Revelation Chapter 16 [RVIC]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 And I heard a great voice out of the temple, saying to the seven angels, Go ye, and pour out the seven bowls of the wrath of God into the earth.

The temple – The nominal church. R498:1[R498]

The Temple is the Church: "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God." (1 Cor. 3:16) HG83:3

Seven angels – The living saints, they being the representatives or active agents of the entire anointed company. R498:1[R498]

Some, at least, of the Little Flock take part in pouring out the seven last plagues. R687:4[R687:4]

Go your ways – When the nominal systems find any who will not be fettered and bound by man-made creeds they thrust such out, saying, Go, then, do your worst. "Go your ways." R498:2

Boastfully replying on internal strength. R511:1

Vials of the wrath – These evils, called plagues or bowls of wrath, are designed to rid the world of every form of evil and wrong. R498:3

Begin with the first trumpet (Rev. 8:7) and the first plague, and compare them from the first to the seventh. Now multiply the scourge by three, for where a third part were affected under a trumpet, the plague is upon all. HG84:4

These plagues are really blessings in disguise, just as an amputation is a blessing, though a trying ordeal of suffering, to those who require it. R498:3

These judgments on the world, like the chastisement of his saints, are for their eventual good; and good is to result. HG19:4

The deliverance of typical Israel from Egypt illustrates the deliverance of all who desire to be God's servants; after the plagues utterly destroy all the systems born of sin. R1657:3; A336

As the plagues upon Egypt had a hardening effect as soon as removed, so the temporary relief from the pains of this Day of the Lord will tend to harden some. A336

The wrath of the Lamb and the gospel of grace cannot be mixed. Hence, until the day of salvation under the gospel shall end, the day of wrath cannot begin. HG83:2

They all belong under the latter half of the seventh trumpet, the "time of trouble," and are therefore future. HG83:2

"Are the vials of wrath now being poured out?" I have nothing to say about that! [1916] Q627:5[Q627:3-5][Q627:3-5]

See comments on Rev. 15:1

2 And the first went, and poured out his bowl into the earth; and it became a bad and malignant sore upon the men that had the mark of the beast, and that worshipped his image.

The first went – The first six plagues will be upon the nominal church, Babylon. The results will be to "gather," or array the people and their rulers against each other. R377:3

Upon the earth – Land. All people under religious restraint of whatever name or order. Land or earth as a symbol represents settled, organized religious society. R498:3

It is upon this class that the trouble first comes. R498:3

Noisome – Evil. R498:3

Grievous sore – Malignant ulcer. (Diaglott) R498:3

A running sore; a cancer in its worst stages; a cankerous sore which eats, corrupts and destroys. R498:4

It arises from within itself; it is a constitutional disorder, caused by the errors inherited and retained from the "Mother of harlots and abominations." (Rev. 17:5) R498:4

Already these disorders have broken out, and though the canker is carefully concealed, the bad odor and distress are noticeable. R498:5

The men which had – The great mass of non-overcoming and nominal Christians. R498:3

The mark – Characteristics. R498:3

Of the beast – Papacy. R498:3

Which worshipped – The ulcer is not upon those worshipping the Beast, but on those worshipping the Image and having the marks, or characteristics, of the Beast, Papacy. R498:4

His image – Protestantism. R498:3

3 And the second poured out his bowl into the sea; and it became blood as of a dead man; and every living soul died, even the things that were in the sea.

The second – One plague or evil goes on increasingly after a second and third are added, until in the end, the entire seven forms of evil will be operating simultaneously. R498:6

The sea – Symbolizing the irreligious masses of mankind--those not under religious restraint. R498:5

The blood – Blood in a living creature is full of vitality, but the blood of a dead person is the very reverse. R498:5

Of a dead man – After death, the blood rapidly begins to separate into two parts--a watery liquid called serum and a more solid substance termed clot. Immediately the clot begins to putrefy and corrupt. R498:5

Among the irreligious masses have been numbered noble specimens of humanity. Commingling with the masses, they imparted a life principle and vitality. R498:5

