Revelation Chapter 15 [RVIC]

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Scripture Expanded Comments

1 And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvellous, seven angels having seven plagues, which are the last, for in them is finished the wrath of God.

And I saw – This chapter is part of the message of the "seventh trump," during which the first resurrection and change of the living saints occurs. R194:4

Seven angels The living saints, they being the representatives or active agents of the entire anointed company. R498
This comment from Pastor Russell should have been included in the Expanded Bible Comments and is therefore added here. – site Editor

Seven last plagues – Not a particular disease, as the black plague or cholera; but trouble--death, famine, revolution, distress, overthrow. These distresses will be both physical and mental. R5697:6

The pain from these will consist largely of mental chagrin, the disappointment of sectarian hopes and plans, and the wounding of sectarian pride. R1573:4

They all belong under the latter half of the seventh trumpet, the "time of trouble," and are therefore future. HG83:2

Necessary, not only for Babylon's destruction, but also for the purification and separation of the hitherto unripe wheat remaining in her. C196[C195:2]

The closing act in the drama of this age. R497:1

The vials are followed by the symbolic pictures of the new age--new heaven and earth, binding of Satan, and reign of Christ. R497:1

The plagues upon Egypt were intended in some measure to foreshadow the plagues with which this Gospel age will end--the first three and "the seven last plagues." F175

The land of Goshen was spared from the last seven plagues on Egypt. R2911:3

As Pharaoh and his people received a retributive punishment for every evil they had inflicted upon the Israelites, so the great troubles which will come upon "the powers that be" at the present time will, in some degree, be a retributive requirement. R2911:4

Pharaoh would not listen until Egypt was smitten with the tenth plague. Then he urged them to go. When the last plague has been poured out, as a vial of divine wrath, "the powers that be" will realize that it is useless to fight against God. R2911:4

Implies that others preceded them, as in the type. R155:4*

In them –
Not in one of them, but in the seven. HG83:2

Is filled up – Completed. R140:6

The wrath of God – It is Egypt, the chaff of the Jewish nation, the tares of the Gospel Church, Babylon, that each, in turn, receive the uttermost wrath, or wrath without mixture. R151:2*

The wrath of the Lamb and the gospel of grace cannot be mixed; hence, until the day of salvation under the gospel shall end, the day of wrath cannot begin. HG83:2

Therefore the seven last plagues cannot be poured out after "the day of wrath" is ended. R116:2*

2 And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire; and them that come off victorious from the beast, and from his image, and from the number of his name, standing by the sea of glass, having harps of God. As it were – The real "sea of glass like unto crystal" is before the throne (Rev. 4:6) and is not mingled with fire. R156:4*, 170:2*

The people protected in Goshen [the great multitude] were, "as it were," saved, but not actually saved from Egypt until after the plagues, when the Lord brought them out that they might serve him. R156:4*, 81:6*

It cannot be the Great Company because this group has gotten the victory over the Beast and his Image. R130:2

A sea – The unfettered, irreligious masses of the people. R529:5*, 497:2, 130:3

Of glass – Washed or separated state. R156:2*, 151:5*

From our standpoint it is transparent. We are enabled to see clearly the forces that control the masses, what they are about to do, and why they do it. R529:5*, 130:3

Mingled with fire – Judgments, or trouble. R497:3, 130:3

We can see that the fire is "already kindled," ready to break out, a wild, unquenchable whirlwind of flame, when the due time comes. The whole matter is clear as crystal. R529:5*

The whole symbol means, the people in trouble, under the judgments of God. R497:3, 168:4*

We believe that this fire (trouble) has been mingling or coming among the people since 1873. R130:3

And them – The very elect, the saintly few, the Little Flock. R5231:5, 140:6; HG82:1

Gotten the victory – None will "stand" except the elect. All others are to fall more or less, though some will subsequently be rescued from the catastrophe; "saved so as by fire." (1 Cor. 3:15) R3941:6; HG403:2; SM568:T

One third, or possibly one half, of an estimated 21,500 of the Lord's people still in Babylon may yet prove themselves "overcomers." [1902] R2942:6[R2942:14]

Free from Papacy and from organized sectarian Protestantism to the extent that these have no influence over their actions, professions or thoughts. R497:2, 130:3

