Psalms Chapter 63 [YLT]

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Psalms 62   Psalms (YLT) Chapter Index   Psalms 64

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1 A Psalm of David, in his being in the wilderness of Judah.
O God, Thou [art] my God, earnestly do I seek Thee, Thirsted for Thee hath my soul, Longed for Thee hath my flesh, In a land dry and weary, without waters.
2 So in the sanctuary I have seen Thee, To behold Thy strength and Thine honour.
3 Because better [is] Thy kindness than life, My lips do praise Thee. Because – And not for money or reputation. R2853:4

Thy lovingkindness – Divine favor. R2850:3, R5435:3, R5475:3

In a sense to all creatures, but especially to those who have lovable qualities of heart. R5440:3

Seen through the divine plan of the ages--the salvation planned from before the foundation of the world. R5441:3; CR480:4

Here the Psalmist represents The Christ. R5436:1, R5441:1,3

The more a reality to us, the more we lay down our lives in his service. R5441:1,4,5

Not merely favor as respects future prospects and hopes, but it extends down to the present life. R2852:2, R5441:4

But God does not love the wilful sinner. R5440:3

Is better than life – In view of God's provisions for the future, we count what remains of the present life as a trifling thing and are glad to lay down our human lives in doing the things that are pleasing to God. CR481:2; R5436:1, R2852:1

"I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord." (Phil. 3:8) R2851:6

None but those who walk and talk with God can say this. R5441:3, R2850:3

Jesus, in appreciation of God's lovingkindness, laid down his life. It is the same with those who walk in his footsteps. CR481:2; CR489:4

More esteemed by us than all of earthly life and its good things. R2853:4

David would rather die than live without divine favor. The same is true, prophetically, of The Christ. R5436:1, R5475:3

My lips – The Church's lips. CR481:1; R5436:1, R5441:3, R2850:3

Shall praise thee – Not from a sense of duty or love of money or worldly position, but because the message is too good to keep. R2852:4

"He hath put a new song in my mouth, even the lovingkindness of our God." (Psa. 40:3) R2852:4

Showing forth the glorious character and loving kindness of our God. R5436:4, R5476:1, R5440:6; CR481:3

Costing trouble, money, misunderstandings, persecution, and perhaps breaking of home ties. R5441:2

By telling the wonders of the divine plan. R5436:4, R5476:4

Not only as a witness to the world. The witnessing also has a good effect on us. R5436:4, R5476:1

4 So I bless Thee in my life, in Thy name I lift up my hands.
5 As [with] milk and fatness is my soul satisfied, And [with] singing lips doth my mouth praise. Shall be satisfied – David referred to God's favor, raising him from shepherd boy to king. R5785:2

The Ancient Worthies will not envy the Church, but will be satisfied when they awake with God's likeness as Adam had it. R613:2

Shall praise thee – The Psalms contain many beautiful expressions of praise and thanksgiving to the Almighty. R5785:2

6 If I have remembered Thee on my couch, In the watches I meditate on Thee. When I remember thee – The spirit of praise is cultivated by calling to mind and recounting what the Lord has done. R2031:3

So must the Christian continually call to mind the works of the Lord, especially in his own individual experiences. R2031:3

Meditate on thee – Not thinking foolish thoughts, nor planning foolish things. R5785:2

In the night watches – If there is a prophetic thought here, it is that all through the Dark Ages, all through the nighttime of this age, God's faithful people have been praising him. R5785:5

7 For Thou hast been a help to me, And in the shadow of Thy wings I sing.
8 Cleaved hath my soul after Thee, On me hath Thy right hand taken hold.
9 And they who for desolation seek my soul, Go in to the lower parts of the earth.
10 They cause him to run on the edge of the sword, A portion for foxes they are.
11 And the king doth rejoice in God, Boast himself doth every one swearing by Him, But stopped is the mouth of those speaking lies!
Psalms 62   Psalms (YLT) Chapter Index   Psalms 64
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