Every living soul – Every active element of virtue and benevolence. R498:6

Died – In other words, remove the element which advises prudence, morality and right-doing, from the counsels of the restless masses and the result will quickly be a grand reign of anarchy in the name of communism. R498:6

For example, In England, Mr. Gladstone and others attempted to provide some relief for the Irish oppression, but had to disown all fellowship and sympathy with the dynamite and assassination policy of hot-headed leaders among the masses. R498:6

4 And the third poured out his bowl into the rivers and the fountains of the waters; and it became blood. The rivers – Channels through which water (truth) has flowed, the various sects or denominations. R499:1

Fountains of waters – Symbolizing the founders and schools of the various systems--the place or men in whom these channels had their start or beginning. R499:1

Running waters symbolize truth. R499:1

Became blood – A river of blood could only symbolize loathsomeness and death. R499:1

In a similar literal plague upon Egypt, the people dug wells for water. So here, independent thinkers are digging for themselves, for purer waters than the regular channels afford. R499:2

5 And I heard the angel of the waters saying, Righteous art thou, who art and who wast, thou Holy One, because thou didst thus judge: The angel of the waters – The messenger of the real truth. R499:2

Thou art righteous – If divine wisdom says that this is the best manner for giving mankind the needed lessons preparatory to the introduction of the Kingdom, all of God's consecrated ones will say, "Amen!" SM701:1

And shalt be – The bountiful one. R499:1

6 for they poured out the blood of saints and prophets, and blood hast thou given them to drink: they are worthy. For they have shed – The direct cause of the trouble. R499:2

Blood of saints – The life of the saints is truth, God's word. "The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." R499:2

Blood in a person is life. To pour it out is to waste it. To waste the life-principle of saints and prophets would be to waste the words and testimony of Jesus. R499:2

They are worthy – It is just retribution. R499:4

7 And I heard the altar saying, Yes, O Lord God, the Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.

Out of the altar – I heard the altar. R499:3

The altar represents the class of prophets and saints whose testimonies for truth were sealed with their lives. R499:3

Say – Not audibly, but in that figurative way in which Abel's blood is said to have cried out. R499:3

True and righteous – When Christians shall find out what was the real difficulty, why they missed the great prize of this Gospel age and fell into this snare, they will surely be ready to acknowledge divine justice. NS129:4

Patience and forbearance will attract to the Lord all who will be worthy of life everlasting, and they will be prepared to utter these sentiments in respects to the destruction of others. F712

With the rosy view of the future which the Bible so surely gives, darkness and clouds, sorrows and tears for the immediate present cannot daunt us. R5799:5

Alas! How is it possible for those who are under the delusions of error to honor God in their hearts and to sing this song? NS635:2

8 And the fourth poured out his bowl upon the sun; and it was given unto it to scorch men with fire. The sun – As the moon symbolized "the Law," so the sun symbolized the Gospel light. The former was but a shadow or reflection of the latter. R499:4

Truth on every subject: truth relative to the rights and authority of kings; truth relative to the rights both of capital and labor; truth relative to the claimed superiority of the clergy. R499:5

That which is a plague to others is a wondrous boon to those who are out of Babylon and humbly enjoying the leadings of God's Spirit from one fountain direct--the Word of God. R499:6

Him – It. (Rotherham) R499:4

To scorch – Or troubled by the increase of life, and none more so than religious lords. R499:5

It is the increase of light--knowledge--which is causing independence of thought and action among all classes of society. R499:4

"The light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people." (Isa. 30:26) R499:6

Men – Mankind in general and upon representative leaders of men in particular. R499:4

9 And men were scorched with great heat: and they blasphemed the name of God who hath the authority over these plagues; and they repented not to give him glory.

