Isaiah Chapter 8 [YLT]

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1 And Jehovah saith unto me, 'Take to thee a great tablet, and write upon it with a graving tool of man, To haste spoil, enjoy prey.'
2 And I cause faithful witnesses to testify to me, Uriah the priest, and Zechariah son of Jeberechiah.
3 And I draw near unto the prophetess, and she conceiveth, and beareth a son; and Jehovah saith unto me, 'Call his name Maher-shalal-hash-baz, I went – The prophet represented Jehovah. R436:4

The prophetess – Representing the virgin Mary. R436:4

Bare a son – The typical fulfillment of Isa. 7:14, R436:2

Maher-shalal-hash-baz – Representing Jesus. R436:4

4 for before the youth doth know to cry, My father, and My mother, one taketh away the wealth of Damascus and the spoil of Samaria, before the king of Asshur.'

5 And Jehovah addeth to speak unto me again, saying:
6 'Because that this people hath refused The waters of Shiloah that go softly, And is rejoicing with Rezin and the son of Remaliah,
7 Therefore, lo, the Lord is bringing up on them, The waters of the river, the mighty and the great, (The king of Asshur, and all his glory,) And it hath gone up over all its streams, And hath gone on over all its banks.
8 And it hath passed on into Judah, It hath overflown and passed over, Unto the neck it cometh, And the stretching out of its wings Hath been the fulness of the breadth of thy land, O Emmanu-El!

9 Be friends, O nations, and be broken, And give ear, all ye far off ones of earth, Gird yourselves, and be broken, Gird yourselves, and be broken. Associate yourselves – Unite. R1079:5

Religiously, financially and politically. R1385:1

New schemes are being formed to unite the people behind denominational fences on other than doctrinal lines. R1546:2

The clergy desire union at any cost. R1548:4

A union would give prestige to indefensible doctrines and greater political power, leading ultimately to the suppression of truth as unsettling to peace. R3372:2

Speaking more of religious unity than of Christian unity-with Jesus taking his place in the companionship of Guatama, Confucius and Zoroaster. R1546:6*

A false Christian, or religious, union. R1874:3

It is the tares that are to be bundled, gathered together for a great trouble time. R5443:2, R3877:4

The spectacle of Christendom today is unique-on the one hand the natural tendency of disintegrating elements is conspicuous; while, on the other, the artificial tendency to unity is very pronounced. R1548:2

Of far countries – Heathen. R1548:5

Gird yourselves – Bind yourselves together for mutual protection. R1875:2; D239

Broken in pieces – The seeming successful union will be of short duration. R1079:5

For the Scriptures indicate most distinctly that the trouble of this "Day of Wrath" will be anarchy." every man's hand against his neighbor." OV59:6

Such ecumenical assemblages as the World Parliament of Religions, rightly viewed, are another manifestation of the faithlessness of Christendom. D238

10 Take counsel, and it is broken, Speak a word, and it doth not stand, Because of Emmanu-El!' Counsel together – Kings and rulers who have banded themselves together to oppose the execution of God's plan. R1385:2

Speak the word – For unity. D239

Shall not stand – The very nature of an organization of such heterogeneous elements must be self-destruction. R1874:3

11 For thus hath Jehovah spoken unto me with strength of hand, and instructeth me against walking in the way of this people, saying,
12 'Ye do not say, A confederacy, To all to whom this people saith, A confederacy, And its fear ye do not fear, Nor declare fearful. Say ye not – The Lord's faithful, consecrated people are warned against having any part in any church federation. R3877:1, R5443:2, R1741:4, R1754:4, R4611:1, R4747:1

The work now is not organization, but division, as it was in the Jewish Harvest. D610; R1743:5

The forming of a commune of believers is opposed to the purpose and methods of this Gospel age. God's people should not shut themselves up in convents, cloisters or communities. R1862:6; D480

Church federation or confederacy is quite a different thing from the Church's oneness. OV234:6

The forming of a visible organization of the gathered out ones in the Harvest would be out of harmony with the spirit of the divine plan. R1743:5

God's saintly people need no outward federation, even as they need no creedal fences. OV190:6

We should not stop merely with an outward federation, but rather unite our hearts, heads and hands along the lines of the divine promise. OV237:7 OV240:8, OV242:7, OV247:5

Like John the Baptist, we must, by our teaching and example, declare unlawful the proposed and sure-to-come union between church and civil government. R1754:4

