to him. R5425:1

All the steps of God's true people are steps of faith, or realization of his care. R5424:6

Having no doubt whatever that God's promises are true and for us. R5424:3

Dependent upon certain conditions; obedience to our covenant; entire heart-loyalty, not double-minded. R5424:6

Not attained in a day. It requires quite a degree of information, in God's Word, his promises and providences over us. R5424:6

He who has begun a good work in us is both able and willing to complete it. (Phil. 1:6) R2642:1

Hearts sprinkled – Through the application of the blood. R2021:6, 4896:4, 2671:3,6, 2021:3

A will that has been justified not merely through faith but also through the application of the blood, symbol of the merit of the ransom. R2021:3

Get the heart (mind) started toward purity, and the literal water will be used as well as the symbolical, and the outward man will soon be clean. R2022:3

Applied to the use of tobacco or other weaknesses to be overcome. R2022:6

An evil conscience – A consciousness of evil; present condemnation. F463; R5425:1

A consciousness of sin. R94:4

A clean conscience. R2021:6, 4896:4

Justification. <NS561:4

If our conscience is condemned by our own consciences it would also be condemned by God. R2671:2

From present condemnation--realizing our sins propitiated through Christ's blood, and that we now have forgiveness of sins. NS75:3

Not only that we are to avoid sin, but that we shall apply, by faith, the merit of the blood of Christ, the blood of sprinkling, the blood of consecration. and realize our acceptance is only in the Beloved One. R2671:3

Our bodies washed – Our moral characters. R2671:4

Sprinkled. R2670:3

Purified. R2021:6

Being washed. (Syriac) R2021:3

Figuratively represents the continued process of "cleansing ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and of the spirit, perfecting holiness in the reverence of the Lord." (2 Cor. 7:1) R2671:3, 2022:1

By our earnest efforts to put away from our flesh, as we have already put away from our hearts, all things defiling and displeasing in the Lord's sight. R2671:3

The outward man in process of cleansing. R2021:6, 4896:4, 2671:4

Our fleshly nature cleansed. R94:4

The putting away of the filth of the flesh. NS561:4

Through obedience in the application in daily life of the promises, precepts, warnings and illustrations of Scripture. R2021:6

In addition to prayer, a physical bath and occasional fasting as a sign to God of your earnestness of heart--as a proof to yourself, as well as to God, that your prayer is not merely a momentary fancy. R2022:6

"That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word." (Eph. 5:26) E445; R2671:3

With pure water – The Word of truth and grace. R2021:6, 4896:4, 2671:5

Divine truth, not the muddy and polluted teachings of the Adversary. R2671:4

"He that hath this hope in him purifieth himself even as he (who called him) is pure." (1 John 3:3) R2671:4

Brought into harmony by and with the truth. R94:4

23 Let us hold fast the confession of the hope unwavering, (for he is faithful who has promised;) Hold fast – Be steadfast. R5497:4

The Apostle was writing to some in the early church who had given evidence of wavering, who were failing properly to hold on. R5698:1

Unless we do hold fast to our faith we shall lose everything. R5698:2

We should scrutinize our hearts day by day to make sure we are still loyal to the Lord. R5698:5

Tests of our loyalty will continually come. There will be temptations to become discouraged. Ours is a marvellous calling, and only heroic souls, with the Master's spirit, are wanted to fill the places of the elect class. R5497:3

Hold the glorious truth not only in the letter, but also in the spirit; in the love of it. R5497:6

The profession – The Lord will not consider that we have a proper faith or hope unless we confess it. We confess the Lord with our mouth. R5497:2

As footstep followers of the great High Priest, underpriests. NS561:4, 560:4

Our faith – The firmness of faith in the child of God, and the firmness with which he holds the profession of his faith, has much to do with his consistency in Christian life. R5698:1

Our faith has a strong and sure foundation upon which to rest; "faith can surely trust him, come what may." R5497:2

Let us not grieve the holy Spirit of God which is within us. The Lord gives us a solid basis for our hope. R5497:4

"Without faith it is impossible to please God." (Heb. 11:6) R5698:2

Without wavering – Firm unto the end. R5497:4

Without harboring doubts and fears. R5698:4

While the early church had been faithful at one time, they apparently had become lukewarm. R5698:1, 5332:2

If we hesitate and waver we are either losing our faith or losing the spirit of obedience and love. R5698:5

He is faithful – The responsibility rests with us--the Lord will do his part. CR470:6

If there be failure or unfaithfulness, it will be on our part. R1698:5

This assurance is the basis of our faith in our ultimate triumph. R5698:4

We have proven his gracious promises in times of stress and danger and we know he will not fail us. R5497:5, 5698:4

"Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it." (1 Thess. 5:24) R4818:6

That promised – He will not disregard his promises. R5698:5

A hope backed by all his sure promises and by God's oath. R5497:4

24 and let us consider one another for provoking to love and good works; Let us – The Church; the consecrated new creatures in Christ Jesus. R4076:3

Consider one another – Consider what would be helps or hindrances, encouragements or stumbling blocks. R4076:6

Consider one another's sacrifice; each other's imperfections, peculiarities or good qualities. R3313:6

We are not to be reckless of each other's interests; whether in personal contact, or by mail. R4076:6

Render all possible assistance to every fellows-pilgrim in the narrow way NS561:4

What a burning and shining light every Christian would be if his every act were considered and shaped for the benefit of those with whom he comes in contact! R4076:6

