This book marks the completion of the three-volume Harvest Gleaning series.

Together; this series contains over 2500 pages of writings by the late Charles Taze Russell not found in other materials currently available.

Volume One of the series contains a reprint of the book The Three Worlds, the debates between Pastor Russell and two ministers, E L Eaton and L S White respectively, and a collation of tract material published under the Series titles of Old Theology Quarterly, and Bible Students Monthly. Volume Two consisted entirely of sermons of Pastor Russell published in Various newspapers between 1901 and 1910.

This current volume is divided into three sections. The first contains 20 Tract articles from Bible Students Monthly that were not available at the Time of publishing volume one. In section two the publishers include 24 Tract articles from the Old Theology series as well as some Originally published under the series titles of Everybody's Paper and People's Pulpit. In the final section we are including 262 sermons which both fill in the gaps missing in volume two and continue on to the death of Pastor Russell in 1916. Also included in this section are a treatise from Old Theology Quarterly under the title of Bible Study and Needful Helps Thereto; a booklet including three suggested discourses on the Chart of the Ages and a formerly unpublished issue of the Watch Tower entitled A Conspiracy Exposed, and Harvest Siftings.

While additional materials continue to surface from the early days of the Bible Student movement, the publishers of this volume do not anticipate Publishing a sequel to this third volume of Harvest Gleanings. We hope, pray and trust that the faith which so stimulated the Bible Students of some 100 years ago may be renewed through this reprinting of those truths which were so meaningful to the brethren of that time and remain so to many today.


Chicago Bible Students Book Republishing Committee