Revelation Chapter 3 [KJV]

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1 And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead. Unto the angel – The messenger through whom the Lord would especially instruct the Church. R3570:4

The Lord addressed his messengers through their representative elders, messengers or servants. R1893:2

See comments on Rev. 2:1

Church in Sardis – Meaning, "that which remains," as if it signified a useless remnant, something out of which life or virtue has gone. Sardis includes a short interval just before the Reformation. R5993, 5992:3, 491:1, 6*; HG97:2

The little remnant, after its almost complete extermination. HG97:4

The epoch of the general church symbolized by Sardis. R4870:3

The church just prior to the great Reformation of the sixteenth century, at a time when true piety had been almost exterminated. HG97:2

The line of demarcation of the fourth and fifth church, to the Reformation, is not clearly drawn, the change from the one to the other being a gradual work. HG97:3

He that hath – He who held all the churches in his hand was their protector. HG98:3

Seven Spirits of God – Representing perfection or completeness. R370:6, 529:4*

"And there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God." (Rev. 4:5) R529:4*

Channels through which God is about to manifest his power; the Church of the first-born. R529:4*

Livest, and art dead – The nominal church during this period had the appearance of being what it was not, having a form of godliness without its power. R5993:3, 491:6*

The Sardian stone found near Sardis, is of a blood color sometimes covered with a thin layer of white; the look of purity but flesh-color below the surface. R491:6*

Sardis - 5th Stage of the Church
Angel – John Wycliffe

The periods of the seven churches overlap. R5718:3

The church in Sardis – Sardis means "That which remains".

This period covers the time from approximately 1375 to 1515 (Luther's day).

"Sardis includes a short interval just before the Reformation; Philadelphia.." R5992

This would appear to be the darkest stage of the church. It was during this period that anti-christ's corruption reached its zenith.

The seven stars – The seven churches (or seven stages of the one church). - Rev. 1:20
2 Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God. Things which remain – Sardis was the remains of the true Church which had been driven into the wilderness. R5993:3, 491:6*

Ready to die – When persecution began to subside, her zeal also abated. Persecution has always developed the vigor of the Church. R5993:3, 491:6*

So long without the light, the Bible hardly ever seen, living almost entirely by tradition and memory of what the Christian church should be, no wonder they were almost spiritually dead. HG98:3

To a Church almost extinct, how comforting to feel he who held all the churches in his hand was their protection. HG98:3

I have not – The Revised Version translates the remainder of this verse, "I have found no works of thine fulfilled before my God." R492:1*

Our Lord's own words for it that he is supervising and correcting his Church now. R2431:2; F402

Strengthen the things which remain – Apparently by this time there has been much truth lost.

And are about to die – Indicating the Truth left is so meager as to be barely enough to sustain spiritual life for the New Creation.

This seems to correspond to the fourth seal where the Papacy has authority over the Roman Empire and is able to kill with sword, hunger, etc. There is very little spiritual life during this period.
3 Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee. Remember therefore how – God's Word is spiritual food. He who continually feasts upon it will grow vigorous, healthy and powerful. R492:1*

Hast received and heard – He who neglects the spiritual food must be weak, sickly, a spiritual dwarf, powerless to discern "the signs of the times," ignorant of what the Lord is doing. R492:1*

And hold fast – Their love and understanding of the Scriptures had evidently decreased. R492:1*

Repent – In this church there was a wrong condition of things, a defilement. Trespasses committed had not been repented of and forgiveness sought from the Lord. R4870:3

Evidently the majority of the people of Sardis were of the Great Company class and needed to "be zealous and repent"; for they were not in a condition to receive the greatest blessing possible for them. R4870:5

If therefore – If perchance, then, thou mayest not watch. (Rotherham) R492:1*

I will come – Greek, heko, signifying "to have come, be here," not future tense, but present. R591:4*

I will have come. (Rotherham) R492:1*

On thee – Many having the Sardis characteristics are living today. R5993:3, 492:1*

As a thief – Stealthily, silently. R492:1*

Stealthy; only to those who are watching is the approach of a thief known. R5993:3, 492:1*

A fatal warning to such as have the Sardis characteristics. R5993:3, 492:1*

Seven times his coming is so described. R5993:3, 492:1*

Not know what hour – Nowise mayest thou get to know during what kind of hour I shall have come upon thee. (Rotherham) R492:1*

Our Lord will be present, but invisible and unknown, except to the watchers, for some years after his arrival. His presence will be recognized by the sleepers only as the noise of spoiling the strong man's house gradually increases. R5993:3, 492:1*

4 Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy. A few names – A church almost extinct. HG98:3

A Little Flock who are pure all the way through. R492:4*

Evidently the majority in Sardis were of the Great Company class and needed to "be zealous and repent." (Rev. 3:19) R4870:5

Have not defiled – The faithful overcomers watch and keep their garments clean. R4870:4

We are provided with a spot remover in the sacrifice of Christ. R2783:1, 4870:5

They have kept their garments unspotted from the world, not being willing to permit sin to contaminate them and separate them from the Lord. R2161:1, 4870:4

They are so heartily opposed to sin and so earnest about keeping their garments unspotted that the Adversary gets no hold upon them. R4870:4

It would be a miracle if we should never come so closely in contact with evil as to spot our garment or wrinkle it. R2782:6

Christ's blood cleanses us from all unintentional blemishes, spots upon our garments. Whoever does not thus keep himself cleansed will not be an overcomer. (1 John 1:7) R4870:3

The Great Company do not keep their garments with sufficient care, and as a result they lose all the rewards promised the overcomers. R2161:2

Those who have not cared for their garments and kept them white must be put through severe experiences shown in symbol as washing their robes in a great tribulation. R2161:2

No one will gain the prize of the "high calling" (Phil. 3:14), if he does not keep his garments undefiled from the flesh. R4870:3

Their garments – Christ's righteousness; when given to us is clean and white, representing the absolute purity and spotlessness of our Lord's holiness. R2160:1

It would be a miracle if we should never come so closely in contact with evil as to spot our garment or wrinkle it. R2782:6

They shall walk – Those who follow the Lord in the narrow way of discipline and trial. R5500:1, 5459:4, 2258:4

Those who walked close to the Lord, who were not driven from him by any of the arts and wiles of the Adversary. R5459:4

These are the ones who are pleasing in the Lord's sight. R4616:1

With me in white – In white robes. R2159:3

Spotless white. They are what they appear to be. R492:4*

How few of the consecrated have so great a love for purity, so great a desire to keep the garment unspotted from the world, and thereafter to guard the robe more zealously than ever. R2160:4

All who do not thus walk are unworthy and shall not be joint-heirs in his Kingdom. R2160:4

Not only white plumes, as knights of the Temple, but white raiment. CR457:3; 361:2

They are worthy – To be joint-heirs in the Kingdom. R1574:1

To share the throne and glory of the great overcomer, Jesus. R832:2, 4576:5

Although when drawn by the Father to the Son they were sinners, they are accounted worthy to share in the "resurrection of life," (John 5:29) having already passed their judgment in the present life. R4493:3, 1854:5

We are to understand this worthiness and fitness is by God's grace, through Christ, a transformation work. NS745:2

A few names – see Additional comments on vs. 2.

Have not defiled their garments – In each stage of the Church there have been faithful saints who keep going to the Lord for the promised cleansing, thus keeping their robes of Christ's righteousness unspotted from the world.
5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels. He that overcometh – Who conquers in himself the spirit of the world. R1113:4; C225

The love of self, of popularity, of worldly prosperity, as well as love for man-made creeds and theories. R4870:5

Those who have the spirit to overcome, the desire to overcome and who manifest righteousness of heart. R5377:2

Those who maintain a position in God's family. R5377:4

The elect class, who will receive the highest glory, honor and blessing from the Lord, must demonstrate their loyalty by overcoming. R5668:3

It is not sufficient that there shall be an overcoming of the will at the beginning of the Christian career, but subsequently there must be trials and testings endured, and these must be met in an overcoming manner. R5668:3

Our overcoming consists not in perfect works, but in a perfect heart or will. R962:5

Only the faithful who take up their cross daily and follow Christ are worthy of him. R827:3

Implies that the individual has at the end of the trial, the end of the race-course, an overcoming degree of righteousness. R5669:1, 5377:2

Including the Great Company. They also overcome. R5105:2; Q309:1

We may not be sure whether or not the Great Company is included. R5377:5

The Great Company had their names written in the Lamb's book of life, but they were not overcomers in the truest sense. They did not stand faithful. R5669:2

Not all the consecrated, probationary members shall be of the real Body of Christ, but only the overcomers. R962:4

They are "dead with him," (2 Tim. 2:11) and hence could not willingly practise sin. R4870:4

How few there be who have always lived up to this high standard. R4870:5

The same shall be – Shall thus be clothed. R2159:6

In the resurrection. R2159:3

In white raiment – Actual righteousness. R5377:3

The righteousness in the future state will be personal righteousness or holiness. In the resurrection, joint-heirs will be granted new, perfect, spiritual bodies, free from sin and impurity of every kind. R2159:3

The new body of actual purity. We shall "be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven." (2 Cor. 5:2) R5669:2

At the resurrection we shall receive that body of inherent purity, without blemish, without spot. R5669:3