Provoke – To incite, inspire, encourage. R3313:5, 5125:2, 4076:3

Arouse, incite or stimulate. R4076:1, 5556:4

To exert an influence favorable to righteousness. R5603:1, 4076:4

To call forth. R5978:5, 5603:1

In the reverse direction of the world. F308

Love – Love for the Lord and each other. F309

To goodness of thought and word and act, in harmony with the heavenly wisdom which is guiding their own course. R4076:5

The best way to control pride is to practice generosity--provoke others to love. R5125:5

"Edifying one another." (1 Thess. 5:11) F311

Ascertaining how we can be most helpful to each other in the narrow way, most edifying, strengthening, inspiring. R3313:6

Love is patient and seeks to find extenuating circumstances. R5125:2

Study carefully each other's dispositions with a view to avoiding the saying or doing of things which would unnecessarily wound, stir up anger, etc. F308

Good works – Of every kind that would glorify our Father, bless the brotherhood, and would do good unto all men as we have opportunity. F309

Good conduct. F308

And happy looks. R4078:4

Not to anger, hatred and evil works. R4008:2, 4076:6

Some have not caught the spirit of the truth on this subject. R5413:1

25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the custom is with some; but encouraging one another, and by so much the more as ye see the day drawing near. Not forsaking – In verses 25-31 Paul faithfully warned the Church, and pointed out in language that cannot be mistaken by unbiased minds, the blessing and cursing, life and death, set before us. R402:1*

Keeping up of attendance at meetings with some regularity. R5937:1*

Be more diligent. R4077:1

None of us is so strong in the new nature that he can disregard the fellowship of kindred minds. R4077:1; F310

Of Christ it was said, "As his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath Day." (Luke 4:16) R2579:2

The assembling – We are more or less like coals of fire, which, if separated, will tend to cool rapidly, but which, if brought together, will tend to increase in fervency the whole mass. R4077:1

Meet for the purpose of building up yourselves in your most holy faith. (Jude 20) R317:4, 4830:3, 850:3,6, 836:1; F311; SM178:1; Q511:T, 844:2

Our Lord encouraged his people to seek each other's fellowship for companionship in the study of his Word, and in prayer, pronouncing special blessings upon the meeting, even if only two or three. R4077:1, 3965:6, 2527:5, 1575:4; F310; Q810:1

In order to maintain your light and let it shine. R5129:6, 836:5

This may be in a country road, in the home circle, or in the more general gatherings of the Lord's people for worship, prayer, and study of the truth. R2801:6, 597:2*, 316:3*

In Christian fellowship and communion around the table of the Lord--to strengthen the bonds of love and fellowship. R1890:1; F389, F310

But don't let any undue stiffness or formality hinder you or others from enjoying the liberty wherewith Christ has made you free. (Gal. 5:1) R836:1

If we do not care to go to meetings, we may know that we are not in good spiritual health. R5130:1; F310

Where the assembling is not possible, the Lord makes up for the lack in some other way. R5129:6, 4077:1

If not possible--what blessed communion and interchange of thought the saints may have through the mails and press. R850:6, 4077:2, 3626:4, 2742:3, 2406:3

We do well to attend conventions according to our circumstances. NS387:4

"They that feared the Lord spake often one to another." (Mal. 3:16) R4078:4, 2406:3, 1743:6

Not an assemblage of unbelievers, where endeavors are made constantly to break the hearts of sinners. F312

Of ourselves – With those of like precious faith, assisting one another to "put on the whole armor of God." (Eph. 6:11) R4077:4

Not a meeting in which the world, the flesh, and the devil will commingle, but a meeting of those who are justified and consecrated and who love the Lord. R2406:3

The necessity for this is that sin on the part of those who have come into the precious relationship of spirit-begotten children of God (Verse 26) is a serious matter. SM178:1

Together – For instruction in prophecy and moral doctrine; for Christian development; for questions; for expression of divergent views; for devotion. F314

For mutual edification, encouragement and strengthening. R597:2*, 316:2*; F311

For mutual advancement in spiritual things. F309

There, Jacob's ladder touches the earth and the place becomes, as Jacob said, "The gate of heaven." (Gen. 28:17) R3965:5

This is one of the great aids to overcoming the world and securing a place in the Kingdom. F729

Where our heart is where our sympathies and love are, there will we delight to be. F389

No husband or wife has a right to exercise such tyranny over a home as to make this impossible. F590

"Where two or three of you are met in my name, there am I in your midst." (Matt. 18:20) F309; R4077:1, 3965:6, 3014:3, 2406:2

In so doing it is a matter of special importance that we carefully consider what the Scriptures present as profitable for the various companies. "Let all things be done decently and in order." (1 Cor. 4:40) R1890:2, 1889:3, 836:2; Q844:2

Some – Of the Lord's people. R4076:6

Diseased with a kind of spiritual pride and self-sufficiency, which leads to saying, I need not to go to the common school of Christ, I will take private lessons from the Lord at home. F310

So much the more – The Lord foresaw these perilous times, and knew how much more than ever we should need each other's sympathy, encouragement and help. R850:3

Implying more need for the observance of this instruction. The great Millennial day has brought with it new activities in mind and body, a greater pressure of business and rush to keep abreast of the times. R4077:2

The nearer we come to the great Day of the Lord, the more precious are our opportunities for Christian fellowship. R4677:3