Blasphemed – Not profane swearing, but rather a misstatement of character. For instance, Jesus was accused of "blasphemy" because he said he was the Son of God. (John 10:33) R499:6

Repented not – Reformed not. R499:4

The seven last plagues do not come on those that repent, come out of Babylon, and wash their robes. R151:3*

10 And the fifth poured out his bowl upon the throne of the beast; and its kingdom was darkened; and they gnawed their tongues for pain, The seat – Throne. R509:3

Of the beast – Picturing the trouble coming upon Papacy; not so much upon the masses of Romanists, as upon those in authority, its rulers--the throne power--their clergy. R509:3

Papacy's walls are higher, its claims stronger and of longer standing than those of the Protestant system. Therefore she the longer escapes the increasing light and the consequent trouble. R509:3

Darkness – Representing the perplexity rapidly coming over the hierarchy of the Church of Rome. R939:4

Uncertainty--absence of former unity and harmony. R509:3

Gnawed their tongues – Chewed their words. R2631:4

The tongues of Papacy are its decrees and utterances, past and future. To bite, then, in pain, implies contradiction and denial of former utterances. R509:3

As an illustration, we note Papacy's humiliating concessions and contradiction of her former teachings in her present recognition of the Protestant governments of Europe. R509:6

Representing the painful controversies and contradictions one of another by those who act as Papacy's tongues. R939:4, 1167:3

To call in question the testimony and records of writers long regarded by Catholics as sacred is how the gnawing of tongues in pain begins. R939:5

For pain – The biting is occasioned by the pain and humbled condition in which Papacy finds herself. She has lost all temporal power. R509:6

11 and they blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores; and they repented not of their works.

And blasphemed – Continued to slander, misrepresent. R2631:4, 509:3

And their sores – Omitted by the Sinaitic manuscript. R509:3

Of their deeds – Omitted by the Sinaitic manuscript. R509:3

12 And the sixth poured out his bowl upon the great river, the river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way might be made ready for the kings that come from the sunrising. River Euphrates – People, on which Babylon is built. R718:6

The waters of this great river represent the people who, by their influence and money, support Papacy--from which Babylon the Great draws her revenues. R510:1

The waters which thou sawest are "peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues." (Rev. 17:15) R510:1, 2498:4; Q30:1, 720:4

The waters of that river signify revenues from all nations. SM410:1

Literal Babylon was built upon the river Euphrates. Its wealth, supplies and sustenance came largely from this source. It had immense walls and strong gates over the river. R509:6; PD51/62

The sixth plague is upon Babylon, the mother. While the other systems have channels or rivers, her system is built upon the "great river." R510:1

Not the generally accepted interpretation that it refers to the Mohammedans, for the Ottoman empire is referred to under the sixth trumpet as "the four angels bound in the great river Euphrates." HG88:6

Dried up – Calling our attention to the typical Babylon when Cyrus' army turned aside the river into a new channel, leaving the old channel dry and enabling him to march his army under the gates. R4699:4, 2498:4, 509:6, 45:1; CR165:3; HG89:3; 520:6; PD51/62; Q720:4

While these events were occurring, the princes of Babylon, corresponding to the notables of Christendom, were holding high carnival, rejoicing in their security, boasting of the strength of their walls, the impregnability of their gates and the sureness of their waters. SM410:3

Mystic Babylon sits upon, is supported by, many waters (peoples, nations), and its fall is predicted, thro; the turning aside of its supporters and sustainers, the people. B209; Q30:1

The turning aside of the "waters" would represent the alienation of the people, and the alienation of the people would be indicated by their withholding of financial support. R4699:4

Implies a cessation of the revenues of Babylon, a decline in the contributions which heretofore have made her wealthy. SM410:1

The "drying up" will probably require many years for its accomplishment. R510:1

Germany is being overwhelmed with a deluge of infidelity, unparalleled in its entire history. R5449:4

Calculations showing worship attendance in Berlin at only 2% show that the great river Euphrates (people), on which Babylon is built, is being dried up--"a large falling off." R718:6[R718*]

Waters also represent truth. The truth will be turned aside and no longer flow through Babylon--the voice of the Bridegroom and the voice of the Bride shall no longer be heard in her. (Rev. 18:23) Q720:4

As the typical Cyrus encouraged the Jews to return from Babylonian captivity, so the antitypical, our Lord, will see also to Israel's opportunity to return to the land of Abraham. R4699:5

