Hebrews Chapter 13 [YLT]

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Hebrews 12   Hebrews (YLT) Chapter Index

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1 Let brotherly love remain; Brotherly love – The final test of character is love, in deed and in truth. R4524:4

Continue – Let it increase, let it abound. CR449:5

2 of the hospitality be not forgetful, for through this unawares certain did entertain messengers; Be not forgetful – The Lord's people should always be on the alert to show hospitality. R2856:6, 5178:6

A heart desire to entertain should always be present whether opportunity for the exercise of that desire be found or not. F570

Entertain strangers – We should be particularly careful to exercise hospitality toward all in whom we recognize the Master's likeness, his spirit, even though they be strangers to us. R3432:1

Pilgrim's sent out in the Master's name should be welcomed and granted a share of such things as we have. R2741:6, 2093:5

Sharing such as you have with friends or neighbors, but not allowing them to impose on us. F570

To whatever extent these divine injunctions are disregarded we are in danger of losing a blessing, of failing to cultivate generosity. R3946:3

Present-day conditions render such hospitality less necessary, especially in cities where public boarding-houses and hotels are expected to care for the strangers. R3946:2, 3432:1

Hospitality does not signify lavish expenditure beyond one's means, nor that better should be provided for a guest than for one's own family. F570

Entertained angels – God's messengers. R2626:1

Given the power to materialize, to assume human forms. OV249:1; NS711:5

Doubtless referring particularly to Abraham's entertainment of the Lord and two angels. R3946:2, 2856:3; Q670:2

3 be mindful of those in bonds, as having been bound with them, of those maltreated, as also yourselves being in the body;
4 honourable [is] the marriage in all, and the bed undefiled, and whoremongers and adulterers God shall judge. Marriage – Is never condemned as sinful in the Scriptures. R1678:2

There is no law of God to prohibit brothers and sisters in the Lord from marrying if they find, in their judgment, that this is necessary or preferable in carrying out their consecration vows more acceptably. R5353:1

It is proper in this age, our Lord's approval being signified by his presence at the Cana wedding. R916:2

Honourable in all – Let marriage be had in honor among all. F557

When the relationship is sustained in purity and holiness. R1554:1

Lawful, even though this and other lawful things be generally inexpedient to the saints. R916:2

Not recommended for the saints, except under stress. F557

It is not the province of anybody to forbid marriage, directly or indirectly. Q460:7; R5353:1

Paul recommended the unmarried state; but does not say that the married state is unholy or impure or in any way contrary to God's law. R5353:1, 2902:3

He that brings forth children of the natural type does well, but he that cooperates with God for the begetting of spiritual sons does better. R2902:3

We emphasize with Paul that he that marrieth doeth well, but he that marrieth not doeth better. R2902:3; F557; Q461:T

Undefiled – Not impure. R5353:1

Let the marriage bed be undefiled. F557

Whoremongers – Fornicators. F557

5 Without covetousness the behaviour, being content with the things present, for He hath said, 'No, I will not leave, no, nor forsake thee,' Conversation – Conduct--not only words, but also the looks and acts of life. R4876:2, 5539:6

The harvest siftings and separations are not merely doctrinal tests but along lines of character and of the fruits of the spirit. R2353:5

Covetousness – A desire to have, keep, enjoy; especially applied to something that belongs to another and which we do not possess. R4876:3

Includes holding back what belongs to the Lord, and a desire to have and enjoy something that belongs to another. R4876:3

Sometimes a desire for more ease, comfort, wealth and social influence; a protest against a share of the aches and pains of the groaning creation; or against the illness and death of a loved one. R4876:5

Dissatisfaction with what divine providence has shaped for them. R4876:2

And be content – With such as divine providence may grant to us. R3352:6

Where conditions are at all endurable. R5665:4

Spiritual Israel should use wisely such things as are within their reach, accepting all as God's gifts with thanksgiving. R4876:6

We are promised earthly things that are needful. Whatever we have more than necessity is that much more than the Lord has promised us in this present time. R2352:5

Realizing that riches of faith, trust, contentment, and godliness, with the fruits of the Spirit, constitute the true riches, give thanks to the Lord that in his wisdom and grace he has so favorably situated you. R2353:2,6

Not only a good medicine to bring us spiritual health and joy in the Lord, but also very profitable to our physical health; fretfulness and unhappiness of mind aggravates physical complaints and diseases. R2352:6

The example and counsel of the saints should be that of contentment and cheerful submission to present trials in sure hope of the good time coming. A341