We need a counteracting influence to off-set the increasing influence of the world and its affairs upon us, and this is to be sought by communing with the Lord's people. R4077:3, 2243:2; F309

As ye see the day – The day of the gathering of the Lord's jewels. R2406:2, 4078:4

The Millennial Day--beginning with a day of trouble. R3083:4, 4077:2; NS470:3

The glorious day of Messiah's Kingdom. R5406:4

The Day of the Lord. R4677:3

The end of the Gospel day having come, another day (Heb. 4:8) is approaching. R342:5*

Approaching – Drawing on. R4077:4; NS470:3

The shadows of night and darkness, ignorance and superstition passing away. R5406:4

26 For where we sin wilfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains any sacrifice for sins, For – For verses 26-31 see also comments on Heb. 6:4-6. R3164:5, 1962:2

If we – The consecrated Church. R1698:2; CR186:4; SM558:2

Who have received all the benefits of Christ's ransom. R261:1; SM775:T

Who have enjoyed the privileges of consecrated believers. R1962:2, 383:1

Who now are on trial. SM775:T; R5233:6; SM775:T

Not the world. R5093:4; SM775:T

Sin wilfully – Full, complete sin--the sin upon which the full penalty is justly and properly to be recompensed. R4077:5

The sin unto death--wilfulness in the matter would seal our case, however small the transgression. CR186:4

Wilfully depart from the faith which justified us. F167

Wilfully reject him and his work. A321; R2051:6

Intentionally committed, under full light and ability to the contrary. R1454:2, 723:3

By open sin or a denial of the value of the "blood of the covenant." R724:6

Open and deliberate apostasy. R570:5, 1962:2, 1336:4*, 383:4, 44:1

Open rebellion. R772:4

There could be no repentance for these. R5452:5

Typified by any of the firstborn among the Jews on the night of the Passover who did not remain under the blood. R3995:5

Knowingly gone out from under the blood of sprinkling. R2273:2, 1291:3

With full intent, and whose sin is mortal. These do not feel penitent, but afterward approve their sin, and boast of it, generally as great light and liberty. R1985:6

Such will probably either deny the precious blood of atonement, or else go into gross immoralities; we should not eat with such persons, receive them into our houses, bid them God speed, nor pray for them. F302

Those in the church nominal who have received clear light and knowledge respecting the divine plan, and who have either sinned wilfully by turning to a life of intentional sin, or who have repudiated the blood. R2698:1

The Apostle is not speaking of sins of ignorance nor of accidental missteps by being overtaken in a fault. R4077:4

Not merely by being overcome of the weaknesses of the flesh, temporarily. R3202:1, 1483:1, 383:1, 260:6; F368; NS86:2

If a sin is partially wilful, and confessed, it is not a sin unto death, but the measure of wilfulness would receive stripes. R1483:1, 3502:6; Q653:1

Very few of the Lord's people reach this point of full, complete, deliberate, intentional sin. In nearly all sin there is room for a measure of divine forgiveness, proportionate to the willingness or weakness. R4272:4, 725:4, 131:3, 44:1

The unpardonable sin. R131:3, 140:1, 44:1, 16:4; HG14:6

Sin voluntarily. (Diaglott) R383:1

After – Disproving the doctrine of individual election. R624:3

Received – Heard the Lord's voice. R3164:4

The knowledge – A thorough understanding. R383:1

Full light. R1234:5, 1694:1, 1618:3, 1426:4, 1149:4*, 381:4

Full knowledge. R891:6, 1449:4*

Full knowledge of the divine will. R1736:5, 1449:4*; A321

And ability to live up to it. R1213:5*, 1234:4, 1149:4*

Such favors and knowledge brings responsibility and makes the results momentous for life or death everlasting. NS86:1, 420:1

Of the truth – As it is in Jesus. R5933:3

Favored of God in Christ to the extent of wisdom, justification and sanctification. F167

The special light of this harvest time. C204

The knowledge of God's grace in Christ, to which God wills that all shall some time come. E474; Q638:3

All the families of the earth shall be awakened and brought to full clear knowledge of the truth before being sentenced as "wicked." R1106:4,6

There remaineth – No more part for us in the sacrifice. R3083:4, 2707:1

For those who do not remain in the household of faith. R5641:2

No more sacrifice – No longer a share in the sacrifice of Christ. R5093:4, 2732:4, 2698:1, 383:1

No more a sacrifice. R260:6

The imputation of Christ's merit will not be repeated to any. R4986:4

The atonement for Adamic sin will not cover wilful sins against light and knowledge. E474; R2698:1, 2658:2, 1454:2, 514:5; F167

His ransom does not cover our wilful or determined sin. R383:1

"It is impossible to renew them again to repentance." (Heb. 6:4,6) F368; R5194:2, 3995:6, 2698:4, 1736:4, 1469:5, 1426:4, 1249:1, 261:4, 77:4

"Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more." (Rom. 6:9) R2610:2, 5093:5, 3502:6, 553:4, 514:5, 44:1

They are to be esteemed adversaries of God, whose fate was symbolized in the destruction of the firstborn of Egypt. R5641:2

If they sin wilfully after having been begotten of the Spirit, they will get death. R5071:2, 4830:3, 570:2

They have had and have misused their share in the great "ransom for all." (1 Tim. 2:6) R4908:5, 1962:2, 1698:3, 381:4; NS833:3; Q653:1

The blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be forgiven unto men. (Matt. 12:31) R78:1*, 260:2, 78:1*, 44:1