The glorified Church is represented, not as taking off the robe of righteousness, but continuing to walk in white raiment, but our righteousness will be our own. R5377:3

"The fine linen is the righteousness of saints." (Rev. 19:8) R2159:6

Our garment will be changed from one of imputed perfection, our justification by faith, to that which represents actual perfection. R5669:2

Under the symbol of white raiment the Lord throughout his Word represents the righteousness of those whom the Lord accepts as his people. R2159:3

Referring to the present time, before passing the veil. Q522:4

Blot out his name – The condition upon which it will not be blotted out will be faithfulness to the end of the race. R1458:4, 5669:4, 1908:3, 1699:3, 1264:2*, 827:3

But some names will be blotted out because of unfaithfulness, to be replaced by others. C364; R3212:1, 2570:2, 2540:5, 1893:4, 1113:4, 694:6

Erased from amongst the names of the "elect" Church. R2160:4

All were just as free to leave the church as to come into its gatherings; and when any "drew back" or proved unworthy, their names were "blotted out" in the heavenly records only. R1420:6

The names of the Great Company may remain, but those who go into the second death will surely have their names blotted out. R5669:5, 5377:5

Not one whose name is blotted out of the book of life shall stand; and not one whose name remains shall fall. R745:2

They are so heartily opposed to sin and so earnest about keeping their garments unspotted that the Adversary gets no hold upon them. R4870:4

Having been once cleansed and having our name written in the book of life is no guarantee that we shall always retain this position. R492:4*

The book of life – A special book in which the names of all the overcomers of this Gospel age are written. R5377:4

The number of the elect, the family of God, the Bride class, the consecrated ones. F165; R5377:4

Represents the original divine purpose; God's intention to have a Church. R2540:5

"Which is written in heaven." (Heb. 12:23) C222; HG315:6

The special book of life now open and appertaining to the Gospel age. R5377:3

The Lord himself keeps the Church books--the records of our names and the individual accounts of each member. R1893:4, 1420:6, 694:3; Q537:3

When you made a full consecration to the Lord, your name was "written in heaven" in the "book of life." R694:3, 5669:3, 5532:3, 5377:4, 3212:1

The book of God's remembrance. Q537:3

The heavenly records. R1421:1

God's mind is the great book of life in which the names of the consecrated ones are all written in a special list as worthy of lasting life. R1264:2*

Including the Great Company. Q309:1

Signifying friendship, love and blessing. God keeps a permanent record of his friends, but no record of his enemies. NS69:1, 68:5

The Lord accepts and sets apart as holy, writing their names in the Lamb's book of life. F123

If faithful he will not blot our names out of the book of life and will not apportion our crowns to others. NS188:1

The names of those who have "made a covenant by sacrifice" are written in the book in advance of being actually tested. R5669:3

The Bible mentions two books of life--this one, appertaining to the present time, and the other to the Millennial age. (Rev. 20:12) R5377:3

Not upon earthly church rolls. HG315:6

Confess his name – Those especially confessed, introduced, are the Bride class only. R5377:6

As his fellow overcomer and joint-heir. R942:2

The overcomers will have such characters that the Lord will not be ashamed of them. They have walked in his footsteps and have overcome. R5669:4

If we fail to overcome, then our names will not be confessed, but will be blotted out. Q522:4

Before my Father – The overcomers will have such characters that the Lord will not be ashamed of them. R5669:4

Although we have been begotten of God, we have never been introduced to him, in his actual presence. R5377:5

Angels – Messengers. R942:2

He that overcometh .. clothed in white raiment – How appropriate! For any to overcome during this, the darkest period of the Dark Ages, is indeed an impressive thing. They should gain, permanently, the very thing they strove so hard for. They will be justified in the fullest sense.
6 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. He that hath an ear – The ear of faith is the special favor of God to those of a meek, honest heart, desiring truth and righteousness. R4557:2

The Church's mission is not to the blind and deaf. R2414:4

He that hath an ear.. – See Additional Comments Rev. 2:17
7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; To the angel – When our Lord would revive his work and bring to an end the dark ages, he went into the stronghold of idolatry and called one out like Abraham. Luther came out of Rome. R492:4*

See comment on Rev. 2:1

Of the church – We are not to think of the different epochs represented in the messages to the various churches as being exact periods, but are to understand each to be a general period, which laps over the one on the other. R5718:1

This stage of the church's history evidently began at the Reformation and there are many still living who possess the characteristics described. R5993:4, 504:2*

The proud and boastful churches of today are persecuting and would fain "wipe out" those still living of the Philadelphian band. R504:5*

In Philadelphia – Meaning "brotherly love." R5993:4; HG97:2

Love of a brother. R504:2*

Referring to the period from the Reformation until recent times. R5992:3, 491:1*

Refers to the Reformation Church from the days of Luther to the beginning of the "time of the end," or 1798. HG97:3

The period which closed somewhere about the time when the harvest of this age began. R5718:1

He that is true – A time of separation of the true from the false, and a new start in the way of truth. R5993:4, 504:3*

The key of David – The key of prophecy. B24

The keys were lent to Peter to open the doors to both Jew and Gentile. But Peter fell asleep and the Master holds the keys. He it is who shall unlock the gates of hades and death. No "successor of Peter" can. R504:2*

He it is who shall unlock the gates of death and shall free the long bound captives. R504:3*

The door into Christ's Kingdom will not be shut until the last member of the chosen and faithful Church has entered into its glory. R1525:2

He that openeth – The great combination time-lock in the morning of the great day of restitution. B24

It was the Lord who opened the door into his Church, Peter being the agent chosen to do the work in his name. (Matt. 16:19) R1525:2

And shutteth – When all the virgins have been tested by this present truth, the door of opportunity will be shut. It is the door to the marriage feast. C195, C225

No man openeth – He who speaks has not given his prerogatives to fallible men. R504:3*

When the Reformation began, Rome claimed to be the only holy and true; to have the sure mercies of David, the throne of the kingdom of the Lord; with power to bind or loose; to open or shut the gates of heaven; to be the only synagogue; the only true recipient of the favor and love of God; to be the city of God; the only one having a right to bear his name. R504:2*

Philadelphia – 6th Stage of the Church

The periods of the seven churches overlap. R5718:3

The angel – Messenger = Martin Luther.

The church in Philadelphia – Philadelphia – "Brotherly Love"

Key of David – A key is used both to lock and to unlock. In this case we believe it has a reference to the key to the door of the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Possible reference to ch. 1:18.

He that openeth, and no man shutteth – Jesus opened this door to the High Calling in 33 AD. It is not possible for man to close the door to the High Calling.

An open door pictures an opportunity. A closed door pictures the lack of opportunity. In this case we see two meanings. Yes, the door to the high calling was still open, but additionally there was an opportunity (door) for the spread of the Truth that had not been there prior to Luther. Not since the early church was there such a period of enlightenment. It is the opening of this door that gave the "little strength" to this church. - see vs 8.

Shutteth and no man openeth – A clear indication that at some time the Master will indeed close the door to the High Calling.

See Isa. 22:22
8 I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. I know thy works – There is considerable similarity between the work begun on Pentecost and that of Luther and his friends. R5993:4, 504:3*

A brief mention, but emphatic, and carries with it the encouragement which follows. R504:3*

An open door – The Reformation was, in a sense, the beginning of a new era, a dawning of light where all had been darkness. It was the beginning of a mighty work. R5993:4, 504:3*

No man can shut it – The door of the Reformation was opened, and no man could shut it. The Bible began to be put into the hands of the people, and that woman Jezebel could not stop it. HG98:4

No doubt all the powers of Satan and his human allies were exerted to close the door then opened. R5993:4, 504:3*

A little strength – Compared with the enemies' mighty host. R5993:4, 504:3*

Hast kept my word – The little band of Reformers knew they had the truth and fully trusted the Giver. R5993:4, 504:3*

Luther's declaration at the Diet at Worms, as he stood alone before the princes of Germany and the stern emperor Charles V., are worthy of a Paul. "Unless I can be convinced by Scriptures... Here I stand." R504:3*

I have set before thee – Note that it is Jesus who has placed before the church the opportunity to run this race. This He did by His faithful life of sacrifice, providing both the Ransom and the Sin Offering (of which the church has the privilege of participating in).

An open door – During the Philadelphia period of the church the 'general call' is still in operation, i.e., the door to the High Calling is wide open.

No man can shut it – Not even the Pope (who accepted the blasphemous title of 'God on earth'). Indeed the Pope (the 'Man of Sin') did attempt to close this door when he excommunicated Martin Luther and banned his teachings. The true God, however, had other plans.

A little strength – As compared to the strongly entrenched system of Anti-Christ, the Papacy. The strength that Philadelphia had was due to the fact that the door was opened.