Over the beast – Papacy. R497:2; Dvii

Over his image – The Image was formed by the organization of the "Evangelical Alliance" in 1846. Thus the overcomers of this "Image" could not occupy this position of favor prior to that date. R497:2

The "Image of the Beast" is yet to hold a very prominent place in the coming "time of trouble." HG94:4

Over his mark – Omit. R130:2

Over the number of his name – Over all who bear the characteristics of Papacy and Protestantism's number--that is, free to the extent that these have no influence over their actions, professions or thoughts. R497:2

Stand on –
Before the seven last plagues are fulfilled. HG82:1

Above the troubled people are the overcomers--calm, serene, untroubled. R497:3

After the saints are delivered. HG94:2

Sea of glass – Their standing is by faith. To the eye of faith all is transparent as glass. R497:3

Company of changed saints--before the throne, not on the throne. R168:4*

Harps of God – The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. F233; R1524:6; NS634:5

The Bible. Its many strings or chords are the Law, Prophets, Psalms, Gospels, etc. R497:5

The Word of God. R172:4

Many Christians have the harp, but few have it so strung and tuned that they can bring forth harmony enough to accompany the "song of Moses and the Lamb." R497:5

3 And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying,

Great and marvellous are thy works, O Lord God, the Almighty; righteous and true are thy ways, thou King of the ages.

And they – The overcomers. R3078:3

The immortalized Bride. HG16:5

Only those who have learned to play upon the harp of God, who have all its strings attuned to perfect harmony. R5441:6, 926:4

Here is a company gathered out who foretell what the nations are going to do. HG83:3

It is the feet, or last part, who sing the restitution song of Moses and the Lamb. (Isa. 52:7) R498:1, 288:1

Who see God's plan. R541:5*

Sing – Intelligently. R3177:5

Let us sing with the spirit and understanding this wondrous, glad new song. R5441:6

The overcomers not only have the harp and know how to sing this song of restitution, but they do sing it. R497:6

A song symbolizes a beautiful and harmonious expression. R497:3

The song of restitution. R130:3, 172:4

This is the song which none but the overcomers can sing at the present time, but by and by, when the glory of the Lord shall have filled the Temple, all peoples shall learn that song. R3283:4

The angelic sons of God "shouted for joy" (Job 38:7) in the dawn of earth's creative week. F51

With the rosy view of the future which the Bible so surely gives, darkness and clouds, sorrows and tears for the immediate present cannot daunt us. R5799:5

How shall the captive daughters of Zion sing the Lord's song in a strange land? (Psa. 137:1-6) R497:6

The song is sung before the pouring out of the vials. (See verse 6) R140:6

The scene is after the dead in Christ are raised and the living changed; and though all can sing the same song, they could remain invisible, and yet we might be visible. R170:3*

Song of Moses – The message of blessing typified by the writings of Moses and by all the ceremonies of the Law. R2569:6

Because Moses was the type of Christ and in all the sacrifices of the Law he typified or foreshadowed the sacrifice of Christ. NS634:5

Clearly taught in the Law of Moses, which was "a shadow of the good things to come." (Heb. 10:1) C237

Moses composed a hymn of praise in which the people joined, while Moses' sister Miriam and the singing women prepared a response to various parts of the hymn of praise. (Ex. 15:1-20) R3998:6

This song of deliverance will be sung by mankind in general during the Millennial age, but we sing it now, because we have gotten the victory over the world (Egypt). R140:6

The song of Moses (Deut. 32) was evidently not merely for Israel, but prophetical. R3078:2

If it was appropriate that the Israelites give glory to God for their deliverance from Egypt, it is much more appropriate that spiritual Israel recognize the still greater deliverance from the power of Satan and the thraldom of sin. R3998:6

This song can now be sung by us who can exercise faith in the Lord, but it is not its complete fulfillment: that will be attained when all the people of God shall have been found--at the end of the Millennial age. R3999:1

Song of the Lamb – In the clearer Revelations contained in the writings of the New Testament. C237

The good tidings announced in connection with our Lord's birth, and throughout his own ministry; and the testimony of all the apostles respecting the Lamb of God and the great work to be accomplished by him. R2569:6

The song of Moses and the Lamb--the preaching of these overcomers is in perfect accord with the Law and the Gospel. R497:3

Saying – Very few can sing this first note of the song, and fewer yet can sing it to its close. R497:3