A confederacy – A league or covenant, a compact or alliance for mutual support or common action. R601:1*

Church federation. R1573:1, R4611:1, R5443:2; OV187:2

Including:(1) Hypocrites; (2) Moralists; (3) Indifferents; (4) Followers afar off; and (5) Saints-with Moralists and Higher Critics dominating and the saintly few eventually becoming separated from the nominal mass. OV190:3-5; CR80:1

Including not only church organizations, but all the various societies and unions which tie men up together in bundles today as never before. R1828:1

Of all denominations of nominal Christians. HG316:5

The image of the beast. R1948:1

Federated Protestants, vitalized through association with the Episcopal Church, with the Roman Catholic Church as the other side of the scroll. R4110:4; OV244:7

In every direction- ecclesiastical, political, social and financial. As there were giants in the earth before the flood, so there are to be giant institutions before the great time of trouble breaks into cataclysm. OV60:T

Has not come along so rapidly as we might have expected but we may be sure there is no real delay. R4611:2

Now near at hand. R4735:5, R5063:2

Broad enough to include all grades of outwardly moral people-Protestants, Catholics, Jews, Brahmins and Mohammedans. R1079:5

This is an age of unions and confederations. Every department of the commercial world is being bound together. The church, in its worldly condition, is unable to resist this trend. R3864:5*

A reign of the churches, counterpart to that of Papacy during the Dark Ages, except more enlightened. R2091:6

Will result in ecclesiastical arrogance and persecution. CR81:5

Soon we will have their union or confederacy. Its bitter fruits of error will manifest themselves in tyranny, as during the Dark Ages. R3396:1

Perhaps more than merely church federation, but also of societies and unions. R1828:1, R4747:2

The desire to join such "confederacies" is a part of the spirit of our day, against which we are forewarned. D481

Typified by the union between King Herod, representative of the world power of that time, and Herodias, his unlawful wife, representing the ecclesiastical power of Christendom. R1754:4

It is along doctrinal lines that the sacrificing in the interests of federation will be chiefly demanded. OV235:1; CR68:6

The rejection of the holy Spirit lies at the foundation of every church federation which has blighted the prosperity of the church during her history. R3864:2*

This people – Those who think that this federation is the divine arrangement will be opposed to those who do not accept it. R4611:1

Neither fear ye – The Lord's people are to understand that their safety is not dependent upon human power. R4747:2

Their fear – That, unless a federation is formed, the whole religious system will go to pieces and God's purposes will fail of being accomplished. R4611:1, R4747:1

Fear, a realization of weakness, is at the bottom of the desire for union at the expense of truth. R3372:2

Nor be afraid – Fear not man; but dread to displease God. R5443:2

13 Jehovah of Hosts Him ye do sanctify, And He [is] your Fear, and He your Dread, Sanctify the LORD – Jehovah. E49

Wherever the sanctifying of the truth goes, there true union goes proportionately. Not worldly or denominational union, for the truth separates from such, uniting children of the truth to each other and to their Head--our Lord. R3372:3

Let him be your fear – Fear nothing except what would be displeasing to God. SM332:1, R1788:6

All other fears are tormenting; but the fear or reverence of the Lord is comforting, helpful and safe for us. CR9:1

Under present circumstances it is a question of whether we will fear the world or fear "Him." CR9:2

14 And He hath been for a sanctuary, And for a stone of stumbling, and for a rock of falling, To the two houses of Israel, For a gin and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. And he – Our Lord Jesus, not Jehovah, nor Isaiah. E49

For a sanctuary – To the sheep that hear his voice. R602:6*

Only a remnant in the Harvest of each dispensation is prepared to receive the truths due and enter into the special privileges of the dawning dispensation. B26, B229

But – Because unprepared to receive him in the way he came, and because of the cross. B241, B215

Stone of stumbling – Over the cross. Higher Criticism is undermining true faith, and Evolution theories are making the cross of Christ of none effect. R3298:5

The great fundamental rock-doctrine of the redemption through the precious blood of Christ. R1255:2, R1649:3, R3332:4, R4927:1, R1452:2

The manner of Christ's coming and the establishment of his Kingdom; some expecting an outward display that would appeal to the natural senses. R176:1, R175:6, R5258:1, R224:2