Not denied my name – The name of Jesus. This may have reference to the fact that the battle cry of the Reformation (mostly carried forth by Martin Luther) was "Justification by Faith (in Christ Jesus)."
9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Synagogue of Satan – Some of the ministers of Satan are thought to be ministers of God. R5259:1

Those belonging to antichrist. HG97:6

The true symbolic and appropriate name. R351:5*

Say they are Jews – The opposers of the truth who claim to be the church of God. R504:5*

Spiritual Israelites. R2443:1, 5964:6

Those belonging to Christ. HG97:6

Our Lord recognized this same distinction between natural and true Israelites. R2443:1

Worship before thy feet – Long before the end of that phase of the church, the synagogue of Satan had indeed been compelled to bow at the feet of the Reformation Church. HG98:4

I have loved thee – Christ's special love for his Church, clearly distinguished from the world. R1254:5

Who does not know that the reformers down even to this side of the days of John Wesley were earnest and devoted servants of God? HG98:4

Synagogue of Satan – The false church, the anti-christ system, the Catholic church.

Which say they are Jews and are not – Tares. Those claiming to be spiritual Jews, i.e., wheat, the True Church in the flesh. These tares, claiming to be spiritual Jews are zealous for carrying out the will of anti-christ.

But do lie – There would be no need for this phrase here if it were meaningless. Since He has already established for us that these are not symbolic Jews (i.e. not true Christians). So why did our Lord put it here? We believe it is here to indicate their intent. These described here are aware that their course is not one that would be approved of by the Lord.

I – Jesus.

Will – Not now, in this life, but in the future when the body of Christ will, with her head Jesus, reign over the whole earth.

Make them – Not a mere request but a command. The Kingdom will be under an iron rule.

Come and worship before your feet – Because the church will then be reigning as part of The Christ, Head and body. One cannot help but note the Justice of such an arrangement.

I have loved you – What an amazing thought! Our Lord loved the brethren of the Philadelphia period - and ALL the periods of the church. He looks not at us as men but as new creatures.
10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Because thou hast kept – Because of their faithfulness. R5651:5

Word of my patience – The word of my endurance. (Rotherham) R504:6*

The patience which my Word inculcates. R2790:6

Patient endurance is the Lord's Word or teaching. R4910:4

The persistent, patient faith of the true saints of God. R5718:2

The period of faithfulness to the Lord's Word seems to have been one of some length. R5718:1

For a long time God's Word was lightly esteemed. The transition from a poor understanding to a better understanding of it came on gradually. R5718:1

Greek, hupomone, cheerful, constant endurance. An element of character, and not merely a temporary condition of restraint of feeling or action. R2791:1

Such a development of heart and character as manifests itself in an endurance of wrong or affliction with contentment, without rebellion of will, with full acquiescence in the divine wisdom and love. R2791:1

It is eminently proper that the Lord should demand of those who will be joint-heirs in the Kingdom, their loyalty to the extent of joyful willingness to suffer on behalf of right--to endure patiently. R2791:4

The work of the Miller movement was a sort of separation, as between those who kept the Word of God with patience and those who lost their faith in his Word. R5718:2

Because of a lack of knowledge of the divine plan there is a growing disposition toward impatience, non-endurance, amongst the professed followers of Christ. R2792:5

Whatever condition would be acceptable and pleasing to the Lord as respected the Philadelphia epoch would also be in respect to ourselves and all others of his people during this age. R2790:1

Will keep thee – The Philadelphia Church, which had patiently passed through so severe a trial of their faith, would not be subjected to the later test. R5718:2

Some of the Church of that epoch would live over into the present period and would not be subjected to the special trials of this hour. Probably they would not be counted in as of the harvest period. R5718:5

Those who walk circumspectly in the footsteps of Jesus R4706:6

The faithful ones will be kept from the power of this great trial. R504:6*

Such as have learned the lessons of God's Word along the lines of moderation of thought, rest of heart in the Lord, patient waiting for his time and way, and assisted by the Vow to careful self-inspection and government daily. R5250:4

Those who worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness, and do not idolize either dead or living men or creeds. R4706:6

Those who have been disciplined, and have been wholly consecrated, and are in a crucified condition when this trial comes, will be far above its power. (See Psa. 91:7; Luke 21:34-36) R504:6*, 4208:3

Whoever is of the proper character will be aided of the Lord to victory. R3719:1

The Philadelphia church was not exempt from all trials and temptations. They had the common or general trials, but were spared the certain special trials to come upon the world. R2792:3

Though we of the Laodicean period are not spared from this hour of temptation, we have a counterbalancing blessing as a result of living in the time of our Lord's parousia. R5651:5, 2792:3

Hour of temptation – Hour of trial. R504:6*

Testing. R2775:4

The closing time of the Gospel age. R5981:1, 5268:5, 2775:4, 2453:4

Not upon the Philadelphia church, but upon those who came after them; the Laodicean church. R5718:2, 4253:2, 4208:2

The special trials of the harvest time, due to the prevalence of Evolution theories, Higher Criticism, Christian Science, Hypnotism, New Thought, Mind Cures, and other works of darkness. R5098:2, 5718:3, 4264:1, 3909:5, 3760:5, 2836:1, 2792:6

Its trials and besetments will be various and some of them subtle; so deceptive that all not thoroughly rooted and grounded in the truth will be carried away from the sure foundation--the ransom. R2792:6

We have come to this "evil day" and the urgent message to us is "Put on the whole armor of God!" (Eph. 6:11) R5678:4, 5981:1, 5184:4

As our Lord's efforts for the apostles increased as they neared the special hour of their temptation, so we may be sure that it is also with respect to his Church today when the last members of the Body are approaching the crucial hour. R4167:5, 2793:4

The principal tests will be faith and love. R4475:4

A stumblingblock permitted for the testing of our faith. R3719:1

One of the final and most searching tests of the brethren, will be, love for the brethren. R2453:4

No doubt there are many and more severe trials just before us. Perhaps Satan will be granted yet more liberty to buffet us, as the night draws on. R1653:5

While the severest testings will follow the giving of life to the consolidated image, in the near future, the testing has already commenced with many. R2496:1

If ever patient endurance was necessary, it is necessary now. Only those possessing it will be able to stand in this evil day. R2792:4, 5651:5

"Every man's hand shall be against his neighbor," (Zech. 14:13)--is that condition to be expected in the Church? We are of the opinion that this is just what we are to expect. R4208:4

Are we of the very elect? The Lord will decide this matter according to the manner in which we decide when under the test. R4208:6

The evil day with which this age will end will have the severest trials ever known to God's people, and they will have the greatest need ever known for the armor of truth. R4253:1

We are down very close to the hour of temptation, when the evil one will be permitted to bring extraordinary trials to bear upon the world and the nominal church. R4253:3

We are expecting wonderful developments along all "occult" and "black art" and spiritist lines during the next few years. R4163:5

Satan and the fallen angels are being granted extraordinary power to tempt God's people to cut loose from all moderation in a frenzy of error on one subject or another, with one person or another. R4514:6

A great intervention from fallen angels as they get more liberty and privileges, having been restrained for over 4,000 years. Q18

The fallen angels may be permitted to have a way that they can seemingly materialize. Q17

The Adversary will be wroth, and do all in his power to tempt and to try those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. NS563:6

The Scriptures assure us that the great hour of trial coming upon the whole world must begin with the Church. R4583:3

As the Lord gave the Adversary permission against Job, so Satan will gain special power and liberty in the hour of temptation. R4227:6, 4391:1

The Adversary's endeavor is to poison our minds, with impurity, anger, malice, envy, hatred and other works of the flesh. R4584:1

The powers of evil would make combativeness a chief virtue. R4803:5

Petty questions respecting authority and methods are causing distractions and contentions; it makes some bitter. R4899:1

This hour of temptation has not yet reached its greatest intensity, but we believe it is near. R5652:4

There never was a time when more strength of character and more courage were needed than just now. R5707:4

At no time in the Church's history has our great Adversary been so active in diverting attention from the truth with false doctrines and irrelevant questions as at present. R5970:1, 3199:1

Watch and pray lest ye enter into temptation is especially applicable. R2883:6

A crisis is upon the Bible students; and the sooner it is discerned, the more successfully it may be passed. It may mean divisions; though there was never a time when the rank and file of Bible students possessed such a spirit of meekness, gentleness, patience, love, intelligence, faith, joy, as now. R5981:2, 5982:3,5, 4899:1

Much of the difficulty and danger to the Church seems to lie at the door of the elders and deacons--not all, but a small minority of them. R5981:2

The V.D.M. questions formulated to help mark out such as have a reasonable knowledge of the divine Word, and whose ministries, therefore, it might be hoped would be profitable and not injurious. R5982:6

The spirit of selfishness and ambition which is already operating among the nations and driving them insanely to war for commercial supremacy, is the spirit which will increase more and more, and will involve everybody, everywhere. R5981:1

This spirit is seen in the strikes, etc., of our own land--everybody anxious to serve self, and willing to fight for honors, privileges, positions etc. R5981:1

The same selfish, ambitious spirit it leading on to anarchy in the Church. We foresee a time of trouble for the world upon this score, and a time of trouble also for the Church. R5981:6

It is inexcusable for the Church to continue under the domination of ambitious men (and sometimes ambitious women). This is the time to set the house of the Lord in order. R5981:6

Although a time of trial, it is to those who can discern the Lord's presence, etc., a precious and favored time correspondingly. R713:1, 3719:1

All who are putting their trust in him shall have opportunities for putting on the whole armor of God. R5184:4, 4253:1

We know that we are living in the evil day, in which this age will be merged into the new dispensation. R5268:5