Compare Jer. 50:38. R1371:6

Kings – The kings of Christ's Kingdom, who are also priests--the Body of Christ, the Royal Priesthood. R2498:4[R2498], 510:3; HG520:6; PD51/62

Of the east – From the sunrising. R2498:4[R2498], 509:6

They come, not to the Sunrising, but from the sunrising. They come bringing light with them. R510:3

The name Cyrus signifies "the sun." In his name he reminds us of the prophecy of Christ--"The Sun of righteousness shall arise with healing in his beams." (Mal. 4:2) R24; , 510:3

Not of the north. HG90:1

13 And I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits, as it were frogs: Three – The harmonious teaching in which these can all unite is the dogmas of "the divine right of kings," "the authority of the clergy," and the claim that mankind is bound to submit to these and be controlled by them. R510:4[R510:4]

Unclean spirits – Impure, erroneous teaching. R510:4; SM233:2

The spirit is a doctrine, an unclean doctrine, a false doctrine. Each of these systems will utter the same things. OV273:4

The divine authority of the church, and the divine right of kings, aside from the church, will not be permitted to conflict. SM235:2; R510:5

Satan will be forced to appear "as an angel of light" in order to perpetuate the delusions wherewith he has so long deceived the whole world--putting light for darkness, and darkness for light. R3119:6

Like frogs – Croaking from pulpits and platforms, and through the religious and secular press. OV274:T

The three most prominent characteristics of a frog are pomposity, an air of superior wisdom and knowledge, and a continual croaking. R510:5; OV273:6; SM235:T

The spirit of all will be boastful; an air of superior knowledge and wisdom will be assumed; all will foretell dire results to follow any failure to obey their counsels. OV273:6

Indicating that when these systems give forth these unclean spirits it will be with boastfulness, an attempt to overawe with dignity and with continual allusions to disasters which must attend any change of present arrangements. R510:5

We are not to think that these frog spirits, or doctrines, are all bad, but rather that they are doctrines of bombast and pomposity. OV274:1

Doctrines of demons. SM234:1

The various sectaries have built little mud dams along the stream of truth, claiming that they had secured all the truth, so that what should have been a well of life became a veritable frog pond. R243:6*

Come out of the mouth – The utterances of the combined power of church and state. OV273:4

The dragon – Civil government, especially that which once constituted civil Rome. R510:4; OV271:4

Practically all Bible exegetes agree that this dragon represents purely civil power. OV270:7; SM234:2

The monarchial element. 90:1

Political parties all declare, "If any change should come, it will mean terrible disaster!" ; OV274:3

The direct cause of the drying will be the relationship existing between Papacy and the kings of earth. R510:2

When present tendencies have produced a closer affiliation of religion and state, it will lead the masses to throw off the yoke of the church as well as the state, since both will be leagued against their cherished ideas of liberty and equality. R510:2

To illustrate, a famous orator in the Irish troubles, Charles O'Brien said, "The Irish people will neither be ruled by Rome nor Westminster." R510:3

And out of the mouth – From the civil power, from the Catholic Church and from the Federation of Protestant Churches will go forth the same teachings. OV273:6; SM235:1

These classes influence and encourage each other with this impure doctrine of Satan. R510:6

Were it not for this harmony, each of these classes of kings would have felt the weakness of their claims, but in their union they find strength and hope for retaining their hold upon the people. R510:6

The beast – Papacy. R510:4

The same beast that is mentioned in Rev. 13:2, where it is described as resembling a leopard--spotted. It refers to the Papal system as a whole. OV270:8; SM234:2

That on which the woman sat. HG90:1

The Catholic Church says, "Do not look behind! Do not question anything about the Church!" ; OV274:2

The Beast and Prophet are symbols of false systems which will be cast into a great consuming trouble in the close of this Gospel age. R1040:5

The false prophet – The religious element. HG20:5

Another name for the system elsewhere called "the Image of the Beast"--a very exact representation of the Beast, which we understand to mean the Protestant Federation of Churches. OV271:4; SM234:2

Protestantism says, "We are great, we are wise, we know a great deal. Keep quiet! No one will then know that you know nothing." ; OV274:2