Let us be content with such weather as we have. We did not make it and we cannot change it. R2352:6

In proportion as discontent is spread, in that proportion unhappiness is present, and an anarchistic spirit begotten. R2351:2

Discontent and selfish ambition are in antagonism to the spirit of Christ--meekness, patience, gentleness, brotherly kindness, love. R2351:2

Contentment and the faith which it implies are necessary to godliness. R2353:6

Contentment with Godliness is great gain. "Content whatever lot I see, since 'tis my God that leadeth me." R3400:4, 2351:3; A340; NS63:1

Very bad advice says Mr. Worldlywiseman. R2351:1

Things as ye have – We have such things as should make us happy under the most adverse circumstances, so far as the present life is concerned. R2352:2

We have found the pearl of great price, and are not only content with the terms upon which it is offered to us, but most gladly, willingly, joyfully, we count all else but loss and dross. R2352:2

This does not mean that it would be improper to avail ourselves of providential doors opened by the Lord for the betterment of our condition. R3400:4, 4876:2

I will never leave thee – The true ground of contentment; the realization of the Lord's care and that his wisdom and grace are being exercised towards us, and such things as he grants are the things which are best for us. R2353:4

We shall never want for fellowship and sympathy. R1745:5

We are not alone, for we have the companionship of him who promised this. NS451:3

He is always present to comfort, bless, and make all things work together for good to those who love God--the called ones according to his purpose. R1672:1

The presence and providential care of the Lord in our affairs, all consecrated to the divine will, bring a peace and joy which the world knows not of. NS451:3

Nor forsake thee – When the storms of life sweep over us, and imperil us. R5058:3

Our Master is with us, and we have the encouragement of our brethren. R5551:6, 5095:5

We are not alone in the world; nor is the smallest interest of ours overlooked. R1906:4

Our strength and confidence should be in him who declares this. R698:3, 2353:2

The Lord's love, which has thus far delivered, fed and led us, is still with us, the same as ever. R4876:5

"Fear not, I am thy shield and thy exceeding great reward." (Gen. 15:1) R1906:4, 1905:6

6 so that we do boldly say, 'The Lord [is] to me a helper, and I will not fear what man shall do to me.' Boldly say – Those who come to God in reverence, and in full submission to the divine will, are privileged always to have their interests considered at the throne of grace. R1865:1

The best illustrations of true faith, continuous confidence in God, is found in our dear Redeemer's experiences and their narrative. R2353:2

The Apostle Paul, who exhorts to courage and confident trust in God, was a noble example of courageous faith and we have such abundant reason for assurance of faith. R5539:6

The whole world has wondered at the intelligent courage of the humble ones of the Lord's people. The secret of their courage and strength is their confidence in the Lord. R2353:4

Lord is my helper – Learn to trust his love and wisdom and power. R5296:1

The Lord expects us to do all in our power for our own protection; then we are to leave ourselves fully in the Lord's hands, knowing that all will be well with us. R5540:1

He will give us whatever help along temporal lines he sees is for the highest interests of the new creature, if we do not remove ourselves from his keeping. R5540:1

The Father will not withhold anything necessary for the proper development of his children. R5296:4

With infinite wisdom and love he is both able and willing to make all things work together for our good. R2353:4

We may realize that in every emergency of life that the Father has prepared the cup, and will sustain and bless us while we drink it. R2353:3

Faith in the Lord's supervision prefers his arrangement to any other as respects the suffering of this present time and the glory that is to follow. R2354:4

No power in the Universe is able to cope with our God; and he has declared that he is the support and shield of his children. He is the strong tower of those who put their trust in him. R5539:3

If we abide in Christ and his Word abides in us, he will be our deliverer in six troubles, and in the seventh he will not forsake us. R5539:3

I will not fear – Fear is a result of man being out of harmony with the Creator. When our first parents were created, they knew no fear. R5295:3

It is necessary that our hearts be in attune with the Lord, that we have no will but his. R5540:5

None others but the Christian can afford to be so courageous and independent, yet the child of God is not self-sufficient nor independent of outside help. R5539:3

The righteous are bold as a lion, gentle as a dove, and meek as a lamb. R5540:5

We are instructed to fear Jehovah, and not to fear a weak mortal. R5540:5

Knowing that our God will be with us constantly, and will cause all things to work out his own glorious purposes for us. R5540:4, 5296:1

God may permit us to suffer, just as he permitted John the Baptist to be imprisoned and finally beheaded; Jesus to be arrested and crucified; and many of his saints in the past to be maltreated or killed. R5540:4