Otherwise called the great "time of trouble," the characteristics of which are delineated in 2 Tim. 3:1-5. R2793:1; SM117:2

The soldiers of the cross must me more alert than ever. R4391:1

See 2 Thes. 2:9-12. R2793:2

Upon all the world – The trials of this evil day do not end with the Church, though they begin there. R5718:4

The temptation, the trial, is going out amongst the people of every nation, especially to all parts of Christendom. R5718:4

We are already in it and it forms part of the testing of our endurance. R2792:3

In the severe experiences through which many have passed, they have been led to doubt the very existence of God. Not knowing God's great plan, people will lose all confidence in a supreme government. R5718:4

In this period of testing and shaking all church systems will go completely to pieces. Babylon will fall. R5718:4

Is now upon the world, and a still greater stress is coming. OV429:5; R4899:1, 3929:3

It means discontent, bitterness, evil-surmising, hatred, strife, robbery, murder. It is this spirit which is about to wreck society. R4899:1

Not only upon the world, but also upon the Church. R4253:1, 5981:1

In some respects this trial hour begins with us, the Church. R4899:1

The special trials begin with the leaders in the Church and progresses more and more amongst those who have been called out of darkness into God's marvelous light. R4473:6

It must not surprise us if the hour of temptation comes with special force against the consecrated, or "house of God." (1 Pet. 4:17) R4191:1, 4899:6, 4253:1, 2793:4

We cannot pray for the Lord not to permit the trials of faith and patient endurance; for the very elect must be a tried people. R2793:5

Peculiarly upon the very elect, and especially upon the elders. R3943:6

Deceiving if it were possible the "very elect." R4167:6

We perceive that it must be something in the air, as it were, that would affect everybody. The temptation is a thing spreading itself gradually in every direction. R5981:1

To try them – "The fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is." (1 Cor. 3:13) R3760:6

A stumbling stone is permitted for the testing of our faith and patience and loyalty. R3719:1

The doctrine of another way of salvation than by the cross of Christ is the trial that is to come upon the whole of so-called Christendom. R3826:2

When their pride is humbled, they will learn who were the chosen, and come and render obeisance at their feet. R504:6*

Because – As a result of having kept His word. None receive the following promise except those who accept those who fulfill the "because" condition described here.

Kept the word of my patience – The 'logos' of my patience. Our Lord's word was the paramount thing here. Justification by faith in our Lord (the main theme of the Reformation) as presented in His WORD.

This same group appears to be referenced in Rev. 6:9 as having been "slain for the word (logos) of God AND the testimony which they held - (as in Keeping His Word)."

I – Jesus.

Will keep thee – The faithful of the Philadelphia period.

The hour of temptation – A period of temptation to spiritual Israel that is to be unlike any other during the Gospel Age.

Which shall come – It is not yet come in the Philadelphia period, but it surely will come. Since it does not come in the Philadelphia period of the church, that leaves only the Laodicean period.

Upon all the world – This temptation will be universal.

To try them that dwell on the earth – Those who dwell in the earth - organized society under religious restraint. These are the ones who are most in danger from the hour of temptation.

See "Earth Dwellers."

It is this same group (those that dwell on the earth) that the saints are inquiring of God about in Rev. 6:10 when they ask "How long.. dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?"
11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. I come quickly – Be of good courage. It will not be long until I will come to receive you to myself. R5532:5

Numbers have believed for many years that we have been living in the "quickly" time; but failing to recognize the manner of his coming and the condition of his presence, they still look for Christ. R504:6*

Let those who cling to the fleshly, fear lest, while still looking for him in an earthly condition, he may come as the thief cometh, silently, and in a spiritual, unseen, body, and in his distribution of rewards, give the crown to another. R505:1*, 492:4*

Hold that fast – "Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life." (Rev. 2:10) E490

Do not let slip from you the blessed relationship entered into when the Master made you acceptable through your covenant to be dead with him. R5532:5

All to which his word testifies as truth. R1206:2

There is an appropriateness in all of the Lord's counsel at any time. So we now may find instruction in this text. R5532:1

Which thou hast – The crown which has been apportioned to you. F123, F165; Q306:4

This addresses not the world, not the nominal church, but the true Church. R5532:3

That no man take – The crowns are limited, and there are some who will lose theirs to those more faithful. C225; F95; R5532:5, 5045:6, 4842:5, 3212:1, 3199:2, 1280:2, 952:6, 732:2, 694:6; NS482:1; Q151:T, 230:1

Do not allow it to pass to another. R5532:5

If any come short of their privileges and prove unworthy of the inheritance, there are others who will fill their places. R5970:1, 5045:6, 953:1

The fact that the consecrations of so many have been accepted since 1878 seems to imply that there has been a considerable vacancy in the list of the elect, and it is gradually filling up. R5168:6

From 1881 until the door shall fully close is a period of "sifting" as respects all who are already in divine favor. R4842:5, 5169:1, 5168:3, 2901:5; F95; Q150:6

Each one who now comes fully into the light of present truth implies that some other one once sealed and accepted of the Lord has failed to keep his covenant and is being rejected, and his crown given to another. R2307:4

After granted to you it still remains that if you are moved from the mark, pressed aside by difficulties, you are not standing the test, and will not be worthy of being an "overcomer." Q51:T

For every one who leaves the ransom and the light of present truth, another more earnest and zealous comes forward. R1746:4, 1860:6

Take the crowns of those who deny or ignore the precious blood of the covenant. R1860:6

We are not to waste sympathy upon those who depart. R1860:6

Professions of creeds not believed and a form of godliness without its power seem on every hand to tell us that many must be living hypocritically and subject, therefore, to divine judgment. R5850:6

The Lord will determine the matter of unworthiness for the crowns. R3212:1

As each is put out as unworthy, his former place becomes vacant and his crown released. R5168:6

The true Church is kept pure by the great Head of the Church, himself, blotting out the names of any who fall away. R694:6

Those who lose their crowns are numbered either among God's enemies or among those whom the Son will deliver, "so as by fire," (1 Cor. 3:15) in the "Great Company." R2942:5, 5533:1, 5168:6

"Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away. (John 15:2) R732:2

The Church is to be composed of a definite, fixed number. R5532:5

Thy crown – When once the Body of Christ is complete, there will be no additions; in the type, none could fill the office of High Priest if he had a superfluous finger or toe. T127

Every crown will have a crown wearer. CR461:1

The crown is yours now, by virtue of the arrangement with your Advocate, and your covenant of sacrifice. R5532:5

A crown was apportioned to each of us as soon as we made our covenant with God. CR460:6; R5532:5, 3212:1; Q306:4

Hold fast your crown. R5532:5

The "crown of life" is laid up for overcomers. R878:6

If any come short of their privileges and prove unworthy of the rich inheritance, there are others who will quickly fill their places. R3199:2

I come quickly – Jesus is still not present during the Philadelphia period but He is about to arrive.

Hold fast that which thou hast – The gains made from the Reformation forward. These are vital and there will be the tendency to let them slip, therefore, "hold fast" to these truths.

That no man – This is where the greatest danger for the New Creation lies, i.e., that they may be effected by man. If the church succumbs to the temptations of the world (man) to not be so extreme (for such is how men view our consecration) we will indeed be in danger of losing our crown, of having a "man" take it.

Take thy crown – This is a clear indication that it is indeed possible that one may loose their reward. There is no such thing as "once in grace, always in grace."

This is also a reminder that the faithful overcomers will indeed wear the crown of life. They will be a part of the body of Christ that is to reign over the earth.
12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name. Him that overcometh – The more than conquerors, the Little Flock. R4654:5

The high calling is everywhere classed as a reward of merit intended only for overcomers. R4493:3

Will I make a pillar – Not simply an unimportant part, but a vital one, which cannot be removed while the structure exists. R5993:4, 505:1*

Jesus is the "master builder." R172:3

His faithful followers shall be living members and pillars. R2367:5, 1813:3

Exaltation in influence. R465:4*

During the Philadelphian period, especially the first and last phases, the faithful have either been obliged to come out of the nominal temple or have been cast out for their straight testimony. R5993:4, 505:1*

In the temple – The true Church, The Christ. B209; C239; F128; T70

The true and eternal Temple. R5993:5, 505:1*

The Church glorified; the heavenly Jerusalem. R638:5*

Name of my God – "The Lord knoweth them that are his," (2 Tim. 2:19) and in due time will fully and eternally acknowledge them. R5993:5, 505:1*

New Jerusalem – The Kingdom of God. A296; R1352:5

The new spiritual government of the Millennial age. R2832:4, 2647:3

God will dwell in this glorious city or government; it will be his Temple. R2832:5

A picture of the glorified Church--the Bride. R238:1*; E42

My new name – The name of the glorified Christ. E42

As Jesus was our Lord's name and he became the Christ, the Messiah, so all who become members of his Body come under his new name, and are recognized of the Lord and may be recognized of each other as members of The Christ. R3970:5

"This is the name wherewith she shall be called, The Righteousness of Jehovah." (Jer. 33:16) The name of the Bridegroom is given to his Bride. R3970:5, 238:2*; E42

During the Church's trial state their names were cast out as evil. They were branded as infidels and heretics. They were not recognized as citizens of the heavenly country, as Christians. R5993:5, 505:1*

Suggesting a change in Christ's official position and title in the coming age. R237:3*

"God did at first visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name." (Acts 15:14) R237:6*, 255:6, 4:5

Him that overcometh – Not merely those who believe the doctrines, but those who act upon them.