Great and marvellous – Though we lament the evils which incur the retribution, yet we realize its necessity and justice, and have learned also the ends of mercy to be attained eventually by this very means. D526

Thy works – Plans. R926:4

Man's condemnation, redemption and restitution. R2713:1

Just – Truly, God's ways are equal--for the spiritual and for the human natures. OV130:1

We see the justice to the permission of the anarchy, and read therein the divine law of retribution. D526

We can sing of the righteousness and justice of God's dealings with the nations, since we have come to see how he permitted evil and death. R497:3

The righteousness and justice, and love of God's dealing, can only be seen by looking at the work of the next, as well as that of present and past ages. R497:4

The more advanced our conceptions of righteousness, truth, holiness, purity, the more we are enabled to appreciate the divine view of sin. R3729:4

As Aaron and his two remaining sons were forbidden to make lamentation for their brethren, so all faithful priests will recognize the justice of divine decisions, and will bow to them in humble submission. T40

God's throne is based or established upon justice. "Righteousness and justice are the foundation of thy throne." (Psa. 89:14) T124

"As for God, his way is perfect"; it is just and merciful and benevolent and wise and practicable, and sure of a glorious termination. (Psa. 18:30, 31) R3337:5

It is noteworthy that the Levites who sang at the dedication of the Temple did not sing of divine wrath never ending, but of divine mercy forever. (Psa. 136) R3283:4

And true – The righteousness of God, appealing to our faith as reasonable, and furnishing us a firm foundation for faith and trust in all his future dealings--those revealed to faith and those unseen as yet. R926:4

Are thy ways – Including the slaughter of the Amorites, Amalekites, Hittites, Jebusites, etc. R130:5

Thou King – "King of nations"--what the pope would be if he could be. R1002:3

Of saints – Of nations. (Margin) D526; R2603:6, 1002:3, 130:2

Of nations. (Diaglott) R497:3

[The Greek word] ethnon means nations; not saints, as in the Authorized Version. R76:3*

4 Who shall not fear, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy; for all the nations shall have come and shall worship before thee; for thy righteous acts have been made manifest.

Who shall not fear – Venerate thee. R2603:6

When, in the coming age, his wonderful goodness is manifested. R497:4

Truly ours is a great God, worthy of worship, obedience and love. Only the foolish can say in their hearts, "There is no God." (Psa. 53:1) PD96/110

We would be inclined to believe that every one should praise his love everlastingly, were it not that the Scripture clearly discloses a second death and tells of some who will be accounted worthy of it. R497:4

And glorify – In his wonderful program for dealing with sinners, angelic and human, God chose the very best way, the one most profitable to angels and to men, the one which most redounds to his own ultimate glory and honor. R5430:5

Art holy – Thou art entirely holy. R2603:6

Since thou alone art bountiful. R497:4; 76:3*; F52

All nations – Not representatives of all nations living before the Millennium, but every nation for whom Christ died is to have a share in the blessing accruing through the great Redeemer's sacrifice. NS352:6

Even Sodom, a nation long since destroyed, shall come and worship. (Ezek. 16:48-63) R497:5, 331:5, 130:6

No wonder there should be jubilation in heaven and in earth when all of Jehovah's intelligent creatures behold, not only God's love, but also his justice, wisdom and power. F51

The word all in the English language and its equivalent pas in the Greek may be used either to refer to all mankind, or all of a certain specified class. R838:2

And worship – When the Kingdom is the Lord's and he is the governor among the nations. R492:6

For – When. NS634:4; OV130:1, 170:1

"When the judgments of the Lord are abroad in the earth the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness." (Isa. 26:9) SM701:1

Thy judgments –
Greek, dikaioma, meaning righteousness. It is so rendered in most cases in the New Testament. The Hebrew mish-paht has precisely the same meaning and is used in Psa. 112:5--"He will guide his affairs with discretion." (Margin, judgment.) HG16:6

The Greek word rendered judgments is not krisis nor krima, which are rightly rendered judgment; but dikaiomata, properly rendered righteous acts. R76:3*

Thy dealings. NS523:3

Righteous dealings. R3283:4, 5799:5, 2603:6, 497:5, 130:2, 76:3*; F52

The righteous dealings of God will bring a sure penalty to every one in proportion to the degree of knowledge and willfulness, but it will bring a just, and not an unjust penalty, and it will be remedial. OV170:1