How sublime the faith and courage of the three Hebrews in the fiery furnace. We can trust God where we cannot trace him. R4874:4

It does not say that the Lord will not suffer our house to burn, nor burglars to break in and steal. We should take all reasonable precautions to prevent losses of such kinds. R5539:6

What man shall do – Any man. R5539:6

Man is powerless to harm a hair of our head unless it is permitted of our Father in heaven for his glory and our highest welfare. R5540:5

When temptation and persecution come to us as rewards for fidelity to principles of truth and righteousness, we are to rejoice in them, as so many ministries of evil toward us, fitting us as ministers now and hereafter. R2352:4

7 Be mindful of those leading you, who did speak to you the word of God, whose faith considering the issue of the behaviour be imitating, Remember – The elders who are noble, humble, self-sacrificing, cannot be too highly esteemed nor too loyalty supported. R4503:4

Diaglott rendering: "Remember your leaders, those who speak to you the Word of God, and viewing attentively the result of their conduct, imitate their faith." R1588:2, 2080:2

Earnest heed should be given to faithful leaders. R1559:4

The rule over you – The supervision. R4503:4

The Lord does not raise up rulers from among our brethren in the Body of Christ, but he does raise up leaders, to whom earnest heed should be given. R1559:4

In all of the Lord's arrangements there is order, as represented in the order established amongst the Israelites. R3060:5

Whose faith follow – Whose faith and example should be imitated. R1559:4

Each sheep recognize as leaders only such as are found in full accord with the voice and spirit of the Chief Shepherd--Christ, and the under-shepherds--the Apostles. R2080:4

8 Jesus Christ yesterday and to-day the same, and to the ages; Jesus Christ the same – Would not identify with his previous condition--as Logos; he became Jesus Christ at his baptism. R5065:5

The anointed one. Q370:T

And forever – He has the same office, authority, and relationship to mankind, and the same character, sympathy and love, all the way down. Q370:T; R5209:3, 3321:5

The changes of nature has not altered his character in any manner or degree. Q370:T

The constant ground of our "full assurance of faith." (Heb. 10:22) E230

Unchangeableness on God's part is a guarantee that the blessings to be bestowed under his arrangements will be everlasting, unending blessings. R3321:5

God's qualities and attributes were the same in the beginning of creation as they are now. R5209:3

9 with teachings manifold and strange be not carried about, for [it is] good that by grace the heart be confirmed, not with meats, in which they who were occupied were not profited; Carried about – Avoid new gospels. R4514:5

10 we have an altar, of which to eat they have no authority who the tabernacle are serving, We – The truly consecrated; the antitypical or Royal Priesthood. R4782:4[R4782:4], 4681:4

Have an altar – Christ and his consecrated sacrifice. Q703:T; R5492:4; T22

A superior altar. Q703:T

Not sanctified by the blood of bulls and goats, but by the precious blood of Christ. R5492:4

Whose table was typified in the Tabernacle and in the Temple by the table of shewbread. R4782:4[R4782:4], 4867:6; Q692:6

"Come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need." (Heb. 4:16) R5492:4

They – The unconsecrated, the world. R4782:4[R4782:13]

The Levitical priesthood. R4867:6, 4514:5; Q692:6

Contrasting the Aaronic Priesthood and the antitypical Priesthood. R4867:6; Q692:6, 702:5; PT391:5*

A discrimination between the Aaronic and Melchizedek priesthoods. R4868:1; Q692:7, 702:5

No right to eat – The house of Aaron has no right to our place, they have no right to come into the antitypical Holy, which we enter. Q692:7; R4868:1

We have a right to eat of a spiritual altar, of which others may not eat. R4514:5

The consecrated have meat to eat that the world knoweth not of. R4782:4[R4782:4]

The Church are all to be partakers of Christ's flesh--feed upon the merit's of his sacrifice. Q703:T

Had Jesus partaken of the offering he himself placed upon the altar for sacrifice, he would have been unacceptable to God as an offering for sin. PT391:5*

The priest of the typical system ate the meat that was offered to God on the altar. Q703:T

Which serve – The consecrated, and anointed, Priests, both in type and antitype. PT391:5*

The tabernacle – The typical Tabernacle. R5492:4

11 for of those beasts whose blood is brought for sin into the holy places through the chief priest of these the bodies are burned without the camp. Those beasts – The bullock and the Lord's goat. R5196:6[R5196:18], 4855:3, 4535:2, 4514:5, 4434:4, 3917:5, 139:4*; T71; CR485:6; Q659:4, 691:7; SM754:T

