Zechariah Chapter 4 [RVIC]

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1 And the angel that talked with me came again, and waked me, as a man that is wakened out of his sleep. The angel – The vision of this chapter was intended to encourage the Israelites living at the time; but its chief lesson belongs to us. R1490:6, R3650:5

The angel – Our returned Lord (perhaps a reference here to the fact that our Lord speaks to the church through a messenger, i.e., Pastor Russell.)

As a man that is wakened out of his sleep – "They all slumbered and slept... Behold the Bridegroom!" – This is the second advent.
2 And he said unto me, What seest thou? And I said, I have seen, and, behold, a lampstand all of gold, with its bowl upon the top of it, and its seven lamps thereon; there are seven pipes to each of the lamps, which are upon the top thereof; A candlestick – Literally, a lamp; corresponding to that which, in the Tabernacle and Temple, shed the only light of "the Holy." R1491:1, R2521:3

The complete Church of God. T115; R3651:1

Not representing the Church in glory. Then they will constitute, with their Lord, the Sun of Righteousness. R3650:6

Representing divine favor, enlightenment and blessing, as connected with the promises made to Israel. R2521:5

Representing, to Israel, that they were to be the light-bearers in the world at the time. R3650:3

All of gold – The divine nature. T18

With a bowl – A large central bowl, with seven branches therefrom, each terminating in a lamp. R2521:3

Seven lamps – Seven branches or burners. R1491:1

Here shown in united form, but in Revelation as separate and distinct. (Rev. 1:12, 20; Rev 2:5; Rev 11:4) R2521:6

The true saints, or light-bearers, in all the various phases of the nominal church development. R1491:1

Thereon – The seven lampstands, united in one, represented the Church as a whole from first to last, its every member complete--seven representing completeness. R3650:6

Seven pipes – This lamp differed from the one in the Temple and Tabernacle in that it had pipes to supply the oil. R3650:6

A candlestick – The one true church of God.

All of gold – These are under Divine care and eventually reach the Divine nature (gold.)

Seven lamps – In Revelation (1:12-13) this same picture is described as seven golden candlesticks.
3 and two olive-trees by it, one upon the right side of the bowl, and the other upon the left side thereof. Two olive trees – The Old and New Testaments, "the two witnesses." (Rev. 11:3, 4) D652; R1491:1

Peaceable agencies, the Old and New Testaments. R3651:1

The Old Testament with its prophecies, symbols, instructions and types; the New Testament with its explanations, assistances, encouragements, exhortations and promises. R3651:6

From which the oil proceeds. Oil represents the holy Spirit which illuminates the sanctified in Christ Jesus. R1491:1

Fleshly Israel, as God's typical kingdom, and spiritual Israel, as the real Kingdom of God, are the representatives of the Old and New Testaments. D651, D652

Interpreted contemporaneously to represent the kingly and priestly offices in Israel, filled by Zerubbabel, the governor, and Joshua, the High Priest; but these were typical of Christ. R2521:5, R2522:2

Indicating that the supply of oil for Israel's candlestick, and the supply of Israel's light, was inexhaustible. R2521:5

Two olive trees – The Old and New Testaments. The Word of God prior to and after Jesus first advent. Both of these feed, give oil (the holy spirit) to the church (golden candlestick.)
4 And I answered and spake to the angel that talked with me, saying, What are these, my lord?
5 Then the angel that talked with me answered and said unto me, Knowest thou not what these are? And I said, No, my lord. Knowest thou not – The prophets did not understand their own utterances at the time. R349:6*

6 Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of Jehovah unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith Jehovah of hosts. Unto Zerubbabel – Signifies, Born in Babylon. R2522:1

Or, alienation from Babylon. R3651:1

Of the line of David, he represented the kingdom hopes of the people. R3651:1

Type of the Lord Jesus. R3651:1

His name signifies "a shoot, or sprout, out of Babylon," typical of Christ, who was out of, yet separate from, sin and all mixture of evil. R1491:2

The message given to him applies to Jesus and the members of his Body, especially to those in a teaching capacity. R3651:1[R3651:1]

Not by might – Through crusades. R3651:2

By greatness. An understanding of God's Word is not enjoyed by all the educated an talented. R5982:4

Prosperity in the Lord's work cannot come by might, or human power, or cunning. R5308:3

Not by an army. R1491:1

The influence and favor of the Persian monarch, to which they were subject. R2521:6

The world's conversion comes not by might, nor by the power of man. HG432:3

Nor by power – Powerful organizations, combining with earthly governments. R3651:2

Nor by force. R1491:1

By force, or compulsion. SM712:T

Their own numbers and ability, as laborers and defenders of their cause against their nearby neighbors, the Samaritans. R2521:6

But by my spirit – The spirit of the truth, the spirit or influence of God, given through his exceeding great and precious promises. R1491:1

"He shall not fail nor be discouraged until he have set judgment in the earth." (Isa. 42:4) R3651:2

No matter how great or able one may be, he is not fit to be a leader unless he possesses a knowledge of the Lord's Word, and the spirit of the truth. R5982:5