To prevent individual Bible study which seemed to them a loss of power, religious leaders planned a union of Protestants in a system called the Evangelical Alliance. Then and there they made an Image of the Beast. OV272:5

Another representation of the Image--the vitalized product of the Evangelical Alliance, which has taken the form of Church Federation. OV273:3

A new symbol. It takes the place of both the "two-horned beast" and "the Image of the Beast," and represents all systems teaching error--"orthodox" as well as many considered heterodox. R510:4

14 for they are spirits of demons, working signs; which go forth unto the kings of the whole world, to gather them together unto the war of the great day of God, the Almighty. The spirits of devils – Doctrines of devils--the devil's theory relative to present evil governments. R510:5[R510:9]

The spirit of revolution and anarchism in the world is generating a boiling, seething, condition of affairs. Q769:3

Working miracles – Working signs. R510:5

They will give evidences and seemingly plausible reasons for the rights of kings and clergy; chief among these will doubtless be God's appointment of kings and priests over fleshly Israel. R510:5

Miracles to deceive, yet professing a pious intention. R617:6

Spiritualism has not yet reached the climax of its power. Its powers are to increase wonderfully. R266:4

Unto the kings – Not only kings, but princes, generals, also those termed financial kings and merchant princes, and the great one among religious teachers. R510:6

To gather them – The croaking of the frog spirits, or doctrines, will gather the kings and princes, financial, political, religious and industrial into one great army. OV274:6; SM235:3

Ecclesiastical kings and princes will be gathered in solid phalanx--Protestant and Catholic. Political kings, financial kings and merchant princes will join the same side. OV274:4; SM233:3

The nations of the earth are already gathered together, associated by the modern methods of communication--cables, wireless telegraphs, railways and steamship lines. Q769:3

The gathering of the armies is plainly visible from the standpoint of God's Word. B101

They do not realize, however, that they are coming to Armageddon. OV274:4

To the battle – The general conflict between priest and people, rulers and ruled, capital and labor. R377:6

Organized capital on the one hand and organized labor on the other are the two forces arrayed against each other in deadly conflict. Q849:T

For forty years the Armageddon forces have been mustering for both sides of the conflict. OV276:3; SM239:1

In proportion as men have aided error and wrong, they have been battling against the new Ruler; and in proportion as their tongues, pens and hands were used to support the right and truth on any subject, they have been fighting on the Lord's side. B141

To end in AD 1915, with the complete overthrow of earth's present rulership. This battle has already commenced. B101

The lines of battle are daily becoming more distinctly marked. Nevertheless Armageddon cannot yet be fought. Gentile Times have still two years to run. [Written in 1912] The Image of the Beast must yet receive life--power. It must be transformed from a mere mechanism to a living force. OV276:3

Armageddon cannot precede the vivifying of the Image, but must follow--perhaps a year after. OV276:4; SM239:2

Prophecy requires an evidently larger number of wealthy Hebrews to be in Israel before the Armageddon crisis. "Jacob's trouble" in the Holy Land will come at the very close of Armageddon. OV276:5; SM239:2

This battle is the seventh plague, and is a result of the six plagues which precede it. R377:3

To war, the conflict between right and wrong. R510:6

The Millennium is preceded by the most terrible judgments on the nations; but, in consequence of these judgments, the people are turned to a pure worship. HG18:5

Typified by Gideon's battle. NS240:6

God Almighty – The omnipotent God. R510:6

15 (Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.) Behold – The fifteenth verse is abruptly thrown in as a parenthesis. R510:6

The position of this declaration, thrown in disconnectedly, is significant. It teaches that our Lord will be present before the impure teaching begins to gather them to their destruction. R511:1

I come – At the time when this evil doctrine will apparently be uniting all upon the side of law and order, our Lord will be present, but secretly and unknown except to the watching ones. R510:6; NS8:3, 34:4

He comes more than once. At the first advent--"Behold, thy king cometh." At his second advent: "The Bridegroom came" and he comes when he "returns from the wedding." He comes for his saints, and he comes with his saints. HG84:5