There is absolutely no hope for the class described in these verses. R4435:2, 5933:3, 2732:4, 1298:3, 44:1; NS162:3; SM178:2

Only destruction. R5933:3, 1494:4*

The sacrifice of Christ does not cover the second death. R1450:4*

The same principle will apply to the world of mankind in general when they shall be on trial for eternal life. SM314:1; R1234:5

For sins – "There is a sin unto death." (1 John 5:16) R3260:3, 1694:1, 1249:1; HG14:5; NS162:3; Q653:1; SM515:1

27 but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and heat of fire about to devour the adversaries. Fearful looking for – Looking forward to. R3995:6

Refers to the people of God who realize the fearfulness of the position of those who despise God's favor. R1985:3

Those whose justification had been vitalized, but they had turned back to sin. R4901:2

The Apostle does not say whether those individuals themselves would realize their mistake and feel their alienation from God. Q383:4

Of judgment – Retribution. E474

Sentence. F167; NS833:3

They cannot be renewed unto repentance. Their hearts have become too hardened. R5452:5, 4079:1

Inasmuch as they are in heart-sympathy with sin, and not in opposition to it. R4077:6, 3260:3

The Lord's decision on these exceptional cases would not need to wait for the "harvest" of this age. R2430:4

Fiery indignation – To go out from under the blood of Jesus, the penalty would be second death--hopeless extinction. SM562:T; R2732:4

Which would destroy us. R5233:6

Which shall devour – Destroy. R912:2, 5233:6, 1698:3, 724:6, 260:6; E474; Q383:4

"Eat up" opposition. R527:5

Devour us as adversaries. R4079:1, 3995:6, 3502:5; Q383:4; SM715:1, 178:1

Utterly destroy, as vessels fitted for destruction. SM715:1

In the second death. NS833:3

If we turn from the way of holiness, like a sow to wallowing again in the mire. NS309:6

Not preserve in torment. R2601:3, 1; HG160:5

The adversaries – Enemies. R2942:5, 4077:6

Opponents. R4077:6

Of God. R5391:4, 5641:2, 5233:6, 3995:6, 3260:3, 2942:5, 1698:3, 724:6; F167; HG160:5; NS579:4, 833:3; Q383:4; SM558:2, 178:1

Of the Lord. R4993:6

The Son of God. R4077:6

The antitypical Moses, the glorified Christ. E474

Of righteousness. R3260:3; SM558:2

All intelligently opposed to God and his righteousness and plan for securing that righteousness through the redemption which is in Christ. F167

Who knowingly trample under foot the precious blood of Christ. R1186:5; NS162:3

Satan and some who after having been clearly enlightened will deliberately choose sin. R5896:1, 3725:3

"Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction." (2 Thess. 1:9) R2607:6

"He will not always chide, nor will he keep (retain or hold back) his anger forever." (Psa. 103:9) R1402:6

"All the wicked will he destroy." (Psa. 145:20) R3034:1, 1234:4, 1106:6

28 Any one that has disregarded Moses' law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses: He that – Verses 28 and 29 contrast the penalty for forsaking the true Mediator with the typical penalty under the Law for forsaking the typical Mediator, Moses. R388:1

In the typical nation. R3083:4

Despised – Violated. R137:6*

Attempted to offer to God incense for themselves. R1250:4, 724:5

Moses' law – The typical Mediator. R1250:4, 5046:6, 2859:2

The typical Lawgiver. R3083:4

God's representative on the one hand, and Israel's representative on the other. R5046:6, 1725:4

Christ Jesus, by full obedience to the Law Covenant, had the right to supersede Moses as the Lawgiver and representative of that nation. R1725:4, 5046:6

See Lev. 10:1-3. R724:5

Died without mercy – Every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward. R3052:6

Those executed for disobedience to Moses were merely types of those who will suffer second death. SM777:T, 358:T; R5093:5, 724:6

There was nothing more for them then. Theirs was the death penalty. R5093:5

In the antitype, the wages of wilful conduct would be everlasting, while that in the type was covered by the great sacrifice for sins once for all. R3083:4; SM358:T

They will eventually have an opportunity to receive God's grace in Christ Jesus. R5093:5; SM777:1

As illustrated by Nadab and Abihu. T40; R3055:5

29 of how much worse punishment, think ye, shall he be judged worthy who has trodden under foot the Son of God, and esteemed the blood of the covenant, whereby he has been sanctified, common, and has insulted the Spirit of grace? How much sorer – Severer. E473; F168; R5093:5, 4513:2, 2859:2, 912:2; SM777:T

Greater. R724:5

Worse. R388:1, 3502:6

More serious. R3083:4

Does not signify more painful, but simply severer or more weighty. SM776:3

Sin unto death. R4605:5

Sorer than the first death, in that it would be without hope. R4077:4, 3502:6

Than did the typical Israelites who despised the message of the typical Moses. SM776:2

Second death--the cutting off forever from life without remedy or hope. R912:2, 388:1; F168

Not only lose a few years of his condemned life, but lose his soul, his being, his existence forever, and that without hope of recovery. E474

Punishment – The penalty. R5093:5, 912:2

Death without a resurrection. F168; R5093:5, 4605:1, 4591:6, 1951:5, 567:2, 388:1; SM777:1, 358:T

Anyone who despised the Law of Moses was condemned to death, from which he is to be released through the merit of Christ. R4605:1, 4513:2