The Lord guided them by his spirit to accomplish his purpose, even though it appeared to be an insignificant matter. The preparation of the true Church during the Gospel age is being accomplished similarly. R3650:3

Doing the transforming work--conforming the lines of character likeness in harmony with those of the great pattern which he has set for us. SM712:T

Only since the true Temple began to be built at Pentecost with the anointing of the holy Spirit has it been possible to enter into the real spirit, thought, intention of the divine purpose. R3650:5

By my spirit – The spirit of the Truth, the Word of God. Eph. 6:17
7 Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain; and he shall bring forth the top stone with shoutings of Grace, grace, unto it. O great mountain – The kingdom of the Evil One. R2522:4, R1491:2

The mountain of difficulty which stood in the way of the Lord's work. R2521:6

Before Zerubbabel – Type of Christ. R1491:2

Become a plain – For "the highway of holiness." (Isa. 35:8) R2522:4

To all co-laborers with the Lord, the assurance is that however great and formidable, the apparent mountains of difficulty shall disappear. R3651:3

Shall bring forth – From the tomb, in the first resurrection. R1982:4, R2522:4

The headstone – Christ Jesus, the top Cornerstone of God's building, the Stone which the builders rejected. C329; R1982:6

The capstone of the spiritual pyramid--his Church. R3650:2

The chief cornerstone in a pyramid is the top stone, which is also the model after which the whole building is being fashioned. C329, R3622:4, R1568:4

Calling to mind the Great Pyramid, whose top stone is the chief cornerstone and whose internal structure corresponds so perfectly with the Tabernacle and its symbolism. R1982:1

Jesus, the cap, the climax of his great and wonderful work, the New Creation in glory. R2522:4

With shootings – Showing the holy joy which shall be fully realized when all the living stones noiselessly come together "without the sound of a hammer." (1 Kings 6:7) R1982:4

Not only by men, but by angels also. R2522:2

Grace, grace unto it – When the headstone shall crown this glorious building of God, there shall be shootings R1982:4, R3650:2

God's favor upon it! R3651:3

8 Moreover the word of Jehovah came unto me, saying,
9 The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall also finish it; and thou shalt know that Jehovah of hosts hath sent me unto you. Laid the foundation – Zerubbabel had begun the rebuilding of the literal Temple. R1491:4

The application is to Christ, who began the construction of the true Temple of God, "which Temple ye are" (1 Cor. 3:17), at Pentecost. R1491:4, R3651:4

His hands – Zerubbabel's. R2522:1

Shall also finish it – In due time our Lord Jesus will complete the work, by his Spirit, through the word; even though for a time the progress be slow. R3651:4, R3650:2

He who began the good work in us is able and willing to complete it. (Phil. 1:6) R3651:4

10 For who hath despised the day of small things? for these seven shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel; these are the eyes of Jehovah, which run to and fro through the whole earth.

Despised the day – The present day, when the construction of the spiritual Temple is in progress. R2522:1

The day of suffering, the day of trials. R1491:4

To the Jews, returned from Babylon to rebuild the Temple, the materials available seemed poor and insignificant; and so with us who now are free of Babylon. R3651:4

So Christ's earthly ministry, and the work of his followers, have all along seemed small and weak. R1491:4

Of small things – The Dawns ("Studies in the Scriptures"), Towers and Tracts. R2512:3

Corresponding, in some degree, with the messages of the Lord's people since the time of Wycliffe, leading to the Reformation movement in its various aspects. R3650:3

The humble beginning of the work of rebuilding the literal Temple. R1491:3

Not many great, not many wise, not many learned, are to be found amongst the living stones. (1 Cor. 1:26) R3651:4

Those who promulgate the Harvest Message and who, in the eyes of the world, are little, mean and insignificant. R3651:5

Small beginnings, feeble efforts, discouraging conditions, etc. R2522:1

They shall rejoice – They rejoice to see the work progress under his direction. R1491:4

See the plummet – Recognize the hand of the Lord in squaring, straightening, proving and testing the faith and character of his people. R3651:5

All the elements of justice, truth, righteousness and love. R3651:5

Let us not only conform to the plummet line, but build one another up in the faith with love, kindness and encouragement. R3651:5

With those seven – Representing perfection. R3651:5

The seven eyes, the perfect wisdom of God which holds survey of all the earth, superintending the work. R1491:4

Eyes of the LORD – Watching the tears, joys, trials, difficulties and prosperity of his people. R3651:5

The whole earth – Complete, all-seeing, everywhere, all-knowing. R3651:5

Day of small things – 'Do not despise these small beginnings' [New Living Translation, Jubilee Bible]; 'Who despised the day when little things began to happen' [God's Word] - See R2522
11 Then answered I, and said unto him, What are these two olive-trees upon the right side of the lampstand and upon the left side thereof?
12 And I answered the second time, and said unto him, What are these two olive-branches, which are beside the two golden spouts, that empty the golden oil out of themselves?
13 And he answered me and said, Knowest thou not what these are? And I said, No, my lord.
14 Then said he, These are the two anointed ones, that stand by the Lord of the whole earth. Two anointed ones – The Old and New Testaments. (See Rev. 11:3, 4) R244:4*

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