As a thief – He will be present unseen, doing a work of which the world for a time will be unaware. His arrival, therefore, must be in a quiet manner, unobserved, and entirely unknown to the world. B143; R579:3

Such endorsements for truth as miracle-working power, so necessary in the Jewish harvest to the confirmation of truth, would be out of harmony with the thief-like presence and mission of the Lord here. R1742:6

This coming as a thief extends over the whole period from his coming until the judgments on Babylon are complete. R151:5

Is he – Any one of the Church who complies with the conditions. R3811:2*, 430:6*

The other class [Great Company] are recommended, even under the sixth plague, to watch and keep their garments, lest they walk naked. HG82:1

That watcheth – Those believers who are taking heed to the sure word of prophecy, as to a light in a dark place, shall, because of its light, not be in darkness that that day should overtake them as a thief. R579:3

And keepeth – The danger of losing it is implied in this statement, made after six of the seven last plagues are poured out. No man is absolutely above danger of falling until he is immortal. R151:5

His garments – The robe signifies that share of Christ's merit which has been freely appropriated to us by him with the Father's consent. R2782:6

Since our sins were laid upon Jesus, and we by faith accept him as our Redeemer, his righteousness has been laid upon us. His righteousness is our glorious dress. R431:5*

16 And he gathered them together into the place which is called in Hebrew Har-Mageddon.

He – The Lord of hosts himself mustereth the hosts of the battle. D528

God will be represented by the great Messiah. He will be on the side of the masses. "At that time shall Michael stand up"--assume authority. (Dan. 12:1) SM236:3

Gathered them together – The turmoil of speech and the conflict between classes are hurrying us toward the vortex of the great Armageddon. R5448:6

Warring political factions, militant suffragettes, socialists, nihilists, anarchists, labor organizations, capitalistic combinations, the ecclesiastical system, all in opposition to each and all; are rushing headlong to Armageddon. Q769:2

Armageddon – Symbolizing the great controversy between truth and error, right and wrong, God and mammon. Dii

Armageddon means mount of destruction; and this describes what will be the result of their doctrine. R510:6; Dii, xiii; OV268:2; 275:2; Q769:2; SM236:3

Signifies the Hill of Megiddo, which occupied a very marked position on the southern edge of the Plain of Esdraelon, and commanded an important pass into the hill country. OV268:2

Megiddo was the great battle-ground of Palestine. Many famous Old Testament battles were fought there: Gideon vs. Midian, King Saul vs. the Philistines, King Josiah vs. Pharaoh Necho; and there Ahab and Jezebel lived, Jezebel there meeting a horrible death. OV268:2; Q769:2

The present great war in Europe is the beginning of the Armageddon of the Scriptures. SM676:2

The Boston Globe quotes Theodore Roosevelt as saying, "With unflinching heart and undimmed eye, we stand at Armageddon and we battle for the Lord." R5062:4

It is pure speculation to attempt to say just when it will begin. R5527:4

We are not to expect any gathering of the people literally to the Hill of Megiddo. OV268:4

The Scriptures abound with allusions to Armageddon. Our Lord calls it "great tribulation." (Matt. 24:21); Daniel describes it as "a time of trouble." (Dan. 12:1) OV269:2

17 And the seventh poured out his bowl upon the air; and there came forth a great voice out of the temple, from the throne, saying, It is done. The seventh angel – Seven is the symbol of completeness. This seventh plague completes the trouble coming, and will result in the complete unveiling of Satan's systems and the binding or destruction of his power or influence. R511:1

Into the air – The Greek word here used for "air" is used symbolically to represent government or controlling power over the earth. (See Eph. 2:2; 1 Thes. 4:17; Rev. 9:2) R152:6

The temple – The Temple of God. (Sinaitic manuscript.) R511:1

When last we saw the Temple, or the nominal church, it was filling with smoke and casting out the faithful messengers of truth. R511:1

The Temple class, the second company, are "saved so as by fire." R511:2

From the throne – Not in the Sinaitic manuscript. R511:1

It is done – "It has been done." (Leeser) R511:1

The nominal church is now convinced of the truths uttered by the faithful messengers whom, in ignorance and pride, it cast out. R511:1