We have found a "hell," sheol [Hebrew] and hades [Greek], to which all our race were condemned on account of Adam's sin. We find another "hell," Gehenna [Greek], as the final penalty upon all who, after being redeemed, yet choose death. R2603:6

The only exception to the final salvation of all is in the case of those who sin willfully after they have come to the knowledge of the truth. R99:2*

Are made manifest – In due time all will be able to see that God's dealings with humanity have been righteous dealings. NS579:5

The whole world shall come to recognize his justice and his righteous dealings in every particular. NS523:2

As yet the ways of the Lord are in darkness, except to the few enlightened by the Scriptures, but by and by his righteous dealings will be manifested to all. NS452:5, 588:1, 635:1; OV230:4

We can make it manifest to all who are not so blinded by traditions of men that the Word of God is made to them of none effect. R131:1

His righteous acts are made manifest, for the great mass of the Gospel Church were taught that the majority of nations were "turned into hell." R76:6*

Together with the judgments, the everlasting gospel will be preached. R60:5*

5 And after these things I saw, and the temple of the tabernacle of the witness in heaven was opened:
6 and there came out from the temple the seven angels that had the seven plagues, arrayed with precious stone, pure and bright, and girt about their breasts with golden girdles. Seven angels – Since it is the saints who are "to execute the judgments written" (Psa. 149:9) we interpret these seven angels to mean the living saints; active agents of the entire anointed company. R498:1[R498]

Came out – Symbolizing the coming of the overcomers out of the nominal church. R498:1

The temple –
The Temple is the Church: "know ye not that ye are the temple of God." (1 Cor. 3:16) HG83:3

The nominal church. R498:1[R498], 511:1[R511]

White linen – These have kept their wedding garments. They are robed in the righteousness of Christ--"justified by his blood." R498:1

The righteous acts by the saints. R76:5*

Golden – Representing divinity. R498:1[R498]

Girdles – They are the servants of God, the girdles representing a servant. R498:1

7 And one of the four living creatures gave unto the seven angels seven golden bowls full of the wrath of God, who liveth for ever and ever.
8 And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from his power; and none was able to enter into the temple, till the seven plagues of the seven angels should be finished. Was filled – When the last of the "living stones" shall have been made ready in the first resurrection, the Temple shall be filled with his glory, and be the meeting place between God and man throughout the Millennium. R5822:2, 1750:1

The living stones must all be ready before the Temple is completed, and it must be completed before "the glory of the Lord" fills it. (2 Chron. 5:1-13) R172:2

The Temple is filled with glory just before the pouring out of the seven plagues, and that is when the Church is called the Bride--when glorified. (Rev. 21:9-11) R169:5*

With smoke – When all the overcomers have come out, the Temple (nominal church) will be so full of smoke (confusion and darkness) that no man would care to go into it. R498:1

All who remain in it become so blinded by it, that they cannot see the glory of God either as displayed in his Word or its fulfillment in passing events. R498:2

At the voice of the cherubim the door posts of the Temple move, and the house is filled with smoke. (Isa. 6:4; Ezek. 10:4) R530:5*

From the glory – That is, the glorious harmony and beauty of truth as presented by the overcoming class, shows the deformity and confusion of man-made creeds. R498:1

No man was able – "And there shall be no man in the tabernacle of the congregation when he goeth in to make an atonement in the holy place." (Lev. 16:17) R159:5*

The temple – Symbolizes the nominal church. R498:1, 511:1

Till the seven plagues –
Certainly implies that when the Day of Wrath is passed, the door will be again opened, so that men can enter. This teaches probation after resurrection. HG83:5

The Little Flock are evidently changed before the plagues are poured out as they have some work to do in connection with their execution. R275:6

The world will know the commotion of the apokalupsis of the King in the pouring out of the plagues--when the judgments of the Lord shall be abroad in the earth. R2957:1

The nominal church will be in this confusion until the seven plagues are poured out. During that time the Babylon, or confusion element, will be destroyed, and the cleansed Temple of truth be again opened to receive justified believers. R498:2

During the first three plagues, Satan will manifest great power. But when the Church is glorified, just before the seven plagues, Satan can no longer stand. By the time they are all poured out he will be completely bound. R171:4*

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