Typical of the "better sacrifices." R4920:6, 4535:2, 4427:1, 4426:2, 4385:1

Fulfilled by Jesus and the Church. SM754:T; R5173:5, 4920:6, 4427:1,4, 139:4*, 80:3; CR485:6

Only these two had their blood sprinkled in the Most Holy and were burned outside the Camp. R4427:6, 80:3

Whose blood – The blood represents the surrender of earthly rights and privileges and life, willingly. R4428:3

The sprinkling of the blood upon and before the Mercy Seat. R4427:4, 157:4*

The sanctuary – The Most Holy. R4867:3, 4681:4, 4535:2, 4427:4, 4426:4; Q512:T, 691:7

Only the blood of the sin-offering is taken within the veil--to sprinkle the Mercy Seat; fixing our identity with "the Lord's goat" of Leviticus 16. R4514:5

Within the veil to make atonement on the Mercy Seat. R4036:1

For sin – As a sin-offering. T62, T100; R4867:3, 4855:3, 4514:5, 4426:6, 4385:1; Q512:T, 691:7

Sin atonement. R4426:6

Made annually on the Day of Atonement. (Lev. 16) R4426:6 Q691:7

The sin atonement effected by the blood of the bullock and the Lord's goat represented the atonement for original Adamic sin and all the weaknesses and imperfections traceable directly thereto. R4428:4

Our sins are represented in one part of the sin-offering, the bullock, and the sins of the whole world are represented in the other part, the goat. R4354:3

Are burned – Represented steady, continuous submission to the fiery ordeal of suffering. T71

Represented our Lord's sacrifice as viewed from the standpoint of man. R4427:4

Represented the gradual destruction of the flesh. R4385:1[R4384:14]

Represented the dis-esteem in which the offering will be viewed by those outside the camp--not in covenant relationship with God--the unfaithful. T62

The offerings of the Atonement Day were always burned, but the later trespass-offerings, after the Day of Atonement, were not burned, but eaten by the priests. T100; Q678:2, 691:7

Without the camp – Outside the camp. R4398:6, 4514:5, 4385:1, 4036:1

In the wilderness. T71

Signified ostracism, rejection of men, dishonor. R4385:1

Represented disgrace. R17:6

Destroyed as a vile thing in the eyes of the world. T42, T62; R4427:4

Representing the destruction to which mankind was doomed, and from which they will ultimately be delivered by the sacrifice of The Christ. T42

Would represent that condition of things which claimed to be in harmony with God. Q46:5

12 Wherefore, also Jesus that he might sanctify through [his] own blood the people without the gate did suffer; Jesus – As the antitypical bullock. R5256:4, 4514:5

Our Lord offered himself at baptism, when he gave himself to do the Father's will. He finished the offering of his gift when he laid down his life on Calvary. Later he ascended to God to make application of the sin-offering. Q512:T; R4867:3, 4398:6; SM214:1

The people – All people--all who ever will accept sanctification, cleansing, reconciliation through him. R4428:2

With his own blood – The basis for the forgiveness of our sins. R1230:3; SM754:T

"Thou hast redeemed us to God by thy blood." (Rev. 5:9) E446

It was the giving up of Christ's life that paid our ransom price. R1336:1, 2

Without the gate – Outside the gate. R4385:1[R4384:14]

On the cross, shedding his blood--entering death. R1336:2

Jesus was not only crucified outside the gate of Jerusalem, but suffered as an outcast from the social and religious systems of the time. R4514:5, 17:6

He suffered shame, ignominy, and destruction of the flesh, to accomplish the antitype. R4920:6, 5173:5, 4427:4, 4385:1

13 now, then, may we go forth unto him without the camp, his reproach bearing; Let us – The Church, the Lord's goat class. R5196:6, 5256:4, 4514:5, 4385:1; Q659:4

The Royal Priesthood. R4514:5

Members of the sin-offering. R4398:6, 5196:6, 4855:3, 4385:1

Urging the faithful. R4036:1

If we would be antitypical priests, we must share the shame, if we would have the heavenly food and light and be permitted to offer sweet incense--acceptable prayer. R17:6

Unquestionable evidence that the Lord's followers are represented by the "Lord's goat," and that their sacrifice constitutes part of the world's sin-offering. T62