Instead of stumbling over this stone, the members of Christ will be lifted up by it to greater appreciation and higher conditions. The feet shall not be moved. R5437:6

All but the "very elect" of God will be stumbled by the errors and worldliness of our day. R5801:6

Only the sanctified in Christ Jesus, the "feet" of the Body of Christ, shall be upheld that they stumble not. R2647:6

The "feet" of the Body are the last members, the ones now in danger of being stumbled. R5816:6, R4927:1, R3332:4

The fleshly house failed to recognize his presence in the flesh; the spiritual house refuses to acknowledge his presence in a spiritual body. R505:5*, R515:5, R681:6

While looking for Messiah, they failed to recognize him because of the manner and object of his coming. R821:6*

Because they made void the Law of God through giving heed to traditions. (Mark 7:9, 13) B241

Because of their pride. B215

The Papal apostacy, claiming Peter as the stone on which the church is built. R813:1*, R1525:1

To some who claim that the death of Christ was either for himself, or as an example of how each must save himself. R1255:2

"He (Jehovah) shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone." (Psa. 91:11, 12) R288:1, R757:6, R1268:2

To both the houses – The nominal Jewish house and the nominal Christian house. B26, B229; R228:3, R1452:2, R3964:4, R5817:1, R175:1

The fleshly of the Jewish age and the spiritual of the Gospel age stand related to each other as type to antitype. R1983:1, R5092:2

Cannot refer to the ten and the two tribes, for that was a split in the one house or family of Israel. R862:5

15 And many among them have stumbled and fallen, And been broken, and snared, and captured. Shall stumble – Over Jesus. R4942:6

Over the truth. R601:6*

Be turned aside from divine favor. R4942:5

And fall – Backward. R4942:6

The rejection of the nominal fleshly house was necessary so that the call could go to the Gentiles. The nominal spiritual must fail that the true might be manifested. R177:6

Some who are really children of God will fall with Babylon. R177:5

And be broken – Their faith shattered and broken. R601:6*

While the fleshly house will be restored, the Babylon church will never be restored. R177:6

Be snared, and be taken – In the snare of the Adversary. A great flood of infidelity will engulf the church nominal. R601:6*

16 Bind up the testimony, Seal the law among My disciples. Seal the law – To those consecrated and separate from the world, the Law and the testimony are precious; but none of the unfaithful shall understand their import. R601:6*

Among, my disciples – Jesus' disciples; not Jehovah's, nor Isaiah's. E49

Consecrated class. R2072:4

17 And I have waited for Jehovah, Who is hiding His face from the house of Jacob, And I have looked for Him. And I – Christ Jesus. E49

Wait upon the LORD – Jehovah. E49

The house of Jacob – Natural Israel. A300

18 Lo, I, and the children whom Jehovah hath given to me, [Are] for signs and for wonders in Israel, From Jehovah of Hosts, who is dwelling in Mount Zion. Behold I – Christ Jesus. E49

Whom the LORD – Jehovah. E49

Hath given me – Christ Jesus. E49

19 And when they say unto you, 'Seek unto those having familiar spirits, And unto wizards, who chatter and mutter, Doth not a people seek unto its God For the living unto the dead! Seek unto them – It is still true that he that seeketh findeth, and the thing sought is generally the thing found. R3742:1

Some get themselves into serious difficulties through curiosity, which leads them to either spiritualistic seances or to have private communication with these fallen ones. R2582:1

Since the fallen angels have been barred from materialization they have sought to otherwise influence humanity. PD42/52

By getting possession of their wills. R4976:2

Have familiar spirits – Demons that infest earth's atmosphere. Q840:2, Q804:3

Spirit mediums. R265:6, R1688:5

We are not informed regarding the power used by the fallen angels in their miracle workings and cures, but we know that it is not from God. R5800:1

Wizards – Mediums. Q840:2

That peep, and that mutter – Who pretend to have communication with the dead. R4976:2

Seek unto their God? – For counsel. R3742:1

And have nothing whatever to do with these "seducing spirits." R2180:4; HG726:1

For the living to the dead? – On behalf of the living, should they seek unto the dead? R2189:6

For why should the living go to the dead? R265:6

Because the Scriptures teach that when a man is dead he knows not anything, and will never know anything until the resurrection of the dead. SM197:T

The living are forbidden to make any attempt to communicate with the dead. B126; Q839:2