Will I make a pillar – "The word ?pillars? symbolizes permanence and stability. Philadelphia was constantly threatened by earthquakes. Often experiencing tremors, the people would evacuate the city and stay in temporary dwellings in the rural areas. Sometimes the pillars would be the only part of a building left standing after an earthquake."-Life Application Concise New Testament Commentary

Pillar used only here and Gal. 2:9; 1 Tim. 3:15; Rev. 10:1.

The temple of my God – "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God?" 1 Cor. 3:16

No more go out – A clear indication that now, we can go out of the temple of God. Our desire is to indeed become a pillar, a permanent part of the structure, in the temple of God.

I – Jesus.

Will write upon him the name of my God – The name of God is more than what we normally think of as His name, i.e. 'Jehovah.' His name is really His character. One could say His name is "The Divine Plan of the Ages" for it is in this that His character is revealed.

The thought here is that, while we are in the school of Christ, He is writing upon us the character of our God.

This likely also has a reference to Jer. 33:16.

The name of the city of my God – A city is symbolic for a government. Here Jesus is promising not only that the faithful overcomers shall be made pillars in the temple of God, but additionally the name (or character) of the principles that govern the kingdom will become a very part of the nature of the overcomers.

See also Eze. 48:31-35; Isa. 62:1-3
13 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. He that hath an ear – The ear of faith is the special favor of God to those of a meek, honest heart, desiring truth and righteousness. R4557:2

He that hath an ear – See Additional Comments Rev. 2:17
14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; And unto the angel – The appropriate message for each appropriate time or epoch in the Church's experience would be sent by the Lord through a particular star or messenger whom he would particularly commission as his representative. R3570:4, 2826:6

The same one referred to in Luke 12:42. R4211:6*

Of the church – This message is particularly sent to those who profess his name, but deny the truth which he himself here presents. R5993:5, 2763:1; HG24:3

Babylon being cast off, her rapid decline and fall are vividly presented in verses 14 to 21. R177:1

Of the Laodiceans – Meaning, "a tried or judged people." R5993:5, 505:2*

Meaning "justice for the people." R110:2

Means "judgment," and refers to the Church of the "time of the end," which includes the sounding of the seventh trumpet, with its advent proclamation, its time of trouble and day of wrath, the rewards, and destruction of those who destroy the earth. HG97:3

From the beginning of the nineteenth century to the setting up of the Kingdom of God, or glorification of the Church; and would appear to reach to the end of the sounding of the seventh trumpet. HG97:4

The church upon whom the hour of trial is coming; the one that is to be weighed in the balance and found wanting; the generation who are to stumble, as did the generation of Jews, who saw the first advent. HG98:5

The description shows that they were tried and found wanting. R5993:5, 505:2*

The last stage of the great nominal Gospel church of wheat and tares. D41

The nominal church of today. R5992:3, 491:1*

The church in the end of the Gospel age. R4870:2, 5651:5

This message is sent particularly to those who profess Christ's name, but deny the truth which he himself here presents. R5993:5

To every stage of the church, except the last, the Master has some word of commendation, but in this Laodicean stage he finds nothing to commend. R457:3*

This period in which we live has covered a considerable time, but is nearly ended now, we think. R5718:1, 1371:6; Q754:2

Corresponding to the time of Jewish phariseeism and setting forth the state of the Protestant nations at the Lord's return. R1295:1*

The Amen – This is the word so often translated "verily" in the gospels, and used by our Lord as a solemn prefix to some important announcement. R505:2

True witness – Implying that the last stage of the gospel house is not a faithful witness for the truth. R718:4

The nominal churches have not been true witnesses and were given up by Jesus. R328:1*

The beginning – "The only begotten." (John 1:18) R1609:3, 3474:3; 2773:3, 1247:2; NS438:2, 812:5

"The first-born of all creation." (Col. 1:15) E86; F18; R1278:3, 803:1HG292:3; 622:6; SM483:2, 491:4, 659:T

Our Lord Jesus. R4928:6, 3474:3

Referring to his own origin. E87

The great Messiah. SM483:2

The very beginning of divine operation was the Logos. R5351:3; 5239:1

Born before all creation. R1005:3, 421:3; OV22:2

Before angels as well as before man. R1060:4

In every sense having the preeminence over all others. R1514:6, 1060:4; E87

He was sinless, perfect on the spirit plane--next to the Heavenly Father. R5078:2; Q377:2

The one who had known God's character longer, more fully and more intimately than any other being. R1125:3

Not only the Alpha (beginning) but the Omega (ending); not only the first, but the last of Jehovah's direct creation. R1904:5, 5064:1, 5992:6, 1599:1, 1514:6, 446:5*; PD54/67

His creation was more directly and specially the Father's work than that of any other creature or son of God--man or angel. R1005:3

Hence there was a time when God was alone. R5748:4, 5351:3; SM483:2

Before he became flesh Jesus had an existence. R4964:2, 1161:5, 315:6*; Q746:3

As Jehovah's agent he is the beginner and finisher of the wondrous plan. R1060:4

God did not continue to create things himself, but he told his "first-born" what to do and he did it. R1063:6*

Jehovah's Logos, his Only Begotten Son. R2408:5, 3861:5

The one first created. HG272:3

He was both the first created and the first or highest in rank of the angels. As Archangel, he was pre-eminent over all and the life-giver to "all creation." R1063:6*, 1060:4, 417:6, 164:2

He has been the agent of Jehovah in all that has since been done. R369:5

The only being directly created by Jehovah. R5748:1, 1060:4

The Lord became the "only begotten son of God" at the time of his creation. Q746:3

This message is sent particularly to those who profess Christ's name but deny the truth he here himself presents. R505:2*

The creation of God – Our Lord Jesus was not only the beginning, but also the active agent of the Father in all his creative work. R4964:2, 5748:1, 5239:1, 4098:1, 2199:5

The superintendent of the various affairs connected with the creation of the earth and its inhabitants. R3921:4

The very first and chief of all God's creatures. R1642:1, 417:6, 280:1

Selected as the one who shall redeem humanity. R164:2, 417:6

In acknowledging the supremacy of the Father as his Creator, Jesus shows his opposition to the man-made dogma of the trinity. R718:4, 5993:5, 2773:3, 1904:5, 803:1, 802:6, 505:2*

Unitarians deny our Lord had an existence before his conception in Mary. R505:2*

Laodicea – 7th Stage of the Church
The angel – Pastor Russell.

The periods of the seven churches overlap. R5718:3

The church of the Laodiceans – Covering the period from 1874 until the final completion of the church on this side the veil.

"Overthrown often by earthquakes." - Fausset

The faithful and true witness – Not just any witness, not a witness but the faithful and true witness, our Lord Jesus.

See Psa. 89:34-37.

The beginning of the Creation of God – Making it clear that Jesus was Created by God and therefore had a beginning. That being true he could not have been part of a co-equal god as is claimed by trinitarians. Psa. 90:2

Prov. 8:22,23; Rev. 19:11

See Rev. 1:17-18.

From Wescott & Hort w/Strong's
αρχηG746N-NSFprimary, first, chief, beginning
θεουG2316N-GSMGod *
* Please note Professor Strong's definition of G2316 (theos, god.)
Of uncertain affinity; a deity, especially (with G3588) the supreme Divinity; figuratively a magistrate; by Hebraism very: - X exceeding, God, god [-ly, -ward].
This would more accurately be translated as: "The beginning of the creation of the God." – or "The first, the creation of the God." – (or "the Supreme God".)"
  Most translations simply say "the beginning of the creation of God."
Murdockthe Chief of the creation of God
WNTthe Beginning and Lord of God's creation.
YLTthe Chief of the creation of God
Diaglottthe beginning of the creation of the God
15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. I know thy works – The works are greater far than the faith. R177:1

The nominal church of today as our Lord sees her. R5993:5, 5992:3, 505:3*

Verses 15-17 are an exact pen picture of the last phase of the Gospel church. R457:2*

Neither cold – Making no pretense whatever to be exponents of God's truth. R457:3*

In one sense she is not cold, having much zeal, but not according to knowledge. (Isa. 26:16-18) She has organized her armies, developed her machinery and multiplied her stores. R5993:5, 4811:6, 505:3*

But yet the enemy does not fall before her. She claims that her principal object is to convert sinners, to bring forth spiritual children. R5993:6, 505:3*

Nor hot – Full of warm loving devotion to God. R457:2*

I would thou wert – Jesus prefers open hostility to half-heartedness. R718:4

A man who is wishy-washy, who does not know what he is doing does not accomplish much of anything. The Lord likes men to be hot or cold. If after counting the cost of service you decide to serve mammon, selfishness, then try to be a millionaire. R5313:4

Cold or hot – Clearly this refers to their spiritual condition. The issue here is complacency. If they were cold then there would be no doubt that they had to go. If they were hot, i.e., fervent in zeal and service of the Lord, they would be acceptable.
16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. So then – In the spring of AD 1878, corresponding to AD 33 when nominal fleshly Israel was cast off. B235, B246; C180; R1971:3, 474:6, 304:2, 177:2, 133:6