18 and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunders; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since there were men upon the earth, so great an earthquake, so mighty. Voices – Proclamations and general discussion of subjects by those being enlightened. R511:2

The voices, lightnings, thunders and earthquake and hail at the ending of the seventh trumpet (Rev. 11:18, 19), and also during the seventh and last plague are clearly the same. HG83:6

And thunders – Tumults accompanying the increased enlightenment. R511:2

And lightnings – Diffusion of knowledge. R511:2

A great earthquake – Symbolic of revolution. R6014:4, 5754:6, 5715:3, 5554:3; SM319:2

A revolution that will involve all the civilized nations. R5567:1

A great revolution which will overthrow everything that is not of the Lord's establishment and approval. SM319:2; OV286:6

A revolution and strife which will involve whatever may still remain of the home governments of the various peoples, and complete the universal insurrection and anarchy. D557

This is the great revolution in which every mountain and hill (the high ones) should be brought low, and the valleys (humble ones) be exalted, bringing all humanity to a common level as a preparation for the righteous reign of the Lord's Anointed. R511:3

It will be a revolution which will affect all the governments of the world, socially, politically, financially and ecclesiastically. R3414:3

The destruction will be accomplished by an outbreak of jealousy, revolution and anarchy amongst the various elements composing the great mixed army. D556

Armageddon itself will be the mighty "Earthquake." R5735:3

The earthquake of 1 Kings 19:11, 12. R2334:4

It is not until the last of the "seven last plagues" that the great earthquake (revolution) occurs, in which every mountain (kingdom) will disappear. A336

A great war amongst the nations of Christendom is expected--a war which will sap Christendom financially, and will awaken the lower classes to grasp through socialism what they esteem to be their rights. Possibly civil war and ultimately anarchy will thus be precipitated. NS58:4

After the present great time of trouble, but before anarchy. R6014:4, 5950:3, 5715:3, 5554:3, 3414:3; OV386:6

Severe though these revolutionary experiences will be to the world they are not sufficient to prepare men to hear the voice of God. That will also require the "fire from heaven." R2334:5

Following the revolution socialism may loom up, but will be short-lived and develop into anarchy. R5567:1

Anarchy will result when socialism fails. SM237:3

Socialism is a revolution based upon the increase of knowledge, even though much of its reasoning is fallacious and much of its work likely to be terribly injurious. R5516:2

The present strife in Europe may possibly be forcefully depicted in some of the prophecies. [A number of prophecies cited.] R5735:4

For years Europe has been trembling with occasional violent revolutionary shocks; but now it is preparing for the great shock, the "great earthquake." R5516:2

The screws of superstition are being gradually loosened--preparatory to the great, great, political, social, financial and religious "earthquake." R2870:5

The collapse of spiritual Babylon leads on to this great revolution-earthquake. R5950:3

In conjunction with this social revolution, the Bible indicates that Churchianity will for a time be greatly exalted as the hoped-for power by which the revolution may be offset and stopped. During that time the true Church will be in hard times. R5554:3

Free speech, free mails, and other liberties will be ruthlessly shut off on the plea of necessity. The safety-valve will be sat upon until the great social explosion, the social revolution. OV275:1; SM236:1

The "triumphal reign" will be short. It will not be left to disintegrate. Its fall will be sudden. It will be utterly destroyed by the "great earthquake." R2091:5

As credit depreciates and gold becomes more scarce, the price of commodities will advance, wages in Europe will be forced upward, with accompanying labor troubles, leading on to this earthquake. R5715:3

The logical result of discouraged peoples realizing the meaning of national debts and the collapse of financial institutions which that will involve. R5754:5

Trouble in the Colorado mines and more recent strikes are only premonitory rumblings which, with many other disturbances of like nature, presage the coming storm. R5735:4

So complex and peculiar will be the conflict of this Day of Vengeance that no one symbol could describe it. Many forceful symbols are used, such as battle, earthquake, fire, storm, tempest and flood. D527