Few would communicate with the fallen angels if they knew their real character; hence they represent themselves as being our dead friends and relatives. PD42/52; Q804:3

20 To the law and to the testimony! If not, let them say after this manner, 'That there is no dawn to it.' To the testimony – The Bible. R266:1, R3210:6; A163; D66; E167

With a disposition to prove the testimony. F232

It is our duty as Christians to individually prove all things that we accept. D66; R3104:4

Cutting and drifting away from the creeds and theories of men. R3945:1

We have no intimation in the Scriptures that the spirit of God leads his children through any other medium than that of his Word. R614:2

To be established in the Present Truth signifies that I have carefully studied and thoroughly proved it by the Law and the testimony. R1627:2*, R3089:2

Many doctrines in the catechisms and the creeds have no foundation in the Bible. R1136:5

"He that seeketh findeth." (Matt. 7:8) E167

If they speak not – The early Church rightly reverenced the knowledge and wisdom of the apostles, yet not with blank, unquestioning minds, but with a disposition to try the spirits and prove the testimony. R1524:4

While the Church needs teachers to understand God's Word, yet the Church individually each by himself and for himself, and himself only, must fill the office of judge, to decide whether his teaching be true or false. R1136:1

The Lord might use dreams to instruct and guide his people, but a dream must never lead in opposition to the written Word of God. R3144:1

The thoughts of ancient time are to be weighed and tested, as well as those of modern times, by the one standard-the Divine Revelation. R3737:3

Suggestions from the students of the Book of Nature must be compared carefully with the Book of Divine Revelation. A163

As in the case of the declarations of scientists. A163

Theories which find it necessary to deceive and misrepresent and shun the light of full investigation are not of God. Prove them by the "Law and the testimonies," beginning at the foundation. R867:3

Every doctrine should, from the foundation up, step by step, be brought to the test of the Word and the testimony. All for which there cannot be found a "Thus saith the Lord" must be promptly rejected, and all to which his Word testifies as truth "held fast." R1206:2

As in the case of the eternal torment theory. R2597:3

As in the case of the Sunday School when it displaces the Christian parent as the preceptor of his children. F547

As in the case of modern miracles of healing. F638, F639

According to this word – The value of all other books is in proportion to their fidelity to the teachings of this Book of books. R3210:6

Especially the writings of the apostles. F222

While prompt to acknowledge the channels and agencies honored by the Lord in bringing to our attention the things of his Word, let us never forget that the Word itself is the final arbiter. R1882:6, R2412:1, R4003:6

The first test of relationship to the Lord is that of faithfulness to him and his Word. R4480:4

We are to accept only such assistance as will aid us in appreciating the inspired message. F61

It is by the Word of God that we are judged and not by the opinions or precedents of our fellow-men in any capacity. D66; F547

God warns people not to believe anyone whose teachings are contrary to the Word, no matter what powers they may exercise. R266:1

Learn to discern between fact and theory, and to make no positive statement except that which can be proved by the Bible to be truth-fully warranted and established. R4716:6*

The tendency of human thought seems to go from one extreme to the other; hence the need of a divine revelation to guide our judgments-especially on religious subjects. R2323:3

While not opposing scientific investigation, let us carefully compare their deductions with the Book of Divine Revelation-the Bible. An accurate knowledge of the teachings of both books will be harmonious. R737:2

The great mass of Satan's delusions will be seen to be spurious by noting that they are out of accord with the fundamental doctrine of the ransom-the touchstone of divine truth. F639, F640

There Is no light – No truth. A20

They are not of God. F547

In those that handle the Word of God deceitfully. R3188:4

Whatever doctrine is not based upon the Word of God is to be rejected. R5099:5, R266:1; HG717:3

It is the Ecclesia's responsibility not to vote for such, nor in any manner accept them as teachers or elders. F278

Those who follow such teachers as have "no light" are sure to get further and further into darkness. R2801:2

21 And it hath passed over into it, hardened and hungry, And it hath come to pass, That it is hungry, and hath been wroth, And made light of its king, and of its God, And hath looked upwards. Hungry – Those who have neglected the "Law and the testimony," God's Word, and give heed to the doctrines of demons, suffer the pangs of regret because there is nothing to satisfy their cravings for enlightenment. Q840:2

22 And unto the land it looketh attentively, And lo, adversity and darkness! Dimness, distress, and thick darkness is driven away, But not the dimness for which she is in distress!
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