If Moses' Law inflicted a death penalty, assuredly the one who would willingly transgress under greater light would suffer a more severe punishment. R4513:2

Those executed for disobedience to Moses were merely types of those who will suffer the second death. SM777:T

These thoughts should make all who have accepted Christ, very earnest, very diligent. SM179:T

Shall he be – The Apostle is not applying this text to the world, but to the Church. R4605:2

Trodden under foot – Disgraced. R3083:4

Rejection of the atoning work of Christ. R5391:4; F168; SM774:1

Denying the ransom--the very foundation of all the hopes and blessings seen and experienced. R1459:4, 918:4

Enemies of Christ, who really trample him and his goodness and love under their feet, figuratively, disdaining his mercy and favor as well as his instruction in righteousness. R5939:1, 4077:6

Counted – Knowingly and deliberately. R918:4, 3202:1, 570:5

By a mental rejection of the conditions of favor--a mental repudiation of the blood of the New Covenant. R3202:1

Presumptuous sins pervert the judgment, make void the Scriptures and lead to "the great transgression." (Psa. 19:13) R1392:4, 1296:4

The blood – The death of Jesus. R3201:5, 16:4

The sacrifice of Christ. R1458:5

Our human lives are to be sacrificed with Jesus. Our death is a sacrificial death and our blood is counted in as his blood. Thus, by partaking in the blood of the covenant, we are sanctified. R5878:1

The cup we memorialize. R4592:1, 4495:3, 4321:4

Of the covenant – The New Covenant. R2859:2, 4513:2, 3364:5, 3279:5, 3083:4, 1951:5; F168

Which shortly is to be sealed for Israel and through Israel for all the families of the earth. R4592:2, 4605:2

Sharers with him in his great work for mankind, namely, the sealing of the New Covenant with his blood. R4495:3, 5878:1

Our consecration to share with our Lord in his death, in his sacrifice, in the blood of the New Covenant. R4513:2, 4592:1, 4495:3

Our engagement, our consecration to share with our Lord in his sacrificial death. R4513:2

A covenant of sacrifice. (Psa. 50:5) R5877:6

He was sanctified – Made acceptable to God, justified. E473; C201

Set apart as New Creatures. R261:1

Set apart or devoted to the serving of the New Covenant for Israel and the world. R4495:3

As a result of faith in the precious blood and its cleansing from sin. R4077:6

And in which they had trusted, and on account of which they had been privileged to grow in grace and knowledge. R1459:4

Not only justified by faith in the precious blood, but have presented their bodies living sacrifices. R4591:6, 5939:1, 4605:2, 4321:4

By our consecration to drink of his cup--the blood of the New Covenant. R4321:4, 5878:1, 4591:6, 4435:4

Those who have the understanding and enlightenment through the antitypical Moses--Christ. R5093:5

An unholy thing – Greek, koinos, common, defiled, unclean. R4435:6, 4491:1, 1336:3*

A common thing. C201; E473; F168; R4605:4, 4513:2, 4435:5, 4079:1, 3201:5, 1985:6, 1951:5, 1392:4, 1186:5, 694:6, 431:2, 388:1; NS420:1; SM358:2

An ordinary thing. R5193:6, 3083:4, 2698:1, 1459:4, 1458:5, 740:6, 387:6, 261:1; C201; E473; F168

As an unsacred or common thing. R4591:6, 5939:1, 4077:6, 724:5, 570:4, 567:1

Valueless. R1454:2, 44:4*

Lightly esteemed. R383:2

Denouncing it, counting the death of Christ, as common, not a special sacrifice, valid for the cancellation of our sins. SM775:T; R4605:4, 1794:5, 383:2; SM300:1

Denying or ignoring the precious blood. R1860:6, 918:4

Counting the blood of Christ, the death of Christ, as an ordinary death, and not as a special holy sacrifice valid for the cancellation of our sins. SM775:T

No longer count their covenant to be dead with him as a sacred obligation. R4435:6

Of no more value than the blood of any member of the condemned race. R1336:4

No longer recognizing Jesus' death as their ransom or covering. R387:6, 383:2; C204

Such take off the garment of Jesus' righteousness, and have only filthy rags. R387:6, 724:5

Esteeming their own little self-denials equally indispensable to the execution of God's great plan of the ages. C200; E474; F168

Those who reject the blood by denying the ransom are merely blinded by the cunning sophistries which Satan constantly uses to deceive. R882:6

This Scripture suggests a doctrinal deflection, whereas Heb. 6:4-9

suggests a moral retrogression. SM773-774; F167

Hath done despite – Disrespect. R261:1

Insulted. R567:1, 137:6*

Despised God by ignoring his only arrangement for atonement. F168; R4605:5, 3201:6, 1837:2, 1459:4, 1296:4, 769:6; SM358:2

Rejecting the only name, the only sacrifice, the only means by which there is forgiveness of sins and fellowship with the Father. SM774:2

The one and only plan of salvation--in Christ Jesus. R1250:3

Despite all these favors and blessings, and despite their covenant with the Lord to be his servants. R2697:6

They fail entirely and go into second death. R4921:1, 4634:6

Typed by Moses who was not permitted to enter into the land of promise. R4058:1

The Spirit of grace – Of divine grace. E473

The spirit of favor exercised through Christ. R1186:5, 4605:1, 1056:2, 891:6, 769:6, 740:6, 261:1; C201

The grace of God which provided the atonement and fellowship with our Redeemer in his sacrifice and reward. F168