Their offering must be wholly and totally consumed in like manner. PT392:T*

Go forth therefore unto him – All that was done with the bullock was done with the goat. Let us then, if we would walk in his steps, share with him in his sacrifice. Q659:4; R4855:3, 4514:5, 4429:4, 157:4; NS254:2; SM754:T

Be a part of the sin-offering. Q678:2; R4855:3

A class of believers who daily follow in the footsteps of the Lord, sharers in his sufferings, and partakers of the glories to follow. R5196:5, 5173:5, 4855:2; Q47:T, 659:1

For us now to follow our Lord outside the camp would be to go outside of the present environments, viz., outside of Christendom, ignoring the views, teachings, approval and snares of Christendom. R4607:3

The entire merit of our sacrifice is through the justification which first applied to the goat class through the merit of the bullock's sacrifice. R4427:6, 3917:6; NS254:1; SM754:T

"If we suffer, we shall also reign with him." (2 Tim. 2:12) R4855:3, 3917:4, 17:6; Q659:4

Without the camp – Outside the camp. R1872:1, 4385:1, 80:3; Q46:5, 691:7

To the utter destruction and disregard of the human hopes. T60; R5173:5

Sacrificially outside the camp. R4514:5

Take up our cross, whatever sacrifice it might mean; willing to go to the Lord and be faithful and loyal to him at any cost, no matter how others may view it. Q47:T

Sacrificing worldly interests. Q688:T

Worldly disapproval, ignominy, or detestation. R1872:1 4036:1; CR93:6; 327:3; Q688:2

A place which typifies the outcast condition. R5173:5

Into disrepute. R4036:1

Present our bodies a living sacrifice; be crucified with Christ. R328:5*

According to the flesh, we are still in the world, but not of the world. Q687:6

Our experiences represent the actual suffering and going outside the camp--all that happens to us while we are reckoned dead according to the flesh. R4900:5

In our Lord's day, the camp condition was the Jewish nation. R4607:2; Q46:5

Today, it means all of Christendom. Q47:T; R4607:2

This picture of the "camp" represents all who will ultimately come into accord, all who will ultimately wish for righteousness and will desire to do God's will. R4607:2,5[R4607:5]

Israel's camp typified what now is a fact and partly a condition that will obtain during the Millennial age. R4607:1

Bearing his reproach – Bearing the reproach with him. R4607:4, 4535:2, 4036:1; NS254:2

Just as the slain goat was carried outside the camp and there consumed, as the bullock had been. R4398:6, 4855:3, 157:4

To suffer with Christ social ostracism, and with deadness toward the world. R4514:5

Suffering shame, ignominy and revilings, even unto death. R4920:6

Sharing the reproaches as members of his Body. R4036:1, 254:2

Living as a consecrated priest of the Lord. Q688:T

A stench in the nostrils of the world. CR312:3; Q688:2

To "fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ." (Col. 1:24) R3917:6, 4434:4, 4427:5, 80:3, 17:5

"The reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me." (Rom. 15:3) ; NS254:2; T62

14 for we have not here an abiding city, but the coming one we seek; No continuing city – We journey through the wilderness of sin. R172:1

We are pilgrims, strangers, travelers; en route to the heavenly Canaan. R5641:4

Seek one to come – The New Jerusalem, the glorified Church. E90; R172:2

15 through him, then, we may offer up a sacrifice of praise always to God, that is, the fruit of lips, giving thanks to His name; Let us offer – All who attain the prize are sacrificers and have something to offer. R548:5

Sacrifice of praise – This sacrifice under the Law was represented in the "peace-offerings" and the "thank-offerings." R4535:1

As the spirit of loving zeal was demonstrated in Jesus' case, so in our case; otherwise we should not be permitted to be members of that Body. R4922:2

"For we are unto God a sweet savor of Christ." (2 Cor. 2:15) "Much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints." (Rev. 8:3) R4922:4; Q343:T

Fruit of our lips – "That we may render unto thee the fruit of our lips--our praise." (Hosea 14:2) R4811:3

Thanks to his name – Pray with thanksgiving. R5381:4

16 and of doing good, and of fellowship, be not forgetful, for with such sacrifices God is well-pleased. To communicate – Commune on spiritual things with those we meet. R127:4, 126:3

We should be anxious and careful to use whatever God has put into our hands, and to be faithful whether over a few things or many things. R126:2

If it is a joy and privilege to be God's stewards to a greater or less degree in earthly goods, how much more blessed is it to be permitted to dispense the spiritual blessings. R126:3

