Psalms Chapter 145 [YLT]

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Scripture Expanded Comments
1 Praise by David.
I exalt Thee, my God, O king, And bless Thy name to the age and for ever.
2 Every day do I bless Thee, And praise Thy name to the age and for ever.
3 Great [is] Jehovah, and praised greatly, And of His greatness there is no searching.
4 Generation to generation praiseth Thy works, And Thy mighty acts they declare.
5 The honour the glory of Thy majesty, And the matters of Thy wonders I declare. I will speak of – Meditate on. R2712:1

The glorious honour – From the standpoint of the average Christian, God is anything but gloriously honorable in his majesty. R2712:3

Thy wondrous works – The sentence of death upon our race, the work of redemption through Christ, and the coming deliverance. R2713:1

6 And the strength of Thy fearful acts they tell, And Thy greatness I recount. And men – The world of mankind in general, not appreciating his glorious character. R2712:1

7 The memorial of the abundance of Thy goodness they send forth. And Thy righteousness they sing. Abundantly utter – Loudly proclaim. R2713:5

The memory – The Memorial, the gift of God's dear Son. R2713:5

8 Gracious and merciful [is] Jehovah, Slow to anger, and great in kindness.
9 Good [is] Jehovah to all, And His mercies [are] over all His works. Is good to all – The Lord's special care and compassion are over the weak, helpless and bereaved ones. Q781:4

His tender mercies – Kind providences, to be manifested in due time. R1560:3

Over all his works – His memory never fails, his judgment never errs, his plans never miscarry, his vigilance never ceases. R1560:2

In a certain sense God's providence attaches to every creature, but saints are his peculiar care. R3219:2

10 Confess Thee O Jehovah, do all Thy works, And Thy saints do bless Thee. And thy saints – All the Lord's saints during the harvest time. R2714:6

11 The honour of Thy kingdom they tell, And [of] Thy might they speak, Of the glory – Of the glorious salvation to be manifested to the living and the dead. R2714:2-4

Of thy kingdom – The Millennial Kingdom. R2714:2

Of thy power – Which will bind Satan, punish sin, heal the mental, moral and physical diseases of men, raise the dead, lift all the obedient up to perfection. R2714:4

12 To make known to sons of men His mighty acts, The honour of the majesty of His kingdom.
13 Thy kingdom [is] a kingdom of all ages, And Thy dominion [is] in all generations. Everlasting kingdom – Man will have everlasting life, as Adam had it, as long as obedient to God's will, which will be forever, since they will have learned the evil effect of any other way. R269:6

14 Jehovah is supporting all who are falling, And raising up all who are bowed down.
15 The eyes of all unto Thee do look, And Thou art giving to them their food in its season, Meat in due season – Every feature of Present Truth sent by God as "meat in due season" for his saints is promptly counterfeited to "deceive, if possible, the very elect." (Matt. 24:45, 24) R5800:5

16 Opening Thy hand, and satisfying The desire of every living thing.
17 Righteous [is] Jehovah in all His ways, And kind in all His works. And holy – He could not be holy in all of his works if he were the author of sin and crime. R1351:4*

18 Near [is] Jehovah to all those calling Him, To all who call Him in truth.
19 The desire of those fearing Him He doth, And their cry He heareth, and saveth them. Them that fear him – Perfect love casts out slavish fear, but increases reverential fear. R2986:6, R2289:5

20 Jehovah preserveth all those loving Him, And all the wicked He destroyeth. The LORD preserveth – God will eventually bring a blessing out of evils to those not in sympathy with them; but the evils themselves, and the wicked, he will destroy. R3145:4*

To all eternity. OV439:3*

Them that love him – During the Gospel age divine blessings are conferred upon the Church. R3658:5

But all the wicked – Satan and all who intentionally oppose God. E392; R4811:6, R5839:4, R769:4

Of the Sodomites and the antediluvians God made illustrations of the great lesson that all who refuse the rule of righteousness will be esteemed "wicked." R5179:1, R5167:6; SM502:2; CR113:4

The intelligently wicked. R5839:1

Not the ignorant. R3083:2

The wilfully wicked and not the merely ignorant, misled, blinded, or deceived. HG728:5

Whether they belong to the class that is now on trial or to the class which will be on trial during Messiah's reign. R5408:2

All shall be awakened and brought to a full knowledge before being sentenced as "wicked." But the wicked shall never see life. R1106:6

God permits conditions which he disapproves, which he will ultimately destroy. R5209:6

Will he destroy – Not torment. F332; SM520:2, SM153:2; CR498:4; R5238:3; OV439:3*; SM589:3

"The wicked shall perish." (Psa. 37:20) R2607:3

"Punished with everlasting destruction." (2 Thes. 1:9) E392

Ultimately, after full opportunity, every false teacher and every wilful sinner will be destroyed. R4740:5, R5209:6, R5340:2, R5694:2; SM87:1

Torment is unjust and unmerciful, but taking away life from those who do not conform to New covenant regulations is reasonable, just and merciful. R3083:5

God can both create a human soul and destroy one. OV34:1

He who gives us our existence has the power to deprive us of it. R363:1

This is a righteous, just, penalty for those who refuse God's favor and his righteous, reasonable, loving terms. Q219:T

Neither sin nor sinners can go beyond the Millennial age. R765:4

There is no reason why those who will not make progress should be allowed to live on indefinitely. R5167:5

He will not feed them and continue their lives everlastingly. R1176:1

But the delay in execution until the little season will delude some into thinking that it will not be enforced, as Eve was deluded in Eden. R1234:5

Not in the present life where they, more often than the righteous, flourish and prosper. R1383:5

Whoever will not have God's gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord cannot have life at all. R2398:6

God will ultimately have a clean universe, free from the blight of sin and sinners. R2607:3

It is right to destroy beasts, and it is right for God to destroy those who will ultimately be like brute beasts in that they would be injurious to others. Q225:T

Contrary to the teachings of Mormonism. HG731:4

But none will die the Second Death because of Adam's transgression. SM589:3

"Fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body." (Matt. 10:28) CR498:4

There will be no forced obedience. The only force wilful sinners will receive, after having full opportunity to know God's will, is the force of destruction. R891:4

21 The praise of Jehovah my mouth speaketh, And all flesh doth bless His holy name, To the age and for ever!
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