Favor, which has called us with this high calling during this Gospel age. R4591:6

All the favors and privileges of God's grace. R4513:2, 1454:2

Divine favor which had held out freedom from the yoke of sin. R5939:1, 4077:6

The spirit of favor which has brought them thus far. R5391:4

Very few day have the sufficiency of light and opportunity essential to a sentence to second death. R2940:5

30 For we know him that said, To me belongs vengeance; *I* will recompense, saith the Lord: and again, The Lord shall judge his people. For we know – This is no idle suggestion. R4513:2

Vengeance – God will punish the evil doers. R1618:3, 247:5

Those who forsake the way of the Lord. NS217:4

Saith the Lord – Jehovah. F396

We are to remember him with whom we have been dealing. R4513:2

Shall judge – During the Gospel age. R1336:4*

The present time. R1391:6; CR495:6; OV434:5

Let us not wait for him to judge us personally--let us examine ourselves, and correct whatever we can find to be out of alignment with his instructions to us. OV434:5

If not sufficiently watchful, the Lord will give us some experiences that will be good--if rightly received. R5890:5

31 It is a fearful thing falling into the hands of the living God. A fearful thing – Until actually perfect. A305; R2426:5, 1068:4, 792:1, 764:2, 387:5

Going out from the protection provided. R724:6, 1250:3, 724:6

It would be the second death. R792:1, 4513:2

Because God is just, and we are imperfect and could not hope to meet the requirements of the law of absolute justice. R2859:3; A305; E471

Because every imperfect being, judged by the law of God, would be unworthy of life, condemned to death--second death. R792:1

Because of the absolute perfection of God's law, and the fact that his only allowance for imperfection is through Jesus. R764:2; E472

Because, if in his hands, though loving, he is just and cannot look upon sin with any degree of allowance. R387:4

To fall – Out of the hands of the Redeemer. F168, F120; R4513:5, 387:6; HG160:5

Out of the hands of mercy. SM777:1

Exposing themselves to the second death. R387:5

By a wilful rejection of the Redeemer's merit. R792:1, 4835:2, 1261:3, 1250:3, 764:2

By coming out from under the covering, ignoring the ransom price, and "counting the blood of the covenant a common thing." (Verse 29) R387:5

Into the hands – Into the hands of justice. SM777:1; HG160:5

To be dealt with directly, without mercy. R2859:3, 1261:3

A judgment according to facts and works; and to all imperfect creatures this means death. R2456:4, 2426:5; A305

If in his hands we know that the slightest imperfection must condemn us to death, how graciously, then, has God provided a "cleft rock", a perfect covering for our nakedness, in the person of Jesus our Lord. R387:5

All unjustified are yet in the Father's hands, and under his condemnation. R387:6

Of the living God – The great Judge who can make no allowance for sin, accept no excuses. F168

To stand trial before God in our own righteousness, which is but "filthy rags." (Isa. 64:6) R1442:2, 1769:1, 1261:3, 387:6

Who is a consuming fire to any who claim his gift of life outside of his appointed way. R1850:2, 2859:3, 1442:2, 1336:4*

His mercy and love can never trample upon his justice. R386:5

He cannot look upon the least sin with any degree of allowance. (Hab. 1:13) R386:6; F120

32 But call to mind the earlier days in which, having been enlightened, ye endured much conflict of sufferings; Call to remembrance – An exhortation to confidence and loyalty. SM777:2

The Apostle recognized that we might become discouraged with our faults and weaknesses. SM179:2

Take encouragement from what you may have endured in the past. CR153:2; R4078:1; SM179:3

Continue to wage warfare against the world, the flesh and the devil. R4078:1

The former days – Our past experiences. R4513:3; SM778:T

Our first love and first zeal. R4078:1

Maintain the zeal and love which began and which should be increasing day by day. SM778:T

At that time, the brethren were really in a better, more alive, spiritual condition than later. SM179:3

Ye were illuminated – Enlightened. R3776:2

An enlightening of the mind. CR402:5

Saw the matter clearly. R5332:2

The begetting of the holy Spirit. R5088:2

The work of the holy Spirit, which we received at the time of our consecration unto death. OV407:5; R4544:3; PD57/69; Q183

It began with the Church at Pentecost. OV407:5; R5088:2

There is quite a distinction between having the holy Spirit and being illuminated by it so as to let our light shine. R4149:5

Your afflictions and trials came principally after you had been illuminated, and they have increased as the light of present truth has increased with you. R1653:4

Ye endured – For the Lord's sake, for love of the brethren and in harmony with God's arrangement. R5818:5

A strong persecution, openly manifested by the worldly-spirited, Satan-deceived people of God. SM180:2

While suffering persecutions, the brethren were really in a better spiritual condition than later. SM179:3; CR488:2

Few are willing to endure. R3281:3

God appreciates faithfulness. R4407:4

A great fight – The early Church did not hide their light because of persecution. R942:5

These conditions prevailed all the way down from the Apostle's day, and will continue to the very close of the Church's experiences on this side the veil. SM743:1

Of afflictions – "Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial that shall try you, as though some strange thing happened to you." (1 Peter 4:12) R1652:6, 5412:4

The object and utility of present trials and persecutions are in fullest accord with our high calling--to be a joint-heir with Jesus "if so be that we suffer with him." (Rom. 8:17) R1652:6

Soldiers are not always fighting; they are not always having afflictions. CR153:2