Such as was not – Because it will be worldwide and not a local disturbance, as were the previous seasons of destruction. Q849:T

Christ and his Bride will hinder the strife of men from going to the extreme, but it will not be stopped until the present order shall have been wholly dissolved. R5735:3

We are in only the beginning of the great trouble and overthrow. The whole present order will go up in a mighty conflagration. R5735:4

19 And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and Babylon the great was remembered in the sight of God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. The great city – Representing the united three elements which attempt in union to rule over or control the world. R511:3

The fourth empire. HG20:5, 90:1

Was divided – Their union and power will continue for a while, but they will again separate. R511:3

When the civil power refuses any longer to carry the church, Babylon will have fallen. The fall of Babylon and the "division of that great city" is one and the same. HG90:3

A division now being consummated. HG20:5

This is how the waters are to be dried up--by a triune struggle among themselves. HG90:1

Into three parts – The utter overthrow of the triple alliance between the Beast (Papacy), the False Prophet (other religious systems teaching error) and the dragon (civil power.) R511:3[R511:3]

The monarchial, religious and republican elements of Europe. HG20:5

The cities – The city. (Sinaitic) R511:5

Babylon – Though the kingdoms shall fall, the religious element of the union shall not escape. R511:3

Which now proudly calls itself Christendom (Christ's Kingdom). R1357:3, 3647:3

Since the Apocalypse was written centuries after literal Babylon was laid in ruins, it is clear that the special reference of all the prophets is to something of which the ancient literal Babylon was an illustration. D22

Came in remembrance – Into judgment; already in progress as evidenced by the revision of hitherto unquestioned creeds and the unsparing criticism of the secular press. Babylon is recognized as a self-contradictory mouthpiece of God. R3647:3

The fall of literal Babylon, while it was sudden, and while it made a great commotion amongst the nations, lacks much of filling to the full the prophetic picture. R2498:3

While the broadest application of this language is, of course, to Papacy, it also involves all who are in any degree in confederation or sympathy with her. All such will be sharers in her plagues. D38

And suddenly, in one hour, her fall will occur. (Rev. 18:10) SM127:1

Of the fierceness – Signifying that the fiercest of the trouble--the wine or extract of the wrath--will be upon the Babylon systems more than upon the political systems. R511:3

Of his wrath – The great systems, religious, social and civil, that now unitedly constitute Christendom, shall go into oblivion, destruction. R1896:4, 5565:1

20 And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. Every island – Symbolizing Republican governments--organizations of people slightly above the "sea" level. R511:3[R511]

While kingdoms (mountains) give place to republics (islands), so the islands shall also in due time flee away. R511:4[R511]

Fled away – The spirit of liberty will overleap all bounds and order, and end in anarchy. R511:4[R511]

Mountains were not found – The republics are swept away after kingdoms have all been overturned. R511:5[R511]

21 And great hail, every stone about the weight of a talent, cometh down out of heaven upon men: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof is exceeding great. Upon men – In a similar plague which literally came upon Egypt, it injured only those Egyptians who had not respect to the words of Jehovah. (Ex. 9:19-21) R511:5

A great hail – Hail is solidified water--truth delivered in such a way as to be dangerously destructive to things with which it comes in contact. R511:5, 3344:3*

Compared to the hail used by the Lord on Joshua's "long day." (Josh. 10:8) R3344:3*

"And the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies and the waters (truth) shall overflow the hiding place." (Isa. 28:17) R511:5

Not that the hail comes last. Something must be mentioned last. These various things will occur, or be in progress, at once--voices, thunderings, hail and lightning. R511:6

This is hinted at in the fact that these same events, mentioned under the seventh seal and seventh trumpet, are mentioned indiscriminately as one event. R511:6

Out of heaven – Spiritual powers, but not any longer corrupt and vitiated spiritual powers, for these have passed away. This is the new "heavens." R511:6

Weight of a talent – About the weight of a man, sufficient to break down everything before it. R511:5

The smallest Greek talent was fifty-seven pounds, avoirdupois weight. R3344:3*

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