In 1878 Babylon was formally rejected. R4842:3, 474:6, 328:1*, 304:2, 224:3, 124:3; Q150:5

Because thou – The nominal church systems. B235, C167; R5911:6, 822:4*, 505:3*

Art lukewarm – Indifferent in the service of the Lord; Christians in name only and not heart-devoted followers of the Lord. Q754:2; R822:4*

Some of God's children get cold and listless--the condition of which the Master declares his abhorrence. R1081:2, 1414:3

All persecution has ceased and the denominations are entertained by scholarly dissertations, fine oratory and flowery essays that lull the people to soft repose, and a general condition of apathy. OV418:2

The most undesirable and most dangerous condition. R457:2*

Neither for sin nor against sin. Failures in every sense of the word. God wants positive characters and others will not be approved or accepted. R1985:1

Those who develop positive characters are overcomers. The undecided are far from having the spirit of the Kingdom class. R1653:1

Let us be on guard lest in any manner or to any degree such a lukewarmness should come over us. R4417:4

The love of many will cool. R710:6

Some of the Lord's servants in mystic Babylon are handicapped by reason of having received honors and robes, and are more or less inclined to hide and cover the message now due. HG519:4

Whoever is not rendering some service to our King in the present time has at the most the "lukewarm" love that is offensive to the Master. R2497:4

The missionary zeal of the church of Philadelphia, which at one time inflamed the whole mass of reformed Christianity, subsided into lukewarmness--phariseeism--the happy medium between impiety and pietism. R1295:1*

Neither cold – Making no pretensions whatever to be exponents of his truth. R457:3*

Nor hot – Full of warm and loving devotion to God. R457:2*

I will spue thee – "If God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee." (Rom. 11:21) C180

God is calling his people out of Babylon, and the work is nearly completed. He has spewed the nominal systems out of his mouth. R5911:6, 349:1, 248:5, 171:6*

Wholly cast Laodicea into divine disfavor with scorn. R1295:4*, 4417:4

The nominal church incites disgust and is cast out as a hateful thing. R505:3*

Babylon is no longer the Lord's mouthpiece, but already spewed out of his mouth. R2554:4

There is no remedy, these systems must die. The disorder comes from within. R498:5

The fall of Babylon. (Rev. 18:2-4) R2982:1

Truth will come through other channels. R224:4

The Lord will not fight against Laodicea as against Pergamos and Thyatira. He will not judge her like Sardis; but he will wholly cast her off with scorn, and leave her to her wallowing in the mire. R1295:4*

Out of my mouth – Rejected from being any longer the Lord's medium in communicating his message to the world. NS44:1

No longer a mouthpiece, nor in any degree recognized by him. B235; C167; R1577:6, 822:4*, 712:5, 505:3*, 474:6, 304:2, 224:4, 46:2; Q754:2

She has been his mouthpiece, and through her he has spoken to the world, but it shall be no longer. R177:2

To be no longer his mouthpiece forever. R1577:6

I will no longer use you to give expression to my word. R718:4

God has raised up a new mouthpiece. He sheds increasing light to a little flock who are willing to receive it and spread it abroad without fear. R505:4*

All who would be the mouthpieces of the Lord, and speak forth his Word, should do so without stipulation of compensation. R2497:6

"The voice of the Bridegroom and the Bride shall be heard no more at all in thee." (Rev. 18:23) R177:2

Lukewarm – Complacent.

I – Jesus.

Will spue – Strong's 1692 "to vomit." Most translations render this "vomit."

Thee out of my mouth – This is important. The mouth is what is used to declare the Word of God. What our Lord is here saying is that the nominal church will no longer be the source for anyone to receive His Word, i.e., the Truth. Since we remember that the truth is where the power of Spirit Begettal comes from, this becomes a vital thing for His people to know.

Spue thee out of my month – "reject with righteous loathing, as Canaan spued out its inhabitants for their abominations. Physicians used lukewarm water to cause vomiting. Cold and hot drinks were common at feasts, but never lukewarm. There were hot and cold springs near Laodicea." - JFB

To see the importance of the mouth consider Isa. 55:8-11.
17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: Because thou – The nominal church in our day. A287; R4811:6, 2763:1, 177:4; HG413:6; NS635:1, 4

The Lord addresses the nominal system of the present time. HG413:6

Christianity as a whole today. NS773:1

The Laodicean period of the church's history is upon us. The nominalism of our day is fully portrayed by our Lord's words. NS781:5

Isaiah 56:10, 11, describes the last stage of the Gospel house and evidently now fulfilling in the demoralized condition of the nominal church and in her culpable negligence and willful ignorance of the character of God, and the plan; ey are rich in a spiritual sense. HG24:3

They look with pride upon their numbers, and count them by millions; Laodiceans look upon their material prosperity, and their numbers of wealthy people and count their money and donations by millions. R2763:1, 4811:5, 1911:3

Having trust in armies, and navies, soldiers and guns, aeroplanes and dynamite. R4811:5

These are riches of the kind which our Lord declares are no evidence of his favor during the Gospel age. R2763:1

The only riches which God can recognize are those which he promised to, and bestows upon, his people in this present time. R2763:2

Nominal Christendom has been disposed to boast of its riches in scholarship, property, intelligence, influence, and high moral standing. R4314:4

In supposed world-converting machinery as well as temporally prosperous. R1439:2

The one thing it has coveted is the healing power, and now it is grasping this, to the increase of its pride and boastfulness; bringing itself more fully under the powers of darkness. R4314:4, 712:6

While the nominal church is still seemingly in power, while the old glory still hangs about her; while it is still honorable and respectable to be a church member. R5993:6, 506:1*

The church of this present century has done many wonderful things--through Bible societies they have scattered the Word of God far and wide; but the earnest personal piety of the reformers has almost disappeared. HG98:5

I have all the spiritual light that exists in the world. "Much goods laid up for many years." (Luke 12:19) "I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow." (Rev. 18:7) R505:4*; D41

The mission of The Christ is to preach the gospel to the meek, the poor in spirit. R2580:1

Increased with goods – Spiritual as well as temporal, in their own estimation. R1440:6, 317:3

Never was there so much wealth invested in church buildings, equipments, choirs and ministers' salaries. R1911:3

Have need of nothing – I have all the truth, I am Orthodox, Evangelical, I need nothing more. R718:5

In their own estimation, they are whole and need no physician. R1440:6

Not so much the vast moneyed wealth and the well organized machinery of the Church, as their satisfied feeling that they have truth enough; and that the first principles of the gospel of Christ are sufficient. HG98:6

The trump of God is sounding, and instead of the church being satisfied to go back to a few of the first principles for the sake of unity, they should be advancing in light and truth. HG98:6

Babylon boasts of fine churches, high steeples, eloquent preachers, wealthy members, splendid music, large salaries and worldly popularity. R177:2, 45:4; NS815:1

And knowest not – "Return unto me and I will return unto you, saith the Lord of Hosts, but ye say, Wherein shall we return." (Mal. 3:7) R1440:6

The sickly hue which now appears is the smoke illuminated by the piercing rays from the handwriting "Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin." (Dan. 5:25-29) R5993:6, 505:4*; D42

She is not aware of her true condition. R718:5

Their fear of God is not the result of the study of his Word, but is taught by the precept of men. Alas, how pitiable this condition! Yet they are ignorant of it. R589:2

Thou art wretched – Her misery and wretchedness is caused by her blindness and unnatural alliance with the world by which she is being overcome. R718:4

The serious charge against Christendom is that she has lost her God. R4811:5

Truly the nominal systems of today have become Babylon, confusion. R5911:6

Had the Reformation work been continued, Zion would not now be in her present deplorable condition. R183:5

If the heathen world were converted to the same measure of civilization and Christianity as is possessed by so-called Christendom, it would still be in a wretched plight. R4140:3

And poor – Outwardly, the church is rich; spiritually she is poor. R4778:2; D41

Even though she spends millions annually upon her own literature and institutions. R1593:5

They are sick, full of wounds, and bruises and putrefying sores. R1440:6

Possessing little of the truth and the spirit of the truth. R2763:2

Lacking the true riches of divine grace, the gold of the divine nature. R2297:2

"My people perish for lack of knowledge," says the Lord. Yet the leaders of all denominations teach them to boast. R4613:3

And blind – "Cannot see afar off." (2 Pet. 1:9) Cannot see the length and breadth and height and depth of the divine plan. Cannot see the high calling of the Church or restitution for the world. R2297:1

The god of this world hath blinded her perceptions of God's character and plan. R2763:2

Blind to the presence of the Lord. R1577:6, 505:5*

Stumbling over present truths. R177:2

A misapprehension of the true riches. HG414:1

She cannot recognize her own picture, condition and location. (Rev. 18:7) R505:4*

Theosophy--a theory appealing to a goodly number of the cultured and aesthetic--comes forward as one of the newest and most polished forms of religious thought. R5801:1, 1643:4

Nearly all of the nominal churches are full of the blind. They do not realize their condition nor come to the Master to receive sight. R2730:3

And naked – The chief ones have lost faith in the ransom, the only covering of our nakedness which the filthy rags of our own righteousness will not cover. R2297:2

Stripped of the robe of Christ's righteousness by the clergy, in the name of Higher Criticism and Evolution. R2763:2, 2693:3, 2297:2, 2168:5

Thou art the wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked one. (Var. Rend.) R718:4, 505:4*

Having scanty garments that scarce hide the shame of their nakedness. R591:3*

A condition of affairs in Christendom which was revealed at the World's Parliament of religions. D210

Rich and increased with goods – Worldly wealth. See R4417.