Tell the story simply, plainly; be entirely swallowed up with the grandeur of your theme. Let it be all "of Jesus and his glory, of Jesus and his love." R126:5

Such as have worldly goods should esteem it a privilege to be imitators of our benevolent Heavenly Father; not wasting nor hoarding, but esteeming it merely as an agent for blessing doing good. R126:2

By sending free literature. R110:6

We should do good and communicate until we feel it--to give a dollar, or a moment, or an hour for which we have no other use, is no sacrifice. R127:4

Such sacrifices – The acceptable sacrifices of our consecrated lives. R2778:6

The painful, though joyous, sacrifices which his "Little Flock" make in his service, following in the footsteps of their Redeemer and Lord. R1273:1, 1781:4

Self-sacrifice and praise to God. R4031:3

17 Be obedient to those leading you, and be subject, for these do watch for your souls, as about to give account, that with joy they may do this, and not sighing, for this [is] unprofitable to you. Obey them – Honor. E284

The elders chosen by vote of all the saints. R1895:3

Those whom we believe to be over us in the Lord. R4514:4[R4514:8]

Rule – Supervision. R4503:4[R4503:8]

Submit yourselves – Be submissive. R1822:1, 4514:4

The churches of Christ should recognize the leading of their Head and know their leaders to be of his choice. R2080:2

So long as teachers are recognized as being God-provided, so long as they approve themselves by conduct and the Word of God, they have more honor and their opinion is given more weight than others. R1848:4

Have confidence. The Lord our Shepherd will care for the true sheep. R3332:4

They watch – And pray. R2576:2

The reason for submission and obedience is because they "keep watch on your behalf." R1822:1

For your souls – Your interests and welfare. R2576:3; E284

Must give account – Shall render an account. R1822:1

To the Lord. E284

The power rests with the congregation to reject any teacher according to their judgment of the Word and will of God. R1848:4

Do it with joy – In choosing, seek not your own will or glory, neither that of other brethren, but the will and glory of God only. R1848:5

18 Pray for us, for we trust that we have a good conscience, in all things willing to behave well,
19 and more abundantly do I call upon [you] to do this, that more quickly I may be restored to you.
20 And the God of the peace, who did bring up out of the dead the great shepherd of the sheep in the blood of an age-during covenant our Lord Jesus, Again from the dead – Highly exalted to the throne and highest favor, after he had completed his sacrifice. E396

Our Lord Jesus – Christ could never have raised himself. R2795:2

Shepherd – Shepherd-Son. R2431:4

Blood – The same shed blood as mentioned in verse 12. R1336:2

Everlasting covenant – Which was sealed, ratified or made operative through his death. A141

Both the Abrahamic Covenant and the New Covenant are Scripturally styled "The Everlasting Covenant." R4321:2[R4321:3-4]

The Oath-bound Covenant. It was in view of our Lord's sacrificial death as a sin offering that God made that Covenant. NS362:1, 360:3

21 make you perfect in every good work to do His will, doing in you that which is well-pleasing before Him, through Jesus Christ, to whom [is] the glory to the ages of the ages! Amen. Make you perfect – Knit you together--make you completely one with the Shepherd as his "members" both in sufferings and in glory to follow. R4321:4

The same power that brought our Lord from the dead is able to perfect us through the blood of the New Covenant, by laying down our lives, sharing his death. Q168:4

To be associated with Christ in the glorious work of establishing that New Covenant, after it shall have been sealed. R4495:4

There could be no perfecting as New Creatures of the divine nature had it not been that God granted us the privilege of sharing with our Lord in his sacrificial death, in his work of sealing the New Covenant with his blood. R4495:4

If we abide in his love he will perfect us as New Creatures by the privileges granted us of sharing in the sufferings of Christ, particularly in the shedding of the blood of the Everlasting Covenant, which, as the New Covenant, will bring blessings to Israel and then to the world. R4321:4, 4331:1

Confidence that he is both able and willing to bring them also, through him, to eternal glory. HG594:2

Not justify you from your sins. Q168:4

That which is wellpleasing – "All things whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even so to them." (Matt. 7:12) R2590:3

22 And I entreat you, brethren, suffer the word of the exhortation, for also through few words I have written to you.
23 Know ye that the brother Timotheus is released, with whom, if he may come more shortly, I will see you.

24 Salute all those leading you, and all the saints; salute you doth those from Italy: They of Italy – Implies that Paul wrote this Epistle from Rome, where he was in prison. R4385:3

25 the grace [is] with you all! Amen.
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