Impressed the subject strongly upon my mind and credited a desire to assist others; hence this volume.
For many years I have realized that the "key" to a clear understanding of all the harmony of the Divine revelation lies in an understanding of the "Mystery," "Christ in you the hope of glory" – that the Body of Christ shares with Him in the world's great Sin Offering.
Finding that this has been the basis of all of Pastor Russell's writings since 1880, and believing that he has been used of the Lord in a most wonderful manner to make this truth known to all truth-seekers, I have gone through many of his writings upon these subjects and endeavored to classify the same under their respective subjects; also preparing special headings of the central thought in each paragraph; these in turn being brought together in a topical index and each classified under from one to five subjects.
Thus with these thousands of references, one is enabled to find a comment upon practically every question that may be raised in connection with these fundamental doctrines.
This volume is therefore sent forth with a prayer that all who study it will receive as rich a blessing as I have in compiling same.