Wretched – As Paul described himself when he looked at his fallen flesh. -
Rom. 7:24

Blind – Blind to the dispensational truths being made manifest.

Naked – Without the robe of Christ's righteousness.
18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. I counsel thee – Whenever a new trial is presented to the Christ, if he will but call to mind this precept of the Lord, it will stimulate courage, nerve to patient endurance and quicken to self-sacrifice. R1944:4

Who hath ears to hear should hear the counsel, and also heed the command now due. "Come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." (Rev. 18:4) R822:4*, 505:5*, 457:4*, 317:3, 310:4*

During the 3-½ years from 1874 the proclamation of Jesus, the present Bridegroom, was made to the church as a whole. R224:3, 177:1

Buy of me – At the cost of self-sacrifice. D42; R1944:2

This treasure can be purchased only at the cost of entire consecration or sacrifice of all that we have to Christ. R1944:2

At the cost of faithful and constant submission to the discipline of the Lord in the fiery trials which are necessary to consume our dross and refine our gold. R1944:2

At the expense of reputation and worldly interests. R457:4*; HG413:5

Some in Babylon are inclined to hide the message now due to her; they are bound by the chain of gold around their necks. R2498:1

Gold – The true heavenly riches, the divine nature. D42; R2763:4, 1944:2; HG413:5

Divine truth. R1371:6

Divine treasure. R457:4*

The wisdom that cometh from above. R505:6*, 1656:3

Not until we lay hold upon the precious promises of joint-heirship with Christ, leading to self-sacrifice unto death, is there any of the gold of the divine nature in us. R1944:2

Tried – It is necessary that the gold be cast into the crucible for refining; faithful and constant submission to the discipline of the Lord. R1944:2

The Lord's people cannot hope to be made meet for the glorious inheritance without the refining processes of fiery trial. R1944:3

How can it be tried without the crucible and the flame? How otherwise can the dross be eliminated? R1944:5

Let the dross be consumed, and see to it, beloved, that in the heat of the flame you remove not the "living sacrifice" from the altar. R1944:5

In every trial the Lord watches to see what influences control our actions, whether they be influences of present advantage or worldly policy, or personal friendship, etc., or whether we are controlled by the naked principles of truth and righteousness. R1944:5

Truth that will stand the test of all opposition. R310:4*

Fire – Of experience. NS149:5

Of faith. R1295:4

White raiment – The robe of Christ's imputed righteousness, which so many are now discarding. D42; R2763:4, 1656:3, 1295:4*, 505:6*, 457:4*; HG414:1; Q283:4

Garments of divine favor. NS149:5

Justification. HG413:5

That faith which justifies. R1371:6

Justification by an intelligent faith in Christ as the Redeemer. R457:4*

That the shame of her nakedness may not appear. R1295:4*

Anoint thine eyes – Eyes of understanding. D611; R3185:3, 834:4, 653:3*

The true Church must keep pace with the advancing light, or be left in darkness. HG98:4

With eyesalve – The eye-salve of meekness, consecration and submission to the divine will. B189; D42

The eye-salve of present truth must be bought by the individual who desires to use it; it cannot be bought by one for another. CR11:5; R5633:6, 1593:5, 834:4; NS400:4

The eye-salve of simplicity and sincerity, which will remove the films of prejudice and duplicity. R1372:1

The spirit of humility and teachableness. R457:4*

Humility. R653:3*

Of the pure Word of God. R1011:5

The Spirit's help in the understanding of the Word. R505:6*

To understand present privileges and labors. R3185:3

To see clearly the things that make for peace and the things to come--the riches of grace, the knowledge which has not entered into the heart of the natural man. HG413:6

See the glories of the situation of the true espoused of the Lord, that we may make our calling and election sure, as well as be burning and shining lights in the world. HG414:1

The little time between now and the great time of trouble is for selecting out the Lord's people, applying to them the eye-salve of truth and informing them where they must wash. R3521:4

The watchers amongst the Adventists as well as in other denominations are getting the eyes of their understanding opened by the anointing of the promised eye-salve. R2978:2

And not only are the prophetic evidences of the Lord's presence now more full, complete and numerous, but the signs of the times everywhere about us showing the harvest work in progress, are much more apparent and convincing to those whose eyes are anointed. C238

None seem to need it more than the nominal Christian churches. R1467:1, 1401:1

Illustrated in Jesus healing the blind man. (John 9:6) R3520:1, 1400:6

These words are not addressed to the world, but to the Lord's people, justified and consecrated. R1944:1, 2026:6

The cost of eye-salve is the spirit of self-sacrifice--the willingness to make a full consecration of ourselves to the Lord. CR11:5; NS400:4

He offers her a collyrium that she may open her eyes to her wretched state. R1295:4*

That thou mayest see – And be healed. D42

The spiritually lame and blind may be blessed by the healing touch of the Lord. R1795:5

Gold – Things divine: the promise of divine nature as contained in the divine promises.

Tried in the fire – These divine promises must be proven, put to the test in the fire of this day of trouble.

That you may be rich – Any who have thus proven the divine promises of God are indeed rich toward God.

White raiment – The robe of Christ's righteousness.

Anoint thine eyes with eyesalve – The anointing of the Holy Spirit comes only upon those who are humble enough to receive it. It is not for others.

That you may see – The Divine Plan of the Ages is our 'eye chart.' In order to properly understand it we need to be humble.
19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. As many as I love – As many as are honest and at heart loyal to God. R1372:1

It is not an unusual thing for the Lord to permit trials and difficulties to come upon his faithful much more severe than those which fall to the lot of the world. SM271:T

That which the Spirit said through John we believe is the same Spirit which prompts us to repeat the same things, and though plain and straight, they are in love. R591:3*

I rebuke – Reproach, disgrace, put to shame, dishonor. R505:6*

And chasten – Train or educate like a child or youth. R505:6*

Here we have our Lord's own words for it that he is supervising and correcting his Church now. R2431:2; F402

See comments on Rev. 3:10--Hour of temptation.

Repent – God speaks of the church as a whole, including in the appellation the baser adherents as well as the fully consecrated. R4653:3

God is not willing that any should perish, but that they should come to repentance. (2 Pet. 3:9) R198:5*

As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten – Prov. 3:12. In this Proverbs text there is a reminder that God is dealing with His Sons. 1 John 3:1,2

Be zealous – A reminder that the problem with Laodicea is there complacency, lukewarmness. To be zealous is to have a fire within, a burning desire to serve the Lord, His cause and His people.
20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. Stand at the door – He could not do this if he were not present. R506:1*

Unknown to the Laodicean church, our Lord has returned. He has stood at the door and knocked. R5993:6, 457:4*

It is not at the door of the sinner's heart the Lord stands knocking, but at the hearts of the true Israelites. R177:4

His second presence in glory and power, but invisible to men. SM499:4

And knock – The presence and knock began in the fall of 1874, and still continues. R87:4

The Lord offers himself to the "Israelites indeed." NS781:5

By oral or printed evidence that the time prophecies are fulfilled. The servants are not to know in advance, but are to know at the time of arrival, and that without seeing. R3354:6, 5566:1, 4092:4

Knocking gently with the prophecies to arouse the virgins, but not to arouse the world. R2978:4

The Lord is speaking now to some of his faithful ones through his Word which tells us of his presence, through the signs which mark the incoming of the new dispensation. R4092:4

This knocking began in 1875 and still continues. "And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their Lord, that when he cometh and knocketh they may open unto him immediately." (Luke 12:36) R3355:2, 87:4

Unheeded by the self-conscious, but really blind and miserable Laodicea. R1577:6

We have heard the knock and already on this side the veil we have entered in and are getting some of the food and refreshment. CR33:4

If any man – In this great system so completely joined to the world and overcome by "the abundance of her delicacies." (Rev. 18:3) R457:4*

This is an individual matter now. R457:4*, 224:4, 177:4, 87:3; NS43:6, 633:1

This serving by the Master should be understood to be an individual work and not merely a collective service and feast. R3355:2, 2978:4, 224:4

The man who never hears the "knock" is evidently not counted worthy to hear it. But those who hear are just as evidently not compelled to respond and to accept the present, knocking King. R2978:4

Few will ever hear his voice when he stands at the door and knocks to invite his guests to the bridal supper. R1295:4*

Hear my voice – Knock. R2983:5, 3355:2, 2978:4

Had the Laodicean church been awake, they would have heard. R5993:6, 506:1*

The prophecies which announce him as present. R177:4

Inaudible to natural ears, and heard only by the ears of the understanding, the hearing of faith. R2978:4

Our Lord clearly foretold that he would come as a thief; but he did not tell at what hour. R5993:6, 506:1*

Blessed are our eyes, that now they see, our ears that now they hear, that we may know Messiah. R5075:5