33 on the one hand, when ye were made a spectacle both in reproaches and afflictions; and on the other, when ye became partakers with those who were passing through them. Partly – All lovers of righteousness are to have more or less share in experiences of opposition. SM221:2

Whilst ye were – In their own persons. R1699:5

Who suffered great loss. CR488:2

Made a gazingstock – Those who were actively in the conflict, sufferers for righteousness sake. CR17:5

We have to be a target, that the Lord's message may go forth. R5412:4

Reproaches – The present wages of those who preach truth. R824:3

Afflictions – Under Nero and Diocletian, many Christians suffered for loyalty to God. CR488:2; SM181:1

Whilst ye became – In fellowship with others. R1699:5

Companions – Partakers. NS490:4

By avowing our sympathy for the reproached ones and thus sharing their reproaches and afflictions. R1653:4

Some were not able to go out in the midst of the battle as Paul was, but were loyal to the truth and rejoiced in the privilege of being companions. R2143:1, 2239:3; NS490:1; SM180:1

Some suffered with those in affliction in that they had been sympathizers of those who had been persecuted. R5818:5, 5670:3, 3144:1

The Lord recognizes and appreciates this association with those in distress. Each doing to the extent of his opportunity the work of the Lord. R5670:3, 3144:1; CR17:5

If we have the martyr spirit, are loyal, courageous for the Truth, even though we never are counted worthy of open or public opposition or persecution. SM182:1

Perhaps this constitutes all the sufferings required of some of the Lord's saints. R3002:4

There are two classes of labor to be rewarded, an active and a passive. NS490:4

Of them – The more able servants of the truth. R3144:1

In every time, and now, the spirit of persecution naturally would strike most prominently certain leading figures. SM221:2, 180:3

That were so used – That were reproached for the truth's sake. C133

Misused for Christ's sake. R3183:5, 1699:5

34 For ye both sympathised with prisoners and accepted with joy the plunder of your goods, knowing that ye have for yourselves a better substance, and an abiding one. In my bonds – It is presumed that this epistle was written while St. Paul was a prisoner at Rome. SM180:3

Of your goods – Including worldly reputation. R2405:6

35 Cast not away therefore your confidence, which has great recompense. Cast not away – The Apostle exhorts them not to turn back, not to be discouraged, but to be encouraged. They should have confidence in God that he loved and appreciated all they had borne for him. R5818:5, 4513:3

Be not weary in well-doing; rise from the ashes of discouragement and lift the cross with renewed zeal. R5095:4

In some instances, the feeling of discouragement leads some to fear and distress, that the second death is apprehended. The Apostle seems to have in mind this condition. R5095:1

Satan is permitted to do so if we do not live up to our light. R5595:2

Your confidence – Your faith, your trust. R5594:1; CR214:2; NS563:3

Confidence in God. R5594:6; CR214:2; NS566:4

Outspokenness. SM182:2

In proportion as we have knowledge and grow in grace, in that same proportion our confidence is growing stronger. It represents our heart condition. R5595:2, 188:1

In our Leader, the Great Shepherd of the sheep. R188:1, 4926:6

In God's invitation to be joint-heirs with Christ. R5595:1

In the Lord and in his Word. NS563:4, 566:4

In the brotherhood, or the world of mankind in general. R566:4

Confidence in the outworking of God's plan, and in all who trust in the precious blood and are bringing forth fruits of the spirit in their daily lives. R1653:4, 5595:1

Faith in God and in the "great and precious promises" is the very basis of all Christian endeavor. R5095:2

We surely have every reason for greater confidence than ever--when we call to mind our leading in the past. R191:5

Without this faith in God one cannot fight a good fight. R5095:2

The Lord has not promised a great reward for merely believing and trusting, and in a cowardly manner keeping our light hidden. SM182:2

Testings will come in some manner not expected, and may be very severe crucial tests of our love and loyalty. NS565:5

Through Evolution and Higher Criticism. NS562-564

Reward – The rewards are for those who hold the faith even unto death. R5095:5

God wishes us to trust him according to his promises and will reward such faith. R3002:4

God will reward us according to our faith, confidence, honesty, sincerity. He rewards faith rather than works--not what we can accomplish. R5594:1, 5595:3

The severer the trial that is endured faithfully, the grander we may suppose will be the reward to the faithful. NS566:5

36 For ye have need of endurance in order that, having done the will of God, ye may receive the promise. For ye have need – More and more we come to see how much patience we need. CR447:4

During this period in which Jehovah permits sin and opposition to his will to flourish. R1781:5, 2025:5, 1273:2

Of patience – Greek, hupomone, cheerful endurance, constancy. R2791:1, 5332:1, 4910:4, 2792:1

The Lord cannot give us patience except by giving us trials to develop that patience. CR315:2

"Let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." Let us patiently hold on our way. R5650:1, 5652:6

Without hope, patience would soon fritter away; and no length or breadth or depth of character could be expected. R5213:3

If those who are now suffering affliction because of their loyalty to the Lord, will take afflictions and trials joyfully, these will surely work out good to them. R5333:4, 2025:6

"Take my brethren, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the Lord, for an example of suffering affliction, and of patience." (James 5:10) R5332:6

One of the cardinal graces of Christian character. R5332:2

Done the will of God – In presenting our bodies as living sacrifices, our reasonable service. R5332:2

After having brought our own will into complete subjection to the divine will. R4910:3