Only the pure in heart, the thoroughly sincere and honest, are in the position to hear. R3415:5

There is nothing here said about being deaf. If they had been awake they surely would have heard. R506:1*

Rap, rap, rap. Awake; let me come in. Do they hear? Canticles 5:3 gives the answer. R506:1*

And open the door – Open his heart and receive the things in a consecrated attitude of mind. R5566:1

I will come in – The Lord will gird himself as a servant and come forth and serve. R5566:1

If the hearing one open the door, I will come in. R2978:5

Sup with him – Feed him with the heavenly food and give him strength for the trials and burnings of the day in which we are living. NS44:1

The feast of "meat in due season," "things new and old," which the Master promised to provide at that time. (Luke 12:42; Matt. 13:52) R2978:5, 515:4, 191:4, 177:5, 149:4, 126:4

This refers to what we enjoy in the present life. CR317:1

What a blessed feasting on the truth we have enjoyed. R177:4, 149:4

Given only to those living in the Laodicean period of the church. R149:4*

I stand at the door and knock – Note the difference between the situation with Laodicea and Philadelphia. One does not usually knock on an open door. With Philadelphia the door was open (see vs 7,8), but not so with Laodicea. The implication here is that early in the Laodicean period of the church the 'general call' will cease, i.e., the door will close. Yet that this does not mean it is permanently closed is also hinted at by the next statement of our Lord.

If any man hear my voice – This is the voice of present truth, the 'voice of the Archangel' (1 Thes. 4:16), the voice (sound) of the Jubilee Trumpet.

Open the door – While there seems to be a connection with the open door of the Philadelphia period, there is also this main difference, i.e., the door must be opened AND a man CAN open it. (Remember, of the door in Philadelphia 'no MAN can open it.')

See Sinaitic.

This would seem to indicate the personal responsibility of each individual. The special focus would seem to be post 1881 when the 'general call' ceased. From a certain standpoint, the door to the High Calling did close there. But not permanently. As some drop out of the race, i.e., fail to win the prize, the door opens again to let in enough to fill up the 144,000. But, if one would enter this door he must first hear the knock AND the 'voice' of the Lord.

I will come in to him – What an incredible thought! Jesus, our returned Lord makes the promise to His people that if we, at His return, will open the door of our heart and let Him in He will indeed come in. This is a very personal thing. It is reminiscent of Dan. 12:12 - O the blessedness of him who waits and comes 'to the 1335 days!"

Sup with him and he with me – The feast the Lord has prepared at His second advent is indeed spectacular! When we feast on present truth we should remember that we are not dining alone, but we are dining with our Lord!

See Luke 12:35-37. Note the feast and who is serving it.
21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. To him – To each one. R1946:2, 1284:1*

Of the sanctuary class. C190

The first-born of the heavenly family. R132:6

That overcometh – That overcometh love of self, popularity, worldly prosperity, human theories and systems. D268; HG718:4

The world and its spirit. R2461:6, 2154:2

Rendering a cheerful and willing sacrifice, even unto death. R772:2*

This strife and victory belong, first of all, in our own hearts and minds, and secondarily, in battling against public evils. R5662:5, 5778:2, 5439:4

If we would reign with Christ, we must prove our worthiness by tests of loyalty to God, faith in his Word, zeal for the truth, of patient endurance, of reproach and persecution, even unto death. R4925:3 772:2*

Those who willingly endure tribulations for righteousness' sake. R4637:1, 5439:4

To overcome requires energy, force of character, perseverance and steadfast, patient endurance to the very end of the present life. R1719:3

The faithful and true under adverse influence. R5651:5, 4925:3; T89; OV184:7

Reaching the goal of perfect love. NS417:1

By being faithful in all stewardship of the mysteries of God. R1034:5

Not all believers, nor even the majority; but a Little Flock. R281:1; NS396:1; OV189:5

The grand outcome and fixity of the matter is in the future. R5393:6, 3570:3; A91

Before the marriage, Christ appears as King, and inspects the guests, and selects the overcomers. R343:5

"This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. R1719:2, 1720:4

"I do count all things but loss and dross that I may win Christ and be found in him," a member of the glorious body of the anointed one beyond the veil. HG230:1

With the flare up of Christianity's apparent prosperity all not joining in will be esteemed as enemies. R5063:3

Will I grant – To give the reward after the terms have been complied with will not be grace, but justice. R5073:4

A blessed and inspiring promise to cheer the Bride. R5863:1; A222, A255; SM490:2

To sit with me – There can be no Kingdom until the King comes. A288; HG663:3

All the Church will be associated with him in his great Messianic Kingdom. R4965:1, 5830:1, 4912:5, 1719:2, 269:4, 255:6, 4:4; CR491:1; HG663:3

To share his Kingdom honors and glorious work of uplifting humanity. SM143:1, 182:T; R5418:4, OV379:5, 418:3; HG368:6; 416:1; 438:3; 513:4; NS541:5, 677:4, 767:3

When his Kingdom shall be established in power and great glory. R1351:6

As kings and priests unto God. R1262:3

The reward promised to overcomers. HG341:2

The promise to the faithful sheep of this Gospel age. NS182:3, 767:3

All of this sanctified class shall be granted a s; in his putting down sin, overthrowing death and raising up humanity. HG666:5

The soldiers of the cross who demonstrate their loyalty to their Master by sacrifice are assured that they will be highly exalted. NS455:3

"The Bride," the Lamb's wife, having attested her loyalty to principles of righteousness by suffering with her Master in the present time, she shall be counted worthy to share with him the honors of his throne. NS477:1; R4576:5, 623:6*; HG230:1

If they would thus suffer with him for righteousness' sake, their reward would be to sit with him in his throne. SM451:2

The Great Company will stand before the throne instead of sitting on the throne. SM362:T, 288:1

In my throne – Christ reigns for the purpose of converting the world. A91, A222; R3570:3, 858:2, 531:5; HG342:1

In his Millennial throne. R4084:4, 2647:3, 1771:3

The Messianic throne. Q192:2

In the regeneration. R623:6*

The Lord's faithful Little Flock, having received immortality and the divine nature, seated with Christ in his throne, shall reign a thousand years; uplifting all of the families of the earth. R5802:4, 255:6, 4:4; OV223:1; SM145:T

The saints shall judge the world, in conjunction with their Lord. R4084:4, 2765:3; HG149:3

The faithful overcomers of this age live and reign with Christ a thousand years. R1488:6, 531:6; A91; HG342:1

The Kingdom which is to fulfill all the gracious promises which God made to Abraham. R5170:6, 4453:2

The spiritual heavenly Kingdom inherited by Jesus and shared by his Bride. R269:4, 5608:6, 2732:5

As new creatures we shall, if faithful to the end of our course, be perfected in the first resurrection. R5550:5, 4784:1

To have power over the nations to break them. R155:4*; HG669:2

The promise of our glorified Lord. R1351:6

Share his glory and power. R332:2

Exaltation in position. R465:4*

The Kingdom is not merely a work of grace in the heart. A285

Those who in the midst of universal apathy have persevered in love to the end will receive the highest honor of all the faithful. R1295:4*

Christ does not always sit on the Father's throne; he has one of his own. He will occupy it, and those who have followed him shall share it with him. R506:4*

Even as I also – "As the Father hath appointed unto me a kingdom, so I appoint also unto you a kingdom." (Luke 22:29) E38

This does not apply to the Great Company who overcome under compulsion. Those who overcome, even as he overcame, are the ones to be in the throne. Q289:4; R4871:4

And am set down – Waiting for the time when he would make his own throne, establish the Millennial Kingdom. R5830:1, 506:4*

The reward for his faithfulness. OV307:2; R1360:4

Father in his throne – The throne of the universe. NS202:1

The throne of universal dominion and glory and power. Highly exalted above even his pre-human condition. R1252:2*

A partaker of Jehovah's own divine nature. R1252:2*

The thousand years of the Millennial reign will constitute but a beginning of the exercise of the glory, honor and immortality of the new creation. F69

Him that overcometh – This is the same message given to each of the seven churches. Clearly this involves a battle. If it were not so, how could anyone be said to be an "overcomer." These are the only ones who gain the promises given to the churches.

Will I grant – This is a gift from Jesus to the overcomers.

Sit with me – The thought that we would be able to be with Jesus Himself is surely enough of an inspiration to His followers, but our Lord here goes beyond that and promises even more.

In my throne – This indicates that Jesus has a throne of His own. If it were not so, how could He make this promise?

Even as I also overcame – A reminder that we are following in Jesus' footsteps. He had to overcome the world (Matt. 4:5-7) the flesh (Matt. 4:2-4) and the devil (Matt. 4:8-10), and so do we.

And am set down with my Father in his throne – As described in Psa. 110 Jesus sits at the Father's right hand.
22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. He that hath an ear – A disposition to hearken to and heed the word of the Lord. D41

All in Babylon must come out of her, to be of the Bride class. R2513:4

The ear of faith is the special favor of God to those of a meek, honest heart, desiring truth and righteousness. R4557:2

Only a few, a Little Flock, can see the truth amid the surrounding darkness. R806:1

He that hath an ear.. – See Additional Comments Rev. 2:17
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