Reached the mark--having attained to that mark of character in our hearts, in our wills we should establish God's righteous will as the rule of life under all circumstances and conditions. R2792:1

Not in the perfect and complete sense, but a reasonable service. God does not expect us to do that which is impossible. R5332:2

"This is the will of God (concerning you) even your sanctification." (1 Thess. 4:3) R5332:3

"Having done all to stand" (Eph. 6:13) clad in full armor. C212

Ye – The Christian Church, the consecrated, who have left the world. R5332:1

Receive the promise – The things promised. R5594:4, 191:5

The fulfillment of the promise. R5332:4

The original promise--the seed of Abraham shall bless the world. R5332:5, 5137:1

A share in the coming glory is contingent upon present sufferings because they develop positive characters--and love instead of selfishness. R1653:1

The Apostle is urging that we continue to be Christ's and to abide in him--thus to be glorified with him. R5332:5

37 For yet a very little while he that comes will come, and will not delay. A little while – "The God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly." (Rom. 16:20) "A thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday." (Psa. 90:4) R11:2

Will come – Greek, heko, to have come, be here; not future tense, but present. R591:4*

Be present--Paul's words are especially for us--at the end of the age. R187:3

Will not tarry – This has now been accomplished, he has come, and no longer delays. R191:5

He that will come, will come and not tarry – Quoted in Hab. 2:3.
38 But the just shall live by faith; and, if he draw back, my soul does not take pleasure in him. Now the just – The just one. R191:5

Consecrated believers, justified by faith in Christ as their Redeemer. R798:2, 904:1*

A peculiar people, separate from the world, and cannot assimilate with it. R903:6*

The just one is first of all, Jesus, and secondly all those who constitute members of the Body of Christ. R191:5, 904:1*

Shall live by faith – Contrary to the course of the world, which seek to walk by sight and after the desires of the flesh. R1798:5, 1790:3, 903:3*

The life of faith is the assimilation of that which we have proved to be the truth, so that its principles become our principles, and its promises our inspiration. R1799:4, 1798:3

It is not enough that, by faith, we receive the first impulse of life, but, having passed from death unto life, we must continue to receive an appropriate spiritual nourishment, that we may grow thereby. R1798:3

In this way of faith there is much of present privilege, as well as future prospect. The motives, hopes, aims, ambitions and joys are all of a higher, nobler order than those of the world. R1798:3

Study and accept God's plan for both the present and future, and act as he directs, ignoring our own ideas of expediency whenever God's Word speaks to the contrary. R903:3*

Very different from living by sight--acting in the present, and planning for the future, according to our knowledge, experience, and judgment. R903:3*

Though the way is very clear, and the light strong, yet we must still "walk by faith and not by sight." (2 Cor. 5:7) R191:5; NS414:2

"Looking not at the things that are seen, but at the things that are not seen." (2 Cor. 4:18) R1798:6

But if any man – Who has been actually or reckonedly restored to perfection. A107

Presented (Rom. 12:1) and sanctified. R4321:4

The Lord never interferes with our hearts--to be in service against our will. We may at any time draw back from service. R4356:3

Draw back – Shrink back. R191:5

From the sufferings. Q680:4

From the covenant of sacrifice. F637

There must be something at this time to which the Apostle refers calculated to make some draw back from the light. R191:5

Unto perdition--to do despite to all the favors of God--to turn back to wallowing in the mire of sin and to take pleasure in the works of the flesh and the devil; anger, malice, hatred, envy, strife. R4654:3, 2073:4*; NS372:5, 382:4

To go back to the world and live after the course of this world, to take its standpoint of observation and to reject the Lord's leading. This is not generally done suddenly, but gradually. R904:4*; SM776:T

After being enlightened, some will reject the favor in the way it is offered. R883:4

And mind earthly things. R1799:5

From doing the Lord's will, and thus renounce their sacrifice. NS611:3

Weariness in well doing and desire for the rewards of unfaithfulness are first steps in drawing back from the way of faith, and also from the favor of God. R1799:1

Through fear that the Lord has forgotten him in his trials, or through unwillingness to longer submit to the polishing. R2405:2

First perhaps looking back with a sigh, then with a little disposition to compromise the truth in favor of the cravings of the fallen nature, finally with a complete surrender. R1799:1, 2073:4*

To walk by sight. R191:5

"No man having put his hand to the plow and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God." (Luke 9:62) R1775:4, 2081:4*

Not merely slip through weakness of the flesh under the power of temptation. R2073:4*

My soul – Greek, psuche, sentient being. God is a soul. E350; R5325:6

No pleasure in him – Does not delight in him. R191:5

This drawing back is a most serious matter. R1799:1

These thus cut themselves off from the favors, privileges and blessings belonging to the Church of Christ. R5332:2

The just shall live by faith – Quoted in Hab. 2:4.

39 But *we* are not drawers back to perdition, but of faith to saving the soul. But we – An illustration of wise suggestion. F549

Of them – Probably few. R2942:2

Who draw back – By sinning wilfully. T68; R2099:5, 1981:5

Turn again to a fleshly will. R5486:2

From such high privileges. R1981:5

And mind earthly things. R1799:5

Unto perdition – Second death--destruction. T68; R5371:2, 5102:3, 4536:4, 4321:5, 2941:3, 2161:3, 2081:4*, 2073:4*, 1799:1, 431:2*

Nonentity. R2941:3

Believe – And go on. R5371:2

Soul – Lives. R5371:2

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